View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Generic Psionics Class Help

2017-10-16, 02:15 PM
I'm trying to figure out how to do a generic psionic class for a game using the UA generic classes. A quick note, I plan on toning down the Spellcaster's casting progression to Bard levels and I'm thinking of bumping up the generic Warrior's skills to 4+int. But, I'm not super familiar with psionics. I figured I could use the Psychic Warrior's psionics and power point progression, but I'm not sure. Further, I don't know if this generic psion should be otherwise like the Spellcaster or if I should bump up some of their other class features to be more like a generic Expert. My ideas so far:

Psychic Warrior's power points and psionic level known progression
d6 HD
4+Int skills
Generic Spellcaster's bonus feat progression
Six class skills + Knowledge
Generic Expert BAB
1 Good Save 2 Poor Saves

Better than other generic classes? Worse? Fairly on par?