View Full Version : Epic TO Death to Gods Campaign 3.5

2017-10-16, 11:30 PM
The beginning of the path to either doom or save gods. Best luck to all.
Players: AvatarVecna, Goaty14, Celsius, Greenflame133

You feel as you receive a mental message, it seems to be slightly cut off as the underdark seems to not be too much of a good place to receive magical messages. "Ikthyar, I need your help. A therat that threatens exi****** itself has shown up. Know that the dei**** need yo*. Meet you by Life's Sanctum 2 days from now *** km so*** of the city at high noon. Material plane of Delvehrkt. I will be expecting to see *Cuts off completely*"

You are just hanging out by the forest, full of boredom and resting, having already defeated the local lich you are taking a small break. You go and pass some oak trees and head towards the river to take a sip. You see as a bright brown and green glow shines upon the water in front of you and the water opens up.
Emerging from it comes out a Female Elf in a hunters outfit, coming out with a longbow. Levitating over the water. She then says "Lilly, I need your help. In case you have not made out who I am yet, I am Ehlonna, goddess of the forest. A threat has come up and I believe you can help. I can't stay here for long, but I will be waiting for you 10km south of Life's Sanctum at high noon in 4 days. It's in the material plane of Delvehrkt.
If you are interested come, if you have no way to get there just whisper my name thrice at the meeting time.
I have to go right now, I hope I meet you then.

You see as a white stallion approaches you, after looking at it for a brief second you recognize it to be a unicorn,
a pretty large one in fact. Seemingly of the size of a small adult elephant. It comes over looks at you and says "Message for Shu Vi it's of great importance. I have message for you, it's tied in my back, take it.". It delivers the message and then leaves teleporting away.

Shu Vi, I have heard of your power and I am in great need of your help.
I can't give you much details now or in person as my kind are not allowed in Sigil. Just know that I will be waiting for you in the Material plane of Delvehrkt, 10km south of Life's Sanctum. High noon, 3 days from now. For proof that I am what I clam to be, just slightly rip the note. If you need, I have attached a map to the location of what I hope to be our meeting. You feel as a small spark of energy you have never felt before flows through you,
quickly it vanishes away from you but a tingling feeling remains. For a split second a small bright yellow energy seeped out of the tear of the paper.

You are casually resting in your island, preparing spells and you see as a Female Elf, coming in fine white silk clothes comes and says "The lady of the forests wishes to meet you, she asked me to give you this note." The second you grab the note she vanishes.

Imgut, I need your help, a threat that happens to endanger existence as we know it has come and your help on this matter would be appreciated. I apologize that I cannot come there and meet you in person but I am gathering other people for this same reason. If you do accept,
I will be waiting 10km south of Life's Sanctum, at high noon, 2 days from now. I have attached a map to the back of this note to the meeting point if you want to show up.

2017-10-17, 08:50 AM
I stare amazed at the goddess. Crystal clear water drips between my fingers. I even forgot to breath. It's first time a god had reached out to me. After I have cleared my mind. I could easily use wish to get there immediately. Yet it's just only 50 km. I can easily get there with just my wings. Without a thought I can make it there by tomorrow morning. I look at the water. It's crysta, rich in minerals. Yet I no longer feel craving for it. I jus been ask a favor from a goddess. What I can think about it getting to it as soon as possible. Yet I will have to wait 4 days to know what my duty is. I activate my ring, going invisible. Then I take of flying straight up far above tree tops. Then I use sun to locate the south. I stay up whole night. I don't need sleep anyways. Upon reaching the city I activate my in born ability to see the evil. I don't expect goddess would call me into dangerous area. Yet I like being save. While observing the city I keep my body in slow glide. In case, there was some greater evil hiding somewhere, I would just glide pass the city.

2017-10-17, 09:49 AM
The city is a pretty big, really big, maybe over 10,000 citizens even. Most of those you see are elves with the rest being a mixed population, and you find the occasional evil person or two but most of them were harmless, just regular commoners. The city is actually blended with a forest and the forest seems more or less intact.

You go past the city and see that south of it is a very deep forest, about 5km south you find a pixie who says "The lady of the forest said you would come, follow me"

2017-10-17, 11:46 AM
Flying pass city I smile softly. Of course some thugs are present but no real danger. I’m also pleased but artful structure of the city. I start lowering myself to land. Suddenly I hear the voice. I was surprised to find out that somebody can see pass my invisibility. Then I assign it to pixy being a messenger of the goddess. In presents of her I feel save, and since I have a lot respect to Ehlonna I turn visible. I nod “Alright, let’s get going right away” I follow her. As we move

2017-10-17, 12:54 PM
You start following the Pixie and she mentions "You are Lilly right? I've heard of your work and I am a big fan, while we go could you give me your autograph? I made some art on your recent killing of the local lich" She then hands you a small painting of you holding the destroyed lich from the head.

You follow her and you go grove past grove, eventually reaching an empty circular area with a diameter of probably about 100ft. The surroundings of the empty circle is basically what seems like a natural wall of tree trunks and bushes. The whole place has a gloomy illumination as the top of the empty area is covered by the canopy of the trees, not a single empty spot in sight. In the center of the empty spot there is a small pond of the clearest and most pure water, after some further inspection you see that it is Holy water that somehow occured naturally. The area seems like it has never been touched.

The pixie then says "This place is the purest natural area in the planes. It is unnamed but usually referred to as Nature's Sanctum"

2017-10-17, 02:02 PM
I was caught of guard. I feel rush of blood coming to my cheeks. I’m glad that that all of my face is covered I would rather not reveal how much of a impact it had on me. I also got surprised by painting. I was depicting recent events yet it was really well made. I nod. “yes that’s me. It’s truthful flattering to her some working so close with the goddess. As for autograf, I will be glad to give.” Then we finally make it to the sanctum. At first I’m tempted to sit on the grass and wait. Yet knowing this place belonged to goddess I hold myself. I look around hearing pixis explosion. “That’s amazing place. Goddess summon me here, I was given a very generous deadline.”

2017-10-17, 02:50 PM
"Oh the deadline, it's not made to be generous to you, it's because there are others coming, and she is sending the same message to come here, although reaching them will take more effort. If their power is half of what I have heard, these guys could destroy mountains with a simple punch!"

2017-10-17, 06:31 PM
Uhm, I don't need a map, I'll just cast greater teleport to get there, and then charge my melf's unicorn arrow spellblades just in case.

2017-10-17, 06:35 PM
"You must have some clear idea of the location and layout of the destination." Greater version doesn't change that

Also, when do you go? The instant or days later?

2017-10-17, 07:10 PM
After regaining spells, and since that doesn't work, I'll just fly there.
EDIT: I'll also use greater teleport, except I'll just go to the edge of my vision instead.

2017-10-17, 08:49 PM
On the dawn of the third day of wait you see as someone arrives, a Male Dwarf appears through a teleport, albeit not a regular dwarf. His musculature is intimidating to say the least. His body is full of magic items and gear, looking like a seasoned adventurer. His skin is full with black boils over it and he doesn't really look too healthy. He is an adult but not old for a dwarf. He wields to daggers in hand and you see as magical effects bounce from a dagger to the other, with a timing of 6 seconds between each bounce.

*This is Goaty14 so if you interact don't do it in spoilers

You arrive, finally. You enter a deep forest which is south of the Elven city of Life's Sanctum,
as you go through the forest and follow the map you end up arriving to what seems like a incredibly dense forest, more than before. You enter this section as you believe it to be the meeting location. As you enter you see that the area inside is a perfectly clear circle with no trees, about 100ft in diameter. The edges of the area are covered with what seems like a wall of trees and bushes and with no sight to the outside. The area has a gloomy illumination as even if there is no trees in the middle covering the middle area, the canopy of the trees outside still reaches and lets nearly no light enter. By the center you see a pond of the clearest water you have ever seen, so pure it could be holy water. The place looks perfectly natural and there are no traces of outside interference. You start paying attention and you see a Half Celestial Gnome by the center, covered with gear. He doesn't seem very magical.

*This is Greenflame133 so if you interact don't do it in spoilers

2017-10-17, 10:02 PM
Igmut stares at the gnome, oddly surprised at such a visitor and walks to the spring and sits down, quietly casting wall of dispel magic between him and the gnome

2017-10-18, 12:54 AM
I see the dwarf. He passes by me without a single world. Which I find rather rude. I also see him using magic. Doesn't gives a friendly impersonation. I move towards the pixy. Standing next to her I start whispering. Quietly so he won't hear us.“Is this a guy you were talking about? looks like he isn't very friendly."

2017-10-18, 07:36 AM
She whispers"Yes, this guy is one of them. I heard he follows Erythnul but from what I know he does not follow the evil side, more of the chaos side. Right now Erythnul and Ehlonna are friends by need"

2017-10-18, 09:30 AM
I nod “I’m not concerned with hims motives. I just hope others wouldn't be so closed. Regardless you do arts? I would like to see more of your wards. From one a saw you seemed really skilled” I continue talking quietly

2017-10-18, 12:04 PM
"It's not that I am super talented, just that naturally as a pixie I have more affinity with art than most humanoids. I am also Ehlonna's counselor, so she has blessed me and made me a Paragon of my kind which is what really makes my art come like this."

"So I heard about many stories of you Lilly and because of that I am a fan of yours, but I don't know too much of your stories, maybe 2 or 3, is there any you could tell me?"

2017-10-18, 01:16 PM
“I’m not one to brag. Besides I’m not all that great. Tho there is one story I would really share one with you. I never had chance to talk about it, but it was shock to me. Ones I was stumbled upon a region ruled by rather nasty nobleman. I naturally set of to end his reign. Getting to his residence wasn’t much truble. It was when I got there that stuff got horrifying. I casle seemed weirdly empty. Few guards here and there but there seemed very weaker and poorly equipped for that powerful landlord. Guards didn’t even seemed to bother stopping me. I was traversing empty residence getting increasingly more worried. After a long while I found out why this place was so empty. I answered lied in his dungeon. There was a crit, with possibly worst thing I ever saw. Cript was filled with the bodies. Every single of them was torn or ragged in some way. From theirs clouding I could deduct there were lords servants. Pieces of rope lying around meant he probably tied them so they don’t try escaping. I was walking on his arms and legs, whispering in many voices. His body mutated. He was undead. As soon as hi spotted me he tried controlling my mind. Feeling him grasping to take away my will was one of most terrifying thing that ever happened to me. His touch was grouse. He was abomination. Lucky I was able to resist him. Then I was landing a punch after push. He was no match for me in hand to hand combat. Maybe if he keep his senses he would been more of a challenged. Later I burdened whole crypt, hoping to never see such abramson ever again. Wishful thinking. Tho lich from this region was far less disturbing”

2017-10-18, 05:39 PM
Alright let's continue buffing...

Cast: Hallow on the pool of water, and cast time stop, then cast heal and time stop, then casts hero's feast and divine flavor.

Taint raises by 6

2017-10-18, 08:03 PM
OOC: Would you guys some more filler for the while or should we just wait for Vecna and Celsius?

2017-10-19, 12:16 AM
OOC: I would mind doing some side task, but standing around and chatting with the pixie (who may or may not be invisible) it also quite fun.

2017-10-19, 07:02 PM
The pixie looks horrified by the story Lilly just told her. "I would hope that things like that no longer existed, but unfortunately a case worse than this one has come, which is why all of you are being called. That undead you found will be nothing more than a pleasant dream if this evil succeeds. 2 more adventurers have been called. Unless all 4 come I don't know if this evil can be defeated. Too powerful even for the Faerun and Greyhawk pantheons combined."

2017-10-20, 09:10 AM
“I will try my best to not let that happen. Yet fore is a just few. For that level a threat any pair of hands would help.”

2017-10-20, 12:56 PM
Avatar Vecna is still here... He's probably trying to think of how to tell you he's already beat the campaign

2017-10-20, 04:01 PM
I asked him by skype, he told me he subscribed to the thread. He probably will answer soon, sent him a pm asking him to.

2017-10-21, 03:03 AM
The unexpected message is but a single note in the symphony of thought Ikthyar ponders as They prepare for another ritual of consumption, but as with any other thought that passes through Their mind, it is considered from every angle They can conceive. From an outsider's perspective, but a single moment passes before They cease their activities and one of the Many To Be is assigned to complete the tasks, leaving Them to deal with divine politics. Two days is a great deal of time, and even with duties as thorough as Theirs, Ikthyar considers it worthwhile to research this problem - and those that see Them as a solution.

2017-10-21, 12:06 PM
OOC: What exactly do you mean with research? What does Ikthyar do? Just observe and wait?

2017-10-21, 12:22 PM
For now, simply Gather Information +NI (to find out if there's any knowledge in the city about a deity visiting in a few days, or an important meeting in the same timeframe), avoiding detection as possible.No need to bust out divination yet, although I'm looking over those to see what I want to do there as well.

2017-10-21, 01:27 PM
You don't really hear about any deity gatherings in any planes or sny important meetings. However while browsing the topic you find out that the name Delvehrkt you heard on the message was of an alternate material plane. It is a single small continent which has unusual amounts of highly powerful creatures. There you hear of a dwarf teleporting like crazy in one direction and a hero who just killed a lich going to places. You notice that their routes are going to the exact place. Ten kilometers south of an elven city called Life's Sanctum.

2017-10-22, 03:08 PM
After a moment of silence the fey continues. "Let's hope you guys can manage. Lady Ehlonna will come soon to explain the whole situation as I know of this situation but not as much as she does. This problem likely will end up with the destruction of the cosmologies as we know them, regardless of if we solve it."

2017-10-23, 04:48 AM
"Curious. I'm surprised it even knew to look for me. I must've been careless in hiding my existence."

Shuvi turned the note around, extending its senses to monitor the unicorn messenger and see if it could discern its teleportation destination.

Seeing that the note didn't bear any obvious threats, Shuvi creates a duplicate of itself, instructing it to rip the note slightly. Shuvi was curious to know what would happen.

"Huh. That was slightly disappointing," Shuvi remarked to itself (or rather, its clone) as it wrly observed the spark of yellow energy dissipate. "I would have expected something a little more dramatic. Well, no harm investigating this little mystery."

Three days later, in the outskirts of a large elven city in the plane known as Delvehrt, there is a small pop, and a cloaked and hooded figure steps into existence, glancing around as if expecting something to happen.

2017-10-23, 05:18 AM
“Let's hope it will be comical destruction of evil. World would be better for with it. I'm especially against evil gods whos priests raise undead. I don't understand why any radical being would allow such abomination to ever be created.”

2017-10-23, 06:04 PM
"I don't understand either, most would lose hope after what is coming, but I trust you wont"

So at the final day the 3rd creature arrives, with the fourth one not appearing anywhere. It comes in and views the perfect environment that the place is. A 100ft diameter empty circular area with no trees, all covered with grass, a wall of trees and bushes on the borders of the circle and gloomy illumination as the top is all covered with branches and leaves from the trees. It looks to the center and sees the little pond, probably about 10ft diameter. Containing the most pristine and clear water that anyone of you have seen.

You observe the creature and can't seem to make out any features it has. It's covered with a cloak and hiding it features so as to not be recognized.

One hour is left until high noon of the meeting day.

As discussed on the skype chat the one hour before the meeting was just to give you guys time in case you wanted to do anything. Since no update has gone from your part and on skype you guys told me to just skip this I will below.

To continue:
In the pond by the center a light emerges. A brown and green light forming the shape of a tree. The pond opens up and the water splits as a female elf emerges. She comes with a hunters outfit and a longbow, with a quiver holding 4 arrows. The pixie talking to Lilly bows down.

The deity starts "Sorry my messages were brief, sudden and undetailed. It was the best I could do without exposing myself.

For those who don't know, I''m Ehlonna, Goddess of the forest. I called you because with the 4 of you the planes stand a chance against a threat that will definitely destroy them as they are known. This threat is an important and powerful figure of this plane who is only known as the GodKiller.

Ikthyar I know you are observing, you may come out.

To continue, the GodKiller is probably the most powerful creature in existence and I know he is planning to kill me, Erythnul and Bahamut to absorb our divine power and use that to reform the cosmologies.

Erythnul has gathered a team to deal with him but they have proven rather uneffective. For this I have gathered the four of you to deal with him.

On to the important things I know of him. He is a spellcaster and has access to both divine and arcane spellcasting. He is probably more connected to magic than mystra and boccob themselves. He has a set of 4 guards who are more powerful than most but you should be able to handle them with ease. I don't know for sure but I suspect he has a demiplane.

This is basically the core of the problem, me, Erythnul and Bahamut have attempted some magical simulations of how a battle would go and with what we estimate is under 1% of his full power we were not able to even touch him.

We have some allies, some of the most powerful creatures of the planes are on our side.

Now, I will be accepting questions about this if any of you have any."

2017-10-24, 04:02 AM
I bow to her just like the pixie. I have many questions but I don't ask because goddess just told me there are no answers. How could he go above Gods power. Did he unlocked more god ranks or maybe something internally new. Something as powerful as that gid ranks compared to it are as weak as ranks of normal class ranks to god ranks

2017-10-24, 08:21 PM
"Ok... So he kills gods, big deal, what's the problem with just letting him kill gods...?

Not to be half-crazy (even though I am) but wouldn't this be a good thing if he just eliminates all of the evil gods first and then we kill him? This sounds pretty idiotic coming from a erythnul worshiper, but trust me, he isn't much more than a placeholder to a concept."

2017-10-24, 09:36 PM
Ehlonna responds, "The problem is that if he kills gods in just the right way and knows what to do, he can absorb the divinity of the deceased god. I know for a fact that he knows how to absorb divinities. If he does that he will be completely unstoppable, so we should stop him while we can."

2017-10-24, 09:51 PM
"Ok, would you happen to know where he is? Surely you didn't ask us to find an unknown threat..."

I cast Baleful Transposition between me and greenflame. I also cast Ghost sound of nothing.

Will Save DC 500008 Greenflame.

Taint raises by 2

2017-10-24, 10:28 PM
"So we have a dangerous threat of unknown scale or power, that could threaten the balance of the powers that be. And you've gathered us together to deal with it, although similarly gathered groups have already proven ineffective. What would make our group any different?"

Shuvi's voice is calm and matter-of-fact. Despite not showing any signs of reverence or worship to the goddess of Forests, he nevertheless maintains a moderate tone. As Igmut attempts to cast his spell, he realises that the entire empty area has been shrouded with an Antimagic Field.

Auras/Gaze attacks
Anticipate Teleportation, Greater (63,445,038,510,165ft. radius emanation, anticipate and delay teleportation effects by up to 3 rounds)
Freezing Glance (31,722,519,255,205ft. range, one living creature must make a Will save or be frozen)
Antimagic Field (100ft. radius, does not prevent Shuvi’s supernatural abilities)
Leading the Charge (60ft. radius, allies that hear Shuvi and make a charge attack within the area gain +10 on damage rolls)
Temporal Repair (50ft. radius, time altering spells of 9th level and below cannot affect creatures)
Aura of Retribution (30ft. radius, whenever Shuvi takes damage from any source, non-tanari in the area take an equal amount of damage, DC 15 Fortitude halves, not subject to negation or reduction)
Time Shield (30ft. radius, spells and spell effects have their duration consumed at twice the normal rate)
Otiluke’s Suppressing Field: abjuration (20ft. radius, casting abjuration spells in or into the area must succeed on a caster level check)
Otiluke’s Suppressing Field: conjuration (20ft. radius, casting conjuration spells in or into the area must succeed on a caster level check)
Otiluke’s Suppressing Field: divination (20ft. radius, casting divination spells in or into the area must succeed on a caster level check)
Otiluke’s Suppressing Field: enchantment (20ft. radius, casting enchantment spells in or into the area must succeed on a caster level check)
Otiluke’s Suppressing Field: evocation (20ft. radius, casting evocation spells in or into the area must succeed on a caster level check)
Otiluke’s Suppressing Field: illusion (20ft. radius, casting illusion spells in or into the area must succeed on a caster level check)
Otiluke’s Suppressing Field: necromancy (20ft. radius, casting necromancy spells in or into the area must succeed on a caster level check)
Otiluke’s Suppressing Field: transmutation (20ft. radius, casting transmutation spells in or into the area must succeed on a caster level check)
Otiluke’s Suppressing Field: psychoportation (20ft. radius, casting psychoportation spells in or into the area must succeed on a caster level check)
Forceward (15ft. radius, negates force effects and provides an impassable barrier against incorporeal creatures)

Thought Sense 60ft. (Knows location of creatures with Int 3 and above)
Detect Hostile Intent 30ft. (detect direction of creatures with hostile intent toward Shuvi)
Touchsight 63,445,038,510,280ft.
Mindsight 1000 miles, or 5,280,000ft.
Anticipate Teleportation, Greater 63,445,038,510,165ft. Radius
Darkvision, no range limit
Eyes to the Sky 40ft. (Automatically spot scrying sensors with 40ft.)

2017-10-25, 12:32 AM
"As a matter of fact, I do have a plan to deal with this. I do not know where he is but there is someone who can tell us for a favor. That would be Vecna, as you guys probably know, one of his portfolios is secrets and therefore his portfolio sense should allow him to find out his location. In fact a couple favors I claimed from Vecna have helped me gather information and warned me of this threat around 113 years ago when his planning had begun, unfortunately he owes me no more favors.

As for the reason that I think that you will be able to deal with the GodKiller even though the previous group has failed, is because the previous group had the potential but did not yet have the full power needed. You have both the potential and a great deal of power. Even if your current power is not enough, Bahamut, Erythnul and I have a plan which shoudl give you enough power to deal with him.

Shu Vi, is there any way you can slightly extend your Anti-magic field to cover further? It would help cover our tracks if there is no magic detectable here."

2017-10-25, 02:51 AM
I don't like being transported. I find it rude. This jerk doesn't speak to me and keeps casting spells on me. He may be powerful but he has no manners. I listen to what others are saying. Here that goddess has a plan I get intrigued. "what plan do you have?"

2017-10-25, 12:39 PM
"The plan we 3 have is more of a failsafe, albeit a very risky one. I would rather discuss this plan later when we know for sure it is needed.

Edit: Missed a part

"The plan I have however is the following, Vecna as the god of secrets can reveal information to us that could prove useful so persuading him into giving us information would be key.

Also, the GodKiller has a huge dependency on magic and is not a deity. As far as we know an Anti magic field could stop him although I have not been able to get far enough to set one up.

By pure speculation we could try having Shu Vi close in with the AMF aura he has while the others safeguard and bombard from the outside. However we do not know if this would work as we know he is an epic spellcaster and therefore has epic spells."

2017-10-27, 09:45 AM
"If he has already absorbed some measure of divinity, he may be beyond Our abilities to impede," Ikthyar points out ambivalently. "If We are to make plans based on speculation of his weaknesses, We would be well-advised to immediately discard the first few ideas that come to mind, since anything that obvious will be something the God-Killer has already thought of and taken steps to prevent. Of course, if they haven't taken steps to prevent such obvious exploits, it either means the perceived weakness is nonexistent and thus requires no counter to attempts to capitalize on it, or it means the God-Killer is a lot less clever or powerful than you're giving him credit for, and thus the gods could easily deal with it themselves." They fall silent once more, apparently deep in contemplation.

2017-10-27, 10:27 AM
"Good news for us is that he has not yet absorbed divinity but he does have a friend among the gods, we just don't know who.

I am aware of that, he likely has that covered by some means but if he relies so heavily on magic we need to get rid of his magic somehow.

Does anyone have any ideas?"

2017-10-27, 04:42 PM
"We could get rid of his magic by killing him." Igmut noted, smiling sarcastically.

"That, or we could trick him into disjoining an artifact"

2017-10-27, 07:29 PM
"That could work, now we do need to find a way to trick him to fall for that."

2017-10-28, 06:56 AM
I listen to every not understanding much. Magic never was my thing. Generally I just try bet up wizards before they can use it. "maybe we try to present it as something he would won't. Perhaps make him believe that it's weapon we want to use against him. He would steal it and upon trying to activate he would lose magic."

2017-10-28, 05:08 PM
"That seems like a good idea. Except that he is a caster, a gish but it is still more effective for him to just cast spells than use a weapon no matter how powerful it is."

2017-10-29, 11:32 PM
Shu Vi, is there any way you can slightly extend your Anti-magic field to cover further? It would help cover our tracks if there is no magic detectable here."

Shuvi sighs. "I will not be able to 'extend' my Antimagic aura. I can, however, do this."

A squadron of identically cloaked figures appear to step out of Shuvi, rapidly moving out to cover the surrounding area.

"If the danger is really as great as you say it is, better measures against scrying could definitely have been put in place. If this God-killer is indeed reliant on magic, perhaps a visit to the deities of magic might also be in order. Even if they are unable to cut him off from his source of magic for whatever reason, their portfolio sense should at least give us some information to work with."

Shuvi's clones use Miracle supernatural ability to duplicate Mordekainen's Private Sanctum over the area, while keeping a look out for scrying sensors (amongst other senses). The clones also cast Detect Scrying,
just in case.

2017-10-29, 11:35 PM
"Do not worry about scrying in this place, measures have already been taken, I am Mind Blanked and the place is naturally unscryable except with really powerful Epic Magic or Divine Ranks. I took some additional measures and the trees are magically infused with lead via an Artifact which was unfortunately destroyed but its effects remain."

2017-10-30, 02:36 AM
"I worry not about scrying on our conversation right here and now, since I would likely have noticed any attempt to scry on us since my arrival. But not everyone here may have the same level of preparation against divinations and the like prior to their arrival, including the messengers you sent out." Shuvi motions toward the rest of the party assembled.

"In the worst case, we may assume that this God Killer already knows about our meeting, and possibly has already started taking action."

2017-10-31, 09:39 AM
"That is indeed possible but there is a reason for why I gave a generous deadline, it was not for arrival times but it was because I created 24 simulacrums of myself to divert his attention, all of which are in separate planes and attempting to bring the GodKiller's attention without making it obvious." The pixie chimes in, "But wouldn't the GodKiller be able to send simulacrums of himself to fight each simulacrum to split up?". The goddess looks at the pixie silently looking ashamed, seemingly not having thought of that.

2017-10-31, 11:02 AM
I look at pixie. Then the goddess. "wouldn't he expose himself by doing that. Don't spell casters have all sorts of limits?"

2017-10-31, 02:01 PM
The goddess looks at Lilly and says "Well yes, a typical spellcaster is limited by time and resources but Delvehrkt creatures are usually way more powerful than the normal and even then the GodKiller is the top of that chain. He knows no limits regarding this kind of stuff."

2017-11-03, 09:15 AM
*Note, I will start to put what the goddess says in this color to set it apart from other text.

The goddess then seemingly waits for a second and says "Well, so maybe you guys should know who each of the others are. Maybe state a feat you have accomplished or similar so you can familiarize yourselves with each other's power. Also, I would suggest a couple practice fights between you to be able to know each others strengths. Even if one of you dies I can bring them back"

2017-11-03, 02:59 PM
I nod and bow. "I think this is a wonderful idea my goddess. I was traveling alone for far too long. I would love to get to know rest of my team. This is very likely to come in handy"

2017-11-03, 09:03 PM
"So who shall start with the first introduction? Does anyone want to go first? Don't worry we don't bite." She whispers to herself "Not like it really mattered since these guys can one shot the tarrasque"

2017-11-03, 11:16 PM
"You need not know of my full extension of abilities... -shoot, would anybody here be in possession of an antimagic field scroll?"

2017-11-05, 12:42 AM
"I do not possess one but I can manufacture one literally instantly if you need it."

2017-11-08, 12:32 AM
Shuvi shrugs, "I do not see the need to prove my worth to anyone, not even yourself. I lend my aid only because I seek to protect the Weave and this world, and it is neither out of necessity nor convenience that I align myself with you."

The cloaked figure inclines his head toward the rest of the group. "You may call me Shuvi. It is neither my original nor real name, but it shall have to suffice for now."

2017-11-09, 03:49 AM
I stay silent. Ones again making sure that my face and wings are hidden. I'm surprised to see others not feeling the same kind of respect to goddess like I do. I suddenly feel shy about seeking to them.

2017-11-09, 06:51 AM
"We are known as Ikthyar, and to some as the One Of Many. The strength of a million minds, a million lives worth of experience, is at Our disposal, and listing everything We are capable of would be...time-consuming," the illithid replied quietly.

2017-11-09, 10:59 PM
The goddess seems somewhat pleased. "Well so since that is as far as we will probably go,
then what is the plan? Any of you have any ideas? I have proposed mine."

2017-11-09, 11:11 PM
"We can't move without more information. We should speak to Vecna and perhaps the deities of magic to find out what we can about this God-Killer before anything else."

Shuvi hesitates.

"I guess the next question would be, where can we find Vecna. From what I know, Vecna calls the Prime Material Plane in Oerth his home.."

2017-11-09, 11:33 PM
"Well, I see you are not too informed about how things work in Delvehrkt. This is an alternate material plane where the gods of Faerun and Flannaes exist yes. But we are different versions of the same whole. Look at it like a coin, there is no one true side. For us gods, the same rules exist in this plane, there are 2 versions of us, our original selves from our respective planes and our Delvehrkian or Primal forms. If one side dies, both do, both sides have the same portfolios as we are one and the same but we have different personalities, appearances, and abilities. As for Vecna, this lies true for him too, I do not know his whereabouts of his Flannaes version but I do know where his Delvehrkian self is. He currently is in Death's Den, a city of the undead up north west of the continent. That is as far as I know."

2017-11-20, 11:26 AM
"So shall we look for Vecna?" the pixie chimes in, "You forget that we cannot leave my goddess, if not the GodKiller could almost certainly find you, I should stay with you to stall him in case he does get here." the goddess looks displeased. "We can't just stay here and do nothing, I'm sick of having had to do this for years, I spent the last decade preparing for this event and even that failed, I cannot stay without acting to solve this immediately.", the pixie sighs in disbelief of the carelessness of the goddess.