View Full Version : 3rd Ed Expensive Mundane Items

2017-10-17, 12:10 AM
Hey, Everyone, I'm in a game in a no magic setting. I'm playing a businessman and am trying to find a place to spend the exuberant amounts of money I have. this doesn't have to have a direct in-game benefit, just looking for something to do other than expanding and make more. Thanks in advance

2017-10-17, 12:45 AM
Gambling halls

2017-10-17, 12:51 AM
What about salt and spices?

you can also use it to make more money.

2017-10-17, 12:56 AM
Donation to charity
Buying property/land
Buying a title of nobility
Extravagant food
Purchasing a menagerie

On the darker side: slaves and servants

2017-10-17, 01:00 AM
Dowery for each of your bouquet of daughters.

Political office for all of your bounty of sons.

Hush money for your myriad mistresses.

A nice little country in the mountains.

No, not a country house. A state.

A small one, but a whole one.

Just in case things go bad.

2017-10-17, 01:13 AM
boats, really big boats, really big yachts

2017-10-17, 01:29 AM
Water Clocks and Spyglass(es?) are the most expensive pieces of mundane, carry-able equipment in the srd, at 1,000 gp each. Water Clocks might have niche use, but would mostly be a novelty of the wealthy. Potentially a rich city would have several that could mark the work day. I'm sorry, but a Spyglass would be useful in more situations. Beyond that, Heavy War Horses are the most expensive mount and, as noted above, ships cost the most. In particular, Galleys stand at 30,000 gp.

2017-10-17, 01:51 AM
Stronghold Builder's Guide will burn through your wealth quickly.

Arms and Equipment has mundane vehicles so you can ride in style, see if your GM will allow a stretch limo style carriage; for an additional fee of course.

I had the idea the other day to sell monogrammed art object arrows, finely carved or even embossed, to nobility who then gamble on the odds of the arrow surviving hitting its mark.
Bonus points for clean kills whilst game hunting as well.

2017-10-17, 01:59 AM
How about steampunk gadgetry? Ravenloft: Legacy of the Blood has devices, which are nonmagical versions of magic items. Purchase such items that can be easily flavored as gadgets. That'll eat up your resources easily enough. I mean, a psychoactive skin of proteus could be a suit of variable power armor, for instance. A wand of scorching ray could be a flamethrower set to "burst" mode. One of flame strike would be more like an incendiary grenade with some extra "oomph" that results in a mushroom cloud. Things like that.

2017-10-17, 09:55 AM
thanks for all the replies ill be using some of these

2017-10-17, 10:07 AM
How about the exotic beasts or/and plants?

2017-10-17, 10:07 AM
Use your money to become a god. Enrich people who share your ideals. Set up your own church franchise and recruit children. Employ Swift and just punishments for those who trespass against you or those who worship you. The more people who believe in you, the more semi-divine clout you get. Start hiring artisans to invent stuff for you. Begin placing your churches near tactically important natural resources.

If you pull it off, you'll have created magic in an otherwise non magical world and you can start granting spells to your believers.

2017-10-17, 10:13 AM
Poison tends to have the highest value by volume, assuming one vial of poison = 1 fluid ounce. That's 4500 GP per ounce, or roughly 4.3 million GP per cubic foot (957 fluid ounces per cubic foot).

If you're looking for something less shady, then be a spice merchant. Saffron (https://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/food-volume-to-weight/substance/spices-coma-and-blank-saffron) is a trade good worth 15 GP per pound (according to the PHB), but cloves (https://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/food-volume-to-weight/substance/spices-coma-and-blank-cloves-coma-and-blank-ground) actually have a higher density.

2017-10-17, 01:04 PM
You could go into the gem business... Gems are mundane and their value is scalable.

Diamonds especially... you could corner the market on high end gems suitable for raise dead and resurrection spells, or even higher end gems suitable for 'trap the soul'.

2017-10-17, 02:13 PM
You could go into the gem business... Gems are mundane and their value is scalable.

Diamonds especially... you could corner the market on high end gems suitable for raise dead and resurrection spells, or even higher end gems suitable for 'trap the soul'.

Partner with a Ranger and defend your business with trained bears.

Your business name shall be "de Bears".

2017-10-17, 02:47 PM
Partner with a Ranger and defend your business with trained bears.

Your business name shall be "de Bears".Make sure to make them anthropomorphic bears, trained to wield weapons.

You do, after all, have the right to bear-arms.

2017-10-17, 09:35 PM
A Water Clock

The height of being rich; nobody uses water clocks because they are usually off by ~30 min.

Still, why not show off your water clock collection?

EDIT: Trying to think of the stupidest thing to do w/ money. Perhaps a giant water clock in the town square? :smallbiggrin:

2017-10-18, 01:41 AM
Trying to think of the stupidest thing to do w/ money.
check out this thread

2017-10-24, 04:02 PM
The Mother of All Treasure Tables (http://www.kenzerco.com/free_files/moatt_preview.pdf) has some great mundane items (of treasure)...