View Full Version : How can I make this scenario better?

2017-10-18, 03:17 PM
My players have been asked by the leader of a group of orphans, Frioc, to help him deal with the local orphanage. Children fear this orphanage, for its shady reputation- few children, other than Frioc, ever leave once they're sent here.

The patron is a mad alchemist, and has been using orphans in his experiments. He's also a senator, and a patrician in good standing.

Basically, Frioc intends to investigate this orphanage, with the players' help. And if possible, he wants to shut it down.

Frioc is no where near as powerful as the players, but he is capable of putting up enough of a defense that he wouldn't be completely useless in a fight.

I have a map prepared, and the patron's lab is, naturally, in the cellar, which can be accessed by a trap door in the library. But, physical barriers are pretty much useless against players capable of burrowing through stone. Players who really like to ignore physical barriers whenever possible.

Honest Tiefling
2017-10-18, 03:27 PM
Things powered by a forsaken soul tend to take their toll on the area. It's why necromancy isn't environmentally friendly. Sure, they could burrow through the stone. The stone that's heard the last cries of pain of these children, and perhaps has a few souls inhabiting it. The stone could very well burrow back at them, as it might be infused with more then a few angry, scared ghosts.

Once in the laboratory, the Alchemist probably has more then a few protections to deal with escapees and overly eager religious types. Why have a few failed experiments? And if going with the necromantic angle of the above suggestion, it could have an eerie feeling to it that mess with the character's perceptions. If I was an evil Alchemist worried about people of a goodly bent breaking in, I'd set up some illusions/necromancy to make apparitions of victims begging for help or blaming the intruder for not saving them. Can't hurt to distract them from the other protections...

Also, alchemy and politics doesn't leave much free time. What if the Alchemist has a deal with a powerful patron? An evil god, a powerful wizard, a few mercenaries, some assassins, a devil or two could easily make politics a little easier to get back to one's hobbies. These could be used as protections of the laboratory or just have hints of their existence littered throughout the lab.

I would also look into changing the PCs. Running around in an Alchemist's laboratory is going to come with some occupational hazards, such as burns, extra eyes, or even being turned partially into goo. Turning a player character into an ooze monster might be a better way to handle the player getting a long string of bad luck then simply killing them.

Joe the Rat
2017-10-19, 03:16 PM
All those leftover bits...

As your team goes a tunnelin', you are stopped by a layer of bones (not earth, not stone!), the remains from all of the bodies that have been stuck behind the walls over the years (or centuries... is it the senator, or something about the house that brings the darkest traits through?)

Bonus points if the skeletal remains animate and attack once disturbed.