View Full Version : DFRPG: All Or Nothing [IC]

Lord Raziere
2017-10-18, 03:58 PM
Welcome....to Las Vegas. Sin City.

That sign is full of lies. Don't trust it.

Las Vegas has always been a city of deals- millions of little deals, signing away a little portion of your soul away. They're not obvious. They hide in plain sight, in the neon hellfire, blazing up from the surrounding red rock. While to many it is just a gigantic theme park for adults, for some of those who stay it is a hell on Earth. Here, its all about the risks you take and no one notices safe bets. Its all a gamble, and the city loves it when you get reckless. Makes it easier snap the jaws around you, and eat you up for all your worth. They say it is the City of Second Chances, but damn does it have so many ways for you to waste it. The farther out from the Strip you go, the more its glamour fades, the more you see the other side of Vegas that isn't on the advertisements. The city of desperate people, fallen into despair with only a few dollars to their name. People that have lost everything to the crooked casinos, the endless vice, the rampant consumerism.

Behind all this are supernatural powers that be. The Dragon, a Red Court vampire ran the whole thing until a few months ago when Harry Dresden wiped out the Red Court, including The Dragon. Since then, his flunkies have dispersed into the city with nowhere to go, and four new powers take center stage. The White Court trying to drown the city in despair, the Winter Fae wanting to take control, the Ishtarans wishing to cleanse the city of its sin, and the Wyldfae enjoying their endless excess. With the Nevernever mostly shutoff in Las Vegas, the Unseelie Accords having no power here, the city is alone. With the vacuum of power left, chaos is coming soon and there are are no good options for filling it. Even discarding the major factions, there are many mortal practitioners of magic in Vegas that come here to escape the White Councils control for their own reasons or to perpetrate their own evils. There are many predators in this city, and they like to lure you in with honey.

In this city, an unlikely group clued in to the supernatural gathers at a bar, known as The Last Chance, manned by Conrad Torcadas, a known barista for the supernatural. Are they drawn here by a higher power? By destiny?


Its Vegas, you just got lucky. Whether the hand this bar has been dealt turns out lucky or unlucky for Vegas itself however- is up to you, to play your cards right. Nothing is truly a safe bet here after all, yet Vegas wants you to bet all your chips anyways. And remember:

What happens in Vegas- Stays In Vegas.

The Last Chance Bar and Grill
However you got here, welcome. This is the Last Chance Bar, run by a lean but young barista by the name of Conrad. The guy has a knowing smirk, blond hair, hawkish green eyes and no small amount of shadiness yet he is a casual and friendly. He has a variety of drinks on the shelf, and the food chalked up on the blackboards are barely above fast food but they are serviceable. Supernaturals don't come here for such things though, they come here because Conrad is known as the guy who maintains the Paranet here, who knows whats up, and who to call. Unlike most places, there are no electronics in sight, and that much of it was arranged according to occult practices to diffuse the energies flowing through here.
"Hey there." he says "Never seen you around before, whats your name, friend?"

2017-10-18, 04:12 PM
Michael - The Last Chance Bar and Grill

Wearing a sleeveless hoodie and loose jeans, a young man in his early 20s pulls back his hoodie, simultaneously running his fingers through his auburn hair. Golden eyes avoid the green, looking past ears as he speaks. "Michael to my friends. Can I get something to eat? Steak or a burger, whatever you recommend. I've just got a hankering for some red meat."

2017-10-18, 04:32 PM

Maria sits in the corner, slowly, mechanically eating a rare burger. She watches the others arrive, wondering who, if anybody, she could place.

Given her concept as being well connected in Vegas, I'd say she probably knows the barista.

2017-10-18, 05:58 PM
Eric walks in, moving up to the bar with well repeated ease. He is wearing a buttoned shirt, vest, and black jeans. He has light hair, perhaps even more lightening now that he is older. He swings into a stool at the bar and nods.

“Whatever you recommend, boss. I just needed to get away from my own place for a bit. What’s new here? Hear anything good recently?”

Eric was a Wyldfae and as such he recognized the bartender. A great source of information especially with the power of the Paranet behind him and here.

2017-10-18, 07:08 PM
Last Chance Bar and Grill

Maxwell, with his seven foot tall self and purple hair, sits in a corner near Maria where he seems to be scrawling tiny symbols onto a golden statuette of a beetle. When he notices that Maria had offered a glance at him, he says: Hello. To what, I pray ask, warrants that kind of look from a woman such as lovely as you to a man such as, well, freakish as me? Got a strange taste in men if'n you're into the uncomfortably tall, purple dyed hair types.

2017-10-18, 07:36 PM

Maria snorts, swallows the chunk of burger she was chewing, and retorts. If you were tall, leggy, purple haired, and female, you might have had a shot. I've got my type. You're not it. She gestures towards the seat. So long as ya got that clear, you're welcome to pop a squat here, though.

2017-10-18, 09:16 PM

Arthur comes in after a long show of magic, or was it before? He almost didn't knew as he had to make a living here. especially for his refined taste.

He is wearing a well cut full suit, with jacket and waistcoat, in a dark blue tone, a white oxforf shirt and a black tie. In the jacket' pocket a white scarf that he uses in his show.

He answers the bartender "Arthur. Pleased to meet you!" in his english accent. Then he notices Eric and nods "Everything alright Eric?"

2017-10-18, 10:52 PM
From somewhere up where the wine glasses hang, a tiny voice whispers to Conrad: "Psst! Are they safe?"

2017-10-18, 11:39 PM
Justin is sitting at the bar as Conrad glides by, wearing a button-down shirt and brown blazer. He turns and gives a wave to Michael as he walks in, before turning back to a pile of papers which he's scribbling on in red pen. As Conrad returns to the bar, Justin glances up. "Heyo there. Name's Justin. I'll take an IPA if you've got one on tap."

2017-10-19, 05:38 AM

Maria snorts, swallows the chunk of burger she was chewing, and retorts. If you were tall, leggy, purple haired, and female, you might have had a shot. I've got my type. You're not it. She gestures towards the seat. So long as ya got that clear, you're welcome to pop a squat here, though.

Joe scoffs, and says: Oh don't mistake my statement as advances. I got my type too, and it's a Spaniard who is... indisposed at the moment.

Joe Bob goes back to his beetle.

2017-10-19, 05:42 AM
Eric glanced back at Arthur and smiles. It was good to see the magician again.

“Everything’s alright, just needed a break. There’s a group of...”

He judiciously lowered his voice, just in case there were some around who weren’t “in the game.”

“...White Courts who are having a themed night at the Wherever. I’ve no problems at all with it, but there’s only so many rivets and leather a guy can handle before he needs a drink. I’ll head back there later and put the finishing touches on with a bit of pixie dust, if you take my meaning. I figured a drink and some chat with Conrad wouldn’t go amiss. How about yourself? How’s tricks?”

2017-10-19, 11:18 AM

"You know how it is in this city. The only magic people believe in is the one brought by lady luck inside the gambling dens. But I cannot complain. says Arthur as he subconsciously picks his deck of cards and shuffles.

“A glass of red wine please.” he asks the bartender.

2017-10-19, 02:22 PM
Gray lounged at a corner table, with line of sight to the front and back door. He took a sip of his beer, a malty brown ale that was smooth and filling, as he watched the others around the bar. He smirked slightly as the huge dude with purple hair engaged with the less than impressed female to one side of the room. He glanced at the stiff's at the bar, some of them chatting like old friends. For now, he would scan the scene - he wasn't a big fan of drawing attention without a purpose, especially in a town he didn't really know. In some ways, it felt like New Cannes; but in all the ways that counted, it was so much more dangerous than that. Best to keep his eyes open and his mouth shut for now.

For anyone that had met the wyldfae before, they would know that was easier said than done ...

Gray is lean and lanky, looking for all the world like a piece of toughened leather, even though he doesn't appear older than early twenties. His skin is dusky without being dark, his eyes are emerald green, and his dark hair is short and unkempt, pushed back with a pair of sunglasses. Both ears are pierced, with a small silver stud through each.

Today, he is wearing an open button-up flannel shirt over a faded black t-shirt with a picture of a volume knob turned to eleven. Faded loose jeans grace his lower half, along with black running shoes.

For those that can look beneath the surface ...
...you will see through the guise of mortality and normalcy to his 'other' face. Green cat's eyes stare out from beneath long bangs, contrasted by tufted ears that twitch and orient on any sounds around him. A very faint coat of fur, almost indistinguishable from his skin tone, covers his exposed limbs, and his long fingers taper into sharp claws. The most disturbing part of it all his smile; that damnable, impossibly-wide grin that looks for all the world like something out of Wonderland.

2017-10-19, 04:41 PM
Joe scoffs, and says: Oh don't mistake my statement as advances. I got my type too, and it's a Spaniard who is... indisposed at the moment.

Joe Bob goes back to his beetle.

She nods, and finishes the burger. So, what's with the beetle? Interesting tidbit.

2017-10-19, 06:01 PM
She nods, and finishes the burger. So, what's with the beetle? Interesting tidbit.

Maxwell, his gaze still unmoved from the beetle, says: I... whittle in my spare time. I've been working on it for ages.

Lord Raziere
2017-10-19, 11:37 PM
From somewhere up where the wine glasses hang, a tiny voice whispers to Conrad: "Psst! Are they safe?"

"....I'm pretty sure they are, Ramen."
He whispers as he walks around to the kitchen and makes the food and drinks unnaturally fast, he had time to practice using his speed to make food just right quicker without screwing up the quality. A few minutes later he serves them their meals with a smile and whispers again.
"The ones who aren't safe....you can tell by how they carry themselves. Like predators. I know predators I see em'....their smiles are too fake, and their eyes are too hungry, and not for things like locally prepared burgers and fries. You learn to read their body language- they're always ready to pounce."
He felt sorry for the little fairy. He didn't ask to get involved in Fae business, unlike Conrad himself. Conrad wasn't inclined to share his past, after all he figured everyone here had their own pasts that haunted them. Best not to pry. After all anyone supernatural who comes to Vegas probably has something going on behind it all, and it wasn't wise to go digging up old wounds. It was the City of Second Chances after all- might as well give them one.

He did however walk over to Maria. they knew each other, so they had an understanding: he would provide leads on supernatural activity, and she would follow up if she wanted, and in return she wouldn't ask about his past before he came to Vegas. He sat down and whispered.
"Hey, just letting you know real quick. A bunch of good leads have turned up recently from my info-gathering, they're all posted in the back room. so when you get the time....feel free."

2017-10-19, 11:49 PM
Justin cracks a grin at the flamboyant magician's flourishing. Vegas's magical community cares less about concealing itself than in most other places- pretty much anything gets overlooked in Vegas- but it takes a special kind of wizard to perform real magic on stage, for show. But as the whispered mention of the White Court reaches his ears, Justin visibly stiffens. On reflex, he glances around the room, carefully noting the newcomers. His eye briefly meets Gray's, then Justin turns back to his work.

2017-10-20, 01:19 AM
When Conrad swings around again, Ramen says, "Not predators. Gotcha. But do they have big mouths?"

Of course, what he meant was, 'were they in the know'? Awkwardness and massive size differences aside, Ramen didn't mind socializing with the big folk. But it was only common sense to not come out and show yourself to everyone. In fact, for a wee folk, it was instinct. Pretty much the reason he was so good at observing others without them knowing, but at the same time, always a source of anxiety and concern when contemplating doing anything but that.

It was entirely possible Conrad didn't know these people at all. Ramen sure didn't. If that was the case, only time watching them would tell.

2017-10-20, 11:01 PM
Michael - The Last Chance Bar and Grill

He whispers as he walks around to the kitchen and makes the food and drinks unnaturally fast, he had time to practice using his speed to make food just right quicker without screwing up the quality. A few minutes later he serves them their meals with a smile and whispers again.

Michael digs into his plate with a ravenous appetite, taking large bites of meat, thoroughly enjoying the well prepared meal. It would not be hard for one to deduce that he may not have had a good meal in some time.

2017-10-21, 11:39 AM

"You know how it is in this city. The only magic people believe in is the one brought by lady luck inside the gambling dens. But I cannot complain. says Arthur as he subconsciously picks his deck of cards and shuffles.

“A glass of red wine please.” he asks the bartender.

“It’s probably a good thing that they don’t beliece in more, lest we had all kinds of human trouble heaped down on us.”

He paused for a moment over a drink and then continued.

“No offense intended, of course. You’re one of the decent ones.”

2017-10-21, 08:35 PM

Arthur makes a dismissive gesture that is similar to a flourish "Don't worry chap, the worse beings I ever knew were human too."

He sips a bit of the wine, and contemplates his words for a second, but continues giving a small chuckle "And when I was little I had a mean horse that kicked my arse once. Bloody animal."

Images flash in Arthur's memory His father helping him up the horse - Prancer, him smiling having fun without a care in the world

"And thanks for the compliment. Well deserved of course." he says and winks. Calling Conrad and including him in the question"More seriously, heard of anything that requires my particular talents?.

Lord Raziere
2017-10-21, 08:48 PM
"Depends.....Is your talent rabbit out of a hat, or is it something y'know.....
Conrad leans back and asks Arthur with a raised eyebrow, out loud.
"more........substantial, shall we say? I've got no jobs for rabbit-hatters."
That was Conrad's personal term for magicians who didn't wield real magic, he heard it a lot from where he was from. He knew it was less likely for normal folk to come here at all, but you never know, there are always weird ones who don't have a clue, or think he is just being atmospheric, or are just curiously coming here for the experience, and hes got to serve them regardless, money is money y'know? Can't be too careful. And he knew that any self-respecting wizard would dislike being compared to a rabbit-hatter and try to prove themselves, so this was a good way to prove how many of the people here were in the know.

2017-10-21, 09:06 PM
At the mention of jobs, particularly Paranet related ones, Eric looked a little more closely at Conrad too.

“Though, I notice you said you didn’t not have any jobs. I’d be interested in hearing too.

2017-10-22, 01:57 PM
Arthur looks into Conrads' eyes and bites the bait, answering in a low voice "Despite not being the favourite of the white council, a least not anymore, I'm still in their ranks. And if I can say it myself, I'm probably one of the best. Or could if i wanted that kind of recognition.". Arthurs' eyes, for a second, flare " so to answer your question, no, Arthur Selbit is no rabbit-hatter."

Lord Raziere
2017-10-22, 07:47 PM
Remember one of the things about gazing into eyes is the Soul Gaze. This is what you see inside Conrad:

You see two titans, one of fire and one of ice battling each other. but they were observant, looking around trying to find something at the same time. The world was a great jungle, and you see Conrad right in front of you, huddling behind a rock to escape the titans view, shivering in fear, hoping they do not spot him. He however spots you and the Conrad within puts on a smiling wooden mask and says "Hello! How can I help you today?" despite the fear he feels, picking it up from various other masks he has worn throughout the years.

When it ends, Conrad maintains his smile.
"Alright alright, I see. Your the real deal, there a bunch of jobs in the back room,
I can lead you there if you want. They're not pretty, but they're doing good and payments involved."
The Paranet while a primarily a mutual defense network, also recognizes that people need to eat as well and set up a bit of a system for payment for their time. After all, not even cops work for free. Basically it has donation outlets that it collects from and puts into a pool and then pays the person who does the job over time as the funds come in, like if your owed a certain amount of money it will gradually pay that in increments from the pool over time. These donations can come from various sources, but there are a few online channels of supernaturals unwilling to go into direct combat who instead support the network by playing Dresden Files RPG as a show on Twitch for donations. This version of course is somewhat different from the one you play, getting rid of the more secret and personal information of the characters as well as not containing any of the snarky comments in the margins.
"Just go to that door over there and go past the kitchen, the Paranet Room has all the jobs tacked on the board you could need."

2017-10-22, 08:20 PM
Maria rises, nodding adios to the odd man with the beetle, and slipping into the back room, looking over the Paranet's job listings. She thought the Paranet was an excellent idea, and had been a advocate for the Order's backing of a South American expansion of the program, at least until all hell broke lose down south.

2017-10-22, 09:33 PM
Joe Bob listened into this conversation with interest. This was an interesting development to say the least. Here Joe thought he was one of the only few people In The Know tonight, and here this random shifty lady he met was here for the same purpose he was. On his way from Phoenix, Joe had recently discovered the Paranet and had followed it all the way to Las Vegas. Joe thought to himself that he wouldn't get any major headway in the Runed Beetle tonight, so he put away his pick and statuette and followed this Maria into the backroom.

Here I thought you was looking fer an excuse to get drunk when in reality you're here same reason as me. Small world, Joe Bob says as he makes his way into the back room.

2017-10-23, 11:29 AM
Conrad sees a sword. A beautifully crafted and ancient sword stuck in a field of red. Fire and thunder crackle in the steel, almost alive.
Above it a grey mantle moves with the wind.
A wind that turns dark, poisonous and full of fire and brimstone. As If a raging volcano was on the move. As the black wind passes, the sword is broken and the mantle is no more.
Above it stands Arthur looking at the image through an invisible glass window. Arthur notices you.

Still a bit shaken by the memories, he puts a crooked smile on his lips “Of course sir. I’ll help with what I can.”

He waits for Eric to follow and moves to the back room where two individuals are already there, lingering a few seconds on the beautiful girl, careful not to cross eyes directly. “Well” he says in his British accent to no one in specific “this is crowded today.”

2017-10-23, 03:26 PM
Gray 'Grim' Malkan
Gray raised an eyebrow as the woman with the big man slipped back through a door that seemed to lead to the kitchen after the bartender spoke with them. Then Penn & Teller headed back. Glancing around, the suddenly quiet room, Gray wondered what had just happened. If nothing else, he didn't like to stick out - right now he felt like somebody was asking for volunteers on a suicide mission and everyone else took a step back. Picking up his beer, he walked over to the bar in an exaggerated slow meander, before sitting down a couple of seats away from the guy with the papers. He nodded briefly, then waved to the bartender.

"Sooooo ... Interesting crowd around here. Word on the street is you might be in the know about who to know ... or where to go ... catch a show ... do some blow ... see a ho ... lose your dough ...

Eh, that's all I've got. Anyway, what's with the sudden interest in your kitchen? Forget to bribe the health inspectors this month?" He spoke with a decidedly snarky attitude, but none-to-serious, as he watched Conrad closely.

2017-10-23, 03:28 PM
Maria stares down each of you in turn, hand on something in her purse. Threats, end them, protect yourself whispered a voice inside her head, which she stomped out with the ease of long practice. I was... unaware of other Paranet contractors in the area. You must be new.

2017-10-23, 06:34 PM
I know I am, starts Maxwell, In Vegas at any rate. As to the paranormal side of things, I've been here... a while longer.

A streak of purple light flashes in Maxwell's eyes. There is a small noise that sounds akin to thunder. Maxwell sighs, and says: Either of you know how to keep magic in check? I could use a seminar.

2017-10-24, 01:51 PM
“I am more used to white council networking and troubles, but since I came to Las Vegas I believe the Paranet can be a great outlet for my skills.” Says Arthur smiling. In it he hides one other reason he wants to search the Paranet jobs – trying to find any clues about the rogue demonic sorcerer that killed his father.

“I had formal and traditional training on magic.” He adds to the young man “But be wary of what you ask. I struggled to keep awake in most of those lectures”.

2017-10-24, 03:43 PM
"And here I thought you would be warning it was something very dangerous," a small, playful voice said from somewhere above in the room. Sitting cross-legged atop a book on a shelf was a small pixie no more than 5 inches tall.

"Then again, most magicians wouldn't be so quick to openly speak of the white council either..." he continued.

Suddenly, with a shy wave he also said,
"Oh. I'm Ramen by the way. Nice to meet you."

2017-10-24, 06:16 PM
Joe immediately goes in a defensive pose at the mention of the White Council, and says: Now I've done my darndest to follow all your bloody rules, well there's only two I could break, but still.

Once Joe realizes that there isn't a warden in the room, he sighs and says: Sorry. Destroy one sorcerer's tower and you're suddenly the craze for a few hundred years. I'm Joe by the way, Spirit of storm and swarms and whatnot.

2017-10-24, 10:31 PM
Michael digs into his plate with a ravenous appetite, taking large bites of meat, thoroughly enjoying the well prepared meal. It would not be hard for one to deduce that he may not have had a good meal in some time.

Justin turns a bit in his seat to look at Michael.

"Hello, Mr. McClung. I didn't expect to see you here. Normally students stick to bars near campus, is there a reason you're down here?"

Lord Raziere
2017-10-25, 01:41 AM
The Back Room
The Paranet Back Room is one full of cheap tables and cheap chairs. On one table is a bunch of plastic binders full of what seem to be full of common supernatural information printed out from the web, as well as a few papers scattered about, three of them seem to be about Las Vegas White Court, The Ice Queen and Fortunato. One binder is labeled "contacts list" turned to a page full of phone numbers, mostly what seems to be paranetters in the US, including Chicago, New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Boston and Washington DC as well as a few of the other larger cities.

Far in the back is a suitcase labeled "Wizards, please don't open: Paranet Laptop, specially shielded, hexing might screw up information."

On one wall is a big board full of papers tacked on detailing various notes Conrad put down about jobs:

Wanderland is a part of the Nevernever unique to Las Vegas, representing the hopes of everyone who comes to the city, it wanders around the city allowing people to enter if they know how to, where Fortunato the Wyld Fae gives them a fair chance to win unlike all the other casinos. However both the White Court and the Winter Court have been putting pressure on Fortunato to give the place up to one or the other ever since The Dragon died. While Fortunato is not a good guy himself, he is the closest thing Las Vegas has to one due to his nature making him give everyone a fair chance no matter what. I'm sure he will pay well for resolving this situation for him, as the White Court will only want to drive people into despair and the Winter Court is all about decay. Best keep hope alive right?

-Your going to get involved in Las Vegas supernatural politics really quickly
-Fortunato hates it when you cheat. Violently. He can sense when you do it, don't try.

Alexander is a bibliomancer who got laughed out of the White council for his magic being so weak he doesn't even hex anything. The guy however wants to establish himself as a wizard that the arcane world will notice, and he seems to think he has stumbled upon something big here in Las Vegas. Problem is, his magic only works in libraries so he needs people to do fieldwork for him. He has promised to pay good for helping him figure out the anomaly he thinks hes found. He can be found at University of Nevada, Las Vegas as a Chief Archivist. Maybe see what the guy is on about, I'm worried the twee nerd is in over his head if he's right and barking up the wrong tree into danger if he isn't.

-supernatural predators have been seeing the university as a new untapped target, be wary.
-Who knows whats Harrowmont has stumbled upon?

In the wake of the Red Courts death, their flunkies have scattered all over Vegas. There are still many of them around despite the Red Courts disappearance, and one of them worked as the human number two to The Dragon himself: Harrison Millford, former competent lieutenant to The Dragon and Red Spit addict. However he has gone missing and the eviller sides of Las Vegas have been searching for him- if anyone would know how The Dragon kept control of this place, it would be Harrison. Finding him might be the key to solving this, according to the client.

-The client, Herbert C. Plainfield has been already been reported to be dead. Oddly, he left strangely specific instructions on payment. Trap? Or killed to silence him?
-This search will likely take you across Las Vegas and encountering all sorts of supernatural threats
-will make enemies quickly with those also searching for him

The Ishtarans wish to clean up the flesh trade in this city. While sex is fun and okay, human trafficking and being forced into prostitution isn't, which is what the Followers of Ishtar wish to do something about. Problem is, they're kind of extreme vigilante types, and they could use people with more......discretion as other supernatural factions in the city profit from what they fight against. This is what Kenneth Mayeda aka Ishtar's Ad Man, believes and you might be just the person to help him figure out what to do about this problem.

-Arlene Ghorbani the leader of the Ishtar followers is known for her extreme methods and she and Kenneth tend to clash over sides of Ishtar
-You'll be making enemies fast with other factions
-Historically, the Ishatar Followers have been a balancing faction in Las Vegas, not a leading faction.

A local book store that sells real deal magical tomes and books has been robbed recently, this hasn't been reported to police given that the knowledge in such tomes is legitimately dangerous even to them, however one witness claims to have seen Martin Wormwood and a few demons perpetrating the scene of the crime, a known magic user of the dark variety. Whatever the reason, a magic user stealing books like that is never a good sign. The book store owner will pay gladly for the books return.

-Your facing a wizardly being, they could do all sorts of things.

I recently got a tip off and some money from some anonymous person that White Court thugs are muscling in the The Tunnels under Las Vegas, an extensive network of sewers full of downtrodden people broken by Las Vegas and thus prime victims for the Skavis. Its a simple job: go in, find those White Court thugs and make them pay. Supposedly.

-Dark and full of insects and disease down there, and there are more supernaturals than just vampires in there
-full of hopeless addicts, some of the Red Spit
-could drown at the slightest bit of indecent weather making it flood

At the bottom is a note written by Conrad "More connected than one thinks?"

"Careful there smooth operator, I think you went so smooth that you slipped up. Yeah, the kitchen is real messy. I simply had to hire new busboys to clean it, you wouldn't believe the germs inside, simply parasitic, why I some of them even feed on despair, have to pay top dollar for a cleaning job to get rid of that."
Conrad answers back at Malken, equally sarcastic while he walks back to the counter and cleans a glass.

2017-10-25, 05:47 AM
Hmf, Joe muses. He then says: We seem like a decent band of fools, we got a sneaky little guy, two spellcasters, and... well I don't know what you got yourself Maria but I assume it's something. What say we tackle one of these together. I vote on sewer vamps.

2017-10-25, 01:44 PM
"That's the trick" says Arthur "If you're in the know, you know about the council, if you're not in the know the name wouldn't make sense."

Arthur eyes seems to glow when he sees reference to wizardry and demons? Could he lucked out?

"Teaming up'" Arthur says as he thinks loud "That might be useful. Although of all of these cases, the demonic wizard might be of personal interest. But I am up to help you guys cleaning the sewers. That migth do the most good on the long run."

2017-10-25, 03:53 PM
"Hey, I didn't say anything about helping you guys! This all sounds pretty dangerous... So what's in it for me? A piece of the pie?

2017-10-25, 05:42 PM
Maria gives Ramen a small wave, quirks an eyebrow at the destruction of a sorcerer's tower, and then sighs. "What's in it for you is helping people, and getting paid for the privilege. If you are uninterested in that, I recommend leaving the room. As for "what I have", I have a knife and know how to use it, the knowledge of how to make a pipe bomb, and connections, among other things"

2017-10-25, 06:19 PM
Joe too looks unamused at Ramen, then says: Going against a spellcaster is one thing, but going against one that can actually bind spirits? No, it's too risky for me. If I can't shrug off his magic I'm suddenly off the side of the angels, and calling down lightning on each and every one that's with me. Either you guys will kill me, or I'll kill you. I dislike either outcome in any case.

That being said, I like to think I have a strong will. If we do against the Binder, then yes I'll go with you. I just want to make it clear to all involved what other dangers there could be.

2017-10-25, 06:20 PM
Eric leaned against a table, folding his arms in front of himself, apprising himself of the jobs available through the Paranet.

“Alright, so vampires it seems to be. What’s the play going to be? I’m not going full-vampire hunter and running straight in with flames and steel. They probably have someone calling the shots. Maybe if we find out who we can cut off the head and let the body wither.”

Eric looks around at those in the room, obviously not trying to avoid anyone’s eye contact.

“I’m with the spirit, too. Bindings are no good for many of us present here. Seems like too much danger. Ramen’s question is fair though. Jobs require recompense.”

Eric gives a wink to the diminutive fae. He understood.

2017-10-25, 09:43 PM
Ramen rolls his eyes. "I mean, plus, all I did was greet you, and you immediately assumed I was part of your little group. How long have you guys even known each other? It looked like a bunch of random strangers walk into a bar, asked the bartender for work, and now you're plotting to go out slaying vampires! This isn't D and D! This is Life! ..not the board game."

2017-10-25, 11:09 PM
Michael - The Last Chance Bar and Grill

Turning, Michael takes in a friendly face. "Oh hey Mr. Moser. Yeah, most college kids do, which is why I'm out here. Wanted to get away for a bit, clear my head. With all the stuff that I've been helping you with, I thought it best to relax away from a bunch of drunk college kids. Let me know if any more resources."

Do we have an OOC thread?

If Michael can figure a way from the "welcome stranger" to the back room in the FATE game where everyone should already know each other, he would vote for either the Alexander Harrowmont, Ishtar, or Wampires plot hooks.

Lord Raziere
2017-10-26, 02:57 AM
Ramen rolls his eyes. "I mean, plus, all I did was greet you, and you immediately assumed I was part of your little group. How long have you guys even known each other? It looked like a bunch of random strangers walk into a bar, asked the bartender for work, and now you're plotting to go out slaying vampires! This isn't D and D! This is Life! ..not the board game."

"......Ramen, we live in a world where vampires, faeries, monsters, angels, demons and the literal Christian God exists in some vague omnipresent providence sense, literally arranging things for people like the Knights of the Cross to do their jobs, where many powers run on faith and belief. Sometimes there are just spiritual entities foreordaining things that is just beyond our power to know. I personally wouldn't look too deeply into it. I mean.....do YOU want to see whatever spirits are formed from like.....half the stuff the media makes these days, and whether your being controlled by them? like just imagine the spirit of violent video game protagonists.....just roll with it, or you'll start questioning whether the omnipotent Christian God up there is truly allowing us free will or just making us do things to move pieces on the board of his own ineffable game."
Conrad said, leaning back relaxedly.

Do we have an OOC thread?

If Michael can figure a way from the "welcome stranger" to the back room in the FATE game where everyone should already know each other, he would vote for either the Alexander Harrowmont, Ishtar, or Wampires plot hooks.

WindStruck: don't you get meta with me, I'm better at it and can make whatever I want happen within the confines of this worlds' logic. :smalltongue:

Yes here it is (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?539550-DFRPG-Case-File-Las-Vegas-(OOC)&p=22489752#post22489752)

2017-10-26, 05:41 AM
Joe looks confused at Ramen's statement, and says: What's this "D'n'D you speak of? I heard board game, is it like chess?

2017-10-26, 10:21 AM
"Something like that yes." Says Arthur "I think the best way to deal with the situation is going there and investigate. See if we get a name or description. After that using "other" means to find the culprit might be easier. Not killing spree, just a walk in the seweres."

2017-10-26, 11:15 AM

"It's a combat simulator and cooperative storytelling game." She pauses, and blushes. "I have a group that plays on Thursdays."

2017-10-26, 09:53 PM
Michael - The Last Chance Bar and Grill

Turning, Michael takes in a friendly face. "Oh hey Mr. Moser. Yeah, most college kids do, which is why I'm out here. Wanted to get away for a bit, clear my head. With all the stuff that I've been helping you with, I thought it best to relax away from a bunch of drunk college kids. Let me know if any more resources."

Justin takes a drink, and taps his chin. "I don't have anything that especially needs doing right now. But this establishment is a... meeting place, of sorts. I can introduce to you someone who'll probably have work for you. I'll warn you, it'll probably be a bit more dangerous than what I usually ask for."

Justin drains his glass, stands up, and heads towards the back room with Michael.

2017-10-27, 03:53 PM
The little fairy shrugs and says, "Spying on an evil wizard guy should be easy enough for me. I could maybe help you out with that. Some kind of vampires in the sewers though... Um.. are those guys a really bad problem?"

2017-10-27, 04:00 PM
Michael - The Last Chance Bar and Grill

Michael nods to the barkeep, drops some cash on the bar, and follow's Justin. "You know me, I'm always interested in some thrilling heroics."

2017-10-28, 12:12 AM
Joe shrugs, and says: I barely had time to learn chess, I doubt I'd be any good at "D'n'D". It looks like we have two votes for wizard, one vote for sewer whampires, and one undecided. Looks like you're in the hot seat, Maria.

Although if it's a tie that comes up, we might have to flip a coin or something.

2017-10-28, 12:33 PM
Maria grunts, and lets go of whatever was in her purse. Whampires, huh? Sounds reasonable. I'm gonna make a call first, see if I can get a map of the sewers.

2017-10-28, 06:04 PM
Maria grunts, and lets go of whatever was in her purse. Whampires, huh? Sounds reasonable. I'm gonna make a call first, see if I can get a map of the sewers.

I meant you had the deciding vote betwixt Dark Wizard or coin toss.

2017-10-28, 06:19 PM
Justin walks into the backroom, quickly eyeing the occupants. "Hello Ms. Van Ives, it's nice seeing you again. I've got a friend looking for work- is there anything interesting that's popped up?"

Justin takes a quick look at the backboard. "God, I swear. If Dr. Harrowmont starts another ****fest at the university I'm getting the Dean to assign him to a creative writing class. For freshmen."

2017-10-28, 06:51 PM
Maria gestures at the group. We appear to have agreed to go find some, ah, whampires? In the sewers, and convince them to stop, well. Harassing people, I suppose. Do you think he'd be comfortable dealing with Skavis?

2017-10-28, 10:45 PM
Michael - The Last Chance Bar and Grill _ Back Room

Stepping into the room, Michael tell something is being planned. Postures, dossiers, vocal trends. And now, they were all looking at him. Great. "Well, I've wrestled with Reds before, well, before. Skavis shouldn't be too much harder, should they?"

2017-10-30, 09:52 AM
Gray 'Grim' Malkan
Gray watched as another group headed back to the kitchen. Nodding to himself as he considered Conrad’s
Comments, he grinned after a moment. "Ah, I get it ... so bad you have to go freelance, eh? Well, I’m always up for knowing the lay of the land. Real germaphobe, so hopefully you don’t mind if I take a peek ... just to know what I’m dealing with around these parts. I mean, a fella’s gotta know if he needs antibiotics or just some aspirin, amiright?"
If Conrad doesn’t object, Grim will slip to the back with the others

2017-10-30, 01:23 PM
As others start pouring in to the room, Arthur thinks The Paranet seems a great idea and a sucess. A lot of "people" are interested in helping others. To use their powers in such a way, even if for selfish reasons seems a good start of something. A beam of hope in this place.

"Welcome sirs. It seems we all are interested in some paranet business. I am Arthur." he says in a very theatrical voice.

2017-11-06, 04:36 PM
The room was really starting to fill up, and Ramen wasn't going to question it anymore. "Hi! Call me Ramen. If you're also interested in a job, maybe I should point out that eight or so people piling into underground tunnels or an apartment complex would draw a lot of attention. Maybe you all would be better off splitting into two or more groups?"

2017-11-08, 05:01 PM
Michael - The Last Chance Bar and Grill - Back Room

"That may very well be wise. I volunteer to go with anyone heading into the tunnels."