View Full Version : Souls of the Apocalypse IC

2017-10-18, 10:39 PM
The six of you are currently in a young town called Stenville, or really, more a village too large and developed in business and infrastructure to be thought of as a village any more - it lacks the border wall and internal governance that usually distinguishes towns from villages in the southeast. It’s usually called a town anyway for simplicity.

There are a few standouts - a dwarven smith, a few human brewers and bartenders - but nearly the entire population of Stenville (around 1,300) is lightfoot halflings. They had given you a wide berth when you first entered town on your travels, but once you entered the local bar, the Severed Goathead, you found a much friendlier reception - the halflings there are excited to hear about faraway lands over a pint or a pool stick.

The bar is fairly busy this evening. Around the bar, different groups are engaging in their own activities. Of course, many are simply seated at bar stools, enjoying drink and conversation among each other. A local musical ensemble (or perhaps more likely, the local musical ensemble) is playing in the corner of the large room, and a number of halflings are energetically swing dancing to the beat. There’s a row of tables by the windows, but almost nobody is seated at any of them. A few laborers sharing a pint and a meal at one table, a few lightly-armored people (from what you’ve gathered, members of the local watch) playing cards around another, but other than that, all the tables are empty - the local populace seems far more fond of general mingling than sticking to their cliques. The other notable feature of the room is that there appear to be two pool tables in one of the corners - a novel sight outside the central mountain kingdoms - with crowds of halflings playing or betting on games.

What would each of you like to get up to while you’re here?

2017-10-18, 10:47 PM
Lu smiles, seeing all the warm, friendly faces. She feels more at home here than many other places-everyone's about her size! She decides to simply mingle, finding a group and talking to them. She stays a little tight-lipped about where she's originally from, but regales the locals with tales from her travels, as well as asking after the local gossip.

2017-10-18, 11:20 PM
Stenville is a strange place. It is filled with strange people... very short people. Very short and very friendly people.

Sharwen remains seated in her semi-private corner, where she has been sitting for several hours. She very much enjoys listening to the music, almost as much as she enjoys being ignored over in her corner. She finds the music enchanting, and on more than one occasion sends a serving girl over to the musicians with a request. Each request is accompanied by a gold coin.

Sharwen wants to enjoy the music. One she is too tired for that, she wants to retire to her room.

2017-10-19, 12:31 AM

Sethellion Zeal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1362997)

AC: 16 HP: 12 / 12
Divine Sense: 4 / 4
Lay on Hands: 5 / 5
Slots: --
Active Spells / Features: Heavy Armor Master: Taking - 3 from non magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage if in Heavy Armor.
Concentrating on: N/A
Afflictions: None

Stenville. Population: Small-folk, a handful of humans, and a single Dwarf. Lovely.... at least the Dwarf will prove useful.
All of these thoughts, coupled with several other observations about his surroundings, passed through Sethellion's mind as he approached the Dwarven Smith. He had been away from his former capital and nation of the Southeast for a time now and his equipment would be in need of repair. Were it not for his whetstone, and his constant need to ensure his greatsword was properly sharpened and oiled before sleep each night, that, too, would have been in need of repair.
On the battlefield with his former unit, he had been called the Iron Knight, his enemies thinking him just a long heavy blade wielded by a tower of equally heavy nearly impenetrable armor. If there had been flesh underneath, something or someone capable of bleeding, his enemies had never seen it and thus didn't think it existed.

He had always worn a helmet with his heavy armor, but now that he was several long miles away from his former home, unsure if anyone ruling the nation was looking for him after his exhausting battle with the Lord and subsequent finding of the Lord Soul, he had to make alterations to hide any connection to that battlefield legend. He had already changed the style and color of his armor to a dark steel-like color and he was torn between styles of helmet. Should he go for something symbolic, something that shouted power, or should he go for something more intimidating that would dishearten his foes? Seth figured the smith would have some insight.

"Greetings, Sir Smith, I have come looking for advice and ideas on a style of helmet that might sow fear into my enemies. Something that would cover my entire face, for both protection and discretion purposes.
Perhaps something with horns, like a Minotaur...this sort of thing is not my specialty, obviously, but I can pay for your services.
From what I'm hearing, I am aught to believe I shall be in the immediate area for a time, if time is a thing you require to finish the work. I am sure a Master Smith like yourself has been dying of boredom in this town from lack of any real crafting challenge.
What do you say?"
Sethellion bows a half bow to the Dwarf, a motion of politeness and respect he had learned from his noble birth. For all of his fervor and mercilessness on the battlefield, Sethellion was nothing if not honorable. He gave his enemies, those deserving of it, clean and quick deaths. He didn't fight dirty, only without mercy, and off the battlefield he was very masterful with words and painting vivid images with them in conversation.

Something that had served him well both in intimidating his foes, and persuading others. He hoped those skills would serve him well even away from the Southeast.

Might not apply here, but Seth is trying to turn on his knightly charm and appeal to the singular Dwarf crafting things for a village who probably doesn't need many high quality works to begin with....

2017-10-19, 02:46 AM
Krogarn is jovial for a mountain dwarf, and is likely engaged with a few halflings in some contest of dice, cards, or anything else that can involve wagering coin. He doesn't seem to mind whether he is winning or losing, so long as the drinks are flowing and some kind of challenge to wager against.

2017-10-19, 09:07 AM
Erelos (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1361155)

As the dusk fades to evening, Erelos steps into the bar with his traveling companions, the music stopping a moment as his dark visage enters, his wings shaking off the light drizzle outside. "Well don't stop the fun on my account," he states coyly, placing his right fingers delicately against his sternum. "Music until the sun comes up, my darlings!" Both hands shoot up into the air as he strides forward to the bar. Leaning an elbow on the counter with his chin in his palm Erelos request of the ginger barkeep, "A nice merlot if you have it. Otherwise anything red. I adoooore red." With a tip and a smile he takes the bottle and glass and mosies about the establishment.

The diminutive stature of the locals made him feel all the more powerful with his newfound gift. There was a healthy amount of trepidation in their responses at first, but his casual demeanor soon set things aright. He spends the next hour or so letting the halfings teach him how to play pool with a great deal of jokes about how to hold the stick properly, balls and holes, and other filthy banter, much of which includes his tail. He notices Sharwen's distant attempts at interaction with the band and sidles over her way, his head hung low and shoulders sagging in a playful pout.

"Listening is all well and good for the ears, but there are sooo many body parts that enjoy it even more. You wouldn't want to be accused of playing favorites would you?" An impish smile as his tail taps her foot to the beat before running up the outside of her leg. "Come dance with me," he instructs, taking her hand and gently tugging to usher her to her feet. "We are kings and queens now. They should be so lucky to have us grace their floor."

Whether or not she joins, Erelos backs up to the floor with a jaunt in his step, his contagious laughter filling the air. He really felt on top of the world. Between songs, Erelos catches a glimpse of Seth. A twinge of discomfort stirs in the back of his mind, a reminder of the cruelty of his homeland. He stares for a time, curiously taking in the knight's armor and manner. He was far from home... and alone perhaps? Once Seth eventually notices the eyes on him, Erelos stares a few moments longer and gives a nod of acknowledgement and a raise of the bottle before stepping back into the dance circle withe the little ones.

2017-10-19, 10:06 AM
"Listening is all well and good for the ears, but there are sooo many body parts that enjoy it even more. You wouldn't want to be accused of playing favorites would you?" An impish smile as his tail taps her foot to the beat before running up the outside of her leg. "Come dance with me," he instructs, taking her hand and gently tugging to usher her to her feet. "We are kings and queens now. They should be so lucky to have us grace their floor."

Sharwen flinches, and scoots her chair and entire self away from the touch on her leg, a far less visceral reaction to being touched, than when the two first met. She pulls her hand back as well, and picks up both fork and knife to prevent the gesture from happening again. "Listening is my preference," she replies, her quiet voice made even more so by contrast to the cheerful voices, music, and general tavern noises. "I do not dance," she adds after a moment, thinking that at least a partial explanation for her refusal may convince her new traveling companion to leave her alone.

"But you should dance, if you wish to. That is my royal command." Still holding the fork, Sharwen motions towards the portion of the tavern that serves as a small dance floor, attempting to make the gesture look as royally magnanimous as possible.

As Erelos leaves, returning to the dancing he certainly seems to enjoy, a small smile finally finds her way onto Sharwen's face. This tavern and the friendly people in it are rather enjoyable to watch. The smile fades an instant later, as she returns to her meal. And sends the serving girl over to the band again, with a request for a jig this time.

2017-10-19, 11:37 AM

Sethellion Zeal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1362997)

AC: 16 HP: 12 / 12
Divine Sense: 4 / 4
Lay on Hands: 5 / 5
Slots: --
Active Spells / Features: Heavy Armor Master - Taking - 3 from non magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage if in Heavy Armor.
Concentrating on: N/A
Afflictions: None

Sethellion was very much alone, or rather, he had been very much alone, until he crossed paths with the Elementborn and all around paradox that was Erelos. With the hard won Lord Soul that had cost Seth near an entire army to obtain, he couldn't exactly go back to the capital and ask the Templar or high mages how to use it. So when the curiously androgynous and magically adept Erelos offered to instill him with the Lord Soul, Sethellion did not have to give it deep thought before agreeing. The power to end the Lords and bring the fight to them was exactly what he needed, and if the Elementborn could provide that, he was game.

Sethellion had met several Elementborn on the field of battle, some with scales, some with wings like Erelos and dark skin, others wingless but with similar tails, and each one was formidable and superior to the humans in most every way. Whatever experiments had created these beings, they made effective warriors and soldiers. If that was their goal or not, was beyond Seth, but he had seen their kind in action and held a quiet respect for their capabilities. Their creation was a tragedy from what little he knew of the harsh experimentation that bore them, but they existed, and as such they should be accepted. Few accepted them, however...something that would, perhaps, change in time.

With his business with the Dwarven Smith concluded, and his helmet left in the Smiths capable hands to be retrieved once finished, Seth ventured to the bar where he saw more of the little folk dancing and going about being far more merry than most other races of the world given the current plight of the Lords. Was it their ignorance to the world around them? Did they just not care? Sethellion wasn't sure how they could go on so happily knowing what he knew about what awaited them all should they fail. As his gaze continued around the room, he noted a few of his...companions...such as they were.

There was Lu, who nearly blended in entirely with the rest of the crowd given she matched them both in stature and potential for lengthy conversation. Seth had learned very little about Lu in the very brief time since causes had been joined, but the Gnome seemed like the sort who would prove that stature meant very little, and to underestimate them would be a grievous mistake.

The Druid was a strange one to Sethellion....perhaps not as strange as Erelos, who consistently perplexed Seth, but strange none the less. There were few things Seth believed in beyond his own driving cause, and he had seen the magic of the arcane and divine arts at work. Believing there was another type of magic that was more natural, that came from the primal energies of the world....was hard to wrap his mind around.

Krogarn was simple, and Sethellion's observations about the Dwarf were even more simple as he watched him wager coin in games of chance which required very little skill or strategy on the part of those involved.

Sharwen was..... Sharwen. Her own entity. Personal space was important, and her skills with the bow were only matched by her skills in moving silently. In the days he had been traveling with Erelos and Sharwen, she had repeatedly appeared suddenly and quietly where he wasn't expecting her to. She had intrigued him, perhaps without even trying. Then, there were the less subtle reasons as to Sethellion's intrigue with her. As a noble, Sethellion had an eye for the features of those who were extraordinary, and her High Elf lineage gave her quite extraordinary features. She was the only one among them with the same platinum-silver colored hair as he, and the look in her eyes betrayed more about her thoughts than her body language did, much like Seth. Were it not for his ability to read people, to obtain insight from observations, Seth may not have noticed any of these things, but he did....and he kept them all to himself.

Then, there was Erelos. The teachings of the Southeast had taught Seth to accept couplings of the same gender as no different than those of different genders, but Erelos was neither male nor female while being both at the same time. One moment, Erelos would be very much the man; the tone of his voice, body language, all displaying a masculine energy. The next moment, Erelos would be feminine, softer, alluring. In either form, Erelos was always flirtatious and enticing and, more often than not, always had a lewd comment or three on the tip of his...her...their, tongue. Then the way they used their tail... Seth was never as curiously captivated with any creature or thing as he was with Erelos.

As the Elementborn locked eyes with Seth for a moment, he held the gaze, wondering what they were thinking as they danced back on to the floor and disappeared. With that small bit of awkwardness finished, the Paladin made his way over near Sharwin and took a seat at a table along the farthest end of the same wall as hers.

"Are you hoping, like me, we will be done with this place soon and on to pursuing our goals? I dislike being stagnant for long....there is far too much to do."

2017-10-19, 12:08 PM
Lu, by now, has been roped into dancing by a few of the halflings. She's still in her armor (not having had a chance to doff it yet) but whirls and dances with surprisingly little hindrance from the heavy metal. Of course, she's a touch clumsy anyway, and soon enough nearly topples another group of dancers over. Sorry, sorry! she says, as they laugh it off. She blushes brightly, though, and beats a retreat over to Shar and Seth.

You guys should mingle a little. These are a happy people! she says. Don't be such downers, she adds with a little laugh.

2017-10-19, 12:21 PM
"I see no pressing need to leave this establishment", Sharwen replies, her attention turning towards the human who just arrived and sat down. Sethellion, she remembers his name to be."The music is quite pleasant."

Sharwen turns her pale blue gaze back towards the band and the dancers, noticing where Erelos dances off to, while also observing Lu's antics. The gnome seems to be as friendly as the local short people, she notes. The suggestion to mingle is met with a brief but clear shake of Sharwen's white blonde head. Perhaps if she doesn't comment on it, the little warrior will not insist.

2017-10-19, 12:43 PM
Ogedai spends the time drinking sullenly, we have duties left incomplete and already there is to much revelry. As the others dance or change the music he merely leans back blocking out much of the sound. The irritation was visible on his face that while he had found other eternal protectors like himself he had found no lord he could have slain. Thinking to return to the wilderness for a time upon the following morning he listens to the spirit's whispers and conjures an image of the next days climate.

Basically he casts druidcraft using the weather function

2017-10-19, 03:06 PM
Lu takes Shar's hand and tugs-gently, with her grip easy enough to break if Shar truly doesn't want to mingle. Come on-live a little!

2017-10-19, 03:46 PM
Erelos (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1361155)

Looking back at the table, Erelos saw no joy on his companion's faces. Elves and humans... he mused. Such a glum people. Apparently only the small or outcast can find glee in the darkest of times.

How could they not feel the elation of immortality? Was there some truth he failed to perceive with his gift? Or perhaps the prices they paid were far greater than his own. What was 4 relatively painless murders compared to losing an army's worth of brothers as he'd heard some had done?

They needed something to liven their spirits and music apparently wasn't it. Perhaps only death could sate a Deathless... which gave Erelos pause. Wandering purposefully to their table, he pulls up a chair near Seth and straddles it, breathing heavily from the exertion of the dance floor. "So... have any of you actually... you know... tested our little secret?" He asks quietly, raising inquisitive brows at 'tested.' "Do you know for sure it works like folks say it does?"

2017-10-19, 04:03 PM
Sharwen pulls her hand back immediately, shaking her head once more. "Thank you, but I prefer to sit and listen." She turns her attention back towards the dance floor, briefly catches Lu's eye and with a nod indicates that their elementborn friend is returning, before she withdraws further into her seat.

Her nearly white eyebrows raise a touch at Erelos' question, but she makes no move reply. Instead, her gaze goes to the two warriors in the group, the serious human and the boisterous gnome.

2017-10-19, 04:12 PM
Ogedai looks up from his drink. Sure I know it works, bled out in the mud after this Halfling I knew put an arrow in my spine. I would not recommend it, but I still had duties which I rose to once more. He then feels for and rubs his circlet muttering a short prayer under his breath.

2017-10-19, 04:30 PM

Sethellion Zeal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1362997)

AC: 16 HP: 12 / 12
Divine Sense: 4 / 4
Lay on Hands: 5 / 5
Slots: --
Active Spells / Features: Heavy Armor Master - Taking - 3 from non magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage if in Heavy Armor.
Concentrating on: N/A
Afflictions: None

"Unless you, or Shar here, have killed me in my sleep and I woke with no memory of the ordeal since traveling with you, then no. I have not tested our....gifts. You are the one the fused it into me...so unless you know something I do not, it seems only our Elf friend here has proof that we return after death." Sethellion glances between those gathered before speaking again.
"I do know this. My war against the Lord of my former region lasted days. Over several encounters. I heard whispers among my men that there was another, singular warrior, hunting the same Lord. That they witnessed this warrior die. That the same warrior would return several hours or sometimes the next day to continue the fight. I know not who or what they spoke of as, when I finally faced this Lord on the final day, we brought him down alone with no outside assistance. If you asked me a month ago if I believed in immortal warriors...Id say no. Yet here we are. So I am inclined to put stock in the rumors of having a designated place to return to upon our deaths, if thats what you were asking?"

2017-10-19, 04:40 PM
Erelos (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1361155)

At the two confirmations, Erelos adds, "Then the real question becomes... how much do we trust each other? Might it be prudent to adopt a communal coffin as it were? It's several days' journey to my home from here, even further for Ogedai. Who knows where this insane journey will take us. Maybe we should establish a spot in each town we come to? An abandoned roadside inn here, some unwitting innkeeper's room there... that way we'll always know where to find each other. Why be apart when we can be together, isn't that right Lu?" Erelos rubs a hand intimately on her back. "One big, happy family. What will the neighbors think?"

2017-10-19, 04:46 PM
Lu reaches back and grabs Erelos' hand. It wouldn't be a bad idea, she says as squeezes his hand painfully tight, as opposed to, let's just make something up. Like, oh, say, acting intimate with a warrior when you barely know them.

She yanks, hard, on his hand, dragging him off balance and knocking him to be face-to-face with her. Does that make sense? she adds, staring hard into his eyes for a moment to make sure he understands, then lets go, allowing him to stand back up.

But yes-we should make a spot we can all meet at. Preferably somewhere a short distance away-close enough to resupply at the town, but not so close we risk dragging them into a fight not their own.

2017-10-20, 10:14 AM
Erelos (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1361155)

Erelos winces at the firm grip and nearly loses the bottle in his other hand as she pulls him close. "What are you going to do, kill me?" He challenges with a smirk, still grimacing a bit at her powerful grip. After a couple fiery seconds he looks away and adds nonchalantly, "But fair's fair. I'm not to everyone's tastes I suppose."

He rubs his hand when it's released, "Did anyone notice a suitable shelter on our way into town?"

2017-10-20, 10:50 PM
Sharwen remains quiet where she sits, blue eyes going from person to person as they speak. Her eyebrows once more lift slightly as Erelos not only implies that a group of people who barely know each other, should trust each other, but that they should jointly establish some kind of return base in a safe location. She agrees with the latter of the two suggestions and begins to nod slightly... and then is thoroughly distracted as Lu takes exception to having her back rubbed, and acts accordingly.

The behavior of both gnome and elementborn is intriguing, but over too soon, as Eleros once again turns everyone's attention back to the need for a safe place to return to. Lu's deceptively diminutive presence seems as if it will serve as an effective buffer against the bard's persistent touching, so Sharwen turns her attention to the rest of the group. She particularly studies the responses from Ogedai and Sethellion, the only ones who claim personal experience, direct or indirect, with the ability to return from death.

2017-10-21, 12:18 AM
Krogarn manages to pry himself away from his frivolities long enough to give his thoughts on where they can set up on their future adventures.

We could always see if there's some abandoned shack or house on the outskirt of the village where we could set up. If there's a small set of sizeable tree's nearby, that could work too for our purposes.

2017-10-21, 05:07 PM
As Erebos talks Ogedai stares at him a look of immense distrust on his face, looking a little incredulously at how the others seem so willing to go along with it.

I would be more comfortable with a base amongst the wild lands. It keeps us safe from the all to risky machinations of greedy or jealous mortals. As he says this he peers over his shoulder and leans in. Now more pressingly, in the seemingly likely event this town bears no sign of the attacks of lords and there is no need for us here. Where do we wish to head on to next? Or has your lengthy socialisation with these locals actually provided us with more immediately useful information for once?

Now while I agree that we must defend someplace for recuperation I see no reason for all of ours to share the same location.

2017-10-21, 08:18 PM
It might behoove us to stick together, Lu says. Why don't we just sleep on it? We've got our rooms here, might as well use them.

2017-10-21, 08:42 PM
All at once, all of you feel a tingling sensation and a feeling of something tugging on you from within your chest. Even though you might not all be super familiar with the feeling, you're instinctively aware of what it is - a Lord Soul has just entered range.

Nobody else in the bar has any idea that something's started. They continue to play amongst themselves. However, it's all of a minute before an exhausted-looking teenage halfling bursts into the inn, gasping and sweating profusely.

"Guards!" He wheezes. "There's... monsters... plant things... front of town!" He considers his message delivered and slumps down onto the chair next to him.

The bar isn't too far from the front of town, so if you make your way outside and head towards the commotion, you'll see many of the halflings screaming and running, and if you make your way over there, you'll see guards fighting against the plant creatures.

Assuming you went with haste, there will currently be about half a dozen of the city watch here, not counting any you may have rallied to follow you from the bar. They're currently locked in combat with about ten strange, shadowy humanoid masses of tangled roots, ranging in size: five smaller than the halflings, four the same height, and one about average human height.

SMALL ONES: https://www.aidedd.org/dnd/images/twigBlight.jpg
TINY ONES: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e161/MarcoPolaris/TwigBlight_zps1a7b250f.png
BIG ONE: https://i.pinimg.com/236x/20/26/6b/20266bbfe301d6b784d58106a02032c9.jpg

Three of the tiny ones are engaging two of the halfling watch in an alleyway. The other four watchmen are engaging the four of their same size and the large one at the front entrance of town. The other two tiny ones are chasing after running civilians, who are currently fleeing in your direction. The creatures aren't particularly fast runners, but neither are halflings.

2017-10-21, 08:49 PM
Lu sprints as fast as her small legs will carry her the moment she feels the soul. She blows past the young halfling reporting about the plants, drawing her warhammer and shield as she does. She's suddenly very glad she hadn't found the time to doff her armor.

As she sees the mayhem, she yells to the guards Make space! Beat a safe retreat if you're wounded-I'm going to help.

As she yells, she makes her way towards the largest of the plants and smashes her warhammer down on it.


2017-10-21, 09:58 PM
Sharwen tenses as she feels a soul approach, her attention turning towards the group she has been travelling with rather than the soul outside of the halflings inside the tavern. She watches Lu rush out to face what is most likely an immediate threat, and stands, slowly, one hand lifting her longbow while the other draws out an arrow.

"Master Ogedai, I believe there may be a need for you here after all"

Sharwen will wait until the others go outside, and then she will follow. Once clear of the building she will attempt to hide, using terrain and shadows to do so, and proceed to look for a distracted target (like the one Lu is hammering on).

2017-10-22, 12:08 AM
It might behoove us to stick together, Lu says. Why don't we just sleep on it? We've got our rooms here, might as well use them.


Sethellion Zeal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1362997)

AC: 16 HP: 12 / 12
Divine Sense: 4 / 4
Lay on Hands: 5 / 5
Slots: --
Active Spells / Features: Heavy Armor Master - Taking - 3 from non magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage if in Heavy Armor.
Concentrating on: N/A
Afflictions: None

"I suppose that seems the most rea-" Sethellion was about to agree with Lu when a halfling burst into the tavern, going on about monsters outside.
"Did he just say 'monster plant things' ?!" Sethellion is on his feet in moments, the table he was sitting at shoved quite a few inches away in the process as he reaches into the corner for his greatsword; 'Rend', as it was named; before addressing the guards in the building while the others hurry outside to do whatever it was they did.

"You heard the man...er...half man... half-ling! You are under attack by monsters! We can help, but we can only do so much. The stronger force always wins, and numbers makes a force stronger. Those of you who are part of the town guard, go out there with me and defend your people!"


With, if at least part of, the guard rallied to the defense of this place, Seth follows the others outside as quickly as he can, swiftly spotting the largest of the plant creatures, and two of the smaller ones heading directly for the tavern on the heels of civilian halflings. They'd never make it to the tavern in time... If someone didn't do something, they would overtake the halflings in a matter of moments. So Sethellion gripped Rend in both hands, and charged forward, bringing the entire weight of his greatsword across one of the plant creatures as the Iron Knight steps between it and the halfling it was chasing.

To hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
(..................... really? o.o)

Continuing the momentum of his charge whether the blade connects with plant matter or not, Sethellion pass an alleyway with three more of the creatures about to outnumber 2 of the halfling guard and comes to a sudden stop, turning back around and running into the alley. "Leave them alone. There are much worthier things for you to waste your futile lives on. Wherever you came from, you didn't come here just for a few halflings, show me what you've got!"

2017-10-22, 02:06 AM
Krogarn rushes outside and, seeing the largest danger being the tall plant creature fighting the group of guards, charges over to it in order to give it a more durable target to fight while the guardsmen concentrate on the smaller ones first.

You'll be the kindling in our campfire tonight, ye overgrown brier patch!

Once he can reach the thing, he'll move forward and enter into his battle rage, striking the creature with his Glaive.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-22, 05:56 AM
Ogedai's head whips up and his eyes gleam with hunger the moment he feels the essence of the lord soul, swift on his feet as all elves of the woods are he attempts to beat his companions to the scene of the battle, once he can see the desperate fight he throws one hand onto his circlet and another to the earth. He chants "Let true nature restrict these vile imposters" While roots spring from the Earth attempting to bind in the foes, preferably the largest and those close to it which are already locked in combat.

As many enemies as fit within a 20 foot square make a DC 13 Str saving throw or are restrained

2017-10-22, 10:22 AM
Erelos (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1361155)

As soon as the feeling hit their chest, Erelos looked excitedly around the table at their companions. A moment of tension hung in the air before they all jumped up and rushed out the door even as the halfling was entering. Erelos took a moment to survey the situation before stepping toward some of the creatures chasing the townsfolk and attempting to skewer them. Seeing Seth's swing go wide, Erelos calls out encouragingly, "More grace, less haste. You got this."

Rapier against one of the creatures chasing townsfolk: [roll0] / [roll1]

BA: Inspiration on Seth (d6 toward attack/check/save).

2017-10-22, 11:11 AM
The last in the group to leave the tavern, Sharwen immediately blends into the shadows in the alley beside the building. She takes a moment to study the events in front of her, noting with distant amusement that the dwarf and gnome, the two shortest fighters, are the ones engaging the largest of the plant monsters.

The surly wood elf is doing something with the the ground... his words imply he is trying to trap their enemies, so Sharwen prudently refrains from moving closer to the battle field. Insteads he glances briefly at where Seth is disappearing into an alley, then at what Erelos is doing, and picks the easiest target she can see. An arrow flies towards the plant creature that currently is distracted by Erelos' rapier.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

Before the arrow reaches its target, Sharwen is on the move again, silently gliding into another set of shadows, doing what she does best - staying out of sight.

[roll3] I would very much like to assume that everyone is too distracted to notice the little elf sneaking around in the shadows, and automatically succeed at hiding, but that's not my call. :smallsmile: