View Full Version : Spells That Require Prereqs or Grant Passive Benefits?

2017-10-19, 11:30 AM
As per the thread title. I'm not talking about spells that are only on certain specialized class lists or that grant benefits over the spells' durations. Firstly, I mean spells that cannot be cast by anyone without, say, a feat, or that cannot be known by anyone who doesn't fulfil some other active prereq (aside from alignment, including vile and exalted; those are pretty self-explanatory). Secondly, spells that grant benefits just for knowing them or having them prepared, similar to how reserve feats work, but with spell slots, instead.

Please list sources, as well as whatever feat (or whatever) is needed for the spells' prereqs.


2017-10-19, 11:58 AM
Cerebrotic spells and the various Necrotic X spells require the feats Cerebrosis and Mother Cyst (respectively). HoH has some spells that require Improved Oneiromancy. IIRC, Dragon Magic has some spells that grant minor skill bonuses just for having them as spells known, though I can't recall any in specific.

2017-10-19, 12:11 PM
I think there was Vision of the Omniscient Eye (Dragon magic?) which gave +5 to spot just for knowing it, and there were some others from Spell Compendium that I recall existing but not the names of.

2017-10-19, 12:28 PM
Well there is Healing Lorecall, whilst one can cast it without at least 5 ranks in the heal skill there is no point as it will grant no benefits.

2017-10-19, 12:32 PM
Dragon Magic:

Adoration of the Frightful - +1 Competence to Diplomacy
Burst of Glacial Wrath - Resist Cold 5, stacks with all
Call of the Twilight Defender - +1 Competence to Knowledge: Nature
Haze of Smoldering Stone - Resist Fire 3, stacks with all
Mind of the Labyrinth - +1 Competence to Bluff
Vision of the Omniscient Eye - +1 Competence to Spot

2017-10-19, 02:04 PM
Bind to hell, (FCII, pg 58). While it can be cast by any cleric of the appropriate level, it only really does something if you're a divine caster that worships Levistus. I think that's a unique way to limit spell availability.

2017-10-19, 02:14 PM
Some more requirements

Dragon Magic (Dragon #308) - non-Dragons need it to cast spells from the article
War Magic Study (Dragon #309) - allow to learn and cast [War] spells
Wormbound (Dragon #343) - allow to learn and cast Kyuss-related spells

"Books of alignment" have some unusual spell components
//The caster must have remained free from the specified indulgence (including food, alcohol, sex, spellcasting, or receiving certain spells) for the specified amount of time prior to casting the spell.
Bastion of Good
Blinding Beauty
Call Faithful Servants
Channel Celestial
Lantern Light
Path of the Exalted
Radiant Fog
Radiant Shield
Twilight Luck
Vengeance Halo
Wages of Sin
Yoke of Mercy

//The caster must have the archon subtype to cast this spell.
Axiomatic Creature
Crown of Brilliance
Crown of Flame
Heaven's Trumpet
Shield of the Archons

//The caster must be an outsider with the good subtype to cast this spell.
Blessed Sight
Call Faithful Servants
Last Judgment
Sacred Guardian
Vision of HeavenDisease:
//The caster must be infected with the disease named in the spell description to cast this spell.
Cloud of the Achaierai
Crushing Fist of Spite

//The caster must be under the influence of the drug named in the spell description to cast this spell.
Bodak Birth
Glimpse of Truth
Identify Transgressor
Stop Heart
Stunning Screech
Tongue of Baalzebul

//The caster must be an outsider from the Lower Planes to cast this spell.
Fiendish Quickening
Flesh Ripper
Resonating Resistance

//The caster must be standing in a particular place - usually a site dedicated to evil - to cast this spell.
Identify Transgressor
Slow Consumption
Soul Shackles
Steal Life

//The caster must have someone's soul, specifically prepared and stored in a proper receptacle, to cast this spell.
Call Dretch Horde
Call Lemure Horde
Call Nightmare

//The caster must be undead to cast this spell.
Flesh Ripper
Grim Revenge

Red Fel
2017-10-19, 02:32 PM
Races of Eberron has both. Some of the spells in that book have a race as a prerequisite (listed as a component), while others are spells with the [Mindset] descriptor, which means that the spell has a special effect when prepared.

Here are the spells with a racial component from that book:
Shifter: Aspect of the Werebeast, Enhanced Shifting, Extend Shifting, Shifter Prowess
Dwarf: Furnace Within
Drow: Scorpion Tail
Halfling: Touch of Jorasco
While not a prereq, the spells Insidious Insight and Insidious Suggestion are cast at +1 CL by Gnomes.

And here are the [Mindset] spells:
Aspect of the Werebeast: While prepared, the duration of your shifting increases by 1 round.
Doppleganger Transformation: While prepared, you gain +2 to Bluff and Disguise checks, and +2 to saves against sleep and charm effects.
Furnace Within: While prepared, your unarmed strikes and metal melee weapons deal +1 Fire damage.
Insidious Suggestion: While prepared, gain +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
Wild Instincts: While prepared, gain +1 to Listen and Spot checks, +2 if you're a Shifter.

2017-10-19, 02:50 PM
Well there is Healing Lorecall, whilst one can cast it without at least 5 ranks in the heal skill there is no point as it will grant no benefits.

Listening and Balancing Lorecall (also from Spell Compendium) too, though they're less notable.

2017-10-19, 03:43 PM
Locate touchstone (Planar Handbook p.100) requires the Planar Touchstone feat.

Node door (Underdark p.59) requres the Node Spellcasting feat.

Not sure if this matches what you're looking for, but imperious glare (Spell Compendium p.120) requires the frightful presence ability.

The renew line of spells, inferno spiral, and acidic eruption (Secrets of Xen'drik p.144-45) require a spellcraft check to learn, but can only be cast once per time you learn it.

Dispel silence (Champions of Valor p.54) grants a +2 competence bonus on Listen checks while prepared.

Spiderbind (Champions of Valor p.58) grants a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against poison while prepared.

2017-10-20, 01:34 AM
I know there are spells with alignment restrictions or different effects depending on the caster's alignment but I am not even going to try to list all of those (they're not even only from the alignment books).

Dragonblood Affinity and Dragonblood Spell-pact (Dragons of Faerun) can only be cast by a Dragon or a Dragonblood.

There are also some other spells with different effects depending on the caster (not all are detailed): *Ancient Knowledge (Magic of Eberron) those with a specific Dragonmark or a specific Favored in House feat gain an extra bonus
*Arcane Spellsurge (Dragon Magic) Dragonblood casters can cast this as a swift action
*Blunt Natural Weapons (Dragons of Faerun) Dragonblood casters are +1 CL
*Chromatic Ray (Dragons of Faerun) casters who receive spells from Mask or Tiamat get a +1 Profane bonus to the attack roll
*Clothier's Closet (Magic of Eberron) those with a specific Dragonmark or a specific Favored in House feat gain an extra bonus
*Curse of the Elemental Lords (Dragon Magic) Dragonblood casters can add the bonus to any appropriate breath weapons
*Dimension Leap (Magic of Eberron) those with a specific Dragonmark or a specific Favored in House feat gain an extra bonus
*Distracting Shadows (Magic of Eberron) those with a specific Dragonmark or a specific Favored in House feat gain an extra bonus
*Dragon Breath (Draconomicon version, not the Spell Compendium version) +1 CL when cast by Sorcerers of any kind
*Dragoneye Rune (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Eyes of the Oracle (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Ferocity of Sanguine Rage (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods are +1 CL
*Ghostly Tail (Races of the Dragon) Dragons and Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Glorious Master of the Elements (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Greater Antidragon Aura (Dragons of Faerun) +1 CL when cast by Dragonslayer PrC
*Hidden Ward (Magic of Eberron) those with a specific Dragonmark or a specific Favored in House feat gain an extra bonus
*Hoard Life (Races of the Dragon) Dragons and Dragonbloods are +1 CL
*Light of Xymor (Dragons of Faerun) Bahamut worshippers are +1 CL
*Lord of the Sky (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Mark of the Enlightened Soul (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods gain an extra option
*Platinum Ray (Dragons of Faerun) Bahamut worshippers get +1 Sacred bonus to the attack roll
*Primal Hunter (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods can cast as a swift action
*Primal Instinct (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Primal Senses (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Primal Speed (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods can cast as an immediate action
*Scry Trap (Magic of Eberron) those with a specific Dragonmark or a specific Favored in House feat gain an extra bonus
*Shadow of the Dark Queen (Dragons of Faerun) Tiamat worshippers are +1 CL
*Shared Healing (Magic of Eberron) those with a specific Dragonmark or a specific Favored in House feat gain an extra bonus
*Speaking Stones (Magic of Eberron) those with a specific Dragonmark or a specific Favored in House feat gain an extra bonus
*Spectral Dragon (Dragons of Faerun) casters with a shadow connection gain bonuses
*Storm Touch (Magic of Eberron) those with a specific Dragonmark or a specific Favored in House feat gain an extra bonus
*Tail Slap (Races of the Dragon) Dragons and Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Tail Sweep (Races of the Dragon) Dragons and Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Touch of the Blackened Soul (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods get extra options
*Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords (Dragon Magic) Dragonbloods get extra healing
*Weapon of the Deity (multiple books) effect varies depending on your deity
*Wings of Bounding (Races of the Dragon) Dragons and Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Wings of Cover (Races of the Dragon) Dragons and Dragonbloods get extra bonuses
*Wings of Flurry (Races of the Dragon) Dragons and Dragonbloods are +1 CL
*Wings of Swift Flying (Races of the Dragon) Dragons and Dragonbloods get extra bonuses

Dragonmarked has some spells which require that you have a Dragonmark (I'm too lazy to separate the ones that care about the type of Dragonmark into separate lists or even note them atm):
Banish Dragonmark
Cursed Dragonmark
Dancing Dragonmark
Dragonblood Beast
Dragonmark Demesne
Dragonmark Shield
Dragonmark Symbol
Dragonmark Whip (+Greater)
Dragonmarked Weapon (+Greater)
Entangling Dragonmark
Fortify Dragonmark
Hide From Dragons
Marked Pulse
Mask Aberrant Dragonmark
Ray of Retaliation
Spell Haven
Summon Marked Homunculus
Taunt Dragon

2017-10-20, 02:21 AM
Book of vile darkness and exalted deeds have spells that have celestial and fiend requirements, meaning only celestials and fiends can cast them. Exalted deeds went even further and added archon, guardinial and eladrin requirements, and had prestige classes that let you count as those various types, allowing you to cast those spells.

2017-10-20, 06:34 AM
Animate Breath, Breath Weapon Admixture, Breath Weapon Substitution, Dispelling Breath, Enervating Breath, Ethereal Breath, and Rebuking Breath (Spell Compendium) requires the caster to have a breath weapon in order to function. (You can cast it if you don't have one, it just doesn't do anything). Stunning Breath (also SpC) is similar, but has the additional requirement that the breath weapon must do hit point damage. Cloud Wings (SpC) is similarly non-functional if the subject doesn't have a fly speed.

Mr Adventurer
2017-10-20, 07:16 AM
Are there any spells that are unique to the spells added to your spell list by any of the Initiate feats?

2017-10-20, 03:36 PM
Are there any spells that are unique to the spells added to your spell list by any of the Initiate feats?

Affirmative. There are probably a few which are exclusive to domains but for now I just researched those that require a feat while noting those which are also available via a domain but not another class (exception was Eldeen Ranger (Gatekeeper)) and I'm feeling a bit too lazy to research domain exclusives atm. Note that some spells listed in some of these books as Initiate exclusives also appear in other books (sometimes a 3.0 book like FRCS or Oriental Adventures) allowing access to base classes so those aren't listed; also, several are listed in FR books as available to clerics of the appropriate deity without a feat but I'm basically ignoring that.

Champions of Ruin:Initiate of Gruumsh:
-Battle Line
-Pocket Cave
Initiate of Ghaunadaur:
-Mantle of the Slime Lord
-Slime Hurl
Initiate of Shar (also in City of Splendors: Waterdeep): Armor of Darkness (also available via Darkness domain)

Champions of Valor:Initiate of Anhur: Thunderstroke
Initiate of Eilistraee:
-Eilistraee’s Moonfire
-Spellsonger (+Lesser)
Initiate of Horus-Re:
-Disk of Solar Vengeance
Initiate of Milil: Dispel Silence
Initiate of the Holy Realm: Love Bite
Initiate of Tymora:
-Favor of Tymora
-Fleeting Fortune
Lionheart: Initiate of the Holy Realm, Initiate of Nobanion, this is a little different then the Lionheart spell found in Spell Compendium and Miniature's Handbook

Eberron Campaign Setting:Gatekeeper Initiate/ Eldeen Ranger (Gatekeeper):
Detect Aberration
Nature's Wrath
Return to Nature
Zone of Nature's Purity

Mystic Lash: Initiate of Bane (PGtF) or Initiate of Loviatar (Champions of Ruin or Shining South)

Player's Guide to Faerun:Initiate of Bane:
-Stone Walk
-Undeath After Death
Initiate of Cyric:
-Black Talon
-Dread Blast
-Skull Eyes
-Skull of Secrets
-Triple Mask
Initiate of Gond:
-Understand Device
Initiate of Helm: Mace of Odo
Initiate of Ilmater: Pact of Martyrdom
Initiate of Lathander:
-Shield of Lathander (+Greater)
Initiate of Malar: Spectral Stag
Initiate of Mystra:
-Spell Phylactery
-Spell Shield
Initiate of Nature:
-Mold Touch
-Thorn Spray
-Tree Healing
Initiate of Selune:
-Wall of Moonlight
Initiate of Tyr: Sword and Hammer (+Greater)
Strength of the Beast: Initiate of Malar, Initiate of Selune