View Full Version : Published dungeons with awesome environmental effects

2017-10-19, 06:39 PM
I'm running Against the Giants now and really digging the wind/reduced visibility/slippery ice thing in the first level of the glacial rift. What other published dungeons (don't have to be 5e or "official" material -- I'm happy to figure out the mechanics on my own!) have cool environments throughout that impose interesting limitations on the adventuring party? A wide variety would be great.

Falcon X
2017-10-20, 01:15 AM
Literally anything from 2e Planescape, if your characters are able to travel to planes, or even dungeons that channel energy from other planes.
if you go back and look at the books, each plane modifies certain types of spells as they are cast. Time and movement might work differently too. Also, elemental planes have you deal with the elements.
- Limbo (Plane of chaos) is elemental soup, every element acting at once. A person with an appropriate wisdom score can meld the entire environment to look like what they want. Pretty nifty. The Githzerai have a city that has to be kept in existence by people who actively think about its existence.
- Ysgard (CG plane). It is a Plane of valor. Residents go out and fight every day and kill each other, just to spring back to life the next day. Problem is that if you aren't a resident, you don't come back to life. Bigger problem: the residents don't know you aren't a resident and might kill you.
- Astral Plane: Move at the speed of thought. Make houses out of the bodies of dead gods.