View Full Version : Nexus The Tower of Knowledge

2017-10-19, 06:59 PM
Lucimar the Lich Wolf walked along the borders of Outside until finally he settled on a spot. This is it, he thought to himself. I would rebuild Renchurch here, I will expand the Whispering Way's influence across realities. Then another thought occurred. This thought told Lucimar that the only reason The Whispering Way fell was because they were open about their evilness. So, it stands to reason that this "Nexus" has something akin to paladins, and if Lucimar was as obvious as he was with those who overthrew him, he would die once again.

So, having made a decision, Lucimar raised his claw-like hands, and and chanted binding words. Words he had only heard uttered once before. Word that would bring safety from those who would do harm. Words that would make a tower of unimaginable size, and when the last of these binding words was spoken a Tower did appear. This tower was long, but did not breach the sky. Lucimar stepped inside, and started to populate this tower both with the dead and with defenses.

The Tower of Knowledge is filled with, well, knowledge. Every type of magic do-da or some-such can be found here. The tower is, while not infinite, is Non-Euclidean which means crazy stuff happens when moving inside it. Don't want that wall to be there? Walk through it! Did you wish the staircase led to that one floor you need? Not a problem, will it to go that one floor!
Hey, I was using the staircase, why'd you have to move it? Doesn't matter, just will it to the floor you want! Bottom line, it's bigger on the inside.

Lucimar himself has made his home on the top floor of this tower of which most wizards can't get into. Lucimar, however, can see through the tower's many divination, and can tell when someone wants to talk to him. During the first few days of the Tower's grand opening, Lucimar will be among the lower floors greeting people who want knowledge or just wandered in by mistake.

Lucimar made this Tower to serve as a repository of spell components and knowledge so he wouldn't have to go outside to buy or steal them. He also made this tower so that mages of every calling could do the same. Want to learn about magic? There's a book for that! Need a really rare ingredient? The Tower probably has it, and if it doesn't there's a book on where to find it.

Last thing, Lucimar has warded his Tower. Any funny business or someone wanting to steal one of his books, and that unlucky customer is likely to feel either Bolts of Lightning or Mobs of Zombies. Thieves, beware!

Conflict is great! It's the heart of any story, and there isn't much to roleplay without it. However, as a player to player courtesy, please check in with the players who are active at any given time before launching an attack. Not everyone wants to roleplay combat scenes, and sometimes there are other things going on that players don't want to interrupt for a random fight. Either a PM/IM to players, a short post in thread to say ((Mind if I introduce a villain here?)) or a longer post in the OOC thread if it's a larger plot is appreciated. However, taverns are usually considered fair game for a Random Encounter or general brawl.

If you intend to start a large scale plot, such as an invasion or apocalypse or the like, please consider the following guidelines:

* Don't spring it on players. Characters can be surprised, but players have lives. Make sure they want to play in your event before conscripting them by going "Suddenly, Apocalypse!" in a thread they're using for other things or at a time when the relevant players have exams, family stuff, vacations, etc.

* Go easy on the Nexus-wide effects. Ominous visual effects like a blood moon or a green sky tend to be accepted. Massive spells that affect everyone in the Nexus or city / org destroying superweapons... expect pages and pages of drama.

* Avoid apocalypse fatigue. If there's recently been one, there needs to be a cooling off period before the next one. People want to be able to roleplay how the event affected their characters and various locations, and this requires some RL time where they aren't in the middle of combat.

* Inside is the standard Apocatarget, but if you're attacking Inside, this absolutely requires that the Remnant and Irregulars players are onboard, and have the free time to devote to it. The same principle applies to making any other thread your target - make sure the main players in that thread are willing to play. The other time this isn't required is for the Outside thread, since it's so huge that anyone can say they aren't at the Apocalocation. If you do this, consider simply making a plot thread for the apocalypse. It does lose some of the apocalyptic flavour, but it avoids a lot of headaches for players and the GM.

* Make sure you as a GM know what you're doing. (1) If you've never GM'd a Nexus plot before, DO NOT start with an Apocaplot. Experience as a GM for tabletop games or other freeform verses is helpful, but the Nexus is different enough to have its own learning curve. Start with a bank robbery, a kidnapping, or some other lower end villainy to get some practice. (2) Make sure you have the free time to respond to many many player posts as well as handling the npc victims if no one else steps up to play them. If you don't already post daily, you should not GM an Apocaplot. Don't say 'I know I only post sporadically, but it'll be different for this plot.' Prove you can post regularly first. (3) Remember that you're going to lose. Your villain may not realize it, but you as a player must absolutely accept this from the start. Even if Team Hero completely and utterly fails, you do not get to say 'haha! Nexus goes boom!'

* An Apocaplot, by its very nature, is an open plot. Unless you have it in a separate thread, it's no fair to lock players out from participating, or to say you don't want high powered characters joining. If you're throwing around world destroying events, then Exalts, godlings, and other OP beings should be allowed to get involved.

* FFRP is supposed to be what we do for fun. If we start thinking of it as a chore, then that's a sign that something is going wrong. If any player wants out of the plot, work with them to find an IC way to let their character get out of it without killing them. If everyone is slogging through, forcing themselves to post, and really bored with it, consider wrapping it up in a cut scene. If people are ragequitting your plot, that's a really really bad sign, and requires a timeout for tempers to cool.

Normal Nexus "Don't be a Jerk" rules. See OOC thread.

2017-10-20, 07:55 AM
Makol strides towards the tower, having sensed the magical energies used to create it. "Hmm, this is interesting." he mutters to himself, then nods at the sentiment... almost as if he was talking to someone else. He looks around, watching for any guards or traps that may be sprung on him... "You can never be to careful after all." To which he responds with another quiet nod.

2017-10-21, 08:14 PM
Tower's Main Entrance

Lucimar, as it is the first day of business, finds his thickest cloak and wraps himself in it, hiding most of his inhuman favors. He then strides out to meet the newcomer.

Good evening. I am Lucimar, the proprietor of this establishment. Was there anything particular you wished to know, or is there anything I can help you with if you have already guessed the purpose of my tower?

2017-10-22, 03:56 PM
I detected a large surge of magic nearby, and came to investigate. So, what's the tower for? You said proprietor, so I would guess a magic item store? Makol is at ease, although his "at ease" is one hand on the hilt of a sword, and prepared to cast a spell.

2017-10-22, 06:36 PM
Lucimar chuckles, then says: Store? No, I have no need for material gain. This is a library for the public interest. It has most of everything in the way of texts and spell components.

2017-10-23, 08:01 AM
Library, eh? So, what's in it for you? Makol smiles, leaning forward ever so slightly, his features decidedly fiendish.

2017-10-23, 11:57 AM
Absolutely nothing. I have found that the best way to make a good first impression is to give to the community rather than trying to destroy it, as I have tried previously in years past, Lucimar explains.

2017-10-23, 12:06 PM
First Impressions.... Why is it that you would be worried about such things? Makol is grinning, although it is barely obvious, his face seems to barely move at all. Sounds like you are trying to set up a little business behind the scenes if you ask me.

2017-10-23, 06:29 PM
Lucimar grins, and says: Well, if you must know there are certain... formulas held within the Tower. Numerous past wizard's recordings of their ascension to an unlife. This certain form of unlife, in my world at least, is called "Lichdom". Aside from helping those who wish to seek out Lichdom, the Tower also serves as a repository for phylacteries. This isn't a library, it is a fortress.

On the off chance that this newcomer was against the practice of undeath, Lucimar rests his hand on his dagger's hilt.

2017-10-23, 07:32 PM
Ah, liches. Makol grins, his mind already having sorted out a fiendish plan, even if it isn't what Lucimar actually planes. So, you have their phylacteries you have a measure of control over them eh? It is rather obvious that he has no problem with undead. I find lichdom... sort of...
Well, I figure there must be a better way y'know? He is watching Lucimar, his hand is still on his sword, hopefully it won't come down to that though, he's starting to like him.

2017-10-23, 08:08 PM
Lucimar shrugs, then says: Everyone has an opinion. I thank Urgothoa however that your opinion isn't as... overzealous as some others.

2017-10-23, 08:21 PM
Makol chuckles "Ah, yes overzealous people can be a bit annoying... Well, would you mind if I came in and looked around?"

2017-10-24, 05:33 AM
Not at all. Oh, don't try to steal anything, the wards will go off. If you wish to bring materials away from here, just check them out at the front desk.

2017-10-24, 09:00 AM
Makol looks shocked, I'd never! Copy? Maybe, but I wouldn't steal. He leans forward a bit, My business is based on contracts, stealing hurts there. He steps forward, intending to follow Lucimar into the tower, 'never let a person behind your back' and all.

2017-10-24, 11:46 AM
Another visitor approaches, having seen from far away this vast structure raise itself up.

Anchor rides an eyeless two-headed horse, wears a heavy red cloak and a suit of armor built from bones and starlight, and carries a gigantic three-tipped spear of a lance at the ready. Her shadow doesn't match her movements or shape, leaping from its shadow-steed to scamper ahead, or lingering behind, or hiding itself momentarily in the shadows of objects they pass by. At first she hangs back, looking the place over at some distance, but it seems safe enough. She dismounts, pulls back the cloak's hood. Resting the haft of the spear on one shoulder, she bids her monster-horse stay here while she heads towards the tower's entrance. Had the door, when she arrived, just closed after someone going inside?

((Not meaning to interrupt. If Lucimar is going to show Makol around or anything, go right ahead. But I figured the place could use plenty of visitors when it was just starting.