View Full Version : Hell's Vengeance 2: Vengeance Harder [IC]

2017-10-20, 12:53 PM
Night falls on the sleepy town of Longacre. A few lights shine in windows or on the streets, and occasional conversation carries out to the streets. Outside town, it is quiets, aside from the occasional rustling sounds from the wilderness. Moon is the only light that shines upon you, and even that is occasionally obscured by the clouds above. In short, a great night for a bit of burglary. Light enough to see by, dark enough to not be seen.

You have come here at the call of Cimri Staelish, who has enlisted you to help her with a shakeup of Louslik Tannery. You can smell the place about as well as you can see it in this light, the smell of dung used for softening the leather permeating the surrounding countryside. Located around a mile outside of Longacre, the tannery is made up of two buildings and a yard surrounded by a palisade. The compound is perhaps 50ft by 100ft total, and lit decently. A single gate grants entrance to the place.

You knew the target beforehand, and some might have come during daylight hours to check the place out. Your reconnaissance has yielded the following:
-It's smelly. The yard is mostly empty, lit through the night.
-The gate has a simple operating mechanism, but creaks a lot when opening
-There's a gap in the palisade in the north, by the two buildings, fit for a goblin, or with a bit of effort, a human as well.

Cimri is a young woman, barely into adulthood, but a heart of a criminal beats in her chest. She wears a leather armour (produced by the tannery she's about to break into) and prefers browns and greens for clothing. She has short brown hair and wields a kukri on her belt. She ties a scarf around her face to avoid recognition.

"There it is - Louslik Tannery. Plan's simple: We break in, sack ol' Louslik's office, take whatever's shiny and get out before the sheriff shows up. If we get split, haul yourselves to the Ash House by dawn for your reward."
Dull moonlight glints across her dagger as she flicks it in emphasis. “If you get pinched, remember: you’re mute. Keep your mouth shut, and I’ll handle things. I got assurances that we won’t take any blame if things go south. But get chatty and I’ll let you rot.” A beat passes and her usual crooked smirk appears. “If you don’t screw things up, we’ll all be drinking on Razelago’s coin come dawn. Let’s do this.”

I think there were plans for more detailed reconnaissance, or some ploy of gaining entry. This is what you get just by looking at it (and making Perception checks from the outside), so feel free to elaborate on any further plans before moving in for the assault.

2017-10-20, 08:49 PM
The half-tiefling, half-halfling scurried on all fours with a daggar clasped in his mouth and his long, lizard-like tail trailing behind him. In front of her, he stands up, transfers his daggar to his hand, and retrieves a small shield from his pack with his tail. He is completely covered in mostly dried mud, as he earlier said he thought wallowing in the local mud might make him "blend" better. His spellbook, The Secrets of the Soil, Vol 1 is hanging part of the way out of his muddy pack, though it appears he at least had enough foresight not to wallow in the mud while his book was in the pack. With a toothy grin, and a quick flick of his forked tongue, he addresses Cmiri, "Again...sorry my father couldn't make it. I've heard a lot about you. Not all of it good, but I guess we are technically family. I'm your cousin Marino. I'm not sure if you've heard about me. I'm an adopted former slave. Back to business, then? I say we get in there and avoid killing anybody or anything while we are in there. I have some spells prepped that should do the trick. We might need to keep these people alive for later, I think. I read about lots of cool things in my dad's library, but he never let me try anything cool. Maybe now that I'm finally out of the house, I can try some of that wild and crazy stuff I hear you do! Sorry if I ramble. I'm a talker!"

This whole time, the small tiefling is talking maybe a little too loud, but he is young and nïave, so you can tell he just lacks common sense. He is obviously a little too excited to be here.

2017-10-21, 08:56 AM
Ricardo followed Cimri to the tannery, not knowing how exactly this "job" was relevant to why he was sent here in Longacre. But if suspicion were true, this establishment was hiding taxes due to the crown.

He was outfitted as usual: brown and burgundy clothes with a hood and a scarf hiding his face, and a hide shirt for protection. He was holding his bow, while his quiver and arrows rest in his back.

When finaly Morino stop talking, Ricardo speak, lower than the tiefling.

"Ramble in you head if you must, but you should keep quiet until you have something usefull to say."

He then ask a question to Cimri.

"Do you have any idea how many guard we should expect?"

While talking, Ricardo keep his eyes on the Tannery, trying to see any guards or patrol around the perimeter.

Perception if needed: [roll0]

2017-10-21, 09:53 AM
Chuffy had been idly digging around in his nose for a booger while the Cimri-Human spoke. After finding and gobling down some of the treasure his nose had, the little goblin began to idly toss one of his inert bombs up and down in one hand. He briefly considered juggling it along with two others, but thought better of it. It'd be a shame if he dropped any of them, let alone three whole bombs. That'd not do.

He cleared his throat of soot and phlegm with a grumble before pipping up in a shrill voice. "Small-small place, good for Chuffy and others to sneak through. We should take-take that way, super sneaky!" Chuffy accompanied the words with an ear to ear toothy grin at everyone. He was none too familiar with tanning. Too stable a process. But it looked at though the walls were made of wood at least. Chuffy reckoned those were burnable. The goblin shook his head. Money. They were here for money. A big part of the small goblin wanted the owner and his employees to fight back. They'd make almost as good kindling as the chatty half-man.

Otherwise Chuffy looked past Cimri into the night. If he was going to be sneaky then it'd help to try and see-see what guard-humans there were. Most goblins didn't do that. At least, ones that Chuffy had met didnt think this far. Most dead goblins that is. Being dead was no good for lighting things on fire. He tried to imagine the look of this Loulisk-Human. What he'd smell like as his meat sizzled and popped. It brought another, more far away smile to the goblin's face, sending his heart a-beating in anticipation of the violence to come.

Perception to see if there are any guards about: [roll0]

2017-10-21, 01:20 PM
Karthos, while feeling out of his element, was still rather nonchalant. Not seeing any guards present, pitches his voice low. If anyone has any questions,
now is the time. Else, keep your mouthes shut, we don't want to deal with any nosy guards if we don't have to. Now, do we have a description of this evidence we are after? Or is it just the "shinies" to prove that they have more than what they claimed?

2017-10-21, 04:21 PM
"No worries cuz" Cimri says to the tiefling. "Maybe keep it down a notch. Not that it's likely an issue but I'd like to keep danger low. As for the proof, he probably has a safe or a lockbox or something. We grab that and take it to our employer. Contents included. Anything else we can keep.

Hattish Thing
2017-10-21, 08:27 PM

Nylora stands tall in the darkness, as far away from the goblin and the mud-splattered tiefling as possible, a look of distaste bare upon her face. Slender, and gaunt, but not entirely without curves, the supernaturally youthful-looking woman stares ahead with haunting, almond-shaped eyes of pure, glistening, blue light, a look of haughty, superior disinterest bare upon her uncomfortably skeletal, porcelain-shaded, heart-shaped face. The regal, imperious figure maintains impeccable posture, her slender form perfectly modeled after many years spent attending the prestigious university of Lepidstadt, ever the model student. Her wintry skin is perfect and unblemished, however, many late nights spent without suitable rest has caused dark circles to manifest beneath the woman's prying, bird-like eyes. In addition to her sunken, penetrating eyes of unnerving pale blue light, the woman's curling, disapproving deep red lips seem permanently set to scowl in an imposing sort of fashion, the blood-drunk shade of deep red standing out against the stark white color of her smooth, cold flesh.

Although the unnerving woman's curvaceous, yet angled form and alluring, white-haired beauty both inspires fear and respect, the scholarly figure's twisting, sinewy form and round-shouldered, yet-angled frame certainly still attracts the attention of onlookers, simply due to her bizarre, seemingly mismatched anatomy. Something about her felt wrong, even to an untrained eye. Limbs, too long, too muscular; fingers, crooked and eerily skeletal; eyes, seemingly too large for her own head. Furthermore, the Associate Professor's peculiar taste in regal shades of expensive black cloth and glittering, crimson-colored gothic jewelry has been known to captivate even those accustomed to encountering individuals of great eccentricity, and her choice of garb merely adds to her curious appearance.

She can usually be seen clad in her threadbare leather greatcoat, dyed in faded, but luxurious shades of regal midnight black. The well-worn noble greatcoat is decorated with lines of faded silver, and complicated patterns created of threads crafted of actual spun-silver. The woman wears beautiful surgeon's gloves over her hands. Beneath her tattered greatcoat, the woman wears a frayed black and silver vest, decorated with complicated silver designs and glittering rows of perfectly polished onyx gemstones set into lines of glittering, spun-silver threads. A dusty, cracked platinum necklace decorated with flecks of gold and silver hangs from his neck, and a sharp, angular collar of threadbare black-leather rests upon her angled shoulders, wrapping about her neck.


The woman cautiously adjusts the bandolier set over her coat, ensuring that each glass vial of nauseating, half-congealed white liquid remains stoppered. Dozens of smaller vials, filled to the brim with bright, crimson fluid line her belt. The woman polishes an ominous syringe held in her hand, filled with what appears to be some vile mixture of the congealed white and bright crimson fluids worn upon her person. As she continues to polish with the utmost precision, Nylora begins to speak, her soft, yet unsettling voice echoing slightly.

"I've prepared a fresh batch of the goodblood for transfusion, should things go... poorly. However, should everyone perform their function, we'll have no need for my healing. A preferable outcome, indeed."

"Wouldn't you agree?"

She smiles a little at this point, her slightly crooked grin appearing all the more unsettling due to the syringe held in her hands.

2017-10-21, 08:59 PM
Of all the members of the working party that had assembled outside the tannery, the one that looked most out of place was the female hobgoblin, whose countenance exuded an equal level of gruff dislike and stiffness. Despite the fact that she was in a distinctly civilian attire, there was much that anyone could notice, and comment about the unusualness of it, such as the impeccable measure of posture, or the straightness of her clothes. The graduation ring on her fingers, or the officer's sword at her side could've been dismissed as the fruits of theft in Longacre, since there were plenty of veterans to take from, but it was the combination of soldierly-unease and those items that made it quite obvious that she had no business in the company she currently kept.

And in her mind, the exact same thought whispered itself, playing on repeat like a dead wizard's message. She had expected that she would have been joined by likeminded citizens of Cheliax, incensed by the possibility of blatant flaunting of the country's only obligations. But considering the unrepentant trash she had witnessed in the past month that she had spent stationed in Longacre, it occurred to her that she had to be happy that they were still better than the common criminal.

Even if it was beginning to seem that their motivations were much like one.

But it was the mention of employer that caught her ears, for Cimri had enlisted the officer's aid under the words that it was for catching the owner for tax fraud and evasion. This business of employer was not mentioned in her recruitment to the cause, but for the moment, the Daughter of Kaiserreich deigned to only make it a note for the future. When so close to completion of the objective, it was unhelpful to split her focus.

"Can we" she whispered to Cimri, her low voice nearly losing itself in the dark, "expect anybody inside?"

2017-10-22, 09:48 AM
"Like I said, just Louslik himself. Unless he's expecting visitors or something. Cimri says in reply. She turns to the goblin.
"So little guy? You think you can get in through that gap in the fence? Anyway, looks like some among us might have a bit of difficulty squeezing their way in. There's gotta be a way to open that gate from the inside though. Anyway, I think I can fit through with a bit of work, come in after you guys, open the gate so the military girl can get in. Unless she figures she can climb the fence.

How do you want to go about this? Fence looks around DC 15 to climb. The gate is locked for the night. The gap is going to need an Escape Artist check. DC over 10.

2017-10-22, 12:43 PM
Lina's immediate response to Cimri consisted of a single raised eyebrow, wrinkling her light blue forehead just a tiny bit, before she turned to consider the fence. Tall enough to require some effort and skill on her part, and while she had done a fair amount of fortification climbing and breaching, it was noisy and stressful affair. Perhaps that had plenty to do with the fact that those exercises consisted of climbing while instructors threw rocks big enough to force a cadet to fall, and Lina had fallen plenty of times, but either way, it would be grossly unneeded and serve no purpose than to validate an ego. Were she to make even the tiniest of noise, she could compromise their cover, so she whispered "Let's keep the op safe, so I don't feel the need to engage in stunts of that kind. You and the goblin can handle the gate with ease, I'm sure."

With that said, Lina turned to look around, her snake like eyes narrowing to slits as she tried to make sure nothing was too out of the ordinary, though she doubted her own capability to judge, since the entire situation was out of the ordinary for her.

Hobgoblins are about half a foot smaller than humans on average, in PF. Would you say they're bigger? (I'd gladly accept that, since as every one knows, the taller the martial race, the cooler and better.)

Also, perception, because I'm a little suspicious right about now. [roll0]
Most likely nothing, but Lina's gonna be a bit paranoid, since she's not used to situations like this at all.

2017-10-22, 02:42 PM
Ricardo raise his shoulders in response to Cimri's question.

"I probably can manage to climb that fence, but if Chuffy here can get through the hole and open the gate for us, that might be a less noisy solution."

He thenlook at the group and say calmly:

"I'm ready when you are."

2017-10-22, 09:28 PM
"I'm not much bigger than Chuffy, I'll lead the way! This is exciting."

The pint-sized tiefling scurried through the hole and guestured for Chuffy to follow. After motioning towards the goblin, Marino put his hand to his lips then did an about-face, freneticly looking about the compound.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
AC: 18

2017-10-23, 11:12 AM
Chuff'd been idly fiddly with his crossbow when he was voluntold to go through the hole. Then the half-human piped up to go along. Chuffy could talk to himself whenever he wanted to. He didn't need no jumped up half-human talking to him all night long. Hopefully the crackle of a few flames would offset the man-fiend's chittering.

He nodded as the brand on Chuffy's forehead belched out a plume of smoke. He inhaled deeply for a moment, savouring the smoke, before loping after the stupid tiefling. Hopefully there was something combustable inside the walls of this place. After getting through the gap he joined the mudmage in looking about for things to alight. The others would be happy if greeted by a warm, welcoming fire after he got the gates open.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2017-10-23, 12:08 PM
Does dog count as combustible? Regardless, there is... a dog!

Marino and Chuffy squeeze their way through the fence to the yard. The smell is appalling within. The area is not completely open, and there are water barrels to take cover behind.

The tannery yard
Roughly oblong, 50ft North-South, 100ft East-West. The yard is lit by two lamps, rendering it generally normally lit, with low light at the edges.
North palisade has a building at the approximate centre, and the gap due East. A window faces inside, and a light shines indoors.
West palisade has the gate. North-western corner has an elevated platform, tall enough to admit a wagon to be loaded more comfortably. No wagon now.
Southern palisade is unremarkable, but the southern side of the yard is taken by big vats. They are the source of the stench.
Eastern palisade has the other building. It is larger and looks like a workshop.

A dog is standing watch alertly (napping) at the porch beneath the lit window, 25 feet away from the gap in the palisade. It seems oblivious to the presence of Chuffy and Marino. Cimri follows them through the gap in the palisade, squeezing through and skulking her way into cover. She needs a moment to focus on not being sick.

The tannery yard smells really awful. So awful in fact that you need a Fort save or be nauseated. Then sickened. Characters with Craft (Alchemy, armour or similar) or Profession (tanner) need not make a check, as they handle stinking chemicals all the time.

With regards to flammability, something that smelly must be somewhat flammable (if not wet).

2017-10-23, 04:10 PM

Marino cups his hands over his face when he smells the stench. Even the muckiest mud didn't smell this bad.

2017-10-24, 05:34 AM
Ricardo stand ready to enter as soon as his teammate open the door.

2017-10-24, 11:36 AM
Chuffy let his head slump to the right as he looked at the coughing. He whispered, red eyes bulging in the darkness "Why you cough? Is not so bad." He then turned to the Staelish woman. A dilemma presented itself. On the one hand Chuffy had been told to open the gate. On the other hand, he didn't really want to. Especially not with a juicy dog to roast alive. Right in front of him. Chuffy leered at her, with a toothy grin. "Chuffy and half-slip will kill dog. You get gate unlocked. Dog wakes, we kill and you unlock gate anyways."

2017-10-26, 10:10 AM
Cimri nods. She starts stealthily enough, going to circle around the south, but the dog wakes. You sense it is about to bark. Cimri trusts you to take care of the dog, abandoning stealth and rushing towards the gate. She is halfway there, able to open it next round.

You have an effective surprise round on the dog.

2017-10-26, 11:51 AM
Seeing the dog seeming to shake himself awake, Karthos stares at the dog, gesturing through the air, with a motion looking like he is making a long vertical slice, then opening something, reaching in, then with a relentless grip, slowly squeezing a fist sized object.

Casting Exhausting Strike (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/death#toc1), and using a spell point to make it exhausted for 1 minute, Medium Range, range touch attack, dc 15, fortitude reduces to fatigued for 1 round.
Ranged Touch attack: [roll0]

2017-10-26, 06:56 PM
Marino sees the dog awaken, and quickly casts Prestidigitation on the ground next to the dog, flavoring a pound of the soil to be raw red meat. He hoped that this would distract the sleepy dog so he could avoid killing it. He knows killing should be a last resort.

Spell-Fail: 5%

2017-10-27, 08:57 AM
Chuffy grumbled. "Bítch was too noisy." He'd wanted to detonate the mutt as it had slept. It's surprised squeals would have made a pleasant accompaniment to the percussions that came before it. Now, all ruined because of the Staelish-human's inability to move quietly. "Stoopid dog. BURN BURN!" He reached into his sachel and went to one of the elixirs he'd made. A dog would provide ample testing as to how effective it'd be.

As he quaffed the slimy brew, a shield of energy became to wrap about Chuffy.

Using the surprise round to drink a shield extract.

2017-10-27, 09:23 AM
Cimri rushes to the gate and pulls the lever. A counterweight is released and the gate swings open.

The dog stands up, barking at Cimri angrily. You see the light in the window flicker, as something moves inside. You also hear another dog barking away inside.

The dog does not yet attack. It is, after all, a guard dog, not an attack dog. It guards the building of its master at this time, snapping and growling at anyone approaching. It is 5 feet away from the door (not adjacent), and is still around 25 feet away from the intruding team.

2017-10-27, 10:13 AM
Chuffy stepped forward and turned his eyes onto the dog. The thing looked like kindling, all it needed was the tiniest of sparks to set it ablaze. Chuffy bared his teeth at the dog and snarled. It sounded more like something the dog might utter, rather than a humanoid. "Useless, feckless whoreson trotter. Burn for the fire, that it might be seeing you to comfort!" As he said the words, Chuffy stepped forward and withdrew a glass sphere from one of the many pockets secreted away on his person.

He hefted the bottle overhand. The little slice of Armagedon corkscrewed lazily in the air as it mixed itself.

Stepping 5ft forward to get within range.
Throwing a bomb at the dog
To hit (vs. Touch AC): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
4 Splash damage.

2017-10-27, 10:28 AM
Cursing under his breath at his wild aim and the miserable mutt making a racket. Karthos directs an invisible soul to fly towards the flea-bitten cur, where it siphons the life force of the mutt and makes it his own.

Bound Nexus - Siphon Health (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/soul-weaver#toc9) - 1d6 damage and I gain that damage as temporary hit points.

2017-10-27, 10:50 AM
Sensing a fight, Marino cast gyrated his head, causing his headband to glow a bright white for an instant, strobe brightly, then go dark, thus allowing him to cast mage armor on himself, hopefully making himself immune to physical attacks. He then walks toward the building's door, clutching his buckler with white knuckles.

Should be 22 AC now

2017-10-27, 11:42 AM
Oddly enough for Lina, the first sign of trouble didn't come from outside like she was expecting, but rather from the inside. She heard a bark or two, before the gate she'd been waiting on opened, and out came the sounds of a blast. Quickly assessing what she was witnessing, Lina's ears dropped low and she sprung into action, with only part of her mind contemplating whether it was incompetence or simple lack of luck that had suddenly turned their operation into a ****show. Drawing First Circle from her scabbard, she rushed towards the dog as she saw it, before sliding to a stop before it on her knees, and deftly forcing the momentum she was bleeding off into a slash from below the dog. She had come face to face with the dog as her body bent back during the slide, and she looked right into its face as she sliced her longsword up.

Should just be a normal charge, with +2 to my to-hit. I already had a +6, so it's a +8
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-27, 05:03 PM
Barking. Great. So much for doing this quietly

Hearing the creature noise, Ricardo take an arrow and get ready by the gate. Then, when the gate open, he quickly evaluate the situation. Spoting the dog, he pull back the string of his bow and shoot an arrow. He then move in, closer to his allies.

Shooting the dog:
[roll0], [roll1]

Move action (30 ft) to get closer to Chuffy and Marino

2017-10-28, 02:23 PM
The punishment proves too much for the guard dog, who goes down to Lina's charging attack.

Moments later, the door opens and light spills out. Jabral Louslik, middle aged man currently dreassed in work clothes and a heavy leather apron steps to the doorway, carrying a heavy crossbow in his hands. A smaller dog charges forward between his legs, teeth bared and heading for Lina.
"First one to make a threatening move gets it." he says, pointing his weapon at you, switching from one to another. "Now tell me who sent you and why you're here. Then leave, and no-one needs to get hurt."

I had somehow missed some damage there.
[roll0] Dog bites at Lina
[roll1] Dog damage
[roll2] Mystery attack?
[roll3] mystery damage?

I posted to move the game on, which means you missed a turn. You can still take it (retroactively, or you can take a readied action in addition to things you do this time. I'll think on how to handle this best later.

2017-10-28, 02:50 PM
Marino broke out into a wild dance, chanting loudly as his headband strobed light white. A bright white strobing arc of energy crackled on the ground around Louslik. Marino cast Charm Person, but he was unsure if it worked or not.

2017-10-28, 06:44 PM
" You are outnumbered. If you really want a chance to come out of this alive, call back you hound. Right now."

Ricardo point his bow at the dog attacking Lina, ready to fire.

Readied action: will shoot at the dog if it attack again.
Pre-rolling, with deadly aim
[roll0], [roll1]

2017-10-29, 11:28 AM
Karthos moves up, 15 ft away from the dead dog, makes the same gestures from before, staring at the new dog.

Ghost Strike - Exhausting strike (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/death#toc1) with a spell point
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
[roll1] vs fortitude. Save is fatigued for a round

2017-10-29, 11:53 AM
Louslik considers the threat. Considers that he probably won't live long enough to reload his crossbow. "Say I back down" he says, lowering his empty crossbow a little, "What happens next?"

2017-10-29, 12:13 PM
Chuffy breathed in deep as the first dog died. "Mmmm." It smelled like coming home after a long days work. Chuffy leered. The Loulisk human was standing there with another dog to burn. Others seemed less than sure They didn't understand. Non-violent solutions might have been appealing to other, less deranged people. But Chuffy had just noticed that the Tanner's crossbow was empty. Even if he could get it loaded, tt's not like he'd be able to hit Chuffy anyway, what with his magic formula still up. Those were all the reasons the goblin needed to scurry towards the Tanner and heft a bomb at him. Maybe the small dog would burn up in the fallout.

He responded to the dirt-farmer in a high pitched cackle "You burn like your other dog-thing! That's what!"

Moving to within 30ft of Loulisk, so as to benefit from precise shot

Ranged touch attack vs. Loulisk:[roll0]
Fire Damage: [roll1]
Slpash damage is 5, half on reflex for the dog if it's in the radius.

2017-10-29, 12:50 PM
"You Fiends" he shouts as the bomb is in the air. It strikes, but the man remains standing. The dog is caught ion the radius of the blast, which takes the fight from it.

Man has some lungs. Still, you can't imagine someone heard his shout, unless they were already close. Your turn continues.

2017-10-29, 05:04 PM
Right as Chuffy was about to throw his bomb, Lina was reeling from the bite of the second dog. The wound wasn't going to kill her, but it was going to cause some significant discomfort. "Military arres-" was all she got out before she was cut off by Chuffy, and she watched the bomb fly right into the man. Immediately, she shielded her eyes for the flash, then kicked the small dog off her, only realizing then that it wasn't putting up a fight. She shot Chuffy a glare, behind which was likely an inhumane amount of frustration, but proceeded to say "Now that you've realized that you're outnumbered, and clearly outnumbered, why don't you put down the damn crossbow before I decide that the army doesn't need due process of law for scum like you. I know about the tax evasion, you piece of ****, so get down on the ground, and throw that crossbow away. Or else, I'll have my goblinoid... brother over there keep you for weapons testing."

I'm actually unsure if this can end combat like that, but since talking is a free action, I hope this is something the system allows:
Rolling for intimidate
My sheet says +11, of which +2 comes to affect people who are citizens of Cheliax (part of the Parade armor package), so add -2 to my roll if you deem that it won't apply to him.
If it doesn't work.... well, I'll take my combat term.

2017-10-29, 09:37 PM
Marino tumbles closer to the man, stopping a mere 10 feet away, and says:
"Tell us where you keep your money and we will leave. If you remain silent, well..."
Marino's headband lit up, strobbed, and he cast Glue Seal at Louslik's feet.

2017-10-31, 04:54 AM
Terrified for his life, Louslik gives out a key to his strongbox. Inside you find silver coins, thousands of them. Worth 800gp all told, and weighing a lot. Besides this you find leather tapestries he had been working on, and fine tools arrayed on a rack and the table.

Looks like any combat is over. There could be more valuables elsewhere. The money is for your employer, as proof. What you do with the man and tannery is up to you.

2017-10-31, 08:24 AM
As the rest of the party is ransacking the office, Karthos goes over to the dead dog and begins to pet it. It's legs start to twitch, and suddenly, it stands up, and follows Karthos into the building. He takes a rag and some water, removing the blood from it's fur. Happy to have a guard dog, Karthos joins the rest of the party, looking for anything of value.

Reanimate (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/death#toc2) for 1 hr/lvl (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/death#toc10). I will bend down and pet him every now and then to keep him re-animated.

2017-10-31, 09:05 AM
With Louslik "dealt" with, Lina's posture began to relax a tiny bit, backing off from her combat mindset to rest her tense muscles. Once she could comfortably say that the adrenaline had stopped flowing through her, she began to tend to her wound. While she squeezed the wound, she looked Louslik directly in his eyes, still pushing blood out of her own wound, and asked him, "Where are your damn records, Louslik?"

2017-10-31, 09:18 AM
Chuffy huffed deeply from the aether rag. He tottered a bit, swayed a bit more than ambled his way over to Loulisk. He took in the man's burns and frowned. Why was he not happy with them? Very rude to refuse a gift so freely given. "You pink human. Even more pink now ehehe-" The laughter broke off into a squealing cackle. Chuffy wiped his nose with the back of a free hand.

He took another aether rag pull. Then he started to juggle his remaining extracts and bombs. Right in front of the Loulisk-human's face. Chuffy was momentarily distracted by the dead dog. It smelled...burnt. A pleasing smell and good reminder of the fire. "Mmmm." Momentairily lost, the alchemies threatened to slip from his juggling. Chuffy corrected himself at the last moment. He continued to juggle , adding in the odd whistling tune.

2017-11-01, 11:23 AM
"There's a drawer. Not locked." he answers Lina, still scared, but there's a puzzled look to his face. He can't understand why you want the records, having pegged you as thieves.

Glued to the ground as he is, he still leans a little bit away from Chuffy.

His records ledger is indeed in a drawer in his office. You see the latest transaction marked a few days ago, set to be shipped tomorrow, armour for the town watch of Remesiana.

2017-11-01, 01:57 PM
Marino, who was feeling bored, cast Prestidigitation on Louslik's clothes and facial hair (hair counts as non-living, Marino thought, and he wanted to see if it worked), turning them a loud flourescent green, as well as made them smell like really good chocolate. He then asked "Why don't you tell us why you have been not paying your taxes?"

2017-11-01, 05:07 PM
Ricardo walk around, looking inside the tannery to be away from the more...disturbing part of the group. He sigh, exasperated.

Well at least, the hobgoblin seem to have the same goal as me, unlike the others..., he taught to himself.

When Louslik tell them about the lodger in the drawer, the ranger went to look at it.

Knowledge local about Remesiana: [roll0]

2017-11-01, 06:56 PM
Not wanting to see how well Cimri's supposed protection from any legal ramifications will work out, Karthos says "Doesn't really matter. It is between him and the judge now. We have what we came for, now lets get out of here."

2017-11-01, 07:57 PM
"We should take him with us, I'm sure there is a place we could lock him away under citizen's arrest till the judge can be made available?"

2017-11-02, 04:39 AM
"I feel it would be best not to take this to the sheriff. While we work for a good cause, we don't want to be associated with this. Not yet anyway." Cimri says, much to the disappointment of Louslik. You guess this might be due to the sheriff being her aunt and all. "Proof of his crimes is enough tonight"

"What crimes? These taxes are criminal!" Louslik explains, shooting at the little things pestering him. "I'd be out of business If I paid everything Rex wants."

He is exaggerating, but not by much. People have gone out of business or packed jo due to eexcessive taxes.
Remesianage (-ish) City south-east of Longacre.
Hair is part of a person, and while in reality it is dead tissue, this is not the case here. So Louslik does not develop flourescent hair.

2017-11-02, 10:31 AM
"Regardless, you are coming with us for the time being. Military-woman-whose-name-escapes-me, do you think you can restrain him while we take him back to whatever base we are at? I'm sure Razelago has a room we can keep this man in till we have all the info we need from him. Its actually a shame we have no handcuffs. As for you, Louslik, I will make sure to bring up the issue of excessive taxes, and I'm sure you will be released in a few days, but seeing how you attacked us, there is a chance you will be charged with resisting arrest."

2017-11-02, 10:57 AM
"Hmph." Chuffy stopped juggling as everyone started talking. Apparently it was lost on them just how impressive what he was doing really was. He hawked a gob of phlegm onto Loulisk before turning to the others. "Why don't we just kill the Loulisk-Human? Dead men don't talk. They just go-" He did his best zombie moan "-like that. Why not burn him? Or drown him in one of those vats and call it bad-fall?" Chuffy wiped under his nose. Seemed a goodly way to get rid of the only witness.

He walked past everyone to the still not-living-but-living dog and let his head hang to the side as he stared at it with a smile.

2017-11-02, 11:07 AM
Marino scratched his head with his muddy tail, "That isn't off the table, but I'd like to see if he knows anything first. I'm sure Razelago has a bathroom we can keep this crook in."

2017-11-02, 11:58 AM
Ricardo go to Cimri after her comment about not arresting Louslik.

" Whywould't we want to bring him to justice, after the crime he commited agaisnt Cheliax? Is there something else we should know?"

2017-11-02, 12:31 PM
You notice a light moving along the road from Longacre, on the road that passes the tannery. Plenty far, but approaching all the same.

Cimri tells you that you're due to meet Razelago at the Ash House. With that said, Louslik is going to either come along or be made silent. No way is he going to be left around to tell. There is indeed a bathroom, and she's been meaning to get someone to dig it out from below the rubble. You can sort him out later.

2017-11-02, 01:01 PM
Lina snorted to the question she received, as she ran her longsword through her locks of hair, straightening them through the dark blood she had on it. "Say what you'd like, but I'm dragging this scum right to the sheriff, and he should be grateful I don't put him through martial court here and now. Taxes are high because of the **** scum like you pull, Louslik. Get up on your feet before I decide to keep you upright with a stake going through you."

2017-11-03, 08:28 AM
Looking at the light coming on the road, Ricardo goes back to Lina.

" We should get out now, in case some one is coming to investigate the racket our partners did."

Ricardo then goes inside to take the ledger and the strong box (if he's able to carry it by himself, else he will wait for someone to help)

2017-11-03, 01:59 PM
Karthos notices the light approaching and says "Time to go!", and he helps Ricardo carry the box out the door and through the gate before the light gets much closer.

2017-11-03, 02:42 PM
"Take him with us, we can't have him talking to whoever those people are."

With that, Marino readies the spell Grease, and starts heading off towards Cmiri.

"I'm ready when you are!"

2017-11-03, 04:34 PM
You depart with Louslik and the strongbox with all the cash, along with his ledger. Better play it safe and leave the place unlooted than get caught. You will, after all, be well compensated. Cimri lends a hand with the strongbox (containing the cash). You are free to do what you wish with the tannery, then reconvene at the Ash House outside town by sunrise.

2017-11-04, 03:41 PM
Lina eyed the money for a minute, thinking about it, before taking a fair share of it. She had justified it to herself as simply beyond duty compensation that she would've received for her act of apprehending this scum in a better deployment. Without much better to do, she went with the others.

2017-11-07, 01:08 PM
Karthos slips into the shadows to make his way back to the inn for the evening, his zombie dog following faithfully behind him. Early the next morning, he makes his way to the Ash house in the early pre-dawn light. Feeling a prickle of paranoia, he sends the dog into the vegetation surrounding the Ash house, attempting to flush out any would-be ambushers before going in at dawn.

2017-11-08, 06:46 AM
Ricardo join the others at the Ash House when the sun rise.

2017-11-12, 03:46 PM
You bring Louslik along at swordpoint, and follow Cimri to the Ash House, located a few hundred yards from Longacre, protected from view by thickets of leaved trees. The building itself is a two-story manor, or the remains of one. The burned husk looks as though it might fall down on itself at the slightest provocation. Bearing the scars of a decades-old fire, on closer inspection one can detect that it once had a third story that collapsed on the other two. Ivy grows over the walls and through long-shattered windows and invades every crevice. A cracked granite porch leads to a door decorated with a rusty doorknocker in the shape of a boar's head.

"Welcome" Cimri starts, "To my secret home." she says, gesturing to the burnt wreck of a house. "It's a lot nicer than it looks. Not nearly as haunted as people say it is" she says defensively. She hops to the porch and climbs unceremoniously through the first-floor window. "Don't bother with the door, It's been stuck forever." she calls out from inside.

She takes a dagger to make sure Louslik doesn't get any ideas once inside. She also has a stretch of rope for Louslik if you want it. The room you enter into was once a parlour. It still has a fireplace, and plenty of fine-looking furniture or more accurately pieces thereof. There is a serviceable-looking couch, a small table with a lamp and a box stashed to the corner of the room. There's a straw mattress by the fireplace. A large chest sits in the corner, complete with a steady-looking padlock.

Cimri hurries you through however, saying that her contact is waiting upstairs with your reward. Most of the stuff is hers anyway, and worth practically nothing. She takes you through a door to what was once the entrance hall, still containing a staircase upstairs that, while creaking ominously under Cimri's weight, still offers support for anyone. The remainder of the first floor seems mostly to be collapsed rubble and remains of the upper floors. More than one person has shifted through the rubble since then.

For the one who mentioned the bathroom, she gestures to the eastern side of the second floor, full of rubble and the third floor. You see half a door behind all the rubble. It's somewhere in there. You could have Louslik clear it out for you if you wanted.

2017-11-12, 05:25 PM
Karthos tells the zombie-dog to guard near the staircase up, as he follows Cimri to the 2nd floor. The zombie-dog growls at Louslik as he walks past.

2017-11-13, 10:09 AM
Marino follows the others.

2017-11-13, 09:44 PM
As Lina entered the crumbling house with the others, she made a mental note of where it was specifically, with the idea to come back with a raiding party of soldiers in case this Cimri showed up on any criminal activity list. Cheliax appreciated favors, but it did not forget. She, at no point, put her sword back in its sheath, as she waved it in the general direction of Louslik at all times. Once they came to the rubble covered door, however, she did finally let her stance rest just the tiny bit, and moved towards the door. "Louslik," she said, her voice dripping with attempted authority, "let's get to work on removing this rubble, eh? Pay your host a favor."

2017-11-15, 01:53 PM
Ricardo follow Cimri, not knowing what to expect.

2017-11-17, 10:28 AM
Louslik has decided that obeying you will likely result in him remaining alive. He goes to work on clearing the rubble. Cimri knocks on the one intact and rubble-free door once before opening it. Beyond are the remains of a reading room or a library. Toppled bookshelves and scattered books ruined by fire and water and age lie on the floor. A heap of them built into a moderately comfortable nest houses a sleek, feline creature that lifts its head lazily as you enter before settling down to a more comfortable position. A set of paper screens divides the room. Backlit, a shadow of a desk and high-backed chair is projected onto the paper. The light intensifies, and a new shadow appears on the screen. A lean, bald figure leaning forward on the chair, almost hungrily.

A drama queen.

There is a table and two chairs on your side of the divide. Cimri slouches down on one. A voice speaks slowly, carefully, "Cimri. Is it done?" It sounds embarrassingly high-pitched and wheezing. Cimri puts the money on the table. "Yup!" "...how did it go?" the voice asks. The figure seems to focus more on the 'help' than Cimri.

2017-11-17, 11:25 AM
"We have the proof of the tax dodging you were looking for." says Karthos, as he nods his head at the pile of coins. "We also brought him along, in case he decided to leave town on a sudden "emergency." He came without much fuss, and we left before there was any involvement with any neighbors."

2017-11-17, 01:24 PM
The thought that somebody wanted to hide their face from Marino and his friends enraged the young mud wizard. He hated when people hid what they wanted, and didn't tolerate anything less than straightforward negotiations. He drew his dagger, and spoke sternly. "Who are you and why do you hide your face?"

While doing so, he attempts to recall what kind of creature the cat was.
Take 10 on K:Arcana...Result will be 19 with my modifier.

2017-11-22, 11:01 AM
The figure leans forward. "You have done well. I am Razelago. A concerned businessman with interest in Longacre's future. With the capital to decide what that happens to be. As to this show, these are sensitive times, and I know not your character. My trust is earned. You have taken but the first step on that road."

2017-11-22, 12:19 PM
Lina stepped forward, putting an outstretched palm close to Marino as soon as the man said the word 'capital'. She looked over at Marino, glazing her eyes over his almost pathetic weapon, and looked back at the man. "Back off now, wizard." she said, before frowning at the man and then asking "If I may, in what respect do you serve Her Majestrix?"

2019-01-04, 04:57 PM
Matrioshka Rimesoul pops her head in from an alternate timeline, not visible to the other players.

Interesting...I wonder how closely this timeline fits with mine?