View Full Version : Puri-Puri Prisoner

2017-10-20, 02:03 PM
The thought just occurred to me that an Eagle Totem Barbarian with the Tavern Brawler feat would make a great Puri-Puri Prisoner like character.

He gets Unarmored Defense (which is great if you are fighting naked)
At level 3 he would get dash as a bonus action while raging (Angel Dash!)
At level 14 He gets limited flight (for leaping into the air while your clothes burst off)

So what else would help me with this guy?

Human race, or should we go with something tougher like Goliath of Half-Orc? Or is the angel stuff because he is an Aasimar?

Criminal Background makes sense, but I can't see him using Thieves tools. Perhaps something like Acolyte but devoted to beautiful men?

Also feel free to add your own One Punch Man builds to this thread. I'd love to see them.