View Full Version : Barmalk [IC]

2017-10-20, 03:22 PM

Barmalk is a peaceful and isolated city composed of dwarfs, elfs and humans. Yesterday the Barmalkians organized the 37th spring festival. The Festival was a completely sucess, everyone in town was there, eating some amazing foods and drinking as much wine and ale as they could. The festival was full of competitions to keep the day busy and exciting - particularly the final battle - the festival ended with the Chauntea's clerics singing a song for the godess of life and harvest asking for a good harvest for the next year, while sending magical lights towards the sky. It was a perfect day...

*bum* However this perfection was disturded as you awake in the middle of the night (3am~) with a distant sound... You start getting yourself out of your bed in order to check it out - thinking it was just a stray cat walking outside of your window or something - when you hear it again *bum*. What could it be?

Luna's Prologue:
With the help of a newly made friend you were able to find and collect some Alleryas (Carlita's asked you to find some) near an abandoned cave, having to fight some Frogmans in the process. The cave entrance was blocked by someone. After that you were invited to make a team in this year Spring festival, composed by Khitan and Ellyn. The three of you trained for a couple of days and joined the competion.

It was a challenging competition, but the Barmalk Brigade (Luna's Team) ended in first place in the initial round - even earning some nicknames for yourselfs: Luna-the-cow-whisperer and Khitan-Log-thrower. You three fought a hard battle against Audrey's Destroyers team, emerging victorious in the process. Getting a magical pouch as reward.

Lyndis's Prologue:
After a couple of weeks of waiting for the snow to melt, Karissa asked you help to find some herbs in order to do a beuty potion for herself, with the help of Adrik (a rogue Dwarf you contracted to find some ruins around Barmalk) you found them without a problem, as reward Karissa helped you summon Cerberus, an enhaced fiendish dog familiar.

The next day you went to the ruins, after fighting a couple of poisonous snakes, you were able to explore it. Finding some informations about a powerful magic ritual that took place in there. Finding some remaining black and white dust from the Ritual. A couple of days after that you joined the festival, mostly as a observant, but you participated the Trivia competition and got second place.

2017-10-20, 05:07 PM
Luna shifts in her sleep and opens her eyes as the noise pulls her from a dream. The drinking from last night makes her feel woozy but it is almost gone by the time she is at the window. What could this be? Luna looks out the window before opening the latch and cracking it. It was still early and even though it was nearing spring the cool air made her shiver. She pokes her head out of the window with her wand in hand, "Hello?" She whispers to the early morning night.

2017-10-20, 09:49 PM
Lyndis who had been trancing late again for some reason, starts mumbling as she heads to the window. Karissa, any idea what's up? She calls to the adjacent room, her crystal in hand as she start casting prestidigitation, and opening the window.

2017-10-21, 03:17 AM

*bum* here it is that sound again, you've heard something just like that in the past, you just can't remember what it was. As soon as you take your head out of the window the first thing you notice is that there is some fire and smoke coming from the other side of the river. It is not much, but it coming from the direction of Jacob's farm; the first thing that comes to you mind is Khitan. *brum* Looks like the sound is becoming louder.


*bum* you notice something, there is a pattern in this sound, it is coming in more or less frequent time, like a slow heart beat. You try to catch something else, out of it, but is unable. Cerberus start becoming tense as he comes near the window, you receive another message of danger from him - something similiar that what happened when he noticed those snakes. *brum* Cerberus becomes more nervous when the sound repeats. From outside of the window you can't really see anything odd just the dark night in Barmalk.

2017-10-21, 03:36 AM

*bum* you notice something, there is a pattern in this sound, it is coming in more or less frequent time, like a slow heart beat. You try to catch something else, out of it, but is unable. Cerberus start becoming tense as he comes near the window, you receive another message of danger from him - something similiar that what happened when he noticed those snakes. *brum* Cerberus becomes more nervous when the sound repeats. From outside of the window you can't really see anything odd just the dark night in Barmalk.

What... What do you notice? What's wrong Cerberus? Lyndis comments looking away from the window to crouch down and meet Cerberus in the eyes.

2017-10-21, 12:57 PM
Luna didn't even have time to think before she was jumping from the second story window. Her form seems to shift out of the need and is soon falling through the air as a snow white cat about the size of a small mastiff. Luna's body arches in the air moments before hitting the ground and in a matter of moments, she has herself at top speed. The fire roaring across the river went to her left as she went straight for the bridge, 'Khitan...no..'. She thinks as her paws pound along the stone

Her heart pounds in her ears as she whips around the end of the bridge and makes straight for the farmhouse.

I'll turn into a crag cat on the fall or right before jumping.

I'll make any check needed to jump out of the window, but I think a cat would be fine falling from that.

Edit* I just want it known i sleep with my wand. It just forms into me when I swapped to crag cat.

2017-10-22, 09:58 PM

*BUM* It looks like it is some kind of drum...? Luna turns herself into a cragcat and start running towards the bridge. Anxiety rising due Khitan possible being at some sort of danger *BRUM* You don't see anyone at streets, some people are looking at the window trying to figure out what is going on a little kid scream "Moooom! There is a giant cat running in the street!".

Yours insticts tell you to rush as fast as you can, there is not even a second to lose, Barmalk and all it's population are in great danger *BUUM*


*BUM* Cerberus send you a mental image of fear for your safety, a small sequel of images show you and him fleeing the city, now. *BRUM* Karissa Answer from next door "Lyndis!! Grab your stuff, we need to hurry. I don't know what is this noise, but it can only be something bad, it is not something from the Barmalk's people that is for sure! I will go look for Taberu, leave the city now." after that she dissapears in thin air in front of you, the door open up and she don't answer anymore.

You notice as the sound start getting louder that the sound source - whatever it is - must be near the bridge or Jacob's Farm at this moment. *BUUM*

2017-10-25, 12:05 AM

The *BRUM* noises keep going periodically as you two start moving towards its source. Luna rushes to the bridge, only with Khitan's safety in mind, ignoring even Ellyn, Lyndis, Cerberus and Adrik that she sees in the middle of the main square. *BUUM*

As the two of you start advancing (Luna in front) *BUM* you guys notice Eder, Tengar and Taberu in front of the bridge they are covering the bridge with oil and are ready to put it on fire. On the other side of the river a small horde of orcs and goblins, and you finally understand the source of the noises, it was a huge troll playing a giant war drum *BRUUM* that he is carrying around.

An black armored half-orc appears in the middle of the bridge and start talking in common with Eder, *BRUUM* asking for some stones in that in return he would kill them all without making them suffer, Eder answer refusing it's 'proposition'. He blocks Luna's advance toward the bridge and ask you all to leave, and that Taberu and Tengar send the world to the whole town that they should leave. *BUM*

*BRUM* When Luna get's near the bridge she notice some noises comming from the river margin near the barracks, she goes search it and notices it was Khitan - badly injured - in a shock state. She heals him and start dragging him around. *BRUUM* Meanwhile Lyndis is sending some firebolts and asking Adrik to shot at the bridge, in order to help it burn faster.

Karissa appears out of nowhere *BRUUM* and ask you all to leave, now, and that Lyndis stay with Luna and the others for the meantime. Lyndis and Karissa argued for a while, but Karissa needed to to that in order to save the town. In the end Lyndis was carried by Adrik and you all left the main square to start leaving the town. The last thing you all hear from Karissa is her maniacall laugh while she sends another fireball that explodes in the middle of the Orc's army. *BUM*

Before leaving the town you decide to go and loot Tengar's shop to grab some gear *buum*, finding Nanthial and Carlita on the way. Adrik with help of Luna's guidance is able to pick a big metal lock that was protecting the door. You all grab some weapons and armors and run from the city, sadness falls over the 8 members of your party (Luna, Lyndis, Cerberus, Adrik, Ellyn, Khitan, Carlita and Nanthial) as you are forced to leave the city you all love - even if just recently. *brum*

*bum* The last time you hear the wardrums, you start heading out of the city you know the city is will be overun by orcs and goblins in a couple of minutes, burning the bridge and Karissa was enough to buy you all some minutes, but that army was just too big to be stoped by the Barmalkians. After running from some time, looking for a place to hide for tonight you all hear a terrifying howl comming from a distance chasing you all.

2017-10-25, 12:37 AM
Everyone. Lyndis replies her ears twitching as they picked up otherworldly howls.

Get to cover. And stay close. Lyndis remarks, leaning down to Cerberus, and grabbing a torch from his pack and striking it, before chanting a few arcane words as a ghostly white hand takes the torch and starts moving it.

For the humans among us. She remarks.

2017-10-25, 04:08 PM
Luna eventually stands and brushes off her back, "You're right Lyndis." Luna leads with the torch floating fifteen feet or so behind her; held tight in the ghostly hand. She had come this way on her trip to Barmalk. She recalls a cave system close by and across a mountain tributary which she was sure would protect their scent and keep them out of sight of the orcish outrunners until morning.

It was nearly an hour's trek before Luna's ears pick up the sound of the stream and falls back to discuss with Lyndis the situation, "If they are as organized as they are brutal we can expect outrunners. We must find a place to hide until morning." Luna looks into the greyish dark around them, "I happen to know a safe haven just through the bramble and across the stream here."

2017-10-27, 09:02 PM

The party start running towards Luna's place, but your chasers are much faster, getting closer and closer at each second. After some considerations you all decide to find a defensive position in order to fight them off. You found a clearing with a small hill in the middle that could provide some dificulty for the enemies. After a couple seconds of tension, this black smokey wolflike creature appears in front of you, his eyes are red as fire, you all fell his dark presence as he howls once again.

As soon as he show up you send toward him a volley of ranged attack, some of them hitting him. He then rushes foward howling again, but this time being closer to him made it all different. Lyndis and Adrik even became frightned about it. A couple of goblins mounted in Giant rats appear one from each direction, surrounding the hill.

Each of you defend from a hit-and-run tactics from the Goblin's Riders, while the wolf strikes again and again. After some struggle you are able to fend them off, Lyndis tried to put them to sleep, but the wolf teleported himself on the last second, fleeing after that - followed by one of the goblin's rider still alive.


After 20 or 30 minutes you arrive at the place Luna described, a cave that have it's entrance hide by some brambles. You all felt a bit more safe there, but you realised how tired, sad, and possible angry you all are because of what happend a couple hours ago when Barmalk was overrun by an army of goblins and orcs.

Lyndis talk a bit with Carlita about her rivalry with Karissa, discovering that it was mostly a rivalry because of the food competitions, altought it seems to have some grievances as well. After that Carlita and Lyndis makes a meal for everyone, everyone feels a bit renowed. Nanthial looks to Luna, Lyndis and the others saying "Well, now that we are safe...I guess you all have a lot of questions now."

2017-10-28, 12:39 AM
Well first off, why wasn't I told about the orcs, with how isolated we are. Lyndis remarks.

2017-10-28, 08:54 AM
Nanthial looks to Lyndis a bit confused, but understanding why the question he says "Well, to be honest there are orcs and goblins everywhere these days. There is no city that don't report an Orc attack every once in a while. Usually during the winter we don't have many raids comming from them, but at spring and summer they like to steal some of Jacob's cow or to attack someone traveling by the roads alone, but never more than that." Nanthial looks a bit sad thinking for a second "No one, not even Eder knew an army of those creatures were comming towards Barmalk."

Carlita start talking as well, helping Nanthial in the explanation "What we eight knew - Eder, Me, Nanthial, Karissa, Taberu, Tengar, Anya and Caerril - was that someday someone might attack Barmalk. This village was founded about 500 years ago by Elminster with the purpose of guarding the Valakhel's Stones, with time it became a prosper village, but I think we let our guard down a bit..." she looks to Nanthial that nods sad, agreeing. She then completes "If you want more details about that time you can ask Caerril, he was the first Barmalkian's leader designated by Elminster at that time, and the only still alive from back them."

Nanthial let's the information soak up for a second and then keeps going "So, we were always prepared to either fight or to flee from Barmalk to another place, and that is why we have a secret camp 30~ miles from Barmalk, only us 8 know about the camp and its location. But now we need it, we need to be there in a few days to regroup and reaccess our situation."

2017-10-28, 10:29 AM
Luna pushes herself off the outside cave wall and ventures inside. The conversation explaining the Valkhael stones, whatever they may be, causes Luna to pause in the entrance. Once the story was concluding Luna makes her way fully inside and grabs a plate of food. She sits by Khitan and eats silently as the explanation ended. Luna toyed with the last few bites of her meal and would glance sideways at Khitan to see how he was doing.

Her heart poured out for him but she knew that a moment in one's thoughts was often better than a thousand words. It wasn't until it was time to decide watch that Luna would talk, "Khitan do you want to take first watch with me?" She would let the question hang in the air, "Unless you are tired, you've had a very trying day."

2017-10-29, 10:05 PM
If you're taking first watch, I'll be heading to bed. Lyndis said sadly as she reached up stretching.

2017-10-29, 11:02 PM
You two head outside and start doing your watch. Khitan looks at you saying "Luna, thank you, you saved my life today..." he looks sad thinking on everything that happened today.

Luna nods as she looks up at the trees paying attention to a large owl rotating its head and looking for small prey. Her eyes met his and she smiles but it was a forced smile, "It was nothing Khitan. You would have done the same for me." She pats the ground and continues to draw in the dirt a sylvan symbol. She wouldn't look up but would speak, "Honestly, I was afraid I would lose you." She looks up, blushes and looks down to see she had pushed the ritual off course.

Khitan he looks at you holding your hand "You know I would do the same for you...but I'm really happy you did. I was in shock, I never expect my father to do what...he did... he saved me... from that army. He called their atention in order to save me, I still got shot by some arrows, but if it wasn't for him...I would not be here now..." Khitan is crying without make too much sound, but you can hear him, and he does not seems to care that you are seeing him cry.

2017-10-30, 09:57 AM
Luna continues to draw the sylvan symbol, before moving onto another one. She has a hard time looking back to Khitan as he told his tale. At the end, she nods and drops the stick she was using in the middle of an intricately drawn circle. Luna isn't sure what to say and finds herself talking before finishing the thought, "His death was not in vain." Luna puts her wand to the tip of the circle and blows away all the excess so all that is left is the sylvan circle. It glows green before Luna pauses the ritual again, "We will continue on Khitan....together." She smiles warmly but didn't feel the warmth inside to make it genuine.

Luna's hand was on Khitan's before she realized, "Oh sorry." She says and clumsily fishes out her wand, "I once saw my mother commune with the forest this way." Luna touches each symbol with her wand, "I am hoping to beseech the animals to be our eyes." Luna tries not to look into Khitan's hurt eyes, "Your father was a brave man Khitan. He died protecting that which he loved."

2017-11-05, 08:33 AM
The watch goes on without any major thing happening. At some point a big - but a bit skinny - grizzly bear show up and start sniffing and gruffling around. But Lyndis and Adrik 'intimidate' it, or perhaps he was more interested in found some food.

During the morning Lyndis re-summon Cerberus and Luna start looking for a owl in order to comunicate with it.

2017-11-11, 12:50 AM
It had been a pack of goblin riders walking down one of the many paths in the forest outside of Barmalk. They talked in their greasy language that Lyndis couldn't understand. Her and the other elf Luna exchanged a few looks. She mouthed out that the goblins were few in number, and every goblin they killed now was one they didn't need to kill when they retook the town.

Luna gave her a shrug. and so Lyndis announced her presence, with a sleep spell that knocked two of the riders to the floor snoring immediately as pink petals erupted in their face, as Luna transformed into some great bob cat. Lyndis was not a typical elf in her reverence of nature, or lack there of.

It was a bit of a struggle, but with Lyn hurling flame after flame, they prevailed. It was five dead goblins that littered the forest floor beneath them. They had a prisoner they could intergoate later, and they needed to rush towards where the owl stated the smith and Brooke were.

2017-11-14, 07:32 PM
Brooke's point of view:

Brooke was prepared to either go down fighting or make a run for it, depending on how grim things looked, but a quick sight of Ellyn emerging over the hill steeled her nerves. As Tengar engaged the goblins in melee, while the flank distracted the rest, Brooke did her best to provide cover fire for her erstwhile ally - and was more than a bit dismayed at how little she affected things. Had things gone a bit worse, her choking on those shots could've cost lives, but by some miracle she'd managed to inspire the villagers to take their own part in the battle. As she took in their praise and saw Ellyn doing real hero work, Brooke could only think of her failures, and whether she could meet the hopes being entrusted to her.

After the battle you all loot the goblins, finding a magic wand and some gems, gold and poisoned weapons. You start discussing what to do next, one thing is for sure staying there was not a posibility.

2017-11-14, 10:07 PM
How far can everyone move, is everyone okay? Lyndis remarks her hands drumming on a new wand.

2017-11-17, 07:23 PM
Tengar looks at you grunfing a bit "I think I need to rest for tonight...I saw Moradin's light twice in a row." Khitan, Ellyn and Nanthial are also pretty beat up.

2017-11-17, 08:49 PM
Tengar looks at you grunfing a bit "I think I need to rest for tonight...I saw Moradin's light twice in a row." Khitan, Ellyn and Nanthial are also pretty beat up.

They might bring reinforcements. Lyndis remarks concerned.

2017-11-18, 08:32 PM
Luna listens in with rapt attention, "Lyndis is right, If we must spend the night I suggest we do it with no fires and sleep hidden." Luna eventually makes her way to the families and offers words of encouragement to the mothers and children. Luna would take the time to ease any fears amongst the Barmalkians and soon the mountain side filled with a fanciful woodland tune that her mother used to play when she was scared.

Once Luna has the Barmalkian's attention she uses a fable, involving three mice and a giant snake, to explain the importance of remaining hidden despite being terrified of certain doom.

2017-11-22, 11:46 AM
Mirthul 1st 7th Day ???? DR

'We located Brooke and Tengar, along with 15 or so other Barmalkians. They were beset upon by a foul group of goblins. Once safe we sought refuge in an abandoned mine, dwarven is the consensus, but it was ancient nonetheless.

I stood watch with Khitan last night. His presence has become a fixture in my life. I wonder what my mother feels for my father and wonder if it is this or was this? I was never prepared to fall in love but I admire his kindness, skill, intelligence, and strength. They are what I saw in my father and what I expect in my mate.'

Luna looks at Khitan still asleep and calls to him. She smiles as their eyes meet. She looks back to her diary.

'His eyes....I also admire his eyes.'

2017-12-10, 12:02 AM
You all travel a couple of days with a large group of Barmalkians, the travel was tense and you guys had some troubles crossing the White River, but you did not found any enemy. You arrive at a big cluster of bamboo trees after a while Nanthial gives whistles calling someone inside, that is is quickly answered, after that a path magically appears into the bamboo forest.


As soon as you get pass the path you find youself into a large camp, full with tents on the corners, a lot of Barmalkians walking around doing something: a group of dwarfs are trying to settle a improvised smith in order to craft - what looks like - arrow heads and are sharpening some weapons; some acolytes commanded by Annya are healing a couple injured people, most light wounds, but one dwarf has a nasty cut on his chest. There is a big bonfire in the center of the camp and some people are roasting a deer in it. Most people are either looking a bit sad by the whole situation of filled with rage for the orcs and goblins.

After a small talk with Taberu he says that everyone is being called by Eder in the center of the camp. Lyndis discover that Karissa is still alive. Lyndis runs over to Karissa. "Karissa! Karissa!" Lyndis calls out, before seeing her and glomping her tightly. "Don't you ever do that again!"

When you get to Karissa she is working on what seems to be some potions and getting her things settle - looks like she arrived just today as well. Her cloths are surprisingly clean and in one piece for someone that just blocked a whole army of attacking a town by herself, but on a close look you notice she is using some bandages on her leg.

She looks at you and repply a bit tired, but also really happy to see Lyndis "Lyndis!! You made it!" she comes and hugs you friendly "I was worried about you, me and Taberu was already planning to go outside of the camp tomorrow in order to look for you, Adrik and the others! How is Adrik? I bet he is fine and is probably smoking a bit as we speak, right?" she seems confident in Adrik's abilities to survive, but still waiting for a answer.

2017-12-10, 12:22 AM
I don't know about smoking. Lyndis replies pulling from the hug but keeping her hands on Karissa's waist.

But he's safe. Don't. Lyndis remarks looking down at the injured leg. Don't you ever do something dangerous like that again! Okay? I was really worried!

2017-12-10, 08:53 PM
Luna's wonder of the encampment gives way to thought and worry. She turns her eyes to her Aunt and Uncle setting up their camp and makes her way over to help set up. Luna focuses on the more specialized task of getting, what personal food stores they had, arranged into meals. She eventually has their own stores rationed and seperated into two weeks worth of meals. She suddenly realizes she has included Khitan in her calculations and pauses, '...Someone has to look out for him.'

With that done Luna puts the rest into the storehouse of supplies for the community. She would later bring to Edger a request to requisition the storehouse to turn it into a medical bay and inn. The food could be made outside away from the disease and stored likewise. If this was to eventually be a base of operations it should be ready to accomadate wounded. With that, Luna's thoughts turn to Barmalk. Once her Aunt, Uncle, Khitan and herself are resting, she injects, "Do you think they razed it all to the ground?"

2017-12-14, 08:01 PM
I don't know about smoking. Lyndis replies pulling from the hug but keeping her hands on Karissa's waist.

But he's safe. Don't. Lyndis remarks looking down at the injured leg. Don't you ever do something dangerous like that again! Okay? I was really worried!
Karissa looks serious to Lyndis, but quickly understanding her corcerns with her, she repplies kindly "That...I can't promise you Lyndis. I would do that again and again as many time necessary in order to protect these people and the city, Barmalk is the only place I ever called home. Besides, I can't let those orcs grab the Valakhel's stones without at least killing half of them in the process, can I?" she finishes with a bit teasing look to you.

Luna's wonder of the encampment gives way to thought and worry. She turns her eyes to her Aunt and Uncle setting up their camp and makes her way over to help set up. Luna focuses on the more specialized task of getting, what personal food stores they had, arranged into meals. She eventually has their own stores rationed and seperated into two weeks worth of meals. She suddenly realizes she has included Khitan in her calculations and pauses, '...Someone has to look out for him.'

With that done Luna puts the rest into the storehouse of supplies for the community. She would later bring to Edger a request to requisition the storehouse to turn it into a medical bay and inn. The food could be made outside away from the disease and stored likewise. If this was to eventually be a base of operations it should be ready to accomadate wounded. With that, Luna's thoughts turn to Barmalk. Once her Aunt, Uncle, Khitan and herself are resting, she injects, "Do you think they razed it all to the ground?"

Carlita looks to Luna with a sad smile on her face "I don't think they will raze it completely, because they might think there are clues to were the stones are, but they will trash it all around for sure. Don't you think Nanth?" Carlita and Nanthial are holding hands sitting close to each other right now, waiting to catch their breath before going to talk with Eder.

Nanthial says "Yeah, I think when we capture Barmalk back we will have some serious cleaning and fixing to do it." he looks pretty confident that they can capture Barmalk back, but it is hard for you not to remember the mental image of that giant horde of Orcs and Goblins - and a troll - in the bridge a couple days ago.

2017-12-14, 08:05 PM
And I can't lose you! Lyndis exclaims.

2017-12-18, 09:50 PM
Luna slowly looks up at her Aunt and Uncle as they talk. She had been drawing a circle on the ground and had scrawled some bubbly druidic symbols. She breathes out a misty breath and smiles, "Yes 'When' we capture Barmalk." Luna felt the confidence of her Uncle and it gave her some renewed spirit. She knew it was primarly the frenzied march through the rough terrain that was the cause of her weariness, so she resolved to shake it off before the meeting with Eder.

"Perhaps we should seek to raise everyone else's spirits? I imagine your cooking will go far in raising morale and we should go check out if the mess hall can be spruced up." Luna would follow her family to meet with Eder when it was time.

2017-12-20, 02:17 PM
And I can't lose you! Lyndis exclaims.
Karissa looks to Lyndis a bit surprised, but still maintaining her normal self "I know, and I don't want to lose you either Lyndis. What do you say about that: next time you can come along to protect me, while I protect the town." she gives Lyndis a friendly hug again. Being it just friends or something more that hug felt really special.

"We can talk more tonight, you probably have a lot of questions about the Stones. But right now Eder want us in the main 'hall', altought to me that looks like a big tent." she says joking.

Luna slowly looks up at her Aunt and Uncle as they talk. She had been drawing a circle on the ground and had scrawled some bubbly druidic symbols. She breathes out a misty breath and smiles, "Yes 'When' we capture Barmalk." Luna felt the confidence of her Uncle and it gave her some renewed spirit. She knew it was primarly the frenzied march through the rough terrain that was the cause of her weariness, so she resolved to shake it off before the meeting with Eder.

"Perhaps we should seek to raise everyone else's spirits? I imagine your cooking will go far in raising morale and we should go check out if the mess hall can be spruced up." Luna would follow her family to meet with Eder when it was time.
Carlita looks to Luna really thrilled about the ideia "That is a great ideia! We could find some fresh deer meat and use some herbs and bamboo's sprouts and grains to make a risotto!"

Nanthial says joking "We could call it the 'Barmalk Resistance Risotto' or something like that. What do you say Luna?"