View Full Version : E6 The Paragnostic Apostle

2017-10-20, 05:56 PM
While paging through Complete Champion for fun i stumbled across the Paragnostic Apostle. Why the hell i have never heard of this class before? For the cost of one feat (Education) and being a Lesser Aasimar or Lesser Tiefling, a Sorcerer can jump into this class at level 3 and have actual class features. I mean, they arent amazing class features, but they are solid. (Manifest Ethos and Mind Over Matter both look solid.)

Seriously, for E6 this PrC looks amazing for Sorcerers.

2017-10-20, 06:17 PM
If you're using Dragon Magic, you could get all Knowledge skills with a different (Sorcerer-specific) feat: Draconic Knowledge, which requires Draconic Heritage (reprinted in Dragon Magic, but the best options for it are in Races of the Dragon).

With a Dragonblood race + the Dragonblood Sorcerer racial sub level, you can take Draconic Knowledge at level 1. It's nice because it counts as a [Draconic] feat for various other feat bonuses.

2017-10-20, 06:52 PM
If you're using Dragon Magic, you could get all Knowledge skills with a different (Sorcerer-specific) feat: Draconic Knowledge, which requires Draconic Heritage (reprinted in Dragon Magic, but the best options for it are in Races of the Dragon).

With a Dragonblood race + the Dragonblood Sorcerer racial sub level, you can take Draconic Knowledge at level 1. It's nice because it counts as a [Draconic] feat for various other feat bonuses.

Well thats neat, but the Lesser Aasimar or Lesser Tiefling gets you a 3rd level SLA which gets you that spell pre req fast enough. However using Draconic Heritage instead of Education is always solid, cuz Draconic stuff is always good.

2017-10-20, 10:17 PM
Paragnostic Apostle pairs extremely well with Cloistered Cleric and loves jumping into Master of Shrouds. This nets you the ability to summon Shadows at 5th level, and virtually nothing in e6 can stand up to Shadows except other undead. Given that your Rebuking levels are still 6/6 at the end of the progression, undead shouldn't be a problem. It's also possible using e6 legal items to boost a Cleric's turning level sufficiently to use Rebuking to Command any spawn created by your summoned shadows. Scary.

I'm a fan of the standard Aasimar or Primordial Half-Giants for the Outsider or Giant types, as well as the nice weapon and armor proficiencies, and LA simply translates to lower point buy in e6. Primordial Half Giant is particularly strong for Sorcerers. The Primordial Giant template let's you grab Invisibility Purge as your 3rd level SLA and gets you Powerful Build in the process, with positive Cha modifiers.

2017-10-20, 10:28 PM
Paragnostic Apostle pairs extremely well with Cloistered Cleric and loves jumping into Master of Shrouds. This nets you the ability to summon Shadows at 5th level, and virtually nothing in e6 can stand up to Shadows except other undead. Given that your Rebuking levels are still 6/6 at the end of the progression, undead shouldn't be a problem. It's also possible using e6 legal items to boost a Cleric's turning level sufficiently to use Rebuking to Command any spawn created by your summoned shadows. Scary.

I'm a fan of the standard Aasimar or Primordial Half-Giants for the Outsider or Giant types, as well as the nice weapon and armor proficiencies, and LA simply translates to lower point buy in e6. Primordial Half Giant is particularly strong for Sorcerers. The Primordial Giant template let's you grab See Invisibility as your 3rd level SLA and gets you Powerful Build in the process, with positive Cha modifiers.

Where is Primordial Giant from, cuz it sounds awesome

2017-10-20, 10:40 PM
Where is Primordial Giant from, cuz it sounds awesome

Secrets of Xen'drik - it's an LA +0 template you can apply to any creature with the Giant type.

Hence Primordial Half-Giant.

Primordial Giants have the following traits:

-4 Str, -2 Con, +4 Int, +4 Cha
Invisibility, Invisibility Purge, or Levitate at-will (CL = HD)
+1 CL to all spell-like abilities
Any one Knowledge skill as a class skill
+2 racial bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device

When combined with Half-Giant (SRD), your net stat modifiers are -2 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Int, +4 Cha. The Int bonus is great for shoring up a Sorcerers skill points, and the Cha bonus is just gravy.

Invisibility Purge was the 3rd level SLA I was thinking of, not See Invisibility.

2017-10-20, 11:59 PM
Invisibility, Invisibility Purge, or Levitate at-will (CL = HD)
+1 CL to all spell-like abilities

One note on this: it's CL = RHD, not HD, so normally it'd be 0 (and you couldn't use the SLA) -- but you also get +1 CL to all SLAs so you can use it at CL = 1.

2017-10-21, 02:00 PM
Paragnostic Apostle pairs extremely well with Cloistered Cleric and loves jumping into Master of Shrouds. This nets you the ability to summon Shadows at 5th level, and virtually nothing in e6 can stand up to Shadows except other undead. Given that your Rebuking levels are still 6/6 at the end of the progression, undead shouldn't be a problem. It's also possible using e6 legal items to boost a Cleric's turning level sufficiently to use Rebuking to Command any spawn created by your summoned shadows. Scary.
Actually, you can end up being a level ahead on Rebuke Undead progression because one of the abilities that you can select boosts your effective Turn Undead level by one (in addition to the natural Turn/Rebuke Undead progression provided by the class).

2017-10-21, 02:30 PM
Actually, you can end up being a level ahead on Rebuke Undead progression because one of the abilities
that you can select boosts your effective Turn Undead level by one (in addition to the natural Turn/Rebuke Undead progression provided by the class).

See Through The Veil...good catch. It actually increases Turn/Rebuke level by two. Wow. Add on Improved Turning and you're Rebuking as a Cleric 9.