View Full Version : Xanthar Name Section

2017-10-22, 10:51 AM
The nonhuman names section has a lot to live up to. I use the 3.5 Races of Books to name my characters. Those language tables are greeaaat.

The hUman naming section is kind of blech. I could just google stuff like that. Feels like they needed a page count, but wouldn't put in new races? :l

2017-10-22, 11:10 AM
The nonhuman names section has a lot to live up to. I use the 3.5 Races of Books to name my characters. Those language tables are greeaaat.

The hUman naming section is kind of blech. I could just google stuff like that. Feels like they needed a page count, but wouldn't put in new races? :l

The explaination i can come up with for why this section of the book exists is because its a tool for DMs and Players that makes sense and that is useful for when your playing DnD without access to the internet.

i think we will have to see the tables before we can judge if they are superior or inferior to their equivalents from 3.5

2017-10-22, 10:23 PM
The nonhuman names section has a lot to live up to. I use the 3.5 Races of Books to name my characters. Those language tables are greeaaat.

The hUman naming section is kind of blech. I could just google stuff like that. Feels like they needed a page count, but wouldn't put in new races? :l

I have to agree. I'll probably use the non-human names section, but the section with names from real-world names is entirely redundant for me. I've already got 20000-names.com (http://www.20000-names.com/) bookmarked so I don't really need another resource for names.

2017-10-22, 10:33 PM
Or Kate Monk's Onomastikon (https://tekeli.li/onomastikon/).

Waterdeep Merch
2017-10-23, 01:08 AM
I might use the nationality names section once or twice for the novelty of it. I use random generators that already do this much faster and from a wider pool, so it'll be strictly to feel like I'm doing something different.

I'm really excited for XGtE, but this particular section will be cracked open once or twice and then never get used again.