View Full Version : At-Will SLA Help for a Luminomancer?

2017-10-22, 09:22 PM
I'm currently designing a luminomancer (not a class, just a character concept) build for an E6 game, using Gift of the Spider Queen and other feats from DotU (and other sources) to make the most out of my light-based and darkness-based SLAs. I'm planning to be a Half-Drow (or full-Drow) Warlock 1/Cleric 5, picking up Darkness as an at-will SLA from Warlock.

Are there any templates, feats, classes, etc. that I can use to pick up Dancing Lights and/or Faerie Fire as at-will SLAs? Light as an at-will SLA would be appreciated as well, but it's not a very high priority for the build. Note that the E6 LA rules make absurdly high LA totals much less of an issue than they would be in "normal" games.

And yes, I know about the existence of those feats that give you extra uses of your SLAs. I'm not too interested in those.

2017-10-22, 11:12 PM
Alternatively, is there a 1st-party way to qualify as a Drow (or a Half-Drow) for the Gift of the Spider Queen feat while not actually being a Drow or a Half-Drow (or a Changeling with the Racial Emulation feat)?

2017-10-22, 11:19 PM
Since I won't use Light very often, I think I'll just settle for that one feat that gives me Light as an SLA 5 times per day.

I don't think I'll be as lenient with the other SLAs, though- I'd really like to have them be at-will.

2017-10-23, 12:39 AM
Hmm. If you can bootstrap your way into getting CL 7 (nontrivial in E6, but maybe possible? I don’t have a one-and-done way to do it, but it might be possible), you can use Celestial Familiar to get a Coure Eladrin as a familiar, and THEY can cast Dancing Lights and Faerie Fire at will for you. Does that help at all?

Alternatively, can you be a Coure somehow, or maybe turn into one?

2017-10-23, 12:46 AM
Hmm. If you can bootstrap your way into getting CL 7 (nontrivial in E6, but maybe possible? I don’t have a one-and-done way to do it, but it might be possible), you can use Celestial Familiar to get a Coure Eladrin as a familiar, and THEY can cast Dancing Lights and Faerie Fire at will for you. Does that help at all?

Alternatively, can you be a Coure somehow, or maybe turn into one?
Thanks for the nice find. Being a Coure Eladrin Warlock 1 would work (almost) perfectly... if it wasn't for the Gift of the Spider Queen feat requiring you to be a Drow.

Hm... Does the Half-Drow to Drow transition class actually require you to be a Half-Drow before you enter it?

Worst comes to worst, I guess I could try to swing an adaptation of Stoneblessed for Drow, but that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Are there any other options for counting as a Drow? Maybe something involving the Human Heritage feat?

2017-10-23, 12:51 AM
Coure Eladrin are described as looking like tiny elves. Maybe we could do something with that?

2017-10-23, 01:42 AM
I do include Dragon Magazine material under my definition of "1st party" (even if it might technically not be), by the way.

2017-10-23, 01:46 AM
If you aren't completely and utterly sold on being a Warlock (you did say you were looking for potential replacements), then you could go with Sphere casting. Specifically, replace Warlock with Incanter (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/incanter), and use the 2 talents it grants for the Dark (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/dark)sphere and the Light (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/light)sphere. (They both just give the basic abilities described above the line break.)

They are both at will. Note, for the Dark sphere, everything below Blot, but above the line break, is just specifying different ways that further investments (talents) could be used in the sphere. They aren't additional abilities.

There's even Sphere Cleric, which acts as an archetype for Cleric, and converts it over to a Sphere Caster. It's pretty meh (and you're probably better if sticking with Incanter), but Spheres of Power are exactly what a focused magic-theme character wants.

2017-10-23, 08:51 AM
If you aren't completely and utterly sold on being a Warlock (you did say you were looking for potential replacements), then you could go with Sphere casting. Specifically, replace Warlock with Incanter (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/incanter), and use the 2 talents it grants for the Dark (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/dark)sphere and the Light (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/light)sphere. (They both just give the basic abilities described above the line break.)

They are both at will. Note, for the Dark sphere, everything below Blot, but above the line break, is just specifying different ways that further investments (talents) could be used in the sphere. They aren't additional abilities.

There's even Sphere Cleric, which acts as an archetype for Cleric, and converts it over to a Sphere Caster. It's pretty meh (and you're probably better if sticking with Incanter), but Spheres of Power are exactly what a focused magic-theme character wants.
The thing is, I want these SLAs so that I can use them with the DotU feats that improve them (sure, it may be suboptimal, but it's a neat concept from both a mechanical and a fluff standpoint). While Spheres of Power might be able to imitate/produce the end effect that I want, I'd prefer to be able to get there through other means.

Plus, the Spheres of Power stuff is not 1st party or Dragon Magazine material.

2017-10-23, 11:19 AM
In a 3.PF game, the Drow Nobility feat chain would resolve this issue nicely. It is a bit feat intensive, though- are flaws from 3.5 legal in 3.PF?

2017-10-23, 11:42 AM
Coure Eladrin have both Dancing Lights and Faerie Fire as at-will SLAs.
If you OK with "heavy cheese" options, you may try to get them by using Symbiotic Creature template with your (Half-)Drow as "host", and Greenbound Creature Unseelie Fey Coure Eladrin as "guest"

Half-Celestial (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/halfCelestial.htm) have Daylight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/daylight.htm) as at-will Su.

Celestial Light (Dragon Compendium) - Light 5/day
Light to Daylight (Races of Faerûn) - +2/day of Light, and effect may work as Daylight
Magic in the Blood (Player’s Guide to Faerûn) - all your racial 1/day SLAs are now 3/day
Night Haunt (Complete Arcane) - some 1/day SLAs, including Dancing Lights

The Viscount
2017-10-23, 12:13 PM
a single level of duskblade will give you dancing lights 3+int per day as a sla

2017-10-25, 05:16 PM
If you become a necropolitan, you can spellstich a bunch of SLAs onto yourself or pay others to do it. Dunno if the spell schools match, but something to check out.

2017-10-26, 12:06 AM
The 3rd level spell Familiar Form from Dragon 280 might work too. I remember there being a similiar, but better one though.. cant remember where, might be wrong.
Ooh, do tell me more.