View Full Version : VS: Westeros and Other Fantasy/RoleplayVerse Powers/Armies/Forces; Who Rules?

2017-10-22, 09:50 PM
I am curious about one thing, Which Powers/Armies/Forces could conquer Westeros completely, including the White Walkers from other Fantasy stories and/or RoleplayVerses? What ones would work, which ones would fail in varying degrees?

Some requirements:

1) You can use Westeros: At the Start of Robert's Rebellion or At the Start of the First Novel or Before the Dragons died or the latest point in the books that are out or during the time of Dunk and Egg.

2) Whatever group you chose cannot change Westeros from a Feudal Monarchy, you may make it an elective one like the HRE. Feudalism must exist.

3) All named characters in the Story that wield political power must either be convinced to join the invader or must be eliminated. No exceptions, And you will need to explain how that will end working.

4) Westeros must be able to provide up to 3 years worth of food for the inhabitants after the invaders are finished taking over. So there must a method to produce growth or a way to restore survivability.

5) Magic should stay close to what has existed or remain close in terms of power levels, so no Wizards from Tippyverse or that sort of thing.

6) You may use Comics and Comic Superheroes as long as Fantasy or Magic are involved, no science fiction; there will be a separate medal for that, and Nothing Related to Doctor Doom is allowed.

I expect the different results to compete for the Top Slot, of which would be the best. Who can produce lasting positive change to Westeros?


Medal for Best Power/Army/Force:

Medal for Best Comic Power/Army/Force:

Medal for Best Weird/Out-There Power/Army/Force:

As Highlander says "There can only be one!" (In each medal category)

Lord Raziere
2017-10-22, 10:24 PM
Probably a lot of them wins against Westeros, to be honest. gritty realism is a pretty crippling weakness in a VS. fight.

2017-10-22, 10:35 PM
I dont have a full write up but im pretty sure Sauron and his horde of Orcs will win this, especially if you toss in Saruman and his Uruk-Hai.

2017-10-22, 10:45 PM
Well, I can't ask for historical powers, so had to go with non real ones. I don't think I can go with fictional historical portrayals. I think both are against board rules.

Kitten Champion
2017-10-22, 10:46 PM
Probably a lot of them wins against Westeros, to be honest. gritty realism is a pretty crippling weakness in a VS. fight.

That's my thought as well. To my knowledge Westeros' development is premised on 15th century England, albeit with a few assorted fantasy bits at the fringes and the use of Greek fire. Though, I've only read the first four books so I don't really know about the White Walkers or the like.

I think though, the OP is suggesting not merely who's capable of conquering them but also in doing so develop Westeros into something better. Like, the forces of Mordor would likely win here but they'd also slaughter and enslave its inhabitants, whereas the Human/Elves/Dwarves of Middle Earth would be a benevolent influence if they'd conquered Westeros.

2017-10-22, 11:19 PM
Any faction from Warhammer fantasy could ruin their day very easily I'd think.... The most ''natural'' fit would be the Empire and they're basically a 17th century army with magic, a few monsters and some steampunk goodness so that takes care of the human forces and the College of fire wizards would have a field day with the Others... besides, they are used to fighting worse things than ice zombies. On the political side Karl Franz is the ideal warrior king/forward-thinking diplomat and statesman to integrate the Westerosi into his realm once the inevitable butt-whooping ensues (honestly if he hadn't been the leader of the boring token humans he would have been the main character/Mary Sue of Warhammer). As for the timing, doesn't really matter... Aegon and his sisters might have had enough dragonpower to give the Empire pause but I doubt it. And I'm not sure why you included the food thing but after the war is over the peasants would just go back to their homes I guess... If there's a famine looming the Life wizards could probably help.

2017-10-23, 12:53 AM
Forgotten Realms would crush Westeros pretty easily, just based on the fact that stuff like The White Walkers and even the Dragons are pretty much run-of-the-mill, everyday occurrences over there, and are beaten back just as easily. Same with Dragonlance as well I imagine.

A more interesting Match-up would be Elizabeth Haydon's Symphony of Ages world. It's a lower powered world like Westeros, focuses more on political power/intrigue in general. They have dragons as well, but they are pretty much as rare, and magic is much lower-powered in general, with the exception of the main character, mostly. Who it would go to in the end, I'm honestly not sure, it's been many years since I read the series(I have the 7th book that she released a while back, but never got around to reading it). Maybe someone who is more familiar might be able to chime in?

2017-10-23, 04:50 AM
Probably a lot of them wins against Westeros, to be honest. gritty realism is a pretty crippling weakness in a VS. fight.

The gritty realism is overstated - Westeros has dragons, wights, white walkers, several active mages with extreme powers, and at least two people who've come back from the dead, plus whatever is going on with Euron.

That's enough to handle any number of armies/forces from other fantasy works that are a bit more grounded. Basically any military force depicted in a Guy Gavriel Kay novel (other than the Fionavar Tapestry books or the two novels set in the modern day) is hosed. Most depictions of King Arthur and his knights are hosed, although there's a few very early and very modern exceptions. Westeros is also routinely able to field fairly large conventional armies, to the tune of tens of thousands of troops. Plenty of fantasy is based on historical eras where a large army is still measured in hundreds, not thousands. It takes a lot of magic or similar for these to win.

With that said, finding a fictional military force that can take them isn't particularly difficult. Maintaining three years of food also isn't too hard (Westeros can do that, so not killing too many peasants is all it takes), which leaves the big restrictions the requirement that a feudal monarchy stays in place and the magic restriction - although given some of the ridiculous stuff magic does in Westeros (assassination spells across a continent, wargs, ressurection) it's still pretty marginal. It's the political restriction that holds, with lots of viable options excluded because they end up with a peasant rebellion, or a bunch of governor generals in a military structure, or an alliance of city states.