View Full Version : Fledgling Jedi IC

2017-10-23, 01:06 AM
Immediately after your promotion, you are issued your first solo mission.

"Knight Hagui," your master - ahem, *former* master - says with a faint smile. "A dispute has arisen between Dynamic Synergetics Incorporated and Slayn & Korpil in the Roche asteroid field. As I understand, DSI claims a significant debt from the starship manufacturer, which is of course denying it completely. The talks broke down, and the parties have almost come to violence. As I'm sure you can see, an impartial moderator is needed. You are to journey immediately to the Roche system, and resolve the dispute justly as a neutral party."

Briefing complete, he drops the formal tone and grins broadly at you, lines crinkling around his eyes, and claps a hand on your shoulder.

"Before you go, let me say again how proud I am of you. I know you will serve our order faithfully and well."

As he turns to go, he tosses a final remark over his shoulder.

"Oh, and don't trust DSI. They're owned by those sleemos in the InterGalactic Banking Clan."

2017-10-23, 01:22 AM
"Thank you, master. I will try to uphold your faith in me." Nik bows, and proceeds to the hangar to set course for the Roche Asteroid system in the hangar of his ship. The engine roars, and the ship takes off, and he leaves the hangar, travelling to the Roche Asteroid field.

2017-10-23, 01:39 AM
As always, the wait to leave Coruscant's atmosphere is interminable, and the hyperspace journey that follows equally dull.

Soon enough, though, your computer beeps a telltale warning, and then the ship jolts as it exits hyperspace on the fringes of the field. And then jolts again as something slams against its hull.

An alarm begins to blare - you seem to have arrived in the middle of a cloud of debris. To make matters worse, a hostile insectoid voice buzzes over your comm.

"Incoming ship! Identify yourself or be fired upon!"

You didn't think it would be straightforwards, did you?

There are three zones. The Debris Cloud, where you are. A stretch of Open Space. And the Asteroid Field, where you are being hailed from.

A situation aspect is High Tension.

As a reminder, there are four main actions you can take. Attack, Defend, Overcome Obstacle, and Create Advantage.
In this case, there are two things to keep in mind: a hostile party threatening you, and the debris field you are in.
Pick one to deal with, pick the action you are taking to deal with it, and then pick the way (Careful, Clever, Flashy, Forceful, Quick, or Sneaky) that you're going to deal with it.
In general, you should try to use an approach you are good at. But this can be stretched. For instance, say I am good at being Flashy but bad at being Quick.
Normally, I would try to Quickly avoid the debris and fly out of the danger zone. But I could also do it with some Flashy manoeuvres.

2017-10-23, 01:44 AM
Nik presses the buttoon that allows his voice to be captured and transmitted. I am Jedi Knight Nik Hagui.

2017-10-23, 01:51 AM
In response to your statement, there is a static-filled pause on the other end of the line.

Then the voice returns sounding, if possible, even more unwelcoming than before.

"You're a bit late then, aren't you? Those Hutt-spawn have been and gone."

You are still in the debris field. Make a piloting check against +2 to avoid the worst of the damage to your ship.