View Full Version : World of Prime

2017-10-23, 05:39 AM
All of the World of Prime books are now up at DriveThruRPG (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/2849/M-C-Planck)(for free). In order of general interest:

Merchants of Prime - a comprehensive and consistent price guide
Lords of Prime - creating and running kingdoms
Generals of Prime - armies and battles
Explorers of Prime - managing overland travel and exploration
Nobles of Prime - 48 NPC templates from level 1 to 9
Heroes of Prime - making characters in the peculiar world of Prime where XP is a tangible resource like gold
Scorpus: The Stinging Sea - a campaign setting describing several nations on the generated continent of Scorpus
Sandbox World Generator - a Windows App to create whole continents with the push of a button (like Scorpus)

I had a lot of fun writing the Scorpus guide. I used the Sandbox program to create a continent, zoomed in on a likely looking section, and starting describing the NPCs and institutions in detail (the app just gives you their class and level). This wound up producing lots of history and politics and quests. It's easier to come up with ideas when you have a framework to start with (like having to explain why Varsoulou was ruled by an Aristocrat instead of a real class!).

None of the books introduce new mechanics (other than the central idea that tael is a concrete resource instead of a mystical hand-wave by the DM); they're just attempts to describe and anticipate the world that would arise from the core rules. I think I've done pretty well at integrating magic without destroying the psuedo-medieval flavor, while making adventuring a legitimate and reasonable career choice.

If anybody has any questions or comments, fire away!