View Full Version : New Guardians: Issue #1 - Break Out!

Zero Prime
2017-10-23, 06:23 AM
New Guardians
Issue #1: "Break Out!"

Masks! Comics Publications

It's a green jewel located at the heart of Halcyon City, looping boulevards, concentric circles of shrubs and greenery providing privacy to the couples who wander it's well manicured pathways. The paths, lead a circuitous path towards the center of Halcyon Hills. Arrayed around the structure at the center, as if on eternal, silent guard stand seven graven busts atop plinth's that stand chest high. Watchguard, Atalanta, Nightshade, Flashfreeze, Inferno, Hyperbeam, and Xeno Cypher. The Guardtower rises out of the center, a creation of glass and steel, contained within are the various offices of the Guardians, state & municipal liasons, legal advisers, media relations, charity representatives, and more.

However, our story does not begin here, instead we move west, along the District Columbia Parkway, and as we exit Halcyon City proper, we find a large facility comprised of a fortified bunker built into the bluffs that surround the Bay, a series of short squat buildings, fashioned of concrete and steel, various towers and communications arrays, plus several landing pads for the Guardian VTOL Transports. The compound is surrounded by expansive grounds, hidden from casual observation by well maintained landscaping as well as manned checkpoints and barriers. The Citadel, is the true heart of the Global Guardians, and that is where our young heroes find themselves today, Sunday October 22nd, 2017.

Currently Watchguard, Atalanta, Flashfreeze, Inferno and Hyperbeam are attending to an international crises in the Middle East, Qamadan's monarch, has begun hostilities against an Atlantean outpost in the Red Sea. Adham ibn Khem'ra, known to the world as Khem'ra the Undying, is the incarnation of an ancient Egyptian Sorcerer, however his position as Qamadan's monarch presents the Guardian's with many diplomatic challenges.

Blue Raven

You've fine tuned your gear considerable from your 1st encounter with Captain B-list, errr, Boom. But the memory of that initial loss to him still stings, you've balanced out the weight and the draw on the new bow after crowd-sourcing some of Killshot's designs, it's light frame, and increased rigidity allow for more power. You know another arrow and smile, well, you would smile if it wasn't so infuriating. Your sparring partner today, Phoenix, has incredible reflexes and speed, firing an arrow, he ducks quickly bringing his arm across his center torso, smashing it in flight. Damn ninja! Seriously! You know if you were using 'real' arrows it may be a different story, but you didn't want to land that shot that badly, not this time at least.

What's worse is his relentless advice and suggestions, telling you how to improve your balance, anticipate his moves, thankfully you are able to keep him at range and kite him, but it's taking pretty much every arrow in your quiver, and he keeps breaking them. Finally, he does the same move again, however this time you figured him out, and as he does so a cloud of green acrid gas surrounds him, causing him to choke briefly, and then wince at the smell. Ya! Stink gas arrow! You figure in a real situation it would be tear gas, but still, you got your point across.

And that's when you notice that the green gas rapidly dissipates and swirls around Phoenix, even as your hood flies back, and hair swirls around your face. Looking up you see a Guardian transport coming in for landing;

You know Watchman and Hyperbeam can fly, and you don't see them, so it's not the Guardians returning from Qamadan. Phoenix takes the opportunity to move out of the cloud of stink gas, and moves over to you, his own curiosity writ large on his face.

Both of your questions are answered shortly when you see Nightshade exit the rear facing loading ramp with his prisoner in tow.
https://i.imgur.com/YR2PFPmt.jpg https://i.imgur.com/looSdIFt.jpg
Even defeated, his arms manacled behind his back and being led to the detention center by the gloomy hero, Killshot turns to you, "Oh god, it's the kids." He looks over his shoulder towards the cloaked hero, and then back to you, "Hey Blue Jay, when your done with my starter kit, look me up, I can show you how to 'actually' use my --- Ack!" He stumbles as Nightshade shoves him roughly forward, though you note he doesn't comment on Killshot's remarks. "Sorry," he snarks towards the established hero, "just don't want the kid to hurt hers--". "Enough," Nightshade remarks loudly, before turning to both you and Phoenix, "You're not cleared for the Detention Center, return to the main building. Now."

Blue Raven: Killshot is telling you who you are, that you are a kid using left over gear to pretend that you are a hero. As an Adult he has Influence over you, and is trying to shift your Mundane up, and your Savior down. You accept what he says, or you can roll to Reject his Influence. Blue Raven,
What do you do?

Gatekeeper & Yin: Motor Pool

As New Guardians, you have been assigned specific responsibilities, and one of those is familiarization with both the Citadel and it's staff. The complex is massive, and at times confusing, however, it has a standing security force, armed with advanced weaponry and body armor, as well as an administrative branch, maintenance, and transportation.
The Motor Pool, that's where the two of you are headed to now, having completed the majority of the tour. It is located outside the front gates, you receive varying nods, salutes, or grunts of respect as you walk through the complex, however after exiting the lift, and proceeding across the grounds towards the building that houses the Guardians fleet of ground vehicles, you notice a sleek black sedan being followed by a large armored AEGIS vehicle pass through the far check point and come rumbling towards the very building you are headed to.

A tall black man exits the vehicle as it grinds to a halt mere feet from the two of you, he wears a well cut, but modest navy suit, impeccable attired. His posture, and demeanor though let you know his is not a soft bureaucrat, but more accustomed to military action in the field; AEGIS Cmdr Howard Anderson approaches the two of you, his face impassive and disciplined; https://i.imgur.com/vNzR7act.jpg

He is flanked by two AEGIS soldiers, their weapons slung across their chest, hanging loosely but within easy access should they need to defend themselves from any threat; neither Anderson nor the soldiers look particularly pleased to be here.

Anderson steps forward, "I need to speak to someone in authority," he looks down his nose at the two of you, "preferably someone who is at least of voting age." A pause and a frown, "This is an AEGIS Security matter, and requires the attention of the Guardians." He scowls at the two of you, waiting, obviously assuming that you've been sent to escort him to some briefing or another.

Gatekeeper & Yin: Anderson obviously believes that you have been sent to take him to a briefing with an on-site member of the Guardians. However with the majority of the team in Qamadan,
only Xeno Cypher is at the Citadel, ever present through it's encrypted network, and Nightshade's whereabouts are, as is typical, unknown, though a VTOL Transport did just circle for landing. What do you do?

Chevalier & Frostbite: Communications Center

Wide windows show a panoramic view of Halcyon City across the Bay, the early afternoon light reflected from the water combines with the low monochromatic glow from large screens to cast the room in a blueish white light. A large global map is projected above a holo-unit, slowly rotating in the center of the room, with various hotspots expanded on nearby monitor banks, showing live news feeds, and real time data, communications, and statistics.

One such area is Qamadan, but there are half a dozen other potential alert zones being monitored by the figure hovering beside the globe. A monochromatic android, vaguely feminine in it's construction, currently housing the projected intelligence of Xeno Cypher;

With short precise movements, she projects data onto the wall, studying various news reports. The two of you have been assigned monitor duty, by allowing access to the communications channels, they had hoped Frostbite could educate Yvain on both the technology and culture of modern life. Frostbite, you find yourself distracted by the fact that she is investigating reports tied to CryInc, where Flashfreeze sits on the Board. However, you both note that she has several unrelated incident reports open, one involving Vættir Pharmaceutical, and another involving the Echeneis Medical Research Station.

"Ah," she intones in a vaugely human manner, "the fact that you are devoting your time and effort to my own research must indicate that your task is complete. The communication logs and buffers have been transcribed and purged?" She turns and looks at the two of you, and you can almost hear the whirr of micro-electronics, as her eyebrow raises quizzically. She smiles, and you both find it odd, the Guardian which shows your team the most respect, and consideration, is the one who is, no longer, even remotely human.

"However, I could use some of your insight and intuition, if you believe you can complete your tasks before end of day." She nods her head, and floats over on the anti-grav drives located in her hips, and along her spine. With a curt, precise movement of her hand she throws data from her holographic interface to the screens in front of you, "A pharmaceutical company involved in genetic modification of pesticides, the theft of equipment meant to regulate a cryogenic suspension device, and data from the human genome project, these events seem more than happenstance, especially coupled with the following report filed yesterday." Data scrolls quickly past indicating that a series of abductions have occurred recently in the Reconstruction Zone, an area of Halcyon City that was destroyed two years ago during the Terminus Event, when the other-dimensional warlord known as Lord Terminus tried to invade Earth. "A significant percentage of the transient population who ignore the safety protocols and make their home in the Zone have gone missing within the past few weeks, a young heroine," she tapped a screen and an image appeared;

"Saturna," Frostbite, you've read her file, a human-saturnian hybrid, excommunicated from the Lunar capital of Titan because she chose to be raised amongst her father's people on Earth, "responded and has since gone missing herself. I hypothesize that these incid --," a sudden pause. "New arrivals, can you please attend to these interruptions while I continue with my extrapolations?"

Flashing up on your screens almost simulatenously you see the arrival of Nightshade at the VTOL Platform, and Cmd Anderson, along with his AEGIS soldiers and transportation arrive at the Motor Pool.

Chevalier and Frostbite: What do you do?

Everyone:Please note, that as members of the New Guardians, you have access to both the Citadel & the Guardtower. However, the Citadel is the *actual* base of operations for the Global Guardians. You also have com-links, however, should you choose to use them, they can, and will be entered into Communication logs, which the Guardians themselves can access.

2017-10-23, 10:11 AM
Blue Raven (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434945&postcount=4)
Conditions: None.

Blue Raven tilts her head, as if vaugely, politely interested in what he has to say, then nocks, draws, and looses an arrow, parting Killshot's hair as it flies a scant inch over his head before shattering against a wall in the distance. She then turns to Nightshade, ignoring Killshot. Do you have a better spot for ranged training? The grounds are extensive, but this is the best confined, spacious area for bowwork.

Blue Raven has rejected Killshot's influence, canceling it, taking +1 forward against Killshot, and marking potential by immediately acting to prove him wrong.

2017-10-23, 11:06 AM
Gatekeeper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434961&postcount=5)

James rolls his eyes, suddenly grateful that the Gatekeeper costume includes a full-face mask. Out loud, he says politely, "Hello, Commander. Most of the Guardians are away right now, but I believe Xeno Cypher has a body running in the comm center. I'll let her know you're here." He turns away and touches a button on his mask. "Gatekeeper to Xeno Cypher, Commander Anderson is here to see 'someone in authority.' I'm sending him to you."

2017-10-23, 02:33 PM
Frostbite (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434945&postcount=7)
Conditions: None.

Frostbite listens eagerly to the new developments in the city, grimacing slightly at the mention of the attack on CryInc. When Xeno abruptly stops due to new arrivals, Frost immediately turns to check on what he can help with, before sighing and shaking his head. "Unfortunately, it doesn't seem we can offer much aid in regard to either of the arrivals. Nightshade needs little help with prisoner detainment, and our friendly AEGIS commander seems intent on speaking to you directly, though I suppose we could escort him here, make sure Gatekeeper and Yin have backup if Anderson tries anything."

2017-10-24, 08:33 PM
Chevalier (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434929&postcount=3)
Conditions: None.

Yvain was making progress in his understanding of this earth's technology, and was able to perform his tasks without Frostbite's help by the time they were interrupted. While the technology levels of the two worlds were roughly the same, their user interfaces were entirely different. Yvain was still getting used to the idea of touch and gesture controls.

And then was the way that people on this earth used their technology. It seemed frivolous in many ways. The people of Avalon would never have dreamed of taking pictures of their food and posting it online for any random stranger to see. Yvain found it perplexing, but it was a puzzle for another day. Right now, he had his orders, and was ready to carry them out.

He turned towards Xeno Cypher and bowed his head. "Of course, my lady, we will do as you ask. You will not long be troubled by these interruptions."

Yvain begins to leave, but then stops and stares at Frostbite. "How dare you imply that a senior officer might 'try something'? You possess a worrying lack of faith in the commander's honour. We should seek him out immediately so you can apologise for your rash words. And in doing so we can also fulfill the request of the lady Xeno Cypher."

2017-10-24, 11:57 PM
Frostbite (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434945&postcount=7)
Conditions: None.

Eric looks at his teammate with an expression mixed with disgust and bewilderment. He shakes his head as he walks, a smile coming to his face as he collects his thoughts. Raising a hand with three fingers faced towards Yvain, Eric looks him in the eye as he speaks.

"You seem to be missing three details of the situation. First and foremost,"He lowers his ring finger as he continues. "Anderson isn't our commander, he is a commander in a semi allied force which he is trying to steer into head on conflict with us. Second," Eric lowers his middle finger, leaving only his index finger still raised. "He showed up, unannounced and with armed forces, while most of our senior staff are over seas, and third" Lowering his final finger with a flourish of frost being used to create sparkles over Eric, "He is currently demanding a meeting with our actual Commander, seeking to interrupt Xeno Cypher who has far better things to do than talk with a small minded AEGIS official. So yes, I do consider keeping an eye on him in case he tries something to be pretty important because I don't trust the man half as far as I can throw him, which isn't very far to begin with."

Through out his speech, Eric maintains a pleasant smile and tone, as if discussing nothing of consequence as the two walk, but towards the end his eyes betray his true feelings towards the AEGIS commander currently waltzing right past his teammates as if they're completely beneath his notice.

2017-10-26, 12:54 AM
Yin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22435006&postcount=6)
Conditions: None

Yin eyed Anderson quietly from behind her black mask and let Gatekeeper take the lead on answering his questions. The tour of the compound was taking longer than anticipated and she was quite irritated at the rude interruption. Not to mention the fact that the Guardians wanted her to complete all these mundane tasks while they were off gallivanting in the Middle East. She had been a part of the New Guard for almost two weeks now and still had not heard a word on her brother's potential whereabouts. When were they going to help her find him? That was the only reason why she had agreed to become part of the New Guard after all; as soon as he was found she was out of here. No more playing the hero for her.

A voice in Yin's ear shook her from these thoughts and she grudgingly followed after Gatekeeper as he lead Anderson towards the communication center.

2017-10-28, 08:09 PM
Chevalier (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434929&postcount=3)
Conditions: None.

Yvain appears puzzled, but also mildly frustrated. He suddenly remembers what he dislikes about this Earth.

"Regardless, he does possess superior rank, even if it is in a separate organisation, and so on my Earth he would receive at least a modicum of respect. But, this is not my Earth, and so I shall abide by the customs of your culture. From what I have observed so far, I believe the appropriate response in this situation would be to call him obese, and question his parentage. That is what you would do, correct?"

Yvain contendly follows Frostbite to meet with Anderson. He doesn't like the idea of disrespecting a senior officer, but he also does not want to commit a cultural faux pas, and so will do as Frostbite suggests.

Zero Prime
2017-10-31, 10:37 AM
Blue Raven

Killshot's eyes went wide as your arrow flew a hair's breadth above his head, he immediately covered it up with a smirk, and a shrug, but you could see that he was intimated, perhaps even frightened by your prowess.

You feel the comforting weight of a hand on your shoulder, "It is necessary for the archer to become, despite herself, an unmoved center." Phoenix, with another of his eastern platitudes, he shakes his head clearly upset, "That was poorly done my friend." He whispers, his voice inaudible to all but you. Nightshde's response however, is significantly more direct, a thousand mile stare from his cold, unmoved eyes, he taps his cowl. "Cypher, lead our guest to detention, Phoenix will escort as required."

Your training partner simply nods, and follows Killshot into the elevator, where you see Cyper appear and address the detainee. "Please stay within the designated transfer area, denoted by the hatched blue line. Should you step over the perimeter, I will be forced to override your neural network, which would disrupt all of your physiological process and force our New Guardsmen to clean up the resulting bio-waste." A pause. "Thank you for your compliance."

The doors whoosh shut, and Nightshade turns to you. "Practice is over," he brushes past you heading down an exterior staircase towards the main gates, "Walk with me." From your elevation at the VTOL Landing Pads you can see the AEGIS Transport, and a number of figures moving from it towards the Conference Rooms. The following silence is long, and absolute accompanied only by the sound of your feet on the exterior stairs, someone, despite his muscular frame, Nightshade is able to move without a sound.

As you near the ground level, "We need to speak with Cmdr. Anderson in Conference Room # 3." He pauses, turns to you, his stony face impassive, uncaring, "Raven, what happened up there is unacceptable," his voice is barely a whisper, and you have to strain to hear it, "people like Anderson are watching you. They expect you to act impulsively, irresponsibly." He paused, his eyes scrutinizing you, "You are here because we see potential in you," his eyes bore into you, as he speaks solemnly. "You need to be better than that." He turned his head towards the approaching AEGIS delegation, "Don't give them what they want."

OOC: Nightshade has successfully Pierced your Mask, and is asking 'How can I get you to act more responsibly?' Please answer, and remember, You can't, is a valid response. Then tell me, What do you do?

Chevalier, Frostbite & Gatekeeper

Frostbite, you hear the distinct chime of Yin's comm link, however, as she stops and responds you continue to follow Cmdr Anderson and his two AEGIS soldiers. As they approached the main entry into the complex, the massive main doors slid open revealing the low ceilinged but wide corridor the would take you to the heart of the complex. Echoing from the corridor, you hear the shuffle of feet moving at a good pace, and soon see both Chevalier and Gatekeeper arrive from the direction of the Comm center. As they slow to a stop, you all note a low hum, which typically precedes the wall mounted holoprojectors and Cypher's arrival, it is likely she is splitting her cognitive functions to accommodate multiple responsibilities concurrently. "Commander Anderson, you and your staff are welcome to proceed to Conference Room # 3, where you will be joined by Nightshade shortly." The melodious, though oddly cold voice echoes in the large corridor, when Anderson gives the three young heroes a scowl, then turns his attention back to Cypher.

"Finally, an adult to speak with." A projected pathway along the corridor underlights his sharp, pointed face. Cypher stops her progress towards the Conference Rooms and speaks, "As a reminder Commander, I myself am a Quantum Persona Construct, my data pathways a mere copy of the biological neural structure of Dr. Maria Langstrom." She paused, her features coldly logical, "Strictly speaking, my biological age would be less than eleven years as you measure them. So please refrain from denigrating Global Guardian personnel while seeking our aid with a matter than AEGIS clearly cannot handle without assistance." As she speaks, the floor beneath the three teens illuminates, clearly including them within her own definition of Guardian membership.

Her image fluctuates, and then disappears entirely, the holoprojecters hum dying down in the silence. A very mechanical voices echoes through the corridor, "Please proceed along the illuminated path to Conference Room # 3." Those of you familiar with Cypher, instantly recognize the voice of the actual Watchtower AI, something that Cypher considers archaic technology, and if she's allowing that to guide Anderson, she is not pleased. At all.

The three of you follow the path towards the Conference room, Anderson and his AEGIS staff following sullenly behind.


Once there, they proceed to the central table and Anderson places his brief case on it, removing several files. However, given the size of the facility it would be easy enough for the three of you to have a private conversation, or slip away.

OOC: So tell me, what do each of you feel about the conversation between Cypher & Anderson? More importantly, what do you do?


Your Guardian comm link buzzes quietly in your ear, indicating a private channel. Curious, you tap it, as you watch Gatekeeper Anderson and his soldiers proceed to the main gate. "Lily," it's Cypher, however, there is some hesitancy to the voice that you haven't heard there before. "I need you to proceed to the Comm center when able, I-- ... I have located some information in regards to your -- Luke."

OOC: First off, roll to take a Powerful Blow, tell me what you feel (conditions) and why. Secondly, how long has it been since you've seen your brother? And finally, what do you do?
I realize this wasn't the length of the other's but it could move at a quicker pace while you get the information on your brother!

2017-11-01, 12:22 PM
Blue Raven (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434945&postcount=4)
Conditions: None.

Blue Raven nods solemnly. I apologize. He... got to me. It won't happen again.

Blue Raven can be encouraged to act more responsibly by reminding her of her duty.

2017-11-02, 10:31 AM
Gatekeeper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434961&postcount=5)

James takes a few tentative steps backward, unsure if he's part of this conversation or not. Normally he'd quietly slip out before someone, probably Anderson, started talking down to him, but after what Cypher just said he's not sure what he's supposed to do.

Zero Prime
2017-11-02, 07:48 PM
Blue Raven

Nightshade nods at your pledge, his eyes never waver, he then turns walked towards an entry way that will circle back around to the main gates. "You're with me." He near whispers over his shoulder, as he forges ahead through the doorway.

His telekinesis is unique, it is not a barrier, similar to the Force 5's, a well know telekinetic who, along with his clones, is able to produce TK barriers and similar effects. Shade's is closer to a vapor, than an actual solid, he uses it to obfuscation and misdirection, and it makes him damn hard to follow. Thankfully he is only using a small portion of it now, like a creeping mist, it is localized around his feet making yours the only footsteps in the hallway.

It was a rather circuitous route to Conference Room # 3, but when you arrived you see Gatekeeper hanging at the perimeter of the room, avoiding the figures gathered at the center of the room, Anderson and his soldiers.

Blue Raven, Chevalier, Frostbite, and Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper, you are the first to notice Nightshade coming down the corridor towards the door you are considering exiting, trailing behind him is Blue Raven. Nightshade nods at you curtly as he walks past, "Stay, if Anderson's here for what I suspect, you need to hear this." His gaze takes in all of the New Guardians present.

He strides down the broad shallow stairs that circle the amphitheater style projection table, his cape curling around him to obscure his figure slightly. Anderson seems to notice, and looks up the stairs, "Finally," he intones with an air of command, "someone of authority."

He begins to open his briefcase, withdrawing some badly damaged tech, that looks vaguely familiar to the four of you. Nightshade notes it, looks carefully, studies it, as Anderson begins, "AEGIS Strike teams recovered the device when investigating one of Stratos' armory caches for his Storm Front." He pauses, glaring right at the group of you, "After the destruction of Fort Mayfield and the Chiron Project, we tracked the remaining Stratos' drones, one into the cities storm sewers, though we lost contact with that one. This howev--,"

There was a brief shimmer of the rooms holoprojectors, and Cypher appeared beside her companion, "Uses re-purposed Terminus technology, along with phased dimensional harmonics to stablize a translocative beacon across intra-dimensional vectors." Anderson seemed stunned, though he quickly recovered. "You theorize that Stratos' initial assault against Fort Mayfield was a feint, meant to distract us as he inundated Halcyon City with his drones, so he could then triangulate in on his beacons, and transport himself to his objective bypassing physical security."

Anderson steps forward, and begins to cut off Cypher, however, with a level of awareness bordering on presentience, Nightshade steps forward and growls, low and menacing. Anderson's troopers look at one another and then towards their commanding officer, obviously leery of his demeanor with the Guardians, both Global and New.

Cypher continued on, obliviously cheerful, "The Global Guardians shall be glad to assist AEGIS in an attempt to shut down Stratos' drone network." Anderson appeared relieved, and then she continued, "As Nightshade and myself are currently the only active Global Guardians within North America, our ability to assist is somewhat taxed," he turned indicating the New Guardians, "However, we have been training our protege's for just such an occasion. Chevalier, Blue Raven, Gatekeeper, and Frostbite, please step forward."

2017-11-02, 09:33 PM
Yin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22435006&postcount=6)
Conditions: None
Potential: 1/5

Yin's heart thudded against her chest as she heard Luke's name across the earpiece; her legs shook and she felt moments away from crumpling to the floor. It had been too long since she'd last seen her brother —18 days, 12 hours, and 32 minutes to be exact. His face appeared in her mind laughing his all-too infectious smile and she grit her teeth biting hard into her lip. No she couldn't give into her fear, she needed to focus, she had to help her brother, he was counting on her. Straightening her spine and with head held high, Yin clicked the button on her com, "I'm on my way," and headed determinedly towards the communication center.

Zero Prime
2017-11-03, 05:31 AM

As you enter the Communications Center, you see Cypher's biomechanical body suspended in front of the holo projector map, cables have descended from the cavernous ceiling, and are connected directly into the base of her skull. You see several different interfaces open in front of her, one shows an image of Killshot & Phoenix walking down a wide corridor, Killshot nervously staying between the painted lines, and the other shows a Conference Room, with Cmdr Anderson, his AEGIS Soldiers, standing, jaws agape, looking at the rest of your team.

However, it is the main monitor that draws your interest, it shows a wide angle shot of the Halcyon City Reconstruction Zone, where Lord Terminus began his attempted invasion of our dimension.
The wide concentric circles indicating where Terminus forces had secured a beachhead before being forced back through the dimensional rift by the combined forces of the Global Guardians, the Protectorate, an EU team of International Heroes, and several unaffiliated heroes *and* villains who fought shoulder to shoulder to protect Halcyon City from the other dimensional invaders. Bordering the devastation, approximately a 16 block radius around the arrival point, is a concrete and steel wall that stands two stories high and is staffed by AEGIS soldiers, the main gate running through Fort Mayfield.

"As you are aware," Cypher begins to speak, "AEGIS maintains security around the Reconstruction Zone, every 500 meters along the perimeter wall, there are monitoring stations. These stations are attuned to the various energy signatures which were discovered immediately prior to the opening of the rifts which preceded the arrival of the Terminus forces." Even the mention of the Terminus Event frightens you, you remember being huddled with your brother Luke, and your parents in the basement, listening to the short-wave radio your father kept for emergencies. When your parents had fallen asleep, Luke pleaded with you to come with him. He had powers, similar to your own, but not nearly as powerful, what he did have, what you were envious of, was his control, his finesse. And he wanted to use them to assist the heroes, but you were so scared, of your own powers, of leaving your parents, you begged him to stay and he did, grudgingly.

"I have been researching occurrences within the Zone, which seem to indicate that a portion of the transient population who refused to be re-located by AEGIS forces have begun to go missing." She paused, waved her hand, and a readout appears in the lower left of the Reconstruction Zone view, it shows a series of line tracking various energy emissions, and you see a significant spike in one specific output. "These sensor readings occurred approximately nine days ago, and here," the line with the exponential increase in output is highlighted, "is gravitic energy emissions, and signature pattern being remarkably similar to both your power signature, and to your brother's. Luke."

Another interface screen opened, showing the young heroine Saturna, "Another young hero, Saturna has been reported absent from her Claremont Academy classes since Friday, October 13th. A time frame which corresponds to the spike in gravitic emissions detected by the AEGIS sensor stations." She paused, the interface screen detailing the Conference Room and Cmdr Anderson. "As you are aware, the Reconstruction Zone is under AEGIS regulation, and any operation to be conducted within the Zone would need to be cleared through them." She looks intently at you, holding your eyes with her intense, inhumanly calm gaze, "As a member of the New Guardians team, were you to cross the perimeter without proper authorization from that organization, we would be in violation of our charter, and our relationship with AEGIS and any governmental agency would be compromised."

It isn't stated, but the directive is clear, do not investigate this further. Period. Full stop.

"I am aware, at least intellectual, of the need for familial responsibility, and your desire to locate your sibling. I empathise, as well I can, given my current state. But I fear that this investigation can go no further." She pauses, a small smile on her face, "Though Cmdr Anderson is currently asking the Guardian's for assistance in an unrelated matter, which could perhaps be utilized to allow future consideration for access to the Reconstruction Zone."

Eerily, her voice shifts as she nexts speaks, "Quid pro quo, Clarice. Quid pro quo." Her voice shifts back, "Were I you, I would proceed to Conference Room #3 with some immediacy."

OOC: And of course the question remains, What do you do? Should the other's begin a conversation feel free to interject yourself into the scene by entering the Conference Room! And so, the question again, for *everyone* is What do you do?

2017-11-05, 07:33 PM
Yin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22435006&postcount=6)
Conditions: None
Potential: 1/5

Yin nodded her head in understanding of Cypher's silent command; she had already tried finding Luke alone and had failed spectacularly so she was willing to wait, within reason of course, for the best opportunity. Taking one last look at the image of the Reconstruction Zone, Yin turned on her heels and walked quickly towards the conference room.

2017-11-07, 01:34 PM
Gatekeeper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434961&postcount=5)

James steps forward, feeling equal parts excited and nervous. Finally, a mission! Far too much of their time here so far has been spent training and running errands; while he had to admit he had learned a lot, it was about time they got to do something interesting.

2017-11-07, 01:59 PM
Blue Raven (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434945&postcount=4)
Conditions: None.
Potential: X O O O O

Blue Raven steps forward and swallows, glad for her theatrical full-face mask. What do you need us to do?

2017-11-08, 03:20 AM
Frostbite (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434945&postcount=7)
Conditions: None.
Potential: 0/5

Frostbite smirks at Anderson when the man is cut off by Nightshades growling, and steps forward alongside his teammates, never once taking his eyes off the AEGIS team.

Zero Prime
2017-11-08, 09:00 AM
Blue Raven, Chevalier, Frostbite and Gatekeeper

Anderson looks to Cypher for a moment, before his disciplined, focused mask snaps over his dismay. "Fair enough, we can work with that," he directs his attention to the four of you, scrutinizing each of you in turn, "AEGIS has been monitoring your activities in Halcyon City, and while our analyst's do not feel as though you are as qualified as the Guardian's themselves," he turned towards one of his men, he produced a briefcase and began to unclasp it, "we feel that this operation should fall within your capabilities."

He stepped aside, revealing the contents of the briefcase, cradled foam were five devices no larger than 12cmx5cm, matte black with a high gloss touch screen. "Each of these devices can track the energy signatures, and harmonic frequencies required for the teleportal beacons to operate." He paused, and reached into the briefcase collecting the devices, "AEGIS teams have been dispatched to priority targets throughout Halcyon City, federal, state and municipal offices, military and civilian contractors assisting the DOD and AEGIS, as well as several other high risk facilities." He began to distribute the devices to the team, "You will be responsible to monitor low priority targets and areas, on the off chance that Stratos is making a play for a target we are unaware of. Your data will be collected and utilized to assist in triangulation and location of the beacon network."

At this point Nightshade stepped forward, "Ensure that you keep the devices with you at all times, they can reasonably be concealed, but the data you collect while in your civilian lives could be invaluable in locating the beacons." Anderson nodded his agreement with the older hero's assessment, however Nightshade turned to him quickly, "Now say 'Thank you'." Anderson looked confused, but only for a moment, "Our protege's are performing a service for AEGIS, an action which goes above and beyond their civic duty. They are placing themselves in the line of fire to assist your organization, regardless of results they deserve your respect and consideration." He growled the last part, "Barring that you at least owe them a god damn thank you."

To his credit, Anderson did not back down, "Respect and consideration are earned, you know this. You've earned ours." He snapped to stare at the New Guardian's assembled before him, "However, the New Guardians," he stresses the New, implying inexperience, and a lack of training, "have yet to earn the same, perhaps that will change today. Perhaps not. Time will tell." He snapped the briefcase shut, and stalked out of the conference room, his soldiers following closely behind.

Nightshade glowered as he left, Cypher's projection winked out of existence as she monitored the Agent's exit. With a low growl, the dark clad hero returned his attention to you, "That's enough training and orientation for the day, pack it up. A VTOL will take you back to the Guardtower where you can get to work."

OOC: That's it for this scene, feel free to talk amongst yourself during the ride back to Halcyon City, make plans for patrols, and how you intend to find the beacons, and remember it is Sunday, October 22nd, around 2pm in the afternoon, school is tomorrow, have you done your homework, does your family have plans? What do your lives look like? And most importantly, what do you do?

2017-11-09, 07:33 PM
Gatekeeper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434961&postcount=5)

Gatekeeper takes the device and studies it curiously before slipping it into a pocket. Once they're away from the adults, he says to the rest of the team, "Huh. 'Low priority targets.' Well... I guess that's fair, after last time. How's this going to work, then?"

2017-11-09, 07:50 PM
Blue Raven (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434945&postcount=4)
Conditions: None.
Potential: X O O O O

Blue Raven remains silent till she's in the VTOL, then bursts out with a "That guy is a jerk. She huffs, before calming down as she remember's Nightshade's request. But we're working with him, so I guess I'll be nice. I've got a paper due tomorrow, but I can throw that together over lunch. Who wants to go on patrol?

2017-11-11, 04:42 AM
Frostbite (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434945&postcount=7)
Conditions: None.
Potential: 0/5

Frostbite looks over the device in his hand, before tucking it in his pocket to analyze more thoroughly later.

"Anderson is jerk incarnate, but at least he wasn't here to cause trouble this time. I'd be up for patrol, don't have anything to work on till tomorrow anyways."

2017-11-13, 10:54 AM
Gatekeeper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434961&postcount=5)

"Yeah, sounds good to me," James says, nodding in agreement with Frostbite. "Where to first?"

2017-11-14, 07:07 PM
Yin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22435006&postcount=6)
Conditions: None
Potential: 1/5

Having heard the tail end of Anderson's instructions, Yin stepped forward to take the small black box. Slipping it into her cloak she turned and followed the others toward the VTOL transporter. "I'm free for patrol today as well. We should probably start where we found that last drone; seems like our best bet at finding something." Even if it meant sloppy, last-minute-done-on-the-bus homework Yin refused to return home to an empty house, not when she finally had a lead on her brother's whereabouts. Patrol was just the first step to completing this side mission the team had been assigned and then she could focus on persuading them to help her look for Luke.

2017-11-26, 12:22 AM
Gatekeeper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434961&postcount=5)

Back at the Guardtower, Gatekeeper steps off the VTOL and draws his sword. "I don't think I was with you that time - where was it, exactly?" He shifts his grip and focuses his mind on the blade, preparing to channel the power of the Gate and slice open the fabric of space.

Hope it's okay with everyone if I jump forward a little; I don't think that's conversation was really going anywhere.

2017-12-06, 08:31 PM
Blue Raven (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434945&postcount=4)
Conditions: None.
Potential: X O O O O

We were in the sewers, outside the industrial zone. Roughly around 117th and Piedmont.

2017-12-16, 11:56 PM
Gatekeeper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22434961&postcount=5)Conditions: None
Potential: :smallfrown:

"Hmm... okay, shouldn't be too hard." James holds the image, fixes the location firmly in his mind, then swings the sword, one, two, three strokes - Keyes could have done it in one - and there it is, a hole in the universe. Leading to the sewers.

"After you."