View Full Version : Good replacement character for Tomb of Annihilation (kids campaign)

Willie the Duck
2017-10-23, 06:24 AM
Hi all. After having gone through the ToA as a player, I was loaned the book so that I could use it for DMing my nephew's gaming group. There are four kids, ages 12-14 or so. Well versed in D&D-isms and pretty cagey. One thing that they seem to like is pre-made characters--not personalities, they like to choose those, but they've liked me to give them a pool of pre-mades to choose from, and then develop the characters from there.

Well, the inevitable happened, and two characters died on the first level of the Temple of the 9 gods. Given that they are unlikely to leave the temple to resupply, I'm going to have to introduce some new potential PCs for them to come upon in the dungeon.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't want to 'cheat' (legal but cheesy min-maxing) to help them through, but do want to stack the deck with imminently qualified-to-be-there characters. Rules are any published material (so PHB, SCAG, Volo's, etc.), rolled stats, multi-classing and feats. Surviving members are a moon druid and a ranger (very good for the jungles of Chult, not especially optimal for the temple). Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!