View Full Version : Roleplaying Name Suggestions

2017-10-23, 11:32 AM
So I am rolling up a replacement character for this Friday, and while I have the characterization, the hardest part is always coming up with the right name. This character is a Japanese Goliath Mystic Luchador with the Gladiator background. He's an honor obsessed fame seeker. I do need the name to be Japanese based (not Chinese or other Asain origin), but the Surname need not necessarily come first. Ideally, there will be a pun element to his name. (English puns - no "oranges atop aluminum cans" Japanese puns.)

While I have a couple ideas so far, I'd like to see if anyone here can come up with something better.

So far I've come up with:
Yutake Napnow
Yuudai Banzai
Seiho Lo (my little friend)
Shoko Sulu

2017-10-23, 11:41 AM
This character is a Japanese Goliath Mystic Luchador

What? That's quite the mix of historical/modern material that you're drawing from.

2017-10-23, 12:05 PM
Yes. It is absolutely bonkers. Not totally optimized, but that's not the focus of this build.

Elric VIII
2017-10-23, 12:26 PM
I recommend the name Sota. It is a Japanese name meaning "large/great wind" and it is a spanish word for "jack" (like a knave).

His luchador style is the great wind (from his psionics) and he has a knavish personality. And a mononym would totally fit.

2017-10-23, 10:07 PM
With how diverse the character is... You should find an obscure name and use that.

Like... Sandy Koufax. He was a pitcher back in the day and most people won't know who he is.

2017-10-24, 05:04 PM
I recommend the name Sota. It is a Japanese name meaning "large/great wind" and it is a spanish word for "jack" (like a knave).

His luchador style is the great wind (from his psionics) and he has a knavish personality. And a mononym would totally fit.

I vote for this one.