View Full Version : DM Help Help with a player made class

2017-10-23, 01:44 PM
Hey guys, within the next couple of months, I'm going to be running a 5E campaign, and the setting I plan to use (one of my own making) has certain areas that are more technologically inclined. Think like, slight steam power and Warforged and whatnot. One of my players wanted to play a character from one of these regions, and wanted to make a class that reflected some of the more technological aspects. I have a bit of a hard time determining whether or not something like this is balanced, so I was wondering if you guys could take a look and help me out. Thanks a bunch!


2017-10-23, 01:47 PM
how high will your campaign go most likely?

2017-10-23, 01:50 PM
Has the player looked at the Artificer class? It might be a good place to start. Certainly, it seems like he/she wants something a bit more specific to that region, but it could be a good base.


2017-10-23, 02:06 PM
Just some initial reactions

Aether Barrier feels like it's way to powered to me. Spend 5 points and it's a nope. Oh look someone casts something huge on you, nope you didn't. Instead I would have the PC be able to spend 1-5 Aether and it increases the AC or the save against the effect. That way it is still really helpful, but not an instant nope reaction.

Wracking Bash and Repulsor blast are extremely similar, expect Repulsor Blast costs 2 instead of 1 and doesn't do damage. Frankly, repulsor blast seems to be underpowered compared to the other options.

Lemme Smash, please. I don't think there is anything else in the entire games that causes "double damage" everything instead adds extra dice. Whether you agree with it or not, you are running against the way the rest of the game runs.

Sniper Duel basically removes the long distance disadvantage for a ranged weapon. Is that the intent?

In general for "The Deadeye" you are borrowing a lot from Sharpshooter and Crossbow Expert. This basically leaves the player with half feats if they take them or no feats needed. I*t may be better to have different abilities and let the player have the feats that are in the PhB if they want that effect.

Aether Capture - This is really powerful as is for multiple reasons.
1) There is no limit to the spell you can absorb. You can absorb a ninth level spell at level 6 and be completely refilled. You may want to consider limiting the level of spell you can absorb (but just my opinion)
2) The negative effect can be super powerful. Oh a spellcaster is about to drop some pain on the parties squishes. To bad, I either absorb the spell or I make it hit me instead. Squishes are unharmed

Sariel Vailo
2017-10-23, 02:11 PM
Hey its your hostess with the most and i have a craftsman for you. The mfov team made a actual thunderlord pay two bucks and make zeuss look like a bitch

2017-10-24, 07:12 AM
I would shift the Improved Armor augment to the 10th level list. An AC of 15+Dex at 5th for no cost other than the 'invocation' feels a bit powerful to me.
If not that, I would make it have a "Level 7" pre-req on it to gate it between those points.

Haven't looked at the subclasses, but I think the others have input on those already.

Overall impression I got: Pretty good, fairly balanced compared to the other classes. And it uses Int, which the PHB classes tend to view as a bit of a dump stat, I think.