View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Path of War Pirates [IC]

2017-10-23, 04:20 PM
Shallowsea, Crescent Moon Island


The people of Crescent Moon Island, located at the very southern edge of Imperio Leonos's waters, were known for their very literal naming conventions. As such, the island was indeed shaped like a crescent moon, and the harbor of Shallowsea was indeed the leeward side of the island where the waters were shallow and calmed by a barrier of coral reefs that protected the harbor both from deeper waters and distant storms.

Shallowsea was well known in Leonos for being a port frequented by sailors of ill repute, so it was no wonder that you found yourself in such a place. As you meandered about the town, or drowned your day away in one of the many pubs, rumors circulated that the new admiral in charge of the Leonan Southern Expeditionary Navy was sending a trio of ships to Shallowsea to remove or capture any pirates in the town and restore the rule of law to the island. The rumors, though not so different from the ones that had been circulating for years now on the edge of Leonan waters, had a sense of urgency that placed a harsh edge on the energy of the town as a whole.

As you wander about town, not doing much of anything, at some point you find yourself approached by a short man with a dark, greasy beard and a tattered gray coat that may once have been the coat of an officer of the Leonan Navy.

"You're a pirate, aye?" The man asks you. "Then you know that Diego Quintero is on his way here with Leonan ships to scour the likes of us from Shallowsea. I ain't much for dying, an' if you're of the same mind you should meet over at Doc Bogg's place. He's got a plan for making it off the island in one piece, but it needs strong men to pull off."

The greasy man gives you a quick bow and disappears back into the crowd. Doc Boggs is an infamous surgeon who's lived in Shallowsea for the past few years. His place is well known to anyone who needs medical attention but is reluctant to seek it from established doctors for whatever reason. If even Doc Boggs is worried, then there may be credence to these rumors after all.

2017-10-23, 06:38 PM
"Don't put much stock in rumors, but it's worth hearing out the Doc at least," rumbled an ironclad hulk of a Half-Giant. "Sounds like it might be too late to just catch the next ship out anyways."

2017-10-23, 07:24 PM
Ondir considered the offer. He could theoretically just swim somewhere else, but a swim of that magnitude was unappealing, especially so close to the one that brought him here. He was relatively certain that this wasn't a trap, but the possibility nonetheless existed. Seeing as it was the best way off this island, however, he decided to go, but not let his guard down in case things went south.

2017-10-23, 08:54 PM
Ferdinand stroked his beard, his face as stony as usual, "Tha' old sawbones want a crew cuz some blasted fool of er Leonan captain wants ta tussle? I dinna blame him, I c'n say, an' he pays well I've heard. I'll be in fer sure."

2017-10-23, 09:53 PM
Faced with the choice to bask in a 10-second blaze of glory followed by a quick death at the hands of overwhelming numbers and firepower, Barcelona mulls over his options with grace and care.

"And here I am," he says, "woefully under-beweapon'd," he said as his various weapons dominated his silhouette, shuffled on his person, and generally made themselves obvious as if in retort, "and outgunned. I'll be there, hingin' on that we get ta maim a soldier'r two on tha way."

Lord Raziere
2017-10-23, 11:49 PM
Melka frowns, her black hair and half-plated clothes still drying from being washed up on shore, droplets still falling from her brown skin.
"Oi, I get shipwrecked and stranded here by some Leonan seadog and now one's coming to blast us all out of me skin? I ain't taking the risk that yer wrong, and this here place might be home to some innocent folk around here, might be the only place fer me to help with defendin'!"
Melka says, keeping note of her Oath and the tattoo on her cheek, she had to at least try. So she walks off to the Doc Boggs place, heavy foot steps falling as she towers over most of the people she passes by aside from Ordinatos. She sails with the Stained Glass Knight, and everyone on the sea knows a ship is a home to somebody.
"Oh hey Ordinatos" she said as she passes by him "Should've known ye survived the wreck, tough as nails you are."

2017-10-24, 03:47 AM
Normally, Ileana would object to being classified as a "pirate"; even during her more... dubious stints, she preferred to think of herself as a privateer at worst... but then, she was familiar with Admiral Quintero - in fact, was introduced to him once, though it was quite a while ago - and didn't really expect him to listen to her explaining the difference. Besides, she staretd considering leaving the island anyway.

"Greetings, gentlemen... and ladies", she performs a rather informal interpretation of a curtsey as she enters good Doc's place, "I heard you were looking for strong men? Now, I'm admittedly neither, but I suppose I can still be useful in your plan", she flashes a smile as if challenging anyone to contest her last words.

2017-10-24, 04:27 PM
Doc Bogg's house is located up on the hills, away from the main port. The dark, smokey interior is tightly cramped with other surly looking men and women. All in all, there appear to be about twenty of them present, including yourself, each from various parts of the world and few sharing much of anything in common.

Doc, a man with a thick salt-and-pepper beard, wearing a dirty white smock and a bloodied rag as a bandana, sits at the far end of the house. As the last men and women file in, he stands up and coughs gently. The room goes silent.

"No one should doubt the rumors that Imperio Leonos is coming to wash away the filth of Shallowsea... that being you all." He says, a few nervous laughs issue from the crowd. "I got the information good from a navy sailor who worked on Quintero's own ship. They're coming in the next day or so. This is no longer a rumor, my friends.

I've lived in Shallowsea the last ten or so years, and this place has been good to me. But men like me, men like you, don't live long in the kinds of places that Imperio Leonos and her dogs try to build. That's why were going to skip town, and the Leonans are going to help us do it."

There are murmurs and growls in the crowd. Some of the assembled pirates seem shocked, some eager. Doc waits for them to settle before continuing.

"I've secured us some weapons, some supplies and a few boarding vessels. They've been hidden off the coat on the far side of the island. The plan is to take our smaller boats and evade capture on the far side of the island until after sunset. Then we'll sneak back around the island, steal one of the Leonan vessels and sink the others before making a break for it. We'll shelter in Gladhome in the free islands while we change the ship's colors. From there, any man or woman who wishes to stay aboard is welcome to sign the charter for the ship and any who wishes to leave is welcome to do so with a full share of our loot. I trust you all are amenable to this action?"

2017-10-24, 10:39 PM
Juan lurked about in the back of the room. Being called a pirate came as quite a surprise to the man. He'd never thought of himself that way, more of an opportunist, though it wouldn't do to let on in these parts. Whenever one ship left port without him, he just signed on to another. Over the last few seasons it mattered less and less what, if any, flag it was flying. He recognized a few louts as crew from previous ships, and a few more he knew by reputation only.

When Doc spoke up, Ghosteye considered his words carefully. Dying doesn't sound appealing, but taking over a Leonan ship would make me a pirate for sure. Looking around he sees enough nods to know that many are coming to the same conclusion. "It'll be nine hells of a fight. You can count me in, Doc!"

Lord Raziere
2017-10-24, 11:01 PM
".....Aye, sounds good to me. Survivin' to fight another day is always preferable to stayin' put. Leonan bastards will shoot down anybody as long as they get what they want. As for strong men, I can say I fill the strong part but the man part on the other hand....I think thats obvious mate and if ain't to you, ya need yer eyes checked, aye?"
Melka jokes along with Ileana.

2017-10-24, 11:56 PM
"That is... quite obvious, Melka. And I'm glad that you made it off that wreck." The half-giantess was always good for boistrous good cheer. "I'm in, though not all of us are in need of your weapons" He then raises his arm, water pooling in his hand, quickly solidifying into a wicked cutlass.

2017-10-25, 01:33 AM
"It's as good a plan as any," Ordinatos nodded. "You can count me in. In the meantime, should we see about setting up some kind of distraction for that night? Something to keep their eyes on the shore."

Lord Raziere
2017-10-25, 03:11 AM
"Could work, I'm guessin', but what? If they're attacking us, then they'll be attacking the town aye? and the water be shallow in the harbor, aye? So they would nay be able to dock their big ships directly there, so they'd have to board rowboats to get from their big ships to attack, aye? they take their vessels too far in? They'd run aground and be useless to them after all. So the plan is to basically assume they are going to storm the shores, charging in leaving their ships behind and we go in and take one and use their cannons to sink the others, aye?

.....The only flaw I see in this is: what if the Leonans cannons can reach the town? Then they wouldn't have to disembark, they'd just bombard us to death from a distance, and the result o' that would be we'd have a big fight to get our one ship and even if we succeed, we'd get sunk by all the other ships firing on us. Are we sure the shallows are far enough out that the town won't get bombarded and ruin the plan?

Better yet: how do we guarantee them charging the shore instead of trying to bombard the town? How would our distraction make sure they'd charge in and leave their vessels?"
Melka asks, her mind trying to think of how to make this work.

2017-10-25, 03:16 PM
"I'm sure we're not short of sneaks about," Barcelona suggested, "what such that if'n it be the plan falls through like that, that we can always send one aboard - especially onna the fishy ones, it bein' easier to conceal oneself beneath than upon the sea - and light a blaze upon a ship'r two. Or if we've the type to run a rowboat around th'back of 'em, we could toss fire at 'em from there, but we'd be playin' our luck, then, fer it."

"A'course a plan is a plan, an'at means whatever we plan'll have holes. D'know about you lot, but I'm good at holes!" he proclaimed, in a feat of both double entendre and glorious overconfidence.

2017-10-25, 04:16 PM
A couple of cautious cheers builds into a raucous racket of supportive whoops and hollers.

One of the other pirates in attendance, a portly halfling with a platinum blonde beard, stands up. He's dressed in a fine burgundy coat with a broad bicorn hat with a silver skull and cross bones sewn into it.

"Ye won't be seein a sneakier set o knives in all the Broken Sea. I be Captain Whiteshanks, the most dreaded pirate o' the Withered Coast. You have my respect, big man." He turns to Doc Boggs. "An' ye have me blades. Count me in, Doc."

Other pirates make their introductions as well, some sporting fancy nicknames and fancier hats, while others introduce themselves and their well kept steel simply. But all of them seem eager to join in the raid.

Doc Boggs waits for the crowd to die down, and then speaks.

"I am glad you all are in agreement about what needs to be done. The first order of business will be to ensure that our transport and our supplies are well in order. I need a group of crewmen to transport our goods across the island and ready our longboats for the night. You'll know when your time has come, because I'm sure you'll hear the gunfire. Will you all handle guarding our boats?" The doctor points to each of you in turn, as if he'd already had you singled out from the start.

2017-10-25, 04:34 PM
Ferdinand half chuckles, half grunts, "I ain't much fer sneakin' about like some of ye rogues, but I c'n scuttle boats if ye get me close to the hull enough tha' I c'n knock holes in their sides wi' me hammer."

He thumped his hammer, a solid hunk of metal and well-polished wood by the looks of it on the ground. Noting Broggs' finger in his direction, he threw a sidelong glance at the "doctor". He shrugged, grunting and scratching his beard, "I reck'n I c'n do that too, change er pace for an old set 'a bones like meself."

Lord Raziere
2017-10-25, 07:48 PM
"Hm. Aye, I'll do it. Ye can trust one who sails with the Stained Glass Knight to protect them long boats."
Melka says smiles pointing at herself with her left armored thumb. She patted her big glass cutlass sheathed at her belt.
"Wouldn't be much of a Champion if I couldn't, aye?"

2017-10-25, 09:07 PM
Ghosteye nods. Being around the other side of the island when the guns started firing seemed like a fine place. Besides that, sneaking was something he was fairly good at. Maybe I have what it takes to be a pirate after all.

As he looks around at the other hardened men and women assembled, a catch develops in his throat. He lifts his fist into the air attempting to say "Aye!", but what comes out is not so clear, "Ahrrg!"

Maybe not quite yet.

2017-10-26, 01:21 AM
"Well, sure", Ileana nods. There are some aspects to the plan she's not entirely confortable withh, but, well, guarding the boats isn't something she expects to go wrong. (For the sake of this conversation, having to put her blades to use doesn't count as 'wrong', by the way, it's 'as planned'.)

2017-10-26, 01:27 AM
"Yeah, I'll help guard the boats," Ordinatus said simply. "Maybe we oughta tell the townies to give the Leonans a heroes' welcome. Throw 'em a party for chasing off them rotten pirates, get 'em good and soused. Make the sailors beg their captains for some shore leave, you know?"

2017-10-26, 01:19 PM
"Let them try to come an' get 'em," spouts Barcelona, referring to the boats, "I'll be waitin' on 'em with a whiff of the old brimstone!" he says, indicating a sack full of what you might correctly assume to be black powder on his belt (a fine compliment to the wickedly flared pistol strapped to the front of his coat).

2017-10-27, 04:01 PM
The plan seems approved, and all the other pirates and brigands filter out of Doc Bogg's house. You remain to secure the last of the supplies and ready for your trip across the island to the secret harbor where the smallboats are hidden.

Doc Boggs approaches your group and smiles warmly at you. "I'm glad you're all willing to help ensure the success of this endeavor. Those smallboats are critical to the success of our plan. not everyone can swim like an Undine or water walk like the Tormentans. If we can't get at least a minimal crew on to the boat our plan is sunk. You need to protect them with your life."

He pulls out a long stick and traces a rough map of the island in the dirt at your feet. "The fastest route is through the island's interior, but you'll have to avoid detection by the plantation owners and steer clear of any wild beasts that are hiding in the forests. It's fast, but probably risky. If you decide to go around the island's exterior it'll take longer, you may not get there in time, but you're a lot less likely to get caught. What do you want to do?"

2017-10-27, 06:04 PM
"Don't like the possibility of arriving too late, but I ain't cut out for sneakin' either. Then again, if we are caught by a plantation owner, I could 'convince' him to stay quiet."

Lord Raziere
2017-10-27, 07:39 PM
"To be honest, I'm not good at sneaking either, but I'd rather run the risk of angering a few plantation owners than miss our chance. After all, if the plan succeeds, we'll be leaving the island aye? the plantation owners won't help us with that, so there is no point in tip-toeing around them, we can afford to burn bridges that aren't useful. Unless there is a possible way I could somehow convince the owners in general to pass through without disturbing them? I can be quite diplomatic when needed, and after all we'll making our through as quickly as we can, and why would they be angry at us in the first place when we're just trying to pass through? Do they not have trails, mate? There has got to be some way for them owners to get around without stepping on each other's toes, aye?"
Stained Glass Champions, due to their oath to adhere to hospitality, were trained to be gracious and diplomatic when needed. This is to both take advantage of a hospital setting and to make sure people have a better opinion of the Stained Glass Champions in general.

2017-10-27, 09:48 PM
"I see know reason to go around when we can go through. I've never had trouble sneaking through a field before. But, I can guarantee, if we get caught. We won't stay caught. We'll get the boats back round in time." Ghosteye is fairly sure he's seen a map of the island, and he tries to recall the details.

A slow smile spreads on his face and he says, "As a matter of fact, I know of at least one smuggler's trail that should let us avoid the watchful eye of any disgraced nobles trying to earn their place back in respectable society."

Knowledge Geography [roll0] Details of the island and natural hazards?
Knowledge Local [roll1] What are the owners we want to make sure we avoid?

2017-10-28, 10:53 AM
"I may not be good at sneakin' about, but I'm mean enough we don't have ta waste time. I say we go direct," quoth Barcelona, deliberately leaving out 'quick-thinking' from that list of traits, "come what may."

2017-10-28, 01:34 PM
"Sounds like we head straight in, then." Ondir said, For what it's worth, be preferred it that was as he was only passably stealthy, and fortune favors the bold. He then turns to the pale-eyed man beside him. "If you know a way in, by all means show us."

2017-10-28, 08:14 PM
"Not a problem, just try to keep up." When all the supplies are gathered, Ghosteye takes the lead inland.

2017-10-29, 12:48 AM
"These old bones ain't much fer marchin all o'er the damned island, fer sure. Straight o'er th'island, blast whoe'er stands in er way." He hefts his hammer with very little effort, setting off at equal pace with Ondir, humming an old sailing rhythm under his breath

2017-10-29, 08:18 AM
Doc Boggs helps load the last of the guns, blades and other implements of destruction into an old smuggler's cart with a false bottom. The trail that Ghosteye remembers is too narrow and rocky for a horse to take, so you'll have to lug the cart along yourselves once you get out of town.

The long winding trail takes you along the outer edges of the plantations, far from the watchful eyes of their distant Villas. The ground under your feet rises slowly as you reach the foot of the tall dome mountain, where the trail becomes rocky, narrow and difficult to navigate. Moving the cart is an arduous process, but it's better than risking getting caught or getting there late.

Thanks to the trail you are able to arrive at the shoreline in good time, though the exertion leaves you weary. You locate the small inlet where Doc has hidden his boats, and carefully pick your way down the rocks to reach the shore. Some careful searching reveals the boats are hidden beneath seaweed covered tarps to camouflage them. Now you only have to unload the carts and await the arrival of the rest of your new crew.

To speed things along, anyone who fails the DC 15 survival check I requested in the OOC thread is fatigued (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions/#TOC-Fatigued) from the journey. You set out mid morning, and arrived mid-afternoon.

2017-10-29, 03:42 PM
Juan grins as he peels back a corner of the tarp. "I'm going to check out the boats. Doc's plan is alright by me, but it'd be ruined by some dry rot. Keep an eye on the horizon. I've known more than one Leonan captain fool enough to come up on the wrong side of an island."

Ghosteye pulls the tarp off the first boat and removes a small hammer from his pack. He examines the hull critically, and every so often gives a small tap with his hammer. "Rotten wood has a different ring to it if you know what your listening for." His mother had taught him that when they were repairing a caravel. The commission was to replace every board below water level, even though only a few were in bad shape. By saving the good planks they had enough timber for the next job without spending any silver.

He moves carefully from boat to boat knowing his own life could depend on the seaworthiness of these craft. Once in a while between boats he takes his own advice and scans the horizon for sails.

Since there is no pressure, he'll work at an even pace and take 10 on his Craft roll (Result of 20) to inspect for damage. I'm assuming Craft would work for this, I don't know of another skill that would be better.

Perception [roll0]

Lord Raziere
2017-10-29, 11:12 PM
Melka nods at Ghosteye's words and begins carefully unloading the weapons from the cart, but not onto the boats just yet, as even if there were no problems found with the wood, it would be better they moved the boats out to be able to push up into the water before they start loading them up, because then it be lighter and easier to do so. Save loading them with things when they're on the water.
"No sense in pushing the boats when loaded."
She keeps an eye on the horizon as well, glancing every once in a while just to make sure. A part of her wonders why Doc Boggs trusted random people with such an important task, and why he wouldn't trust his own crew to do it instead but now was not the time for such distrust. She could not fulfill her Oath dead or stranded, and this is was the only plan they had.

Perception Roll:

2017-10-30, 02:27 AM
Lienna, as if the path hasn't taken its toll on her, gets down to the shore jumping from one precurously balanced stone to the next with childlike enthusiasm and vigor.

Once down there, however, instead of joining the others in loading the boats, she turns around, puts her hands on the hilts of her twin blades and looks au at the path, remembering what they were supposed to be doing here - that is, guarding the boats. Well, that, and she isn't really a fan of the work involving hauling heavy things, nor well suited to it.

Fort 23 rolled in OOC; Perception [roll0]

2017-10-30, 02:24 PM
"Someone keep an eye out," Ordinatos suggested as he marched back and forth from cart to boat with the weapons. "The rest of us, load 'em up quick and cover 'em again, and then get out of sight."

2017-10-30, 05:11 PM
The area around the hidden bay appears to be free of any other life. No one seems to have followed you at this time. The boats appear to be in good condition and are not suffering from dry rot or any other damage. The stockpile of weapons also seems in good condition. It seems that, for now, you can afford to relax for a time.

2017-10-30, 11:40 PM
Barcelona takes this free opportunity to relax, considering he's never been one to waste such a thing and trekked here in heavy armor. Though you almost wouldn't know it, both from the way he carried himself in it and the fact that it was made with design in mind.

Though he allows himself a moment to rest his muscles, he is still wary, and watches his surroundings with some degree of care as he relaxes... or, at least, he tries to.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-10-31, 01:49 AM
Ondir did his best not to grumble; despite his best efforts, he got entangled in pretty much every bush they passed. It left him scratched up and irritated, but complaining about that would be improper and unprofessional.

He took the slight pause to rub his exposed arms and cool down as best he could.

2017-10-31, 02:27 PM
With the boats checked over, Juan sits on one of the crates and opens a map case. He rifles through the pages until he finds his map of Crescent Moon Island. The chart is already fairly accurate about the coastline near Shallowsea, but he updates it with the location of this hidden bay which he had not realized was so protected. Then Ghosteye begins filling in details from their trek before the memory fades.

2017-10-31, 09:42 PM
The older man harrumphs at the sight of the boats, casting about for a suitable rock to prop himself up on. Finding one in fairly short order, he grunts and thumps down into the sand, leaning his back against the stone, angled towards the path they had just taken, and halfway closes his eyes. "Let m' know when ta pick it back up, young uns. In th' meanwhile, an old soul's got ter rest his bones before 'e gets down ter breakin' another's, aye?"

2017-11-01, 12:35 AM
"Nothing left but to wait, I guess. Keep an eye out, just in case. And let's not all nap at the same time" The half-giant looked for a good place to settle in for the day, that kept him in the shade while affording him a good view of the boats.

Lord Raziere
2017-11-01, 09:53 PM
"So what did ye all do before this?"
Melka says as she sits down to wait.
"Ordinatos an' I were protecting a ship before we washed ashore here. And I think I may have seen some of you before. Like say....."
She looks at Ondir
"You. Ondir. Didn't we lock each other in Iron Grip at a barroom fight once? Good t'see another Fool's Errand disciple out here. And while the thought occurs to me......these here people we doing this for.....them pirates aye? Well, why were we the ones singled out of them all? The pirate captains have their own trusted crews aye? So why did he pick random people like us? Suspicious ain't it? I mean he just picked us right out of the blue, seeming without any thought into it, wouldn't ye want to think more carefully about who ye send to guard yer important supplies?"

2017-11-01, 10:44 PM
Juan looks up from his map. "That's why I keep watching the horizon. Boggs might just not be much of a planner. Or, he might have picked us out to be sacrificial lambs -- sent word to the Leonans that the real pirates were holed up on the far side of the island to save his own skin. If there is honor in that old pirate, we'll make out just fine. If there isn't and any of us had turned him down, we'd be face down in Shallowsea bay. This was our only chance."

He blows some fine sand across the wet ink to speed the drying. "The name's Juan, but my shipmates usually call me Ghosteye." The young man flashes a smirk which is echoed by his one clear eye. "Never did figure out why."

"I've held about every crew position except cook, and nobody wants me in the kitchen. I once burned a kettle of water. I was in the running for second on my last vessel, which is probably why I didn't get a wake-up call before they left port. I suspect Astroncio slipped something in my rum so he could get the job."

2017-11-02, 09:13 PM
The weather is warm and pleasant. The mix of salt air and bright sunlight helps relax you and ease your worries. It would be so easy to just lie down and have a rest, but you do have a job to do and need to remain vigilant. Should anyone discover this location, your entire operation would be at risk.

The waters of the little cove look cool and inviting as well. It could be a good opportunity to do some fishing or go for a swim while you await the fate of Shallowsea. Otherwise, further fortifying the cove or finding places to hide yourselves might be a good use of time.

2017-11-03, 01:50 AM
"Did my time in the fleet, didn't enjoy it much so I got out when I could. Good thing a guy like me has his pick of who to work for." Ordinatos paused to look around. "Whether we were double-crossed, or everything's to go as planned, either way we ought to hide as best we can. Just gotta hope there's a hole big enough for me to hide in, even if I gotta make one."

2017-11-03, 01:43 PM
Casually seeking out fishing line in the form of appropriate plants or jetsam in the cove, Barcelona permits a wandering thought to fall out of him. "Ye said somethin' about us chosen 'random. But a'course, if you're goin' ta double-cross someone, ya tend to pick 'em fer reasons, at the least of which ye don't like th'look of'em. An' I'm too pretty fer that," he says, taking a moment to drag down the bags under his eyes with his finger even farther, which, admittedly, doesn't do much for the situation on his face.

"You say it looked random. I say there's two ways 'at it've looked random. If it was, and if it wanted to look that way. But then again, ye pick someone to double-cross..." He took a moment to take stock of his weapons, and then his comrades-of-the-moment.

"Well. Ye pick better," he finished, smiling a bit at his chances - of what, it can't be told.

2017-11-03, 02:21 PM
Ondir decides that some aquatic reconnaissance is in order. Leaving his pack with the others, he swims in the water, checking for any evidence of nearby trouble.
Perception check [roll0]
Remember, I count as an Outsider (aquatic), so I never need to roll a swim check.

2017-11-03, 02:32 PM
Juan rolls his map back up and replaces it in its case. He then double checks the tarps to make sure the boats are again concealed. "Pick better." He chuckles.

"I like that. It's true, too. If Boggs double crosses us to save his own skin, I think he'll find the price a bit high. All this talk of a double cross leaves me feeling exposed on this beach, though. I think I'll slip back under the cover of these trees for a bit."

Take 10 on Stealth (18)

Still keeping an eye out for trouble -- Perception [roll0]

2017-11-03, 05:09 PM
Ferdinand grunts. He does that a lot, it seems. He speaks up, eyes still seemingly closed, "In m' book, crew don't earn their nick-names til I feel they done so. Ye'll be Juan fer now. But Boggs er one of th' most trustworthy sawbones I e'er seen in m' days, ye don' worry yer young heads bout him."

The old pirate punches the sand beside his resting place, throwing up a puff of it, "Besides, I ain't no good fer hidin', ain't never been somethin' I took stock in. Iff'n we gets found, I'll be right out here where they cn' see me. Does a couple things, it does. One, it means I don' hafter crawl around in th' trees wichu younguns and sore up me back 'n legs. Two, it'd make 'em feel safe, like there weren't a trap waitin' for 'em, as ye'd expect with unguarded but stocked boats. They'd be thinkin' if they saw that, I tells ye, 'Mate, ye think they got an ambush set up in those trees right yonder?' 'Aye. Let's open fire 'n not so much as hop off t' investigate'. Iff'n they see me sittin' pretty out here, they're gonna go 'So th' damned pirates stuck a fogey on duty. T' be expected, I tells ye, pirates ain't that smart.' 'Aye. Let's go'n investergate gran'pa o'er there, get him ter cough up some plans fer us.' 'N then when they get close, I break open a couple o' their 'eads with me mallet and ye all come screamin' out th' underbrush like th' rapscallions ye lot are."

Ferdinand, silent for a moment, then guffaws at his own plan, or at least the mental image in his head.

2017-11-04, 10:23 AM
As soon as Ondir hits the water, his senses scream danger. The telltale signs of a giant octopus's garden litter the seabed, as do the bones of several unfortunate victims. An inky black cloud billows out from a hole in a nearby rock and a shadowy mass of tentacles jets out from cover and into the bay.

I was waiting for somebody to roll a decent perception check. Initiative rolls for all:

Belford: [roll0]
Ileana: [roll1]
Ordinatos: [roll2]
Ghosteye: [roll3]
Ondir: [roll4]
Melka: [roll5]
Ferdinand: [roll6]

Giant Octopus: [roll7]

We will be using block initiative, so if your roll is higher than the initiative of the Octopus you can act in whatever order you need to.

The octopus is below the surface of the water currently, but is clearly visible and some of its tentacles are above the surface. It is about 15 ft. out from the shoreline and 15 ft. away from Ondir. It should be within charge distance of anyone with at least 30 ft. of movement.

2017-11-04, 10:57 AM
The octopus reaches towards Ondir with its tentacles to grapple him in their sinewy embrace.

Grapple check: [roll0]

Funny story, the octopus doesn't have improved grapple or grab on it's statblock.

2017-11-04, 01:08 PM
Ondir knew better than to try and outwrestle an octopus; the only way to get out of an octopus' hold was to hurt it enough to let you go. Maifesting an axe of hardened water, he slams it into the tentacle holding him.

Move action:Manifest mind blade in the from of a Dwarven Waraxe (1d10, 20/x3)
Standard:Initiate Twofold Assault and pay 2 pp to augment it.

Attack: [roll0] (includes the -2 from being grappled)
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
I am also entitled to a combat maneuver check using Autohynosis instead of CMB. Will try to escape the grapple, but I have have serious doubts that it will work.
Grapple check: [roll3]

2017-11-04, 11:05 PM
"****. Figured things were a little too easy." In a few seconds the half-giant grew to resemble a full-giant, and he strode into the shallows with his now even bigger axe held high.

How deep is the octopus in the water? If he can attack it "normally" he will do so (he is currently 16'8"). Otherwise he will go after the tentacle grappling Ondir.

Standard Action: Manifest the Expansion power.
Move Action: 60' movement (with Running Hunter Stance + Primal Fury Path)
Swift Action: Using the Minute Hand boost to attack as a Swift Action (with a -2 penalty):

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-05, 02:08 AM
Unwilling to wet his powder, but otherwise unconcerned for the ammunition in his pockets, Barcelona swiftly unties his sack from his belt, tosses it further inland, then sets out toward the grasping limb of the octopus, drawing his halberd into his grasp as he does so.

During the course of his short movement, he focuses himself on the Piercing Thunder fighting style, and assumes an aggressive defensive stance, ready to spear anything which enters his area of influence.

Standard: toss black powder sack inland.
Move: draw weapon and move 20' toward the tentacle.
Swift: activate Fuse Styles, taking on the Iron Pikeman's Attitude stance and entering Piercing Thunder Style at the same time.

ACP from his coat is reduced by 1 to a total of -1, he gains the effects of Endurance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/endurance), and he may attempt an opportunity attack against any creature that enters his threat range immediately when it does so.

Here's our swim check. [roll0]

Barcelona will attempt to protect himself with Oaken Shield (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/piercing-thunder-maneuvers/#TOC-Oaken-Shield) if an attack is made against him. Strike that, I can't!

2017-11-05, 09:51 AM
For all the while, Ileana stubbornly sttod there, looking \away from the ocean, hands on her blades, refusing to leave her post; and, while she would never dare to admit it, it did start getting boring.
So, the commotion coming from behind was actaully a pleasant change. Turning around, Ileana dashes forward into the water, blades almost jumping into the elf's hands.
Not saying ant unneeded words, she just jumps and thrusuts her sword forward, right at the octopus's main body...
Swift: enter Inner Sphere Strance. +2 AC while wielding two weapons.
Free: draw two weapons with Quick Draw :-)
Full: Charge the octopus.
Attack: [roll0], damage [roll1]. If hit and inflicted at least 1 damage, activate Armiger's Mark as a free action: Octopus takes -4 on attacks not against Ileana
HP 33/33, AC17

2017-11-05, 07:32 PM
Juan's ghostly eye narrows into a squint as he claims his next victim. Ghosteye grabs his whip and with a crack he catapults himself across the water. As he lands in the shallows his whip comes back around striking like a tentacle of his own.

In Scarlet Einhander stance (+2 Shield Bonus, +1d6 damage)
Swift: Dark Claim Octopus (It takes a -1 to attack Ghosteye) Duration: 1 round
Move: Draw Scorpion Whip
Standard: Fading Strike (Teleport 40' and attack)
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]+[roll2]

2017-11-06, 04:30 PM
Ferdinand eyes snap open, and he propels himself with surprising alacrity to his feet for such an old individual as soon as the first of the tentacles breach the surface. His hammer appears in his hands as he leaps into the shallows, splashing down alongside Ordinatos. He roars at the giant, "Nay, ye mad fool! Ye need to swing proper iff'n ye wish to crush this beast! Like this!"

His hammer arcs through the air in a vicious semicircle, aimed directly at the closest part of the octopus to him.

Swift to Initiate Stance of Aggression: +1d6 damage, -2 AC
Move to reach Ordinatos.
Standard to initiate Hunting Party with Power Attack:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Ordinatos gets an Attack of Opportunity against the octopus if I hit it.

EDIT: that bodes well. First roll of the campaign is a one, ugh.

2017-11-07, 08:57 PM
The party only manages to do some minor damage to the giant octopus, although it seems surprised to be so suddenly assaulted. Still, its grip tightens around Ondir, the beast seemingly intent on taking some sort of dinner.

With Lord Raziere out for the time being, we'll skip his action. If he gets back soon enough, I'll let him take over otherwise starting next round I'll be acting out his characters actions if there are no objections.

Octopus Actions:

Constrict damage: [roll0]
Standard Action: Bite attack on Ondir
Attack roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] DC 19 Fortitude Save- 1d3 STR damage, poison, 2 consecutive saves

Anyone who moved into the water without a way to swim or walk on water needs to make a DC 10 swim check this round in order to attack.

2017-11-07, 09:30 PM
Juan squints at the octopus again as he ducks and bobs through the water. You are mine, beast.. A powerful kick pushes him up out of the water enough to give his whip another crack. It lands with the sound of glass shattering.

Swift: Dark Claim octopus. (It gets a -1 to attack Juan, and he recovers Fading Strike)
Standard: Breaking Glass Strike on the octopus [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If it hits, the octopus needs to make a Will save DC 16 or be Dazed for one round.

2017-11-07, 09:50 PM
Ordinatos broke his cool for the first time, yelling savagely as his first stroke went wide, and hauled the axe back into the air for another mighty chop.

Swift Action: Switch to Unbroken Stride to walk on water.
Move Action: Get into flanking if possible (40' move speed)
Standard Action: Attack

Attack: [roll0] (not including flanking)
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-07, 10:01 PM
Ondir continues slamming on the tentacle, desperately trying to break its hold.
Standard Action: Initiate Enduring Crane Strike, targeting myself to heal.
Swift:Initiate Minute Hand.
Attack 1 [roll0]
Attack 2 [roll1]
Damage 1 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]
Healing (self) [roll4]

2017-11-09, 05:54 AM
Ileana, failing to pierce the octopus deep enough to make a blade a decent handhold, slides down into the water; and while she normally swims like a fish, it still takes a young lady several seconds to catch her bearings, as the fall was quite unexpected.

2017-11-09, 08:46 AM
Ferdinand snorts as the octopus dodges his hammer blow, and he brings his hammer back and over his head, grumbling over his breath at the audacity of the octopus.

Initiating Strike of the Royal Guardian w/ Power Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-09, 01:54 PM
Though he reaches the creature last, swimming hard against the weight of his own armor, Barcelona will not be outdone completely by his peers. First, he catches sight of Ileana as she falls into the water, and takes a moment to inform her of his thoughts: "Quit sinkin', girl!"

He then throws his blade into the mix, stabbing at the creature as he comes just close enough with the resolve to protect and even free his comrade.

As a swift, Barcelona will grant Ileana a move action *right now* as though it's a free action taken on his turn.

Next we move to a space about 10 feet from the creature.

Then we stab! We'll use Guard's Oath, so if this hits, the animal should make a DC 14 Will save or be cursed to provoke attacks of opportunity for any movement including 5-foot steps and Withdraw within my threatened range.

Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-10, 04:50 AM
"Wasn't planning to!" Ileana replies, quickly facing the octopus and readying the next attack.

Not much I can do as a Move action, unless I'm out of melee from the octopus, in which case I'll move into melee before my next turn.

2017-11-12, 08:27 AM
The giant octopus is dazed by the sudden, furious assault of your attacks. Its rubbery body slowly pierced and slashed by your powerful attacks. Its tentacles, once firmly grasping Ondir slide loose.

Octopus is dazed. Octopus is no longer grappled or grappling. Octopus is cursed.

No actions taken.

2017-11-12, 11:46 AM
Ordinatos bellowed in frustration as he swung the axe a third time, trying to make this one connect.

Swift action: Recover the Minute Hand maneuver
Attack: [roll0] (not counting possible flank bonus)
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-12, 11:49 AM
With the opportunity presenting itself, Odir quickly swims away and gets on the shore, but not before slicing it with his axe once more.
Standard: Attack the blasted thing.
Move: GTFO and get to the shore
Attack: [roll0] (note that if I am still technically grappled, that gets a -2)
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-12, 03:31 PM
Juan grins wickedly as he sees the octopus unable to respond to their assault. He snakes his whip around with another snap.

Stance active: Scarlet Einhander +2 AC, +1d6 damage
Swift: Dark Claim on the octopus: Among other things, it gets a -1 to attack Juan. He recovers Breaking Glass Strike
Standard: Initiate Breaking Glass Strike,
Damage [roll]1d4+1d6+3
DC 16 Will save or Dazed for one round.

2017-11-13, 07:36 AM
Ferdinand gestures at Ondir, pointing him out to the rest of the group, and bellows "Aye, ye mad fools, pause yer swingin'! We got who'n we wanted from the beastie, best let it away - no reason in harmin' it further."

Won't be taking an attack against the octopus, but perhaps a heal check to see how bad Ondir is hurting?

Heal: [roll0]

2017-11-13, 08:35 AM
Barcelona wickedly pikes the creature on his way back to the shore, but quickly thereafter distances himself.

Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move: 20 ft of GTFO

2017-11-13, 09:32 AM
The battlelust has completely overtaken Ghosteye. He protests, "Unless we drive it off or kill it now, it will wreck us when we put the boats in! Keep the press on it."

2017-11-13, 08:40 PM
"You'll fast find yer fightin' alone, fer I'll be abandonin' ye ta yer fate if'n ya pick one like that."

2017-11-15, 12:31 PM
Unwilling to die over a simple snack the octopus releases an inky black cloud in the water and tries to swim off into the darkness.

Free action: ink cloud. 30 ft radius sphere provides total concealment in water.

Full round action: withdraw. Barcelona still gets an AoO, but the octopus has a 50% miss chance unless you can ignore concealment. Nobody else gets an AoO.

2017-11-15, 01:01 PM
"Got a good one in on 'im at the end. Doubt he'll be back." With that, Ordinatos rested his axe back on his shoulder and began to stalk back to shore across the top of the waves.

Assuming everyone is disengaging, Ordinatos will double move back to shore.

2017-11-15, 02:56 PM
"Yeah, big guy," said Barcelona as he swaggered shore-ward, "but we'd best be ready fer him when next we pass a boat along these waters, fer maybe he'll be right there again, and madder as well."

2017-11-15, 03:56 PM
Ondir wiped himself off, trying to shake the stiffness of his recent encounter away. "Good riddance to bad rubbish."

2017-11-15, 03:58 PM
Now that the fight dies down, and with it the violent waves raised by the octopus, Ileana lays flat on the surface of the water and looks into the sky, shaking her head. "Sorry, everyone... I've no idea what's with me today..."

2017-11-15, 04:13 PM
Anger roils through Juan like the tide in a storm. He senses the creature darting off, and then it is completely gone. Ghosteye slaps the surf in frustration, disappearing from the oily waves and reappearing on the shore.

He coils his whip and stalks inland a few yards. The water streams off his clothes and sloshes out of his boots, leaving a slug's trail in the sand behind him as he walks. He strips off his boots, jacket, and shirt -- laying them out in the sun. Then, he plunks down beside his gear and glowers at the sea.

"I'm sure it'll be back. Hopefully we'll be off before then."

Using Fading Strike to teleport back to shore.

Using a couple of standard actions to stew on the the one that got away, recovering maneuvers, then

keeping watch -- Taking 20 on perception: 27

2017-11-16, 03:40 PM
The octopus seems to have been driven off for the time being. The ink cloud slowly dissolves into the water leaving behind clear blue ocean.

The commotion of the fight seems to have drawn attention of a more human variety, however, as a band of ten or so armed plantation guards crests the hill towards the beach. Their commander waves a signal flag, indicating that he wishes to parlay.

2017-11-16, 05:04 PM
Ondir takes a few moments to gather himself. He wasn't going to be needed to talk, so he just took a bit to recover from his aquatic encounter.
Taking the standard actions to recover my maneuvers, assuming that combat might re-start soon. Otherwise, I do nothing.

2017-11-17, 03:55 AM
Ordinatos stood by and waited for someone more smooth-talking to open the parley. He returned his axe to its back sling so as to appear less threatening in the meantime.

2017-11-17, 10:22 AM
Juan pulls his soaked boots back on and takes a deep breath. He needs time to work on his maps not deal with another interruption. And this one is specifically the sort of interruption they were supposed to avoid. Cristoval always said to take a deep breath and calm down when he felt this way.

It never helps, why do I do it? Ghosteye takes another breath anyway. The extra air does not blow away his Tormenta, but it gives him that second pause he needs to think.

He drapes his coiled leather snake over one shoulder and across his chest, then slips up the beach toward these new interlopers.

2017-11-18, 02:26 AM
Hearing the new commotion, Ileana swiftly gets to the shore and walks towards the newcomers, dripping wet, but seemingly unconcerned about the dress clinging tightly to her body.

"Good day, gentlemen", she calls out with a confident smile, "May I ask what brings you to this nice little spot today? Not that I insist, of course, as long as everyone minds their own business, there's no harm done, right?""

2017-11-18, 01:20 PM
Maybe it was the way that she carried herself, or the particulars of her accent, but the commander of the plantation guards stiffenes when Ileana approaches and begins to speak.

"My apologies, Dona." He says with a bow. "I did not realize that we were in the presence of nobleza. These... ruffians, are not troubling you are they, Dona?"

He seems confused. It's obvious that he recognizes Ileana's noble upbringing, but her attire and company seem to have thrown him a bit.

2017-11-18, 03:05 PM
Ileanaputs her raised index finger across her lips with a mischievous smile, "Please. I'm here incognito, as you might see from my outfit - and I can handle myself just fine, but thank you for your concern... Now, unless yo have some pressing issues requiring your presence here... let's say we haven't seen each other?"

2017-11-18, 03:26 PM
"Of course, my apologies. We were dispatched to try and drive off the giant octopus that has claimed this cove. Don Algete asked us to secure the cove so that he could renegotiate a contract with the Leonan Shipping Guild." He eyes the dark waters that are eerily calm. "Unless, perhaps, you had some business with the monster yourself?"

2017-11-18, 04:28 PM
At this moment, Ondir wondered if he had any visible suction marks from his tangle with the beast.

2017-11-18, 10:50 PM
Ghosteye stands behind Ileana and to one side. His left thumb is hooked casually over the hilt of his cutlass. "We won't stand in your way if you want to see for yourselves, so long as you listen to the doña." The mist in his scarred eye swirls as he speaks.

Swift: Dark Claim the leader and two closest to him. If they turn hostile, they get a -3 to attack Juan.
Aid Another on Ileana [roll0]

2017-11-19, 01:39 AM
"Yeah. Just don't hassle Young Miss." Ordinatos fell back on the big dumb lummox stereotype he often used to escape attention.

2017-11-19, 09:10 AM
The commander raises his hands in a gesture of peace. "I wouldn't dream of questioning the doña, except that I have been given a duty by my liege to eradicate the monster living in this cove. If you have already driven it off for us, then surely my men and I can depart this location for a time to allow you to finish your business here. If you do not mind us reporting your success to Don Algete. Would 24 hours suffice?"

Lord Raziere
2017-11-19, 02:42 PM
Melka couldn't react in time to the octopus attack but she quickly came in and spoke
"Why yes, I believe that will more than suffice. Worry not sir, we will be gone within that time."
Nightfall is far less than 24 hours and they would be busy stealing a ship by then, so it was the truth.

2017-11-20, 05:33 PM
With no more objections, the plantation guards depart the cove of their own volition. Hopefully the twenty four hours you bought will be enough to ensure the smooth operation of your desperate plan. Now, the only thing left to do is wait.

2017-11-21, 11:29 AM
When they are gone, Ghosteye inclines his head toward Ileana, "Forgive me, doña, for implying you needed my protection. I am sure you do not, but it seemed better to let those soldados de la plantación believe that the señorita incógnita had all the guards she needed."

2017-11-21, 12:14 PM
"Oh please", Ileana giggles, "Nothing wrong about putting on a little show. And please, you definitely don't need to treat me like a nobleza. We're in it together, are we not?"

2017-11-21, 12:25 PM
Now that the possibility of combat was gone, Ondir went bak into the water, floating in a state of calm and relaxation.
Heading back into the water to activate my Hydrated Vitality to gain Fast Healing 2 for 3 rounds, which will heal me 6 HP, bringing me to 31/36 HP

2017-11-21, 12:47 PM
Looking at her companion, Ileana heads towards the water as well. For a moment, her hand reaches towards the ties of her dress, but stops. If the recent fight taught her anything, is that she really needs to practice swimming fully dressed and armed... that promises to become a useful skill in the foreseeable future.

2017-11-21, 02:19 PM
Barcelona looks out upon the water sourly, almost as if he expects further trouble, when his comrades enter it. But with a mental shrug, he soon returns his attention to finding his black powder. He searches the beach for where he expects it to lay, all the while checking his pellet collection to be sure of roughly how much of it, if any, he lost.

2017-11-22, 01:30 AM
Climbing out of the surf, Ferdinand had almost immediately resumed his reclined position on a rock near the beach. In his relaxed state, he seemed to have missed the conversation between his group and the plantation guards. He flicks an eye open as he hears them entering the surf again, grumbling "Are ye sure we were s'posed to save ye from the beastie if'n yer so eager t' hop back inta th' bay again after th' number 'e did on ye, Ondir?"

The old pirate closed his eyes again, leaning against the rock. His breeches, slightly soggy from the dunk in the water, quickly dried out sitting in the sun as the man, for all intents and purposes seemed to be soundly asleep against the rock. Of course, he was keeping a sharp eye on the beach, teammates included. He had to be sure they were competent around the surf before he could trust them enough to sleep with anything less than one eye open.

2017-11-22, 03:44 AM
Well after the departing guardsmen were out of earshot, Ordinatos dropped his act. "That went better than I thought. Just have to hope none of 'em blab before that 24 hours is up, I guess. Now what do you say we lie low while we wait?"

2017-11-22, 04:40 PM
"Aye. I'm sure they know a quiet place to dice and drink rum while they shirk, but I hope the signal comes before they get found out." Juan ascents. Deciding it isn't worth the effort to keep pulling his boots off and back on, he allows his feet to squish against the soggy leather as he settles back down. He pulls his case out and starts reviewing a star chart that he's been working on while they endure the interminable wait for the signal. He compares sextant readings in his notes to the positions of the stars on his chart, triple checking their placement. It is tedious work -- the kind he was so desperate to avoid when he ran away from his apprenticeship.

But, on the open sea, a good chart is worth more than gold, it is worth a man's life.

Most of the charts he's seen and used over the last couple of years have been half guesswork, and besides that, the work calms the turmoil inside of him.

2017-11-23, 08:12 AM
The party is able to wait peacefully as the day lengthens and the sun begins to set. As it lowers behind the distant hills, you think you can hear the sound of distant cannon fire. As you look around you spot a small group of men and women, the other pirates you met with Doc Boggs, running down the path towards you.

Doc Boggs is there at the head of the group, waving and shouting. "The Navy bastards are here! They're laying fire in the harbor and sinking all the ships!"

All in all, it seems that you're just shy of an even twenty crewmen. Some of your would be allies didn't make it out of Shallowsea quickly enough, it appears.

2017-11-24, 01:43 AM
"This all we gonna get?" Ordinatos asked, almost rhetorically if not for the edge in his voice. Even as he spoke, he was already in action hauling one of the boats out of its cover and into the surf. "And watch out for a giant octopus. We bled him good but he got away. Doubt he'll be back, but you never know."

2017-11-24, 01:46 AM
Ondir holds out his hand and draws water from the air, solidifying in the shape of a musket. With his aqua-arm prepped, he turns to Boggs. "Then let us make haste"

2017-11-24, 09:10 AM
The five longboats are loaded up with guns and equipment. The other crewmen all begin piling into the boats, some more aggressively than others. Doc Boggs looks at you and nods his head in thanks.

"I didn't think the octopus would be willing to risk attacking such a large group or I'd have warned you away from the water. I'm sorry about that. We're going around the northern shore of the island. The plan is to take the nearest ship as soon as we row around into the harbor. It's going to be hard work from here on, I hope you're ready." He then addresses the entire group. "I don't know how many of you have served on board a Tormentan vessel, but their crews use telepathy to communicate and coordinate. So I need anyone who can form a collective to link up with me, and spread the collective between the whole crew."

You feel the presence of other minds knocking on the door to your own. The whole crew does seem to be linking up, although some with more reluctance than others.

2017-11-24, 02:01 PM
Ordinatos joined the collective without a second thought as he worked. The sensation was certainly familiar enough to him. His old crew were morons and chuckleheads to a man, and he certainly didn't miss being mind-linked to them, but he couldn't deny how effective such communication made them, and surely not all of these pirates would be as bad.

2017-11-24, 02:38 PM
Though the sensation and idea aggravated him, Barcelona did not choose to rock the proverbial (or literal) boat. Given a moment to recoil, he recovered and permitted himself to join the collective. He then boarded the ship with every bit the aggression as anyone else in the group, and at that, took a moment to load his gun.

As he familiarized himself with the ship, he took stock of the crew and his situation, noting mentally any faces he felt were missing from this crowd which were present at Doc Bogg's house.

2017-11-24, 04:36 PM
Juan accepts the connection, and as he does so, he wonders about those that didn't make it. Would they be betrayed? It hardly matters now. As he boards a boat packed with not just rough and coarse sea-dogs, but actual pirates, he remembers the path that brought him here. I'm glad my family cannot see this.

2017-11-24, 04:43 PM
Ondir accepted the link easily, as it wasn't uncommon for Bassrian guards to share such a link. As long as he kept his surface thoughts on the mission at hand, any secrets he had would remain his.

2017-11-24, 06:14 PM
Ferdinand snaps awake, and grunts at the sight of Boggs. He nods, opening his mind silently, and hops to, making what preparations were necessary to begin their group's engagement in casual theft of a naval vessel. He mutters into his beard, though loud enough that anyone nearby could hear him, "We best be rarin' for a life wi' not much luxury forn the next bit. Navy'll be ridin us like thoroughbreds, tha's fer sure."

2017-11-25, 05:31 AM
Hearing the request, Ileana hesitates a little; it's definitely a new experience for her, and she isn't that happy about letting people know what she thinks... but then, new experiences is exactly what she's after these days. And not like she has much choice, now, does she? So, she nods, forcing a smile, "Very well."

2017-11-25, 08:51 AM
Your mental connections are surprisingly quiet. With everyone being an experienced sailor and ruffian, there's little need for communication. As the boats shove off from the shore with you aboard, the message comes through:

We're runnin' dark lads. If you can see without the light, good on you. Otherwise buck up and pay attention. Good hunting all.

It's hard work rowing the boats around the island and avoiding the shallows, sandbars and reefs that make Shallowsea such a safe harbor, but with the help of your new crewmates, you manage to successfully avoid any major issues.

I'm assuming whoever on the crew has the highest Profession: Sailor skill in each boat is taking 10 on a check, with everyone else using Aid Another for a minimum bonus of +9 (+3 from ranks and +6 from 3 Aid Anothers) so there should be no reason for anyone to fail a profession sailor check right now.

There's a lot of you sailors that didn't take ranks in Profession: Sailor, apparently. You all do remember you get 2 background skill points in addition to your normal allotment, right?

The cloud cover clears, revealing a bright sea of stars overhead that illuminate the waves and the distant target of your larcenous desires. A double masted Leonan brig guards the near edge of the harbor, about two hundred yards distant, you can feel your crewmates tense with excitement and fear. This will be your last chance to ready yourself before the assault.

2017-11-26, 03:26 AM
Ordinatos didn't dare make a sound, or try to say any words of encouragement over the mind link, but steeled himself mentally for the fight to come. Even if they could hold the element of surprise, he guessed these were longer odds than he'd ever faced.

Manifesting Defensive Precognition for +1 to AC and all Saves.

2017-11-27, 09:40 AM
Being out on the water again was natural, considering Barcelona's varied and interesting life. Being out on the water in pitch blackness slightly less so, but he soldiered on - redoubled, in fact. He could be seen only by the most perceptive in this darkness, but still could be seen, to puff up a little, and grow meaner. He had a look on his face suggesting that he was ready to use the several weapons he had brought with him, and indeed, to say he was willing was an understatement.

Internally, he psyched himself up. He kept his newly-intruded-upon mind fairly silent of words, but permitted aggression and focus to wash over him. This made him look mad on the outside, but certainly, on the inside, all was going quite according to his plan.

His eyes widened. He let them open almost painfully wide, giving him a ghastly visage in this night air. His eyeballs were almost perfectly round, there was little of them that could not be seen. He looked out onto the waters, and followed advice: he tried to pay attention.

Perception: [roll0]

But he was prone to missing the little details. He knew this as well as anyone. Still, he would catch what he would catch, and certainly, when the fight began, he'd be in it quick and angry.

2017-11-27, 04:26 PM
Juan's oar dips quietly into the surf as they approach their quarry. He can't see in this murk, so he listens wordlessly to the directions given through the mindlink. His stomach quakes in a way that it hasn't since his first days at sea. The moments before an engagement are always the worst for him.

2017-11-27, 06:49 PM
Ferdinand continues to mutter into his beard, though quieter now, only audible to himself. He rowed evenly, matching the pace of his partners on the boat. He knew he wasn't going to see anything in the dark of night, so he doesn't bother looking, instead breathing to the rhythm of the oars. Through his years of service on board naval ships, battle was a regular sight to him.

2017-11-28, 03:06 PM
The brig looms over the dark water, blotting out a section of starry sky behind it. A few floating lights indicate that a watch is indeed on board the ship, not that any of you would have doubted otherwise. Silently, with practiced skill, the pirates around you slip into the water or walk slowly along its surface, held above the liquid by their own mental force. There's no signal to tell you to start moving, only the knowledge that moving any closer risks being spotted.

Chatter in your head tells you that the pirates are splitting into groups. Some to climb the prow of the ship onto the foredeck, while another group climbs astern to catch the guards on deck in a pincer. The rest will attempt to enter the gun ports and hopefully disable the sleeping crew without raising the alarm. Claiming the guns will be crucial to disable the other two ships in the bay, but right now every role will be necessary.

What I need from you:

1. A swim check if you are forced to make one to swim to the ship (as in, you don't have a way to walk on water or fly). DC 10 if swimming on the surface, DC 15 if attempting to swim the entire way under water. You can take 10 on the swim check.

2. A stealth check to sneak on board without being spotted. You will gain a +2 circumstance bonus from the darkness, and a further +2 if you can swim the entire way under water. DC 15

3. A climb check to climb on board the ship. The normal DC is 15, or you can attempt a DC 20 Perception check to try and find a dangling rope which will reduce the DC to 5.

I will need to know where you are going on the ship: Prow, Stern or Gun Port. Prep for some dirty work, good hunting.:smallamused:

2017-11-28, 03:20 PM
Ordinatos cringed at the task before him. This was the part he dreaded. Weighed down by his armor he'd struggle to make the swim, but if he walked on the surface he'd be a big, clanking giveaway. He drew a deep breath and slipped into the water.

Swim: [roll0]

If he fails the Swim check to stay underwater, he will try to stay on the surface. If the check is too low even for that, he will reactivate Unbroken Stride to walk on the surface.

Stealth: [roll1] (not counting the potential bonus from a successful Swim check)

Perception to spot a rope: [roll2]

Climb: [roll3]

He will join the Prow or Stern, whichever has fewer friendlies going to that side.

2017-11-28, 03:35 PM
Ondir swum deep, the water hiding his position. He then tries to make his way into the gun port.
No need for a Swim check, and by swimming under, I get a +2.
Stealth check, including both +2's [roll0].
Perception check [roll1]
Climb check [roll2]

2017-11-28, 04:00 PM
Ileana, putting her earlier swimming practice to a good use, disappears beneath the black surface with a barely a splash, cutting the water with subtle movements of her body while keeping both arms and legs still, until she finally resurfaces below the brig, out of sight of everyone on the decks; elf's keen eyes, unhindered by darkness, quickly locate a rope lefft hanging by some uncareful - and, should his mistake ever become known, truly unfortunate - sailor and, grabbing it, starts climbing towards the gun port, flashing an excited smile at Ondir ascending closely nearby. If possible, let's try to take them out without killing, bueno? she transmits to the undine, trying to get used to the new way of communication.

2017-11-28, 04:03 PM
Ferdinand dives in deep and his splash, while small, is noticeable. He curses mentally, his joints stiffened slightly by the cold, as he reaches the stern of the ship, and begins climbing up the back with practiced ease, fingers finding purchase even without the help of a rope.

2017-11-28, 06:50 PM
Barcelona awkwardly shambled his mass of meat and human hair towards the side of his own boat, once again leaving his powder unattended but safe from the clutches of the waters. He somehow entered the waters with a modicum of grace and, not willing to try his luck, took a deep breath and sank beneath the sea.

He was a fine swimmer. He calmly made his way under the water to the ship, hoping no glint of moonlight would give him away. It was a gamble.

Slowly he surfaced, drawing towards the sleeping soldiers with an ambition for blood. He would waste no time. With a grisly, sea-dampened hand he reached and gripped the side of the ship with every bit of force he could muster, fighting lack of traction with brute force and ascending the side, seeking one of those holes he had earlier boasted to be 'good at.' He would have to consider his entryway with some degree of care, lest he find himself landing on future jetsam or future corpses. Better not to make himself one of those things.

He crept toward an opening.

2017-11-28, 07:45 PM
Ghosteye gently slipped into the water. Grateful for the calmer water in the bay, he slowly stroked his way across the surface of the water. With Juan paying so much care to keep from splashing or drowning, other more able swimmers beat him to the boat. He pauses, treading water, and mentally calculates the distance to the sterncastle. The helm will need manning once they've the ship, and Ghosteye is familiar with the wheel.

He waits just a few more moments hoping to give the rest of this motley crew a chance to begin their ascent, then he draws his coiled whip and picks out a section of rail to aim for. With his practiced double snap he propels himself through the aether toward the aft railing.

Drawing whip as part of his move action to tread water
Swift: Funhouse Waltz (+10' movement -- total 50')
Standard: Fading Strike (Attack the rail with Unarmed Strike, [roll0])

2017-12-01, 09:00 PM
The Bow

As you climb past the ship's figurehead, a scantily clad elfin woman, you reach up to the rails guarding the bow of the ship. Finishing your climb onto the bow of the ship you spot a trio of Leonan marines about 15 feet away. They don't appear to have spotted you just yet, but with so many of you making the climb, it's only a matter of time. You glance beside you and see a gray skinned Oread, she nods at you before nearly vanishing from sight as her skin changes colors to match the scenery behind her.

We can't afford to be spotted. Take them out now! Her voice echoes inside your skull.

Initiative checks for Bow/Prow

Leonan Marines Initiative (x 3): [roll0]

Pirate Crew NPCs (x3): [roll1]

The Midships
Climbing through the gun ports into the midship, you are met with a wall of darkness. Not psionic darkness, just pure, natural pitch black as the light from above vanishes. It's incredibly difficult to see, unless you have the ability to see in the dark. You're unsure of who has climbed in beside you, but voices echo in your head.

Fan out.
Find the sleeping crew, take them out.
First blood gets an extra ten gold dubloons.
Try and locate the door to the captain's cabin!

It's easy enough to hide in this darkness and prepare yourself. So what will you do?

Your Stealth check will get a +8 bonus due to the darkness. Unless you have darkvision however, it may be far too dark to see. Perhaps one of your companions could manifest a power on you that would help with that?

The Stern
You carefully climb up the side of the ship past the rudder and avoiding the windows of the captain's cabin. As you reach the stern, you notice that a trio of marines, just like the ones on the bow are standing watch. You don't have time to waste. If they get off an alarm, your whole endeavor may be pointless.

Initiative checks

Leonan Marines Initiative (x 3): [roll2]

Pirate Crew NPCs (x4): [roll3]

The Waters Below

Your more adept allies managed to lower some ropes to those of you who haven't made it onto the ship yet. This is your opportunity to follow them aboard.

Your entry to the battles on board the ship will be delayed by 1 round as you climb aboard. Please still make your initiative rolls now, however.

2017-12-01, 09:42 PM
Unhindered by the darkness, Ondir searched for the captain's cabin; best to cut the head off the snake when you can.
I have Darkvision 60 ft. I forgot to mark it on my sheet, but the only thing that trades out darkvision is deepvision and I definitely didn't take that, so I've still got it. I will stealth my way around looking for the cabin, so here's my rolls
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2017-12-01, 09:57 PM

Ferdinand doesn't bother with a war cry as he lifts himself over the rails, boots planting firmly on the deck and hammer swinging out with deadly intent.

Swift to activate Stance of Aggression. -2 AC (16 → 14) +1d6 damage.

Moving to within range of the closest one (using a reach weapon).

Standard to activate Dazing Strike with Power Attack. I need a Fortitude save, DC 18, or the target is dazed for 1 Round if the strike hits.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3]

Perception to spot any out of the way enemies or things of potential note: [roll4]

2017-12-02, 03:25 AM
Ordinatos hauled himself up the ropes dropped down by the other pirates, silently resolving that when battle was joined he'd make up for his dismal display leading up to it.

Defensive Precognition lasts three minutes from when he first manifested it, how long is left on it, if anything?

If he has a choice he will climb the stern to help in the fight against the enemy captain, unless he has to just climb the nearest one or be further delayed.

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-12-02, 04:09 AM

The captain's a pri'arity target, Barcelona thought at his sighted crewmates, fer when leaderless they'll be pr'adictable.

He expected Leonans to have a plan for just such an occasion as this, and was prepared for the surprise attack to sour if all didn't go well. He wasn't about to fumble around blindly, though - having crossed the barrier, and expecting himself to still be hidden, he let his wide eyes search the darkness for meaningful shapes, and hoped that before he stumbled, he'd either see or be granted sight.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-12-03, 03:22 PM
Ileana, Gun Port

Ileana's cheerfulness, however, doesn't last long. Once she gets inside, even the keen elven eyes fail to pierce the darkness. So, for now she just places her hands of her blades and takes a defensive stance.

Stealth [roll0]

2017-12-04, 07:35 PM
Ship's Bow

Before you can safely react, the trio of Leonan marines spot you and draw weapons to engage. Two of them rush forward to engage the pirates, while the third tries to run to the ship's bell to alert the rest of the crew.

Leonan Marines A & B:

Move action- Walk 15 ft. to engage pirates, draw weapon as part of move action.

Standard Action-
Attack on NPC Pirate A: [roll0] vs. Flat Foot
Damage: [roll1]
Attack on NPC Pirate B: [roll2] vs. Flat Foot
Damage: [roll3]

Leonan Marine C:
Full round Action: Withdraw and move to ship's bell 30 ft. away (45 ft. total)


Cannae let ye skulk around in the dark ifn' ye can't see fer ****e, eh? The squeaking voice of Captain Whiteshanks whispers in Ileana's skull. Suddenly her vision lightens to a grainy black and white. No colors, but enough to see around the ship without trouble. The tiny, ostentatiously dressed halfling skirts by, dagger in hand.

Those of you who can see notice that much of the crew is asleep in their hammocks. There are about a dozen crewmen asleep down here. The other pirates draw weapons and stand at the ready to strike down the sleeping sailors. Towards the stern you can see the door of the captain's cabin.

Captain Whiteshanks manifests Heightened Vision on Ileana. Yes, I know it's personal only, he's got a feat or something. Synesthete wouldn't cut it.

Other pirates move to sleeping crew and draw weapons. Preparing to Coup de Grace next round.

Ship's Stern

Just barely quick enough, the pirates at the stern are able to draw blades and charge the trio of marines at the back of the ship. They draw their cruel blades and attack without a sound. Looking atop the mast, Juan notices the crow's nest is occupied.

Pirates D & E

Charge and attack Marines D & E respectively.

Pirate D: Martial Charge Marine D- Spark Strike and Regal Blade, Stance- Scarlet Einhander
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] + [roll6] Electricity damage + [roll7] + [roll8]

Pirate E: Martial Charge Marine D- Garnet Lance Murderous Spite, Stance- Scarlet Einhander
Attack: [roll9] vs. Touch
Damage: [roll10] + [roll11]

Pirate F:

Draws Bow and fires arrow at Marine F. Dustcatching Breeze. Boost- Eye of the Needle. Stance- Galebreaker's Stance
Attack: [roll12] vs. Flat Foot
Damage: [roll13]
Sleight of Hand: [roll14] vs. 19 for Blinded

2017-12-05, 02:09 AM
Ship's Bow

Only two of the other pirates had climbed up this way, so Ordinatos decided to lend his axe to them. By the time he clambered up onto the deck, there was already a Leonan marine about to ring the ship's bell and rouse the crew. No time to focus his mind, he rushed headlong past the melee with surprising speed to stop the alarm from being sounded.

Swift Action: Switch from Unbroken Stride to Running Hunter Stance

If Ordinatos has clear terrain to charge at the man who went for the bell, he will use Panthera On The Hunt to charge him with a +2 to attack and damage and not provoke attacks of opportunity. Otherwise he will simply move there, take any attacks of opportunity he might provoke (he has a 60' total movement speed in this stance, so he might be able to move around them and still reach the one at the bell) and attack normally.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: Above assumes he's not charging (he would have +4 to hit and +2 damage if he is). Also is Defensive Precognition (3 minute duration) still up from when we were inbound?

2017-12-05, 04:48 PM
Ship's Stern

Juan tries to signal the pirate with a bow as he struggles to remember his name. It begins with an F...

"You! With the bow, aim for the one in the crow's nest," Ghosteye calls as he charges into the fight. He weaves around the pirates and snakes his whip out at an injured marine.

Stance Scarlet Einhander
Swift: Dark Claim Marines D,E, and F Using Grasp of Darkness to recover Funhouse Waltz and Fading Strike. This gives all three of them a -3 penalty to attack Juan

Move: Advance on Marine D
Standard: Breaking Glass Strike on Marine D [roll0]
Damage [roll1] plus [roll2] from the stance
and Will Save DC 16 or stunned for 1 round.

2017-12-06, 02:55 PM

Being mostly blind in the darkness of the midships, Barcelona, having had a moment to adjust, hopes for his luck to be fine and draws a dagger from one of his hips. He proceeds then to creep carefully toward a shape that looks not unlike a sailor.

Ready an action to, when the killing starts, Coup de Gras... something. Whatever it is I've found with my 11 perception check.

2017-12-09, 12:48 PM
Ship's Bow

The pirates are quick to react to the attacks of the marines, but one is not quite quick enough. A sword slash opens a deep gash along his chest, but he counters with a thrust of his own. The other just barely manages to dodge an attack. The third manifests a glowing rifle and takes aim at the crow's nest, firing a shot at the distant target.

Ordinatos is able to catch the fleeing marine, his axe blade biting deep into the marine.

I gave Ordinatos the charge. Defensive Precognition is still up for 10 rounds.

Pirates A & B:

Standard Action-
Attack on Leonan Marine A: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Attack on NPC Pirate B: [roll3] vs. touch
Damage: [roll4]

NPC Pirate C:
Shoots at Crow's Nest Marine. Dustcatching Breeze + Cascading Draft. Stance: Tempest Gale Stance.
Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] + [roll7]
Dirty Trick Attempt: [roll8] vs. 19 for blind

Almost in unison, the daggers and other weapons come down on their targets, who let out gurgles of pain before passing. Barcelona swings downward as well, his blade ripping into a bag of rice that spills onto the floor of the ship. Some chuckles from other pirates echo in his head.

Were ya lookin' fer a snack there, boyo? A feminine voice asks him. Not much good you'll be down here if ye can't see, aye?

The rest of the pirates move on to another crewman, ready to repeat the process.

X4 coup de graces on sleeping Leonan Sailors. Barcelona savagely slaughters a bag of rice. The rats will probably be happy.

Ship's Stern

Juan advances on one of the engaged marines and takes a swing at him. His blade connects and the sound of shattering glass fills the air as the marine is subjected to the supernatural terror that is a Harbinger.

The other two marines take swings at their pirate foes, fighting back desperately. One swings a pair of daggers at his target, while the other rushes forward, drawing a shining blade as he approaches the pirate with a bow. He swings and dances away as soon as he attacks.

Marine D Will Save vs. DC 16 [roll9]

Marine E attacks Pirate E. Standard Action for Swift Claws

Attack: [roll10] and [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] + [roll13] and [roll14] + [roll15]

Marine F charges Pirate F. Strike: Swift Current. Boost: Ride the Wake. Stance: Reaching Blade
Attack: [roll16] vs. Flat Foot (16)
Damage: [roll17] + [roll18]

Moves 30 ft. away from Pirate F, no attacks of opportunity.

2017-12-09, 06:09 PM
The half-giant took advantage of his foe's shock and pain to step back and manifest his signature ability, then with startling speed brought the axe cleaving upwards in a wicked backswing.

5' step back
Standard Action: Manifest Expansion
Swift Action: Minute Hand maneuver (swift action attack at -2 to hit)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-09, 07:16 PM
Leaving the others to dispatch the sailors, Ondir tries to find the captian's cabin. Best cut the head of the snake.
Perception check just in case: [roll0]

2017-12-10, 06:34 AM

Ileana, unable to bring herself to slaughter the sleeping men, follows Ondir, briefly taps his sholder and points to the left. These ships are built on the same basic design, I've seen enough of them.

2017-12-10, 12:02 PM
Ondir nods and follows her lead.

2017-12-10, 10:53 PM
Taking the hint from his comrade, Barcelona wanders on, in search of the captain, a door up, or really anything he can use to get out into the light. If he won't be useful here, he won't risk stabbing a co-conspirator in the dark.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-12-11, 08:53 PM
Seeing his opponent startled, Juan dives forward. As he brushes past the dazed marine, he begins twirling his whip again. He swings it backward, snapping at one opponent before quickly reversing and snapping toward the fleeing marine. His double snap catapults him through the darkness in the space between an eye blink. His ghost eye never blinks, however. It only punctuates Juan's scowl. "You can't run from me. You are mine."

Stance: Scarlet Einhander
Move action: Tumbling 20 feet through the dazed Marine D [roll0] vs. DC 5

Standard: Fading Strike vs Marine D [roll1] (Daredevil Softpaw boots grant him +2 to attack for moving through an opponent's square without provoking AoO)
Damage [roll2] plus [roll3] (stance)
and Teleport to 10 away from fleeing Marine F

Swift: Dark Claim Marines D, E, and F (provided they are all standing), which recovers Breaking Glass Strike and Fading Strike.

2017-12-13, 06:56 PM

Ferdinand's hammer swings up and around his head as he comes back in for another swing. "Arrah wit ye, Leonan donkeys!"

Since I have no clue how these enemies are positioned relative to each other, I'm assuming at least two of them are adjacent to each other. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Based on that assumption, I'm initiating Scything Strike with Power Attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

I've rolled well exactly once this campaign. What in the actual hell.

2018-01-05, 01:23 PM
The Bow

The Leonan Marines are forced back by the intense fighting of the pirate crew. They struggle to defend themselves and alert the rest of the crew to the danger.

Marine A-
Attack on NPC Pirate A: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Marine B-
Attack on NPC Pirate B: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Marine C- Attacks Ordinatos
Attack on Ordinatos: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]


As the other pirates sneak around the hold, readying to strike down yet more of the Leonan crew, Ileana, Belford and Ondir gather in front of a lone door near the stern of the ship. This green door, marked with the crest of Imperial Leonos, is obviously the captain's cabin. It appears to be locked, and you have no way of knowing what's on the other side of the door.

The door to the Captain's Cabin is locked, it requires a DC 20 Disable Device check if you have the proper tools. Otherwise you can attempt to break the door down.

The other pirates ready actions to coup de grace more of the Leonan crew.


Pressing their advantage, the pirates at the stern attempt to slay the marines as quickly as possible.

Pirate D: Attacks Marine D-
Attack on Marine D: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Pirate E: Attacks Marine E
Attack on Marine E: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Pirate F: Shoots at Crow's Nest Pirate
Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

2018-01-05, 01:40 PM
Ondir frowns as he looks at the lock. He turns to Ilena Do you have any way to open this? Blunt applications of strength are not my strong suit.

Lord Raziere
2018-01-05, 04:21 PM
Melka says
"I'll be on the Bow. For the Stained Glass Knight!"
She draws her glass cutlass and charges towards it, taking Infinity Mirror Stance, an image of Melka appears next to her and she moves to interweave herself with her image confusing foes which one is which then runs up to the nearest marine yelling:
"Whirlwind Sweep!"
She tries to sweep him off his feet with her foot then grab him with her left hand and throw him overboard for an easy first casualty.

Gain benefits of mirror image, with one image generated.

Climb check against Pirate A's CMD: [roll0]
If succeed I throw him ten feet in any direction, and I choose the "off the ship" direction.

2018-01-06, 04:23 AM
Ordinatos was caught off-guard by his surprisingly tough opponent, and tried to avoid a clever thrust at a gap in his armor. He then whirled about with his axe and swept it in from the side at his opponent.

We're back!

Using the Stopwatch counter to try to negate that hit with an Autohypnosis check: [roll0] vs. opponent's attack roll of 27.

He will then attack on his turn: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2018-01-07, 09:19 PM
If it's blunt powar ye'r lookin' fer, I've got it in spades, Barcelona silently said, but I've the inclination to give tha quiet approach a try first. It's my figurin' the captain'a this vessel's a might nastier than'is crew, so I'd prefer him go quiet in 'is sleep.

That said, Barcelona moved aside, to give invitation for someone with the skills to unlock locks the quiet way to do so. And should that fail, his big, sharp stick would come in handy.

2018-01-08, 08:17 AM
After you, Ileana gestured as she looked away in case the sailors might be getting reinforcements... so dar, the boarding action... wasn't much of one, honestly, and while there being no danger wasn't bad per se... she really didn't want to take part in slaying the defenseless sailors.

2018-01-09, 04:03 PM
Then let us all stand back, good an' careful... and storm in quick, when the lock is down.

Barcelona stepped away, drew back with his mighty rice-slayer, and then came down upon the lock with all his force.

Barcelona uses Primal Wrath.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-01-15, 02:05 PM
Ship's Bow

Unfortunately, Melka's late arrival to the party is less than impressive as she fails to perform the necessary clinch to grab hold of her target and toss them into the dark waters below.

Ordinatos's whirling axe manages to cleave deep into his opponent, nearly splitting his foe in two. Luckily he manages to stop his momentum just shy of striking the ship's bell.

The other pirates continue to engage the remaining marines, desperate to press the advantage they've been afforded and take control of the ship.

Pirates A & B:

Standard Action-
Attack on Leonan Marine A: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Attack on NPC Pirate B: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

NPC Pirate C:
Shoots at Crow's Nest Marine. Strike: Battering Gale. Stance: Tempest Gale Stance.
Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] + [roll7]
Dirty Trick Attempt: [1d20+10] vs. 19 for bull rush


Ondir, Ileana and Belford stand in front of the locked cabin door, unsure of how to proceed. Belford's attack seems to have only dented the lock, and not done anything to remove the issue before them. The other crew continues to slaughter the Leonan's in their sleep.

Tryin' ta pick a lock there aye? One of the pirates asks through the telepathic connection. I'll be over ta take a look.

It's difficult to make a clear image of the young woman who slides over to the door by the trio, but she quickly gets to work on the lock.

I wish you really hadn't tried picking it with that dagger o' yours. Makes the whole thing much trickier. She scolds as she works.

Most of the Midships crew is killing sleeping sailors. One attempts a Disable Device check on the lock.

Disable Device: [roll8] vs. DC 20


The pirates and marines continue to fight fiercely as the party members at the stern of the ship watch in awe.

2018-01-16, 02:21 AM
Ship's Bow

Only when his foe fell nearly in half did Ordinatos finally stagger from the blow the marine had dealt him, an opportune thrust through a gap in his plates. It didn't stop him from charging back into the fray without a word, though.

Charging back to attack Marine A.

Attack: [roll0] (doesn't include a potential flank bonus with Pirate A)
Damage: [roll1]

2018-01-18, 06:02 PM
Once the pirate opens the lock, Ondir grabs the handle, After you, milady He then prepares himself for action once the door opens.

2018-01-19, 06:46 PM
Barcelona braces for immediate retaliation upon the breaching of the captain's quarters. Assuming there's no way the captain is doing anything but preparing to shoot the door or stab whomever opens it, he readies his weapon...

Ready an action to immediately attack the captain if he's within range when the door opens.

2018-01-20, 04:23 AM
Ileana draws her swords and stands right in front of the door, ready to face whatever she sees there face on!

ACtivating my Aegis; allies within 10 feet get +1 AC and +1 Will. Can't do Defensive FOcus unfortunately, since it's a full=round action, and we're not in the combat...

Lord Raziere
2018-01-24, 05:05 PM
Melka frowns and tries to grab a nearby rope an entangle him in it by throwing it upon him so that she may try what she wanted to do again with a more favorable circumstance.

[roll0] to use a dirty trick to Entangle the pirate, with improved dirty trick so no attack of opportunity, as well as dastardly gambit, as well as a morale bonus of +3 to her allies on the damage roll of the next attack they make before the start of her next turn if she succeeds

this is to regain her Whirlwind Sweep maneuver