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2017-10-23, 09:18 PM
Damned Legionnaire
Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class 22 (Power Armour)
Hit Points 161 (14d8+98)
Speed 40'


24 (+7)
22 (+6)
24 (+7)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)

Skills Athletics +13, Perception +10, Stealth +12
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical weapons, Fire, Acid, Poison, Lightning, Thunder, and Cold
Senses Passive Perception 20, Darkvision 120', Blindsense 10'
Languages High Gothic, Low Gothic
Challenge 13

Unyielding Spectre (Magic Resistance) Powered by the unholy strength of the Warp, a Damned Legionnaire has advantage on all saves against magic.

Legendary Resistance (1/day) When the Legionnaire fails a save, he may instead succeed.

And They Shall Know No Fear The Legionnaire has advantage on saves against fear, and may reroll any failed saves against fear once per round.

Flaming Projectiles A Legionnaire's ranged attacks ignore half and three-fourths cover.

Aid Unlooked For Once per day, a Legionnaire may teleport without any error from their mysterious home within the Warp to the site of a battle. They may stay at this battle until they are no longer needed, upon which they return to their home, or they are slain, in which case it takes 1d10 days for their spirit to recompose itself into physical form.


Power Knife melee weapon attack: +13 to-hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) magical slashing damage.

Boltgun ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 400'/1600', one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage.

Bolt Pistol ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 200'/800', one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage.

Frag Grenade thrown weapon attack: affects a 15' radius circle within 100. All creatures within the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity save or take 11 (3d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries two frag grenades, typically.

Krak Grenade thrown weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 60'/120', one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries one krak grenade, typically.

Extra Attack The Legionnaire makes two attacks, only one of which may be a grenade.

Bonus Actions

Endurance Of The Transhuman Once per rest, a Legionnaire may spend up to six hit dice. (They have 14.)

Spectre Of Fear One target within 60' that can both see and hear the Legionnaire must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of the Legionnaire for one minute, with a new save at the end of every round. Once the save is passed, the target is immune to this ability (from this or any other Legionnaire) until they rest. All Damned Legionnaires are immune to this ability.

Damned Legionnaire Pyro
Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class 22 (Power Armour)
Hit Points 161 (14d8+98)
Speed 40'


24 (+7)
22 (+6)
24 (+7)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)

Skills Athletics +13, Perception +10, Stealth +12
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical weapons, Fire, Acid, Poison, Lightning, Thunder, and Cold
Senses Passive Perception 20, Darkvision 120', Blindsense 10'
Languages High Gothic, Low Gothic
Challenge 13

Unyielding Spectre (Magic Resistance) Powered by the unholy strength of the Warp, a Damned Legionnaire has advantage on all saves against magic.

Legendary Resistance (1/day) When the Legionnaire fails a save, he may instead succeed.

And They Shall Know No Fear The Legionnaire has advantage on saves against fear, and may reroll any failed saves against fear once per round.

Flaming Projectiles A Legionnaire's ranged attacks ignore half and three-fourths cover.

Aid Unlooked For Once per day, a Legionnaire may teleport without any error from their mysterious home within the Warp to the site of a battle. They may stay at this battle until they are no longer needed, upon which they return to their home, or they are slain, in which case it takes 1d10 days for their spirit to recompose itself into physical form.


Power Knife melee weapon attack: +13 to-hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) magical slashing damage.

Flamer ranged weapon attack: affects a cone up to 60' long and up to 20' wide. All creatures in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 11 (3d6) fire damage.

Bolt Pistol ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 200'/800', one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage.

Frag Grenade thrown weapon attack: affects a 15' radius circle within 100. All creatures within the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity save or take 11 (3d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries two frag grenades, typically.

Krak Grenade thrown weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 60'/120', one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries one krak grenade, typically.

Extra Attack The Legionnaire makes two attacks, only one of which may be a grenade.

Bonus Actions

Endurance Of The Transhuman Once per rest, a Legionnaire may spend up to six hit dice. (They have 14.)

Spectre Of Fear One target within 60' that can both see and hear the Legionnaire must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of the Legionnaire for one minute, with a new save at the end of every round. Once the save is passed, the target is immune to this ability (from this or any other Legionnaire) until they rest. All Damned Legionnaires are immune to this ability.

Damned Legionnaire Demolitionist
Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class 22 (Power Armour)
Hit Points 161 (14d8+98)
Speed 40'


24 (+7)
22 (+6)
24 (+7)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)

Skills Athletics +13, Perception +10, Stealth +12
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical weapons, Fire, Acid, Poison, Lightning, Thunder, and Cold
Senses Passive Perception 20, Darkvision 120', Blindsense 10'
Languages High Gothic, Low Gothic
Challenge 15

Unyielding Spectre (Magic Resistance) Powered by the unholy strength of the Warp, a Damned Legionnaire has advantage on all saves against magic.

Legendary Resistance (1/day) When the Legionnaire fails a save, he may instead succeed.

And They Shall Know No Fear The Legionnaire has advantage on saves against fear, and may reroll any failed saves against fear once per round.

Flaming Projectiles A Legionnaire's ranged attacks ignore half and three-fourths cover.

Aid Unlooked For Once per day, a Legionnaire may teleport without any error from their mysterious home within the Warp to the site of a battle. They may stay at this battle until they are no longer needed, upon which they return to their home, or they are slain, in which case it takes 1d10 days for their spirit to recompose itself into physical form.


Power Knife melee weapon attack: +13 to-hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) magical slashing damage.

Meltagun ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 200'/800', one target. Hit: 41 (10d6+6) untyped damage. If this attack is made within short range, the damage cannot be resisted or ignored by any means.

Bolt Pistol ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 200'/800', one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage.

Frag Grenade thrown weapon attack: affects a 15' radius circle within 100. All creatures within the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity save or take 11 (3d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries two frag grenades, typically.

Krak Grenade thrown weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 60'/120', one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries one krak grenade, typically.

Extra Attack The Legionnaire makes two attacks, only one of which may be a grenade.

Bonus Actions

Endurance Of The Transhuman Once per rest, a Legionnaire may spend up to six hit dice. (They have 14.)

Spectre Of Fear One target within 60' that can both see and hear the Legionnaire must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of the Legionnaire for one minute, with a new save at the end of every round. Once the save is passed, the target is immune to this ability (from this or any other Legionnaire) until they rest. All Damned Legionnaires are immune to this ability.

Damned Legionnaire Plasma Gunner
Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class 22 (Power Armour)
Hit Points 161 (14d8+98)
Speed 40'


24 (+7)
22 (+6)
24 (+7)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)

Skills Athletics +13, Perception +10, Stealth +12
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical weapons, Fire, Acid, Poison, Lightning, Thunder, and Cold
Senses Passive Perception 20, Darkvision 120', Blindsense 10'
Languages High Gothic, Low Gothic
Challenge 15

Unyielding Spectre (Magic Resistance) Powered by the unholy strength of the Warp, a Damned Legionnaire has advantage on all saves against magic.

Legendary Resistance (1/day) When the Legionnaire fails a save, he may instead succeed.

And They Shall Know No Fear The Legionnaire has advantage on saves against fear, and may reroll any failed saves against fear once per round.

Flaming Projectiles A Legionnaire's ranged attacks ignore half and three-fourths cover.

Aid Unlooked For Once per day, a Legionnaire may teleport without any error from their mysterious home within the Warp to the site of a battle. They may stay at this battle until they are no longer needed, upon which they return to their home, or they are slain, in which case it takes 1d10 days for their spirit to recompose itself into physical form.


Power Knife melee weapon attack: +13 to-hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) magical slashing damage.

Plasma Gun ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 400'/1600', one target. Hit: 34 (8d6+6) radiant and necrotic damage.

Overcharged Plasma Gun ranged weapon attack: +12 to hit, 400'/1600', one target. Hit: 41 (10d6+6) radiant and necrotic damage. Miss: If the Legionnaire misses (or, to save time, every time they fire) roll a d8. If the result is greater than that of their d20 roll, they take full damage from their own overcharged plasma gun, as it vents deadly waste directly into them.

Bolt Pistol ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 200'/800', one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage.

Frag Grenade thrown weapon attack: affects a 15' radius circle within 100. All creatures within the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity save or take 11 (3d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries two frag grenades, typically.

Krak Grenade thrown weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 60'/120', one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries one krak grenade, typically.

Extra Attack The Legionnaire makes two attacks, only one of which may be a grenade.

Bonus Actions

Endurance Of The Transhuman Once per rest, a Legionnaire may spend up to six hit dice. (They have 14.)

Spectre Of Fear One target within 60' that can both see and hear the Legionnaire must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of the Legionnaire for one minute, with a new save at the end of every round. Once the save is passed, the target is immune to this ability (from this or any other Legionnaire) until they rest. All Damned Legionnaires are immune to this ability.

Damned Legionnaire Heavy Pyro
Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class 22 (Power Armour)
Hit Points 161 (14d8+98)
Speed 40'


24 (+7)
22 (+6)
24 (+7)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)

Skills Athletics +13, Perception +10, Stealth +12
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical weapons, Fire, Acid, Poison, Lightning, Thunder, and Cold
Senses Passive Perception 20, Darkvision 120', Blindsense 10'
Languages High Gothic, Low Gothic
Challenge 18

Unyielding Spectre (Magic Resistance) Powered by the unholy strength of the Warp, a Damned Legionnaire has advantage on all saves against magic.

Legendary Resistance (1/day) When the Legionnaire fails a save, he may instead succeed.

And They Shall Know No Fear The Legionnaire has advantage on saves against fear, and may reroll any failed saves against fear once per round.

Flaming Projectiles A Legionnaire's ranged attacks ignore half and three-fourths cover.

Aid Unlooked For Once per day, a Legionnaire may teleport without any error from their mysterious home within the Warp to the site of a battle. They may stay at this battle until they are no longer needed, upon which they return to their home, or they are slain, in which case it takes 1d10 days for their spirit to recompose itself into physical form.


Power Knife melee weapon attack: +13 to-hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) magical slashing damage.

Heavy Flamer ranged weapon attack: affects a cone up to 100' long and up to 30' wide. All creatures in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 18 (5d6) fire damage.

Bolt Pistol ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 200'/800', one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage.

Frag Grenade thrown weapon attack: affects a 15' radius circle within 100. All creatures within the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity save or take 11 (3d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries two frag grenades, typically.

Krak Grenade thrown weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 60'/120', one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries one krak grenade, typically.

Extra Attack The Legionnaire makes two attacks, only one of which may be a grenade.

Bonus Actions

Endurance Of The Transhuman Once per rest, a Legionnaire may spend up to six hit dice. (They have 14.)

Spectre Of Fear One target within 60' that can both see and hear the Legionnaire must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of the Legionnaire for one minute, with a new save at the end of every round. Once the save is passed, the target is immune to this ability (from this or any other Legionnaire) until they rest. All Damned Legionnaires are immune to this ability.

Damned Legionnaire Heavy Demolitionist
Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class 22 (Power Armour)
Hit Points 161 (14d8+98)
Speed 40'


24 (+7)
22 (+6)
24 (+7)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)

Skills Athletics +13, Perception +10, Stealth +12
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical weapons, Fire, Acid, Poison, Lightning, Thunder, and Cold
Senses Passive Perception 20, Darkvision 120', Blindsense 10'
Languages High Gothic, Low Gothic
Challenge 15

Unyielding Spectre (Magic Resistance) Powered by the unholy strength of the Warp, a Damned Legionnaire has advantage on all saves against magic.

Legendary Resistance (1/day) When the Legionnaire fails a save, he may instead succeed.

And They Shall Know No Fear The Legionnaire has advantage on saves against fear, and may reroll any failed saves against fear once per round.

Flaming Projectiles A Legionnaire's ranged attacks ignore half and three-fourths cover.

Aid Unlooked For Once per day, a Legionnaire may teleport without any error from their mysterious home within the Warp to the site of a battle. They may stay at this battle until they are no longer needed, upon which they return to their home, or they are slain, in which case it takes 1d10 days for their spirit to recompose itself into physical form.


Power Knife melee weapon attack: +13 to-hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) magical slashing damage.

Multi Melta ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 400'/1600', one target. Hit: 41 (10d6+6) untyped damage. If this attack is made within short range, the damage cannot be resisted or ignored by any means. This weapon is heavy and unwieldy, and so fires with disadvantage unless the wielder takes a bonus action to stabilize themselves OR does not move on their turn.

Bolt Pistol ranged weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 200'/800', one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage.

Frag Grenade thrown weapon attack: affects a 15' radius circle within 100. All creatures within the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity save or take 11 (3d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries two frag grenades, typically.

Krak Grenade thrown weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 60'/120', one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries one krak grenade, typically.

Extra Attack The Legionnaire makes two attacks, only one of which may be a grenade.

Bonus Actions

Endurance Of The Transhuman Once per rest, a Legionnaire may spend up to six hit dice. (They have 14.)

Spectre Of Fear One target within 60' that can both see and hear the Legionnaire must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of the Legionnaire for one minute, with a new save at the end of every round. Once the save is passed, the target is immune to this ability (from this or any other Legionnaire) until they rest. All Damned Legionnaires are immune to this ability.

Damned Legionnaire Sergeant
Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class 22 (Power Armour)
Hit Points 207 (18d8+126)
Speed 40'


24 (+7)
24 (+7)
24 (+7)
20 (+5)
20 (+5)
20 (+5)

Skills Athletics +13, Perception +11, Stealth +13
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical weapons, Fire, Acid, Poison, Lightning, Thunder, and Cold
Senses Passive Perception 21, Darkvision 120', Blindsense 10'
Languages High Gothic, Low Gothic
Challenge 16 (Base Loadout)

Unyielding Spectre (Magic Resistance) Powered by the unholy strength of the Warp, a Damned Legionnaire Sergeant has advantage on all saves against magic.

Legendary Resistance (2/day) When the Sergeant fails a save, he may instead succeed.

And They Shall Know No Fear The Sergeant has advantage on saves against fear, and may reroll any failed saves against fear once per round.

Flaming Projectiles A Sergeant's ranged attacks ignore half and three-fourths cover.

Aid Unlooked For Once per day, a Sergeant may teleport without any error from their mysterious home within the Warp to the site of a battle. They may stay at this battle until they are no longer needed, upon which they return to their home, or they are slain, in which case it takes 1d10 days for their spirit to recompose itself into physical form.


Power Knife melee weapon attack: +13 to-hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) magical slashing damage.

Boltgun ranged weapon attack: +13 to-hit, range 400'/1600', one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage.

Bolt Pistol ranged weapon attack: +13 to-hit, range 200'/800', one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage.

Frag Grenade thrown weapon attack: affects a 15' radius circle within 100. All creatures within the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity save or take 11 (3d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries two frag grenades, typically.

Krak Grenade thrown weapon attack: +12 to-hit, range 60'/120', one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing, bludgeoning, fire, and thunder damage. Any given Legionnaire carries one krak grenade, typically.

Extra Attack 2 The Sergeant makes three attacks, only one of which may be a grenade.

Bonus Actions

Endurance Of The Transhuman Once per rest, a Sergeant may spend up to six hit dice. (They have 14.)

Spectre Of Fear One target within 60' that can both see and hear the Sergeant must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of the Sergeant for one minute, with a new save at the end of every round. Once the save is passed, the target is immune to this ability (from this or any other Legionnaire) until they rest. All Damned Legionnaires are immune to this ability.

Orders The Sergeant orders his men. He may target any Legionnaire within 60' that can see OR hear him. He may issue one of the following orders:
-Kill-The Legionnaire makes a single attack.
-Move-The Legionnaire moves up to his speed.
-Dig In-The Legionnaire digs in to cover, increasing half to three-fourths cover and three-fourths to total cover.

A Sergeant's Boltgun may be replaced with a Chainsword (deals 4d6+7 magical slashing damage with a +13 to-hit, melee weapon attack, 5' range), a Power Fist (deals 10d6+14 damage magical bludgeoning with a +13 to-hit, melee weapon attack, 5' range, and the target may use their reaction to impose disadvantage on all Power Fist attacks made in a turn), or a Power Axe, Sword, or Maul (deals 6d6+7 magical slashing or bludgeoning damage with a +13 to-hit, melee weapon attack, 5' range).

A Sergeant's Bolt Pistol may be replaced with a Plasma Pistol (+13 to-hit, range 200'/800', 8d6+7 radiant and necrotic damage, can overcharge to make it 10d6+7 damage with the same d8 roll that a Plasma Legionnaire has) or a Storm Bolter (a regular Boltgun, but fires twice for each attack action taken with it).

DCR is based on 201.25 HP (161*1.25 for resistances) for CR 9. This is true for all but Sergeant, and their 1 Legendary resistance adds 30 for 231.25, or CR 11. Magic Resistance increases effective AC by 2, for 24, which gives them a total DCR of 14.

Sergeant has slightly more HP, so his DCR is 18.

OCR varies wildly. Your basic Legionnaire has a DPR of about 30 (assuming four rounds of combat and he throws his Krak), which is only OCR 4. Hit bonus brings that to 8.

That makes the base Legionnaire CR 11. Perfect!

Next up, DPR for Pyro. Assuming it catches two dudes with each flamer blast, his DPR is 44. With DC 18, that's 8 again. I erred slightly high due to the Krak grenade and the Fear ability.

Which actually reminds me-I forgot to calculate the DCR with Transhuman. That's an average of 69 HP. So DCR should go up accordingly.


DCR 19 for basic dudes, and DCR 22 for Sarge.

That makes Basic Dude 13, as well as Pyro.

Next up, Demo! OCR is 82. OCR is 15 with hit bonus.

We'll assume Plasma Dude uses only safe mode. That's DPR of 68. OCR is 12.

Heavy Pyro gets an OCR of 17, because I'm assuming the wider cone can get three people, for 108 DPR.

Heavy Demo gets the same as regular Demo, as he only has a range bonus.

Sarge varies WILDLY depending on equipment. Basic, he's DCR 22 and OCR (56 DPR, assuming he has a Legionnaire to use Kill on) 11.

Chainsword ups him to 77 DPR, Power Fist ups him to about 115 (not sure how to calculate the disadvantage, so I kinda winged it), and the other Power Weapons up him to 98. (All assuming he still has Kill up.)

Plasma Pistol ups him to (assuming no overcharge) 119, and Storm Bolter gets him to 98.

OCR would, therefore, be...

Chainsword: 14

Power Fist: 19

Power Weapon: 17

Plasma Pistol: 20

Storm Bolter: 17

For total CRs of...

Chainsword: 18

Power Fist: 20

Power Weapon or Storm Bolter: 19

Plasma Pistol: 21