View Full Version : 2 things... custom spells as a quest reward? And help think of some thematic spells?

2017-10-23, 10:35 PM
Made a lecture building. Phrenology is a creepy weird old science. These dudes are experimenting on half-ogres to expand their skulls more & turn them into psychics, floating brain type stuff.

Anyway I haven't felt like I'm giving the wizard enough scrolls and spells to find. What are some spells that would fit thematically here? Party is level 7

Also, do you reckon it's a cool idea to give custom or homebrew spells away as a quest reward? I think it'd be cool to have the institute be developing or researching new magic.

I mean, it'd be cool to give an existing spell but then it doesn't feel as special or unique... for instance, if the Institute had researched Eyebite for whatever reason - that would be a cool and dangerous high level spell, but at the same time, it's not unique if a warlock could just learn it on his own without having to slog through a sinister school to do it, ya know?

On one hand, it'd be cool to make certain spells unobtainable from the get go - or spell caster must see the spell cast at least once before he can try to imitate it... but to do so after the campaign has started, not cool imo. So I think creating custom spells would be a better solution

Sariel Vailo
2017-10-24, 12:31 AM
If it is more thematicaly useful i guess its ok to use homebrew spells. but ask the player if its even a spell their wizard would learn i play a bladesinger and i wouldnt learn anything thats either a non melee spell or non ice based magic either way. My wizard only learns necromancy spells or ice magic.

2017-10-24, 08:12 AM
Hell yeah that sounds cool.

Frost Fireball (Fireball Variant) - Frost damage instead
Mage Weapon (Mage Armor Variant) - Creates a weapon and gives proficiency to wielder and it counts as magical (unlimited ammo for duration)
Conjure Minor Demons (Conjure Minor Elemental Variant) - Easy enough to understand
Ray of Health (Ray of Sickness Variant) - Heals instead and removes sickness/exhaustion

I like the idea, I say do it.

Also, you could give them unique lower level versions of higher levels spells maybe?

2017-10-24, 09:37 AM
I really like this idea. I've always wanted more latitude in developing NPCs and BBEGs, but my players complain if the fluff makes the easiest route to defeating them something unattainable. People make books full of homebrew magic items, so why not spells? That being said, it would have to be DM-operated. I have a player who is big on homebrew, but can't understand the distinction between nice, fluffy new features and level-inappropriate, OP things. All in all, though, sounds like a great idea.

2017-10-24, 06:29 PM
Improved Sleep: up the die size for knocking out them ogres.

Spell version of a Flayer's Mindblast.

Not really what you want, but a Tome that teaching a bit of Psionic Magecraft. 1 to Int Mod times a LR your wizard can cast a Spell Psionically or without components.