View Full Version : Mage Armor vs Goodberry ?, MI and FF

2017-10-24, 02:28 AM
Ok im having a bit of an issue decided between options that would both benefit the build im working on.

Using PoC im trying to make an effective Familiar Utility build, loading it with touch spells and the like, this is done with multi classing.

but in my build it leaves no real room to take a 3rd class, which means no Sorc/Wiz or Druid. Meaning that the only ways i can get Mage Armor the way i want it and Goodberry is Magic Initiate. Ignoring the cantrips gained from this my thoughts on how i would use each spell would be that.

I would put mage Armor on my Familiar, a quickling, giving it a 19AC drastically increasing its survivability, which Familiars need.
since it last 8 hours i could easily have it up on him all the time after each long rest.

the other Thought im having is that Since Goodberry is a touch spell i can have the Familiar become like a pocket healer, carrying a sack of berries around, that it can use its action for to emergency heal someone. , sure its only 1 point but 1hp is enough to bring someone back from getting downed, and sure it may involve the quickling shoving his tiny fist down someones throat to force feed them a berry. But it would turn him into like a walking Spare the Dying Cantrip that i dont have to give up my turn to have him use.

Thoughts ?

2017-10-24, 02:33 AM
IMO, if you really have to use good berry in combat, try retreating before that happens.

Mage armor sounds like a better choice IMO.

What class are you? Cleric or warlock

You may have other spells that could be used to buff this familiar more

2017-10-24, 02:41 AM
IMO, if you really have to use good berry in combat, try retreating before that happens.

Mage armor sounds like a better choice IMO.

What class are you? Cleric or warlock

You may have other spells that could be used to buff this familiar more

Both Actually

Fey Warlock , and Cleric (still working out which domain i want, its between Arcana-Grave-Life-Light atm)

i do plan to have my familiar be a target for my bless spell, and i will be casting Guidance on him every chance i get. Also for fun i do plan to Cast invisiblity on him some times, he has no spells and cannot attack so he has no way to break it.

Mage Armor is strictly to make it so he does not get one shot, cause everything could probably one shot him

i also plan ti get him a tiny shield to bring him to 21AC

with the Mage Armor route that is

2017-10-24, 03:12 AM
Ok im having a bit of an issue decided between options that would both benefit the build im working on.

Using PoC im trying to make an effective Familiar Utility build, loading it with touch spells and the like, this is done with multi classing.

but in my build it leaves no real room to take a 3rd class, which means no Sorc/Wiz or Druid. Meaning that the only ways i can get Mage Armor the way i want it and Goodberry is Magic Initiate. Ignoring the cantrips gained from this my thoughts on how i would use each spell would be that.

I would put mage Armor on my Familiar, a quickling, giving it a 19AC drastically increasing its survivability, which Familiars need.
since it last 8 hours i could easily have it up on him all the time after each long rest.

the other Thought im having is that Since Goodberry is a touch spell i can have the Familiar become like a pocket healer, carrying a sack of berries around, that it can use its action for to emergency heal someone. , sure its only 1 point but 1hp is enough to bring someone back from getting downed, and sure it may involve the quickling shoving his tiny fist down someones throat to force feed them a berry. But it would turn him into like a walking Spare the Dying Cantrip that i dont have to give up my turn to have him use.

Thoughts ?
IMO You're twisting your brain for nothing. Goodberries is nice but Familiar could hold a potion as well. Ensuring it survives (Mage Armor) should be the priority imo. ;)

But YMMV. If your DM tends to attack it anyways, then AC 19 or not it will die (unless Aid) quickly in which case might as well go the Goodberrie way... :smalltongue:

2017-10-24, 08:34 AM
Why quickling and not imp? Imp can be invisible all the time without you spending slots and concentration on it, and serving as a support doesn't break its invisibility. While it's slower than quickling, it can fly, it can shapeshift for extra utility (raven for faster flight) and with its damage reductions, it will be harder to kill when something hit it.

2017-10-24, 09:16 AM
You can't actually feed a goodberry to an unconscious character, because it takes their action to consume it. Potions get around this by specifying the action to administer to another, but goodberries have no such workaround.

2017-10-24, 09:20 AM
You can't actually feed a goodberry to an unconscious character, because it takes their action to consume it. Potions get around this by specifying the action to administer to another, but goodberries have no such workaround.

I second this, though your DM may allow it, RAW it is not

2017-10-24, 03:33 PM
You can't actually feed a goodberry to an unconscious character, because it takes their action to consume it. Potions get around this by specifying the action to administer to another, but goodberries have no such workaround.

My GM allows it under the same logic as potions, and I recommend ruling the same way.

It really isn't much a stretch to go from pouring a potion down one's mouth to getting a berry down there.

2017-10-24, 05:00 PM
You can't actually feed a goodberry to an unconscious character, because it takes their action to consume it. Potions get around this by specifying the action to administer to another, but goodberries have no such workaround.

Command should totally work on unconscious creatures, even if they don't typically get actions.

Though, now that I think about it, command/suggestion would keep someone from going on a huge strike.

2017-10-24, 05:12 PM
If you are warlock that wants mage armor why not take armor of shadows?

2017-10-24, 06:26 PM
If you are warlock that wants mage armor why not take armor of shadows?

armor of shadows only works on yourself you cant put it on others

2017-10-24, 09:41 PM
Why don't you just put real armor on the quickling? I mean sure, your DM could argue that it's not proficient with it, but by that logic, a warhorse isn't proficient in armored barding.

2017-10-24, 11:47 PM
Take inspiring leader instead. That'll be a lot more benefit to your familiar than +3 ac IMHO. It'll scale with level. Your already cha-based. It can be renewed after a short rest. It'll have the added benefit of protecting your entire party and you.

2017-10-25, 09:26 PM
armor of shadows only works on yourself you cant put it on others
Dont familiars share spell like find steed?

2017-10-25, 10:26 PM
Dont familiars share spell like find steed?

No they do not.

2017-10-25, 10:35 PM
Dont familiars share spell like find steed?

No they do not.

"Finally, when you Cast a Spell with a range of touch, your familiar can deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell. Your familiar must be within 100 feet of you, and it must use its reaction to deliver the spell when you cast it. If the spell requires an Attack roll, you use your Attack modifier for the roll."

Here is the extent of a familiar's ability to share spells.

So yeah, they can, just not in the way people may think at first.