View Full Version : Pathfinder Ideas for this problem

2017-10-24, 11:00 AM
So, level 17 group.

Warlord, slayer, arcanist, bard, monk (grapple build), ranger, investigator, (oracle currently MIA)

Something happened in our campaign and a colossal? meteor is currently hurdling towards our home city. Any clever ideas on how to stop this thing? :D

2017-10-24, 11:03 AM
cast some protection spells, then teleport onto the meteor itself, then break off the chunks and scatter them or something?

2017-10-24, 11:27 AM
Fly into the upper atmosphere and have the Arcanist ready an action to cast Wall of Force in the meteor's path, creating a 40'x40' wall. a Colossal falling object only does 10d6 damage, so the wall will survive, and the meteor will take 20d6 damage (maximum fall damage) Then just cast disintegrate on the meteor 16 times using scrolls, which will be enough to destroy a colossal sized rock (40'x40'x40'), and your good.

2017-10-24, 12:23 PM
Yeah, magic sounds good.

Probably just build a magical barrier to block or to reflect it, as suggested above.

You could also teleport on top of it and try to blow it to smithereens from the core perhaps. Then it's just a matter of knocking out the pieces. Summoning a crapload of Thoqquas might work. PoW classes have something like Mountain Hammer to begin hammering into the thing I suppose so they can do that.

Ultimately summons, wall effects, Disintegrate, Polymorph Any Object and company are likely to be your best friends though; try and have the impact point in the upper atmosphere causing the smaller pieces to burn out without causing real damage.

Alternatively, teleport on it and use Shrink Item. And teleport it away or PAO it into something else or whatever. You might need to break some pieces off it or carve the outer surface a bit to make it small enough.

Summon some things that can create walls; Bone Devils for instance and create an orbital platform full of Walls.

Umm, Polymorph your party into burrowers and begin hollowing its critical points (use Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering to figure them out) to cause it to break apart. Or some such.

2017-10-24, 12:40 PM
Wall of force to deflect it at an angle repeatedly making it miss.
Lots of disintigrate spells.
Wish/miracle. (I wish this meteor wouldn't hit my planet...)
Stab it with swords. No seriously, swing your adamantine greatsword at it. It has what, 63,000 hp? Any decent warrior should be able to do that much damage in a couple hours.
Gate in a Solar, order it to stop the meteor.
Ride the meteor into the planet while laughing insanely.
Animate object, order the meteor to not hit the planet.
Open a gate to Asmodeous large enough for the meteor to pass through and smack him with it.
Transmute stone to flesh, use fire spells to cook it and then eat the meatier.

2017-10-24, 12:58 PM
Something happened in our campaign and a colossal? meteor is currently hurdling towards our home city. Any clever ideas on how to stop this thing? :D
Did you find the white marble dropped by the flower girl? I don't want to spoil anything, but it's kinda important.

2017-10-24, 01:06 PM
Did you find the white marble dropped by the flower girl? I don't want to spoil anything, but it's kinda important.

we left it in the pool with her corpse. figured we didn't need a dumb pebble.

Good ideas folkes. We'll see how this plays out :O

2017-10-25, 12:10 AM
Animate object, order the meteor to not hit the planet.
Darn, you got to it before I could.

I will add though to Fabricate it into a humanoid form first then Awaken Construct on it.
Now continue adventuring with you giant outer space friend.

Alternatively, Greater Teleport there.
Set up a Teleportation Circle or similar.
Fabricate parts of the rock into 'We Defeated The Meteor!' statuettes.
Teleport them to local marketplaces.

Tohsaka Rin
2017-10-25, 12:23 AM
Alternatively, Greater Teleport there.
Set up a Teleportation Circle or similar.
Fabricate parts of the rock into 'We Defeated The Meteor!' statuettes.
Teleport them to local marketplaces.

I'll do you one better.

1) Skip fabricate. Bring up a team of golems, warforged, and dwarves.

2) MINE the meteor into nothing.

3) Congrats, you've made it to the 'PROFIT' part of every joke plan, only this time, it's not a joke. You've successfully turned a dangerous threat into literal cash.

...Side note, find that black stone, use it to call up a few more meteors. Rinse, repeat. No white pebble needed.

2017-10-25, 12:35 AM
I'll do you one better.

1) Skip fabricate. Bring up a team of golems, warforged, and dwarves.

2) MINE the meteor into nothing.

3) Congrats, you've made it to the 'PROFIT' part of every joke plan, only this time, it's not a joke. You've successfully turned a dangerous threat into literal cash.

...Side note, find that black stone, use it to call up a few more meteors. Rinse, repeat. No white pebble needed.
Except that Mining is slow and Fabricate is fast. Then again, this could be a Majora's Mask moon problem and the OP has all the time in the world. :smallwink:

Tohsaka Rin
2017-10-25, 12:44 AM
Except that Mining is slow and Fabricate is fast. Then again, this could be a Majora's Mask moon problem and the OP has all the time in the world. :smallwink:

You are definitely right. Completely depends on the time limit, which the OP didn't mention, I don't think.

In all fairness, it might be possible to do one, and then the other, as time dwindles.