View Full Version : Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

2017-10-24, 12:37 PM
Should I get it?

Black Flag was the first AC game I played, and... I LOVED the ship gameplay and liked the rest of the gameplay, but the metaplot was the biggest drawback for me. I fail to see how an anthology series about two secret societies battling it out through history is in any way improved by ludicrous... alien... Atlantis... whatever... stuff, or by being yanked out of the exciting action gameplay for some boring meta-gameplay set in the modern era.

Does the lunacy feature heavily in Syndicate? While not as good as a pirate ship, the Victorian setting IS a cool one, and I might pick this one up during the holiday sale.

2017-10-24, 01:55 PM
Syndicate is actually the best one yet, IMO. Victorian London is a great setting, the story is comprehensible and has likable characters for once, and the mechanics are smoother and easier to use. The future conspiracy stuff is still there, but mostly unimportant; the modern storyline consists of a few cutscenes which can be skipped without really missing anything.

I may be a little biased, since I always wanted an AC game in this setting (you can do a leap of faith off Big Ben! Who wouldn't want that!?) but even without that I still think it's the best game in the series, in mechanics and story. Definitely worth checking out.

2017-10-24, 02:48 PM
AC Rogue is my favorite and would recommend it is like Black Flag but better. That said syndicate is also greatly enjoyable and I would also recommend it.

2017-10-24, 05:01 PM
Syndicate and Black Flag are by far the best post-Ezio stories so far. I've played them all on console, rather than PC, but I'd still recommend getting it. :)

2017-11-27, 05:02 PM
I've played the games since the first one and I've only seen syndicate fun as a once through. Depending on the price it is definitely worth the 10-12 hours of entertainment. Especially if you are a fan of the games as a whole.

2017-11-29, 01:52 PM
There isn't a lot of being pulled out of the sim in Syndicate (or Unity for that matter)... to the point I can barely remember if it even happened at all. They brought that stuff back in Origins, but it's max 6 minutes out of 15~16 hours (to the point where I wondered why they even did that much).

2017-11-29, 02:22 PM
Should I get it?

Black Flag was the first AC game I played, and... I LOVED the ship gameplay and liked the rest of the gameplay, but the metaplot was the biggest drawback for me. I fail to see how an anthology series about two secret societies battling it out through history is in any way improved by ludicrous... alien... Atlantis... whatever... stuff, or by being yanked out of the exciting action gameplay for some boring meta-gameplay set in the modern era.

Does the lunacy feature heavily in Syndicate? While not as good as a pirate ship, the Victorian setting IS a cool one, and I might pick this one up during the holiday sale.

If the ship gameplay is what you loved then I don't think there's much of that in Syndicate. Honestly, Assassin's Creed's primary gameplay is one of those things that's really cool for a game or two and then it gets stale. They just don't mix things up enough to keep it fresh in my opinion. Also, their stories are generally convoluted and stupid.

They are making a game called Skull and Bones based off the pirate mechanics from Black Flag. Maybe wait for that?

2017-11-29, 04:01 PM
If you don't like the conspiracy angle, one wonders why you play AC at all. There are oodles of other action games out there, presumably with less stale mechanics too.