View Full Version : Ivor and Brazenbuns Curse of Strahd Farce

2017-10-24, 04:01 PM
This thread will contain our most interesting and hilarious moments throughout our campaign.

The Characters:

Thokk: The dimwitted half-orc barb. CG. The personality is kind of hard to explain more on this later.

Borivik Wildspeaker: The NG human druid and only healer or caster of the group. Tries to be sane but sucks at rolling.

Avery: The quirky and cowardly CN high elf rogue. (Appears later in the story)

(Ivor_The_Mad) Lóng Quán: The wise and straightforward LN human monk.

and lastly the_brazenburn as The DM.

The first section should be posted tomorrow by the_brazenburn so stay tuned.

Also check out the_brazenburns other thread on this dungeon (which I am forbidden to look at) :( http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?539510-Playing-through-Curse-of-Strahd
And our newest Campaign http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?549120-Brazenburn-and-Ivor-s-Atlantis-Debacle

2017-10-25, 07:22 AM
All right, so Session 1. Thanks to Ivor_the_Mad to setting it up so nicely.

In attendance: Me (DM), Thokk, and Lóng Quán.

While hanging out in a tavern, Thokk and Lóng Quán (god that's a pain to write) were approached by a Vistani bearing a message from "the burgomaster of Barovia" (actually Strahd). They inspected the seal, and discovered that the seal belonged to "an ancient king of Barovia named Strahd" but still went to Barovia. After passing the gates, they found a false trail. Thokk, being the Int 7 half-orc he is, decided to venture out onto it and fell into the spiked pit. The monk fished him out, and they continued again. Just half an hour away from the village, they encountered a hairy man with a spear and animal furs, who offered to guide them. Completely fluffing their Insight checks, they decided to let him help, and ended up getting set upon by his entire pack of werewolves. Thokk was hit several times and went down with less than 0 hit points. Lóng Quán dragged him away and managed to escape, but Thokk was consistently failing death saves. The monk attempted a Medicine check to save his life. Nat 1. I ruled that it resulted in him accidentally cutting her open and dealing 1 damage. Thokk made a death save to avoid being killed by the extra damage and failed. The heartbroken monk managed to make it the rest of the way to Barovia, where he encountered Ismark Kolyanavich. After proving that the letter was a forgery, Ismark offered Lóng Quán a scroll of revivify if he would escort his "snakebitten" sister Ireena to Vallaki. That's where we ended the session: with Lóng Quán and a newly revivified Thokk escorting a lady that they knew to be fighting vampirism to a town they knew nothing about.

Keep an eye out for the hilarious session two about to be posted by Ivor_the_Mad!

2017-10-25, 08:24 AM
Ok so now for session 2

This session was a particularly funny one. We also had two new players come: Avery and Borivik. By the way everyone except me and Brazenburn are new to the game.

Ok so the session started out normal. We were in the woods with mist and fog all around, its starting to get dark so we set up watches. I take first watch and about 3 hours in I see a ghostly horse man, so I hide behind the sleeping barbarian and the ghost rider leaves. So much for the first encounter. Then later in the night when its Thokks turn for watch a pack of wolves come out of the woods and let loose a howl waking the rest of the party. immediately the druid uses animal friendship , it fails and the wolves charge. I get ready to either fight or flee, the rogue runs away screaming, I don't know what the druid is doing, and Thokk charges the alpha and cleaves through his skull. The wolves were not too happy about this and attacked dropping Thokk to 4 hp.

This is where things get funny.
The rogue runs up a tree to provide areal support. This gave me an idea so I shout get to the trees and prepare to run. The druid takes my advice and runs to the nearest tree, unfortunately for him he runs right into it knocking him self unconscious. Meanwhile Thokk starts howling trying to communicate with the wolves. I decide to be badass and run up a tree and flip into a wolves back.

So at this point the rogue is up a tree, the barbarian is trying to pick up a tree, the unconscious druid is being dragged away by a wolf and I was bare back riding a wolf. All was going according to plan :smallbiggrin:. I decided to help the druid and charged on my wolf and killed the wolf dragging the druid. so by now like 4 wolves are dead and thokk gets bitten and falls unconscious.

Now the wolves are eating the Averys tree. The rogue leans over to look at the wolf and the tree stats to tip and then falls the rogue roles a nat 20 in a dex save and lands perfectly on the ground. the wolf is crushed by the tree.

All but the wolf i'm riding are dead and we go back to sleep.

This is not the end though this was getting kind of long so I will post the rest later. :smallsmile:

2017-10-26, 08:16 AM
Ok so this is the second session PART 2

After the wolf attack we had a pretty uneventful trip to Vallaki when we arrived the party noticed a carnival wagon and decided to check it out. Thokk being Thokk naturally decide to knock... with its head. There was no answer except a snarling and the sound of claws on wood. I decided to take 20 steps back while the druid removed a board from the windows and peeked in. Inside there was a large tiger like thing in armor so we decided to leave. I knowing in advance about Blinskys toys took the party in search of the shop. upon finding it we bought a toy guillotine. :smallbiggrin: After this I remembered that we had come for a reason and not just to play with dangerous french execution tools for kids but to take the "snake"... well now "wombat" bit woman to the burgomaster.

In the town square we were stoped by some large man with an arm covered in spikes that he could light on fire. He took the woman away and we haven't seen her since. So we gave up on that mission and instead went to the inn got a couple drinks then went to bed. Long story short Strahd came talked to us left one of his wolves (the one that i was riding that got away) strung up in the corner and left me with a "wombat" bite in the neck. (by the way if you didn't know Strahd's a vampire). In the morning the first thing that happens is the rogue throws the dead wolf out the window and next thing you know the rogue is getting arrested by the flaming spike hand person. FUN. Also my monk is on the roof.

So in the end Thokk is... i'm not sure, Borivik is in the stocks with a plaster donkey head on. Avery is in the dungeons and i'm on the roof. By the way we are all good or neutral.

2017-10-26, 08:22 AM
By the way for any one interested in our Curse Of Strahd adventure the next Session is on Tuesday so we will have nothing to post till then.

We might find something to post about it but the next session will be posted by the_brazenburn either Tuesday or Wednesday.

2017-11-08, 08:31 AM
Sorry it's been a while; we didn't meet last week. So, Session 3.

In attendance: DM (me), Lóng Quán, Thokk, Avery, and Borovik.

When we last left off, Quán was hiding on the roof, Thokk was dying in the gutter, Avery was in the dungeons, and Borovik was in the stocks wearing a plaster donkey's head. Ireena Kolyanavich, whom they had been hired to escort here, had been captured by Izek Strazni. The monk had a plan; he jumped down from the roof, then ducked behind a pair of guards who were guarding his alley. Lóng Quán made a Stealth check to sneak past them. Nat 1. Not only did he attract the attention of the guards right there, 4 more came from adjoining alleys. They all through their spears, for a total of 22 damage. The monk, being level 4, survived, but he was now surrounded and seriously wounded. Meanwhile, Avery was locked in the dungeons. Sharing her cell was a strange old man. (This was an NPC I had developed over the summer. He is loosely based on Fizban from the Dragonlance Chronicles, but even more insane.) The mage introduced himself as Fizbop Thundertoes and offered to break her out of there with "a nifty little spell I know". The spell was Fireball, and Fizbop ended up burning down the entire dungeon. Flying up into the air, he dropped her onto the guards surrounding Lóng Quán, killed the rest with a fireball, then flew away. Borovik, meanwhile, was in the stocks, getting fruit thrown at him. An old lady with a cart full of pastries offered to free him, in exchange for a small favor. She refused to tell him what the favor was, but he still agreed. After freeing him, she introduced herself as Morgantha, and told him that he needed to bring ten living children to the abandoned grain mill Old Bonegrinder by the end of the week. Genuinely terrified of her, the druid agreed, and then he ran away. They found Thokk, revived her, and healed her up with Goodberries. Finally, they all set off in search of Ireena. The druid used Animal Friendship to scout the way to the Burgomaster's mansion, and they then sent the rogue to enter. The rogue made it all the way to the room where the burgomaster's wife was discussing decorations for a party, then got freaked out and left. After the rest of the party mocked her for being afraid of a bunch of middle-aged ladies, they agreed to send the monk in with her. Stealth checks were failed, the middle-aged ladies came running out with knitting needles, and Avery somehow managed to convince them to show her the way to the bathroom. They went upstairs, and Avery spotted a room with a bridal gown in it. She broke in to steal it, and they accidentally triggered the ghost in the mirror. Thinking quickly, Lóng Quán told it to kill Izek Strazni, and the ghost floated away. It first checked Izek's bedroom, where the players freed Ireena, then floated into the town square, where it proceeded to kill Izek. The players left the town, heading south toward Berez. I'll finish it later, this post got kind of long.

2017-11-08, 12:19 PM
Sorry about the very long previous post, this is Session 3, Part 2.

On the road to Berez, they ran into yet ANOTHER pack of wolves. Having figured out that they were being sent by the werewolves and that the wolves were tracking them by following Thokk's rather distinctive scent, they climbed trees. All but Lóng Quán, who couldn't climb high enough. The wolves dragged him down and surrounded him. Thokk now got the ingenious idea to swing down on a vine and kill the wolves with his warhammer. He assumed that the vine would hold his weight, since it had held Avery's. Apparently, 7 Int is not enough to tell the difference between a 90 pound high elf rogue and a 200 pound half-orc barbarian. The vine snapped, and Thokk fell, crushing several wolves and giving Lóng Quán a chance to escape. Now the wolves surrounded Thokk. Avery critted against the "gamma wolf" and killed it, creating a distraction that allowed Thokk to climb back up the tree. The wolves, with nobody to attack, left them alone. The party continued on and finally reached Berez. Avery, seeing a scarecrow in the swamp, went over to it to try and put the wedding dress on it. As soon as she was right in front of it, she stopped, paralyzed, because she had failed against the Frightening Glare. To the horror of the rest of the party, the scarecrow stepped off of its post and proceeded to make two claw attacks against the paralyzed Avery, who was reduced to negative hit points and dying. Lóng Quán threw two darts at it, Borovik threw his spear, and Thokk hit it with a handaxe. Finally, Ireena slew it by hacking off its head with two mighty swings of her longsword. The party rescued Avery and revived her with a Medicine check, only to see six more scarecrows striding out of the marsh. Lóng Quán had an idea, postulating that the marsh gases and dead scrub would make the swamp highly flammable. He lit a dart on fire and threw it, rolling a 2. The dart reached the edge of the marsh, but didn't raise much more than an inch of fire. Avery threw a torch, and rolled a crit that sent the torch straight into a scarecrow's chest cavity. The scarecrow erupted in flames, and a sudden spurt of marsh gas set all the enemies on fire. As the scarecrows burned around them, the weary players sank to the ground and rested.

<End Session 3>.

2017-11-14, 08:03 PM
Ok so this session went pretty well and was quite entertaining.

in attendance: Lóng Quán, our DM, and Borovik.

So we started out in a swamp. There is a old crumbling mansion on a hill with a goat pen with 9 goats. I immediately assume that they are carnivorous and get some squirrels to throw in. They were not carnivorous goats.(Much too my disappointment). we decided to try our luck at the mansion.

a mournful ghost comes out of the ruins and asks us why we are here. the dialog after that is as follows.
Ghost: *pointing to the NPC Irena* the reincarnation of _______(cant remember name) I shall help you. If you travel 200 paces west of here there is a great treasure that may help you.
Me: Then we shall be off
*20 paces later*
Ghost: Was it West or East. Ohh West was the meat grinder
*20 paces to the East later*
Ghost scribe: Sire isn't East of the Owl bear den?
Ghost: oh so it is... GO NORTH. NORTH. NOT EAST, NOT EAST.
*100 paces North later and out of ear shot*
Ghost:(to scribe) oh... north is that old hags place with the weird hut.

A little while later we reach a old hut. We decide to peek in through a hole. Inside is an old hag in a bath of blood.
she proceeds to freeze us and throws us through the door turning into a swarm of flies in the process.

After a bit of "light" conversation and a bit of toy guillotine disintegration. She points to a chest in the corner and tells us to open it. I shove the druid to the chest. Inside are coins gold jewels magic items and a crystal hilt of a sword. She then says we can have it...IF we invade a village of anthropomorphic leeches.(my idea and now im not as happy I came up with it)
and we set off.

To be continued...
(I'll post the rest either tomorrow or later today)

2017-11-15, 02:01 PM
Part two...

After we left the witches hut we walked along a path that gradually turned in to boards over a swamp. I decided to take flank guard. A little while later I get dragged into the swamp by a leech. The others turn to see me being dragged away and attack. Irena the Knight makes two attacks one hits the leech the other hits me. I then try to make a strength save to pull it off. I roll a nat 1. Yay more damage. then the leech starts to swim away. thankfully the druid has thorn whip and drags me back where the party proceeds to smash the leech into a pulp.

We continue on this time i'm rolling perception checks every few feet. Then I notice a trap door and underneath is another leech. Fun.

Me: I hit the trap door with my staff.
DM: the leech grabs the staff.
Me: I try to pull it free
DM: ok make opposed strength checks...
*roll* Nat... 1
DM: you get pulled in with the leech
DM: Irena tries to save you
DM: Umm... she gets pulled in after you
Borovik: I try to pull them out.
DM: Ok make opposed strength checks
DM(laughing): you get pulled in to.
Me: I'm done. Nope done. No more leeches. (laughing as I walk off)

After a little while I come back and the DM says I forgot Irena and Borovik get advantage you can reroll.
Me: Thank you
DM: umm Irena gets pulled in
Me: ... I $&#@ swear Borovik if you get a 1
Borovik: Ok *roll* success
We are all now out of the mud. All except my staff.
Me: I grab my staff.
DM(giggling): Make... Opposed strength checks (grinning evilly)
Me:...:smallannoyed: *roll* success FINALY.

I then reach out my staff and have the leech grab it in an attempt to fish it out. Success.
Borovik uses thorn whip and a use flurry of blows at grinding the leech into the deck all the while swearing and beating it with my staff. Two more leeches come out of the bushes. Suddenly a glass vile of some white stuff lands and shatters on the ground trapping us in a glue. Every thing goes black.

We wake up in a hut or something trapped in glue. There are some other people including young children.
Borovik: can I borrow your children please?
DM: The children squirm over and start beating you with there little fists.
Borovik: Really?
DM: A Man comes over to you and asks if you want to escape?
Me: umm yes?
then come with me
Me: ok

So after this point we were running short on time. So i'll recap the important details.

After being freed we went to retrieve the hags eye (the only reason we were there is to get baba lysagas eye and kill the leeches leader) we got some salt and threw it on the king leech and killed him, raided the treasure hord, got the eye, and a vile of dragons blood, got back to baba lysaga gave her the eye and got the hilt of the sword called The Sun Sword
all went well... Until next session

look out for the next part. :smallsmile:

2017-11-15, 09:04 PM
Oh one part I forgot to mention...

Me and Borovik were outside the king leeches quarters. He turned to me ad asked what sound leeches make so I made some screeching squawking growling sound. We both fell on the floor laughing. A few seconds later we make stealth checks. I roll a 18. Borovik rolled a 1, he fell flat on his face making a loud splat. We here the leeches in the kings dwellings start to move toward the door.
Me: Just us leeches here, nothing to worry about.
DM: They don't speak english.
Me Ok *some screeching squawking growling sound*
DM: roll performance check
*nat 20*
DM: The leeches respond and go back to there work.

2017-11-29, 11:56 AM
Session 5

In attendance: Me (DM), Thokk, Borovik, and Lóng Quán.

The party received an urgent message from Vallaki, telling them about the aftermath of their violent escape. Lady Wachter, whom they had never interacted with, had taken over the town and lynched the baron. She was now holding Melisandre-style public sacrifices to Mother Night in the town square by burning random townsfolk alive. Meanwhile, the revenants of Argynvostholt had been attacking the town, trying to slay all the disorderly people. The messenger urged them to go to Argynvostholt to stop the revenants. The group set off, resolving to sort out the problems with Vallaki afterward. They reached Argynvostholt a little later and ran in to challenge Vladimir Horngaard. After a long, tense series of negotiations, they promised Horngaard that they would not kill Strahd, but would simply torment him (a promise that they had no intention of keeping), and Horngaard promised to stop raiding Vallaki and to lend them his lieutenant Godfrey Gwilym. Breathless from fear, they continued to Vallaki. As night fell, they began to hear strange scratchings coming from the woods around them...

To be continued...

2017-11-29, 06:45 PM
Session 5, Part Two

As the scratching sounds got nearer and nearer, the orc, who had darkvision, noticed that the sounds were coming from three vampire brides, stalking through the woods toward them. They ran forward, the only direction the vampires were not. As they ran forward, they entered a clearing in which stood Strahd. Strahd invited them to dinner, and over the course of a ghoulish three-course meal managed to extract from the them a promise to give him a gift of his choice if he found the diamond hidden inside a cake he served them. Of course, Strahd had rigged the game. The cake had no diamond inside; it was hidden up his sleeve. Strahd demanded that they give him the hilt of the Sunsword, which they had retrieved last session, and the party complied with great reluctance. The minute he had the sword, Strahd and his brides vanished, leaving the characters unconscious, Lóng Quán with another bite on his neck, and Ireena Kolyanavich taken to Castle Ravenloft.

To be continued...

2017-11-30, 07:55 AM
As the party woke up, it was still night-time. Lóng Quán realized that he could now see in the dark (an aftereffect of his near-vampirism). Ignoring the fact that Ireena had been taken, they set off toward Vallaki, reaching it just at daybreak. The previously strong wall had been reduced to ashes which the players could step over, and all the buildings were rubble. As they made their way to the center of town, they passed a very familiar shop... Blinsky's.

Me: You see a ruined shop. Faint sobbing comes from inside, and a sign shaped like a rocking-horse is broken on the ground in front of it. Scrawled in red paint on the wall reads, "You'll be next, Blinsky!"
Lóng Quán: Noooooooooo! Not Blinsky!

They entered the shop to find Blinsky lying on the ground sobbing.

Blinsky: They... they tyook my lyittle Piccolo! (Piccolo is Blinsky's pet monkey.)
Lóng Quán: We shall avenge little Piccolo!

They went to the center of town, where Piccolo was tied to an unlit bonfire. Lady Watcher, with a spider perched upon her shoulder, stood at the head of the crowd making prayers to Mother Night. Blinsky painted a clockwork doll to look like Piccolo, then planned to switch them while the players created a diversion. Borovik used Animal Friendship to make a swarm of ravens fly through the crowd, while Thokk charged at Lady Watcher. The spider on her shoulder turned into an invisible imp and flew at Blinsky, stinging him and knocking him unconscious. Lóng Quán intercepted the imp and hit it with a dart, one-shotting it (due to his near-vampirism, his attacks count as magical). Lady Watcher, after taking some nasty damage from Thokk's warhammer, teleported away, while Lóng Quán saved Piccolo. As the angry mob recovered from the ravens, Borovik, knowing for a fact that it was full of innocent civilians, made an insane plan.

Borovik: I cast THUNDERWAVE!

He blew several innocents to shreds, and the rest fled. I immediately forced him to make a Charisma save, and when he failed, I changed his alignment from NG to CN. They revived Blinsky, and following his advice, set off to Castle Ravenloft to retrieve Pildwick II, Blinsky's passion. As they neared the gates...

<End Session>

2017-12-06, 08:26 AM
Session 6

People who cared enough to show up: Thokk, DM, Borovik, Lóng Quán, and Avery.

So we started off going into Castle Ravenloft and when we entered we saw Strahd sitting at a pipe organ. He turns and asks us to be seated and eat. When we finish he tells us that he is to be wed to Irena the next day and we can explore the castle in the meantime. Thokk starts over to the organ and starts bashing and stomping on it and accidentally hits a petal. The organ slides out and reveals a hidden passage way we walk through into a room of mirrors. I cant see my reflection. we continue down some halls and come to a staircase, Avery slides down making a dex check... Nat 20. The DM has no idea what to do. Avery asks for 1 xp and the DM relents. Then we meet a small man with cat ears and a duck foot who says he will lead us to our rooms. he takes us to a large dumbwaiter and tells us to get in. "By by Hahahaha" he says as we are launched up in the dumbwaiter. We roll for initiative and I go first smashing a hole in the wall and then Borovik widens it. We all have to make dex saves everyone but me and the revenant(he had not done anything up to this point and i think we forgot to post that session, see bottom) fails all three die. The DM than says he cant concisely kill us all off like that and instead the revenant saves them and loses his feet in the process. So after finding our rooms we sleep and the next day we attend the wedding.

(So about the revenant, we had a session where we had to stop the revenant attacks on Vallaki and we bargained with the leader saying we would help them if they stoped attacking Vallaki if we didn't kill Strahd but instead made him suffer.) Ps This was the_brazenburns fault :smallbiggrin:

2017-12-07, 09:31 AM
So this is the part where every thing goes south, FAST.

When we got to the wedding Strahd and Irena were standing at an alter the Sunsword was on Avery was asked to give away the bride. The plan was Avery was going to steal the sun sword take Irena while we create a distraction. Simple right? NOPE! Avery tried to grab the sword but failed the Slight of hand. Strahd tells him to sit down. Then Avery tried to sneak up to the alter and grab the sword. He gets to the alter but accidentally drops the sword impaling the priest much to Strahds annoyance. He grabs Avery by the throat and throws him across the room telling Borovik to continue the vows (Thokk left just before this started). So we form a new plan I make a stealth check to sneak behind Strahd while Borovik distracts him I take the sword and kill Strahd. Every thing went well but I made a fatal error... I took the sword and landed a hit on Strahds neck, but he grabbed my arm and snapped it like a twig and threw me across the room. Now Strahd is mad and holding Borovik by the throat, me and Avery are unconscious. Borovik tries to moon beam Strahd by mixing the words of the spell with the vows but gets pinned to the wall with a knife in the eye. It goes down hill from here. Strahd marries Irena takes the Sunsword and turns the blade black going into a blood rage murders everyone in the hall except us(thanks DM) and stalks out. We Failed. End of session. Now our only hope is to warn people by riding through the towns yelling "THE RED THROATS ARE COMING, THE RED THROATS ARE COMING" and get to the amber temple.

2017-12-13, 01:08 PM
Session 7

No Thokk

We started, standing looking out the hole in the wall that Strahd broke in the wall. Avery threw a rope down to the ledge below and we climbed down. We landed in a garden, flowers were clinging to life.
Avery: I pick a flower
DM: Make a constitution save
Avery: never mind. The flowers are poisonous?
DM: They are flowers grown in a VAMPIRES GARDEN!
DM: Though I could be lying. They might be harmless.
Avery: in that case i pick a flower
DM: make a con. save *roll* nat 1, you feel something watching you. You also gain the flaw: you always think something is watching you.
Then Avery picks some more with gloves and extracts the poison. We leave and reach Vallaki. A man (Vampire hunter) comes up to us and questions us about Strahd and tells us to take the villagers to safety. Avery yells: Theres a great pub at the amber temple. and succeeds the deception check. Then an old man with a white beard and red cloak comes flying down from the sky... Upside down. FIZBOP THUNDERTOES!!! "I know a great spell for teleporting people. AKA WAKA ALAKAZAM TELEPORTUS NOWUS. We all appear at the amber temple. Fizbop "I know a great spell for a shield against strahds" Me "would you please test it on that tree please." OK He starts chanting and a ring of fire appears around the tree then a firey explosion decimates the forest. We tell the towns people stay outside. We enter the temple and walk up to a statue it asks who we are and Avery answers " im Avery" statue "Come closer so I can taste your essence" Avery nat 1s the wis. check and steps forward and gets stripped of his cloths and skin and now is just skeleton and muscle. I then say"Waite we have come here for a reason other than being stripped of our essence. We are looking for Drago G... (something). He steps out of the hood and says, "come let me show you the secrets of the amber temple... The next fiew minits are devoted to selling our souls for cool powers. There were multiple rooms with sarcophagus that say "I am _____ and i can grant you the power of ______. I was the first to do this and got the power to shoot lightning, then it thought this was a bad idea so I stopped. Avery and Borovik on the other hand did not. Avery got the power of flight and got cool skeletal wings, and was fine I told him to stop but NOOOOO!! I want to sell my soul for cool powers they said. Avery then gets the power to resurrect the dead and resurrected Irena. Borovik got the power of persuasion. The result of all this was they both gained the following flaws and both turned CE. Avery: I help no one unless the help me, along with looking like a corps with skeletal wings and a evil grin. Borovik now also CE I don't remember his flaw. I go off to find the symbol of ravin kind and find a treasure room. After beating a amber golem and taking the Icon we slip through a crack in the wall and end up in a new room... With more of those sarcophagus. Avery sells her soul again to try to resurrect Strahd and it works. Strahds vampire body is now dead and the party is CE... Except me. End of session

The next session will be our last... probably.

2017-12-20, 08:41 AM
I have nothing to report from last week, as we played a Christmas one-shot. Our next session will be posted in early January, after the holidays.

I don't know if anybody actually reads this or not; if you do, feel free to comment on my DMing style, our players' roleplaying style, any of my homebrew portions, or generally about how much you love this post:smalltongue:.

And Ivor will be DMing another campaign after this one; let us know if you want us to post that one as well.


2018-01-03, 09:48 AM
Thanks for reading, everybody! Our final session was yesterday, and Curse of Strahd has finally ended!

Everybody attended.

As the players began, they saw an army advancing from the slopes of Mount Ghakis. Strahd, astride a flaming horse, led the army in its charge. Lóng Quán immediately jumped to attention, organizing the Barovian commoners into mobile assault squads to hold back the army while he went for Strahd. Meanwhile, Borovik snuck fourteen children out of the Amber Temple (the ones he owed to Morgantha, plus a couple of spares), and handed them over to the witch in order to get her to cause chaos in the midst of the army. The players then confronted Strahd, aided by Rictavio the vampire hunter. Avery and Borovik attacked Rahadin, but as soon as they drew close to him Avery collapsed, dying, due to the hideous screams of the dying circulating around the dusk elf. Borovik cast Moonbeam, then sicked his hellhounds (gained due to a dark gift that Ivor neglected to mention) on Rahadin, dropping his health. Lóng Quán used a Flurry of Blows to knock a shadow demon down to 10 HP, causing it to retreat, while Thokk readied his warhammer to smash Strahd's Animated Armor. His first strike missed. His second strike was a nat 1. The warhammer rebounded, and Thokk failed his save. Thokk knocked himself unconscious with his own hammer. After a few more rounds of this, Thokk and Avery were back up, Borovik was unconscious, and all the enemies were destroyed. Strahd finally finished off Rictavio and rode toward the players.

"I offer you one last chance," he said. "Join me, or perish."

Borovik's hellhounds attacked, ripping off one of the nightmare's legs, and Avery shot Strahd through the lung with her shortbow. Strahd roared in agony, rushing over to heal Beucephalus, his horse. Lóng Quán took this opportunity to break Strahd's neck with his Stunning Strike, and Thokk raged, critting and killing Strahd forever.

All was not won, however. Borovik failed his final death save and expired. The instant his breath left him, the mage from the Amber Temple, who we nicknamed Drago Sonofa***** because nobody could remember his actual name, flew in. He extended his hand, and Borovik's corrupted soul spiraled into his mouth. The mage transformed into his true form, that of the arcanaloth Neferon, and claimed Avery's soul as well before flying away with a promise to take the souls of Lóng Quán and Thokk eventually.

The remnants of the party ended this campaign escorting the residents of Barovia to Waterdeep, where they will segue into an Atlantis-themed dungeon run by Ivor_the_Mad.

2018-01-03, 09:51 AM
Thanks for reading our campaign review!

If anybody actually enjoys this, please comment and tell us so. We might post a campaign guide to Ivor's Atlantis dungeon, but only if we think people will actually care enough to read it.

If you have any questions, comments, or congratulations, please post them here as well.

This thread is now open for discussion.

Thank you all!

2018-01-05, 01:13 PM
Somebody please post something.

2018-01-05, 03:19 PM
Hi fellas, I enjoyed the part of your write up I've read so far. I'll try to make it through the rest to facilitate the convo. I'm curious, in your experience, how difficult is CoS? What level did you guys get to? Did you maintain a horror theme? Did you reference any of the guides online? Did you watch the Chris Perkins Dice, Camera Action videos? I think one of my favorite details about your campaign so far is that none of you picked Paladin or Cleric or some other generic 'vampire' adventure class!

2018-01-05, 05:55 PM
I have to congratulate you the both of you, this thread has been highly entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed reading through your ironically humorous campaign here, It seems like it was quite a bit of fun. Were you to create a new thread detailing your adventures in atlantis, than I would surely take a look at that too. Please keep up the good work here Ivor and Brazenbuns.

2018-01-05, 07:18 PM
Hi fellas, I enjoyed the part of your write up I've read so far. I'll try to make it through the rest to facilitate the convo. I'm curious, in your experience, how difficult is CoS? What level did you guys get to? Did you maintain a horror theme? Did you reference any of the guides online? Did you watch the Chris Perkins Dice, Camera Action videos? I think one of my favorite details about your campaign so far is that none of you picked Paladin or Cleric or some other generic 'vampire' adventure class!

Well first of all, CoS was not the hardest dungeon i've faced but it wasn't easy we nearly had 2 TPKs (I was the only one to survive) and it was most of the parties first D&D experience so the dm resurrected us a few times. We made it from 1st to 5th (I started at 3rd). There were not to many battle encounters and the ones there were were pretty tough. I think that Brazenburn did a good job for the most part but it did slip a bit. As for the Chris Perkins and live action videos, I have not. Also Thanks i'm glad some people have read this. :smallbiggrin:

I have to congratulate you the both of you, this thread has been highly entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed reading through your ironically humorous campaign here, It seems like it was quite a bit of fun. Were you to create a new thread detailing your adventures in atlantis, than I would surely take a look at that too. Please keep up the good work here Ivor and Brazenbuns. First Thanks i'm glad you liked it. Also my r key gets stuck and I meant to type Brazenburns. burns not buns. He's pretty annoyed about that :smallbiggrin:

2018-01-05, 07:32 PM
Well first of all, CoS was not the hardest dungeon i've faced but it wasn't easy we nearly had 2 TPKs (I was the only one to survive) and it was most of the parties first D&D experience so the dm resurrected us a few times. We made it from 1st to 5th (I started at 3rd). There were not to many battle encounters and the ones there were were pretty tough. I think that Brazenburn did a good job for the most part but it did slip a bit. As for the Chris Perkins and live action videos, I have not. Also Thanks i'm glad some people have read this. :smallbiggrin:

First Thanks i'm glad you liked it. Also my r key gets stuck and I meant to type Brazenburns. burns not buns. He's pretty annoyed about that :smallbiggrin:

You guys do realize you can change the name of a thread you have personally created though, right? If you go to edit the original post than just above the actual text box there is a smaller box which is labeled Title. It should be just below another box of the same size labelled "prefix". There you can change the title to whatever you want it to be and then once you press the save changes button then the thread's name will be changed. I can detail the step by step process for you all if you wish.

2018-01-05, 07:45 PM
I tried but i think I did something wrong... Also its funny. I did that but it just changed the original posts title not the whole thread.

2018-01-05, 08:00 PM
I tried but i think I did something wrong... Also its funny. I did that but it just changed the original posts title not the whole thread.

That is not supposed to happen, whenever i do that it changes the name of the thread as a whole. That is quite strange. I just changed the name of a thread today and it worked perfectly fine. That is quite weird really. Have you ever brought the issue up in the board/site issues sub-forum? They are typically pretty quick to address that kind of thing.

2018-01-05, 09:17 PM
Oh ok thanks ill try that.

2018-01-16, 08:53 PM
So, we haven't met for a while, but our next campaign, Igor and Brazenburn's Atlantis Debacle, will begin in the next few weeks, and we will be posting an ongoing campaign review. Thanks for reading this one!

2018-01-16, 09:21 PM
This may seem like a strange question, but have you guys considered audio recording your actual gameplay? I would love to hear a full length pod-cast of all the whacky going ons of your campaign. Descriptions are of course great, and I am no means pressuring you to do anything, but it could be quite interesting for you to record all the events in detail via audio recording or video. I am sure many people would be willing to watch that.

2018-01-17, 07:56 AM
Unfortunately, I don't think we would be able to do a recording and publish it. I thought hard about it and decided that getting the permissions and liabilities and such would be more trouble than it's worth (especially since some of us are underage). We'll stick to write-ups for now. Thanks for the idea, though!

2018-01-17, 03:25 PM
I would consider it but im not sure that the people in the party would consent. A video is not probable but an audio recording might be plausible. I will take it under consideration. (with Brazenburn of course).

2018-01-17, 03:31 PM
So, we haven't met for a while, but our next campaign, Igor and Brazenburn's Atlantis Debacle, will begin in the next few weeks, and we will be posting an ongoing campaign review. Thanks for reading this one!

Was the IGOR part purposeful (payback for the Brazenbun thing) or was that an accident?

2018-01-17, 03:40 PM
You should call the next game "Igor and Brazenbuns amazingly and arbitrarily articulate adventurers at Atlantis"

2018-01-17, 03:59 PM
Was the IGOR part purposeful (payback for the Brazenbun thing) or was that an accident?

Of course it was on purpose. I won't fix it for the actual next post.

2018-01-17, 04:26 PM
HEY! I mis typed your doing it on purpose!
You should call the next game "Igor and Brazenbuns amazingly and arbitrarily articulate adventurers at Atlantis" Yes We shall call it that.