View Full Version : VtM:B bug? Elizabeth Dane Mission

2017-10-25, 12:59 AM
I'm supposed to sneak past the guards, which with 4 points in obfuscate should be really easy. I don't even have to crouch, i can run without being detected, so long as I don't bump into anyone....

And that's the problem: there are two guards at the end of the first hallway, and one of them is standing right in the doorway. I can't get past him without bumping into him.

Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out. There was a door I never noticed before, which led completely around them.

2017-10-25, 08:25 AM
I seem to remember that there is more than one way to move through the ship.
Also, in a pinch, you should be able to fulfill the complete mission even if you are detected. Even killing is possible, but the prince will be angry at you (and you might get less XP).

2017-10-25, 08:54 AM
If I recall, there should be some computer in the bridge that lets you send a signal to call the guards and move them off the door.

2017-10-25, 11:08 AM
Yeah first time I played, it was as a brujah with no points in sneak. Lacroix was not amused. ^_^

2017-10-25, 03:22 PM
Yeah first time I played, it was as a brujah with no points in sneak. Lacroix was not amused. ^_^

LaCroix knew what he was signing up for when he told a Brujah to take the job.

2017-10-25, 03:44 PM
Same thing happened to me when I played for the first time. Stealth in Bloodlines is pretty easy even without actual dots in the skill, though.

2017-10-26, 03:26 PM
That's a high level of Obfuscate to have for so early in the game. Are you using mods or cheats? That might have messed up the guard placement. Not that the game isn't buggy anyway, it might just need a reload to fix it.

If restarting the level doesn't work, I'd suggest making a noise so the guards leave their posts to search for you, then use that opportunity to get past them.

2017-10-27, 09:39 PM
Nah, I just saved up my XP- i capitalized on obfuscate for this very purpose. :)