View Full Version : Optimization Spell guide for multiclass casters?

2017-10-25, 02:51 PM
Does anyone know of a full or partial breakdown of spells from the position of a Multiclass Caster? TreantMonk has a good base guide, but what I'm looking for is one that looks at getting the most out of higher slots, when you don't actually HAVE regular spells to go in those slots.

I'm currently playing a Ranger(Stalker) 6/Wizard(Theurge) 6 (Actually incredibly powerful in our post apocalyptic modern setting since he uses an AR-15 of Warning). So he can only learn 3rd level spells, but has 5th level slots.

EDIT: Since there don't seem to be any guides for this, I'll go into more detail in the hope that someone can give me a few pointers.

Our game takes place in modern day. In 2014 a sickness hit the world and by the beginning of 2016 95% of people were dead. The in game date is about the same as the real date.

We started with no magic, and no one even BELIEVING in magic. But by the current day, enough "weird" stuff has happened that even the common folk know something is up. Even now, it is still a Low Magic setting (Even though 3 of the 4 characters can use magic).
This means that there is no one to LEARN stuff from. Things get discovered accidentally, or through rigorous research (which is dangerous). We have only encountered 1 Wizard in a year and a half and they started the conversation with a fireball while flying 100 feet up. A single critical rifle bullet in the first round, followed by a 100 foot fall, meant we didn't get to talk. So we don't know how scribing spells between books works.
There is no where to BUY magic stuff. In fact, our magic items are things we accidentally created when under stressful situations. And they only work for the person who made them. We can't even buy "simple" magical things like Arcane/Druidic Focii (We eventually figured out how to make them).
Scrolls are...different.

They seem to naturally occur in places of power.
The few we have encountered are living tattoos written in a script no one understands.
They have a mind of their own, and can move across the skin as they please. They also seem to have their own unique personalities. One character had one for 3 playsessions before ANOTHER character discovered it. It was very "shy" and would hide underneath clothing where the character couldn't see it.
They can move between people. We found this out when a character died and his 2 Tattoos "Escaped" onto my skin while I was preparing him for burial. We discovered about a month ago that we could force them to move between 2 willing characters with a ritual.
My Wizard has figured out how to transfer them to his spellbook. But we can't make them.
Potions aren't a thing. Though we have encountered someone who was cooking up Methamphetamine that actually gave people Haste. And someone else who was distilling moonshine that made you breathe fire. Both had obvious side effects in addition to how rare they were. It's been months since we have seen anything similar.
Magic is dangerous for multiple reasons. People were literally being lynched or burned when they started using magic. We also have no idea what the limits of magic are. No was able to do this stuff 2 years ago so there is no one to teach people where to stop. This has resulted in MANY mages becoming barely living husks when they burn themselves out by pulling too much power. Right now people are just reading things like comic books, Harry Potter, LoTR, and religious texts to get inspiration for spells.
It also means that VERY few people are prepared to deal with magic. Utility magic feels MUCH more powerful than in a normal setting since no one has a good reason to doubt their senses.

Nearly everyone is a Human. People reacted...badly...when other people started slowly changing into other...things. While we haven't encountered any yet, Halflings would probably be treated like children, and Dwarfs would probably just be considered "short". We have a Half Elf in the party, but he just seems a bit "Mysterious". In 2017 "weird" stuff seems to finally be moving away from "OMFG MONSTER KILL IT" to "You aren't like me. We don't take kindly to YOUR types round here. Best keep movin." Not Ideal, But it's a start. It also doesn't help that we are in the rural Deep South.

Modern guns and equipment are a thing. Some stuff is scarce (like batteries). When a hunting rifle does 2d10+DEX damage per shot, it TOTALLY changes how you have to approach combat. We survive because we use ambushes, hit and run tactics, or just run. HP isn't meaningless, but +20hp only really lets you take 1 more bullet. We actually tried to avoid combat entirely, like any REASONABLE modern person would. It is only recently that we have started fighting more because we have reached the gulf coast and there are WAY more people down here since the winters are less terrible. People = less resources = conflict.

A night's rest is a short rest. We get a long rest about once per week when we have an ENTIRE day of downtime, or when it is story appropriate. This means that as a Wizard, I have to use my spells more wisely. Even our warlock needs to be careful with his 3 spells per day.

Our party currently consists of

Human Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 12 - Hopefully my character can convince him to multiclass into a Wizard (Bladesinger)
Human Fighter (Battlemaster) 12
Half Elf Warlock (Fey/Tome I think?) 12
Human Ranger (Deep Stalker) 6 / Wizard (Theurge - Life) 6 - The only surviving starter character. It turns out bullets kill people pretty easily (There was also an incident with a PigMan with a chainsaw that didn't go well for someone...)

My Ranger was 4th level before he intentionally cast a spell (Because obviously magic isn't real). But once he DID start believing, he did what any SANE person would do. Gather every scrap of information you can to learn it.

This is my current Spell List. Including the spells I have learned from the tattoos.
Ranger(RNG) / Deep Stalker(DS) / Wizard(WIZ) / Theurge - Life(THR)

Create Bonfire - WIZ
Minor Illusion - WIZ
Ray of Frost - WIZ
Mending - WIZ

Goodberry - RNG (Just got Channel Divinity: Preserve Life. Now it heals 40hp per cast. So good.)
Cure Wounds - RNG (Needed for Theurge. Never gets used because Goodberry...)
Disguise Self - RNG - DS
Comprehend Languages - WIZ
Detect Magic - WIZ
Find Familliar - WIZ
Shield - WIZ
Grease - WIZ
Absorb Elements - WIZ
Sleep - WIZ
Earth Tremmor - WIZ
Ray of Sickness - WIZ
Hideous Laughter - WIZ
Bless - WIZ - THR (My go to concentration spell for combat. Nothing else seems to come close.)

Silence - RNG
Pass without Trace - RNG
Rope Trick - RNG - DS
Darkness - WIZ
Invisibility - WIZ
Shatter - WIZ
Misty Step - WIZ
Mirror Image - WIZ
Lesser Restoration - WIZ - THR
Spiritual Weapon - WIZ - THR

Leomund's Tiny Hut - WIZ
Counterspell - WIZ
Fireball - WIZ (Hilariously enough, has only ever been used to make fireworks during a celebration. I haven't found a reason to use it in combat.)
Revivify - WIZ - THR (We are pretty sure there aren't any gods. We don't even know that divine magic is different than arcane. We aren't sure that "souls" are even a thing, let alone what happens to them when you die. If I ever have to cast this, things might get REALLY weird/bad.)
Beacon of Hope - WIZ - THR

This magic rifle warns you of danger. While the weapon is on your person, you have advantage on initiative rolls. In addition, you and any of your companions within 30 feet of you can't be surprised, except when incapacitated by something other than non-magical sleep. The weapon magically awakens you and your companions within range if any of you are sleeping naturally when combat begins.

You should have spotted that ambush. But you were distracted.
You were supposed to protect her. But you failed.
The mistake was yours. But she payed the price in blood.These boots smell faintly of regret. While wearing them, you can cast the dimension door spell as an action. This property of the boots can't be used again until the next dawn. When you disappear, you leave behind a rippling, blurry, afterimage, and you appear in a similar afterimage at your destination. The rippling lightly obscures the space you left and the space you appear in, and it dissipates at the end of your next turn.

You were smart to find a house with sight lines to the courthouse doors where they camped.
But IT didn't need doors. Gunfire was the first sign of trouble.
You ran and ran. But you were too slow.
You hadn't really meant those things you said to him. And now you'll never have a chance to take them back.A thong of sinew holds a crow skull and a small bundle of jet black feathers. When you look at it, you get the feeling that it is watching you. While you wear it, you stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your turn. In addition, whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, double the number of hit points it restores.

Are crows an ill omen? This one is dead so it really shouldn't matter.
Still. It lingers. Watching. Waiting.
Perhaps there are favors it still needs to repay?This staff has 10 charges and regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, a swarm of insects consumes and destroys the staff, then disperses.
Spells. While holding the staff, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: giant insect (4 charges) or insect plague (5 charges).
Insect Cloud. While holding the staff, you can use an action and expend 1 charge to cause a swarm of harmless flying insects to spread out in a 30-foot radius from you. The insects remain for 10 minutes, making the area heavily obscured for creatures other than you. The swarm moves with you, remaining centered on you. A wind of at least 10 miles per hour disperses the swarm and ends the effect.

As you left Oasis she stopped you.
Four staves, cut from her own limbs.
One to each, and all unique.
Carry a piece of her with you. Some of her power will follow along.

2017-10-25, 03:16 PM
Spells that would give you extra targets for their effects. Hold Person, Invisibility, Fly.. those kinda spells seem pretty handy for upcasting.

2017-10-25, 03:18 PM
hmmm... nothing specific comes to mind as far as entire guides are concerned, but depending on what your theurge can pick up, i've heard good things about aid.

2017-10-25, 07:09 PM
Can you get Aid. As upcasting that is good.

2017-10-25, 11:42 PM
I cannot get Aid.

2017-10-26, 12:32 AM
well, i can't think of a ton of stuff at lower levels. later on, mass suggestion scales like crazy, as can planar binding if you're looking for something to spend your money on (though of course, that's not something you're likely to use on a daily basis at higher levels). before that... bestow curse, maybe? and major image i guess. geas when you get there to some extent, though it's a very situational spell. animate dead isn't half bad either, if you're ok with creating undead in the first place.

2017-10-26, 02:44 AM
HUGE edit to main post.

There doesn't seem to be a guide that anyone knows about. So I added the relevant setting/character specific stuff that people need to know if they want to help with spells suggestions.

Aaron Underhand
2017-10-26, 11:53 AM
Any persistent effect is usefully upcast to make it more resistant to dispel,

And of course dispel magic and counterspell can benefit from higher level slots - with your build countering a 5th level spell is probably the best use of a 5th level slot!

Major Image cast at 6th is permanent, no concentration - think you would find this useful in your setting, may be worth acquiring even though you've not got those slots yet.

Enhance ability allows you to target additional characters - DMs may allow different abilities on different characters, but everyone with advantage on Wis for perception is never bad, let alone Cha when interacting with NPCs.

Longstrider, Invisibility and Fly are also cast on more people at higher levels.

If allowed Magic Weapon could be useful on those AR 15s - hit things which need magic to hit, and add to accuracy - +2 at 4th and +3 at 6th. Also if you're fighting crowds Hail of Thorns is another upscaling force multiplier.

Conjure Animals gives you more...

Prayer of healing and Mass Healing word also are an effective use of upcast slots, as the scaling is multiplied by the number of party members...