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2017-10-25, 08:19 PM
Today is the day. It's time for Eren Jaeger to step out into the world of Termina and learn as much as he can about the other cultures of the land, so that he can lead his people in forming a lasting union with them. It's going to be a long journey, but one that he's positive he'll succeed at. His mother, Riju, and the rest of the Jaeger clan seem to be in agreement, judging by the fact that the majority of their settlement had come forth to see him off.

His mother is in the middle of ensuring that his clothes and hair look decent after he'd stepped out of their home. "Are you sure you have everything, Eren? Backpack, bedroll, food and water, all of that?"

2017-10-25, 08:25 PM
The Gerudo is silent as he gazes down at his mother. He had never known his father, or who he was. It is unspoken in the Gerudo clans. They are not Gerudo, so they are not part of the tribe. None of the women here know their fathers, nor do they care. He closes his eyes and leans down to hug her. "...Mother, I shall return one day. This is my oath to you."

He turns his gaze to Clock Town, far in the distance. The land near the giants. The land of Hylians. Would he find his answers there?

"Well, then. I need to get going. Come along, Basch."

His trusted companion, a triceratops, hops along beside him as Eren heads out of the clans.

2017-10-25, 08:39 PM
She nods. "Don't forget, being a Gerudo voe isn't an excuse to act foolish. You're representing yourself and the whole Jaeger clan. Be respectful, and mind the Hylians' laws and customs even if you disagree with them." Riju hugs him before Eren and Basch head off, trekking up the beach toward the valley that will take them into the plains at the center of Termina.

2017-10-25, 08:48 PM
The large man keeps his wits about him, though his natural sensitivity to magic will likely alert him if any dangerous foes draw near. He lifts his greatclub over his shoulder and gazes around.

Eren sighs and strokes the beast's horn as he walks. A long journey, and one he had been happy to prepare for. As the only Gerudo voe, there were plenty of young, strong vai who would have happily wed him and given him a vehvi by now. But he did not want to settle down, only to have to leave everyone behind. That doesn't mean that there weren't times he was tempted...certainly not. The young girl who had been his closest friend growing up had blossomed only five years ago, and the two of them had instantly become awkward and shy around one another.

Eren shakes his head. He has no time to think about such things. He needs to focus on Clock Town for now. The Gerudo closes his eyes and senses the wind, following the breeze as he moves forward. The ancestors would tell him which way he needed to go.

2017-10-25, 09:19 PM
As the two of them enter the valley, the salty smell of the ocean begins to fade. This is the farthest Eren's ever been from the bay, and it's just the start of his journey...

Without warning, Basch lets out a startled bellow and runs off, leaving the trail and running for a cavern set into the hillside.

2017-10-25, 09:30 PM
Eren blinks and looks around quickly for whatever might have frightened his companion.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-10-25, 09:40 PM
Eren doesn't see what might have scared Basch. The triceratops has disappeared into the cavern.

2017-10-25, 09:42 PM
Eren frowns and runs after his beloved friend. "Basch?! Basch, calm down you big lug!" he calls, looking around in the cavern.

2017-10-25, 09:49 PM
He finds Basch cowering in a corner inside the cave, near the back.

2017-10-25, 09:50 PM
The Gerudo kneels down and strokes his companion gently. "Come now, my friend. There is no need to fear. I am here. We can make this trek together."

Handle Animal: [roll0]

2017-10-25, 09:55 PM
Basch whimpers softly, but raises his head to nuzzle Eren's hand.

2017-10-25, 09:57 PM
Eren smiles and helps the beast up. "Now, what's got you so spooked, boy?" he asks gently.

2017-10-25, 10:04 PM
Basch whines and lowers his head.

2017-10-25, 10:18 PM
The Gerudo frowns. How can he figure out what's going on? He decides to take a look outside once more.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-10-25, 10:21 PM
When Eren turns back to the cavern entrance, he finds that the passage is gone. What used to be a tunnel is now solid rock, looking as if it had never been touched or molded in any way.

2017-10-25, 10:32 PM
The Gerudo gasps out loud. "Sa'oten!"

He turns to look at Basch. "Well then, my friend. We will need to find another way out of this passage."

He lights a torch to make sure he doesn't lose his way, and begins walking towards the other end of the cavern with Basch at his side.

Survival: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2017-10-25, 10:37 PM
The passage takes them further into the hill, and soon it starts to slope downward. There are no branches in the path, making it easy to remember where they've been.

After what feels like hours, the pair comes to a wide chasm, spanned by a narrow stone walkway.

2017-10-25, 10:40 PM
Eren frowns and gazes across the pathway. He tries to decide if his dinosaur will be able to cross it safely.

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Untrained): [roll0]

2017-10-25, 10:46 PM
The stone looks like it might hold.

2017-10-25, 10:51 PM
Eren nods and gently pushes his man forward. The two of them make a slow time crossing across the dark pit.

2017-10-25, 11:01 PM
They start making their way across the bridge. About halfway across, however, Eren hears the stone beneath them beginning to crack. Before they can turn back or run to the other end, the floor gives way, dropping them into the darkness!

The next thing Eren knows, he's lying in a patch of strong-smelling flowers. He doesn't know how long it's been since the fall, only that it had passed through darkness for what felt like hours before he awoke. Basch is lying beside him, and a quick glance around reveals that they still appear to be underground... and not alone. Across the room is a small person floating a few feet off the ground, positioned as though lying in a hammock with their arms crossed. A colorful heart-shaped mask with a spiked edge covers their face, and the large orange-and-yellow eyes of the mask seem to glow in the dim light of the cavern. Two floating motes of light, one a golden yellow and the other a deep violet, hover beside the figure.

2017-10-25, 11:19 PM
The Gerudo stands up. "You...did you...save me?" he asks the figure. "Thank you. I feared for the worst." He gently strokes his friend's head. "Oh, forgive me. You do not understand my tongue, do you? Here, I can speak in Hylian."

He repeats himself in the unfamiliar language.

2017-10-25, 11:55 PM
The figure chuckles. "No. I didn't want to break something catching you or that fat lizard following you around."

2017-10-26, 12:09 AM
The Gerudo blinks and frowns. "I'm sorry? Perhaps I misunderstood...did you just insult my friend here?"

2017-10-26, 12:17 AM
The person chuckles again. "What do you know, he's not as dumb as he looks!"

2017-10-26, 12:22 AM
"Hey now! That's not very nice! I don't know who you are, or where you come from, but in my village, a man settles any slight against himself or his friends with a show of strength!" Eren declares, hefting his greatclub up. "I suggest you apologize for yourself before you meet my ire!"

2017-10-26, 12:40 AM
"A 'show of strength', eh? Fine then. How's this for a show of strength?" The person's mask begins to crackle with power...

Eren is stricken with blinding pain as some unseen force takes hold of him. Out of the blackness come... bushes with red and orange leaves? But, what are those eyes and snouts they have? And why are they moving to surround him?

He turns, stumbling through the black void surrounding him to escape the rustling horde. When he looks back over his shoulder, he sees another of the creatures, a truly massive specimen larger than most structures he's ever seen, chasing after him. No matter how fast he runs, it keeps drawing closer, and closer...

His vision blurs, and he finds himself back in the flower patch. Except... everything seems much larger now. And why does he feel so stiff? Eren stumbles a few steps toward the figure, his foot landing in a puddle of water. When he looks down... a creature similar to the ones that had chased him is staring back, and mimicking his movements!

2017-10-26, 12:45 AM
Eren gasps and grabs at his face and skin. What's happened to him? Is he still a specimen of true power and strength to rival all the other Gerudo?

2017-10-26, 12:49 AM
No, Eren is most definitely not a Gerudo anymore.
It seems that Eren's been transformed into a Deku, a race of plant people native to the Woodfall Swamp in the southern reaches of Termina.

2017-10-26, 12:54 AM
Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

Eren steps back from the pool in horror. "What...what has happened to me? Where is that little runt with the mask? He did this to me! I'll find him and get him to change me back!" He starts running back towards the area he was chased from.

2017-10-26, 01:05 AM
A quick look around reveals that Eren didn't go more than a few feet from where he'd been standing when he challenged the masked figure. The figure is still present as well, laughing wildly. "Hee hee! Now, that's a good look for you! You'll stay here looking that way forever!" They begin floating back, toward a section of solid wood set into the wall. The wood shifts, revealing a passage that looks almost like it's a hollowed-out tunnel inside of a large tree.

2017-10-26, 01:13 AM
Eren only has a short amount of time here. He feels bad about Basch not being able to follow, but he has to get this effect reversed as quickly as possible. He charges after the figure and into the tunnel.

2017-10-26, 01:17 AM
Basch moves to follow Eren; the tunnel's large enough for the triceratops to fit through. The golden yellow mote of light floats forward and starts ramming itself against Eren's forehead, not enough to really hurt but still with enough force to push him back a little bit and delay him.

The masked figure disappears around a corner, but the violet mote pauses. "S-Sis! Hurry, before-" The wooden barrier slides shut.

2017-10-26, 08:05 AM
The Deku pauses and tries to snatch the yellow mote out of the air.

2017-10-26, 09:00 AM
The mote squeaks as his hand closes around it. "Hey, let me go! Tael, Skull Kid, help!"

2017-10-26, 09:13 AM
Eren lifts the mote up to get a closer look. "You can talk?"

2017-10-26, 10:05 AM
"Of course I can talk, you idiot! Let me go!" When he holds up the creature, he sees that inside the sphere of light is a tiny female humanoid with wings like a dragonfly's.
The creature is a forest fairy. They're known to be very knowledgeable fey, and some legends speak of them accompanying heroes on their journeys.

2017-10-26, 10:12 AM
Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]

"Why are you and your sister helping such a cruel person?"

2017-10-26, 10:50 AM
"Why should I tell you anything? Let me go! I'm going to lose my brother!"

2017-10-26, 12:16 PM
Eren hesitates, then lets the woman go.

2017-10-26, 01:04 PM
The fairy flies over to the wooden panel and starts to bang against it. "Tael! Skull Kid! Come back! Don't leave me here!"

2017-10-26, 01:27 PM
The Deku has Basch try to break the panel open with his horns.

2017-10-26, 01:29 PM
Basch rams the spot a few times, and the panel opens. The fairy hurries into the tunnel.

2017-10-26, 01:31 PM
Eren chases after her. Whoever this "Skull Kid" is, Eren needs to retrieve his majestic masculine musculature from him immediately.

2017-10-26, 01:33 PM
Eren and Basch follow the fairy through the tunnel, until she finally stops. "They're... they're gone... they just left me here..."

2017-10-26, 01:39 PM
Eren stops walking. "Is Skull Kid forcing Tael to work with him?"

2017-10-26, 01:52 PM
"What? No! Skull Kid is our friend, he's always been our friend! Even if he has been acting odd lately..."

2017-10-26, 01:57 PM
Eren blinks. "Odd how?"

2017-10-26, 02:06 PM
"He's started pranking people a lot more, and they've been... not as friendly as they usually are."

2017-10-26, 02:09 PM
"I saw his mask start to glow when he attacked me. What is that?"

2017-10-26, 02:12 PM
"I don't know. I don't know how he's able to do things like that."

2017-10-26, 02:16 PM
"Well, you seem to know what's going on better than I do. If you help me return to my real body, I'll help you get back to your brother."

2017-10-26, 02:26 PM
"Well... alright, fine. Let's hurry, they can't have gotten too far!" She flies off down the tunnel.

2017-10-26, 06:25 PM
The Deku climbs on Basch's back and rides after her, grabbing the fairy to bring her along for the ride. "I'm Eren, and this is Basch."

2017-10-26, 06:30 PM
"I'm Tatl." They continue down the tunnel. At one point they come across what appears to be a small, gnarled tree about the same size as Eren's new form.
On the tree's trunk is a face that looks eerily similar to a Deku Scrub's...

2017-10-26, 06:38 PM
Perception: [roll0]

Eren stops and looks at the tree. "Er...hello? Are you...okay?" he asks the Deku uncertainly.

2017-10-26, 06:52 PM
The tree doesn't move or make any kind of response.

2017-10-26, 06:53 PM
Eren reaches out and touches the Deku face curiously.

2017-10-26, 07:06 PM
There's still no reaction.

"What are you doing? We're not going to find them just standing here!"

2017-10-26, 07:13 PM
"This creature is alive, isn't it? But it's not speaking or doing anything."

2017-10-26, 07:28 PM
"It's a tree. What kind of response are you expecting?"

2017-10-26, 07:52 PM
"If it's a tree, why is there a face on it?" Eren points out, poking the bark. He sighs and gets back on the triceratops to continue the pursuit.

2017-10-26, 08:37 PM
"I don't know, maybe somebody decided to carve it in?"

As they proceed through the tunnel, Eren hears something up ahead. It sounds like creaking wood and metal combined into a sort of rhythmic ticking sound.

2017-10-26, 09:11 PM
Eren pauses. "What is that? Hey, Tatl, where are we anyway?"

2017-10-26, 09:38 PM
"I'm not entirely sure where we are. We came down here through a passage in the Lost Woods, but there was no ticking sound on the way here. But that sounds like... gears turning?"

2017-10-26, 11:11 PM
"Gears? You almost make it sound like we're in Clock Town," Eren muses, pushing Basch to move a bit faster.

2017-10-26, 11:25 PM
"Well, I don't here you coming up with any other explanations of what the sound is." The noise gets louder as they move on, and soon Eren can see a doorway at the end of the tunnel.

2017-10-27, 12:02 AM
Eren gasps in excitement. A way out! Surely this would lead him to a cure for this strange condition. He rushes outside with his two companions.

2017-10-27, 12:08 AM
The doorway doesn't lead outside, but rather to a stone brick room with small patches of moss growing on the walls and floor. A canal full of water passes through the center of the room, turning a water wheel that seems to be connected to a set of gears leading higher up. While the canal is barred off with sturdy metal portcullises, there is a bridge over the water that leads directly to a ramp. The ramp itself spirals up around the crankshaft of the gears, finally disappearing into the ceiling above.

2017-10-27, 12:47 AM
The Deku looks around for any sign of Skull Kid or any other enemies.

[roll0] Perception

2017-10-27, 12:55 AM
There is no sign of anyone else here.

2017-10-27, 01:13 AM
Eren nods and begins ascending the ramp.

"So, Tatl, what is a forest fairy doing underground anyway?"

2017-10-27, 01:17 AM
"Skull Kid came down here, and me and Tael followed him. Why else would we be down here?"

The ramp leads up to the inside of a tall stone tower. The gears by the waterwheel seem to be turning a large number of additional gears high above, though there doesn't seem to be any ladders or stairs leading up there. On the room's south wall is a small flight of steps leading to a painted set of double doors.

2017-10-27, 01:19 AM
"So you're...stalkers, you and your brother?"

Eren walks up towards the double doors and pushes them open.

2017-10-27, 01:20 AM
"What do you mean, 'stalkers'?"

A voice speaks up from behind them. "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

2017-10-27, 01:22 AM
Eren turns around in surprise to look at the speaker.

2017-10-27, 01:31 AM
Standing beside the ramp they'd ascended is a Hylian man with short, neatly-combed auburn hair and a squinting gaze that makes it look as though his eyes are shut. His outfit is varying shades of purple, with gold trim; maybe a merchant's outfit? On his back is a bulging pack, with numerous masks hanging from it and a bedroll lashed at the top.

Tatl moves behind Eren as the man speaks again. He bows, one hand over his heart. "I own the Happy Mask Shop. I travel far and wide in search of masks... During my travels, a very important mask was stolen from me by an imp in the woods. So here I am at a loss... and now I've found you. Now don't think me rude, but I have been following you..."

He straightens up, placing a hand on his chin. "...For I know of a way to return you to your former self."

2017-10-27, 01:37 AM
"A mask was stolen? Was it shaped like a heart?" Eren asks.

2017-10-27, 01:38 AM
"Yes, actually. You've seen it?"

2017-10-27, 09:17 AM
Eren nods. "I think so. I'll tell you more once I've regained my true form. Please, help me!"

2017-10-27, 11:16 AM
The man nods, still maintaining his pleasant grin. "Very well. If you can retrieve the precious item that was stolen from you, I'll be able to return you to normal. In exchange... all I ask is that you also get back my precious mask that the imp stole from me."

2017-10-27, 11:40 AM
The Deku blinks. "The 'item that was stolen'? But nothing was taken from me." He checks his possessions. Did Skull Kid rob him too?

2017-10-27, 11:51 AM
Everything seems to be present. Except for the pendant his mother had given him as a good luck charm.

2017-10-27, 12:59 PM
Eren's eyes widen and he lets out a roar that belies his true stature trapped in this strange body. "Skull Kiiiiiiiiid! I will pay you back for this tenfold!"

He continues through the double doors. That brat can't have gone too far.

2017-10-27, 01:42 PM
Eren exits through the doors, and finds himself standing in the middle of a large city square. The place looks as though it's being decorated for some kind of festivity, and he spies several empty merchant stalls that look as though they were just put up. A group of carpenters are in the middle of putting together a structure in the middle of the square, and he can hear the excited chatter of the people around him. The doors he'd exited through are at the base of a clock tower, the most well-known landmark of Clock Town and perhaps all of Termina.

On the western side of the square he spies a large yellow flower seemingly growing out of the paving stones.
It is a Deku Flower, a plant that the Deku race uses to aid them in traveling. It can launch a Deku into the air, giving them a vantage point to glide from, and some adult Deku can achieve proper flight with them.

Tatl nudges Eren's shoulder. "Alright, let's go find the Great Fairy!"

2017-10-27, 04:15 PM
Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

"The Great Fairy? Why are we looking for her?" Eren asks.

2017-10-27, 05:38 PM
"You want to find Skull Kid, don't you? The Great Fairy will know what he's up to. She watches over everything. And just between you and me, the Skull Kid is no match for the Great Fairy." She floats off toward the corner of the clock tower. "Her shrine is near the North Gate. Let's go!"

2017-10-27, 07:01 PM
Well, that was easier than Eren was expecting. He walks with her towards the North Gate, ignoring the flower for now.

2017-10-27, 10:53 PM
Tatl leads him around the clock tower and through a passage in the square's northern wall, which leads to a large park. In the park Eren spies a young boy with a blowgun trying to shoot a large purple balloon overhead, as well as... a man in a strange green outfit with a red balloon attached to his back, hovering over the park.

Three other passages exit the park. The north passage, flanked by a pair of guards, looks like it leads out of the city. The one to the east leads to another part of town, while the west exit enters into a small hillside.

2017-10-27, 11:35 PM
Eren walks over to the young boy and watches him curiously.

2017-10-27, 11:45 PM
The boy doesn't seem to notice him, instead focusing on trying to shoot the balloon with small pebbles.

2017-10-28, 12:15 AM
The Deku looks up at the balloon. He picks up one of the pebbles and tosses it at the balloon.

Thrown attack roll: [roll0]

2017-10-28, 12:22 AM
The rock misses.

2017-10-28, 12:27 AM
Eren is annoyed, but he's not going to back down from a challenge so easily! A stationary target is simple prey with practice!

He scoops up a bunch of rocks and tries again.

Attack: [roll0]

2017-10-28, 12:29 AM
Two of the pebbles hit the balloon, but they fail to pop it.

2017-10-28, 12:30 AM
What a stubborn balloon! Eren will have to come back once he has proper gear for dealing with it. He heads to the northern part of town.

2017-10-28, 12:33 AM
As Eren approaches the northern gate, the guards move to stop him. "Whoa, there! Sorry, but we can't allow a child to leave the city without their parents or another guardian. There are all sorts of dangerous beasts outside of Clock Town."

2017-10-28, 12:34 AM
Eren frowns. "I am no child, I am a Deku!"

2017-10-28, 12:36 AM
The guard sighs. "Yes, but you are a Deku child. I know you want to prove that you're old enough to take care of yourself, like any other kid your age would want to do, but we can't allow you to leave the city. We're doing this for your own good."

2017-10-28, 12:38 AM
Eren frowns and walks back to the tower. "Huh. How can I sneak out of the city then?"

2017-10-28, 12:41 AM
Tatl prods him as they're walking through the park. "Why are you trying to sneak out of the city? The Great Fairy's shrine is over there." She gestures to the hill on the park's western side.

2017-10-28, 12:43 AM
Eren relaxes. "Okay. Let's get going then!"

He runs over to the hill and starts looking for the shrine.

2017-10-28, 02:02 AM
The tunnel leading to the shrine is easy to locate, being set in the hillside. Eren follows the tunnel to a large fountain lit with a mystical light, and at the center is a swarming crowd of odd-looking fairies.

"Oh no! The Great Fairy! What's happened to her?!"

2017-10-28, 09:17 AM
Eren looks around. "I don't see her. Just a bunch of faeries that look like Tael."

2017-10-28, 09:47 AM
"Those are the Great Fairy! But she's not supposed to be like that!"

2017-10-28, 09:48 AM
"The Great Fairy is a bunch of little fairies all joined together?" Eren muses. "Alright, well, can we put her back to her normal self?"

2017-10-28, 10:09 AM
"Um... Maybe there are some missing? If we get all of the pieces back together it might restore her strength."

2017-10-28, 10:11 AM
Eren nods. "Okay, so if we can find some fairies around here, we bring them back here and she'll get better? Let's start looking then."

Eren heads back to the town and starts looking around the town.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-10-28, 10:16 AM
Eren doesn't find any in the park, or in the central square of the city. However, he does find one lying on the ground near a small laundry pool in the southwest corner of the city.

2017-10-28, 10:20 AM
Eren gently lifts the fairy up. "Are you okay?"

2017-10-28, 10:41 AM
The fairy slowly opens its eyes. "Please... hear my plea... the masked Skull Kid has broken me apart and scattered my pieces. Please, return me... to the Fairy Fountain in North Clock Town..."

2017-10-28, 10:43 AM
Eren blinks and stares at Tatl. "You said Skull Kid was no match for her!"

2017-10-28, 10:47 AM
"I-I thought he wasn't! How was I supposed to know he was capable of doing something like this?!"

2017-10-28, 10:51 AM
"Don't worry. We'll find every piece and return them to the fountain," Eren says gently. He carries the fairy back to the fountain and places her down with the others. Time to check some other places. He heads back to the flower that he saw earlier. "I can use this to try and scout out more of the town." He just needs to figure out how it works...

2017-10-28, 11:16 AM
Eren doesn't need to leave the fountain. The fairy he'd found floats over to the others, and they start to glow, before reforming into a tall woman with long blonde hair, clad only in ivy vines. She smiles warmly at Eren as she floats over the water in the shrine's center.

"Tatl, and you, young one of the altered shape... thank you for returning my broken and shattered body to normal. I am the Great Fairy of Magic. I thought that masked child was helping me, and I grew careless. All I can offer you now is this: I shall grant you Magic Power as a sign of my gratitude. Please accept it!"

She holds out her arms, and a soft light shines down on Eren from overhead. A dizzying sense of power flows through him, and he feels a new strength welling up inside, different from anything he's felt before.
Eren has obtained Magic Power! Magic Power is a separate resource from his normal class features, and is used to fuel certain abilities that he might acquire over the course of his journey.
Eren has 5 points of Magic Power per character level. He regains all lost Magic Power at the same time he prepares his spells each day, or when he uses certain curative items.

2017-10-28, 11:22 AM
Eren nods. "Thank you for this gift, but I need your help. The masked boy has stolen something important from me and I must retrieve it."

2017-10-28, 11:28 AM
The Great Fairy thinks for a moment. "I'm afraid I don't know where he is, but the man who lives in the observatory outside of town may know of the Skull Kid's whereabouts. But be careful! You must not underestimate that child's powers."

She begins to fade out of sight. "If ever you are returned to your former shape, come see me. I shall grant you more help."

2017-10-28, 11:32 AM
Eren growls. "Come on, Basch! The hunt isn't over yet!"

He hops on the dinosaur's back and rides out to the observatory.

2017-10-28, 11:34 AM
Once again, Eren is stopped at the gate by the guards. "Look, kid, we've already told you. You can't leave town without your parents or legal guardian."

2017-10-28, 11:36 AM
Eren thinks. "She is my guardian!" he declares suddenly, pointing to Tatl.

2017-10-28, 11:37 AM
"Wait, what?"

The guards look at each other, then back at him. "How is she going to protect you if you get attacked?"

2017-10-28, 11:44 AM
"She can control monsters with her magic! Look, if she casts a spell, this triceratops obeys her every command! Show them, Tatl."

Bluff [roll0]

2017-10-28, 11:46 AM
One of the guards facepalms. "Fairies don't have that kind of magic, kid. Look, just... tell us where your parents are, we'll send somebody to let them know you're here so they can come and get you. Until then, you have to stay in the city."

2017-10-28, 11:54 AM
Eren sighs and walks away. "I wonder if there's an adult who would pretend to be my guardian?"

2017-10-28, 11:58 AM
"Maybe. Guess you'll just have to ask around town."

2017-10-28, 11:59 AM
The Deku scrub starts looking for a strong-looking Hylian to talk to.

2017-10-28, 12:10 PM
As Eren looks around, he doesn't find very many people who seem like good matches. The carpenters seem strong, but they're all busy with construction. The guards aren't likely to leave their posts, either.

2017-10-28, 12:15 PM
Eren heads to one of the shops. There must be someone shopping at a blacksmith or an archer.

2017-10-28, 12:51 PM
Eren wanders into one of the shops in the western district of Clock Town, where he spies a man working on something behind the counter. What looks like an oddly-shaped rock lies on the floor near the room's right wall.

2017-10-28, 01:08 PM
Eren walks over and picks up the rock to examine it.

2017-10-28, 01:20 PM
The rock looks too big for him to lift. And it starts unfolding when he approaches! A pair of large black eyes stare at him with a curious expression as the creature stands up, nearly as tall as Eren was in his Gerudo form.

2017-10-28, 01:38 PM
Eren stares up at the creature. "Oh. Uh...hello?" he says, wondering if it can speak.

2017-10-28, 09:40 PM
The creature smiles at him. "Hello, little Deku. How can I help you today?"

2017-10-28, 10:53 PM
Eren relaxes. "I'm trying to reach the observatory outside of town, but I can't leave town without a guardian! Can you be my guardian for the day? Please?"

2017-10-28, 10:56 PM
He rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, but I have to stay and help watch the shop, otherwise I'd be happy to go... Oh! Maybe you should try talking to one of those Bomber kids! They're friends with the man from the observatory, they should be able to help you get there!"

2017-10-28, 10:58 PM
The Deku blinks. "Bomber kids? Where can I find them?"

2017-10-28, 11:02 PM
"They're usually wandering around the city. Their hideout's in East Clock Town, but you'll probably need to talk to their leader Jim first."

2017-10-28, 11:05 PM
The Deku Scrub thanks the big creature and runs out into the streets. He starts looking for the kids and asks to speak to Jim.

2017-10-28, 11:08 PM
The kids point him toward North Clock Town, and tell him to look for a kid with the same outfit as them and a red bandana on his head. That sounds like the boy who was trying to shoot the balloon earlier!

2017-10-28, 11:10 PM
The Deku Scrub walks up to the kid shooting the balloon. "Hey! Are you Jim?"

2017-10-28, 11:22 PM
The kid looks at him. "Yeah? What do you want?"

2017-10-28, 11:33 PM
"The Great Fairy said I should talk to the man at the observatory. It's really important. Can you help me get there, please?" Eren asks.

2017-10-28, 11:45 PM
"Hm... I might be able to. We Bombers have a hideout that leads to the observatory outside town. You need a code to get in. Maybe I'll tell you what it is! But don't think you're getting it that easily! I can't just tell you what the code is... You'll have to pass my test first."

2017-10-28, 11:51 PM
Eren nods eagerly. "No problem! I am happy to earn your respect. Let us commence with this test, then."

2017-10-29, 12:08 AM
Jim whistles, and four other boys with the same uniform and blue bandanas come running up. They form a line in front of Eren, with Jim at the center. "Alright, this test is really simple. All you have to do is find and catch the five of us before tomorrow morning. Just to keep things fair, we won't hide inside, and we won't leave the city at all."

2017-10-29, 12:27 AM
Eren memorizes what the boys look like and nods. "I accept your challenge. Make sure you all pick great hiding spots!"

2017-10-29, 09:41 AM
"Alright. You've got until tomorrow morning!" Jim whistles again, and the boys all take off for the passages out of the park.

2017-10-29, 09:42 AM
Eren waits ten minutes to give them enough time to hide, before he runs over to the flower. He will be able to get a good view of the city from the skies. He hops onto the flower and tries to launch himself into the air.

2017-10-29, 10:08 AM
"Wait, wait! Hang on!" When Eren looks up, he spies an adult Deku Scrub flying overhead. The Deku lands and sinks into the flower, before popping back out. "This is my private property. Don't try using it when I'm not around!"

2017-10-29, 10:10 AM
Eren nods. "Very well! I won't use it while you're not around. However, could I use it just one time while you're right here? I need to find someone in the city."

2017-10-29, 10:24 AM
The Deku frowns. "Who are you looking for, little boy?"

2017-10-29, 10:24 AM
"The Bomber kids! We're playing hide and seek," Eren says, playing up his youthful appearance for now.

2017-10-29, 10:33 AM
"I see... well, there's actually another flower in East Clock Town, that one's public property so it should give you the boost you need."

2017-10-29, 10:36 AM
The Deku Scrub nods. "Okay then. Sorry to bother you, sir!"

Eren heads over to East Clock Town to take a look for himself.

2017-10-29, 12:05 PM
Eren heads to the city's eastern district. This part of town is also being set up for some kind of festival, and he can see a pair of jugglers practicing in the center of the square next to the city's inn. A few crates are piled near a lamppost at the square's center, and Eren spies the flower that the Deku Scrub had mentioned in a small flower bed beside the inn.

2017-10-29, 12:09 PM
Eren hops onto the flower and launches himself into the air.

2017-10-30, 07:35 AM
The flower launches him about 20 feet into the air. Not high enough to see over the district walls, but enough to give him a good vantage point over East Clock Town.
One of the Bombers is hiding among the crates in the center of the square

2017-10-30, 08:12 AM
Perception: [roll0]

Eren grins and runs over to the crates. He tags the Bomber and smiles. "I found you!"

2017-10-30, 08:54 AM
"Aw, shoot. Good going, but you've still got to find the rest of us!"

2017-10-30, 08:56 AM
Eren nods and starts looking around the rest of East Clock Town while he's here. They can't hide inside, so it should be easy to find them as long as he's paying attention.

[roll0] Perception

2017-10-30, 09:20 AM
Eren finds two other members of the Bombers near the north end of East Clock Town, one on the inn's roof and another by an alleyway. The one by the alley is wearing a yellow bandana rather than the blue ones worn by the members he's seeking, though, and he explains that he's the doorman for their hideout.

2017-10-30, 09:31 AM
Eren laughs. "You said you wouldn't go inside, but you hid on the roof of the building! I never would have thought of that. Good game!" He shakes the Bomber's hand.

Now he knows where their hideout is, so he'll return here once he's finished the hunt. He heads to the northern section of Clock Town to look there.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-10-30, 10:03 AM
He finds another Bomber hiding in the park's playground, under the slide.

2017-10-30, 10:06 AM
Eren tags the boy and smiles. "Let's play together again sometime!"

That's three people down. He keeps searching in Northern Clock Town.

[roll0] Perception

2017-10-30, 10:14 AM
Eren doesn't find anybody else in the park.

2017-10-30, 10:17 AM
Eren heads back to the clock tower itself and searches around there next.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-10-30, 10:18 AM
There's another Bomber member hiding in one of the empty merchant stalls.

2017-10-30, 10:20 AM
Eren tags the boy and smiles. "This is getting tougher. But I won't lose!"

He looks up at the sky. How much time does he have left to find the last member?

2017-10-30, 12:27 PM
It looks like it's late afternoon. He's got maybe 3 hours left before sundown, then all night until sunrise to find the last boy.

2017-10-30, 12:28 PM
Eren starts asking around town to see if he can find anyone who has heard about the last boy or seen him.

Diplomacy to Gather Information: [roll0]
It takes [roll1] hours

2017-10-30, 12:30 PM
Nobody seems to have seen the last boy. However, there's the whole western district of Clock Town left to search.

2017-10-30, 12:43 PM
With only an hour of daylight left to go, Eren goes to the western district to look around.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-10-30, 12:46 PM
Eren finds Jim just as the sun's starting to go down. He'd chosen to hide in one of the flower beds lining the middle of the market district's main street, and if it weren't for a glimpse of his red bandana Eren wouldn't have noticed him at all.

2017-10-30, 01:33 PM
Eren walks over to Jim and taps him on the head. "I found you! Phew, I'm glad I got over here by the time I did, I never would have been able to spot you in the dark. Great hiding spot."

2017-10-30, 02:02 PM
"And you've got some pretty good eyes to find me. Did you find everybody else yet?"

2017-10-30, 02:03 PM
The Deku Scrub nods. "You're the last one! Shall we go back to the hideout?"

2017-10-30, 02:40 PM
Jim nods, and they meet up in front of the hideout with the other four boys. "You did a real good job finding all of us. It's too bad you're not human, or we'd be able to let you join as a full member. Right guys?"

The other boys speak up in unison. "No way, no Scrubs!"

Jim shakes his head. "Sorry, it's nothing personal. Once, we let some kid who wasn't human join our gang, and boy, did we ever regret it! But I'll teach you our password like I promised. I can only tell you once, though, so pay close attention!"

The five of them turn around, revealing that they've attached numbers to their backs. Going left to right, the numbers are 3, 4, 5, 1, and 2.

"The code is 34512. Give it to Jeff at the door and he'll let you in."

2017-10-30, 02:42 PM
Eren nods and walks past the group. "Hey Jeff. I need to gain access to the hideout. The password is 34512."

2017-10-30, 02:45 PM
Jeff nods and steps aside, letting Eren through.

2017-10-30, 02:46 PM
Eren heads inside the hideout, with Tatl and Basch in tow. Hopefully he can find a path to the observatory from here.

2017-10-30, 03:18 PM
The passage leads underground, and Eren finds himself in what might have once been a section of the city's sewers. It's been thoroughly cleaned up, though, and a couple of signs point to different parts of the hideout. One of them is labeled "Observatory".

2017-10-30, 03:24 PM
Eren bows to his curiosity and looks to read each of the other signs before he moves on to the observatory.

2017-10-30, 03:33 PM
It looks like most of them are normal things, like a kitchen and bedrooms. There's one that's listed as "Shrine".

2017-10-30, 03:35 PM
Eren moves on to the observatory.

2017-10-30, 03:51 PM
The walk through the tunnels takes a couple of hours, and at the end he finds a ladder leading up. This must be where the observatory is!

2017-10-30, 04:04 PM
Eren frowns. After walking for a few hours, it surely must be close to midnight, or at least very dark outside. Trespassing now won't do at all. He lies down in the tunnel with his companions to get some sleep for the night.

2017-10-30, 04:10 PM
Tatl frowns. "If we're going to sleep, shouldn't we find a better place than just lying on stone bricks?"

2017-10-30, 04:12 PM
Eren raises an eyebrow. "I'm in a plant body right now, I doubt I'll be able to get any sleep regardless. I'm going to spend all night trying to figure out what's comfortable. Basch could care less, he can't feel anything through that thick hide. And you can sleep on one of us, if it bothers you that much."

2017-10-30, 04:55 PM
"Alright, alright..." She lands on Basch's side.

2017-10-30, 05:06 PM
Eren rests for the night. In the morning, he climbs the ladder and enters the observatory.

2017-10-30, 05:47 PM
The ladder leads up into a wide, circular room with a staircase curving up along the far wall. Numerous star charts cover the walls and tables down here, and several packed bookshelves line what little wall space remains. A scarecrow leans up against one of the bookcases, and turns its head to face Eren when he enters.

2017-10-30, 05:51 PM
"Erm...hello?! I'm looking for the man who works here?" Eren calls out.

2017-10-30, 06:24 PM
The scarecrow straightens up. "He's upstairs, probably looking through his telescope."

2017-10-30, 06:28 PM
"Ahhh!" Eren exclaims, falling back onto his rear. He sits up and stares at the scarecrow. "Y-you can talk?"

2017-10-30, 06:32 PM
"Yep! I can dance, too!" He leans toward Eren and extends a hand to help him up.

2017-10-30, 06:34 PM
Eren takes the hand and stands up. "...I see. Thanks for the advice."

He heads upstairs to the telescope.

2017-10-30, 06:48 PM
The domed ceiling of the next floor is painted to resemble the starry night sky. A large telescope dominates the center of the room and sticks out through a spot in the ceiling. An old man in a blue robe is currently looking through it, seemingly oblivious to Eren's presence. The room is otherwise pretty sparse, save for a display case near the telescope with a tear-shaped blue crystal inside.

2017-10-30, 06:49 PM
Eren clears his throat. "Excuse me. The Great Fairy sent me here to see you."

2017-10-30, 06:54 PM
The man pulls his gaze away from the telescope and turns to Eren as he adjusts his glasses. "Well, well... a strange-looking child has joined me today. Are you a new friend of the Bombers gang?"

After a moment he nods. "Your manners seem much better than those of your mischievous friend from the other day. That ill-mannered troublemaker from the other day said that he'd break my instruments... he said that he'd steal my Moon's Tear... there was no stopping him. Even now, he's probably causing trouble around the Clock Tower."

He hobbles over to an end table and conjures up a ceramic teapot. "You said that the Great Fairy sent you, yes? Surely you've got an interesting tale about that, if you were led to my door by her."

2017-10-30, 07:19 PM
"My mischievous friend? Yes, I'm looking for him. I need to find him before much longer. Where is he?"

2017-10-30, 08:29 PM
"Well, I'm afraid I don't know his exact location right now, but you're more than welcome to take a look through my telescope to see if you can spot him if you want. I think I saw him on top of the Clock Tower not too long ago."

2017-10-30, 08:45 PM
Eren pops up to the stand and takes a look inside the telescope, looking for the clock tower.

2017-10-30, 08:57 PM
It takes him a few seconds to find the clock tower. When he does, the man shows him how to zoom the telescope in, and... sure enough, Skull Kid is standing on top of the clock tower. He looks up at the sky, and when Eren looks up-


Was the moon always that large? And did it always have that sinister-looking face on it? There's a pinpoint of light in front of the moon, which becomes a fiery streak that plummets down right next to the observatory. There's a loud crash outside, and the floor shakes a bit.

When he looks back to Skull Kid, the little imp is smacking his ass and shaking it, directly at Eren.

2017-10-30, 08:59 PM
Eren jumps backwards. "What was that? An attack? Where is the exit? I need to see if the outside is all right!"

2017-10-30, 09:01 PM
The old man, surprisingly, doesn't seem worried as he gestures to the front door. "It might be another Moon's Tear. They've been falling from the sky more recently as of late."

2017-10-30, 09:22 PM
Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

Eren heads outside to check and see if there's any damage.

2017-10-30, 09:49 PM
Eren isn't familiar with what a Moon's Tear is. When he gets outside, he spots a shallow crater a few feet from the door, and at the bottom is a blue crystal similar to the one that the old man has on display inside.

2017-10-30, 09:54 PM
Eren approaches the tear. His natural Gerudo aura reacts to it.

Detect magic automatically.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

2017-10-30, 10:07 PM
The crystal does radiate magic, but nothing that would make it particularly useful. It's resistant to heat and physical damage and gives off a small amount of light, but that's it.

2017-10-30, 10:17 PM
Eren picks up the crystal and puts it in his pocket. No time to worry about this for now. He needs to hurry. He heads back to Clock Town. It's time to climb the tower!

2017-10-30, 10:28 PM
Eren and the others head to the clock tower. When he arrives, however... he finds that there's not really a way to get to the top.

2017-10-30, 11:31 PM
Eren stares at the tower. "This is ridiculous. How do you perform maintenance on this clock with no staircase? Oh well."

He closes his eyes and raises his hands. "I will be right back, Basch. Tatl, with me. Giants of the lost world, guide me!"

Eren lifts off the ground.

Casting levitate as a spell-like ability.

2017-10-30, 11:34 PM
Eren starts lifting up off the ground, but after a few seconds he feels an eerie pulse of energy go through him, and the levitation magic fizzles. He lands back on the ground beside Basch, unharmed.

2017-10-30, 11:35 PM
Eren frowns and gazes up at the tower. "Huh. So you're playing the hard way, huh? Fine by me."

Eren decides to enter the tower itself and look around again, searching for some clue he might have missed.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-10-30, 11:37 PM
Eren doesn't see any way to get up the tower on the inside. The man from before is still inside the tower, standing in the same spot that he'd been in when they last spoke.

2017-10-30, 11:45 PM
Eren walks over to the man. "I want to take back what was stolen from me. The thief is hiding on the top of this tower. How do I get up there?"

2017-10-30, 11:49 PM
The man strokes his chin in thought. "Hm... well, I know that the path to the tower's highest point only opens once a year. Fortunately, that time happens to be at midnight the night before the Carnival of Time begins, which is six days from now."

2017-10-30, 11:55 PM
"Six days!? I don't want to be stuck in this body for six days!" Eren replies angrily.

2017-10-31, 12:00 AM
"Well, I'm afraid I don't know of any other ways up there. And from the look of it, the curse that's placed you in that body is keeping you from getting up there through your normal abilities."

2017-10-31, 12:01 AM
Eren growls in annoyance, but sighs and accepts that, for now, he's going to be stuck as a Deku. He bows politely and thanks the man for his time. For now, he should figure out how to pass time in Clock Town.

2017-10-31, 12:04 AM
Eren recalls seeing another Deku Flower in North Clock Town, maybe it would give him a way to spot something to do? Or he could always talk to the citizens of the city and try to find out more about what's going on and what there is to do around here.

2017-10-31, 12:05 AM
Eren goes to check out the next Deku Flower for now.

2017-10-31, 12:06 AM
The Deku Flower is one with pink petals, like the one he'd found beside the inn, and when he approaches it nobody says a word. It seems that it's free to use. Looking around, he spots a ledge higher up on the hill that doesn't look accessible by foot, maybe he could get up there?

2017-10-31, 12:22 AM
Eren hops onto the flower and launches himself up into the air.

2017-10-31, 12:33 AM
The flower shoots him high enough to spot a small hole on the ledge, with a sign beside it.

2017-10-31, 12:37 AM
He tries again, seeing if he might be able to reach the ledge this time.

Acrobatics: [roll0]

2017-10-31, 12:50 AM
With his gliding ability, Eren makes it to the ledge. The sign reads "Deku Scrub Playground, down this hole."

2017-10-31, 12:51 AM
Oh, that sounds like it might be fun! He hops down the hole.

2017-10-31, 12:55 AM
The hole takes him down into a narrow hall, leading into a much larger room lined with large stone Deku Scrub statues. Two Deku similar in appearance to the one he'd met in the city's center are sitting atop yellow Deku Flowers. "Welcome, young one. Are you interested in playing?"

2017-10-31, 01:12 AM
Eren looks around. "This is cool! What are we playing?"

2017-10-31, 01:18 AM
"It's a simple game. All you have to do is collect the jewels on those floating platforms over there." He points behind him, where Eren can see six platforms scattered around the hall, each one going up and down. "If you can collect them all in less time than the current record, you'll win a prize. But if you fall off, you lose. The current record is 1:12."

2017-10-31, 01:21 AM
"What happens if I lose?" Eren asks, making sure he knows the stakes.

2017-10-31, 01:23 AM
"If you lose, your game's over. You can try again as many times as you want... provided you can pay, of course."

2017-10-31, 01:23 AM
Eren reaches into his pocket. "How much to give it a try?"

2017-10-31, 01:25 AM
"10 gold."

2017-10-31, 01:32 AM
He pays the coin requirement and heads up to figure out how to play the game.


2017-10-31, 01:45 AM
The Deku Scrub steps off of his flower and gestures for Eren to step on it. "The timer starts once you launch yourself from here. Have fun!"
In order to win the game and beat the current record, Eren must complete the game in 12 rounds or less. Moving from one platform to the next takes one round.

Landing on the nearest platform requires a DC 10 Fly check. As a Small creature, Eren receives a +2 size bonus on the check, and the Deku Flowers give him an additional +2, giving him a total bonus of +4. If he chooses, Eren can spend one round waiting for the platforms to reach their most ideal placement. If he does, he gets a +4 circumstance bonus on his Fly check during the next round, giving him a total of +8 on his check. Since the timer doesn't start until after he's launched from the first Deku Flower, he can take a full round to get the +4 circumstance bonus on his first move without it counting against his time limit.

The floor in the Deku Scrub Playground has been magically enhanced to prevent fall damage.

2017-10-31, 09:00 AM
Eren takes a breath and launches himself from the first platform.

Fly [roll0]

2017-10-31, 11:08 AM
Eren successfully makes it to the first platform and collects the gem. Five more to go!

2017-10-31, 12:25 PM
Eren tries to jump the second gap without waiting.

Fly [roll0]

2017-10-31, 12:50 PM
Eren makes the next jump as well. Four more!

2017-10-31, 02:07 PM
Eren takes a long breath and leaps.

Pause leap [roll0]
4 rounds

2017-10-31, 04:42 PM
Eren successfully reaches the third platform. Halfway there!

2017-10-31, 05:05 PM
Eren takes another quick hop.


2017-10-31, 05:09 PM
Eren falls short, and finds himself landing on the floor at the bottom of the room. A ramp nearby leads back up to the starting point. "Ooh, so close. Not bad for your first try, though!"

2017-10-31, 05:52 PM
Eren frowns and heads back up the ramp. He puts 10 gold in the Scrub's hand and leaps off the first flower.

Fly: [roll0]

2017-10-31, 07:42 PM
That's one down, five to go!

2017-10-31, 07:46 PM
Eren plans out his route. He jumps quickly, then takes a long jump, then takes a long jump, then a long jump, and then a long jump to finish.

Counting the first round, this should be 10 rounds, which is under 12.


2017-10-31, 08:46 PM
"Excellent!" When Eren returns, the Deku hands him a bag of coins. "Your prize, young one. What's your name?"

2017-10-31, 09:52 PM
Eren smiles proudly. "I am Eren, of Clan Jaeger."