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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Druj – diminutive undead (PEACH)

2017-10-26, 05:03 AM

This is a 3.5e conversion of a BECMI D&D monster... my all-time favorite undead.


Size/type: Diminutive Undead
Hit Dice: 14d12 (91 hp)
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: fly 30' (perfect)
AC: 24 (+4 Dex, +6 natural, +4 size), touch 18, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +7 / -5 (+11)
Attack: Hand +11 melee (1d4 + poison) / Eye +11 melee (0 + poison) / Skull +11 melee (2d4 +poison)
Full Attack: Hand +11 melee (1d4 + poison) / Eye +11 melee (0 + poison) / Skull +11 melee (2d4 +poison)
Space/Reach: 1' / 0'
Special Attacks: death's grasp, spirit's gaze, skull fright, poisonous aura, poison touch, split essence
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60', spell-like abilities, spell immunity, undead traits, daytime powerlessness, DR 15/magic
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +13
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 19, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 22
Skills: Hide +30, Intimidate +23, Listen +16, Move Silently +30, Search +14, Spot +16
Feats: Ability Focus (Finger of Death), Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Quicken spell-like ability (animate dead)
Environment: Any Land
Organization: Solitary
CR: 12
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually NE
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

Druj appear as body parts; a hand, an eye, or a skull, floating around in a horrible way. They have a sickly decayed appearance, and emit a pale green/blue/purple glow. Druj are highly intelligent and malevolent, and are far more dangerous than they may seem.
Druj are travelers, rarely staying in one place for more than one night; they become incorporeal (non-voluntary), invisible and nearly powerless (except to move) with the light of dawn, regaining their physical body and powers at dusk.
Druj are usually encountered singly, unless commanded by powerful necromantic means. In such case, two druj eyes might rest within a druj skull, accompanied by two druj hands. No more than these five druj can ever be found in one place, and smaller groups (a druj skull with one druj eye, for example) are much more likely.
Like most undead, druj hate life and ruthlessly seek to destroy it whenever possible. It may be that druj gain sustenance from the life forces of the creatures they slay, but hunger clearly is not their only motivation. As destructive as they are, druj usually move on before they can cause any great local impact. Should one decide to settle down, however, the effects are disastrous, as a druj tends to kill everything in its vicinity.


Druj frequently use their Animate Dead ability to turn victims they have slain into zombies, which they use to defend themselves and to harass enemies. The zombies under its control can be turned by clerics and paladins, but they have a +4 bonus to resist turning.
When a druj splits (see below), its spellcasting form will often hang back to use its abilities, while its other parts attack in melee.
A druj normally has no treasure, though it may occasionally serve as a guard for some special item. Those characters who risk travel at night may encounter one with 1d6 of its victims, who may carry treasure.

Daytime Incorporeality (Su): The druj is almost totally powerless during daytime hours. It cannot attack or use any spell like ability, and its aura is suppressed. It usually moves without rest during the day.

Spirit's Gaze (Su): Once each round as a free action, an eye druj may gaze at an opponent up to 30' away. The victim must make a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 25, Cha based) or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. The victim needs not meet the druj's gaze to be affected.

Death's Grasp (Su): When a hand druj hits an opponent in melee, it can attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the hand druj wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and inflicts [1d4 + (10 - the targets natural/armor AC)] damage each round. A hand druj can never establish a pin, but as long as it has a hold it counts as a large creature for the purpose of opposed Grapple checks made to break the hold.

Skull Fright (Su): When a target is first attacked in a night by a skull druj, the victim must make a successful DC 25 Will saving throw or be paralyzed with fear for 1 round. The save DC is Charisma-based (with an additional +12 bonus). This is a necromancy (fear, mind-affecting) effect.

Poisonous Aura (Su): The poisonous presence of a druj causes all consumable items within 30', including normal food and water, holy water, all rations and even magical potions to become spoiled and useless (but not poisoned), with no saving throw allowed. Even living plants and small insects within this area are paralyzed, dying if the druj remains there more than an hour. This effect negates all forms of plant control, insect swarms and plagues, both normal and magical.

Poison Touch (Ex): the druj's touch is poisonous to the living. Primary and secondary 2d6 con, save DC 17.

Split Essence (Ex): A druj can split its essence, creating four identical forms instead of one. Each of the forms can attack separately, but only one of the forms is able to use spell like abilities. That form can often be distinguished, as it will hover nearby while the other forms attack. If that form is slain, one of the surviving forms immediately gains access to all unused spell like abilities. If turned while split, the parts of a druj turned are forced to reunite into one creature, remaining united for 1d4 + 1 rounds. If turned while united, turning is handled normally.
- When a druj splits, each part has its own set of HP.
- If one of the parts is slain, it does not appear during that night on a repeated split.
- A reunited druj, has as many HP as the highest among the group. Every time a reunited druj takes damage that doesn't bring it to 0 HP or less, the druj's HP are those of the form with the highest HP left.
- Each night, the monster's HP replenish.

Blindsight (Ex): Druj have blindsight out to 60'.

Spell Immunity (Ex): Druj are unaffected by spells lower than 4th level.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): (at will) Animate Dead, Deeper Darkness, Finger of Death, Silence, Telekinesis.

Skills: Druj have a +12 bonus to all Hide skill (diminutive). They also fly with extreme silence and have an inherent +12 bonus to all Move Silently checks.

2017-10-26, 10:56 AM
my all-time favorite undead.

Mine too. My players aren't so fond of it, though. It seems appropriately nerfed for those 3.x wussies. Mine wasn't - SoD poison all the way.
You might consider just giving them a flat bonus to grapple instead of the whole 'counts as a creature 4x larger' - a bit cleaner and shorter.
Is there any reason for converting Finger of Death to Slay Living? SL is weaker and is touch range.

Other than that, looks good.

2017-10-26, 11:48 AM
Random question about them. When they split into 4...are their HP split between them? If they are forced back and one was dead...when they can resplit...would they again split to 4? This wasn't really covered back in BECMI...and back then when I ran 2 of the 3 modules they appeared in I probably ran them as having full HP...but those were different days.

2017-10-26, 02:34 PM

Mine too.

Yes. Just imagine the image of a high-level party (exploding with confidence) encountering a flying skull w/ 2 eyes in its sockets and accompanied by a pair of hands… Then suddenly they scatter all over the place and split.
That’s the point where your players go in their pants and you giggle like a child in a candy store, thinking "let the mayhem begin" :smallbiggrin:

My players aren't so fond of it, though. It seems appropriately nerfed for those 3.x wussies. Mine wasn't - SoD poison all the way.

Losing all poisons being SoD was among the better decisions 3e designers ever made.

You might consider just giving them a flat bonus to grapple instead of the whole 'counts as a creature 4x larger' - a bit cleaner and shorter.

I think I'll just make it "a hand druj can never establish a pin, but as long as it has a hold it counts as a large creature for the purpose of opposed Grapple checks made to break the hold".

Is there any reason for converting Finger of Death to Slay Living? SL is weaker and is touch range.

Actually no. I'll change it back.

Random question about them. When they split into 4...are their HP split between them? If they are forced back and one was dead...when they can resplit...would they again split to 4? This wasn't really covered back in BECMI...and back then when I ran 2 of the 3 modules they appeared in I probably ran them as having full HP...but those were different days.

- When they split, each part has its own set of HP.
- A reunited druj has as many HP as the highest among the group.
- If one of the parts is slain, it does not appear during that night on a repeated split.
I'll specify

I just thought of another appropriate ability: The first sight of splitting counts as being affected by a Fear spell.