View Full Version : Requiem: The City of Evil (IC)

2017-10-26, 07:17 AM
Philosophers and scholars have watched for signs of danger for ages. No where are signs more apparent than in the heavens. And as the full moon rose to eclipse the sun much sooner than projected, let alone persisting for several days, even the uneducated knew that above them loomed some ill omen. The learned quickly leaned on divinations to attempt to narrow down the source of the evil they suspected, before it began to encroach upon the world.

It did not take them long to find places already affected; villages turned to battlefields and graveyards, nature already corrupted and defiled. The dead reanimated seemingly on their own accord, their souls torn from their bodies.

The living felt not to submit to desolation without struggle. The towns within the outskirts of the Kingdom of Proyocon were evacuated as swiftly as possible, as outposts were erected in their stead, and messages sent on the air for aid, to help isolate the epidemic and narrow down its source. A land locked lake, shrouded in mystery within its own right for the misty fortress rumored to lay there, was determined to be the point where the rumored evil was to have resurfaced in the world, and it was to there that the neighboring lands focused their efforts.

The shortest route, from safety to the last defend-able village on the border of that lake, cut through the White Forest. In safer times, this path, while still a decent trip by mount, was simple enough; the native wildlife were less troublesome than the occasional bandit attack, and even those cut-purses were no match for the local town guard or armed patrol.

Yet by the 3rd day of the eclipse, the deceitfully gentle winds carried the senses of death; the billowing cloud of smoke visible miles away. The smell of burning wood… and flesh. The tortured neighing of horses, the damned screams of agony, and the brutal roars of rage. Whatever the case, anyone traveling on that path, be it towards the village or in response to these ominous signs, would doubtless find an intercepted caravan; the wagon destroyed, its contents reduced to ashes, several soldiers and helpers gruesomely disfigured in different ways, even the steeds slaughtered.

This forest road, its stone painted with blood... is where the wheel of fate turns once more.

Blech. I'm feeling super conscious about my writing, and I'm almost certain this is a step down from my normal quality of work. Granted, the previous one was super edgy, but it's not like this is too much more positive...

So, yes, gather up, yon heroes. Investigate whatever you might like, make inquisitions of me, of each other. It's time we have some fun and put my lazy ass to work. Let's do this.

If that description is too long (and fluffy), just focus on that last paragraph, of the clearing in the forest where witnesses to this newest massacre might gather.

Capt. Infinity
2017-10-26, 10:24 AM
Symphonia knew this day would come.

She had been training for it her entire life, pouring over scrolls and manuscripts, as per her birthright, in preparation for the day, should they live to see it, when the cursed city rose again. And so it was that, within the first hour of the eclipse, Symphonia had recognized the signs from her readings, and set out to enact her sacred duty to the world. Regardless of the costs required.

The towering idol of a woman, seven feet tall and adorned in the cloth of a magus, had been walking with purpose for the last three days. Her inhuman spark sustaining her through a ceaseless, unhindered stride. She had broken off from the last of her contemporary Lorekeepers about a day ago, with the others dispersing to aid in Proyocon's general defences. And so the Warlock stood alone, standing within a tainted woods, as she stared down at the decimated scene of the slaughtered wagon. She spoke absently to the air before her.

"Hmm... The city's influence is growing faster than anticipated. And if this atrocity can occur in the woods surrounding the lake, one can only imagine the horrors in the village itself."

Pushing the curiosity from her mind, the woman slowly begins to rise from the ground beneath her, levitating closer to the scene of gore and slaughter. A slight spark of infernal fire ignites within her fire-tinted eyes as she surveys the scene, attempting to understand exactly what monstrosity of darkness could be held responsible, and how best to avoid a similar fate.

Let me know if I should change anything about this post specifically. But regardless, Spot check to see what's up, with any necessary knowledge checks to be rolled in the OOC: [roll0]

Vixsor Lumin
2017-10-26, 04:09 PM
Ishir was running through the woods following the same road that he had been on for days. His eyes were closed as he sprinted, relying the the little winged creature on his shoulder to warn him of any threats.

His hair was kept tied back but several strands had fallen loose in his run, and he was doing his best to ignore them. The gigantic shield that trailed behind him, floating a few inches away, was emblazoned with a crest of one of the kings armies.

There was a gentle squawk from the furry thing next to his ear. He opened his eyes and saw a woman in the clearing ahead of him surrounded by death. He slowed his breakneck pace, and stopped a respectful distance away from the woman who towered over him.

"What happened here?" he said, raising his hands to show that he was unarmed at the moment.

Capt. Infinity
2017-10-26, 10:11 PM
Symphonia spared a glance backwards at the armoured man, clearly bearing the stature and demeanour of a warrior, before continuing her lofty gaze at the death around her.

"At the moment, that is what I seek to uncover. Doubtless these men were slaughtered by some unfathomable beast of the City's own make, but I am currently attempting to gauge exact what creature and when, lest it get the drop on us later." The woman turns around fully in order to address the man properly, landing once more upon the ground, and extending a hand forwards towards him.

"You may call me Symphony. Perhaps, in time, you may call me more." She glances over past the young man's shoulders, at the floating shield behind him. "A soldier of Proyocon, hm? And an elite one at that. I take it the kingdom is at last beginning to understand the sheer magnitude of the force that has come forth before them?" She inclines for the man answer, her head tilting at an inquisitive angle, though her expression barely breaks from the stern mask she has worn from the start.

Vixsor Lumin
2017-10-26, 10:28 PM
Ishir takes the creature from his shoulder and tosses it into the air, where I takes flight and begins circling above them. "I'm not officially a soldier anymore, so I cant say for sure exactly how the kingdom is facing the threat." he nudges some rubble with an iron clad boot. "Though I would hazard a guess that it's not well."

He steps into a position of attention. "My name is Ishir. Ishir Gravana."

expeditious messenger spot check


2017-10-27, 12:41 AM
Kilvin walked the forest with as little care as one would expect a citizen to walk the paved streets of a city. His hair being whipped about in the passing breeze's not seeming to phase the man. The dirt of the road merely seemed to add a dash of color to his faded robes.

His approach was betrayed by the bright light his form gave off as he approached. A bright smile stretched across his face, and the wrinkles it caused looked as if they would crack the man's leathered skin. He slowed his approach only slowly as the scene began to come into full view.

He raised up an open hand to wave to the two gathered amidst the carnage. Seems a terrible spot of luck has happened here. Any chance that one of them still draw breath?

Vixsor Lumin
2017-10-27, 11:57 AM
Ishir turned to face the newcomer. "I just got here, and haven't had much of a chance to examine anything yet." He glanced at the devestation surrounding them, and added "I would be very surprised if there are any who do." he then walked from body to body double checking them, and looking for any indication of who they were.

[roll0] search check

2017-10-28, 10:28 PM
Trudging along the path, seeming not to notice the darkness around him or the horrors behind, is what appears at first to be an exceptionally large man in plate armor. As the creature steadily draws nearer the gathering group, it becomes clear to all that he is no kind of man. His armor looks to be finely crafted adamantine full plate, dented and pitted from decades of conflict. At each of the joints juts a spire of pale green crystal, twisting around itself and coming to a dangerous looking point. More spires grow from his bracers, his greaves, along his back and shoulders, and in a crown ringing his head. His oversized gauntlets have only three thick fingers and a thumb while his boots distinctly have two broad toes. His face loosely resembles a human's, but with a toothless jaw, heavy brow line, and no nose or hair. Everywhere skin should be visible is instead alternating cords of living wood and sturdy stone plates, and his eyes are cut from that same eerie crystal.

"Hullo." says the forged man, his voice like heavy stones scraping against one another. "What are you looking for?" he asks Ishir, curiously. Now that he's so close to the crowd, it's obvious that he stands a little taller even than Symphony, and must be significantly heavier.

2017-11-01, 06:27 AM
Pausing in the brush, content to just observe the others from the forest, a small, almost malnourished looking woman tries to hide in wait. However, the glowing of the runes floating around her head would most likely give her away. "Yes, we see them. They are the heroes?" She whispers to herself. "Yes, this one understands. Seems some understand the road is the slowest route. Smart ones."

Vixsor Lumin
2017-11-01, 02:42 PM
Ishir is about to answer the metal man when he stops, and turns around. The creature that had been circling lands on his shoulder with a squawk and a growl. "Who's there?" he calls out, his right hand resting on the hilt of his greatsword.

2017-11-01, 07:05 PM
"This one is here." The woman straighten up from the bushes, not even bothering to brush the twigs out of their hair. "As are you and the other heroes. There-" She points. "There, seems to be a caravan having met a most gruesome fate."
She pulls out a small silver disk connected to a set of prayer beads. "This one follows the path made manifest. Which they have promised to show unto you."


Vixsor Lumin
2017-11-02, 02:51 AM
His hand leaves the hilt, but his posture is just as tense as it was a second ago. "Right. Well to answer your question; we're trying to find out who or what attacked this caravan." Ishir takes a few steps back, trying to create some space between him and the crowd.

"Did any of you see what happened? he asks, while still searching the surrounding area.

2017-11-02, 05:19 PM
Some details of the scene are as easy to discern as the backs of your own hands. Large tracks, bigger than humanoid (or Warforged), dominate the scene, stamped into the ground during the skirmish. The carriage itself lay to one side of the road, some cinders still dancing on the blackened wood, seeking to incinerate what had not already gone up in flames.

There are at least 4 different humanoid bodies on that side of the wood.Three of them at least perished fighting, given the evidence of their weapons dropped by their sides, and the injuries they sustained in the process. One was torn outright in half by his waist. Though all suffer signs of burns, one set of remains is so harshly burned that only the skeletal structure could suggest the race or gender of the being; the once surely polished steel of its armor only slightly less seared than the bones it was meant to help protect.

Other matters are not quite so clear.

Beneath each horse corpse, there is a sizeable crater, beyond the mere impact of the corpse hitting the ground, heavy as horses are. Half of each harness meant to keep the beasts of burdens hitched to the wagon are still splintered to their saddles, as if torn off.

One humanoid figure lies prone, several yards away from the road away from the carnage and wreckage, her neck bent at an impossible angle, with next to no other injury upon her. And while noticing this, the fact that there is no visible track left by the wagon also becomes noteworthy, despite it still sizzling in a heap a fair distance from the path it bore.

Despite the time it took to come across this scene, the battle itself was over in moments. The fire had plenty of time to consume the trees nearby, and most of the corpses have had time to cool to match the deadened air.

Still other matters are even less certain.

Symphonia eyes an additional figure, further on through the grassy clearing, with several large and messy bite wounds. Those wounds themselves, while massive, are not life threatening, which is yet more ominous, considering how cleanly the jaws of whatever attacked could puncture armor. This figure is also the least burned, yet of the (identifiable) bodies looks in the worst health. This one may have been the last to die.

Additionally, the massive tracks of the creatures that attacked here have no trail from out of the forest. What surely would have left a path easy to follow seems to have just appeared and disappeared. There was definitely more than one responsible for all of this, but possibly not much more than that.

2017-11-02, 05:25 PM
Kilvin shifts slightly to look at the new comers to the group. His hair whipping slightly as he does so. A faint smile spreading on his lips.

Hello all. I would assume that only the first of us to arrive might have seen anything. From the looks of it, this happened some time ago.

Vixsor Lumin
2017-11-06, 04:06 AM
The creature on Ishir's shoulder chittered quietly into his ear. "It would appear so, the bodies have had time to cool, and the fires have already guttered out.: He tils his head quizically at the exact moment that his pet did as well.

Taking several steps off the trail, he begins examing one of the figures necks. "There also appears to be no tracks from the wagon which is very suspicious."

search [roll0]
know (arcana) [roll1]

examining the body and the road nearby

2017-11-06, 10:31 AM
Still holding the prayer beads up in Ishir's direction, Krisaga crooks her head towards the sky. "A lack of tracks would imply flying ability, or magical aptitude. And given the apparent use of fire... This one would assume dragons, as they have all three. Most assuredly Red ones if accounting for the amassing darkness."

2017-11-07, 12:09 PM
Kilvin looks to the woman that shines and speaks weirdly. A grim look crosses his face. If you are right, then this is going to be one very bad day for alot of people. Not many are equipped to handle such a fearsome creature. Let's check the wreckage and bodies to test your theory. A dragon wouldn't leave valuable items behind. It would expand its horde as much as it could.

2017-11-07, 04:56 PM
Krisaga nods and puts away her prayer beads. "That is a sound idea, hero. If you require assistance in checking for magic, let this one know. Until then, they will patiently keep an eye upon the skies." She mutters a few words and holds her hands in front of her eyes for a moment, before moving them away. Her eyes now glow with cat-like irises.

Burnt two 3rd level slots (Cleric 3d: Heroism, and Arcane Focus 3: Dispel Magic) to cast Primal Senses.
Primal Sense: 24hr buff, gain low-light vision and a +5 competence bonus on Listen and Spot checks. Due to Primal Instinct also being active, I also gain Uncanny Dodge.
Gonna keep an eye on the skies:
Spot(Discorolls 2:55PM MDT): 36
Listen(Discorolls 2:56PM MDT): 30

2017-11-07, 07:09 PM
"I do not know a lot about dragons," rumbles the forged man. "But I can help you to look for treasure." He begins pawing through the wreckage, his clawed, oversized hands making short work of the smoldering shrapnel.

Anyone helping should probably roll to Aid Another for whoever has the highest Search modifier, rather than making individual rolls.


Capt. Infinity
2017-11-07, 10:18 PM
"Red dragons, whilst an admirable theory, do not fit the profile." Symphonia states in assured tone, barely nodding to acknowledge the rogue's gallery as it takes form. "A pleasure, the lot of you. And that includes you, follower of the Lightbringer. You may call me Symphony, for now. It shall suit nicely for what is to come." She floats over to a nearby clearing, noticing a corpse which had otherwise been missed by the others. "This corpse alone tells a far more worrying story." Her hand points to the numerous bite marks that cover its body. "These wounds are egregious, and imply the beast can make quick and simple work of armour. But none of these bites are fatal. Meaning the creature at fault likely bears a poisonous bite, or means of sapping one's life force. Though I ask that any individual bearing medical expertise provide their own assessment."

Her eyes wander the devastation. "Allow me to amend my earlier statement. This devastation is the result of creatures, in plurality. This is not the work of a single beast, though it is likely not the work of a large group either. Two, three perhaps. They made quick work of the survivors of the fall after dragging the caravan, and left shortly thereafter. Perhaps they left after taking a few of the slain as food." The Warlock's eyes narrow. "Or perhaps they simply did this to inflict suffering and pain. Regardless, we best be on the lookout, and we best keep watching the skies."

2017-11-09, 04:42 PM
As a Knight of the Sun Ravens, eclipses are never a good thing to him, to block of the glory of the sun in such a way is never good. So the multiday eclipse on it's own unnerves him, to says nothing of... the rest, as he walks slowly down the forest path, his gaze fixed on the ground. The bloodied stone path.

It makes his stomach turn. And he's afraid to look forward to see the source of the blood. But he must. He must. He's a Knight of the Sun Ravens; he can't act like a squeamish scared child. Evil is in the place, and it must be addressed.

Pushing his golden framed glasses up his nose, he looks up slowly, his fire eyed gaze surveying the gruesome scene and the others here.

Ailian is a touch on the tall side for an elf, but still rather short at 5'5 and thin, leaving him with a rather unremarkable presence, but his orange gaze behind his half moon glasses has a strength behind it that his stature lacks and posture lacks. He's dressed in simple clothes, and with a pristine white short cloak emblazoned with the golden sun and raven symbol of his order on the back

He lifts his right arm, and his raven soars down from where he had been flying above Ailian for some time, and perches there.

"Hey Sol. See anything up there?" He shakes his head immediately after the murmured words. He knows Solaris probably didn't, so he doesn't really need an answer from his companion. It's not like he asked the Celestial Raven to watch anyway.

He turns his attention back to the others here, and he sighs softly.

"Well this appears to be a... bit of a mess. To say the least. Would any of you know what happened here?" He doesn't expect them to have any answers for him. He figures they're like him; having just... come across this along the path.

He wonders how long they've been here though.

2017-11-14, 05:06 AM
Kilvin sighs as he starts to walk the wreckage. Something here must tell who these people were. If he can find that much, then they can take the goods and sell them. Whatever sum their cargo fetches can be sent back to where they came from with their intact possessions to give their families some peace of mind on what happened to their loved ones. These people deserve that much.

Anyone not too busy trying to figure out what happened here, help me start gathering bodies together. These people deserve to buried at least, if not more.

2017-11-16, 09:04 PM
The forged man watches as Ailian approaches, his attention drawn by the landing raven. "We just finished explaining to each other that none of us knows the story of this mess," he says to the elf. "I do not suppose you brought any answers?"

"I can do that." says the forged man to Kilvin. There sounds a soft shriek of metal on metal as he wipes his massive hand on his massive thigh. He extends that hand as he approaches. "I am Kole," he states. "And I feel glad to make your acquaintance, circumstances aside."

2017-11-21, 05:52 AM
Kilvin stops for a moment as Kole introduces himself. He brushes dirt from his hand before taking the metal man's own. Name's Kilvin, and the pleasure is mine. Now, let's get these boys and galls properly buried. We can all finish introductions over some tea later on.

2017-11-22, 12:56 PM
Other than some of the prints being deeper than the others near the path, nothing seems to be found. More importantly, magical activity in the area is next to negligible. Distinct from the solitary injury that caused this solo death, Ishir can (barely) detect traces of what might be necromantic energy, both in the area at large and within at least this corpse.

No visuals, but there is -something- on the wind that shouldn't be. The beating of wings by the sound of it, barely audible. A fair distance away, yet...

What possessions were present seem not to be disturbed, aside from being ravaged by flame. A few wands of various make were being stored in a box, now little more than kindling. Another container for potions sat beneath it, the glass of the bottles distorted by heat, and the contents mostly evaporated. What supplies that were being transported were ruined, yet not disturbed. Treasure was not on the mind of the attackers.

2017-11-22, 02:03 PM
Krisaga, still looking up at the sky, puts up a hand to quietly call for silence. "There is no time to honor the ashes of the lost, this one hears the dragons doubling back. You would do best to ready yourselves heroes." And with a gesture of the other hand, and a few arcane words, silent vines begin to overtake her, eventually forming a shrubbery where she once stood.

Cast Silent Image, taking up just her squares, adding on to the bush that is already there.

2017-11-22, 08:52 PM
"I am uncertain about the 'dragons' and 'heroes' parts, but I take your meaning." says Kole. "It is as Kilvin suspected; there are a good deal of formerly magic items left in the wreckage. I doubt anything seeking wealth would have destroyed such treasures." The forged man maneuvers to the edge of the road as he speaks, unraveling a crystalline ball and chain nestled among the spikes on his left arm. He takes hold of the studded weight in his massive right hand and stands steady, his head angled to give him a view of the skies. The pale green crystal of his eyes glows faintly and his body goes perfectly rigid, as still as a stone.

Move action to walk just off the path while drawing his meteor hammer. Standard action to ready an action to manifest expansion for 1PP.

Vixsor Lumin
2017-11-25, 03:46 AM
Ishir pulls his sword over his shoulder, and drops into a ready stance. ”Assuming that whatever is coming for us is what hit the caravan, don’t expect much in the way of magic from them.” he says quietly.

When Ailien steps into view, Ishir jumps in surprise. ”You just walked into a very tense situation friend. Whatever did this is near, assuming your not part of it. Be on guard.”

Capt. Infinity
2017-11-30, 11:45 PM
As the group readies for battle, Symphonia's eye's glance over to the thin figure of Ailian as he enters the burnt clearing.

"Hm. interesting. It is rare enough to see a Sun Raven, much less one so frail. Not to mention one of the Elvish race. I take it you're hear of your volition, rather than by some mandated will? Good, because your will is about to be tested. You may call me Symphony. The other's may give their name's at their leisure. It would appear that this area was assaulted by two fire-breathing draconic beasts, bearing some as-yet-unknown form of non-physical damage. You would do well to ready yourself, as the one known as Krisaga has stated that they are making a run back to assault us again." Symphonia lowers herself to stand beside an outcropping of charred wood, ready to duck behind it at any angle to avoid the oncoming beasts. She raises two fingers to the sky, pointing them to the heavens as she scans the horizon above the trees.

"Ready yourselves. Lest you share in these poor souls' fate."

Let me know if this is out of line, but Perception roll to activate LUDICROUS SEEING THINGS SKILLS to perhaps get the drop on the dragons with a readied shot.

Spot: [roll0]

2017-12-01, 07:42 PM
Kilvin grumbles as he slowly makes his way toward the mechanized man known as Kole. His joints popping as he moves. Each step slowly shifting his old rigid body into a fluid form of motion. Suppose the two of us will act as the vanguard Kole. Don't go making me look too bad now friend.

Swift Action: Entering Pearl of Black Doubt stance

Move action: walking level with Kole

2017-12-12, 06:22 PM
Any words he was going to say when asked if he has any answers is stopped at once as one of the others here recognises his order.

And calls him out for... being out of place within it. She knows much. More than one would expect.

Pulling his cloak tighter around his shoulders, he looks around nervously, taking further inventory of the scene, his gaze lingering for quite some time on the corpses.

"... I have no answers about this particular gruesome scene. I came to investigate the disturbance, given reports of trouble with Zombies in the area which-" He looks sidelong at Symphonia. "Was of particular interest to me as a Knight of the Sun Ravens. We've never been fond of the Undead."

He can read the situation well enough to know a fight is quickly coming, and while he doesn't know any of these people, he can only hope that they're on the side of good. He lifts a hand, the other grasping his holy symbol, both hands taking on a soft golden glow as he murmurs the words of the spell, calling upon his god for protection. For everyone here.

Anything he can do to help prevent more slaughter, he must.

Casting Shield of Faith, Mass. Which can be cast on 7 creatures, lasts 7 minutes, and grants a +3 deflection bonus to AC

2017-12-17, 11:10 PM
The glow of Ailian's holy symbol had barely faded when the sound Krisaga heard could be heard by all of the heroes present. Something moving fast, cutting through the air like blades. Suddenly, a pair of red dots appeared in the sky, before speeding directly into the clearing. ( Scaly monsters with muscular, humanoid bodies, foot long horns, and gangling yet thick limbs as long as their tails, these demonic looking creatures, each of whom could have dwarved even Symphonia or Kole, roar as they descend with the force of cannonballs. The resemblance to Dragons is uncanny, and the comparison is hardly unjust, with their presence as dreadful as one. Yet they lack the nobility of a true Dragon, much more resembling a fiendish devil, with the composure of a rampaging raging beast.

BGM. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOo_mVvbIEU)

Everyone but Krisaga, who is currently out of range, a DC14 Will Save or be Shaken. Kole, Ishir, and Kilvin, gimme two of them. Should be easy enough, huh? I doubt we need to worry about anyone becoming Frightened.

Symphonia, you get your called shot on either one. In addition to the affects of your attack if it hits, you'll screw up its landing.

Kole, feel free to narrate your expansion. I assumed with only 1 PP, you weren't going for Huge.


Direct Link (mostly for reference). (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=223253)

Vixsor Lumin
2017-12-18, 02:06 PM
When the creatures land, a wave of dread rolls over Ishir, but quickly passes. Shaking his head to clear it of their influence, he surges into action. The greaves of his armor begin evacuating glowing blue, and symbols light up along his arms.

With a deep yell and pulse of energy he flings himself into the air, leaving a streak of blue arcane energy in his wake. His blade comes up over his head and down in a two handed strike at the nearest creature. At the last second, his blade erupts with crackling ruby light.

here goes nothing
Leaping dragon stance so I auto succeed on activating my leap attack feat, but I’ll roll for it if asked.

Activating ruby nightmare blade DC=target AC [roll0] concentration
Powerattack with a -4 penalty [roll1]
Damage [roll2] x2 if ruby knit are blade works

2017-12-18, 03:02 PM

Before the first creature can drop beneath the treeline, Symphonia's blast strikes it upon the chest. Shimmering for a moment against the monster's skin, the power of the eldritch energy causes it to tumble out of the sky, landing with a resounding, earth shattering thud. The monster bellows in agitation, glaring at Symphonia with a blank, yellow eye.

Meanwhile, midway through Ishir's jump, the other beast turns its many-fanged jaw in his direction, its long neck lengthening as it attempts to meet his acrobatics in mid air. By force of Ailian's Abjuration and his own protections, Ishir dodges out of the way of the maw of teeth, and sink his blade into the creature's carapace. Though the ruby glow of his strike fades far too quickly upon impact, the azure glow of his blow contrasts well with the red of the beast's skin and the crimson of its blood. It roars in enraged agony as its burning ichor hits the ground.

2017-12-18, 11:17 PM
The green glow in Kole's eyes reaches a critical point and flashes brightly as the two monstrosities arrive. The smell of ozone, like that preceding a lightning strike, fills the air alongside the soft sounds of warping metal and grinding stone. Kole grows to twice his original height, tall as any two men and reacts with quickness that belies his new size. The forged man almost instantly hurls his crystalline orb, now approximately the size of Ailian's head, towards the beast setting down nearest him. The forged man snaps his limbs around the chain of the weapon in movements almost too fast to follow, and it seems to leap of it own accord from the first creature to the second.

Good call on the expansion, Ino; Kole's intended size was/is Large.

Will Save 1:

Will Save 2:

Full-round action to make a full attack with meteor hammer, first targeting the near monster to the South and then the farther monster to the North. Kole will use his Knockback feat to attempt to push the creatures away, and potentially triggering his Dungeoncrasher ability if they are forced against a wall or other solid object.

The rolls below are made assuming that Kole succeeds both Will saves, and any penalties for failure have not been applied.

[roll2] (w/ -3 Power Attack)

[roll3] (w/ +6 Power Attack)

Bull Rush:
[roll4] (w/ +6 Power Attack)

[roll6] (w/ -3 Power Attack)

[roll7] (w/ +6 Power Attack)

Bull Rush:
[roll8] (w/ +6 Power Attack)


Kole (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1280456)
Lawful Neutral Psiforged Juggernaut, Level 8, Init +2, HP 108/108, DR 3/Adamantine, Speed 40ft
AC 24, Touch 14, Flat-footed 22, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +9, Base Attack Bonus +8/+3, Power Points 21/21 (4/5 Psiforged Body)
+1 Deep Crystal Meteor Hammer +13/+8 (1d6+8, 20/x2)
+1 Unarmed Strike +13/+8 (4d6+6, 20/x2)
Adamantine Armor Spikes +12/+7 (1d8+5, 20/x2)
Composite (+4) Shortbow +9/+4 (1d8+4, 20/x3)
+1 Adamantine Plating of Nimbleness (+9 Armor, +2 Dex, +3 Deflect, +1 Natural, -1 Size)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 08
Condition Under the effects of mass shield of faith, CL 7 (7 minutes remain). Under the effects of expansion, ML 6 (6 rounds remain).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.

2017-12-19, 04:18 AM
Kilvin watches the other begin the fight with an energetic display. That kind of energy and aggression being things only youth can give a man. His own efforts against the creature would not be so grand.

He calmly walks as if on a stroll through a meadow on a pleasant spring day, and a battlefield of carnage and death. His stride will take him past Kole and right up next to the nearest beast.

With a deceptively slow motion his hand reaches out to drive itself into the beasts side.

If you are a simple creature,
I pity the misfortune of your instincts. If you understand my words, then take this time to make peace with whatever god you wish...for you will meet them soon.

Move Action: get adjacent to nearest enemy

Standard Action: Insightful Strikes

Attack Roll: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Capt. Infinity
2017-12-31, 10:31 PM
Symphonia's eldritch eyes track the horrid dracofiend all the way to the ground. It's cacophonous crash to the earth is enough to elicit a satisfied breath from the stoic redhead, but she wastes no time as she swiftly strides towards her wounded foe.

"You are a pawn of the City. A stain upon the mortal world. And you shall face an end fitting of such a murderous blight. If there is a spark of intellect behind those faded, profaned eyes, then let your passage into the eternal void be punctuated by a single, burning truth." The woman monologues as she faces down the prone beast, her left hand twitching reflexively, uncoiling a long, blade laden, knife-tipped chain from its extradimensional store within her glove.

"That you were silenced by a lorekeeper. And that you are nowhere near the last that shall face such an end." With a quick flourish from her wielding hand, and almost faster than the eye can see, she lays into the beast's wounded form. Her chain coursing with arcane fervour as her own eldritch power punctuates the already menacing blade.

Attack Roll: [roll0]

Damage Roll: [roll1] + [roll2]

2018-01-03, 06:10 PM
[roll0](+4) Stupid me.
[roll1](+4) Stupid me.

Kole, though affected by the initial intimidating display of the beasts, finds both of his wide, wild swings hitting their mark. The first monster, as large and mighty as Kole is, stumbles backwards from the force of his tremendous attack. The second monster, still struggling to its feet, flies further into the clearing, kept from smashing into the treeline only by its own massive weight.

As the beast near the road shakes off the brutal blow, Kilvin finds the target quite easy to to take advantage off, its reflexes not nearly adroit enough to intercept multiple opponents. His hand flies through the beast's skin as though it were wet paper, though the blood within is far more warm than that of a normal living creature.

The monster in the field lay still off balance by the attacks it has endured. Despite this, as Symphonia closes in for her own assault, it lashes out at her with its massive jaws and long neck, moving at a deceptive speed. In the blink of an eye, Symphonia finds herself encased in its foul maw, its venomous fangs sinking into her sides.

Meanwhile, through all of the action taking place, you notice, near the broken wagon and the horses, a figure slowly stumbling back to its feet.

The beast near the wagon awkwardly takes to the sky, flying back and away from the heroes. Kole's attempt at catching it's attack fails, barely catching the air and leaving another impression in the dirt. With this brief moment of opportunity, the monster opens its jaw wide, and unleashes a stream of fire, engulfing Kole, Kilvin, and Ishir in corrupted embers.

Meanwhile, the creature in the field struggles to find proper footing, even while wrestling with Symphonia trapped in its jaws. It attempts to tighten the grip of its maw, intent to crush her within its fangs.

Map to be updated soon! >.<

Symphonia, that would be 14 damage, and a DC 20 Fort Save for 2 Con Damage except that you're immune to Poison. Also, you're Grappling. Gonna need another Grapple Check (I swear that part didn't get sent by my request, did it. Stupid interface. Either that or me not sending my message right. -.-).

Kilvin gets an Attack of Opportunity, having moved after Kole made it stumble away. I'd have had him work his out like Kole, but if he's just gonna smack it for an attack roll, that's fine.

Azy, what exactly is meant by Insightful Strikes? You referring to the maneuver, or just the class feature?

Kilvin, Kole, and Ishir, that's a DC 24 Reflex Save, plz. Even if you have blanket fire immunity.