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2017-10-26, 03:24 PM
28 Sarenith, 4815 AR, Wealday

It is a trying day for the hundred and fifty-odd people in the normally lively village in Heldren. Many villages that size in Taldor's hinterlands were placid, almost sleepy affairs, and Heldren was almost the same, if it were not for the the dubious good fortune to be near the Border Wood – so named because it lay, unsurprisingly enough, on the border between Taldor and Qadira, large, old kingdoms with nearly as ancient a rivalry. Normally, summer would be a time of work, travel and the occasional simple joys and sorrows of Taldan village life. Then again, most summers do not have a storm and snowfall in almost the heart of summer – in late Sarenith!

Hunters from the nearby Border wood – if nothing else, the poorly settled woodland made for good hunting - first brought news of unnaturally cold weather mere days ago. The talk had barely made the rounds at the two local taverns before people could see for themselves the heavy snow that covered the hillside, turning it white in summer. The hunters who returned to their traps brought back even stranger news – there seemed to be a strange presence in the woods that made them uneasy, and new, dangerous predators could lurked there. No one knows what this might mean, and the town's soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims that dark times must lay ahead as she stares towards the forest with her one good eye.

Just yesterday, it seemed that the first herald of those times arrived. A northern mercenary claiming to be the bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene stumbled into the village, wounded and frostbitten, barely strong enough to stand on his legs. He told the village council that he was part of the lady's escort as bandits and strange wintry creatures ambushed them near the edge of the Border wood. The half a dozen guards and various hangers-on were overwhelmed and the lady was dragged into the woods. He had been heavily injured in the fight and was left for dead, and when he came to he came here to look for aid. This story, needless to say, makes the village folk all the more worried, and most of them look on at the forbidding wood with dread as they tried to go about their work in the unexpectedly chilly mornings and rainy days. Worries about the meanings of these strange events were coupled with worries about the harvest and if that brigand attack and the strange weather heralded something much worse on the horizon – a militant druid or troubles with Qadira.

For a few souls that ended up in Heldren by paths of their own, however, these happenings are the start of a quite singular story. It begins as they are in the Silver Stoat, the only tavern and almost-inn in the village, and the gathering place of people who would travel through the village. It had rained heavily in the morning, but now there is just a brisk wind outside - chilly enough to make a few less sturdy souls shudder under the heavy clothes that they had not expected to wear for several months more.


Stelio Kontos
2017-10-26, 08:09 PM
The young-looking halfling Dorrin Fairfoot sat glumly in a small table in the corner of the tavern. His cloak (still half-sodden from the morning rains) was draped over the back of the chair, and his pack was placed beneath him as a seat cushion propping him up enough to bring the people-sized furniture to a tolerable height. He stared out the window with his chin propped in his hands, his long bony fingers wrapping his cheeks like strands of ivy crawling up a wall. He paid scant attention to the half-full cup of tepid coffee before him, occasionally stirring at it idly with the provided spoon. Sometimes he would grab the spoon and give the liquid a perfunctory twirl; then, as the coffee swirled to a stop, his hand would come off his chin just far enough to allow him to point at the spoon, sending it spinning slowly in the opposite direction. Occasionally he'd fix an ear in the direction of some of the other guests, casually eavesdropping on their conversations, though he gave no indication that he was hearing anything of interest.

It was clear that, for whatever reason, the young fellow's recess had been canceled for the day.

2017-10-27, 12:31 PM
Obler entered the Silver Stoat looking for news. His trek from Kraventus had been uneventful, but even so, the last two days news and road rumors cave cause for concern. Specifically because they involved the very wood he was supposed to be gathering rare spell components for his master in were at the center of those rumors. It seemed a drink and more information were in order.

"Ho barkeep! A spot of Kraventus Porter, if'n you have any?" He sat down at a table close to the fireplace, which was burning warmly even though it was early in the year for it. "It's right cold out there this morning. So it's true about the changes in the weather 'round here? Or is this just a normal phenomenon?"

2017-10-28, 02:56 AM
The door to the common room of the Silver Stoat flew open to bang against the wall. Filling the doorway was a tall, broad shouldered Ulfen. Seemingly unbothered by the wind or the sudden turn in the weather, he simply stood there a moment before stomping inside. Fully a hand and a half over six feet with broad shoulders and a wide chest that looked like it was built for single-handedly rowing a longship, the viking towered over the southerners of the small farming community. He had the pale blond hair of his kind worn long and loose which the wind had blown into a wild array. His hard eyes were grey as a thunderstorm. His full pack rode high and light across his back. He was clad in leather lamellar that showed only light use. An old fashioned, yet fashionable falcata marked the man as some kind of noble savage, yet the great round wooden shield bespiked with the telltale pitting of cold iron was a harsh reminder that while he may be more than the common man, civilization was still a stranger. That theme continued with the massive tree trunk of a greatclub slung over his back and the several axes hanging from his belt.

Casually, he reached out and swung the door closed behind him. "Finally, a summer day worthy of the name." He said as a smile broke across his face. His voice was deep, a rich baritone with hints that it would someday sink into a craggy bass.

The Ulfen made his way to the bar, untroubled by the damp which still permeated his clothing. "I'll have ale. Anything with bite."

2017-10-28, 05:59 AM
Kira has, as typical of her for the past few days, risen early and been present in the Silver Stoat for several hours, splitting her time between sitting back to enjoy a drink and questioning anyone present who seems like they'd know more about Lady Argentea Malassene. As always, she carries her wood-and-metal contraption on her back, except for when she sets it to the side to sit down, and various bottles, leather waterskins and bandolier pouches rest either on her chest or at her waist. A half-empty mug sits on the table before her as she hums to herself, fingers tapping against the wooden table, a few silver pieces sitting before her, each meant to represent some tidbit she's picked up. She leans back, looking across the room and tugging a bit on her black hair, which is braided for the first time since her arrival in Heldren. At the giant man's comment she releases a quasi-chuckle, one of the only acknowledgements she's made of the weather so far. She slowly picks up her mug, though her attention is clearly on the dwarf and the barkeep.

2017-10-28, 06:03 PM
“Something on your mind, little fella?” Kale Garimos (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0e/00/25/0e0025361da7ebe4354896bb2b136778.jpg), the old barkeep and one half of the proprietors of the tavern, says as she passes by, bringing a large earthenware bowl with warm broth to a hungry local.”It's some crazy weather, isn't it? You won't be felling any better about it with cold coffee, though, I can tell you that!”

She turns away and nods towards Obryn. “We don't have any at present, but if you have the stomach for a bit of spice, the Three Devils Ale tends to go pretty well with most people around here.”

Vilgeir's entrance is a lot more notable, and it provokes a mixture of curiosity and worry from the patrons. Northerners are fairly known in Taldor, but they tend to have a certain reputation. The proprietress,however, winces slightly as the door slaps against the wall, but her expression softens a bit when he closes it a lot more gently.
“Easy on the door, fella. It's not a wild oak, to be slapped around like that. I guess you've seen some pretty bad summers, eh? We can probably help with that - what are you having?”

On the final round, she passes by Kira,eyeing her cautiously. "What will it be, dearie? You look like you've got more than drink on your mind."

2017-10-28, 06:36 PM
Kira gives Kale a nod. "I do! I've got a..." she pauses, her finger-tapping intensifying for a moment. "...The weather, and the story about that noblewoman, it's got me antsy. I'll want to look into that soon enough," she continues, briefly looking over at some of the others present. "Maybe gather up a bit of a hunting party, if anyone's ready for a nice frosty trip."

Stelio Kontos
2017-10-28, 09:41 PM
Dorrin nodded, somehow looking even more glum, before speaking in a soft, fairly high pitched lilt. "It is most unpleasant. The weather, I mean. Your coffee is wonderful, thank you, nothing quite like a good Taldan blend, but don't worry about me, I can freshen it if I need to. It's just... well, I hadn't properly accounted for the delays in travel, it's been slow going even to get to here, and by my calculations I should at least have made the Jalrune by now, if not all the way to Katheer, and frankly I'm running a bit lower on provisions and funds than I'd anticipated. If you have any odd jobs you might need done, anything at all? That would at least help pass the time until this blows through. If I'm taking up a table and you need me out for your other customers, I'll understand, you just let me know, all right?" With that last, the halfling gave a nervous glance out at the cold wind.

A few moments later, as the barkeep continued her conversations, young Dorrin's demeanor perked up. He half-leaped out of his chair, striding over to the seated Kira. Looking up at her, he inquired "Pardon, miss? I'm sorry, I couldn't help overhearing you putting some sort of a party together? What did you have in mind? Where would you be going?"

2017-10-29, 05:24 AM
Kira turns as the...she considers it for a moment, and decides that he's probably a halfling, or gnome, or whatnot, and not an actual child; approaches. "Probably, yeah. It'd be a hunting party, mostly. Head on out to find this Argentea, kill whatever bad guys are out there, and maybe skin some if these winter beasties have pelts worth taking," she says with a nod. "We'd be headed...well, I'm not sure yet, but we'd be going to wherever the attack was, and go from there."

Dark Hawk799
2017-10-29, 11:17 AM
Shira is sitting off to the side of the room, hunched over some food and drink. As a patron opens the door and a gust of cold wind wafts in, she shudders. Not because she's unused to the cold weather, but because the cold weather brings up memories of her past, and not the good ones either. Her mind wanders back to the times when she was happy, when her life had meaning, when she wasn't haunted. Shaking off the memories, Shira gets up to leave, but stops when she hears the mention of a hunting party. Curious she moves closer to better hear the conversation.

Stelio Kontos
2017-10-29, 12:14 PM
Kira turns as the...she considers it for a moment, and decides that he's probably a halfling, or gnome, or whatnot, and not an actual child; approaches. "Probably, yeah. It'd be a hunting party, mostly. Head on out to find this Argentea, kill whatever bad guys are out there, and maybe skin some if these winter beasties have pelts worth taking," she says with a nod. "We'd be headed...well, I'm not sure yet, but we'd be going to wherever the attack was, and go from there."

Dorrin's eyes widened just a bit, and his breath and speech both quickened. "Wow! A real beast hunt, living off the harsh unforgiving landscape, rescuing an actual damsel in actual distress? That sounds .... really exciting! Would you help me with the fur-making and all that afterwards?" Realizing he may, just possibly, have overstepped the boundaries of the conversation just eversomuch in the slightest, he tried to puff out his chest to radiate as much gravitas as one can while looking up at someone that's sitting in a chair can possibly radiate as he continued "Er, what I mean to say is, if you're able to get a suitable group together, would you mind if I tagged along? It sounds like for something like that you'd need as many as you could get, safety in numbers and all that right?"

2017-10-29, 01:02 PM
Kira nods at the small one's enthusiasm. "Sure. Worst case, you die first - oh, be sure to bring food, if you can't gather your own," she says. "And skinning's not hard, once you get used to it. As long as you're not squeamish," Kira assures him, before gesturing to a chair at her table. "You can have a seat if you want," she offers, before leaning back and taking another look around the room, eyes settling on the woman who's stood up. After a moment, she grins, pushing her chair back from the table.

"You're more than welcome to come along too, if you like," Kira says.

Stelio Kontos
2017-10-29, 08:15 PM
"Now, see, that's poor thinking!" Dorrin half-shouted over his shoulder with an impish glance as he went to retrieve his belongings from the corner chair. "You let them eat me first, you only get about a twenty second head start. Good thing you'll have me along to think of these things for you!"

By the time he returned to the table, his pack slung over one arm and the still damp cloak over the other and with the coffee cup trembling slightly in one hand, the grin was gone, replaced by a much more pensive look.

2017-10-29, 08:47 PM
Obler turned and looked back towards the door, hearing the conversation behind him.

This might be a way to get the things my master needs without putting myself at risk. Surely whatever is out there will avoid a group more readily than a single dwarf...

He speaks to gain the attention of the others, "I'll go. I need some things that can only be found in that wood, anyway."

After speaking, he turns back to his drink and waits.

Dark Hawk799
2017-10-30, 12:43 AM
At the mention of her joining, a smile creeps onto Shira's face. I'd like that, perhaps we can find a challenge worthy of our skill. She moves closer to the table and joins the others around the table.

2017-10-30, 03:08 PM
The matronly hostess looks at the group with some concern. "Be careful, young ones. Viman the hunter has been plying the forest for over twenty years now, and he says he's never seen it like that. He came back to set his traps after the snow fell, and says the place is changed - twisted. There's more than unnatural cold in it, he said, and either mad druids or stranger things were afoot there. Every step he felt watched, as if some evil presence had come with the cold - or brought it here. I won't tell you not to go - we can sure use a hand, but best make sure you are prepared and pray to whatever gods you hold dear. You might also want to talk to the notherner... well, the other northerner," she says, casting a glance at Vilgeir. "He barely made it to the village, but he looks like he'll recover. Tough man. Got a big stomach, too."

Stelio Kontos
2017-10-30, 05:53 PM
Obler turned and looked back towards the door, hearing the conversation behind him.

This might be a way to get the things my master needs without putting myself at risk. Surely whatever is out there will avoid a group more readily than a single dwarf...

He speaks to gain the attention of the others, "I'll go. I need some things that can only be found in that wood, anyway."

After speaking, he turns back to his drink and waits.

Приходите сидеть с нами, друг! Dorrin replied, with a smile. "Что вы ищете?"

Come sit with us, friend! What are you looking for?

At the barkeep's words, he nodded, showing perhaps rather less fear than the hostess had intended to engender. "Fascinating! Do you know where we can find him, the one who was wounded I mean, and that Viman fellow? And where we can get some provisions? Hopefully in trade?"

2017-10-31, 01:22 AM
Apologies, I couldn't get a post in last night as the phones were ringing off the hook,
so some of my post addresses Kale's statement to Vilgeirr before your last post, Shaman.

"Apologies, gömul kona, I didn't know. I said I'll have an ale. Something with bite." The northman's voice booming even louder as he repeats himself for the benefit of the hard of hearing barkeep.

Awaiting his drink, Vilgeirr couldn't help but overhear the conversation at the nearby table. "A farmer lose his wife? Or was it his daughter? Either way, no need to travel into a forest. Just check the barn of his neighbor."

As Kale drops by with his ale, the viking salutes her and quaffs the libation in a single gulp. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he shakes his head, a wry grin on his face. "Snow falls in Sarenith and you southerners think the sky is falling. Of course, it's unnaturally cold, it's less than ninety degrees in the middle of summer! Bah! Your hunter has grown soft with the easy living and small forest animals of these lands." As he grasps the last of the innkeeper's words, he adds, "You say there is another northerner here?
Who is he?"

gömul kona = old woman (Old Norse, or Icelandic, for Ulfen)

2017-10-31, 08:55 AM
Приходите сидеть с нами, друг! Dorrin replied, with a smile. "Что вы ищете?"

Come sit with us, friend! What are you looking for?

Hearing the invitation in Dwarven, Obler turned to regard the speaker. A halfling. He had heard they were usually gregarious and open, so he decided to reply in kind, Зачем спасибо, друг Волосатый. Мой учитель послал меня искать редкую составляющую заклинания, которое он создает. Лес, расположенный здесь, является самым близким источником.

Why thank you, friend Hairfoot. My master has sent me searching for a rare component of a spell he is creating. The woods around here are the closest source.

Taking his mug from the bar, Oble moves to join the others.

Stelio Kontos
2017-10-31, 09:58 AM
"Ооо, это звучит интересно! Кто твой хозяин, он тоже карлик? Вы, должно быть, приехали довольно далеко, если он есть, я не могу придумать ни одного города дварфов ближе, чем Пяти Королей. Какой предмет ему нужен? Может быть, мы сможем помочь вам найти его, это даст нам что-то делать, пока мы идем!"

Oooh, that sounds exciting! Who is your master, is he a dwarf too? You must have come pretty far if he is, I can't think of any dwarven cities closer than the Five Kings. What kind of item does he need? Maybe we can help you find it, it will give us something to do while we are walking!

It was about that moment that Dorrin realized that most of the table -- no, scratch that, everybody in the room -- had no idea what they were talking about.

"Oh. Perhaps we should talk so everyone can understand us. I just get a chance to practice my spoken Dwarven so rarely, that was fun! Name's Dorrin, by the way. Hey, wanna hear a joke?" Dorrin shot a meaning glance at the large braggart at the bar, making his voice juuuust loud enough that he was sure everyone including him could hear. "How do the Ulfen celebrate the summer solstice?" He paused meaningfully, for effect, before continuing "By changing the logs in their fireplace!"

Dark Hawk799
2017-10-31, 05:53 PM
Shira watches the dwarven transaction, understanding what they're saying just as much as she would understand written common. Looking longingly at the tavern door leading outside, she says, Mad druids, cold weather, or worse I'm sure it's nothing we can't easily handle. It will be nice to get out of this town and back into the wild.

2017-11-01, 02:21 AM
Kira lets out a mix between a snort and the start of a laugh at Dorrin's joke. "Kira," she replies, then turns to the standing man. "Bit more than that. The northerner's a mercenary, was guarding a noble lady's carriage. Says they were attacked and everyone but her killed or dragged off. Sounds worth looking into to me," she says.

"That's the spirit," Kira adds, turning to Shira with a grin."Nothing like the old bed of pines, especially if you've got company."

2017-11-01, 11:38 AM
"The other Northerner? He is not from the village - from what I heard, he was a guard for the Lady Argentea. He is staying at Miss Willowbark´s home for the time being. She´s a pretty good healer, for a potionmaker, and from what I hear she know a bit about treating frostbite from her travels - I reckon she might have something else that helps for a weather like that, apart from all those infernal bottled flames she insists on making. As for the ale, well, we don´t have anything too strong, but how do you feel about something a bit spicy before leaving, hmm?" the hostess keeps chatting as she pours and delivers two large wooden mugs with a dark ale. "Five coppers each. If you want something stronger for the road, we have some applejack in the cellar. I think we may have a bottle or two of fire brandy, though I was planning to save it for an occasion. If you give us a bit of time, we can probably prepare some travel food."

Stelio Kontos
2017-11-01, 12:07 PM
Dorrin couldn't help but overhearing the conversation. He took a moment to idly wave a finger over his coffee cup; a tendril of steam rose briefly off the liquid's surface. He took a big (well, big for a halfling) swig of the coffee, giving a satisfied sigh as the newfound warmth coursed through his body. "Sounds like we should go talk to this Miss Willowbark and her patient, then" he offered, rising to begin donning his cloak and other gear. "I'm ready when you are." He gave the barkeep a gentle wave. "Thank you for your hospitality, madam!"

Knowledge (local) for this Miss Willowbark person? Let's see what I've picked up: [roll0]

2017-11-02, 05:01 AM
The blond warrior slapped down a silver piece on the bar before picking up the second mug the contents of which disappeared much as it's twin had. He nodded in the halfling's direction at the punchline of his joke. "It's good you are able to make light of such a sad situation."

At the barkeep's telling of the Ulfen mercenary, his story and location, Vilgeirr nodded and sighed, "I had best go and listen to this man's tale. It may be that it should be repeated. Where does your brugga húsmóður, how do you say? brewmaster?, live?"

brugga húsmóður = brewmistress

I just asked someone instead.

2017-11-02, 08:35 AM
Laughing a bit at the exuberant halfling, Obler extended his hand and stood to his full height. Falling into a more formal dwarven cadence, he introduces himself,
"I be Obler of Clan Ironshield, of Kravenkus. My master be the great wizard, Barastus of Kravenkus. It is pleased I am to be making your aquaintance,
master Dorrin!"

2017-11-03, 11:35 AM
"Oh, Miss Willowby´s house is almost next door! Head east from here, towards the blacksmith on the mound. Just past the barber, head left, her house is a bit tucked in so she has more space for her garden. She might seem a bit off, but don´t worry too much about it. She´s a good sort," Kale says with a slightly defensive expression.

"If you do decide to head to the forest, I can only wish you good luck - and if you come back in one piece and with a good story to tell, you´d have a mug of ale on me."

She returns Dorin´s wave heartily, as she does for anyone else who waves back.

((Of course, I presume you all paid your tabs - is there anyone who did not deduct the amount from their funds? :smallwink:))

2017-11-03, 12:11 PM
"Kira, still," Kira says with a nod as her introduction, then turns to listen to Kale. Once the older woman finishes, she stands, finishing her drink. "Off we go, then," she says. "Follow me, compatriots!" She adds, with a swing of her arm as she picks up her firearm, heading for the door and then for Willowby's, either confident that the rest will follow her or not attached enough to their presence as followers for it to bother her.

Stelio Kontos
2017-11-03, 02:10 PM
"Ladies first, then!" laughed Dorrin. "Don't think I can get away with 'age before beauty'!" He paused at the doorway to tend the door for whomever else it appeared might be joining the group, trailing at the back of the party as it moved through the town.

2017-11-03, 10:16 PM
The Ulfen guardsman shook his head as he stood, "Southerners..." He left the tavern, intent on following Kale's directions to find his countryman.

2017-11-05, 06:24 PM
((If no one else replies by tomorrow, I move the scene regardless)).

2017-11-06, 07:46 PM
The front porch of the previously mentioned Miss Willowbark is, indeed,less than a hundred paces away. Behind it you can see a small, but thickly grown garden, which unlike those of most local Taldans appears to have more bushes and various weeds than flowers and fruit trees. In it lies a long, low house with a small side building - barely more than a shack - with a large chimney.

You call, and some time later, a tall figure opens the door to the side building and heads your way, coughing once - twice - as it approaches, holding a book and a satchel in its hands. It removes the thick shawl covering her mouth and looks at you with reddened eyes. Yes? Will there be something you want? the figure says with a raspy voice. By its features, it is an elf woman, of a particularly indeterminate age. She is wearing an earthen-colored robe and a vest with many pockets, and while both appear to be of good make they both have more than their fair share of stains and discolorations. Her eyes seem to alternately focus on you and far behind you, as if she can barely spend a few seconds before scanning the horizon in the direction of the forest. Her eyes are a deep blue, with almost no white - the eyes of a full-blooded elf - but you can still see the marks of too little sleep and probably not the healthiest schedule.


Stelio Kontos
2017-11-06, 09:55 PM
Dorrin had managed somehow to worm his way between a couple of the others, poking his head to the front of the group. "Oh, there you are Miss Willoughby! Are you feeling ill? Anyway, we're terribly sorry to bother you but well, some of us were talking over at the tavern about the weather and things and the bandits and creatures that took that Lady Argentea, and someone, I think it was Kira here, said 'you know it sure would be nice if we organized a hunting party to help find her and maybe skin some of those winter beasties' and we all sort of agreed but weren't really sure what they were and thought we ought to find out, and then the tavernkeeper said that one of his guards had made it back and was under your care, and the tall man here, I'm not sure what his name is but anyway he's from up north like he is and thought that he might be able to cheer him up, and then Obler said -- this here is Obler, the dwarf, he's from Kravenkus wherever that is -- anyway, he said he might like to come along too because he's looking for something for his master, who's a wizard -- and one thing led to another and here we are! Do you think he's up to seeing visitors?"

Who could have known that a halfling's lungs could hold that much air?

2017-11-08, 07:45 PM
The elf studies the rambling halfling impassively, before shrugging. "Probably. He's been pestering me to let him go, though we both know he needs a bit more rest. His choice of words is rather uncouth, and occasionally... lewd," she squeezes out with a sour expression. "Do come in, it will most likely calm him down to boast and tell his stories to someone new. I presume you would also need to buy any supplies for your expedition?"

Those of you who follow the elf to her house notice a seemingly cluttered collection of herbs, goods and equipment, which yet appears to be carefully sorted. She leads to a room where a stocky northerner is at his bed. Wrapped in bandages , the Ulfen mercenary's nose, fingers , and toes have taken on a black hue from serious frostbite, and he is still heavily wounded. "Ah, finally, someone new," he waves to you. "Maybe you have more gall than the villagers in this Gorum-forsaken hamlet. Are you looking to find the lady?"

2017-11-09, 06:31 AM
The tall Ulfen warrior stooped to enter to home of the elf. Upon seeing the frostbitten man, he frowned and stepped forward. Looking down at the bedridden man, he asked, "Halló. Ertu vörður? Hvar er viðskiptavinur þinn? Hvernig er það að þú býrð enn?"

Halló. Ertu vörður? = Hello. Are you of the (Ulfen) guard?
Hvar er viðskiptavinur þinn? = Where is your client?
Hvernig er það að þú býrð enn?" = How is that you yet live?

Stelio Kontos
2017-11-09, 10:48 AM
The sight of the frostbitten man took a bit of the visible enthusiasm out of the halfling; he stood back just a bit and let the northerners speak in their native tongue. "Such a beautiful language, isn't it? Very from down here, you know?" Dorrin tapped his belly as he remarked idly to his fellow travelers as the Ulfen men spoke to each other. "Pity my parents wouldn't let me learn it."

Speaking quietly to the elf so as not to interrupt the other conversation, he continued, "Miss Willoughby, can you tell us what have you tried to help this man out? I have a thing or two I could give a shot at, if you think it might help, very minor healing magic -- more of a general aches-and-pains sort of thing than for a specific malady like frostbite, you understand -- you may have already tried something like it though? And yes, assuming we are able to mount an expedition, we'll need to figure out some way to properly provision ourselves -- no sense going out half-mast and ending up like that, right?"

2017-11-09, 02:32 PM
Kira seems entirely willing to let others step forwards and speak once they reach the house, herself scanning the room and its owner quietly. She smirks at Willowby's description of the man's words, but doesn't comment. It's as Dorrin mentions provisions that she speaks up, deciding to let the northerners talk to each other. "I can gather enough food for two or three of us, assuming it's no worse than the mountain winter," she comments.

Dark Hawk799
2017-11-13, 09:12 PM
As the rest of the group begins to question the Northerner, Shira steps to stand against the wall next to one of the windows looking out over the garden. While focusing on the conversations going on in the room, she also periodically checks out the window to make sure there are no threats approaching the house.

2017-11-14, 06:41 PM
"My name is Yuln Oerstag. I'm not from the Prince's Guard, just a household guard of the Malassena family. We were returning from a visit to another house the young lady had gone to,when we were attacked. At first, it was simple raiders, wolves that hide in the forest. They were no match for us, but then the cold fey of the north attacked. They appeared among us and the battle turned. Gorum curse them, our people talk about them, but what were they doing this far south I do not know. I slew one, but they took the young lady towards the forest and the rest of the guards fled or were cut down. I tried to follow, but the winter-touched were too many and too quick, and my wounds were hard. My kin might berate me as a coward, but I know many veteran warriors of the Linnorn Kings would think twice before going against the winter-touched, and ... and I needed to find aid." he says, his eyes narrowing at what he perceives as a challenge from Vilgeirr.

2017-11-15, 03:30 AM
"Say...Miss Willowbark, I think I heard something about you brewing fire-somethings. What was that referring to?" Kira asks, turning to their elven hostess. Now, it's entirely possible that it will turn out to be useless, but when Kira thinks of brewed fire, something akin to black powder comes to her mind - something that seems like it would be quite useful against something described as "winter-touched". Even if it wasn't, it should at least be fun to use.

2017-11-15, 03:33 AM
The young viking grunted at his countryman's words. Switching to the southern tongue, he replied, "Irriseni? Here?" His mouth turned down in visible distaste at the thought. "Still, your body bears the black of frost and that is something in these hot lands."

Vilgeirr looked down at the Ulfen and nodded as he spoke. "You say they took her instead of killing her outright, so she may yet live. These others talk of catching beasties and plants, but I will go to find her."

Stelio Kontos
2017-11-15, 10:45 AM
Dorrin had been focused on Miss Willowbark, but as the injured northerner talked his head wheeled around -- something had caught his attention. It was quickly apparent what. "Wait, what did you say? Fey? Here? What kind of fey? Can you describe them in some detail? Try to think back." He looked intently at the man, paying no further attention to anything else.

Based on his descriptions -- what kind of fey is he talking about, and what do I know about them? Are they native to this area, or likely to be found here (and if not, where are they normally from?)

Knowledge (nature): [roll0] edit: after the roll I'll spend an Adaptable Luck point to add a +2 to this (Fate's Favored makes it +2 after the roll, or +3 before) to make this a 15.
Knowledge (local): [roll1]
Knowledge (geography): [roll2]

2017-11-15, 06:43 PM
The elf stands to the side, her face impassive until Kira addresses her. "I am an alchemist as well as a herbalist. Some time ago, I learned how to make alchemist's fire and some other pyrotechnics, and have some in stock - I imagine that is what the locals referred to. Now and then, it sells well enough to be worthwhile," she comments, an ember of emotion sneaking in her features as she talks about her craft.

Yuln nods at the other Northman, clicking his tongue "They're cold fey - and their kind serves the Witch Queen often enough that they deserve nothing more than hot fire and cold iron. They have sworn themselves to the White Witches of Irrisen - those who stole our lands from us during the Winter War," he adds bitterly, turning towards the others to clarify, before continuing. "They don't look like much, tiny sprites no taller than the length of a man's forearm. But don't be fooled by their small stature. Legends say they have taken a sliver of witch-ice into their hearts,and their touch bears the harsh bite of winter. I've grown alongside squalls and ice floes - do you think a bit of a blizzard could bring me to this," he snorts, pointing with a thumb to his much-abused face and nose.

"The young lady is still there, though. I followed as far as I could, but the winter-touched were too many and too hard to fend off in the snow alone. I barely escaped, and rode to seek help here."


Dark Hawk799
2017-11-16, 12:47 AM
Turning from her post at the window, Shira joins the conversation. "It seems the main priorities are to find this lady and figure out what's causing this abnormal cold. Did you happen to see anything in your travels that might have caused this weather?"

2017-11-18, 05:36 PM
Yuln harrumphs, his face soured by the memory. "Fey like that could do it, supposedly, if stronger or numerous enough. And if they can't do it themselves, they usually do the bidding of the White Witches or other foul mages who can."

Stelio Kontos
2017-11-18, 10:38 PM
Dorrin frowned a bit as the man spoke. He whispered to the group, hoping the man wouldn't hear it, "But that's not... those sorts of creatures don't live anywhere near here. At all. Unless it's like, a wholesale invasion of them, but..."

He approached the man solemnly. "I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but I hope it will, I can do a tiny bit of magic for you. I'm going to touch your arm for a moment, okay?" Assuming the northerner assents, Dorrin begins casting a spell, in a lilting incantation, as he placed a hand on the man's arm, aiming for somewhere that wasn't frostbitten:

"Your life and health shall be assured,
Feel ye no more dread,
From angels lips I pass the word,
Your wounds, their last have bled."

Dorrin casts Cure Light Wounds on the injured man, healing [roll0] damage.

He looked at the man hopefully. "Any better?"

Dark Hawk799
2017-11-23, 08:34 PM
At the mention of winter witches, Shira shudders, secretly hopping that they are not the cause of the weather, and that she never has to face one. "If i's likely that fey or winter witches are causing this weather, then we should prepare supplies so that we are ready if we have to face them."

2017-11-23, 09:24 PM
Dorrin's magic slowly starts working its way across the northerner. His skin eventually flushes, and the nasty color of his bruises and frozen flesh mellows. "Well, look here," he mutters, bringing his arm in front of his face. "It does look a lot better. Feels it, too. I owe you one, little fella," he smirks, then looks towards the elf, who instead examines his remaining injuries.

"It has hastened the recovery significantly, yes," she admits, only then looking at Yuln's face. "Can you walk?" The man grunts and rises to his feet.His movements, however, are blocky and slow, almost comically so. He winces and looks at his limbs. "It almost doesn't hurt, but I feel like I'm wading through a drift?"

The elf studies his movement, nodding slightly at some of his particularly graceless moments. "This could be a sign of deeper damage, or whatever magic or poison those fey have used. I expect it would still heal,but a bit slower. What you did helped a lot, though, probably saving me a few days." she nods at the halfling. "One of the village councilors - elders, as they call them - has been talking of assembling a group to try to rescue the local lady. If you want to earn gratitude and a bit of money, it would be a good idea to see if you can strike a deal with her. Noblemen are quite important around here, and the coincidence of their appearance so soon after this strange weather is a bit too much to be natural occurrence."

Yuln, who had spent that time limping to a corner where his gear was stored, takes out a worn sheath with a sword inside and holds it towards the group, pommel first. "Looks like those little blighters did quite the number on me. Anyone of you know their way around a sword? I can offer this as thanks - it's good Linnorn iron, forged cold to bite their damn hides that much deeper. I've sworn it to the Lady's service, but I won't be much use going with you like that.I can offer it to you for the time being, however... just promise to return it if you come back."

Willowbark nods, then makes a gesture to wait for her. She comes back with a small pouch, giving it to the halfling. "Consider this a token of appreciation for the work you saved me. Let me know if you need something else - I can't spare much, but I am open for commissions."

2017-11-24, 07:07 AM
The young viking nods at the half-orc. "Yes, supplies would be helpful."

As the halfling's healing takes effect, Vilgeirr looks to the older Ulfen, watching him for his reaction. His storm grey eyes take in the man's slow movements and stiff gait. Realizing that he still has much from which to recover, his own resolve hardens in his decision to carry out the search, and if possible, rescue, of the southern noblewoman.

At Oerstag's offer of his cold iron sword, Isleifson nods in acknowledgement and retrieves his round shield from his back. Displaying the face of the bespiked shield to Yuln and the others, he remarks, "I carry cold iron of my own. Perhaps one of these suðurríkjamanni would have use for a quality sverð."

suðurríkjamanni = southerners
sverð = sword

Stelio Kontos
2017-11-24, 06:38 PM
"Hey, look at that, not bad!" Dorrin encouraged as the Ulfen man managed to rise to his feet. "You'll be running around in no time! Now you listen to Miss Willowbark here and don't exert yourself too much, okay?"

The sword brought another smile to the halfling's face, though for different reasons, as he sized up the sword that had him comfortably out-lengthed. He put his hand to his chin while flexing his bicep, seemingly weighing the opportunity to take the sword, before a full impish chuckle emanated from him. "Hmm, I don't know, I think I'll pass. I prefer something with a little more heft myself -- personally I like to carry an oak tree around, but they told me at the edge of town 'no Dorrin, you're just too dangerous for us, it's not fair, you'll have to leave it there'. Ladies, I think this one's all yours. It wouldn't be a bad idea, if you're willing. It's a beautiful piece."

The grin disappeared when Miss Willowbark deposited the pouch in his hand. "I, um, I mean, you don't have... are you sure? I mean..." as he hesitated for a moment in taking the pouch, before finally putting a firm grasp on it, having convinced himself that it was deserved. "Thank you. I appreciate it very much. If it's a burden you say so, okay? I won't be mad."

What's in the pouch? Assuming it just feels like coin, Dorrin won't bother to look until he's outside. If there's anything else in there, he'd ask what it is.

"So, what would we need for supplies? I figure we agree to go run out in the middle of this mess, least they could do is make sure we're adequately provisioned right? Some food, I know you said you could probably hunt some up but better be prepared just in case, and what, probably some way to make a fire right? Some extra woolens too probably, and blankets. Oh, and tents, definitely tents. I mean, I have a hammock, but it isn't really hammock weather is it? And something to carry it all, I guess, unless you all don't mind serving as pack mules." He couldn't help himself but try one more: "Between my backpack and the oak tree, any more would be a problem for me."

2017-11-25, 03:53 AM
"Winter witch or no, fire in a bottle - that is, the dangerous kind, not the fun kind - sounds like a good thing to bring with us," Kira says, listening to the others for a few moments. Winter witches...she smiles to herself. Based on what she'd heard, things would certainly get interesting if they were involved!

"How about you take it," Kira says, turning towards Shira after chuckling at Dorrin's joke. Not exactly her sort of humor, but the image it brought to her mind was amusing nonetheless. "I won't even ask for a smile like I normally would."

Turning back to their hostess, Kira smiles. "How much for some of the hot stuff?" She asks.

2017-11-25, 05:02 PM
Yuln harrumphs. "There's a reason people take swords, not just shields, but you know your own boat, as my father said. As long as someone knows what they're doing and brings it back, I don't care who uses it. Gods know I won't be any good with it right now. Guess the elder will have to bear with me a bit more," he adds, nodding towards the elf, prompting a shake of her head and a "Of course, what would I do without a petulant child around me. I might even be able to get some work done."

The alchemist's face warms slightly at the halfling's words, and she nods. "Get something for the cold, by all accounts it seems to be surpisingly severe - worse than what winter is here. I have some concoctions and herbs, but ultimately they won't help if your clothes aren't any good for this weather. How long do you plan to be out?" At Kira's question, she turns businesslike. "I have four more jars at 20 gold each. If you need more, I can take a commission, but it would be at least 3 days."

Stelio Kontos
2017-11-25, 07:37 PM
Dorrin felt the pouch the elf had given him; something sparked his curiosity, as it hadn't been the coinage he was expecting. He stopped and looked into the bag. "Oh wow... yes, yes, that's going to be very useful indeed. You made all these? That's amazing! I've always wanted to learn how to do that." He reached back into his pack, pulling out a slightly smaller sealed bag. From the pouch he removed a pair of sunrods, a few tindertwigs, and a decent sized block of clay, placing them carefully in the pouch. "Can't have those getting wet, now, won't be any good that way" he remarked to nobody in particular. The last item, one of the jars of the 'hot stuff', he placed directly in his own belt pouch for easy access.

"Well, thank you for everything Miss Willowbark, that's well beyond my budget. You all can do your business, but we should probably take our leave and let the man rest. Yuln, you stay in bed and listen to her, okay? Just because you can walk around doesn't mean you should. We'll have your sword back for you in a few days I'm sure, hopefully stained with the blood of the ones that did this to you. Unless some giant snow monsters eat us, of course, in which case it'll be out in the woods and you can come retrieve it at your leisure."

"I think we should go see the town council, let them know we're interested, see what they're willing to do for us as far as providing some decent gear so they don't need another rescue mission to rescue the rescuers. I've got a set of woolens myself, and if it gets really nasty I've got a bit of magic I can use to make myself slightly less miserable, but it's not something I can really share with anyone else, so you'll all need to make sure you're covered up. And if they're willing to offer money too, I suppose it would be silly to turn that down."

2017-11-27, 02:35 AM
The tall Ulfen looks to his hip from which hangs a falcata in it's sheath. He looks back to the older northerner as he rejoins, "I have a sword. My training is with this sword. I showed you my shield because it has cold iron spikes, so that you knew I was prepared to fight Irriseni."

He shakes his head at Yuln, the long white blond locks shaking out to either side as he does, "Rest old man. You obviously need it."

Turning to the others, he states, I am off to speak with this elder." Turning his gaze to the she-elf, he asks, What is her name and where might she be found, honored elf?"

2017-11-27, 04:41 AM
"You can speak to Ionnia Teppen, she seems to be the most active recently. She lives nearby. Look for the two-story house opposite to the tavern near the square. Isker Eurphraim is in charge of the militia, but Ionnia holds the purse strings, and supposedly her family has been influential for a long time." Tessaraea states matter-of-factly.

2017-11-27, 10:15 AM
"What more can you tell us about Ionnia?" Kira asks, as she pauses to search through her things to figure out if she can afford one or two fire-bottles.

Dark Hawk799
2017-11-27, 09:55 PM
When no one else takes the sword, Shira steps forward to grab the hilt of the sword. As she grabs it she says to Yuln, "I will carry this sword into battle for you and with it I will take upon your oath of service. As long as it is in my possession your oath of service to the Lady is my oath. I will do everything I can to rescue the Lady and see her safe return, even if it shall cost me my life. I will not willingly give over this sword to anyone other than someone in this room, and if ever I shall lose it, I will search for it until I have found it. And when our mission is complete I will return this sword to you. On my honor it shall be done." When she has spoken she takes the sword and once again steps aside.

Shira has enough money to buy all four jars of the Bottled-Flame, so she can buy one for someone who doesn't have 20 gold on them if need be. Assuming the intent is for each character to have a bottle for themselves.

2017-11-28, 12:48 AM
The shaggy northerner nods his head in understanding at the herbalist's words. "Thank you." He turns to leave but stops with his hand on the door handle as the woman with the gun asks her question. He ***** his head to better hear the response from the she-elf about what else she knows of this Ionnia.

Vilgeirr is not buying any, so feel free to buy at least one more for yourself if you want.

2017-11-29, 07:00 PM
Yuln gives Shira a hard look, apparently not liking her features much, but hands her the sword regardless. "I will hold you to your word. See that you use it well if the frosthearted ones come. Gorum guide your hand," he says, quietly.

Meanwhile, the elf shrugs as she answers ."I don't pry in the locals' business too much, and expect the same from them. She is one of the, hm, elders, but seems to be the most active one here, so she is a sort of mayor - the rest are mostly interested in specific affairs. Most people here seem to like her, anyway. Her family is influential and somewhat rich, she married about two decades ago, but her husband is a traveling merchant, so he does not stay in town and she runs her family's affairs here. Beyond that, I don't know much," she adds, "You are better off asking in the tavern or just approaching her. Do you need anything else?"

2017-11-30, 03:27 AM
Vilgeirr nods to the elf as he opened the door. "That is all I need to know. I am going to speak to this Ionnia Teppen and see what is to be done." He stepped through, closing the door as he left unless anyone else made to depart.

Walking at a brisk pace, he made his way back to the tavern and turned away from it towards the two-story house. The Ulfen knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer.

Stelio Kontos
2017-11-30, 06:28 PM
Dorrin happily tagged along, humming a contented tune to himself. It was an upbeat melody, something between a religious hymnal and a jaunty sea shanty, though it was clearly something he was making up as he went along.

2017-11-30, 06:58 PM
Your group is barely at the door when a woman with auburn hair just starting to gray and a richly decorrated brown skirt opens the door. You can see two men behind her, a dwarf of indeterminate age and an old, tight-faced half-elf whose hair has once been blonde, but now turns to silver. "Ah, it appears I am in luck. I was about to look for you, but you saved me the effort," she smiles, pleasantly, but her expression is somewhat distracted. "I am councilor Ionnia Teppen, and I am looking for a way to resolve our current crisis. I trust that you have heard what is happening?"

Stelio Kontos
2017-11-30, 07:37 PM
"That's right!" Dorrin piped up from the back of the group, poking his head around the waist of the large Ulfen man leading the way. "The lady, getting kidnapped the strange weather, the injured guardsman over in Miss Willowbark's house, all of it -- unless there's something else we've missed -- and we were all talking over at the tavern and, well, it's all very exciting and we'd all like to help you and we're probably just the perfect people for the task, he's from up north so he's used to the cold and really big besides and she can hunt animals really well which is good and she's going to have the Ulfen man's sword that he gave her so she can probably smash any meddling fey creatures with no trouble at all... it's just, well, I'm not sure we're equipped properly for this sort of thing, what with the weather and all, wouldn't do to have us go wandering off into the wilderness and freeze or starve to death, you know, that doesn't get anybody what they want, so we were wondering, would you all be able to provide some provisions, like Miss Willowbark did, she was nice enough to donate a few items that might prove useful -- but we still need food, tents, blankets, maybe some good maps of the area, that sort of thing, these folks probably have a better idea than I do what all we might need, for the people that don't have those things, and maybe a mule or a horse or something to help carry what we can't, and maybe a couple extra somethings for the people we'd be hopefully bringing back -- we'd just be borrowing it all understand, I mean, until we got back, but it'd sure be nice to be able to tell the lady how wonderfully helpful the whole town was in pitching in and making sure she got back safely, instead of just us doing it on our own, you know?"

Finally, the halfling came up for air and giving the woman a brief chance to recover from his verbal onslaught, looking at his compatriots for reassurance that he hadn't forgotten anything, only to realize that he had. "Oh... and probably some money would be good too?"

2017-12-01, 02:07 AM
Vilgeirr nodded to the older woman and her companions at their appearance. He opened his mouth to speak when the halfling kettle boiled over with the high-pitched squeal of his words. As he ran out of steam only to make that final peep, the Ulfen shook his head uttering, "I will go after the noblewoman and any fey who took her, but if the weather is not sorcery, there is nothing to be done but to endure. If you have furs or something to wear against bitter cold,
most will need it."

2017-12-02, 07:02 PM
Kira smiles at Dorrin's just about all-inclusive explanation, and nods at the Ulfen man's addition. "Beasties and bandits are pretty simple. But I won't make promises about the weather," she says.

2017-12-03, 05:21 PM
"My, you are an excitable fellow - I am glad you are so enthusiastic. I am not able to offer an advance under the circumstances, but I will arrange a reward if the lady is rescued. As for the weather," Ionnia shakes her head sadly, and explains. "Whatever is behind this weather is clearly unnatural, but for now I hope you can take care of the lady first. Her kidnapping is a horrible tragedy, and the circumstances... I won't bore you with politics, but the longer it goes unaddressed, the worse it will be for everyone. Besides, even if you can't take care of it, as long as we know what it is and have her back,her family will help. It's how things are usually done in Taldor," she adds, a hint of a smirk crossing her face.

2017-12-04, 04:11 AM
The viking attempts to remain calm and patient as he reiterates, "Yes, yes, bring the noblewoman back. Furs or cold weather clothing. She's not coming back if her rescuers freeze on their way to her."

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-04, 10:47 AM
Dorrin frowned a bit; clearly this was going to require a bit more persuasion than he'd hoped. Why can't people just be nice to each other?

He lowered the pitch and volume of his voice just a bit to sound as conciliatory as possible. It was an obvious enough affectation, to be sure, but it couldn't hurt. "Listen, Miss... Teppen, is it? I'm Dorrin, Dorrin Fairfoot. We'd like to help you out, we really would, but this man's right -- even if we do go up there and get to this very wealthy, very powerful noblewoman, without at least proper clothing and equipment she's not likely to survive the trip back, let alone us. We know what we're doing, we can take the risk, but it's not our lives you're risking through inaction, it's hers. So forget money, we can take up that matter directly with her and leave the town out of it completely. I think if you could at least organize some decent equipment for her rescue -- again, I'm not asking to keep it, just to borrow it until we get back -- that would be a very nice gesture to show her how much you all care, and I'd think that that sort of gesture would go a very long way in gaining her favor should you need anything in the future.

"Anyway, I'd like to tell her that the whole town really came together, under your leadership and organization of course, in concern for your safety -- and not just us and Miss Willowbark doing our parts while you stood by. I'd like to tell her that, but I don't believe lying's how things are usually done in Taldor. Am I wrong?" He gave the councilor a friendly smile.

Diplomacy [roll0], bonus includes me spending an Adaptable Luck point beforehand for a +3 bonus.

2017-12-06, 05:14 PM
Ionnia thinks for a few seconds, her lips drawn into a line, before shaking her head. "I do not know you enough to offer you an advance. I can talk to local merchant to bring their prices down for you for any gear you want - that I will do, if you promise to help, but I cannot go any further. You did just come here, after all."

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-07, 12:29 PM
Dorrin sighed, clearly a bit dejected. "Fine, if that's the best you can do that's the best you can do. Let's go talk to them now then, so we can go get the lady. She won't be getting any warmer if we wait."

He turned partway away from the woman in anticipation of her leading the way back across town, talking rather quietly to himself but just loudly enough for others to hear "I guess I'm just confused, you said you were coming to look for us, presumably to help you out...surely you were planning to offer something as a fair trade in return...oh well, doesn't matter I guess, win some lose some..."

2017-12-08, 07:22 PM
"I was looking for you, yes - I am ready to offer a reward for anyone who rescues the lady, and I expected that a group of adventurers like you would be interested," Ionnia nods.

She leads you to a long building on the opposite end of the square where a small brass plaque reads "First Heldren Universal General Store," and opens the door. What meets you is a cross between a warehouse and a gnome cupboard - a large building filled with seemingly chaotically placed items, where a couple of low-placed, colorful sets of hair can be seen in between the mounds. "Vivi, those fellows are interested in stocking up for a trip to help the lady. Would you please set them up right at a good price? We don't want them - or her grace - hobbling here halfway dead from frostbite."

One of the gnomes rushes towards you,eyeing you up, down and up again. "Of course, Ionnia! My, what a strapping set of fellows. Oh, and a halfling, too? Greetings, how is extended family, and are they, mmm, in the best of health and joy?" she chirps in irregular halfling tongue, before switching back to Taldan. "So, I expect you are interest in trekking gear, mostly for colder weapon, right?"



Stelio Kontos
2017-12-09, 11:04 AM
"Hey, I'm a somewhat strapping halfling!" Dorrin quipped, flexing his bicep. (He wasn't wrong, per se, though of course he wasn't winning any Mr. Miniature Universe contests any time soon.) "And thank you, my family was full of joy, last I saw them. Yours?"

Then he turned serious, not really waiting for an answer. "Miss Vivi -- can I call you Vivi? -- we've got our mind made up to go after the lady, pretty much no matter what. I think it'd be just great if we could help get her back in one piece, don't you? And I think most of us have the proper clothing..." -- he looked at the rest of the group -- "...anyone need anything on that front?

"But there's a line between being bold and being suicidal. We don't want the cold to get us, my mother would paint my back porch red if she knew I was going out in this weather unprepared, you understand? I at least need blankets, proper bedroll, some sort of shelter would be ideal, and some way to bring it all along so either some sort of pack animal or maybe a sled or something to drag it behind us? I'm sure you have something interesting around here that could help!"

"I have to confess, this weather has us all out of sorts, and we're a very long way from home, and I at least haven't got much money. So if there's anything maybe we could do for you around here, or work a trade, or if you could see your way to helping us out... I understand there's some reward money due once she's safely returned, and we could make you whole then, plus a bit for your trouble? I know it's asking a lot."

2017-12-10, 05:19 PM
Kira looks down at the shopkeeper for a moment and folds her hands behind her back to help her resist the urge to give her a head pat. How well received that was seemed to depend on a lot of factors she simply couldn't be sure of here. "Any of you need anything?" She asks, turning to the rest of the group.

2017-12-11, 08:10 AM
"It's okay, it's okay. I'll offer you good price, since you come recommended. May you please promise that you will look for the lady and not just vamoose? Spit-swear, and I'll give them for pretty much the same I got them for. 35 gold pieces for 5, you good with that," the gnome chitters,then turns to Kira. "Anything else you want, ma'am?"

2017-12-11, 11:52 AM
Kira smiles down at the halfling. "Nothing I can say in polite company," she says, then points to the others with her thumb. "Looks like they're all set, too."

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-11, 12:31 PM
Dorrin did some quick math, and blushed slightly, fairly certain that he was about to have a problem. Shouldn't have had that coffee he thought idly. He plopped himself on the floor, pulled off his belt pouch, and gently emptied the contents onto the floor: one recently acquired jar of alchemist fire, a keyring brimming with files, brushes, and small metal tools and bits of various shapes, all of which were quite dirty but in generally decent repair (colloquially, "thieves tools"), and a variety of pocket coins. "Five, six... six and a half... six and eight, no, nine..." he said, arranging the coins. A small pile of seven copper was left. He gave the belt pouch one more shake, just to be sure.

"I was afraid of that" he said, looking up apologetically at the gnome. "I don't think that's enough, plus I'd need a blanket and a bedroll, and even if it were, I think I'd be a holdup, dragging it all around. I don't suppose anyone knows how to make a sled out of scrap wood?"

"So, um, if you just have a couple of blankets and a bedroll, and a couple more days rations, I guess that'll be all, whatever's fair for that" he said dejectedly, looking up at the others in the group. "You really think we'll be all right without shelter?"

2017-12-11, 01:19 PM
Kira nods. "It's easy enough to make a nice little lean-to for a night. Unless this cold is in the middle of a lake and we're on ice the whole time."

Dark Hawk799
2017-12-11, 02:15 PM
When Vivi mentions the price of the supplies, she steps forward and says, "I have no need of cold weather gear, I already have my old set from my time in the north." When the gleeful Halfling, whom shes has grown fond of, mentions his lack of funds, she steps forward again, "I can help pay for other people's gear, I have more than enough funds to cover the necessities."

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-11, 02:24 PM
"I don't -- I, um, you don't have to do that if you don't want to" Dorrin stammered. "I can't really even carry it anyway and keep up, so I'd be making you do that too, unless we can figure out another way. I really don't want to be that much trouble."

2017-12-13, 05:09 AM
The Ulfen looked rather sheepish at the talk of purchasing cold weather clothing. At the halfling's mentioning that he cannot carry his weight in gear, the viking spoke up, "I can carry what needs taking with us. Perhaps in that manner I might repay the cost of clothing for the cold?

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-13, 10:47 AM
"That sounds like a good trade. Tell you what, you can pay it back by that and teaching me the Ulfen language. And Kira can help with the shelters so we don't freeze to death. Then it'll just be me that owes everybody. I'm good for it, I swear."

"Miss Vivi, I think we only need two sets of furs, one for this gentleman and one for the lady when we find her. Everyone else has clothing. No tents, I suppose we're going to rough it. And I'll need a proper blanket and bedroll, if we're going to be sleeping on the ground, and five days rations in case it takes a bit longer than we think. to get back So, whatever you think a fair price is for all that is. Why don't you take this" (Dorrin scooped up all the coins he'd pulled from his belt pouch) "and Shira will make up the difference, whatever that comes to."

2017-12-13, 07:52 PM
"Are you sure? Sounds like a precarious arrangement. Never a bad thing to be prepared!" the gnome looks with a bit of worry, then sets off to recover the items that Dorrin already mentioned. "I'm sure you will do fine, but every bit helps! For now, 2 sets of furs, and a blanket and a bedroll would be 14 gold 6, and as for rations - do you mean for yourself or for everyone?"

"Oh,and miss," she mumbles as she passes by Kira, "anything you might need that you can mention in discrete company?"

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-13, 08:04 PM
"Five total should be enough for rations I think" Dorrin said weakly. "And no, I'm not at all sure. There's only one way to find out though, isn't there?"

"Shira, I'll pay six and six and you cover the rest, should be an even ten if my math's right, and we'll work out the details on paying whoever back as soon as we're able. Is that fair for everyone?"

2017-12-13, 08:18 PM
"You worry too much about money," Kira says to Dorrin with a shrug. As Vivianne mumbles to her, Kira grins, shifting just a step further away from the others and lowering her voice. "It may have to wait, but I would certainly look forward to a nice evening with a sweet gnome shopkeeper once I returned. Anything more...scandalous would be left implied for the time being."

Dark Hawk799
2017-12-13, 10:42 PM
"I can cover the 10 gold, that works for me. I also have a horse that could come with us through most terrain that could carry some weight as well, but we shouldn't depend on that." Shira said "I believe that one days rations for each of us would be enough, although we might want to consider getting an extra set of rations for the lady when we find her if she hasn't eaten for a while."

2017-12-15, 04:49 PM
"Oh. Oh, you meant..."the gnome's lips purse. "Ehm,that's... I don't think I have anything your size, miss. I'll ask around if you want me to, okay?" Vivianne says quickly, moving towards the storage area. She soon comes back,hauling several large bundles. "Furs, bedroll and blanket." After another round, she brings back a small crate. "The rations, too. 16 Gold 6."

2017-12-15, 06:24 PM
Kira smiles. "Feel free, but don't feel obliged to do any legwork on my behalf," she says.

2017-12-16, 02:43 PM
((Alright, do you want to do something else in town after shopping, or are you heading directly towards the forest?))

2017-12-18, 04:08 AM
Vilgeirr looks down at the assembled gear in distaste. "I know that I'm not paying for this, but neither are you, halfling. Gnome haven't you any cold weather clothing? Furs are, how do you say? óhagkvæm. Better than nothing, but not very good. Also, does everyone have a winter blanket? I will take a winter blanket if you have it."

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-18, 12:38 PM
Dorrin gave Vivi a quick glance of reassurance. "Now look, man" he barked, raising himself to his full intimidating height of thirty-seven inches, "I'm sure she's giving us the best she's got, not some motheaten schlock (he mixed in a couple of words of halfling in here, for effect) -- isn't that right, Miss Vivi? -- and she's doing us a favor as it is. I'd take the furs if I were you. But if you'd rather walk around out there in your shirtsleeves, and freeze your tuchus and end up black and blue like that other guy, that's your choice -- we don't have to buy them for you."

Dorrin did give the furs a once-over, to make sure they looked like they'd do the job.

Er, um, Appraise I guess? [roll0] or maybe Survival [roll1]. Up to you, I guess?

2017-12-19, 02:27 PM
As far as Dorrin is concerned, the furs he is shown are complete cold weather gear - other than the furs themselves, they also include thick tunics and shirts, padded boots and gloves and fur hats. He also notices some thicker, but less complete fur sets to a side. Vivian notices his glance and adds. "Oh, I have these as well, I'm selling them for five a set. They are thick and certainly striking, but this is what I would recommend for the kind of weather I am told there is in the forest. Colder than it's been in anyone's living memory, I'm told. Even that man from the lady's guard had horrible frostbite, and you know those big northerners don't freeze easy!"

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-20, 11:06 AM
"No, no, I agree -- the full sets are what we need, you're right. Here's the money. We really appreciate this -- it means one less thing to worry about on the way. But we really ought to be going sooner rather than later, I think. No sense waiting for it to get even colder."

2017-12-21, 03:56 PM
Road to Demgazi, roughly 6 miles south of Heldren

With Yuln's instructions and a bit of help from the townsfolk, you get a very good idea how to get to the ambush site. It lies along the road to the south, and you manage to get there in just over two hours.

Near the forest, you notice the air growing a fair bit colder and a light snow starts as you get closer to the trees. The forest itself obscured by a mist - or more likely, heavy snowfall. The road ahead of you is littered with debris and corpses of humans and horses. A derelict carriage leans to one side in the roadway, its horses missing or cut free, while another lies overturned and broken next to the treeline. To the sough, more bodies have fallen around what appears to be an ice-covered statue, and to the east, a snowy trail leads to the treeline. Apart from the odd snowflake, the scene is entirely still.

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-22, 12:31 PM
Dorrin had kept up well enough with his larger companions on the trip, despite stopping occasionally to take in the wintry scenes along the way before scrambling to recover his pace when they didn't stop to look at ... whatever thing had caught his eye this time. His cheeks and the tip of his nose were by now a deep rosy red, contrasting with otherwise pale features, but he seemed otherwise unbothered by the frigid weather.

His legs ground him to a halt again at the edge of the scene, as he paused to use his sleeve to wipe the drizzle of snot that had bubbled once again to the edge of his nostrils. His gaze traveled first from the path leading into the woods, back toward the scattered corpses in the snow, and for the first time, he began to shiver almost uncontrollably.

"I... I suppose we ought to check to see if anyone's alive?" he squeaked weakly, with the air of someone that was utterly certain that nobody was alive. His legs kept him firmly rooted to his place; if he was going to be the one to do the investigating, he was clearly going to need some encouragement.

Um, Perception I guess? [roll0]

2017-12-22, 04:34 PM
Kira hums a tune on the way, eyes on the trees in a way different than Dorrin's staring. Occasionally, the musket on her back shifts, her grip on the strap changing as she watches some bit of distant movement or simply adjusts the position of her hand. As the group arrives at the scene, Kira looks over it once, hms, and stops to set her musket against the ground. With a soft hum, she carefully opens the powder horn at her hip, pours black powder down into the barrel of the musket, and closes the powder horn again. Taking a single musket ball from her backpack, she rams it down into the weapon and then, content with her work, lifts it into her arms. "First shot is always the best," she says. "Don't have to worry about doing it quickly, so you can make it elegant."

"Let's give it a look-over," Kira says with a nod, stepping forwards. "Who knows, maybe they left a note."

If possible, take 10, otherwise: [roll0] Perception

2017-12-23, 05:47 AM
Vilgeirr, hefting the added weight of the new gear, ate up the distance at his usual walking gait. Even the light snowfall set him to smiling; it had been years since he had felt anything other than hot. As they came upon the scene of carnage, he stopped and crouched. Better to be a small target against any ranged attacks. He grasped the cold iron spiked round shield and brought it to bear. His other hand went to his hip and loosened the falcata from it's sheath. Listening to the others speak, he replies, "No one left lying here two days is alive."

He very slowly looked around them alert for any signs of danger.

Perception [roll]1d20+1[roll]

2017-12-24, 12:54 PM
Kira and Dorrin can't hear or see anything out of the ordinary, but Vilgeirr is pretty sure that he hears something from the trunk of one of the coaches (the one still standing), to his own great surprise.

Dark Hawk799
2017-12-24, 08:18 PM
Upon seeing the scene of the wreckage, Shira pulls her dual axes from her back and readies herself in case any danger reveals itself. She steps closer to the ice statue to closer inspect the statue and the bodies littered around it.

[roll0] assuming this terrain satisfies as cold, if not then the +2 is not added.
I'm also guessing it's not a Knowledge [geography] check to see if the statue is natural or not.

2017-12-25, 04:38 AM
"There is something moving inside the carriage." The Ulfen advised as he nodded towards the overturned conveyance. "Be alert for anything. I am going to move in to the carriage. Someone with a free hand should move in as well to open the door." The viking stated as he began to slowly walk toward the wreckage, shield in one hand and his old fashioned curved blade in the other.

2017-12-25, 07:02 AM
Kira looks between Shira and Vilgeirr, finding a position from which she can give aid to either, should the carriage or the statue suddenly turn out to be home to some threat. If Shira's investigation doesn't seem to cause any response, she will turn her musket to the carriage door, ready to send a ball of lead into whatever might clamber out.

Kira's gonna stay at range to give covering fire here...Maybe have someone open the door and duck back right away? Shira would be a good candidate I think, once she's checked the statue, but I won't complain if Dorrin does it.

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-25, 10:54 AM
"Someone with a free hand go help Vilgeirr!" Dorrin passed along the message helpfully, looking at Shira with her two axes and Kira with her large boomstick. " ... oh. I suppose that's me, then."

He picked up a large stick, the longest he could find, as he approached the carriage. "Hey, anybody in there?" he asked, hoping for any kind of a civilized response as he rapped three times on the trunk of the carriage with the stick from as far as he could. "It's safe to come out now." He listened carefully for any sort of response.

2017-12-26, 06:52 PM
The ice statue appears to be of a man, frozen solid. From what's visible in the ice it appears to be a Taldan soldier - or possibly an officer - who was frozen with one hand lifted, apparently to protect himself. He appears to be wearing a metal armor, but the uneven ice makes it hard to see any insignia or marks on it However, one of the hands and various other bits of him - the front side of his left boot (and the foot inside it), the right arm, and a part of his neck appear to have been hewed off. By his expression - more shocked and frightened than anything else - the mutilation was done after he was dead. A few of the still frozen chunks of ice around have most of the missing parts, a bigger one has his arm, still clutching a longsword. Shira also notices several other bodies in the vicinity, who were cut down with multiple wounds each. They also bear remnants of uniforms, but the torn clothes, missing weapons and the lack of boots show they appear to have been looted.

From the chest you can hear thumping and muffled sounds. It does not open, however, and appears to be held fast.

2017-12-27, 03:52 AM
The Ulfen slowly shook his head at the halfling's attention seeking antics. After the diminutive manling was apparently finished, for the moment, Vilgeirr made ready at the front of the trunk, his round shield up and falcata raised slightly over his head to bring down on anything nasty which might spring forth.

2017-12-27, 05:40 AM
"...Open it," Kira says to Dorrin, if the shuffling inside doesn't seem to cause the door to open on its own, weapon still trained on the door. "Better shoot whatever beastie or skellie or whatever they've got stuffed in there now, than have it wander around and find us when we're camped out."

Based on the post, I'm guessing it won't open if we leave it alone.

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-27, 08:19 AM
Dorrin sent the stick cartwheeling back over his head with a two-handed flourish, then opened the doors to the carriage with a smile on his face.

If they're locked, I'll take 10 then take 20 on a Disable Device check (for a 13 and 23 respectively).

Dark Hawk799
2017-12-27, 03:57 PM
"Someone, or something, froze this poor man in ice." After checking out the statue, Shira moves to join the others in inspecting the noise from the carriage. She positions herself next to Vilgeirr, ready (hopefully) for whatever might be in the trunk. "It could be a survivor of the lady's entourage hiding from whatever attacked. Let's be sure it's hostile before we start swinging. Although it never hurts to be prepared for the worst."

2017-12-27, 05:40 PM
The trunk is locked, but not all that well and Dorrin manages to get the hang of it fairly quickly, despite the disturbance from inside. He flips the lid over and quickly jumps back as a whiff of stench hits him in the face, and something else makes him jump far back, surprisingly athletically for what he has shown so far. As it happens, a pair of hands lunge where he used to be and a mishmash of limbs and torsoes falls from the trunk on the ground.

Knowledge:religion to identify, and Kira and Vilgeirr can have a surprise round.

2017-12-27, 06:26 PM
Kira is silent at the inhuman, unnatural...thing tumbles out onto the ground, taking aim and exhaling slowly, letting a small cloud of her breath blow over Lyubimaya Sestra. Then she aims, and fires, grinning as the spark turns into a flash in front of her, and a brief explosion of fire, lead and smoke erupts from the barrel of her musket. A moment later, she shifts it to one hand, pulling a dagger from her belt and looking intently at the monstrosity that spilled out of the trunk.

Firing the musket! Then drawing a dagger.

A: [roll0] vs flat-footed touch
D: [roll1]

2017-12-28, 03:15 AM
Vilgeirr chopped down at the creature as it emerged from the carriage trunk wildly flailing at Dorrin, the forward curving blade flashing in the sunlight.

Falcata melee attack [roll0]
Falcata melee damage [roll1]
(If necessary, Falcata melee critical confirmation attack [roll2]
Falcata critical damage [roll3])

AC 19; HP 13/13; Init +2; Speed 20' (medium armour); Perception +1
F +5; R +2; W+1
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1
Throwing Axes 4/4

2017-12-28, 08:04 PM
The ghastly beings stop moving for a moment, then jerk upright, reaching for the weapons - or much better, the flesh - of their assailants. Vilgeirr's falcata strikes a hefty blow at one of the things, but when the smoke clears,the one Kira short did not seem too inconvenienced, seemingly protected by unnatural sorcery.

((Two of them will stand from prone, the third was not prone and takes a move towards Dorrin. Vilgeirr takes his AoO on whichever he likes, then it's your turn)).

2017-12-29, 02:08 AM
The satisfying crunch of bone under the axe-like blade caused the grim northerner to break out in a death's head grin. Loksins óvinur að drepa! As the form dropped at his feet, he reared back and cleaved it again when it began to rise. Connecting again with the meaty flesh, he yanked out the blade and made another overhand chop at the foul creature.

Loksins óvinur að drepa! = Finally, an enemy to kill!

Falcata melee AoO [roll0]
Falcata AoO damage [roll1]
If needed, confirmation [roll2]
If needed, critical damage [roll3]

Falcata melee attack [roll4]
Falcata melee damage [roll5]
If needed, confirmation [roll6]
If needed, critical damage [roll7]

AC 19; HP 13/13; Init +2; Speed 20' (medium armour); Perception +1
F +5; R +2; W+1
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1
Throwing Axes 4/4

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-03, 11:09 AM
Dorrin shrieked the shriek of a teenage girl when the zombies -- yes, definitely zombies, no doubt about that -- emerged from the carriage. His scramble out of the way was fairly adept at least -- it was clear that he's spend a fair amount of time training to not get hit by strange things. If it wanted to chase after him, it was welcome to do so; he was at least confident that he could outrun the creature, maybe keep it distracted whilst the others did their work...

It's not clear if this thing is right on me in melee range or not. If it is, I'll withdraw 60' away. If it's not in melee range yet, I'll move 30' away from it and draw sling.

Dark Hawk799
2018-01-03, 06:45 PM
If not adjacent to one of the undead Shira will move into melee and strike with her axe. If she is in melee she will just attack it. If there are any good ways to flank with Vilgeirr then she will try to get to that better position.

Is there any kind of map that I've missed? Or are we just going on descriptions?

Attack: [roll0] (adds another +2 if flanking is possible.)
Damage: [roll1]

2018-01-06, 05:07 PM
Kira lets Lyubimaya Sestra settle on the ground and rushes forwards, bringing the dagger in her hand down on the formerly-human beast closest to her.


A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

AC 14 'till next round.

2018-01-08, 06:22 PM
One of the dead things crumples under Vilgeirr's afterstrike, and Shira's blade sinks all but passes through another, but it stays on its feet and swings back. Kira's attack is sadly off as she underestimates her momentum and nearly crashes into the zombie, but at least Dorrin manages to get himself to a safer position.

Enemy turn:
Attack 1: [roll0] at Vilgeirr
Damage if any: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] at Shira
Damage if any: [roll3]

Map attached in the discord chat

2018-01-09, 03:33 AM
Vilgeirr laughed as the foul creature fell at his feet for a final time. Turning to the one that Shira has just engaged, he cleaved into the monster with his falcata.

Step over to the 2nd zombie and make falcata melee attack: [roll0]
Falcata damage: [roll1]
Confirmation roll, if needed, [roll2]
Confirmation damage, if needed [roll3]

AC 19; HP 13/13; Init +2; Speed 20' (medium armour); Perception +1
F +5; R +2; W+1
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1
Throwing Axes 4/4

2018-01-09, 03:36 AM
Kira continues her dagger-offensive, moving to flank the zombie if possible.

5' Step to flank, if possible, then attack.

A: [roll0] +2 if flanking
D: [roll1]

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-09, 10:54 AM
Dorrin, relieved that the zombie's path of attack had been cut off, scrambled to retrieve his sling from his pocket, loading it carefully with a bullet and looking to line up an a safe shot at one of the creatures.

Move action to draw sling, standard action to load sling, 5' step forward to get to 55' since I withdrew to 60' last time.

Dark Hawk799
2018-01-12, 12:33 AM
Shira repositions herself so she is right next to both of the zombies, saying a quick prayer asking her ancestors for strength. She attacks each zombie, the one between her and Vilgeirr with her battleaxe, and the one next to Kira with her handaxe.

Free move to move 5 feet
Free action to start rage
1st attack with battleaxe against Z1 [roll0]
damage against Z1: [roll1]
1nd attack with handaxe against Z2 [roll2]
damage against Z2: [roll3]
-1 round of rage
If either zombie dies she ends her rage at end of turn as a free action, fatiguing herself for 2 rounds

2018-01-12, 07:27 PM
The zombies continue their strong, but lumbering strikes, and are met with a flurry of attacks. Some of them don't find their mark, or the decaying flesh of the unfortunates is too tough for your blows to find purchase. Some, however, do, and Shira's battleaxe finishes one of the things as she lops off parts of its head and shoulder. The magic seems to give in, and the dead thing collapses just as it was about to strike back. Kira and Vilgeirr chop at the other, but while bits of it are hacked away, it does not seem hurt - yet. It, in turn, lunges towards the Linnornian.

In the meantime, you notice that the snowflakes get a bit more frequent.

Zombie 1 is down.
Zombie 2 attacks Vilgeirr
Damage if any: [roll][1d6+4
Crit confirmation is appropriate: [roll1]

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-12, 11:22 PM
Dorrin's eyes narrowed in intense concentration, and a careful observer would have seen the tip of his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth just ever so slightly as he took a quick step forward. He let loose his sling bullet in the direction of the zombie, taking care to avoid any chance of hitting his comrades, before reaching into his belt pouch for another stone.

5 foot step to get to 50'
Swift action: burn a round of Archaeologist's Luck (+2 to attack and damage, and some other stuff that hopefully won't apply)
Standard action: Attack! [roll0], damage [roll1], if by some miracle I crit I'll roll in OOC. I have Precise Shot so no worry about firing into melee.
Move action: reload sling

2018-01-13, 03:16 AM
Kira moves forwards to strike at the remaining zombie.

Stepping up and attacking. Looks like there's flanking happening now.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

Dark Hawk799
2018-01-15, 12:40 PM
Shira swings at the last zombie with her battleaxe.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm if needed: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Extra Crit Damage if needed: [roll3]

2018-01-17, 12:29 AM
The tall blond haired human once again struck out at the shambling figure with his antique blade.

Falcata melee attack [roll0]
Falcata damage [roll1]
Confirmation (if needed) [roll2]
Critical damage [roll3]

AC 19; HP 13/13; Init +2; Speed 20' (medium armour); Perception +1
F +5; R +2; W+1
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1
Throwing Axes 4/4

2018-01-17, 02:03 PM
The blows rain, and finally, another solid falcata chop brings the creature down, where it is quickly finished. After one last spasm, the necromantic energy fizzles and it is once again dead. For a moment, all is silent except the wind and your ragged breaths.

Perception checks, please.

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-17, 02:39 PM
Dorrin cautiously approached the group and the dead zombies, sling loaded and ready to launch, as he mentally traced the line back from where he was to the group. "They're really down, right?" he asked with a slight tremor in his voice. "Are any of you hurt? I'm sorry, I know I wasn't much help..."

Perception check for the DM: [roll0]

2018-01-18, 03:59 AM
Vilgeirr grunted in satisfaction as the last of the strange things fell twitching to the ground. Once it stopped moving, he cleaned the ichor from his blade in the accumulated snow on the ground before taking a rag out to wipe away the moisture from the blade. Done he returned his falcata to its sheath and began to look around for any clues as to what those things were doing in the carriage's trunk.


2018-01-18, 03:49 PM
As the battle ends, Kira sheathes her dagger, heading back to pick up Lyubimaya Sestra and looking around again. The site seemed calmer, after the fight, as things always do. The lack of tension brings a smile to her face.

Perception: [roll0]

2018-01-19, 04:04 PM
Now that things have quieted down, Kira and Dorrin notice the tattered remnants of crumpled tabards on the zombies match some of the torn remnants of decorations on the carriages, but also colors of fabric from a partially broken box that has fallen underneath the other carriage. Upon closer inspection, it is a trunk of all manner of female clothes, including 3 sets of very well made clothing clothes with the noble family's crest, and various other decorations - likely the clothes of the lady's handmaidens and companions. The smell and bloodstains on the fabric under the door indicate someone - perhaps their former owners - lay dead inside. You recognize the same heraldry on the breastplate of the warrior frozen in the ice.

A broken spear bars the doors of the upright carriage, from the trunk of which the zombies emerged. The carriage itself is marked by damage - mostly arrow marks, but with few deeper notches as well.

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-19, 05:29 PM
"Someone did this, you know. On purpose" Dorrin murmured in hushed tones, a solemn, sad look on his face. "Made them, I mean. Those are zombies, you know. So whoever took the lady killed these people, then took their bodies and turned them into -- those -- and stuck them in there, for us to find. Well, not us necessarily, I mean, it could have been anyone..." That thought seemed to stop the halfling a bit short, so to speak. After a brief hesitation, he continued "Would you, um, excuse me for a moment? I need to try to find that stone."

With that, the young man traced the line back from where he was, past the group, and looked for a sign of impact in the snow some fifty or sixty feet beyond the felled creatures.

2018-01-20, 01:01 AM
Vilgeirr walked up to the door of the carriage looking at the broken spear *** improvised lock. Frowning he asks as much to himself as the others, "Who would bar the door from the outside if their purpose was to attack the carriage and it's occupants? It's not as if it would keep the attackers out."

A roll of his broad shoulder hefted the heavy oaken shield into place while he drew his falcata. "Little man, your assistance again, if you please. Someone barred this door to keep something in, but we must inspect the interior to be certain the lady is not still here." Nodding his head to Shira he indicates the place beside him, "Öxukona, if you stand beside me, I can extend the protection of my shield to you if needed just as in the skjöldur veggur."

Öxukona = Axe maiden
skjöldur veggur = shield wall

AC 19; HP 13/13; Init +2; Speed 20' (medium armour); Perception +1
F +5; R +2; W+1
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1
Throwing Axes 4/4

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-20, 11:17 AM
”Just a minute” Dorrin whispered loudly as he burrowed through the snow, having found the missing sling bullet. He shook the snow off the rock and his hands before dropping it back in his pouch.

“The purpose was to keep them in, so they wouldn’t wander off. So they’d be here to kill whoever opened it” Dorrin explained patiently. ”It’s barred from the outside, not inside. Still, can’t be too careful. On three?”. He grasped the end of the spear, preparing to pull it and scurry away.

Dark Hawk799
2018-01-20, 12:22 PM
Shira moves to be standing next to Vilgeirr, drawing both her axes. "Any foul undead in this carriage shall be no match for us."

2018-01-20, 12:26 PM
"Don't some of those just, happen?" Kira asks, as she carefully taps another shot's worth of black powder into her weapon. "You know, can't stay all dead because of how they died." She readies another shot and takes up position to fire on whatever's in the carriage itself.

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-20, 01:49 PM
”Sometimes, yes, but not these” Dorrin replies. ”you’re thinking ghosts, haunts, that sort of thing. These are just sort of husks of dead people with a little kick of pure evil energy to keep them moving, and eating. No, I’m pretty sure these aren’t an accident. Anyway, here we go. One, two... and on the next beat, Dorrin yanked the broken spear loose and scrambled away.

2018-01-21, 05:35 PM
The carriage is silent, but sadly not empty as you realise when a wave of stench washes over you as you open the doors. Several more bodies are thrown inside, all missing various parts and starting to decompose. The carriage itself appears ransacked, as drawers are opened and thrown around and the seats are torn open.

2018-01-22, 12:19 AM
"Great," Kira says, lowering her musket after a moment. "Looks like these ones won't be getting up."

2018-01-22, 01:38 AM
"And that is the only good of it." The viking mutters as relaxes and sheathes his falcata. "I will pull out what is in there so we may identify who is here and try to account for everyone. Perhaps there will even be the bodies of any slain attackers so that we might convey the knowledge to those who will come asking."

Taking a step back, he sets his shield on end in the snow to keep it handy and shrugs out of his pack, setting it next to the shield. Taking a deep breath before stepping back up, he reaches in and pulls out the nearest body, or part thereof, moving it away to keep his work area clear before returning for another.

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-22, 12:13 PM
"You do that" Dorrin said, turning reflexively from the stench and decay as he backed away. "I'll, uh, go check out some of the other wreckage, see if there's any other clues around, somewhere else. Sounds like you have this under control."

The halfling turned, making a retching sound as he doubled over briefly, and began to sift through some of the debris around the statue, looking for clues.

Dunno if there's anything else to be found around the camp, but this seems like a great spot to take 20 on perception checks all around.

2018-01-24, 05:38 PM
((Those who actually get in the carriage, give me a perception check please))

2018-01-25, 12:49 AM
Just posted in OOC and don't want to double post, so just making the perception check here.

Perception check: [roll0]
As it should be.

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-25, 10:40 AM
Dorrin pondered the frozen man-statue for a moment, then began gathering bits of wood and sticks into a decent bundle, placing them a few feet upwind. "When you're done over there, come take a look at this" he called out to the group. "Someone went to a lot of trouble with this sword; it's not magical but it's not the sort of thing you just have on the front rack at the shop, you know? Plus we can't very well leave him like this."

Reasonably satisfied that the bundle of twigs and larger sticks was arranged into something resembling a decent campfire, he rubbed his hands together and snapped his fingers, a lick of flame springing to life on one of the twigs in the center of the bundle.

I'll use Spark (assuming these freezing temperatures and snow counts as cold terrain!) to start a fire near this guy to try to thaw him out. I'll take 10 on a Survival roll (11) to hopefully make a competent fire.

2018-01-26, 07:46 PM
Drayen sets up at his thankless task, despite the stench that makes his eyes water.Dorrin's efforts are evenually rewarded as despite the now regularly falling snow, the fire eventually catches and the ice on the body begins to thaw.

2018-01-27, 11:21 AM
"Cold's probably a boon there," Kira says, watching as Vilgeirr begins, eventually joining him despite the nature of the task. The difference between freshly-killed and rotten corpses is made abundantly clear by how worse the latter are, and Kira is glad that the cold has numbed her nose and filled it with enough mucus to at least take the edge off.

2018-01-30, 06:08 PM
As the carriage gets emptied, you notice a rough-edged hole in the back, leading to the trunk from where the zombies fell out.Other than that and some other damage to the upholstery, you do not notice anything particular about the carriage as you are dragging the corpses out in the clearing on a growing pile. Dorrin's fire grows slowly - it may be a while until you get get the ice off the man and his shattered hand. The bodies, by their clothes are mostly various hangers-on, with no signs of wearing armor or carrying serious weaponry. They appear to have been hacked or stabbed multiple times haphazardly.

2018-01-31, 03:37 AM
"Well, news. She's not amongst these bodies. Someone should search inside the carriage." Vilgeirr calls out to his fellows as he eyes the pile of bodies gauging how best to quickly return them to their place of origin.

Stelio Kontos
2018-01-31, 10:52 AM
"I suppose I can help with that if you want" Dorrin said, rubbing his hands together by the fire. "You go ahead and get warmed up, keep the fire going."

Seeing Vilgeirr's look at the bodies, he suggested "when we're ready to go, we'll have to burn them I think. We can't bury them, ground will be frozen solid. Start gathering some more wood, we'll need a big fire for that."

With that, Dorrin poked his head inside the now corpse-free carriage and began to have a thorough look around. He had nothing but time.

Since Vilgeirr asked, I'll take 20 on Perception in there, because why not. It'll take a few minutes, but it's not like we're going anywhere.

2018-02-01, 05:12 AM
The northerner grunted in response to the halfling's supposition, "Ground shouldn't freeze solid in two days, but seeing as we didn't bring picks and spades, it's a moot point. Big fire means big smoke. Be seen for many miles. Might be best just to return them to the box until we come back or send the villagers to handle it once we return."

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-01, 03:52 PM
"I don't think that's a good idea, leaving them to get eaten by animals or ... well, worse. What if whoever left the zombies for us happens back and does it again?"

2018-02-01, 04:37 PM
"I'm fairly certain the idea is to go kill whoever made the zombies, and not let them wander back around," Kira says. "And...have you burned a body before? I wouldn't want to do it like this," she continues, nodding towards the small fire and their surroundings. "I say we leave this for now, kill the folks who did it, rescue the lady, then come back for a burial. Who knows, maybe their spirits will rest easier knowing we axed whoever did them in?"

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-01, 04:58 PM
Dorrin stuck his head back out of the carriage to continue the conversation.

"No, I'm not a mortician or a Pharasman, I'm not going to insist on anything. It just that -- well, why did you take them out of the carriage in the first place if the plan was to end up putting them back in here?"

2018-02-02, 01:38 AM
The Ulfen looked back to the halfling, "My purpose was as I said, the ensure that the noblewoman was not amongst the bodies. Only way to be certain was to pull them out so we knew nothing was hidden in the bottom of the pile. By nothing, that means no other clues are there.
Speaking of which, how goes your search?"

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-05, 01:18 PM
"Very... hmm. Very well actually!" Dorrin exclaimed, slipping an arm underneath one of the carriage seats and emerging a few seconds later with a what appeared to be a jewelry box of some kind. He opened it and whistled. "I bet someone will be missing these!" he crowed, before continuing a bit more solemnly "unless she's dead, I suppose."

He began fishing through the box and pulled out one piece after another and set them on the not-bloody parts of the seat as best he could. By the time he was finished he had laid out a signet ring, a pair of earrings, a set of pearl-inlaid bracelets, assorted gold and silver necklaces and one sapphire pendant. "And that's all of it. Quite the lover of the fineries, I suppose. No idea what it's worth but I bet it's a lot. Who wants to carry it?"

Appraise: [roll0] Edit: clearly it's worth "a lot".

2018-02-05, 03:24 PM
Kira steps forwards. "I can keep hold of it until we find the lady," she says, already half-unslinging her backpack to put the jewelry (once it has been re-boxed) in.

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-06, 10:49 AM
"Fine with me" Dorrin replies, scooping the jewelry up and carefully placing it back in its container. "Here you go. Now, let's tend to the fire?"

2018-02-06, 03:27 PM
The ice melts unnaturally slowly, but eventually the body and the guard's sword-arm are free.

As you walk along the trail, heading deeper in the Border Wood proper, the weather continues to sour. The snow continues to grow stronger, and soon it becomes difficult to see too far between the trees. At the same time, the chill in the air grows as well, biting at any exposed skin.Perhaps to your surprise, it is Dorin that takes the lead as he navigates the trail in the white-covered forest. At times, you wonder if this is indeed the way, but every now and then you notice signs that the path has been used recently. Around a mile and a half in, you enjoy a short break in the near-constant treeline as the trail passes through a small clearing among the taller trees before contuing uphill and out of sight. What Dorrin does notice, however, is that half-buried in the snow at the side of the road lies a fairly large chest, apparently unceremoniously dropped by those who had come this way before.

The weather is sufficiently bad that the following rules are in effect:
Cold: Temperatures in the zone are a few degrees below freezing during the day, dropping to about 10 Fahrenheit at night. Every hour spent in the wintry conditions requires a Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 per previous check) to avoid taking id6 points of nonlethal damage. Those who have taken nonlethal damage from exposure suffer from hypothermia (treat as fatigued), and if this condition is not remedied, they will eventually from frostbite.

Snow: Falling snow has the same effects on visibility, ranged weapon attacks, and skill checks as rain (reduces visibility ranges by half, resulting in a –4 penalty on Perception checks), and it costs 2 squares of movement to enter a snow-covered square. In the current snow cover, overland movement speed is halved.

Also, now is a very good time to roll one of those fortitude saves to resist the cold. Don't forget any bonuses you might have from trait or equipment!


Stelio Kontos
2018-02-06, 03:48 PM
"It's getting more than a little bit chilly here" Dorrin remarked idly. He closed his eyes for a moment, seemingly searching his memory for some tidbit of information, before remarking with equal idleness "There, that's better." He then closed his eyes again, spinning slowly in place and coming to a halt facing perpendicular to the path, opening his eyes and pointing straight ahead. "That's north, so that means we've been walking generally east, in case we get lost later."

He removed his gloves and a bit of his outer clothing, with seemingly little care for the biting cold and wind as he cracked his knuckles in anticipation ,cracking a wry smile. "Now, let's see about that chest shall we? Unless anyone else wants to have at it. Doesn't look big enough to be holding more than five or six me-sized zombies, I'm sure it'll be fine."

2018-02-06, 04:24 PM
Kira, making sure to properly protect herself from the cold, follows with Lyubimaya Sestra loaded and at the ready. One could never be too careful in the wilderness, after all. Sweeping her eyes over the snow, she pauses as Dorrin points out and approaches the chest. "Don't," she says. "It's a trap. Ignore it, and anything like it."

After a moment, Kira shrugs. "If you're really interested, we should at least check it thoroughly first, and disperse. If the chest explodes or hexes everyone close to it, I'd rather only one of us die than everyone at once."

Basically, Kira is saying "if you want to look at it that bad, at least Take 20 on a Perception check first", because this smells like a classic baited trap.

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-06, 04:36 PM
Dorrin shrugged. "I'm sure it's fine, but yes, sure, let's take a look before we crack it open. Can't be too careful, I suppose. Hide behind "

He gently brushed the snow off the top of the chest and gave it a thorough examination.

Sure, why not, I'll take 20 on Perception.

2018-02-08, 02:36 AM
Vilgeirr trudges through the ever increasing snow fall like he's never seen such a thing before. Shivering, he quietly hopes his fellows do not see how thin-blooded he has become in his two years living amongst the southerners.

At the appearance of the chest and the halfling's interest in opening it, the Ulfen shrugs his shoulders. "As you will, little man. I, too, will remain afar back."

Survival [roll0]

AC 19; HP 13/13; Init +2; Speed 20' (medium armour); Perception +1
F +5; R +2; W+1
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1
Throwing Axes 4/4

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-08, 08:30 AM
"Well, that's not very sporting" Dorrin remarked with a frown, gently running his hand along a rope half-buried in the snow, tracing the line along the ground until it snaked up a tree, tied to a number of spiked logs. "Well, would you look at that. Score one point for Miss Kira."

"Right. Well. Two options, I think. Well, three really. First one is we can just leave it there, but that's no fun at all, and someone else could get hurt by it. So that's out. Second one is we spring it and run really fast. Third one is we figure out how to disable it safely. Maybe if we... hmm. I mean, really, who would do such a thing?"

He considered the matter for a little while, murmuring to himself "no, can't cut the rope, that will bring them down, can't run fast enough...aha, that might...yeah, that's not bad!"

"Okay, you might want to stand way, way back for this, but I've got an idea. If this goes bad, please do pick up the pieces of me you can find and put them in a sack." He dug into his pack, pulling out a neatly wound ball of string. He very carefully knotted one end of the string around the rope, wheeling the string out from the spool as he slowly backed a good forty feet away. "Now, one good yank should bring it down. I think. Anyone want to do the honors?"

2018-02-09, 02:40 AM
The viking, giving an involuntary shudder, points out, "Won't that hit the chest when it comes down?"

2018-02-09, 02:49 AM
Kira shrugs. "If it does, then there's nothing in it," she says. If there are no further objections, she'll take the string and give it a good yank.

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-09, 01:20 PM
Dorrin quipped in response to Vilgeirr "well, that will save time in opening it at least?"

2018-02-10, 03:50 AM
Vilgeirr gave a non-committal shrug and waited with his heavy oaken shield at the ready.

2018-02-10, 03:50 PM
The thin thread snaps and over a dozen large, gnarled logs crash over and around the chest, many of them barrelling down the path. When Dorrin approaches again,he notices that one of the logs has split the chest right through... but he catches the glitter of metal underneath.

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-10, 08:33 PM
Dorrin gave a gleeful whoop followed by a cackle as the bundle of logs came crashing down, arms wide open with joy. "Ha! Man, look at that chest would you? You'd been standing there Kira, you'd have been looking up at me!"

Giving the trees a quick scan to make sure it was safe, he strode forward toward the chest. "Don't suppose you want to set it up again for me? That was a fun one! Hey, looks like we got something here after all."

Still with a broad grin on his face, he began to pick carefully through what was left of the chest to examine what was underneath.

Uh, perception [roll0] I guess, if there's anything that needs to be perceived. Obviously will take whatever time needed to pick through the rubble to get to the shiny bits.

2018-02-11, 04:59 AM
Kira smiles at Dorrin's reaction to the trap's springing. "Maybe once we're done," she says, approaching the now-chestless spot with some curiosity. Now, setting another trap made sense - after all, if you could decimate anyone trying to come and find the lady before they got anywhere near your camp, or just kill enough people to avoid a fight entirely, it made sense to set some up. But trapping a chest, on top of something actually valuable? It seemed odd. "Who leaves their things under a trapped chest?" She wonders to herself, scanning the trees for any additional traps that may have been set.

Perception: [roll0]

Because layered traps is a possibility.

2018-02-12, 12:51 AM
The Ulfen shivered as the logs came crashing down the trail. Once the cacophony ended, he followed his companions to inspect the sundered chest and it's contents. "If we had to pull the string to break it, would not it have been easier,
and much more quiet, to just simply push the chest toward the logs?"

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-12, 10:21 AM
Dorrin briefly gave Vilgeirr a look usually reserved for those accused of cannibalism or necromancy. "Well, first of all, the time for that would have been about three minutes ago. Second, that would have involved standing under the logs, which as you've seen could have been a very poor life choice. And third, and most importantly, this way was much much more fun." He couldn't help breaking into a broad grin at the last, before he turned serious again.

"Hey, are you OK? It's pretty chilly out here. The alchemist lady gave me a few things that will help if you're too cold, just let me know. There's a fine line between machismo and losing some fingers, and I'd rather you stayed on the right side of it." He tapped the pack on his back with his ungloved hands as he spoke.

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-12, 03:24 PM
Dorrin removed the splinters of chest, revealing a stash of weapons and armor beneath it. "Hunh" he shrugged. "Guess there was probably a less fun way to disarm it, since they would have needed it. Oh well! Hey, couple of these look pretty nice."

He started pulling out items one by one, digging further and further into the hole that had been dug beneath the chest, setting a dagger and a chain shirt to the side as he grunted while lifting out some of the heavier pieces. "You said something about cold iron, right? Anyone got a crossbow?"

The stash of stuff consists of: three sets of leather armor, three sets of studded leather armor, a masterwork chain shirt, two light wooden shields, five longswords, two spears, a masterwork dagger, and three light crossbows with a total of 30 bolts - 24 regular and 6 cold iron

2018-02-12, 05:26 PM
Approaching the uncovered gear, Kira gives it all an appraising look. "Weird place to put your wardrobe," she comments. "Oh, I can melt those down. Get some cold iron bullets," she adds when Dorrin brings those up, patting Lyubimaya Sestra. "Do we carry it all in, or leave it for later?"

2018-02-13, 06:07 AM
Vilgeirr nods at the halfling's words, "Maybe if it doesn't get better." Looking at the items that are dragged out of the wreckage of the chest, the young Ulfen points to a couple of the items, "That dagger and the chain shirt are very finely made.
Someone should take them. Of the rest, I cannot carry it all, but I can carry the studded leathers,
the swords and the crossbows. The shields are flimsy and would not hold up in a wall. The spears are heavy and the crossbows are better at range. Of course, we take the bolts. Worry about melting them down if we make camp, otherwise we should each carry one with the cold iron bolts readied in case we encounter any of the kaldlyndur feigur.

Vilgeirr shrugs out of his backpack, sets it on the snow and begins stuffing in the armour and swords. "Well, who will wear the chain and dagger?"

2018-02-13, 09:30 AM
"I can take the knife, but the chain is too heavy," Kira says after picking it up, with clear disappointment. "Unless we have someone carrying my drinks and extra powder," she continues, patting her backpack and some of the variety of things hanging off her belt.

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-13, 10:10 AM
"Not really my size" Dorrin said, a bit wistfully. "They're beautiful pieces though, would look spectacular mounted above a mantle. We really should bring them along if it's at all possible." (He said that last in a tone that clearly indicated that 'we' actually meant 'someone else'.)

2018-02-14, 01:14 AM
"We are in debt to those villagers and this gear helps to pay it back. One of you pick it up and put it in your pack. If you suddenly need to move faster, drop your pack." The viking intoned.

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-15, 11:58 AM
"Sure, why not" the halfling said, picking up the armor and rolling it up as tightly as he could, and using the string to wrap and secure it as tightly as possible. "No chance this fits inside the pack" he remarked, using the string to secure it as best he could to the back of his pack. "Let's go, I guess", and he set off, very top-heavy and at a reduced pace, down the trail.

2018-02-15, 12:55 PM
"I don't think we need to take it now," Kira says, taking the knife but nothing else, though she doesn't offer complaints and seems ready to follow further into the woods.

2018-02-20, 06:09 PM
You pick up the pace again as you head deeper along the trail. The snow becomes increasingly deep in this part of the forest as you reach a windswept gully with thick snowdrifts that seems to carve a path through a tree-covered ridge. Ahead of you, a branch over-laden with snow breaks, the crack followed by a hiss as a small pile of snow falls on the ground.

Kira notices that despite the new snow, there are remaining tracks of people travelling this way recently, but it's hard to tell how many or just when. As Dorrin's sharp halfling eyes dart towards the broken bough, they narrow further.

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-21, 09:51 PM
"Hold it" Dorrin whispered, halting his steps suddenly. He nodded in the direction of what appeared to be a snow bank. "Something over there."

"yellow-eyes, green-scales, on a tree; vyper, raptor, what you'll be?" he wondered aloud, breaking into an unexpected bit of rhyme and nodding along to an unspoken beat. "Tatzlwyrm, that's what you be."

"This would be an excellent time for you to stand in front of me with large sharp objects, if you don't mind..." he whispered, loosing the heavy pack from his back and lowering it as quietly as he could to the ground.

2018-02-22, 12:45 AM
At the halfling's words, Vilgeirr shrugged out of the straps of his own heavy backpack to let it fall to the snow with a heavy thud. Taking up his shield and drawing his falcata, the northerner rolled his shoulders in preparation for another fight. "Wyrm you say? Then by all means, step back.
It is the life-long dream for a man to kill a wyrm in single combat. I lay claim to this kill." He bangs the pommel of his sword on his shield, attempting to draw out the green scaled creature that Dorrin spotted.

2018-02-22, 09:48 AM
"Well," Kira says, musket in her hands. "I won't be the one to steal someone's kill. If you'd like help after all, just say something like 'by the gods, my face' or 'help, it's eating my eyes'."

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-23, 01:04 PM
"Vilgeirr, you have very strange life long dreams. But sure, uh, best of luck to you, and please do scream incoherently should you require assistance."

Dorrin gave Kira a quick nod of his head, himself shifting a bit to the side so as to have a clear shot at the snow bank.

2018-02-23, 07:53 PM
As you talk, eyeing the suspiciously serpentine sessile snowdrift, you can hear voices somewhere behind you. They seem to be in Taldane, and strangely enough, do not belong to bandits.

(lady and gentleman, describe yourself)

2018-02-24, 10:23 AM
From behind the group they can hear heavy breathing in tune with one of the footsteps, and soon see a pale halfling in winter gear trying his best to traverse the snow while shielding his eyes. He seems to take a moment to notice the group in front of him, then finally stops and falls back against the snow to catch his breath. "This snow . . . is too deep . . . and too bright. How do people put up with this miserable weather?" He says more to himself than the group. "You're . . . the ones . . . investigating this strange winter . . . right?"

2018-02-24, 01:54 PM
Along with the Halfling, there is another set of steps close to him. This one sounds different than normal steps, more like skis than anything else. And there's a different voice to go with it as well. Very different. Feminine, playful, confident. "Oh, you just have to a healthy body, like I do, and the cold won't bother you. Well, alright, the magic helps a bit too."

When the pair catches up, the group sees a great contrast from the Halfling. Unlike the Halfling, this tall, leggy human woman is definitely NOT in winter gear (except for the strange, ski-like "shoes" she wears). In fact, no one here thought that the village of Heldren has a brothel, but with the appearance of this woman with flame-red hair, perhaps now you're not so sure. Besides those snow shoes, this extremely curvaceous woman sports only a hooded "robe" that doesn't close all the way in the front, baring...many things. She doesn't seem to be affected by the strange weather at all. "Hello there, you all look like capable sorts, but if my instincts are correct, you're about to tangle with the forces of the cruel winter fey and maybe worse. I'm a local, but I've had run ins with northern fey before, and I can be your guide on such matter. I'm Анастасия, but if that's too hard for you to pronounce, you can call me Anastasiya."

2018-02-24, 02:58 PM
At the first sign of voices from behind, Kira turns to ready Lyubimaya Sestra against a potential new threat. The arrival of the halfling, however, seems to calm her, and her weapon is politely pointed away from the new arrivals. "Actually, we - " then she steps, as the second arrival appears. For a moment, she's silent. "Ана...Анастасия," she says, speaking the name without much of an accent.

"I'd let you guide me anywhere," Kira continues with a smile, and slings her firearm over her shoulder with some care. "A hand-kiss is traditional around here, isn't it? I'm Kira, Nyetesky." As she speaks, she steps forwards, doing a half-kneel and kissing Анастасия's hand if she allows it.

2018-02-24, 09:15 PM
Attention focused for the slightest sound or movement, the hulking Ulfen ignores the voices behind him.

Perception [roll0]

Stelio Kontos
2018-02-25, 12:46 AM
Dorrin turned his head briefly, giving a "Ssshhhhh!" as he turned his attention back to the snow drift. He then turned back again, eyebrow raised, trying to keep his attention at least partially on the danger.

2018-02-25, 05:10 AM
The former witch-on-training smiles and does extend a hand to allow it to be kissed. However, she refrains from saying anything more for the time being, as apparently stealth is needed right now. Anastasiya gives the pretty gunner a questioning look, wondering what's going on.

2018-02-25, 05:14 PM
"Spotted a beastie," Kira whispers, returning to her full height and bringing her musket back into her hands. Her tone makes it clear that, to her, this is all the explanation required to explain the need for quiet. "He's going to be taking it down on his own, some tradition."

2018-02-25, 05:48 PM
A sudden gust of biting cold wind passes through the forest, and the snow from many branches is blown away into the drifts below. This happens with the tree Dorrin points towards as several big lumps of snow plop down. For a moment, Vilgeirr gets the feeling that some of them did have weird shapes - or maybe the snow the wind blows across the forest is playing tricks on him.

2018-02-25, 07:00 PM
Vilgeirr wasn't sure it wasn't a trick of the light, but he centered his attention on the odd lumps of snow anyway as they were all he had to go on.

I can't really ready an action out of combat, but he's trying to anticipate the creature's attack and make a preemptive strike. You let me know when you want to get this party started.

2018-02-26, 02:51 AM
The sorceress is also ready, putting her hands close to each other in a way so she can begin casting quickly if need be.

Tradition for solo combat? How silly...

2018-02-28, 06:47 PM
Soon, you fall silent. Under the cover of snow and drifts as high as your waist - or, for some of you, your shoulders- you seem to think traces of a serpentine figure from nearly every direction. After about a dozen nerve-wracking seconds, one of the drifts explodes as a large reptile, at least 6 feet in size, leaps out. It has the body of a thick serpent, the head of a drake and two short arms ending in grasping claws. Maybe it's your imagination, but you get the feeling that there's a small cloud around its maw. It streaks towards Vilgeirr, throwing itself at him in a mad rush to bite and tear.

(Pounces at Vilgeirr, no surprise, no reaction either due to the missed perception checks
Rake 1: [roll0], damage Damage[roll1]
Rake 2:[roll2], damage Damage[roll3]
Bite w. grab if applicable: Attack [roll4], Damage[roll5]
Grab if the bite hits: [roll6] vs CMD

We are using group initiative, so you can react in whatever order you prefer.)

2018-03-01, 02:02 AM
The viking absorbed the tatzlwyrm's charge with his prepared stance, but even so, one of the draconic creature's claws managed to slip under the lip of his heavy oaken shield and drag down Vilgeirr's leg. Grimacing in pain, he slashed at the miniature linnorm with his antiquated blade.

Falcata melee attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical confirmation: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

Vilgeirr Ísleifson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1065497)
Human (Ulfen) Fighter (Viking) 1 NG
HP 6 (3) / 13 Speed ft Init 2
AC 18 Fort 5 Ref 2 Will 1
CMB +4 BAB 1
Falcata +4 (1d8+3, 19-20/x3)
Spiked heavy wooden shield +4 (1d6+4, x2)
Greatclub +4 (1d10+4, x2)
Throwing Axe +4/+3 (1d6+3, x2)
Str 16 (3) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 11 (0)
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1

Stelio Kontos
2018-03-01, 10:32 AM
"You got this Vilgeirr, don't let that wyrm take you down! Show him who's boss!" Dorrin cried out from behind the man, backing away slightly. As he did so, his sling went into motion, and he tried to time the stone flying through the air into the beast at a moment when the northerner's gaze would be shifted away...

Free: trash talk (not actually inspirational)
Swift: use a round of Archaeologist's Luck (+2 to attack and damage this round)
5 foot step: away, because duh
Attack: [roll0], damage [roll1]
Move: reload sling

2018-03-01, 09:01 PM
The explanation of Vilgeirr's desire for solo combat leave's Trallus' mind as soon as he sees the monster appear. Stumbling backwards, he stills himself briefly enough to stammer out an incantation. When the spell completes, the shadow of something sharp shoots away from Trallus, embedding itself into the tatzlwyrm's shadow.

Move ten feet away from the tatzlwyrm, then cast Shadow Trap on it.

On a failed will save (DC 15), the tatzlwyrm becomes entangled for 2 rounds, only able to move 5 feet away from where it was when the spell started. It can attempt another will save using a full-round action to try to end it early.

2018-03-02, 01:24 AM
Kira moves through the snow, levels her musket at the unusual creature, and then...waits.

Kira is going to change position and then ready an action, triggered by "the beastie lands a hit on Vilgeirr", so she can just interrupt any potentially lethal hits.

A: [roll0] touch
D: [roll1]

2018-03-02, 01:35 AM
The red sorceress merely repositions herself behind the Ulfen man and waits. "It's all yours, big boy. Kill it quickly. It's getting late enough that we should get back to town..."

MOVE to one square east of Vilgeirr on the map. Ready an action to use Burning Hands on the Tatzylwyrm if it actually attacks her. She aims it so she doesn't hit allies.

Fire Damage: [roll0] Reflex DC 16 for half.

2018-03-03, 06:51 PM
While both the falcata's blow and the stone manage to hit the beast, and Norseman draws some blood, it serves to do little more than anger the beast.The tatzlwyrm thrashes at Vilgeirr, but several of its attack don't find any purchase. One does, however, and a swipe of its seemingly short claw manages to find an unprotected spot at his shoulder. It rears up to leap again, but some force appears to hold it back and it barely moves a yard or or two, before it turns back to Vilgeirr and obliges his desire for a personal fight.

Standard action: attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Possible crit confirmation: Standard action: attack [roll2]
Grab if applicable: Standard action: attack [roll]1d20+9/roll]

2018-03-04, 12:13 AM
Marveling at his luck thus far in battling the wyrm, Vilgeirr agains strikes out at the winter creature with his falcata.

Falcata melee attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical confirmation: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

Vilgeirr Ísleifson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1065497)
Human (Ulfen) Fighter (Viking) 1 NG
HP 6 (3) / 13 Speed ft Init 2
AC 18 Fort 5 Ref 2 Will 1
CMB +4 BAB 1
Falcata +4 (1d8+3, 19-20/x3)
Spiked heavy wooden shield +4 (1d6+4, x2)
Greatclub +4 (1d10+4, x2)
Throwing Axe +4/+3 (1d6+3, x2)
Str 16 (3) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 11 (0)
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1

2018-03-04, 08:22 PM
Анастасия grins in amusement as the two primary combatants continue to flail about in failure. "The faster you kill the wyrm, the faster we can have wyrm soup tonight!"

Same readied action as last time.
Fire Damage: [roll0] Reflex DC 16 for half.

Stelio Kontos
2018-03-05, 12:57 PM
Dorrin's eyes narrowed; that wasn't supposed to happen. "Okay... yeah, you take it on yourself, I'm going to get a head start" he muttered, clambering through the snow away from the beast while trying to think of any particular details or tidbits he might have heard about this snowy wyrm that could be useful...

Withdraw as full round action, as I don't want to be next to this thing. Put me basically at the intersection of Kira and Trallus on the map (so three squares over, two squares up)

Knowledge check: [roll0] , plus applicable bonus (Arcana 7, Geography and Local 8, everything else 3. Bardic knowledge so I count as trained.

2018-03-08, 01:41 AM
Kira does what she did before.

Same as before.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2018-03-08, 08:10 AM
Trallus nervously fumbles for his crossbow as he notices the fight drag on. He takes a shot at the monster with the small weapon in hopes he can hasten its death.

Move: Draw light crossbow
Standard: Shoot at the monster

Attack: [roll0] accounting for likely dazzling from light exposure.
Damage: [roll1]

2018-03-08, 05:22 PM
Vilgeirr and his draconic foe battle it out in a flurry of attacks, neither being able to land a decisive blow through the protection of the other. In the chaos and the flurry of white, Trallus' bolt hits Vilgeirr's mail, but safely plinks off it. Still more angered than hurt, the Tatzlwyrm focuses on the nemesis in front of it.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Crit confirmation if any:[roll2]
Grab roll:[roll4] vs CMD

Note that Vilgeirr is still fatigued from the frost

2018-03-08, 05:39 PM
Kira holds and keeps her weapon on the target.


A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2018-03-09, 02:37 AM
Yep. I've been taking that into account in my attacks. I actually accounted for it too much in my first attack thinking it was a -2 to attacks instead of a -2 STR and DEX.

Vilgeirr doesn't even notice the errant bullet skitter across his side as the dragon-kin presses it's attack. The flashing claws and snapping maw require his full focus as he tries to find an opening against it.

Falcata melee attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical confirmation: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

Vilgeirr Ísleifson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1065497)
Human (Ulfen) Fighter (Viking) 1 NG
HP 6 (3) / 13 Speed ft Init 2
AC 18 Fort 5 Ref 2 Will 1
CMB +4 BAB 1
Falcata +4 (1d8+3, 19-20/x3)
Spiked heavy wooden shield +4 (1d6+4, x2)
Greatclub +4 (1d10+4, x2)
Throwing Axe +4/+3 (1d6+3, x2)
Str 16 (3) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 11 (0)
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1

Stelio Kontos
2018-03-09, 10:37 AM
Now at a safe(r) distance from the beast, and having had a chance to collect his thoughts, Dorrin loaded another bullet into his sling, and let fire.

Standard: fire bullet, with Archaeologist's Luck included. (Note to self: check back on how much of this I've used. I have at least a couple left though.)
Rolls -- Attack: [roll0], damage [roll1]
Move: load sling

2018-03-10, 04:20 PM
Anna eyes her own light crossbow, and takes it into her hands. Still, she is ready to spew fire if need be.

wield her crossbow. Then ready action to blast the enemy with fire if the enemy tries to attack her.
Fire Damage: [roll0] Reflex DC 16 for half.

2018-03-13, 04:10 PM
The fight continues, Vilgeirr and the drake trading blows. If the tatzlwyrm shows any indication that its strength is waning, it does not show it and still lunges at Vilgeirr enraged.

No movement
Standard action: attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Possible crit confirmation: [roll2]
Possible critical damage:[roll3]
Grab if applicable: Standard action: attack [roll4]

2018-03-13, 04:19 PM
Kira holds and keeps her weapon on the target.


A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2018-03-14, 12:32 AM
Vilgeirr growls his frustration at his missing and launches another attack on the miniature linnorm.

Falcata melee attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical confirmation: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

Vilgeirr Ísleifson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1065497)
Human (Ulfen) Fighter (Viking) 1 NG
HP 6 (3) / 13 Speed ft Init 2
AC 18 Fort 5 Ref 2 Will 1
CMB +4 BAB 1
Falcata +4 (1d8+3, 19-20/x3)
Spiked heavy wooden shield +4 (1d6+4, x2)
Greatclub +4 (1d10+4, x2)
Throwing Axe +4/+3 (1d6+3, x2)
Str 16 (3) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 11 (0)
Combat Stamina 3/3
Shield Bearer 1/1

Stelio Kontos
2018-03-15, 02:02 PM
The sling bullets apparently proving ineffective, Dorrin pocketed his sling and drew his pencil-sized rapier, hoping that it wouldn't rust in the snow before there was a need to use it.

holster sling, draw rapier I guess

2018-03-17, 07:50 PM
Anastasiya is now annoyed at this slap-fest, and steps to the side in order to get a clear shot. "PLAY TIME'S OVER!" Red-hot fire from her outstretched fingertips sprays towards the mini-dragon, hopefully slagging it.

Анастасия / Anastasiya (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1085531)
F CN Human Sorcerer, Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed 30
AC 12, Touch 12, Flat-footed 10, CMD 10, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 1, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Burning hands CL3 Reflex save DC16 (3d4+6 Fire, )
Light Crossbow (Bolts x20) +2 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 18
Condition Endure Elements

Cast Burning Hands. DC16 Reflex save for half.

2018-03-18, 12:12 PM
Trallus is relieved to see the blast of fire engulf the creature, but he reloads his crossbow and takes aim just in case it's still alive.

Move: Reload crossbow
Ready action: Shoot at the wyrm if it survives the others' attacks.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2018-03-18, 03:35 PM
A torrent of fire leaps out of the sorceress' fingers. The tatzlwyrm is too absorbed in fighting off its enemy to react in time, and gives out a sickening screech as its white scales are seared, many flaring into embers. Its leaps away, coiling and shuddering in the snow, writhing in agony. All you see in its beady eyes is horrible pain.

2018-03-18, 05:05 PM
As the rush of fire comes from Anastasiya, Kira almost flinches, glad she's a good distance away from the effect. "Wasn't me!" She says, as the beast falls over.

2018-03-19, 01:52 AM
Vilgeirr rears back as the fan of flames envelops the white wyrm. Seeing his foe lay writhing in agony at his feet, the large Ulfen turns to face the one who interfered in his quest. Murderous fury in his eyes, he just manages to control his rage to demand, "Hver þorir?"

Hver þorir? = Who dares?

Stelio Kontos
2018-03-19, 09:42 AM
"I've no idea what 'hver þorir' means" Dorrin replied with a broad smile, walking up nonchalantly to Vilgeirr. "but anyway, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have counted, since I'm the one who spotted it first. But I just want you to know that I forgive you for trying to horn in on my kill. At least you got some good practice in. Now, are you injured enough to need my last bit of healing magic, or would you prefer to let it scar up for a while first?

"Anyway, we're all a bit on edge, it's starting to get late, and it's pretty chilly. Perhaps we should set up a camp for the night, or head back to town and get a few drinks? I really don't care which..." he trailed off, scanning the melted ground for his sling bullets.

2018-03-19, 09:43 AM
Anastasiya just blinks as the Ulfen roars. She pretend to not understand Skald, giving more time for the warrior to calm down.

“Anyone know what he said?”

2018-03-19, 06:23 PM
Trallus stumbles back into the snow when Vilgeirr makes his angry response, then pipes in. "What's important is that we survived!" He shouts in attempt to defuse the situation as he gets back to his feet. "Whatever gripes you might have can be resolved over ale in a warm tavern once we're done with this mess." Finally, he turns to Dorrin. "If your magic supply is strained, you can just ask me to take up the burden. I'm able to supply limited magical healing as well."

2018-03-20, 06:59 AM
Chest heaving, steaming breath like a forge bellows, he looks down at the half-man, slowly registering the small folk's words before looking at the wounds along his legs and body. "Já,
these are wounds worthy of healing. Thank you, Dorrin."

Stelio Kontos
2018-03-21, 11:23 AM
'You're quite welcome" Dorrin replied, heaving a sigh of relief at not tasting the bite of a falcata, before turning to Trallus. "Maybe it would be better if you did it? That way, if we should run into another of these, and it it eats you, then I can do something about it, and the reciprocal arrangement the other way of course?"

2018-03-22, 11:27 PM
Ana roll her eyes, chants a quick incantation, and touches the Ulfen warrior. He soon feels invigorated, his wounds closing in real time. "So, I think you're about to get frostbite. Shall we head back, get provisions like you know...snow shoes? And then head back this way tomorrow?"

Apparently this mage can offer healing as well.

Cast Inferno Healing. Vilgeirr gains Fast Healing for 10 rounds

2018-03-26, 04:49 PM
You head back to Heldren, trying to make sure you are out of the frozen forest by sunset. The snow obscures your tracks somewhat, and you could swear there are voices in the whistling noises on the wind. Or... some sort of noises, at least - always just weak enough so you cannot be sure, yet there. You find yourselves turning back every so often, as if subconsciously expecting something to be there, even as you try to hurry to get back on the main road.

Perception and survival for anyone so inclined, if you cannot do it in the next few hours I will be rolling from your sheets when I am home

2018-03-30, 03:52 PM
On the way back, Kira stops, holding up a hand for a moment as she frowns, looking off into the underbrush. Then she grins, and pulls Lyubimaya Sestra over her shoulder and into her hands. "Stay quiet. Sounds like we've got dinner coming," she says with a grin. Lowering herself as well as she can, Kira sneaks forwards only to suddenly rise to her full height, aim and fire. However, instead of the normal crack and burst of smoke, there's a click, then a moment's pause before the weapon lurches to the side, vomiting forth a large puff of smoke and sending a ball of lead into the snow.

So Kira is going to alert the others, then sneak up 20 feet closer to the thing she's spotted and fire on it for that wonderful (hopefully) flat-footed touch AC attack.

Stealth: [roll0]

A: [roll1]
D: [roll2]

Stelio Kontos
2018-04-01, 10:59 AM
Dorrin scrambled, pulling both at his rapier and sling while scanning the area futilely for any threat. "Where is it? WHAT is it?" he shouted, as Kira's blast had clearly eliminated any concept of the element of surprise.

2018-04-01, 05:35 PM
After a few hearbeats, movement in the snow shows the rest of you what Kira appears to have aimed at - a wide, low silhouette heads your way through the undergrowth, wading quickly through the thick snow. It appears to be a large boar, looking around and smelling the air. In nearly the last second before crashes out of the underbrush, its head tilts your way and it snorts with an ornery air.

((you are first, the boar has soft cover because of the undergrowth, and is at 20 feet away))

2018-04-02, 01:46 AM
Muttering obscenities, Kira rapidly shifts Lyubimaya Sestra to one hand and stuffs the ramrod down the barrel, rapidly making scrubbing motions with it for a few moments before removing it, tapping the side of the weapon, nodding and then reloading it.

Almost thought I was stuck using a dagger again, but then I remembered Gunslingers have Quick Clear to make a misfire not just disable your main weapon for the entire combat. So, using Quick Clear to remove the Broken condition and spending a Grit point to make it a Move action, then reloading as a Standard.

2018-04-03, 01:37 AM
The sorceress steps forward, and decides to have roast boar for dinner! “Boys, it looks like dinner is delivered tonight! After I lightly sear it, be so kind as to carve it into serving portions would you?”. Flames once again shoot out from her fingertips, immolating the pig!

Move to 15ft of the boar. Cast burning hands.
[roll0] DC16 reflex for half.

Stelio Kontos
2018-04-03, 01:03 PM
"Yes, that. Do more of that, please" Dorrin quipped, ducking behind the front line while deciding that his sling would again be the weapon of choice.

Move to behind the person shooting flames out of their hands, sling is readied per earlier post, sheath rapier. I'm, uh, not great at the first round of combat. or any of the other ones really

2018-04-04, 03:06 AM
In the wake of the sheet of flames issuing forth from the woman's hands, the Ulfen moves to present a target to the boar and attack it should it still be standing. He draws his falcata on the move and slashes down at the beast.

Falcata melee attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Critical confirmation [roll2]
Critical damage [roll3]

Vilgeirr Ísleifson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1065497)
Human (Ulfen) Fighter (Viking) 1 NG
HP 13 / 13 Speed ft Init 2
AC 18 Fort 5 Ref 2 Will 1
CMB +4 BAB 1
Falcata +4 (1d8+3, 19-20/x3)
Spiked heavy wooden shield +4 (1d6+4, x2)
Greatclub +4 (1d10+4, x2)
Throwing Axe +4/+3 (1d6+3, x2)
Str 16 (3) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 11 (0)
Shieldbearer 1/1
Throwing Axes 4/4

2018-04-04, 05:06 PM
The jet of flames sears the animal, shocking it and leaving it thrashing in the snow. If it notices Vilgeirr, it does not show it and the falcata's meaty chop brings it down. It struggles,and tries to bite and paw at whatever comes near, but only manages to snap at the northman's thick boots, choking on the fur as it dies.

2018-04-04, 05:11 PM
"That works too," Kira says, looking at the boar. "Hope it didn't burn much. Let's get him ready to bring back."

With that, Kira slings her musket back over her shoulder and begins the steps needed to most effectively bring the slain boar back to Heldren.

I don't think anyone is really hyped for How To Prepare Boar, so I'll just take 10 on a Survival check for 15 and be good for popping us back to town.

2018-04-04, 10:31 PM
Anastasiya dusts off her hands clean of any soot and smiles at her "hand"-iwork. "I suppose women *are* better at cooking food..."

She is ready to head back!

2018-04-10, 06:46 AM
You arrive at Heldren late in the evening, only the long day reminding you that this is supposed to be the middle of summer. The streets are mostly empty, but some of the few people outside look at you curiously, before returning to their chores. It is old mother Theodora, sitting on a bench in her yard wrapped with a thick shawl, who asks the question that you saw in everyone's eyes. "What did you see?"

2018-04-10, 07:34 AM
The Ulfen shakes his head. "You certainly do not leave anything of the hide." Vilgeirr remarks as he bends to assist the gunslinger in cleaning and parting the meat.

Stelio Kontos
2018-04-10, 11:28 AM
In the forest

Dorrin looked on with interest as the others butchered the boar, appearing to take mental notes but not physically pitching in unless asked.

Back in Heldren

Now, talking about things -- that was Dorrin's element. "Well" he said, taking in a deep breath, "first we were walking, of course, and we came upon the lady's carriage and their encampment, but it was all pretty well destroyed I'm afraid, no sign of the lady I'm afraid. We retrieved some of what we think are her belongings. Also, oh, yeah, when we opened the back of the carriage there were real actual zombies inside with the moaning and the trying to eat us! Vilgeirr here went hya-cha-thwack! (here, Dorrin made huge swinging motions with an imaginary sword) "with his big sword and nearly sliced one clear in two, and Kira pointed her staff and KA-BOOM! with the giant explosion, and then no more zombies. So then we saw some tracks that we think were from whoever took the lady and went to follow them, except it's really cold now, really REALLY cold, much colder than here in town, and Vilgeirr started to get a bit of problems so we stopped for a bit. Also, there was a nasty little thing whoever was out there that must have taken her set up, with a rope and bunch of huge logs set up in the tree and so we pulled the rope from a bit of a distance and the logs came down with a huge CRUNCH-A-BOOM! and landed on some treasure chest that was set up as bait, and there was some cool stuff underneath it so we took that too, maybe someone here will want to buy some of it maybe? Then there was a real, live tatzylwyrm, except it was like a white one and they're usually green, so it blended into the snow really well, and Vilgeirr was giving it an epic battle, really starting to wear it down, probably would have taken it eventually, and then she came in with the WHOOOOSH! and there was a huge blast of fire, and that pretty well did it. By then it was starting to get late, and we were all quite tired and cold and somehow it was getting even colder than the really cold it was, and we thought it would be best if we came back here for the night and set out again in the morning when it was light because freezing to death in the woods is no good, and on the way back we stumbled upon a boar, or it stumbled upon us, but either way, again with the hya-cha-thwack and the WHOOOOOSH! -- that would be the charred bits on the front there -- and then they decided it might be nice to bring it along because it's probably pretty tasty and no sense letting it go to waste, right? And then we came back."

He looked back at the others. "Did I forget anything?"

2018-04-10, 01:41 PM
"Well," Kira says after a moment, having not paid her full attention to most of the tale but catching the end. "I was going to just have a feast with it. Because that's just how it's done, and the ladies love it. But, yes - zombies, tzlatlyzstzrms and lots of snow. No lost noble ladies, though, but no dead noble ladies either."

2018-04-10, 11:53 PM
"Yes, there is more." With a grunt, Vilgeirr hefted his overflowing backpack up onto the table and begin unstrapping four longswords from under the flap before removing suits of studded leather armour, three in all, and stacking them on the bare wooden planks. "These were also recovered and can go to the shopkeep for a good price in return for his earlier generosity."

2018-04-11, 12:53 AM
While some of the other may roll their eyes or get bored, the 'fire witch' is actually quite amused, and claps politely in approval as the tale is told in what feels like a single breath. "Yep, that about tells the tale. We'll have to get back out there tomorrow to continue the search. Hope y'all are hungry for boar!"

2018-04-13, 04:35 PM
The old woman clicks her tongue, but you aren't sure if it is in approval, amusement or frustration. "I hope she is okay - she seems like a nice young girl.She has to be found soon, one way or another. It would not be good if other nobles interfere. It is never good to be where they cast their eye when they are unhappy or scheming."

Having no place to call home - well, not most of you, at least - you decide to head to the tavern. The proprietress is not too happy with your offer to host you for free and cool the meat, but a bit of good old fashioned halfling haggling gets you what you want at the cost of a bit of the meat and Dorrin serving as the night's entertainment, with the right to any tips. Unfortunately, his performance is routine at best, but as a poor hinterlands village, Heldren does not see all that many halfling storytellers (or any halflings, for that matter), so it makes do. Tips are scarce, though, for much the same reason.

2018-04-17, 01:03 AM
Anastasiya is happy to join in the festivities, enjoying bits of the boar (and calling herself the master chef that night), and also enjoying telling (and somewhat embellishing) bits of the brief adventure so far. While the halfling's song and story are serviceable, the sorceress also provides some entertainment of her own (partly to relieve boredom). She spends part of the night dancing suggestively while wearing less and less clothes (thanks in part to the alcohol). Ana spends time with both Kira and one of the local boys, and wonders which of them will make a move on her first.

2018-04-17, 01:37 AM
Kira doesn't bother with specifics of lodging and hosting, expecting a typical exchange of an eventual place to stay once things died down in exchange for bringing in the animal that's being served. Even before the food is ready, she starts drinking, and what subtlety there may have been in her flirtations vanishes. Whether she gets bolder because of the drinking or because of Anastasiya's dancing, before long she's moved past unsubtle implications and into the realm of open propositioning, though she does manage to weave it into an almost continuous line of stories about the most dangerous of her hunts.

Stelio Kontos
2018-04-17, 09:48 AM
Having sold the massive boar at a wonderful discount to the buyer, Dorrin settled in with a few small pieces of the beast and a steaming cup of tea. Sitting quietly by the fire, his tales of sailing around the coasts of the Linnorm Kingdoms as a child, and the sights of the great narwhals spewing water high into the sky devolved somewhat disappointingly into the intricacies of international trade agreements. The attention of the audience was already beginning to wane when the dancing began in earnest. Impishly, he announced loudly to the crowd "Oh, so that's how it's got to be then?" and made a show of standing on the table, getting so far as to undo the topmost button on his shirt before climbing back down with a dismissive wave and a grin.

Content enough not to be the center of attention, he retreated to a corner of the room to let the show go on unhindered, before retiring for an early bedtime.

2018-04-18, 08:16 PM
Anastasiya's dances are rather different from the typical Taldan ones, but her body language appears to be... universal. Between the alcohol and just wanting to show off, she soon leaves next to nothing to the imagination, and quite a few men - and at least one woman - seem to be positively excited at the show.

It is at that point that a worried-looking village woman of some twenty-something years enters the tavern, calling the name of some Mihai. Her eyes go wide as they lock on one of Anastasiya's admirers,then on her, and back on him, and you can see on her face that her life seems to be crashing down around her.

What follows is a stream of curses that would impress a Chelish dockworker in its speed, vitriol and venom aimed at Anastasiya, her family, her faith, and everyone else around, including the lowlife piece of double-dealing offal known also as Mihai (apparently, the newcomer is taking it rather gently on him, as the rest is much, much worse. The newcomer practically throws herself at Anastasiya, eager to tear any remaining clothing, her hair and any other piece of her she can get her hands on. As people recognize her, some of them take her side in what appears to be a brewing scandal of colossal proportions.

2018-04-18, 08:25 PM
Trallus sighs as the strip tease goes out of hand, he keeps one hand continuing to methodically tilt his ale for sipping, and the other stays free to intervene should the fiasco go violent. He's seen a few barfights in Absalom, and has heard of the brawls that stay in that city's legend, but there is a strange charm about the way that small towns go about drunken conflicts. At the very least, it does make it less embarrassing if he's caught staring in that direction.

Readied action: If anyone accosting Ana starts swinging a weapon, he'll cast Shadow Trap on them.

2018-04-19, 12:45 AM
Anastasiya is clearly getting drunk, and is definitely not aware of anyone coming towards her with hostile intent. She continues dancing, but basically only one flimsy piece of clothing remaining on her. It would be easy for the angry woman to pull it off of her, or pull her hair. Even the insults are not heard, as she had her attentions more on Mihai and Kira.