View Full Version : Odd Builds with Xanathar's

2017-10-26, 08:23 PM
So, as apparently I am becoming known for, I've been thinking about some odd builds that one could make once Xanathar's comes out. I'm not talking about builds that are inherently bad, but more ones where the fluff will make for some...interesting...roleplay options. For instance, three ideas I've been having for characters that will probably not get past the idea phase in my mind are:

1) A Mountain Dwarf Glamour Bard. Dwarves tend to be race that would be the least interested in the feywild, so why would a Dwarf have been this touched by the feywild to have these kinds of powers. Also, I think it will be hilarious to say things like, "Friends, bask in my stupendous beauty" in a Billy Connolly-like accent.

2) A Lizardfolk Cavalier. A bastion of civilization and nobility that hails from...far from civilization. As a 'knight' in his homeland, he was used to riding giant crocodiles into battle, and you warmbloods want him to mount a glorified cow into the fray? Plus, a knightly character that eschews armor and weapons for his more natural attributes could be fun.

3) A Kenku Forge Cleric. A race of beings that has the fluff of being completely non-inventive I could see wanting to worship a god of invention or creation. Using his skills to make expert metal forgeries, and always wanting to be able to make new and beautiful objects, but never being able to, I could see making for a complex character. Also, being fireproof when you're covered in feathers is probably a good thing.

What is everyone else working up that might be a good twist on some conflicting fluff?

2017-10-26, 09:02 PM
I thought of a Kenku Forge Cleric as well... what better way to ensure the techniques of the ancient masters are not forgotten than to have someone who can copy their techniques flawlessly and without their own personal flourishes marring the work?

2017-10-26, 09:50 PM
So, as apparently I am becoming known for, I've been thinking about some odd builds that one could make once Xanathar's comes out. I'm not talking about builds that are inherently bad, but more ones where the fluff will make for some...interesting...roleplay options. For instance, three ideas I've been having for characters that will probably not get past the idea phase in my mind are:

1) A Mountain Dwarf Glamour Bard. Dwarves tend to be race that would be the least interested in the feywild, so why would a Dwarf have been this touched by the feywild to have these kinds of powers. Also, I think it will be hilarious to say things like, "Friends, bask in my stupendous beauty" in a Billy Connolly-like accent.

2) A Lizardfolk Cavalier. A bastion of civilization and nobility that hails from...far from civilization. As a 'knight' in his homeland, he was used to riding giant crocodiles into battle, and you warmbloods want him to mount a glorified cow into the fray? Plus, a knightly character that eschews armor and weapons for his more natural attributes could be fun.

3) A Kenku Forge Cleric. A race of beings that has the fluff of being completely non-inventive I could see wanting to worship a god of invention or creation. Using his skills to make expert metal forgeries, and always wanting to be able to make new and beautiful objects, but never being able to, I could see making for a complex character. Also, being fireproof when you're covered in feathers is probably a good thing.

What is everyone else working up that might be a good twist on some conflicting fluff?

I got a cool idea on how to make two of these off-type characters really interesting.

1) A caravan travelling with goods and supplies from one dwarf stronghold to another bed down for the night. One especially surly dwarf by the name of Raggulir Jadebrand hits the ale a bit too hard. "Three stones to the mine" Raggulir stumbles away from the night fires to take a leak. As he wanders through the dark his boot catches a tree root and he goes tumbling headlong over an embankment, rolling down through shrubs and over rocks, bouncing down and down a hundred of feet to the valley floor below. There his tumbling comes to an end next to a shimmering pool. It is here some fey find him, take pity on the old drunken fool, and nurse him back to health. To repay them for their kindness Raggulir teaches his new fey friends all the dwarven drinking songs he knows while they weave their spells into his songs granting him their power.

2) Gaku has known nothing but blood, sand, steel, and death. Raised in the fighting pits of Calimport. He has survived. The crowd loves to hate him. You live or die by how much the crowd loves or hates you. One day, Gaku the Villian, needed to be a gallant hero for the days scenario. They dressed Gaku up in platemail to hide him from their eyes, put him on a lame old mare, and gave him a crooked lance. Gaku was paired with four others and faced off against a sea of human gladiators dressed in black, a mock battle, some last stand of five knightly heroes of old. None expect Gaku to survive but survive Gaku did. The cheers from the crowd filled Gaku with a joy he had never experienced in his cold, lonely life. From then on Gaku always fought in his dented plate. He would shine it every day. Gaku had a dream. He would win his freedom and become a true knight like the man he portrayed on that day.

I can't think of anything for the Kenku. I'll mull it over and see if I can come up with anything.

2017-10-27, 06:50 AM
I don't know why, but I am drawn to the idea of a Kenku Inquistive.

I think it's just the image in my mind of a Kenku in a detective trenchcoat with the beak sticking out from under the the detective hat.

2017-10-27, 07:01 AM
Lightfoot halfling. Oath of Conquest. Napolean, basically. Or Cartman when he gets deputized: 'Respect ma authorita!'

2017-10-27, 07:02 AM
I don't know why, but I am drawn to the idea of a Kenku Inquistive.

I think it's just the image in my mind of a Kenku in a detective trenchcoat with the beak sticking out from under the the detective hat.

Kind of hard to smoke a pipe with a beak, but I imagine that would complete the picture.

"Sir, where were you on the night of <squawk chirp hiss> October the 20th?"

Joe the Rat
2017-10-27, 08:38 AM
Think less Doyle, more Hammett. Beaks and cigarettes don't work together any better, though.

"I'm looking for the Maltese Falcon"
"That's racist!"

2017-10-27, 08:45 AM
I've got an idea for a (NPC) totally sloshed Horizon Walker guide in Sigil that will no doubt be amusing for me to RP.

2017-10-27, 09:30 AM
A Edgy Eladrin Shadow sorcerer. He was born in in the summer court during the summer. He heard stories of this sud-race of dark elves called Drow. Thinking the Drow are cool he wants to meet then and be one. So one day he steals his father's spellbook looking for a teleport spell. He can use to teleport to the underdark. Not knowing what he's doing mess the spell up and was transport to the Shadow realm. He spends about hundred years there. That's were he got his shadow sorcerer magic from just being fused with the magic of the Shadow realm. He's a all around nice person he trys to hard to fit in with the party. He put on a facade were he acts like a Emo teen were he act like he doesn't want to do anything. But he really wants to fit in and go along.

Pretty much play a edgy teen.

2017-10-27, 09:35 AM
I kind of want to make a Scourge Aasimar Zealot Barbarian... just a farmer, never been to the big city... I don’t know anything about religion, I’ve never been to church... but I’d do anything to make ‘my old man, the Archangel’ proud of his boy. An angry ignorant hillbilly with a huge daddy complex

2017-10-27, 09:45 AM
A goblin Ancestral Guardian Barbarian that fights with the fury of a million murdered mooks.

2017-10-27, 01:14 PM
Kind of hard to smoke a pipe with a beak, but I imagine that would complete the picture.

"Sir, where were you on the night of <squawk chirp hiss> October the 20th?"

Really funny since Kenku can't speak on their own but can only mimic somebody else's speech, he'd have to have like an errand boy wandering around with them who speaks in his stead or says phrases that he repeats afterwards :D

2017-10-27, 01:38 PM
Not AL since warforged isn't official, but for really off-type how about a Warforged Circle of Shepherd Druid. A machine created to return life to the bleak, war-torn deserts and broken landscapes of the world. Sort of like Wall-E.

2017-10-27, 06:23 PM
Something with Storm Herald. I've given up caring about losing end game Moon Druid Features & getting Extra Attack twice. So something Moon Druid or Monk levels. Maybe some sort of Metal Viking Valor Bard.

2017-10-27, 07:35 PM
I'm thinking ...

Lizardfolk Gloomstalker maybe some shadow monk too. or barbarian.
The beast that stalks the night. PCs found him in the sewers of a city maybe or something. He seems cooperative enough but creepy as all f*ck. Sometimes they feel bad about setting him loose on enemies. He is also happens to be the parties cook.

Hobgoblin Conquest Paladin. He follows the code of honor to a a T. He's also a very good strategist and tactical genius, so its usually better follow his lead. Not sure if there should be a multiclass here but he could be an NPC too, and Shadow Monk would be a good dip (Iron Shadows Hobgoblins. thank you volo's)

Dragonborn Storm herald barbarian. Just seems fun, also channel the storm into breath.

Tiefling Shadow Sorcerer/Fiend Chain lock. AKA Markus Valafii . Should be fun. if you have not heard about the greatness that is Markus Valafi I IMPLORE you to watch thrilling intent on youtubes.

Besides those nothing right now. Maybe some wiz or druid stuff when i get some details on them.