View Full Version : MLP roleplay// Seed Giver: Mistmane Legacy

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2017-10-27, 12:40 AM
As Rarity and Twilight left with Spike to answer the Dragon Lord call, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were disappointed that their day off have being cancelled. Slowly warking of Twilight Castle, they notice a commontion outside... Their guard were preventing a crowd of ponies to reach the lake behind the castle. All the crowd eyes were looking at somethind behind it.

As they turn to see what was the fuss about, they actually see a beautiful male Unicorn... walking above the lake. As he did, beautiful giant water lilyplants were growing below his feet each time his hooves stepeped foward. From behind him, even the other side of the lake was covered in giant flowers that the wind carried a wonderful parfume on the other side of the lake, covering all Poniville!

The stallion horn was slightly curved, like certain Unicorn from ancient times... He was tall and robust, like a walking great ancient tree. A dark green coat, a orange-brown mare that would instally makes you think of the fall season or a beautiful cloud during a sunset. And those light green eyes, shading from light green to olive color!

He arrived near the coast where the The Princesses Guarded stopped him from taking a step further. He seemed lost in thought when he was suddenly stopped. He looked around, finally taking the situation in he was with. He seemed fascinated by the decor and the castle but didnt try to bypass the guards...


And here's the code (or ponycode) to put to see him:

430D0I33002C631BFFC49D02500A6D84EJN1837000020000U0 E88848FF7FFF0F107F3FCC004CB2

Copypaste that! :smallwink:

2017-10-27, 12:47 AM
Celestia-https://derpicdn.net/img/2013/12/6/491196/full.pngbut with white flowing slitted dress.

"It is unusual sighting. But we have a lot of work to do,
Luna. We got to go." Celestia said with her unique mixture of hinted melancholy, responsibility and motherly care.

.Luna looked surprised. "I refuse to accept your words for anything beyond of a foolish mockery! This one looks so alike of Misf Mane, who have taught me so much! I won't turn my back on him that easily!"

Celestia smiled her all knowing scheming smile, which sometimes drove Luna nuts. She wanted Luna to socialize morez having a good time... This stallion who has caught her intrest.. Might be the right one.
"Very well. I will let you, handle the mysteriouse stallion. I think I'll go over the acounting once again." and eith that she turned back.

Luna flew and flew to the the stranger's. level.
"Greetings strangers. I will present myself out of courtsy- I am Princess Luna. Your unique looks and magic have caught my intrest." she said... Straightward somewhat.
"I am requesting you, to tell me of your name and your doings here."

2017-10-27, 12:59 AM
The awesome stallion turn to her and give her a lovely smile. He bow his head but only slightly while answering her:

" My name is Seed Giver your majesty. I decided, after so long, to travel the word to explore it and try my best to make it beautiful. I feel like, just like my anscestor, that it is my duty. "

Ponies on the shores start to take pictures and seem to wonder what is going on as they cant hear them. Not the best place to chat without thousand eyes watching them...

2017-10-27, 01:58 AM
(How tall is he compared to her?)

'I see. You posses the passion for-" she got blinded from a flash, and fell into the water.
Soaking wet, but her mane still floated.
"Perphaps, if you don't mind.." she levitated herself, and offered him a hand.
"We shall continue the conversation, elsewhere?"

2017-10-27, 02:02 AM
(He is taller then her of course. I made him tall and strong looking, his disguise that is. be mindful that he is gonna change apparance from time to time and that I wont always provide a picture for HIM at least :smallredface:)

Like a gentleman, he help her rise up... and step back as the guard approach Princess Luna to see if shes ok. He look at her warmly, hiding his desire well.

As she levitate out of her bodyguards reach, he grab her hand. His hand have seem both gentle and strong, just like him.

" Is the castle yours? Do you mind giving me a visit? Well, if your guards dont mind..."

2017-10-27, 05:39 AM
Luna smiled.
"It is not my castle. How ever, this is the castle of my friend and savior. I am quite sure, she won't me speaking to you there.m in private." her wings were too wet to fly with, so she held his hand tighter and teleported them both inside.
"Welcome to the castle of Friendship!" she anounced.
"If you do not mind, I'll go dry myself."

2017-10-27, 08:49 AM
" I do not mind. This room is so luxurious! "

They were in a lounge next to a large bedroom and bathroom. It was supposed to be a meeting area.

As soon as she turn around, " Seed Giver " cast a subtle detection spell against magic. Once he is sure nobody is watching them, he cast two other spell: Pheromona and Inner Self.

Pheromona is to increase his pheromone influence over the other gender while Inner Self makes a pony more acute to what it really want and need. Inner Self is a good tool for those who are lying to themselves mostly but combined with Pheromona, seduction become very easy.

The two combined was a very dangerous combinaison. He had discovered by mixing them together, the other party wouldn't notice Pheromona effecting itself or its casting.

Then, sure of himself, He look around. When he find the bedroom, he smile wickedly for a small moment. Then he let the door slightly open for Luna to discover where he went.

Inside the bedroom, the subtle smell will have time to accumulate too. Sure it wont be too long unless Luna goes more then dry herself but it would be enough. He had confidence in his skills.

When Luna open the door, he go grab her hand: " Princess Luna, I must admit that you are more accessible then I thought a Princess would be. Thank you for your kindness. You are a very nice pony. But I am guessing you have a lot of questions? "

The game was ON! Now, he needed to make her confortable enough so that they sit on the bed to talk and not come back in the lunge! At least ideally. He didnt mind taking her down on the lounge Sofa but he wanted to make sure nopony was close to them for what was coming next...

2017-10-29, 01:21 AM
Luna has returned to the room, dried, like new. She probably had a soell to fix it.
Luna blushed as he grabbed her hand. Not only he weren't scared and distant from her.. He seemed to be eager to be in her company.
"Quite a lot, honestly.X

2017-10-29, 01:31 AM
He nods to her: " You are blushing, are you alright? Am I overstepping my boundaries? "

He let go of her hand, suddenly acting like he realized he might have go to quickly for her.

Meanewhile, his pheromone were filling the room and Inner Self acting, a pony would become more acute to what he desire and be more honest with itself. As long as he made her feel confortable, she wouldn't suspect a thing.

He look around: " Their is not two chairs in this room. Oh, I have a idea!"

He make a chair float next to the bed: " Now, would you be more confortable on the chair or on the bed? "

He looks like a gentlepony, being very respectful while not being overly watching his behavior. He seem very friendly.

2017-10-29, 02:24 PM
Luna smiled shyly.
"You are... acting more intimate than anypony else. But, I do find it as positive attitude." she has answered, looking like a shy teen, rather then THE! PRINCESS! OF! NIGHT!

"Why couldn't we both use the bed as sit?" she has asked.

2017-10-29, 03:53 PM
"Seed Giver" was happy to hear this. He nodded with a smile and sit down on the bed, tapping with his had lightly the spot next to him.

As she sit down next to him, he say: " Let me ask the first question Princess Luna: " Tell me, did you meet Mistmane herself when you were young? Their is a Rumor your teacher, Master Starswirl, knew her personnaly..."

He needed to start slowly and get more intimate as the questions went on. Now that she sit next to him, she should be easy to bring her to bed him... He was already hungry now but he was patient and knew how powerful a alicorn could be.

2017-10-29, 04:54 PM
"It is true. She even appeared (http://readcomiconline.to/Comic/My-Little-Pony-Legends-of-Magic/Issue-3?id=115010#10) when I have built the Castle at Canterlot." she told eagerly.
"Are you.. really related to her?"

2017-10-29, 05:03 PM
"It is true. She even appeared (http://readcomiconline.to/Comic/My-Little-Pony-Legends-of-Magic/Issue-3?id=115010#10) when I have built the Castle at Canterlot." she told eagerly.
"Are you.. really related to her?"

OCC: I didnt read that comic. Interesting. so she was more of a teen at the time?

" A true stallion doesn't claim to be things he is not Miss Luna. Althought I of course never met her personnaly like you do. I wish I did though. The only thing we told me is that I got her genes and talent with magic. I had the same enlightement as her. But I grew up isolated from the rest of Equestria and want to make the world as beautiful as Mistmane did when she was still alive. "

He sigh, lean backward a bit. Doing so, his right hand is behind Luna without touching her. He look at the ceiling: " The whole whole is a garden. What you decide to grow on it is up to you. The garden can be a pony heart as well. "

He turn his look to Luna: " If your heart was a garden Miss Luna, what kind of flowers would you grow in it? "

2017-10-29, 05:23 PM
(aparently. You should read it. Those comics are highly relevant for the Staff)

Luna sighed, staring at him dreamly. He was so romantic!
"Rosemary. Those flowers, have briiliant healing and soothing abilities.. I wish I could sooth everypony's fears..'

2017-10-29, 05:33 PM
Seed Giver nods: " But does your garden truly able to make such seed bloom? Ponies always forget that they are the fundation of their on dreams. When I see you Luna, I see a beautiful mare who makes me think of a fireplace in winter. I see the potential but the fire is not lit yet. It seem like it would need a sparkle, to vanish the cold lingering fear that is the cold air in your own heart. I can see you will be able to achieve your goal eventually... as soon as today if you allowed me to help you."

2017-10-29, 06:02 PM
Luna held his hand, and looked at his eyes.
'Can.. can you really help me? Can you really lit.. the spark?' she wishpered.

2017-10-29, 06:20 PM
Luna held his hand, and looked at his eyes.
'Can.. can you really help me? Can you really lit.. the spark?' she wishpered.

They were close to begin with. He kiss her softly at first. He whisper to her after that: " For a garden to grow, you need to trust the gardener. For a fireplace to burn, you have to be accept to be on fire. Do you really want it? "

then he push her gently on the bed, with him above her. He can even hear her heart beat faster now.

2017-10-30, 10:03 PM
Normally Luna wouldn't played along. But the spell in the room worked on her.
She breathed heavily with growing excitment.

"Most defintly yes!" she wishpered and kissed him back, passiontly wrapping her hands around his neck.


2017-10-31, 04:36 PM
"That surely was.. glorious!' she beamed.
'When can we do it again?'

2017-10-31, 06:00 PM
Seed Giver hugs her and chuckles: «* You should see how you are beaming right now. Cherish this sensation, this feeling. Your heart is flourishing as we speak,*» and indeed, he could sense her feelings of love growing for him. She didn’t realize it but he was feeding on it. Then he answered her question: «* That’s a good question. I think you and your sister are the busy type right?*» He looked a bit sad saying so...

2017-10-31, 06:02 PM
(Posting from phone tonight so I can’t color or space my writing as much as I would like)

2017-10-31, 07:15 PM
'I could find time for you! I am quite free during the day!' Luna aruged, holding him tightly.

2017-10-31, 08:20 PM
He sigh: «*Luna... I also want to give you what you need and desserve But how much time during the day do you sleep? How much time would it give you to be with me?*» Probing for information that should be useful later while she’s under his charm . This should be useful!

2017-11-01, 06:52 PM
Luna paused thoughtfully.
"I have.. a day dreaming spell. I could summon from anywhere to my dreams during the day!" she said with excitment.

2017-11-01, 07:14 PM
Luna paused thoughtfully.
"I have.. a day dreaming spell. I could summon from anywhere to my dreams during the day!" she said with excitment.

" Oh, Im always eager to learn new spells! But how about we rest a bit before you teach me? "

He gently put her head on his chest, so she can hear his heartbeat as he play with her mane a little... He IS tired after those spells after all.

2017-11-04, 06:32 PM
"you seem tired. Why I won't teach in your slumber, my love?" she wishpered

2017-11-04, 07:56 PM
"you seem tired. Why I won't teach in your slumber, my love?" she wishpered

Seed Giver giggled: " Let,s both take a short nap ok? You havent try yet to sleep in a stallion embrace. Trust me, its one of those magic things you can only experiment to know how wonderful it is."

Inwardly, he was surprised she was called him " my love " already. He suddenly realized how lonely she must had being to be already this loving and attached.

They sleep like this for a two hours before waking up. Guards were knocking at the door, asking: " Princess Luna, are you alright? Should we enter? "

That completly woken them up both!

2017-11-05, 05:40 PM
during their sleep she has taught him the spell.

Luna blushed. "I am fine! Give me a minute!" She shouted, and kissed Seed. "We must part our ways for now.. but visit me.. in my dreams. Promise?"

2017-11-05, 05:50 PM
during their sleep she has taught him the spell.

Luna blushed. "I am fine! Give me a minute!" She shouted, and kissed Seed. "We must part our ways for now.. but visit me.. in my dreams. Promise?"

He grab her flank in the hug and whisper playfully: " You can bet on it! "

He then wink at her before teleporting outside. Once out of sigh, eh sighed of relief. He was worried she would see thought his disguise in the dream world. Turns out the Seed spell he planted on her was working like Queen Chrysalis promised him.

" Now she won't be able to sense any changelings with her magic. Darn, it was so easy! I Wonder if the others will be as guillable," he ask himself in his mind. Althought he had enjoyed his time with Luna, he wasnt the loyal kind. He had try be in a Relationship before but they always end up dry and the taste become awful with time. Most ponies called it a love becoming a deep friendship... but experience speaked for itself. It was simply two ponies shackling themself even if one didnt love the other anymore.

He pretend to walk toward the Everfree Forest but he is actually aiming for the Apple family farm. One of th Elements of Harmony was there and he needed to probe around. With his identity as Seed Giver and hsi magic, it would be easy for him to befriend them.

He arrive at teh farm, look around for what he seek. He finally spot the Zap Apple trees. He heard of them in his studies and wondered if their inate magic could be helpful in some ways...

He suddenly hear a voice calling up from him from behind...

2017-11-05, 06:03 PM
"Hey! Mistah! What are you doodling here, around the treasure trees of my family. Eh?' Granny Smith said with cranky warming welcome.

2017-11-05, 06:13 PM
Seed Giver put a warm smile on his face: " I was walking here and happened to stumbled upon those trees. I wa smerely curious as those are the rumored Zap apples trees isnt it? I studied them but in books only. Oh, I should present myself. I am Seed Giver, the legacy holder of Mistmane. "

He present his hoof to take her in a gentleman fashion... only for her to shake it with a surprising strenght for her age.

he was surprised. Turns out she dont know that kissing off things gentlecolt were doing?

2017-11-06, 03:48 PM
Granny Smith blinked, and her expression has softened.
"Well, sorry for being hostile, sonny. I go by the name Granny Smith. I went through a lot of troubles to find de zap apples! Yes I am...

2017-11-06, 05:08 PM
Seed Giver give her a warm smile: «* Would you be willing to tell me the whole story around a hot cocoa or some delicious apple products you have in store? That is, if you don’t mind. I’m more then willing to pay you if you want? «*

2017-11-06, 05:41 PM
"Nah. No need to pay. An open ear, is enough payment! Let's go!" she led him home, and started to tell the story.

2017-11-06, 07:01 PM
Granny Smith turned out to be a good house guest but she needed Seed Giver to reach some of the highest objects on the shelves. He loved chatting like this and she proved to have much stories to tell. It took him a good hour of chatting (while coocking lunch even) before remembering he was trying to get information about the elements of harmony holders. He finally asked " So your son is delivering Apples for a few days, your youngest daughter is at school and your eldest granddaughter is the fields right now... You are here by yourself then all day then? "

He pour her a glass of alchoolic cider as he say so. She is quite resilient to alchool despite her age. She only seem a bit more chippy after drinking a full bottle of cider by herself!

He needed to talk about Applejack next...

2017-11-07, 02:28 AM
"My grandchilden mending their buisness. Yes. I am alone today.. why?' she asked and sipped.

2017-11-07, 03:01 AM
"My grandchilden mending their buisness. Yes. I am alone today.. why?' she asked and sipped.

Seed Giver seem surprised: " Oh, I thought they would be joining you for lunch. I must admit, I heard about your grandaughter be friend with Princesses Twilight and all that. It would have being interesting to meet her face to face but you are great company still. You have a very large family you told me? How large is it? "

As they prepared lunch, they launched on Granny Smith favorite subject, the Apple family. Seed Giver subtly took note of the most distant family members of the Apple Family, notably one if Hallow Shades. Far away, distant and she wasnt even sure about the next generations of Apples from there. He coudl pretend to be one at ease!

He was satisfied at those infos, even if he had to go throught a lot of bull**** to get throught it.

They ate light, a salad with apples and honey in it. Seed Giver didnt mind. However, it did seem Granny Smith drank enough now. their was cider in the cupcake they took for desserts!

He smiled to her. He put a plate of salad ready for Applejack if she ever came back on the counter: " I think you drank enough, Miss Smith... Let me guide you to your room. Is your hip gonna be ok? "

2017-11-08, 02:14 AM
"Su..sure it's gonna be ok!" she said, and right away, tripping right into his arms. "Sorry.. my hips sometimes act naughty on their own..."

(is he going to make her youngeR?)

2017-11-08, 02:22 AM
"Su..sure it's gonna be ok!" she said, and right away, tripping right into his arms. "Sorry.. my hips sometimes act naughty on their own..."

(is he going to make her youngeR?)

Seed Giver want to make her levitate above the stairs but the stubborn old mule refuse to accept his help.

He sigh but then get a idea... he smile a bit wickedly. He first cast a spell of silence on the whole second floor of the house. Then he say to her:

" I have a spell that will make that hips pain history for a few hours if you want. It a revigoring spell, it will make you feel like your young self again. "

(back to PM once he cast that spell yes... wanna be the one who do it this time? I dont mind be the one who write that stuff :smallredface:)

2017-11-11, 02:19 AM
As he meet Applejack, Seed Giver stomach grumble very loudly... Well, his new alias is Pippin.

He look embarassed as it stomach growl...

(followup from PM)

2017-11-11, 08:03 PM
"Howdy partner. It seems you are in need to fit something in there? Don't you worry!" she patted his belly, and went to the kitchen and hastingly fixed a meal.

"So, where did you said you are coming from?"

2017-11-11, 10:08 PM
" Shady Hollow, name is Pippin, cousin! "

He clean up the table and prepare it for two.

2017-11-12, 02:18 AM
Aj smiled as she served up sweet bread rolls baked with apple juice and fresh hayballs(like meatballs?)
"Here, something to keep you pleased 'till dinne'" she said warmly.

"So a cousin, eh? you sure looks at home here, an ah like it!" she shaked his hand with super strentgh.
"Ah. Sorry about that. Are you ok, cous?"

2017-11-12, 02:25 AM
Pippin was surprised by the strenght of Applejack. he realize too late its a family trait but he is a fast-talker:

" Sorry, Im just feeling superweak since Im so hungry. It will be better after I eat something. "

He start talking to her about life in random and jokes about " latest trends " like that newest dress that look like a Igloo:

He laugh: " Im not sure if you are supposed to feel cold or superhot when wearing this! Big City folks are just so weird! I read this when I want a good old laugh on my travels!"

In truth, he bouygh magazine to charm the Generosity element: Rarity. But this opinion of him truly represent what he think. He knew nothing about fashion and that fireld of profession of yours is just so darn ridiculous!

2017-11-12, 08:06 PM
AJ laughed.
"You don't have to tell ME twice about it! Ahahaha! I got in big troubles, there, when mah pal Rarity wanted me to judge fashion, and I was like "Who the hay need it?!"
AJ shrugged
"Well, Ah guess, there few ponies which such dress make them happy. But not me, sir!"

2017-11-12, 08:46 PM
" So cousin, I hate to ask but do you mind if I stay for a while? I'll compensate you and your family for it by working around the farm. I make great cider and I,m very good at Healing trees."

2017-11-16, 08:07 PM
Aj:"Ah don't know, I' already have did shoppings this morning.."

2017-11-17, 06:36 PM
He chuckle: " It's not to shop but rather to show me around! "

He wish he had kept his pheromone spell on now, for her to not do as he said. But he realized it was mostly out of lazyness mostly. If he wanted to seduce her the old fashion way, with no magic, he would need to try his best.

Beside, the pheromone were still floating around in the air, not complatly vanished. But he didnt realized it himself.

He rose her chin with a smile: " Cmon cousin, pretty please? "

2017-11-19, 04:46 AM
"Aww. Shucks. Ah guess, I can afford one hour, but then, I won't have to horse around till chores are done" she sighed with a smile, and started to lead the way.

"'ere in Pooniville we wre all friends here..v kind if fit, considering the fancy castle over there" she pointed at Twilight's castle.

2017-11-19, 06:33 AM
"Aww. Shucks. Ah guess, I can afford one hour, but then, I won't have to horse around till chores are done" she sighed with a smile, and started to lead the way.

"'ere in Pooniville we wre all friends here..v kind if fit, considering the fancy castle over there" she pointed at Twilight's castle.

(You jumped from midday to evening? fine, I can go with that. He would have just go and bought some luggage and help her on the farm after all afternoon)

" Oh, Im sure you can find somepony here you don't get along with, even in this small town. Compared to where I come from, you guys are much more open and welcoming though."

He then joke around with her, bring her to a shop who sell stuff to take picture and bought some stuff for taking some and make some family books. The seller even takes picture of him and Applejack as commorative. Applejack seem to have forgot time as they are laughing and talking about rodeos, family and friends.

As they are laughing and talking with walking, AJ and I almost hit a group of ponies by accident. He embrace AJ to make sure she don't fall. The embrace feel... so good for AJ. It was a strange sensation for her as her heart beated faster and she didn't understand why...

Pippin looked at her with concern: " Are you ok cousin? You almost hit those ponies and fell in this mud pool right there..."

2017-11-22, 08:43 AM
AJ blushed. "Ah fine. Tnx for d'a save yo.' She said,not leaving his embrace just yet.
"It's mah bad. I wasn't looking where ah'm going..."and then, as the embarssing moment took out the best from her, she elbowed. "You to blame! You distracted me, like a can of mice would have distracteda starving cat!"

2017-11-22, 03:23 PM
Pippin chuckle: " Weird way to say you were hungry for a friendship with a stallion your age. Except maybe that Braeburn you mentionned. Well I love your company as well cousin! "

He pretend he didn't realize the spark he saw in her eyes as they return slowly to the Apple family farm. The sun is going down as its getting late...

As they arrive, they find Granny Smith, dreamily munching on a salad. She have a nostalgic expression on her face and don't notice you guys entering at first...

(I let you do the presentation. Im planning a heart to heart chat of AJ and Granny Smith about love as Pippin goes to bed as he is tired lol)

2017-11-22, 06:43 PM
AJ:"Evening, Granny! Have you met Pipin?!"

2017-11-22, 07:05 PM
Granny Smith rise her head and look suprised to see Pippin: Oh hi! A cousin from Hallow Forest huh? Well I'm glad we finally get to see one of ya folks here in Poniville! "

Pippin smile: " It,s a pleasure to meet you Granny Smith..."

Pippin yawn: " Well I'm bushed. I think I'll hit the hay early today. I'll help you on your chores tommorow cousin. "

His smile toward AJ is bright and "honest" as he goes toward the stairs and climb. Granny look at him climb and chuckle when he i out of reach. She whisper to AJ: " It might be the wonderful dream I just had but this stallion seem to get along well with you Applejack. What do you think of him? "

2017-11-23, 07:35 PM
AJ giggled and blushed.
-"Well.. he is fine and all. He is fun, smarty and seems to be a hard worker.. .what there not to like Granny?"

2017-11-23, 09:20 PM
Granny Smith take her hand: " Sweetie, their is no such shame as falling in love you know. We all wouldn't be here if we always resisted nature's call for companionship. "

She sigh nostalgic: " I'm so proud of you all. The seeds I planted became awesome apple trees and the same goes for my family. We love apples with all our heart and we are proud of be Apples. This is our family ways. But if we didn't love what we do, our orchards would wither and our heritage would be lost. The same goes for our heart AJ. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She look concerned about AJ but very motherly...

2017-11-26, 09:57 AM
AJ blushed. "Ummm.. that a hard shovel to swallow, Granny..." she looked unsure.
"So.. you wanna me to find a somepony to settle down with?"

2017-11-26, 02:36 PM
AJ blushed. "Ummm.. that a hard shovel to swallow, Granny..." she looked unsure.
"So.. you wanna me to find a somepony to settle down with?"

Granny smile is warm: " Is that is what your heart desire dairy only. Honey, I am being worried about you. Do you never feel lonely? It's like you bury yourself with chores to never seek companionship. Sure you have your friends but you never seek for more? Unless you prefer mares over stallions? That would explain a lot now that I think about it..."

2017-11-26, 07:38 PM
"WHAT?!" AJ blushed.
"Are you talking about me and Rarity? We.. were drunk... it's not even.." she covered her face with her hat.
"Why are we having this conversation again?"

2017-11-26, 08:58 PM
"WHAT?!" AJ blushed.
"Are you talking about me and Rarity? We.. were drunk... it's not even.." she covered her face with her hat.
"Why are we having this conversation again?"

Granny Smith smile reconfortably at her, refraining from chuckling: " Relax AJ sweetie, I have way more experience then you. That time with Rarity doesn't even count as I count it as you being curious only. We are having this conversation because I think you put too much importance of getting hitched once and for all and that I want your happiness. What happened with Rarity could have happened with any stallions or not? Hummm?"

2017-11-27, 01:05 AM
AJ squirmed with embaressment as Granny Smith talked aliud about a subject, she decided to never mention again.
(Though, Rarity for to time, teased her about this night.)

AJ gasped. "Do you want to be an harlot?! What gotten into you granny? Aren't we Apples supposed to be like.. a lighthouse or samfin' to famiky values?"'

2017-11-27, 02:33 AM
Granny shake her hand: " We are Applejack, we are! But you never experience new things on the other hand. I think you know how foals are made and you must have hear it's a wonderful things to make them. And sometimes, you want a foal but not be in a relationship. And as Apple, we accept that. We need new blood in the Apple family once in a while you know. "

She sighed: " Personally, I never found the stallion I wanted to grow old with. I was like you, focused on the Apple family business but also while rising my favorite grandchildrens. But unlike me, you have the chance to look for a lover but refuse to do it. So I wonder... what I did wrong. If only..."

She begin to look very sad... like memories that are hunting her. She sigh:

" I'll be going to bed sweetheart. I really wish I could have found the apple of my heart when I was young. Trust me, you get old without you noticing..."

2017-11-27, 03:53 AM
AJ was shocked at Granny getting so emotional. She wanted to tell her something, but she only could raise her hand weakly after her. She stayed there in the dark. She needed cider.
And more.
And more. It was almost morning, when she waddled upstairs with a lassoo.
She opened Seed's door with a kick. "Hee haaa!' she tossed the lassoo at him, attempting to catch him and drag him from bed.
"Time to work lover boy!'

2017-11-27, 02:28 PM
Our favorite changeling woke up by 4 AM because he went to bed so early. He decided to spend the rest of the night with Luna as Seed Giver.

She appreciated he took the time to wake up early to spent time with her. She given her all most of the night so she figured that the last hours would be fine if she were gonna spent them with him

It only lasted 2 hours to their surprised before Pippin was awoken by AJ. Luna sighed, figured his alarm clock would have woken him up and she did a last patrol to check if everything was alright for the late sleepers.

As for AJ and Pippin, He was effectively wrapped with the lasso. However, by magic reflex, he used telekenesis and bit the thing to fight against her attempt to drag him of bed.

It made her fall and lost balance while loosen up the grasp. He freed himself. Good thing his disguise hidden the magic glow of his horm. In AJ eyes, it looked like her cousin was stronger then what she though

He blinked at seeing AJ obviously drunk, got out of bed and help her get on her feet: " Cousin, are you alright? How come you drank so much cider so early?! "

He hold her Princess like and put him on his bed: " You should rest up..."

2017-11-27, 08:23 PM
"N..no.. life is short..." hic*
"t...to.. exprience things.. you know?" she.. tried clumsily to kiss him

2017-11-27, 08:58 PM
Pippin cringed internally. Sure he could get what he wanted now but the meal wouldn’t be satisfactory. From what he could sense, she still haven’t opened her heart to him. Being drunk would leave a bad aftertaste in his mouth and his heart. Beside, he felt she was hiding sad emotions behind such offer. Better let her sober up... Pippin kiss her on the forehead instead: «*Cousin, you seem in distress. How about we just start slowly with a hug?*» and he does that. He pull the cover on them and put her hat on the side table.

2017-11-28, 07:51 PM
"Fine. But I am still having you! hic!"

she hugged him with force, almost squeazing him.

2017-11-28, 08:11 PM
Pippin chuckle and was secretly glad she didnt use as much force as her granny: " Oh really... cause I didnt think you were the big drinker type of gal. If you were gonna puke, that wouldn't make any good lasting memories. Is it your first time even? "

He seem concerned about her... in reality, he was mostly curious. He was thinking maybe its her granny somehow? Talking about her parents yesterday weakened her heart? She couldnt be that sensible over dead parents... right? Wait, was it a recent death? He didnt even know...

2017-11-29, 04:53 AM
"Puke? Ah never gonna puke! I keep the whole barrel in, as good as cat watch over da milk!" her face turned green.
"Oh no." she ran all the way to the bathroom to throw up.

She didn't imagined it like that at all!

2017-11-29, 04:59 AM
"Puke? Ah never gonna puke! I keep the whole barrel in, as good as cat watch over da milk!" her face turned green.
"Oh no." she ran all the way to the bathroom to throw up.

She didn't imagined it like that at all!

2017-11-29, 08:14 AM
He rise up from the bed and wait for her at bathroom's door, to make sure she is ok and to see if she was gonna go back to his room after she is done pucking.

Once she get out of the bathroom, he show a face full of both concern and tendernes. He try to embrace her, tell her: " Don not worry, everything is ok. I am not judging you. But I think you need some rest. The question remain though, my or your bed? "

2017-12-01, 01:19 AM
"Judging me? Who do you think you are.. bucking Mayor or shamfing?" she held her head.
"Ah want mah bed... but ah want you too..." she tried to grab him by the collar. "Do y'hear me? I want you. Yeah. You heard me. Go! Take me! Just... dont tell to Rarith... Kay?'

(would you like to add Rarity into this mix? Unplanned by him..)

2017-12-01, 07:33 AM
"Judging me? Who do you think you are.. bucking Mayor or shamfing?" she held her head.
"Ah want mah bed... but ah want you too..." she tried to grab him by the collar. "Do y'hear me? I want you. Yeah. You heard me. Go! Take me! Just... dont tell to Rarith... Kay?'

(would you like to add Rarity into this mix? Unplanned by him..)

OCC: Adding Rarity?! OMG would she join? I doubt it... HOWEVER, we could do that trope with Berry Punch and Pinkie Pie. It doesnt have to be with two members of the Mane 6 after all :smallwink:

Pippin ears fall down a bit: " Take some headache medecine and some rinse wash first. If you are that persistent... Of course you can have me. I just don't want you to regret it tommorow."

2017-12-05, 03:28 AM
"If I am sober, ah might get cold hooves.. nah. Let's.. ehh" she held her head. "Fine. Let's find some pills... Ah am sure I know where dey are..." she wobbled, taking few pebbles. "'ere dey are!" and tried to swallow them.

2017-12-05, 09:52 AM
"If I am sober, ah might get cold hooves.. nah. Let's.. ehh" she held her head. "Fine. Let's find some pills... Ah am sure I know where dey are..." she wobbled, taking few pebbles. "'ere dey are!" and tried to swallow them.

He help her and once she mouthwach her mouth, he give her a shoulder to help her walk to her own room. Then, he undress her. He put a loving hand in her hair, stroking her gently. He was in his pyjamas and before removing the bottom part right next to her head as he stand off next to her bed, he ask: " It's not about having cold feet rather then being not ready yet. AJ, you are extremely attractive so it's very hard for me to hold back. If you promise to not blame me from what comes next, I'll make you a full grown mare tonight..."

OCC: PM or she should feel dizzy and unsure after looking at the huge bulge in Pippin pyjamas?

PS: In any case, be mindful that AJ is inexperimented with a stallion if she takes the itiniative. Pippin will take control soon enough though.

2017-12-06, 04:16 PM
Back on teh thread...

As said in PM, Pippin do some chores around the place, not following AJ orders to do things. He do only what he consider the bare minimum like feedings the animals, taking the eggs from the hen (and make breakfast with them. He wasnt a talented cook but he could make scrambled eggs just fine) and getting a few barrels worth of apples ready for the market and come with Granny Smith at the market to sell them. It was one of the task today and since AJ was recovering, he would have to be there.

Fortunatly, Granny Smith does NOT suspect what happened between them and accept the excuse of being drunk. She thinks AJ might have drink a lot after their little talk last night so she doesnt think twice about soething might have happened.

A day of "honest" work wasnt hard on Pippin as long as he secretly used magic to make things easier.

OCC: While he wont try to score with somepony else for now, meanwhile, he could still socialize with other ponies. Background ponies even, at your discretion. I was thinking AJ and Rarity will only be back in a few days from tehir trip in dragon lands though so we have to hold that for now. But he coudl meet Fluttershy for now, shopping for Angel or a few things in the market or Pinkie Pie? Im letting you decide, as it could be Derpy (AKA Muffin) even who he socialize or Berry Punch? Heck, maybe Scratch Venyl? lol

2017-12-07, 07:53 PM
During the work day, a very bouncy pink pony https://i.pinimg.com/originals/03/21/31/032131665a245840ddbdd75d01024eab.jpg(nsfw)
"heeey! Gasp*
"You are new! I never met you! Who are you!? ARe you from the Apple family?! Omgosh! are we cousins?!"

2017-12-07, 08:59 PM
Pippin look surprised. This pony don't look like a farmer at all!

" Why yes, I am from the Apple family. Are we really cousin? "

2017-12-09, 08:55 PM
"Sure! You see, my gran gran gran gran gran gran gran grangran gran gran grangran gran gran grangran gran gran grangran gran gran grangran gran gran grandma, MIGHT be the cousin of gran gran gran gran gran gran gran grangran gran gran grangran gran gran grangran gran gran grangran gran gran grangran gran gran grandma of AJ. You do know AJ, do you? I just LOVE her! She is super strong! Cool! honest! I love all of the apples! Not to speak, that apples, making apple pies the best! Well, have you ever tried to make apple pie without apples? Well, let me tell you, that, it's quite hard! And-"

2017-12-09, 09:59 PM
Something clicked in Pippin head. She didnt need to say her name anymore... She was one of his target: Pinkie Pie!

Inwardly, he sighed. Its not that he disliked earth ponies mare but he havent meet one who he could connect with personnality wise. Well, maybe Granny Smith when she was young? No, probably not. He dont like sharing his meals with other stallions and he didnt get to connect her personnaly for the short interaction they had.

In any case, Pinkie Pie was exactly what he disliked in a mare: too much chatty, immature and to boot it all, she was the archetype of the annoying little sister type.

But she was in the same time... tasty in a lot of ways. She was so full of love for everyponies that his hunger would be satisfied if he could tolerate her. She wanted so much to please everyponies that her guinine love for other ponies was more fullfilling then normal.

Not only that but... she was gorgeous. Even as bouncy as she was though, her enormous assets Didnt seem to bounce with her?

" It seem like AJ, so far, have the most normal chest size among my target. I wonder if having the power of harmony increase your assets? "

He shrug and interrupted her: " Lass, Im sorry but we havent properly introduced. May I know your name? "

2017-12-10, 06:19 PM
"Umgosh! You are right! I am Pinkie Pie! But when my mom angry she say-" Pinkie mimiced scolding face.
"PINKAMENA DIANA PIE!" then her face turned to hserlf
"OR when I am trying to convince parents to let me baby sit- I call myself- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXR2bVKVFrs"
she giggled,
"But my friends, and that including you, calling me Pinkie Pie! Or just Pinkie!"

2017-12-10, 07:09 PM
He sigh: " Well Miss Pinkie Pie, my name is Pippin and it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure we could hang together sometimes this week but right now, I have apples to sell ..."

Her constant babbling made him wanna use a spell on her that would make her lose her voice... or maybe full her mouth with...

He was thinking of what happened this morning with AJ and it was hard for him to have a smile. Darn, he wanted to do it again and this time go all the way!

He was probably spacing out right now, with a bit of pink on his cheek... and with a bulge in his pants.

2017-12-10, 07:18 PM
Pinkie at random pecked his cheek.
"Ohhh, somepony have nasty beasty thoughts!" she giggled.

2017-12-10, 07:21 PM
Pippin was surprised by this... But then he smile: " Even if I was, this is not the right place to talk about such things isn't it? "

Most ponies would have blush or try to find excuses... but Pippin was instead remembering Pinkie Pie where they were... in a open market with even a group of children approching.

2017-12-10, 07:32 PM
Shame wasn't a feeling, that Pinke was familiar with too much,
she shrugged.
"SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... are you ready for the PaRtttY?!"

2017-12-10, 07:33 PM
" One moment"

He give candy apples to the kids for some bits then return to Pinkie Pie: " What party? "

2017-12-10, 07:49 PM
Taking off his eyes from Pinkie is dangerouse- she already prepared a whole chaos to greet him!

"A welcome to Poniville party! Duh!"

2017-12-10, 07:53 PM
Covered in confettis, he was starting to get annoyed: " Sorry but no. Im not sure how much time I'm staying here but I see no reason to stay more then a month. A welcome party is not needed. Thx for the attention though. "

He keep his eyes on her now though: " Good day! "

He seem wary for her insane reflex and lack of common sense...

2017-12-10, 08:07 PM
Pinkie has apeared infront of him. "But PLEEEEEEEASE?! Please please please?! Please with a cherry cream on top?!"

2017-12-10, 08:12 PM
Pinkie has apeared infront of him. "But PLEEEEEEEASE?! Please please please?! Please with a cherry cream on top?!"

Pippin push her out of his personnal space: " ... No. I don't mind parties but I already stated my reasons. You could come to the Apple Family farm instead if you want to know me better. After all, you don't even know what my favorite sugary treats are! "

And he was right, she didn't know!

2017-12-11, 02:29 AM
Pinkie gasped, her chest puffed like cartoonish ballons.

"Wow! You are so right! How am gonna throw a party, when there is so much to know about you! Okie Dokie! Then we'l make a small family reunion party! La la la la..." and bounced away.

2017-12-11, 10:39 AM
(Im not sure what you meant by her chest puffing up... lol)

Pippin look at Pinkie Pie leaving with mixed emotions. He figured out as she leave that she was the most intuitive or observant of the Mane 6. At least in term of relationships and lust.

He groaned. He promised himself to keep Pinkie Pie for last on his list. But because of her link with the Apple family, he needed to be there for AJ as soon as possible. He would maybe even need to change disguise...

He sighed at the thought. He excused himself toward Granny Smith, saying he will go back on the farm to make sure AJ is alright. He promise her either AJ or him will come back later on to help her push that empty barrel.

He return to the Apple farm, a bit lost in thought. He climb the stairs and go to AJ room. She is still sleeping, naked, in her bed.

He undress himself and join her under the sheep behind her, being very careful to not wake her up. He control himself in not doing something to her while she sleep. Not only it would feel wrong but he believed he didnt need to do that. He had confidence they would do it sooner or later. Beside, even if she change her mind, he could always make her drink alchool again or use a spell to make it happen and they had a few days, he hoped at least, before Pinkie Pie trying to mingle with him again...

2017-12-11, 03:07 PM
(you know, swelling, as if she abosrbed air into her "balloons" Pinkie physics... lol)

(Do you want to concetrate only on his harem, or also for example, befriending innocently Apple Bllom?

2017-12-11, 03:07 PM
(I dont mind befriending Apple Bloom or other side character, even if innocently. And if you wanna introduce Pinkie Pie special balloon physic, the Pinkie Pie sense is a better idea for it LOL :smallbiggrin: Let's try to make it a bit more realistic. In this kind of setting, it would be more like... having a Pinkie Sense telling her somepony is approching during sexy times, preventing to get caught. Useful when doing it in nature or hidden in plain sight in a public place )

PS: You could make AJ turn around in her sleep and hugs him like a pillow lol :smallredface:

2017-12-13, 07:23 PM
AJ snored softly, and grabbed him, in her sleep into snuggle for at least half of hour.

She opened her eyes with a yawn. She gasped. "What in tarnation?!" she rolled Seed from the bed.

2017-12-14, 10:31 AM
Pippin expected this but itw as still hard to land on all four after being pushed out of bed.

" Well good morning to you too. Tell me, you still don't regret what happened last night? And don't pretend you don't remember," he said with a wink.

His tone is not accusing in the least. He is smiling and look at her with a mix of playfullness and compassion.

2017-12-14, 05:01 PM
"Ehhh...| AJ tried to hide under her blanket.
"Ah can't hear ya! SNORE SNORE SNORE!"

2017-12-14, 05:12 PM
Pippin frown. He put back his underwear first... then he literraly use remove the blanket off the bed in one swing and throw it behind him. He then throw her own pyjama (who was hanging near the door) so that she can cover herself up: " Now now AJ. I'll get upset if you go back on your words. Beside, you slept so much that I had to do some of your chores this morning. "

He told her what chores he done and she look impressed he did so much and still took the time to bring Granny Smith to the market!

... but he return then to what embarassed her: " So, are you still too embarassed to thank me at the very least? "

2017-12-14, 06:03 PM
AJ blushed, rubbed the back of her head. "Nah. Ah good. So sorry though... I had a good time.. sorry you had to do my chores and all.."

2017-12-14, 06:07 PM
Pippin sigh, sit next to her: «* It’s fine. By the way, you are still a virgin. We didn’t go very far, you were too drunk. But what now AJ? What am I for you?*»

2017-12-14, 06:33 PM
Aj blushed. "Well... ah be honest with you. It's might sound quite speed rate, and sudden as lightning at desert field... but..."
she mambled.
"Aw shucks! Ah love you!" she placed a forcefull kiss on his lips

2017-12-14, 06:48 PM
When she kiss him, he kiss her back but with passion. He then say: «* It’s indeed quite quick to decide something as intense as love. Then what’s your expectations about me, about us? Where do you see us in the future? Did you think that far ahead?*» he try to question her, to find why she became drunk and decided to join him in his room yesterday.

(dont forget she dont know that part, confused on what to do next)

2017-12-16, 06:29 PM
AJ rubbed her hands, akwardly.
"Ehh.. that sam questions you got d'ere. Ehh..."

her eyes traveled.
"Ah don't know.. It's complicated and all..."

2017-12-16, 10:07 PM
Pippin sigh, rise up: " Then I'll give you some space, so that you can find the answer for yourself. "

He hugs her but don't kiss her: " You need to find out for yourself if its love or lust you are feeling. And also, I cannot stay here, I'll have to return home sooner or later. I wont toy with your feelings more. I'll try to find somewhere to stay in this town for a while, so that you can think it without me influencing you. "

He rise up, stretch.

2017-12-17, 02:31 AM
There are ponies who are getting crushed under pressure.
There are ponies who are getting forged from pressure.
AJ was from the later kind.

AJ gotten uo and grabbed his shoulder.
"Nay. I'll settle this here and now." she said with determination.
And the honest words just flew from her mouth, the moment she has relaesed the seal.
"I love you. I want you to be with you as much as possible. You are a free stallion.... but I love you. I would like you to stay as long as possible. Maybe considering to make your stay less... temporal. I am not plannin' on gettin' clingy in ya... but yes. I love you. You make me feel happy. You make me feel like ah mare."

2017-12-17, 09:14 AM
Pippin was surprised how easy that was. He didnt even used a spell to increase the chances of such confession happening! He guessed his Pippin personna was exactly what AJ liked to begin with. How lucky!

He smile at her, then hugs her again but this time, he kiss her. It let it last as long as she want then he sigh: " We should probably return to our chores isn't it? It will soon be time to get back Granny Smith from the market. But as for my stay to be less temporal, I'll consider it. This is a lot of implications for me you know. But I promise I'll look what I can do. While I don't wanna make promises I can't keep, I assure you you make me feel like a stallion and I like your company just as much."

He didnt mind returning to the Apple farm in the future. Earth Ponies proven to be enjoyable under the sheet and AJ is not clingy which makes it easier for him. AJ didn't notice but not one time he said " I love you" however. For him, she was just the perfect inn for him to stay if he came back in Poniville. That is, if he ever came back.

The thought of completing his mission weighted on him at the moment. Did he miss his hive? At times... But lately, feeling so much love everywhere and do it with so many mares made him feel mmore complete then in the hive.

That's when he realized that... maybe... just maybe... he shouldn't come back? Wait... should he complete his mission at all then?!

This dangerous thought would have to wait though, they had to dress and get ready to go get Granny. The fact he needed to act like Pippin helped him to think of something else then the revelation he just had.

(feel free to jump to lunch time, with Apple Bloom joining them before needing to return to school)

2017-12-17, 06:19 PM
AJ accepted the terms. She was quite the independent mare. She loved Pippin, but she won;t ruin her life for him.

At lunch (damn nopony draw normal Applebloom anthro art... she is a damn kid. Damn it.)

|Hey hey!" Applebloom waved she enterd home. "Oh. Ah see we have a guest. Ello! I am Applebloom! Who are you?"

2017-12-17, 06:34 PM
Pippin was humming and nodded to Applebloom: " Greeting cousin! I'm Pippin. Nice to meet you! "

He put a plate of pancakes in front of her: " Maple syrup or fruit jam, dear Appleboom? "

(Should Pinkie Pie arrive the same day? Like in the evening? And should she fight with AJ for Pippin attention? In that case, maybe Applebloom should have a sleepover at Rarity place)


2017-12-18, 08:04 AM
"Mhmm! You sure are one of the family!" Applebloom said happily abd digged in.
"So where you from? Are you staying for Hearth Wamrth eve?!'

2017-12-18, 08:09 AM
" I'll be staying a week Applebloom. Nopony told me their would be a birthday soon too..."

OCC: I just realize it doesnt make sense for it to be bear Heart Warming. It was supposed to be summer! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE replace it with some birthday, like Granny Smith birthday or Applebloom birthday!

It would also justify why Pinkie Pie gave up so easily about her welcoming party: she planned first to get infos and hang out with Pippin at the incoming birthday. If its Granny Smith party, she will have a few old ponies to invite so Pippin will have to let his room to a other guest while Pinkie Pie say she will bring Pippin to her place during their stay.

2017-12-21, 01:46 AM
"Well, just for that, I have bought the Special Pinkie Party chart!" she pulled a heavy year book, with marked dates of birthdays, days of wedding and so on.

"When is YOUR birthday, while we already at it?'

2017-12-21, 09:44 AM
Pippin was surprised by this question. He made something up:

" I was born on Heartwarming Eve, actually. You mean Pinkie Pie made this? Isn't it that a bit much? I mean their is even a section for " how to pick a gift" and... is that a hazard section for each event? That sections seem a bit big. For exemple, their cant be a lot of ponies allergic to something in the same event. "

2017-12-21, 06:36 PM
Applebloom shrugged. "Well, this is how Pinkie is. But it still useful tough!"

2017-12-21, 07:38 PM
Pippin chuckle: " She does seem like a unique pony. But you are special as well I heard, Applebloom. I heard you and your friends have similar cutie mark right? Something about... Cutie Mark Crusaders? "

2017-12-21, 07:39 PM
"Oh. Boy! Yes! We are the Cutie Mark Crossaders! We were looking for them for so long time!" she gotten excited.
AJ:"You sure did,: nodded

2017-12-21, 09:49 PM
(Let's skip Applebloom friendship for now)

Pippin bond with Applebloom as she told him all about what they went throught to get their cutie mark. But soon, she had to return to school...

Pippin waved her goodbye but as Applebloom was going by the door, Pinkie Pie jumped and grabbed her into a surprise hug!

Pippin became wary... This... pony was unpredictable.

2017-12-23, 08:12 PM
"Are you surprised? I am sure you surprised! I missed you already!"

AJ "missed.. him.. already?" frowning.

"Aha. We met earlier today. And I was so shocked- a new Apple, which I didn't knew yet? And then I was like-"

2017-12-23, 08:16 PM
Pippin while Pinkie was chatting waved goodbye to Applebloom: " See you later cousin!"

Turning back to AJ and Pinkie Pie, he interrupt Pinkie: " We met at the market, while you were asleep this morning. Pinkie, I heard it's GranySmith birthday soon? Are you here for that? "

2017-12-23, 08:18 PM
"Duh! I am Poniville's party planner! We will make it huge! Every Apple will be invited! And my family too!"

AJ:"I am not sure, Granny Smith, is up for so much of commotion. Y'know?"

Pinkie:"Huh? WHat are you talking about? She always judging at The Sisterhood Social.. and also-"

2017-12-23, 08:30 PM
Pippin interrupt her, again, this time with a finger on her lips: " You said you wanted to make a small family linked event to welcome me in town. Lets make it at Granny Smith party. Something relaxing. Their will be eldery ponies Pinkie so think of calm, fun activities. Like food contest, tabletop games or something. Ok? "

He sigh: " So hum, AJ, I did a lot of chores today but is there anymore to do this afternoon? It would be fun to intertain cousin Pinkie but we have responsabilities to attend, right?"

He was SOOO hoping she would say yes to that. Pinkie Pie... scared him a little. Just like how he wanted to keep Princess Twilight for last in case something goes wrong, the more he met Pinkie Pie, the more... scary Pinkie Pie was. She seemed to the like the crazy gal who could make you live a exciting life full of adventures if you could follow her.... which seemed impossible. She seemed very impredictable.

Little did he knew that he did too much chores this morning!

( We can skip to Granny Smith party in two days if you dont know what to type. Otherwise, we could make AJ, Pinkie and Pippin bound... somehow. Not sure how though...)

2017-12-24, 05:07 AM
AJ looked at the farm.

"Umm... actually... nope. Nada. No chores until tommorow."

"Whoopieee!' Pinkie squealed, and with abnormaly strechy arms, bugged and dragged them both outside.
"There so muuuuuch we can do! Let's go to swim in the lake, and look for crabs, for Fluttershy's Crab Party!"

2017-12-24, 03:24 PM
Pippin sigh: " Sure sure. Ah wait, shouldn't we get stuff like towels, sunscreen or swimming trunks? "

The distraction is enough for them to prepare accordingly. Pippin sigh of relief, tell them once they leave: " I'll only be here in support, I don't have have a swiming trunk. "

Pippin was skillful but he was a poor swimmer. He could do the dog swimming style just fine but he wasnt fast or agile in the water, not at ease. If he was able to use his magic, he could make up for that flaw but as a eart pony, he could only look ungraceful in the water. Not very charming.

2017-12-26, 01:24 AM
AJ, blushed a bit, but proudly wore her simple red one piece swim suit, Pinkie had a colorful bikini with blindingly bright colored patterns.

At the lake, AJ jumped in.
But Pinkie was no where to be seen!
When he turned his head, he seen her right behind him giggling micviously and pushed him to the water.
"INCOOOOOMING!" She yelled.

2017-12-26, 07:29 AM
Pippin had removed his top fortunatly. He said: " Want to put some sunscreen... girls? "

He saw AJ jumped in the water already. He sigh, finally saw Pinkie Pie.

By pure reflex, he drop the suncreen lotion, grab Pinkie pie arm, roll on his back and with his feet on her belly, extend his leg while rolling and send her FLYING above the lake and fall down!

That roll and kick made him fall over the edge in the water as well, unconfortably close to the rocky edge, almost hurting himself.

All wet, he is NOT happy! He have to swim, in his pants toward the shores a bit further away. He remove his pants, leaving himonly in his underwear and start drenching it from the water, trying to make it a bit more dry and lay it upon a branch to make it dry with the sun.

2017-12-27, 01:49 AM
Pinkie screamed with excitmwbt and delight as she was tossed into the water.
AJ honestly looked for crabs. Pinkie floated using a beach ball.
"Why aren't you in the water silly? You already are wet anyway!'

2017-12-27, 09:14 AM
At this, Pippin actually cant contain his anger. He had trouble swimming without holes in his legs. No matter how talented he was, he had trouble swimming while shapeshifting. It just wasnt teh same. Without knowing, Pinkie Pie could have kill him!

He turn back, glare at her full of anger. That look... makes Pinkie Pie realize that she either messed up big time ... or worst, he hate her!

Pippin turn back and yell: " My stomach hurt, I need to relief myself. I'll be back in a bit! "

He walks in the wood, not realizing the sense the anxiety he brought in Pinkie Pie heart. AJ doesnt realize it herself, just thinking that Pippin words are true so shes not concerned.

When in the woods, alone, he made a strange spellbook appeared. It was crimson red and full of weird symbol. It was a forbidden tome made by a lust driven Unicorn and Pippin had being lucky to find it at some point. It was his most guarded secret as it was exactly this that allowed him to become this good in magic and rising in ranks within the Hive!

" Hummm... I need to deal with Pinkie Pie first. That would be a good practice if I need to do something about Twilight Sparkle. I need to mix some spells... First, " Aroma Leecheera" to make my fluids irresistible to her. But then I need " Dreameria Trance" to make her not realize this is real, . This "sleep walking" spell would make her think she collapsed from fatigue and had a very nice dream as long as she doesnt feel fear... but is it enough? That spell reduce the body sensations, like a dream... Hummm... That cursed pony deserve something more heavy. If she feel confused she might feel fear AND if she dont like what we are doing, since we are cousin, she might be disgusted... OH! I know! " Deuschia Compelis" ! If I mix it with those two spells, she wont realize we are doing something bad and think everything coming from me is the best thing ever, words or actions! "

He revised those spells to be sure he would be able to combined the three of them when the time was right... Then from a bit away, he heard Pinkie Pie calling her name!

OCC: Once it's start, we will need to switch to PM. It wont last long though for their first time. In fact, we might even skip it as it will last only ... 2-3 minutes max and be very straightfoward once it start. The goal is to make her addicted to "fun" with him, enter possessive/almost yandere mode. He will need to find a solution against it at Pinkie Pie Rock Farm lol (and teach him a lesson about abusing spells on somepony)


2017-12-29, 08:10 AM
"PIPPIN! PIIIIIIIPIN!" Pinkie yelled.
"It sound like a name of a stalker.. teheheh... ahem." she giggled to herselglf and gotten hold at herself imeaditly.


Strange. Her Pinkie sense warned her from dark magic.
Eh. She probably just nervouse.

She apeared behind him and tried to hug him.
"I AM SO SORRY!" She was about to cry!

2017-12-29, 08:43 AM
Pippin reflexed kicked him and he dropped toward the ground suddenly, roll kicking Pinkie who fall heavily on the ground, landing face first!

Realizing its Pinkie, he dont hesitate and cast the spell he had planned on her. Once he does, she stop moving. He knows it worked and that she is techicly in a semi-sleeping mode.

Since he wanna make sure of where is AJ first (and see if somepony is around), he cast in succession a detection spell. He realize nopony is around and that AJ is still at the lake, swimming.

He sigh of relief and turn back to Pinkie Pie... With a vicious grin, he...

(OCC: The rest in PM)

2017-12-30, 08:29 PM
Pippin sigh in relief: " Well it was fun Pinkie. Flat hair suit you by the way."

He hugs her. His hugs feel so... loving. He pat her head, like a child. But she... likes it. She feel suddenly like she dont want that hug to stop.

She realize she is not attracted to him just for the dream... at least she think. She realize that while other stallions try to possess her in the past (keep her for themselves), it was the first time she felt that way herself.

She was... confused to say the least. In the same time, she realized that... she was excited thinking of other stallions. She still missed Cheese Sandwich for exemple, he would do all those things with her as well, even the goo!

So she thought that maybe she just needed time and it will pass.

But why she suddenly have ideas of having childs with Pippin?!

Thast what Pippin didnt erase in her: her biological clock made her want HIS childs desesperatly!

Pinkie Pie would realize it later but for now, both of them were unaware of that fact just yet. She let Pippin return to the Apple farm... If he had knew, what would be coming later would not have happened...

2018-01-03, 06:03 AM
AJ and Applebloom were playing tossing horse shoes.

"Heha Pippin. Is Pinkie Pie alright?' she has asked with worry.

2018-01-03, 10:38 AM
Pippin sigh: " I think she will be. Because of a dream she had, she wanted a stallion advice about courtmanship. Im not exactly sure why she picked me but I think its because she was a bit jealous of a certain pony."

He winks at AJ playfully.

Once he have a minute with AJ alone, he tells her: " Aj, my sweet dawn of the day, I have to consider returning to my village soon. You havent changed your mind about me? Are you sure? "

OCC: Once he is being kidnap, I'll handle it. Pippin gonna secretly send a letter to AJ to reassure her. Also, when Pippin remove the spell on Pinkie Pie, she is gonna feel... hazy. She wont remember what she did after he left. She will only remember she wanted to bring back Pippin to her father for reasons she don't remember. She will feel like she is having a hangover as well.

2018-01-04, 01:35 AM
AJ sighed. "Yeah. I am sure as bucket of fleas on rusty monkey at abandoned zoo. Let's make a night.. you will remember. Shall we?'

2018-01-04, 01:48 AM
AJ sighed. "Yeah. I am sure as bucket of fleas on rusty monkey at abandoned zoo. Let's make a night.. you will remember. Shall we?'

He bring her to her room. He had lied to Pinkie, he had plenty of energy. Especially since he had secretly being feeding on her own energy that seemed boundless.

He smile at her, give her a hug: " It will be special to you too, I promise."

He sound so loving and warm as he say it...

That night, he took her first time. It was painful at first sure but soon, it became enjoyable for both of them... (switching to PM or we skip it?)

2018-01-30, 03:56 PM
Pippin sighed hearing Pinkie answer. Well maybe he should think positively about this whole thing? Pinkie might be annoying on a everyday life but she was a great companion in the bedroom...

Maybe she could also tell him more about his other targets?

He asked her: " Well you'll be a mother eventually Pinkie. But their is no hurry... compared to the current issue in your house right now. Your father is truly hoping for something I can't give him right? He want a wedding to one of his daughter. And I doubt your traditionnalist father would accept you to be pregnant with no hubby. I can smell a shotgun wedding coming a mile away. What should we do about this issue? "

2018-02-18, 08:42 PM
After some talking with Pinkie Pie, she realized her own behavior was not healthy. But in the same time, it warned Seed Giver that abusing magic to get in a mare heart could have unforeseen consequences he cannot deal with.

He began to wonder on his way back to Poniville... He might have being good to bring a mare in bed but he had used on mostly spells from that forbbidden tome. This time, it brought him off his goal. Not only that but he wouldnt had being able to keep up with Pinkie Pie. FOrtunatly, now he was sure she was no longer under a spell.

As he arrived in Poniville, he wondered... Maybe he should try to be nicer?

First, he needed to present excuse to Applejack. Pinkie actions were rash and even if he sent that letter, he needed to apologize before going back under a new form.

As the got to the Apple farm, he noticed... pigs running around? As he got to the pig pen, he noticed it had broken down. One of them was making barrels of apple fall and eat on them. A other one had a pencil case in his mouth and was running away from Apple Bloom.

he remembered it was a relative birthday soon... Did they had really the time for all this? HE then remembered Pinkie Pie had to cancel this to deal with the trouble she brought home. He had come to apologize for that.

Realizing it was his fault, hr grumbled and decided to make the birthday happen skillfully.

But for now, he had to find Applejack...

(I can find other ideas if you dont like this one lol)

2018-02-19, 03:23 AM
Applebloom chased them despratly. "Hey! Stop! There no timberwolf!" She begged.

He could see Big Mac was working like crazy to rebuild a big fence- Applejack ran rode a bull, alongside Winona, hoarding the escaping cows.

2018-02-19, 05:32 PM
Pippin wondered what to help with first. He decided to go help Big Mac first after gaining a streghtening spell to be able to lift more. With his help, Big Mac was able to finish is task. Now he could help fixing the pig pen.

Asd for the pigs, he put a barrel of the pig food in the pen and dripped it over. He tried to find the pigs after that and he skillfully got them, one by one, and brought them back to the pig pen. The food and big Mac big shape made them unwilling to try to flee, leaving Big Mac room to work with.

He was now sweating and he really was grumpy. He wasnt used to this kind of work. Now only AJ was remaining to help...

(AJ reaction to his return after hsi abrupt leaving could be interesting... Should she be angry at him and Pinkie Pie? I feel like his help just now should make it easier to apologize)

2018-02-20, 07:00 AM
"Ah. Here Mister Pippin. Had 'nuff fun with Pinkie. Yo?"She said as shd hoarded anothrr cow, sound a bit cynical.

2018-02-20, 07:35 AM
"Ah. Here Mister Pippin. Had 'nuff fun with Pinkie. Yo?"She said as shd hoarded anothrr cow, sound a bit cynical.

Pippin sigh, look very apolologic. He fellow her around as she does her chore: " I was forced by Pinkie Pie to follow her whims. She had a family emergency that she needed my help with and she simply couldn't wait until morning to force me to come with her... Im sorry to have leave so abruptly. Pinkie say she's super sorry too and that once her family problems are over, she will come as well see you to beg for your forgiveness. "

As he was on the other side of the cow, it was easier now for the cow to be maintained a straightline, so it was easier to hoard.

2018-02-20, 08:00 AM
AJ didn't hurried to answer: she was processing it all, straining her muscles and sweating at her chore.
At some point, she started simply lifting the cows, and toss them gentely into the fence.
Such fearsome strentgh.. myth material.
She wiped the sweat from her forehead, finally giving an answer. "I see. I understand, though, I think I could have helped too..."
She went gather some hunting tools. "But you"l have to excuse us, we got some timber wolves on the loose."

2018-02-20, 08:05 AM
He is impressed how she can do all that without using magic like he does. nd her this sweaty was.... alluring.

" Oh? Could I help with that? Im not sure what timberwolves are but they are basicly wolves right? Or do you want me to prepare the birthday of your incoming relative while you take care of that? "

2018-02-20, 08:34 AM
AJ wrinked her muzzle, thinking. "Well.. you are sweet sugah cube, but ah think, aren't being used to those monster, you might get in d'a way. Y'a know? But if yu could call on Fluttershy, you'l be a true savior."

2018-02-20, 09:01 AM
AJ wrinked her muzzle, thinking. "Well.. you are sweet sugah cube, but ah think, aren't being used to those monster, you might get in d'a way. Y'a know? But if yu could call on Fluttershy, you'l be a true savior."

He was a bit surprised. Fluttershy was a other target he should aim for... He played dumb and asked : «* who is it, how can she help us? «*

2018-02-20, 10:04 AM
"Ah. Right. You are new here. Fluttershy is one of my pals. She live at cottage at the other side of Poniville. She is the sweetest thing in Equestria- that for sure. And she surely has a honey tongue, when it come to handling beasts."

Do you have any good fluttershy's pics?

2018-02-20, 11:01 AM
Pippin nods: " Alright, I'll go warn her to have a look on the farm animals when you are gone. "

He goes get her. With the help of some nice ponies toshow him the way, he finally found Fluttershy cottage. He knocked on the door...

She opened the door:


2018-02-20, 11:21 AM
Fluttershy was a beatiful mare, with yellow coat and pink long mane and tail. She smelled like a forest, but what have amazed Pipin were her emotions.
Her love wasn't as loud and possesive as Pinkie's, nor bold and stable as AJ's...
Well.. if anything, she had enough love to nake a feast to the whole hive- she simy loved all living beings, some less, and some more- but she loved everyone.
She was like a fruit salad, with no need to add any sugar.

It's clear how even Discord was overwhlemed with the amounts of love, Fluttershy has to give.

She was dressed simple and humble as herself- white t shirt and pink training pants, stained with grass and mud.
She blushed a bit, looking over Pippin. "U...umm.. Hello? ..I am Fluttershy..." she avoided looking directly at him. "...can I... help you Mister...?"

2018-02-20, 11:28 AM
Pippin was amazed. The only other pony that felt close to this sensation was Luna. In Luna case however, it gave him a warming feeling while in Fluttershy case, it refreshed his soul! Both had pro and con but so far, he loved that aura!

He refrained from saliving in front of her or even act greedily. He decided to tell her the truth about what leaded him here: " Miss Fluttershy, Applejack asked me to seek for your help. You see, they have to go hunt for timberwolves and they scared the animals on the farm. She told me you would be able to calm them down now that they are safe? "

2018-02-20, 02:44 PM
A shadow of worry passed her angelic face. "Oh no! Hunt? Somepony might get hurt! We got to hurry and stop her!"
She geniunky sounded worried for the timber wolves.

'Angel? Dear? You are in charge until I return. Ok?" She cooed toward a little bunny who glared at Pippin with.clear hostility.

Fluttershy has closed the door behind her, and stsrted to run.

2018-02-20, 03:35 PM
Pippin was following behind, refraining to look at this angel... Instead he ate her love subtly, like you dip your lips in a red wine glass to get the full flavor. Even when running, it was a feeling he couldn't get enough off.

This feeling and the run allowed him to control his lust as well. It was a rare occurence that he refrained from using this gift of him. Somehow, he felt guilty just thinking he had to force his way in such a heart.

When that thought reached him, he didnt realize it but his wings slowly started to change color at its base under his disguise. He never realized it.

They arrived soon at the Apple family farm, where they started to take care of the animals.

He asked: " Can I help you in any ways? "

2018-02-20, 04:34 PM
"Yes. The animals should be calm enough right now.. but I need you to help me find Applejack and the timber wolves... before it's too late!"
and added shyly.
"I...if that ok.. of course."

2018-02-20, 04:39 PM
"Yes. The animals should be calm enough right now.. but I need you to help me find Applejack and the timber wolves... before it's too late!"
and added shyly.
"I...if that ok.. of course."

Pippin smile: " I'll try but I only know they went in the Everfree Forest... Don't worry, I'll stay by your side."

They go in there and Pippin don't know what to expect. With his magic, he wasnt afraid but he would need to be subtle about it.

As they enter the forest, he tell her: " My name is Pippin by the way. "

He was beginning to think he should have come to her as Seed Giver. At least she would have being able to connect with him more now that he thought about it, with her love of nature and all.

If he couldnt seduce her as Pippin, he would have to try as Seed Giver. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. He couldnt use the same alias as With Pinkie and AJ. But at least as Pippin, he could get more infos on how to win her heart!

" So humm, why is Angel earlier seemed so angry toward me. Did I do something for him to hate me? "

2018-02-21, 07:16 PM
"Ah? Angel?" Fluttershy giggled dismissivly. "He just a bit of the jealuse type. He'l be nicer, once you get to know him."
a hawk passed from above- Fluttershy gasped and jumped into Pippin's arms

2018-02-21, 08:55 PM
He shiver when she jump in his arms. He didnt know that pegasis were so light! She smell so fresh, like a spring breeze!

Not good, this mare is a angel! I cant do this to her!

It was the first time he was doubting he would be capable of doing his mission. Even with Luna who had become a source of reconfort and constant love, she never had this charming purity about her. This sort of purity was such that he would felt guilty to make her fall in love with him only to betray her in the end!

He only say: " Its ok, you are safe with me, " and chuckle a bit akwardly while blushing.

He hold her as long as she need to and let her down as soon as he can.

" So humm, you are skilled with animals? Do you have anything else you like to do in your free time? "

His mind was blank so he asked the questions he would normally ask...

2018-02-22, 01:38 AM
Fluttershy squeaked and blushed when she has realized that she actually jumped into the arms of a stranger pony- especialy...
She meeped apologies for few minutes and covered her face. At some point she calmed down enough to be talked to again.

"Ummm.. well, most of the time, I actually spending with my little animal friends. Emm.." she lowered her head, letting her mane to overshadow her face.
"I do... like knitting* though." She admitted with almost wishper.

*For me IDW is sort of cannon- so sue me!!


Midnight Snack stepped into the room of his parents, holding four trays-one with his foreleg, one in each wing, and one kn his back. He walked gracefully, despite the clumsy situation, and his overweight body.
He tried to set a family tradition, of eating breakfast together as family at least once a week.
He settled the trays on the table. "Good Morning Mother." He bowed, clinging to his butler character even infront of her.
He was grey coated bat pony, with black mane, without a single hair peeking out from his conservative hair cut, which he has mainted by himself on hour basis. He wore butlrr suite, had orange eyes and cutie mark of tray with piece of cake and a steaming mug.
"I hope I find you in well dear mother." To find a time for intimate meal for the whole DeepAgony family wasn"t an easy task- Tea Agony mostly was active at day, Deepwood and [insert sister's name] were active at night, and if there weren't emergancies, they napped at the mornings.

Deepwood has entered the room, his mane started to grey a little lately. He had deadpanned stare, as he waddled with hind hoof caged in ice cube. "I guess, it could have gone worse."

Soon enough his daughter will join too.

2018-02-22, 10:25 AM
Pippin put a kind hand on her shoulder: " You dont need to apologize. Really. It's ok to be scared. " He smile kindly to Fluttershy as he remove his hand: " Knitting is nice. I never tried it myself but it must be very relaxing. I like sin... I mean I like drinking a glass of apple cider while petting our family dog. He is kind old dog, mostly guarding the house now instead of helping around the field."

He almost admitting he loved to sing. He was very good at it but he needed to not have all his disguise to show that fact. Pippin was a poor choice at it.

(by teh way, as a reminder, he is gonna get his mission done with Flutterbat. He cant do it to Fluttershy herself hehehe!)


Tea Agony levitate the trays on the table to help him and hug very gently her son: " Thank you Midnight. You know, you should have aim for the late evening meal. We normally all take breakfast with the others in the commune dinner room. But still, I am so proud of you. It is a nice initiative and everything look good. Im sure it will be delicious! "

Her praise was sincere and she had a loving gaze to her son. She use her telekenesis to straight his outfit that the hug had (insert word here) and she put a bit of his mane back in place.

Twilight (full name Twilight Moonglade), roll her eyes: " I understand enjoying meals as a family Midnight but it's so early in the morning and you are already look like a domino. You can loose up a bit Midnight, it won't hurt you. "

Tea Agony sigh at her daughter statement: " My son have class, style and a kindness you should learn from Midnight. I didn't insist you learn those things but respect your brother choice to do so please." She say that to Midnight but Deepwood experience knows those words are mainly meant for him.

Twilight grumble, unaware of that fact: " I wasn't trying to be mean... I just though that he must be overheating in that suit. I was concern for him. You know I mean well, right Midnight? "

Twilight look pleadingly at Midnight to defend her.

2018-02-25, 02:45 AM
(Remind me again?)

Fluttershy blushed a bit. "Awww. It sound like you love the little fela. Dogs are wonderful pets! They are so loyal and caring, and quite easy to train!" She got excited and passionate when talking about animalz
"What his name? What does he looks like?" She has asked with curiosity

Deepwood looked unphased, keeping his mask of grumpyness, which hidden almost all feelings.
He took a seat. 'Doesn't look too bad." He praised with a grumble.
Deepwood started to eat, determijed to ignore the devolping argue and ignore the bait for a debate. About those matters, at this point everything that could have been said, was said already. They can only hurt each other from now on.

Midnight folded his ears starled from the conflicts. He wasn't fighter, with any meaning of the word. And his sub sonic hearing allowed him to hear the tones and even what were said between the lines.

He knew his mother, meant well, and just wanted everypony to accept and admire him, as she does. She was.. ehh... a "tiger mama"? Yes. He was sure, Sketch Book reffered to her like that.
And yes, Twilight Moonglade hurt him a bit, how could he explain to her, that in this suite, he felt safe, secured.. a pony with a meaning?
She won't understand. She was a wild pony of nature, the pony HE was supposed to be.

But he didn't wanted to distant her from him anymore- she won't just stop hurting him- she would probably stop talk and interacting with him, to avoid troubles.
Midnight Moonglade was strong, speaking her mind.. he didn't wanted to change her.

"I know, Moonglade." Midnight said after a long pause. "Your concern is apreciated. I just don't move as fast as you are- so I need the clothes to get warmer. Why don't you try the cool blueberry juice?" Politness was another shield, maybe even better than Deepwood's grumpyness.

2018-02-25, 11:35 AM
(well he could do it with Fluttershy but after meeting jealous Discord, it would be funny he got cold feet... Especially after Discord directly threatening him (as Seed Giver, not Pippin). Fluttershy could be attracted to Pippin but the warm relationship with AJ could make her ponder about such matter and make her stop from confessing? When later she meet Seed Giver, she is charmed by his singing voice and similar interests. Only for Fluttershy to drink her rejection away with cider, becoming Flutterbat and fly directly to where Seed Giver is and force herself on him. You like the plan? That would be different AND Fluttershy wont remember a thing by the morning after He bring her bag to her own bed. And yes, we could plan for Pippin/Seed Giver to love each Mane Six for different reasons. AJ and Pinkie however are more liked as mistress, he wouldnt be able to live with them everyday. AJ is a workalchoolic would espect him to be the same around the farm and Pinkie annoy him except when in bed lol! As for Rarity, he will create a third identity just for her, one that isnt him. He will love Rarity in love with him but... he is not the pony of her dream (and she is used to be rejected, her love dramas are well known). And for Rainbow Dash, he is not athletic enough to keep up with her and shes not as comprehensive as Pinkie Pie. It will be his first time to feel a mare disappointed with him haha!)

Pippin is glad to see her cheer up: " His name is Biscuit. He is a big white fluffy dog. His coat is naturally fluffy and soft. "


Midnight sigh of relief and actually go hugs her brother: " Thank you for your understanding little bro. Sure, I'll take some of that juice! Your food is always delicious! Sugar Rush sure is a good teacher! "

Midnight actually love her little brother, even if she hurt him unintentionnaly. She was rather clueless about all this social stuff so it was easier to forgive her. Her love for her brother was sincere at least. They often read adventure books together with each other or play board games. They could connect which activities as foal and even now. They did not do it often though because of their busy schedules...

(Lets make Midnight Snack the one who distanced himself from her at some point because he was a bit jealous of Deepwood relationship with her. So he hurt her back then too and he learned to keep it inside. One reason for him to go away is to learn to tell the truth and open up after all)

Tea Agony smiled seing Midnight and Twilight be on good terms. She sighed and took Deepwood hoof under the table. It was her way to still show affection discretly to Deepwood. She was happy everyone was here...

During the meal, Tea Agony told Midnight: " Midnight, sweetie, we have a proposal for you today. So dont leave to do the dishes once the meal is over."

Twilight tilted her head, curious, but said nothing.

2018-03-05, 03:43 AM
(well he could do it with Fluttershy but after meeting jealous Discord, it would be funny he got cold feet... Especially after Discord directly threatening him (as Seed Giver, not Pippin). Fluttershy could be attracted to Pippin but the warm relationship with AJ could make her ponder about such matter and make her stop from confessing? When later she meet Seed Giver, she is charmed by his singing voice and similar interests. Only for Fluttershy to drink her rejection away with cider, becoming Flutterbat and fly directly to where Seed Giver is and force herself on him. You like the plan? That would be different AND Fluttershy wont remember a thing by the morning after He bring her bag to her own bed. And yes, we could plan for Pippin/Seed Giver to love each Mane Six for different reasons. AJ and Pinkie however are more liked as mistress, he wouldnt be able to live with them everyday. AJ is a workalchoolic would espect him to be the same around the farm and Pinkie annoy him except when in bed lol! As for Rarity, he will create a third identity just for her, one that isnt him. He will love Rarity in love with him but... he is not the pony of her dream (and she is used to be rejected, her love dramas are well known). And for Rainbow Dash, he is not athletic enough to keep up with her and shes not as comprehensive as Pinkie Pie. It will be his first time to feel a mare disappointed with him haha!)

Pippin is glad to see her cheer up: " His name is Biscuit. He is a big white fluffy dog. His coat is naturally fluffy and soft. "


Midnight sigh of relief and actually go hugs her brother: " Thank you for your understanding little bro. Sure, I'll take some of that juice! Your food is always delicious! Sugar Rush sure is a good teacher! "

Midnight actually love her little brother, even if she hurt him unintentionnaly. She was rather clueless about all this social stuff so it was easier to forgive her. Her love for her brother was sincere at least. They often read adventure books together with each other or play board games. They could connect which activities as foal and even now. They did not do it often though because of their busy schedules...

(Lets make Midnight Snack the one who distanced himself from her at some point because he was a bit jealous of Deepwood relationship with her. So he hurt her back then too and he learned to keep it inside. One reason for him to go away is to learn to tell the truth and open up after all)

Tea Agony smiled seing Midnight and Twilight be on good terms. She sighed and took Deepwood hoof under the table. It was her way to still show affection discretly to Deepwood. She was happy everyone was here...

During the meal, Tea Agony told Midnight: " Midnight, sweetie, we have a proposal for you today. So dont leave to do the dishes once the meal is over."

Twilight tilted her head, curious, but said nothing.

)sound good to me! Though, I think RD has soft spot for dorks(

"Awww." Fluttershy cooed. "He sound adorable!" She blushed, realizing how strongly she expressed herself.
"If.. you don't mind me.. saying so.."
A battle was heard.
"Oh no!" Fluttershy gasped and ran-
The Apple siblings sarounded the timberwolves. And broken them with powerful blows.

'No!" Fluttershy gasped.
But the lumber gathered itself into one gigantic wolf.
"Stop,!,, Stop!" Fluttetshy squeaked.
"They won't listen to me!" She started to cry.

Deewpood allowed himself to smile at Agony. The passionate dangerouse fire between them turned into a warm and safe hearth.

Emotional anchor like each other, were crtitical to protect their sanity at their line of job- attempting to maintain minimal order around powerful child godesses which seemed to attract all the kinds of madness.

Modnight Snack.smiled, but hurried to gdt back and silently to eat. His emotions toward his sister, was.. so.mixed.
Memories of Deepwood trying to train him- horrible and yet.. nostalgic- even the time, Midnight Snack shoot himself from a bow, instead of the arrow, or when Deepwood sent him to befriend the wolves- it took half of yeat ro regrow the tail, and if he shift his weight wrong, it's hurt for himself to sit.

And after all that... Twilight get to he daddy's "little warrior" he dreamed about for so long.

He blinked. "Mom? Dad? What is going on?" He has asked a bit alarmed.

2018-03-05, 09:18 AM
Tea Agony look at her little stallion, a bit torn but keeping it inside. She smile and told him: " I had a idea for you to consider. I discussed it with Sugar Rush and she think it would be a great idea. You see, you don't get to shine as much when you live at the castle and you never met new ponies of your age. You showed to me you can be diligent and independant on your own. I deserve you deserve to shine as your own stallion, not just be under Sugar Rush shadow. So that is why, if you are interested, I have a friend who own a popular inn where you could be the chief cook. You would have your own kitchen and you would meet new ponies to interact with. Ponies that I'm sure who would appreciate your kindness as I do."

As she speak, Twilight look horrified and go hug her little brother protectively. She stare at Tea Agony with defiance but doesn't say a word. Deepwood look at his childrens with mixed emotions and decide add: " It's not to chase you away Midnight. It's that you can learn to not be afraid of the unknown, learn to meet new ponies and maybe even find a special somepony of your own. That's how I meet your mother anyway, I wouldn't have met her if I had stayed home."

Twilight eyes get moist but her look of defiance is gone. She refuse to cry but she doesnt let go of Midnight Snack.


Pippin tell her: " Dont worry, I got this."

He literally jump on the Timberwolf back and use a spell to calm it down. Then he say in a loud voice as well as giving it a solid buck to the Timberwolf spine to make it submit: " Apple family, stand down! This Timberwolf will return to the Everfree Forest like a good boy. Isnt it" he start scratching it hebind its ear, which make everypony look at him with wide eyes and a open mouth. The Timberwolf flee back in the Everfree Forest but take a look back at Pippin with fear before disappeariing back in it.

Pippin try to play innocent: " What? The problem is solved right? "

2018-03-05, 06:50 PM
Midnight was shocked. He was silent for a long minute.. it sounded good. Though.. he couldn't help but to think about Sugar Rush///
but if he could just get away for a little while from all the shadows everypony casted on him.
"I... I can try." he said quitly


Everypony blinked shocked.

"Woha.. that.. just.. happened. AJ said shocked Fluttershy gasped. "It's amazing! How did you do that?!"

2018-03-06, 01:31 AM
Seeing that Midnight gave up on trying to stay, Twilight bite her lips and finish her meal looking at her plate and with her ears down. She look at her plate only, refuse to rise her head or say a word. Deepwood sigh, rise up after he finished eating, go to Midnight Snack and pat his shoulder: " Good decision son. I'm sure you'll be able to find your way and spray your wings this way. "

He turn to Twilight: " Cmon Twilight, come. We have a patrol to do and your mom want to speak with your brother about something."

Twilight rise up and just walk toward the exit. That's a rare sight as she always try to fly everywhere she goes and always seem energic. Deepwood actually put his wings above her in a protective manner before they get out.

Tea Agony make sigh to Midnight to sit next to her. Once he does, she tell him: " The place I have in mind is... special. It's close to your father tribe. And Sugar Rush is often going there when she want a break from being a mommy to the Princesses. She will bring you there herself in a few days. I want you to remember to not reveal Celestia and Luna to the outside world and a few things like that. Also, don't ever see it as a punishement, you can come back anytime you want. And please write us a letter every week ok? Im sure Midnight would like to have your news and so are me and your father."

She sigh: " Its hard for me to let you go fly on your own wings Midnight... but I believe its the right course of action. Trust yourself and believe in your strenght. We will have a small party with the Princesses so they have a chance to say farewell. I'll do the dishes, start thinking about what you wanna bring there with you ok? "

(Once you are ready, we will move to the day you leave with Sugar Rush on a flying carriage made of clouds)


Pippin shrug, look a bit embarassed: " Hallow Graves have its own problems to deal with. I just figured it was the same as the Moundhogs we have to face. Humm, we are done here right? How about we go back to the ranch? FLuttershy here will be able to calm the animals and we can invite her for dinner in the same time. "

2018-03-15, 08:29 PM
Midnight Snack, was a ball of nerves. He held tightly his suitecase, hugging it as teddy bear. "Oh... Ms. Rush? D..do you think.. I really am prepared for it?" he has asked nervously. "M..maybe.. it will turn out terribly..'


"Y..yes.. I guess." AJ said... still shocked.
Fluttershy. "Ideally.. I would have negotiated with the Timber Wolves.. but.. emm.. for now.. that.. sound like a good plan:

2018-03-15, 08:38 PM
Sugar Rush sigh: " Midnight, you should really trust yourself. Beside, the bat ponies are very nice. You should try to connect with your roots. Also, I'll be here the full week with you. If you feel like it was awful, you can always come back with me to the castle. But keep a open mind ok? "


Pippin smile: " Cmon, let's go then! " "

Pippin decide to help Granny Smith inside, telling her they have a guess. Fluttershy and AJ proposed to make a meal together. Pippin sighed, feeling it would be so nice to have several wifes who accepted each others.

(Wanna describe a scene, like the two wearing Approns? Or we go to the dinner?)

2018-03-15, 08:39 PM
Midnight smiled shyly. "O...ok. Being by your side.. is always comforting." he looked at her with admire

(Pipiin and AJ? sure)

2018-03-15, 08:49 PM
Midnight smiled shyly. "O...ok. Being by your side.. is always comforting." he looked at her with admire

(Pipiin and AJ? sure)

Sugar Rush smile at him with affection: " Well Im almost your aunt and Im your teacher. I have condidence you will do fine. You won't judge the ponies there and that's the most important. Those who goes on that inn comes for certain services. Most of them want to be loved, desperetly. You'll see, bat ponies are very kind and very affectionnate. "

Sugar Rush hugs Midnight softly with one of her wing softly. He feel how leathery her wing feel because of her hidden dragon wings under that illusion. It doesnt last long though as its a short hug.

2018-03-16, 01:06 AM


(Who is the guest?)
AJ smiled. "Well, we better get to work. Yo?" She hurried to the kitchen and took an apron and tied around her waist.

She started to create dough and to knead it with force, splattering dough around.
Applebloom hummed while skinning off apples.

Fluttershy blinked, it took her few moments to grasp all the action which is going on. She hurried.to grab an apron, but had problem tie it because of her wings.

Midnight Snack tilted his head. "Certain services?" He repeated, and blushed from the hug. Lately, he couldn't help but to think of Sugar Rush as.. a mare. But maybe he confused his admire with sometbing else?
But he was happy to have her.
"...My father usually avoid his siblings..."

2018-03-16, 12:09 PM
(the guest is actually Fluttershy and Pippin. Fluttershy and me are helping though because we are nice like that.)

Pippin was not wearing a Appron because he was in charge of cutting he vegetables. Fluttershy would make pressed fruit juice so it would splash her.

When he see her struggling with her appron, he get close: " Here, let me help you."

First, he gently remove her hair from her neck. They are very soft and smell like spring. He couldnt help but feeling aroused by that beautiful neck. Inwardly, he cursedhimself and called himself a vampire to regain composture as he attached the appron on her neck. Next was the string to tie in her back. He made the string pass below her wings and tied them.

It felt... strangily arousing for the both of them. Fluttershy had being impressed by Pippin earlier and now, she almost felt vulnerable to him. in this position. In her imagination, she could sense his breath on his neck and something inside of her trembled.


Sugar rose up when she realize she would have to explain those special service to Midnight... She does so but sheis doing it rapidly and not looking at him. In fact, she feel ashamed to admit she is going there herself for such services.

2018-03-17, 04:47 PM
Fluttershy blushed and.. squeaked. "Umm.. t..than.. thank you." and with another "meep" she hurried to cut squeze apples.
Even with the tools- she actually wasn't very good at it.

Midnight Snack's face reddend. "O..oh... my... does.. my mother... know.. of it? It sound.. quite.. vulgar place."

2018-03-17, 06:15 PM
Fluttershy blushed and.. squeaked. "Umm.. t..than.. thank you." and with another "meep" she hurried to cut squeze apples.
Even with the tools- she actually wasn't very good at it.

Midnight Snack's face reddend. "O..oh... my... does.. my mother... know.. of it? It sound.. quite.. vulgar place."

Seing that, he goes to Fluttershy: " Miss Fluttershy, Im sure I cant compare to you when it comes making good salad. How about we switch tasks? "


Sugar frown: " Calling it a vulgar place... The ponies who goes there want to be loved. Their is nothing wrong about that. You dont know how many weird looks I got outside of Starswirl castle with those dragons wings of mine. Bat ponies at that place dont judge like other ponies does. If you think you cant accept that fact and keep a open mind, IM gonna turn this vehicle around and bring you back to the castle."

2018-03-17, 06:27 PM
Fluttershy blushed. "H...how.. very generouse of you. Thank you. I do... make salads for Angel everyday..." and went to cut salads.

Midnight Snack was quite shocked to hear Sugar Rush protect such place with such passion.
He missed the clue, for her doings there, quite surprised.
"Wh..what? No! I never intended tk insult anypony! Ehh.. it's just.. so.. much.. to take in.." he touched her wing with his own. "And... I think your wings are beautiful,... if that.. ok for me to say so."

2018-03-17, 06:56 PM
Pippin gladly make some fruit juice after putting an apperon for himself. He helped Applebloom on the side and even made her laugh while doing his job. Soon, the meal was ready.

He went to get Granny Smith and sit at the dinning table...

(want to diwscuss the incoming birthday of a Apple relative? I feel like we could skip it. Maybe we could show Fluttershy interest in Pippin and AJ clarifying thing or get jealous?)


She let him do so and kiss him on the top of his head while giving a other short hug: " That's very nice of you to say... but believe me, not everyone is nice as you out there. "

She sigh and a look of sadness is in her eyes. She let go of the hug and release her wing. Its rare for Midnight Snack to see such sadness in Sugar. She usually is so cheerful and energetic.

(she still dont see Midnight Snack as a grown up or as a dating partner yet lol!)

2018-03-17, 07:11 PM
days or two later-

Fluttershy meet Pippin at town. "U...umm.. hello." she blushed, and lowered her eyes.
"How are... how are you?"
after his scene, she started to toy with her tail shyly. "C..could.. you.. help me with something? Un..inless you are busy.. or.. anything.."


Midnight Snack blushed, and his wings for a second perked up.
"W...why are.. you.. so sad? D..did somepony.. insulted you out there?" he has asked with worry

2018-03-17, 07:14 PM
days or two later-

Fluttershy meet Pippin at town. "U...umm.. hello." she blushed, and lowered her eyes.
"How are... how are you?"
after his scene, she started to toy with her tail shyly. "C..could.. you.. help me with something? Un..inless you are busy.. or.. anything.."


Midnight Snack blushed, and his wings for a second perked up.
"W...why are.. you.. so sad? D..did somepony.. insulted you out there?" he has asked with worry

Pippin smile at her. Pinky Pie was back in town and was planning the Apple party with AJ. He had finished his chores (stealthy using magic or course to make it faster) and he was just getting some information. Apparently, Twilight and Rarity came back from Dragon lands now.

He was still free so he nodded: " How can I help you Fluttershy? "


Sugar notice the wings perking, feel a bit embarassed: " Im sorry, I forget sometimes you are a stallion now. And don't worry about it. It's just not everypony is openminded you know? Or willing to date a mare who can breath fire."

2018-03-17, 07:50 PM

"There.. is.. a poor bear, with a tooth ache. But he is.. a bit.. cranky.. I.. could rea..rally use.. help."

"T..that ok.." Midnight almost squeaked, struggling with his tie.
Was is it gettin hot in here?
"Breathing fire, is quite useful at kitchen."

2018-03-17, 08:17 PM
Pippin flinch inwardly but accept anyway: " Sure, I will help you. I'll be holding him down though if you don't mind. I know nothing of how to remove a teeth from a poor bear in distress. "


Sugar look at Midnight with a bit of amusement: " Well yes, it is. Sorry Midight, I didn't mean to make you umconfortable. We are here soon anyway, hold on tight! "

She accelerate the speed for a moment before it start slowing down. It sure cooled off Midnight!

Soon, the inn was in sight...

2018-03-18, 02:58 AM
Pippin flinch inwardly but accept anyway: " Sure, I will help you. I'll be holding him down though if you don't mind. I know nothing of how to remove a teeth from a poor bear in distress. "


Sugar look at Midnight with a bit of amusement: " Well yes, it is. Sorry Midight, I didn't mean to make you umconfortable. We are here soon anyway, hold on tight! "

She accelerate the speed for a moment before it start slowing down. It sure cooled off Midnight!

Soon, the inn was in sight...

"Oh.. thank you!" She gasped in excitment, and fluttered. "The poor bear, in so much distress..." she blushed. "...I..really apreciate the help." She led him. "D..don't worry about the teeth, I'll do it.. I just can't help him if he keep moving."
The walk is quite, but in a good way. Birds chirped at Fluttershy, and she sang back at them.

The cave is big and dark, and angry painful moans echoed from inside.
'H...he is.. in here. Are...are you still sure about this?"

The Tavern is an impressive wooden building, wonder of stone, wood and cloud: it could be defined as small.mansion, with music and laughter heard from it.
From heart shaped windows was heard feminind giggles and other noices which made Midnight Snack's wind.to perk.
He gulped. He hurried to gdt out of the carriage, and hold the door for Sugar Rush.
'After you, Ml'ady."

2018-03-18, 10:34 AM
Pippin look a bit uneasy, take a deep breath and turn to Fluttershy: " Sure but how about this: if... Ah, no forget it. L-lets just do it."

He almost didn't recognize himself here. When did he became this shy?! He even sensed pink coming on his cheeks.


Sugar rose up a bit, whisper to Midnight: " Don't call me that you know. It feels weird. You always called me "Miss" before at best. But thank you. You are really kind. "

Sugar enter first. As soon as she enter, she remove her necklace and put it in her saddlebag. YOu can hear a voice saying with a excited voice: " Oooh it's miss Sugar! Everyone, Miss Sugar is here! "

Bat ponies flock toward Sugar to hugs and kiss her. Midnight almost fall on a sign that say the rules of the establishement. Strangely, their is bathroom right next to the entrance with a clerk. He point at Midnight: " All bat ponies must come see me first. Cmon, come here. Is it your first time here? "

2018-03-18, 11:44 AM
Fluttershy was VERY worried from his hesitation, and couldn't stop asking if he is sure until he finally has entered the cave.
"Pl..please be gentle. The poor baby, is good natured and sensitive- he simply a little bit cranky right now."

The "poor baby" was almost twice taller than Pippin and roared as if he had rabies.
Snack stared, shocked. (And a bit jealuse). Sugar Rush looked so happy... he stared at her with mixture of feelings. From all places, his sophistcated mother sent him here?!
He blinked at the clerk. "Umm
... very well Sir. Whatever procedure is required I'll do it."

2018-03-18, 12:17 PM
Pippin was sorry to make Fluttershy so worried so he finally said what was in his mind: " Well... ok I'll do it but in exchange, how about we go on a date? W-well if you don't mind."

He almost couldnt recognize himself right here. She was just so... angelic that he had a hard time being himself. he felt even guilty about who he was just watching her and feeling her love for everything around her...

He sneakily use a spell to make himself less "present" for the bear, so that Fluttershy attract all his attention.


The clerck nods: " Good attitude. Bat ponies have to be free of fleas to enter here. You have to take a shower in there with the shampoo provided then get a inspection by me. If you use a way to hide those buggars and its discovered, you are banned for life from this place, no exception. Other then that, you have to be mindful that the staff here have the right to refuse to keep you company if they feel like it. So be on your best behavior. "

The clerk say all that mecanicly, like he did say so a thousand times before. He seem eager to return to his book. To be honest, he look more like a bouncer then a clerk.

2018-03-18, 01:59 PM
Fluttershy just meeped, and didn't gave a real answer yet, for his deal.
She stepped toward the bear. "Mister Bear"? She said sweetly, but he crigned and roared. "I came to help you.." she said softly


Midnight Snack blinked. "I.. don't have fleas. My mother made sure of it. And why would I assume, they have to keep company for me?"

2018-03-18, 03:24 PM
Pippin panic: " Sorry, I said nothing. I'll help dont worry."

He goes by the bear and wait for her to work her magic before doing a armlock to the bear. Only if he show sign of aggression does he does it. He increase hsi strenght accordingly too.


The clerk blink, finally seem to look truly at Minight: " Huh? Aren't you here as a clien like the others? Come to think of it, you are dressed quite well for a bat pony. Im sorry, I guess we should d a proper introduction? Im Black Fort, clerk here at the tavern. Who might you be? "

2018-03-18, 03:40 PM
The bear just whimpered, as Fluttershy quickly with a tools, took care of his teeth with less then two minutes.
"Here you go, mister fuzzy bear!" she cooed. "Just don't chew for two hours and you'l be fine!" she hugged him.
"You should say thank you to Mister Pippin."



"No no, it's my fault." He bowed. "Greetings. My name is Midnight Snack. I am here, to work as cook." he explained, using manners to cover his anxiety

2018-03-18, 04:44 PM
Pippin chuckle: " You are welcomed big buy! "

He heads to the exit next to Fluttershy. He say: " Well it went better then what I expected. You truly have a gift with animals. "


Blck seem to understand: " Aw, that explains it! Yeah I being told we would get a new cook this week. You still need to get that shower, protcole and all that. But once you are done, I'll show you the kitchen. I'll also call the owner in the meantime. Here," he gibe a basket full of stuff to take a shower.

" Dont worry, the water is hot. Enjoy it!"

2018-03-18, 04:59 PM
Flutteshy blushed. "Oh.. it's nothing.. you just got to listen to them.. you were so brave.." she meeped

"But I just-" he sighed, and found himself on the way to the shower. This obessesion with showers wierded him out- he wasn;t wild bat pony, after all. And he rarely sweated... but protcoles.. he decided just to get over with it

2018-03-18, 05:10 PM
Pippin look a bit embarassed; " I barely did anything. You were the one who charmed him into submission. Im just glad nothing happened. "


As he enter the bathroom, he realize their is two doors. Which one will he pick? :smallbiggrin:

2018-03-18, 05:25 PM
"Aww, fuzzy bear is really sweet, it wasn't big deal at all!"
Midnight Snack sighed, and carefulyl took off his clothes and folded them, and only then entered the shower

2018-03-18, 05:43 PM
Pippin dont have the courage to bring what he brought at first again. " W-well I should be going. It was a pleasure really. I understand why AJ is your friend. You really are a good mare to hang around with."

He wave at her with a kind smile and leave... and curse himself inwardly.


As he start cleaning himself, he hear the door open. Somepony is also going to use the shower. It enter behind Midnight and you hear something:

" Who who! Ahhh!"

She slip and hang on on Midnight waist. " S-Sorry sis. Someone let a soap on the ground, so dangerous."

2018-03-18, 06:39 PM
Rainbow Dash


Starlight Glimmer


The mares were "chillaxing" next to the lake. "I really don't get it." Starlight said. "And now what are we doing?'
"Chi-la-xing." RD repeated adjustinf her shades.


"Ahh. Umf." Midnight gasped and blushed, and his wings perked as he has realized the situation. Sis?
"Ugh... actually... Miss..." what could he said politly. "This is umm.." he tried to roll.over, and help her get up, while closing his eyes.
"This isn't the mares's shower..." he tried to say gently.

2018-03-18, 07:06 PM
Steam Roller arrive on scene with Pinkie Pie. He is carrying a umbrella, towel and wearing trousers. His body is muscular for a stallion pegasus and he look like a model. White stallion with light blue mane, shades, and both handsome and cool looking.

Pinkie is in a cute bikini and seem super happy to be at the lake.

Both both seem surrpised to see RD and STarlight there. Pinkie however jump to Raindow, super excited: " Rainbow Dash, you are back! "


The poor mare become redder and flee the scene as fast as she can, almost tumbling again on her way out

She dress up so fast he cannot do anything and shes gone! He couldnt even ask for her name!

As you leave the showers, the clerk look at you suspiciously: " Did you startle the poor Starry Sky? She's the owner daughter you know..."

2018-03-18, 07:16 PM
Starlight waved. "H..hey."

RD gasped. "Gosh, Pinkie, no need to strangle me everytime we meet!"
Snack blushed, and folded his ears. "N..not on porpuse..." he meeped

2018-03-18, 07:23 PM
Steam put the parasol down, make a flashy smile and begin to use his pheromone spell. Its his subtle one and the less mind affecting. After all, its a smell spell! And he was too tempted with the collection of beautiful mares to see here. Two of them being his target two! He needed to make a good impression, especially on the elusive RD.

Once he turn back, he remove his glasses in a coll fashion: " Its a pleasure to meet all of you. Im Steam Roller, nice to meet all of you."


Black just sigh and shake his head. He point to the door on the other side of the lobby. Sugar RUsh is gone and he dont see her.

" This door lead to the main office. Miss Crystal is waiting for you here. She is gonna show you around."

2018-03-18, 07:34 PM
RD gotten up. "Nice meeting you, I am Rainbow Dash. You spell it with awesome!" she presented herself and gave somehwhat manly pat on his shoulder.
Pinkie said cheerfully :"He is new in Poniville!"
Starlight blushed a bit. "Oh. me.. too.. sort of."

"O... ok sir." Snack bowed, but folded his ears, looking worried. He felt more self aware of his body then ever. He knocked on the door

2018-03-18, 07:40 PM
Steam Roller chuckle: " Im new yes but I heard the best pony to have fun with was Pinkie Pie... and decided to brought me here. Saying its a popular isolated spot. I didn't know the place would be occuppided but Im sure we can have fun still! "

He get a ballon out of his saddle bag: " Wanna play? I got a freeboes too. But Lets play close to the ground, not everypony here have wings after all," he winks at Starlight and Pinkie saying so.

Pinkie take RD by the hear when he is turned around to get the ballon and whisper very low to her ear: " OMG he is so handsome right?! "


Crystal have aged well over the years. She look mature. She have glasses now and invite Midnnight to sit down: " Ah Midnight, I heard about you. Your mom loves you dearly. Don't worry, you are basicly hired on the spot but I wanna make sure of something: Do you despise what we do here at the inn? "

2018-03-18, 07:46 PM
RD glared with side look at Steam. "Celestia yeah! And I am going to prove I am twice fun as you are Pinkie!"

Starlight passed her fingers in her mane. "So.. where.. are you from?"

Midnight held tightly to his manners not to freak out. "It's not my place to judge anypony"

2018-03-18, 07:55 PM
Pinkie chuckle, say it loudly this time: " Rainbow, you are so funny! Nopony is more fun then me! "

STeam to Starlight: " Im from Appleloosa. Well, just moved there actually. Its quite the fun place to be and I love the hot weather there. And what about you miss? Somepony as pretty as you must be a model yes? Like a swimsuit model? "


Crystal nods: That's all I needed to know! Follow me. "

You get out of the office and their was a other door behind the bar counter. You enter there with Crystal to see the kitchen. Its well equiped but you are used to more... extravagant stuff at Starswirl place. After all, he havve more money.

" You will work here with Starry Sky. She is shy but she is a good helper. "

She show you the place and warn you the upper levels are for the clients. The first floor have a salon with a bar for socializing. their is a mare here drinking by herself. A cool looking mare pegasis with a eyepatch. You cant talk to her yet because she is bringing you to the living quarters. She she open the door, you notice your room is large with a large bed. Very confortable looking. The window show the road and the large plain outside.

" Here's are your quarters. You are free for until a few hours where you will need to head to the kitchen for the evening meal. I own this inn with Silver. Bat pony, grey coat, black mane. If you need anything, you can ask him as well. Now if you excuse me, my job never end."

She left you to your own devices...

2018-03-18, 08:04 PM
Starlight blushed. "What? eh.. no.. more.. like.. an ex-village tyrant?" she said akwardly.
"Why did I said that?" she gotten up. "I.. got... to.. go.." she giggled nervously.

"Nah ah, Pinkie. You maybe most fun, when it come to cakes and little filly stuff- but when it come to studs..." she grinned daringly.


He blinked. "Well.. that.. happened.'| he unpacked for a whole hour- quie perfectionist about his order. and then he went to look for Starry and to apologize..

2018-03-18, 11:11 PM
Steam Roller laugh: " Good one! You don't ... neeed.. " But Starswirl was gone! She had teleported away!

" Huh?! Well I guess it's only you and me girls... Wait, girls, why are you looking at me like that? "


Starry is nowhere to be seeing in the common area. Their is quite a lot of bat ponies around though and even a few bat pony mares who look up at Midnight like he was hot stuff in his suit. Some makes a few comment on it too but it's less flattering when they are enough old be be his grandmother.

Among the more " rationnal" ponies he could fine, their was still the Black, the barmaid... and this pegasis mare in a corner who seemed to be eyed by bat ponies who look at her very sadly. Its almost as if they had puppies eyes when looking at her but he keep her eyes on her glass and a book in front of her.

She seem quite... mysterious, cool.

2018-03-19, 01:51 AM
They got near him, with impish grins. "We need a judge."
Pinkie completed her as they closed on him. "On super duper important matter! The fate of equestria and everything nice stand on the line!"
RD almost touched him "who is more fun?' She said about 20% softer.
(Can you describe or ref her?)

Midnight Snack felt VERY out of place, but he bowed, thanked and kept his politness as armor to cover his anxiety and akwardness.
He gulped. He happened to have some crackers.
It was kind of his quirk- somehow he always had snacks on him.
"Good Afternoon Ml'ady.' He turned to the mysteriouse mare, holding the crackers on fancy tray. 'Natural" Midnight Snack wouldn't dare to turn to her- but good manners could get you to anypony- so his mother taught him, and he deeply belived so.

"Drink without something to digest it with, is only seconded for drinking with crackers... so this one on the house." He placed the tray infront of her.

"Oh! I beg your pardon... I haven't presented myself yet! How silly of me! My name is Midnight Snack. At your service." He bowed.

2018-03-19, 08:31 PM
Steam Roller put on a smug: " Oh, I see where this is going. Let,s see who who get its mind blown first! "


Pinkie and RD are actually twiching on the ground with a silly grin while Steam Roller seem fresh and ready to continue.

" Well I guess this is a draw girls. Better luck next time. But it was fun though. Must fun I had in a long time doing this kind of thing. "

He get up, get the blankets and cover all of them together. He put each of them heads on his big muscled arms like a pillow and let them hug him, one on each side.


The dark pink pegasis mare with purple mane look at Midnight with surprise. She seem to look it up and down as he speak.

" Take a seat son. The name you want is Storm Hugger. First time I see a bat pony not trying to hug or kiss me before presenting himself. Very refreshing. But you work here isn't it? "

Her voice is deep, rauchy, very sensual. Think of Jessica Rabbit. Their was two glasses and a bottle on the table. One of the glass is hers and the other havent being touched. She put the glass in front of Midnight: " Want some? "

The other bat ponies around you guys have different kind of look. Some seem dumbfunded, other are curious and others... angry.

2018-03-20, 07:54 PM
Snack blushed, and his wings perked up unwillingly. "W..well.. I have manners.. and I was... hired as the cook.. yes.." he side looking worried at the stares

"So.. who was more fun?" RD called the moment she woke up, under the cloudy sheets.

2018-03-21, 03:59 PM
Storm Hugger smile sweetly at Midnight: " Let big sister teach you a few things then. Seem like you never did it with a mare too. Well it's only a matter of time in this place. I'm sure you'll find a mare to your liking."

The cider she was drinking is hard cider but its sweet and warm up the thorat in the same time. Its actually quite pleasant feeling.

She warn him though: " Only one glass though. It's clearly your first time after all. By the way, ignore those stares, they are just jealous. Im just a tad selective to the stallions I let enjoy my company. "


Steam Roller had woke up before her and was stretching before going out for a swim. He turn toward her: " Well how can I judge seperatly if we did it as a group? It's like asking what was the best ingredient in a salad. The whole thing was fun, I'll admit it. The most fun I had since a long while. But If you ask me which one is better, I would have to spend more time with the both of you for it. "

Pinkie had woke up at this point too, looking at Steam dreamily.

Steam: Now, how about a swim? Wanna join me?

2018-03-21, 04:06 PM
Snack face turned into crimson. "Mare.. of my liking?" he repeated dumbly. "Jealuse? Oh.. I.. did not meant to hurt anypony, you just seemed lonely and.." he started to rant.

"Hay yeah!" RD said. "Let's race! The winner enslave the loser!"

2018-03-21, 04:20 PM
Storm put a hoof on his own hoof: " Calm down... take a deep breath... again..."

She take the time to calm him down, with a patience and calm that remind him of his own mother.


Steam Roller didnt like that. He didnt use the same spell he used on Pinkie Pie so he presumed it was RD own nature that was speaking.

Steam frown: " I dont like the word "Enslave" thank you very much. I wouldn't agree to such thing. Althought Im down for a competition, how about we go for a date at the spa instead? "

2018-03-21, 04:25 PM
He smiled. "You.. are very kind ma'am... so.. are.. you working here too?"


RD rolled her eyes. "Geez, don't take it so literal."
Pinkie:"Well, we just want an exciting motivation to race for!"

2018-03-21, 04:39 PM
She takes back her hoof on her glass: " And you are naive. Sweet, innocent and naive. I am not a nice pony. Im a hottress here. That glass of cider will be deducted from your pay, most probably. Only the hottesses here drink for free. "

She smile at him in both a suave, impish way from tricking him into drinking with her. It seem she did it playfully though as she only made him drink one glass.


Steam laugh: " Pinkie have a way with words. Sure, you have your motivation isnt it? I'll be the referee. You two will have to swim three time around the lake. After the last turn, You'll have to get out of the water and give me a hug to win. That will be considered as the finish line. Is that good enough? "

(Which one do we make win? I wanna let you decide which date would be the more entertaining at the spa :smallwink:)

2018-03-21, 04:45 PM
He daring and drink another. "I..I don't know, I kind.. of.. enjoy talking to you."

"Oh, it is on!" RD beamed.
"Hhehehe! That will super duper fun!"

2018-03-21, 05:00 PM
Storm Hugger smile seeing that: " Well thank you for your patronage then. But please, don't drink too much or it will be harder to do your job. "

She sigh, look away... it seem like she is lost in thought as she close the novel she had with one hoof.
" Midnight, I'll be happy to chat with you again eventually. But you will need to be careful of when Im at work and when I am not. We both have a job to do here... and I must admit, I enjoyed your company today. Until your opinion of me change, I'll be happy to chat again with you. Now, if you excuse me..."

She turn to a relately young bat pony who was waiting on the side: " You, come with me. Shut up and you can have me ok? "

The bat pony shake with excitement and close his light tightly while going upstair with her, a wing on her back... The bartainder seem to write something as she goes upstair.


They both get in the water, taking the time to put back their swimsuit. When Steam Roller give the signal... a wall of water rose up behind the two girls.

Steam is flabbergasted. Not only they are going superfast but the water rise as a wall behind them!

They seem very close to each other but by the third lap, Pinkie seem to have stop for a short moment. RD however kept going and jumped out of the water, swim to Roller to tackle him with a hug and deep kiss.

" Aaaw yeah, I won... You are stuck with me big guy! "

Pinkie finish the race, clearly sad: " Rainbow! your wing stroke me i the water! It,s unfair! "

Rainbow blink a few time, look apologetic: " Im so sorry Pinkie, I didnt notice. I was so eager to win that... Im sorry. I dont know what to say."

Pinkie pout, then sigh: " Oh well, I lost... this round. How about we play with that beachball now? Steam, you like that right? What kind of games do you like? "

" Steam ponder as he get the beach ball: " I like checkers actually. "

2018-03-21, 05:07 PM
"Ehh..." he blinked and stared after her. "Wow..." he blinked dumbfounded.
This was.. a lot to take


RD sighed. "Checkers? Seriously? What are you, an egghead? Pff."

"I LOVE checkers!" Pinkie squeaked.
"Really? you too?"

2018-03-22, 05:48 AM
You realize she forgot her book on the table. the title is: " Thunder Cloud " and it seem to be a action packed fantasy novel.

Now that she is gone, the other bat ponies seem to make a line to the bar to get a drink. Once they all had one, the barman pull on a string behind his counter that reach to the roof.

A beautiful purple bat pony mare arrive. Her black hair is long enough to almost reach the floor and she seem to be extremely confident in her looks. She winks at the bat ponies around and sit down in a table enearby. As soon as she does, one bat pony fly to her and kiss her. You see that bat pony is holding a piece of paper with a number on it.

She almost distractingly keep the bat pony company it seem.


Roller smile. As Seed Giver, he is playing a lot of checkers with Luna in the dream lands. He loved that and was getting good at it. Somehow, he was missing her even if he was with two of the most "under the sheets" active ponies in Equestria. He wondered if a stallion could keep up with them without magic.

He sigh, looking a bit nostalgic but both mares wouldnt know why: " When not lifting weight or training, sure, I like it Pinkie. But its only when I have somepony to play with Rainbow. Their is not much to do in Appleloosa in term of fun except rodeos. So I usually just try to write a little when Im free. Today is the most fun I had in a while for a reason you know. "

2018-03-22, 05:59 PM
Poor Snack's wings strched up again. He tried to focus on the book- but his ears served him as good as his eyes..


RD smiled. "Then... how about a poker game?"

2018-03-22, 07:28 PM
A bat pony a bit fat goes to the bat mare and interrupt the two of them chatting: " Miss, can I go next instead? I have some special gifts if you want and I cant wait anymore..."

The bat pony mare seem a bit interested but before she can answer, the guy in front of her

The bat pony in front of her rise up: " Hey, Its MY turn! "

Black at the entrance cough, and it seem to calm both stallion. They seem intimidated by him.

The bat pony mare charmly: " You can both come with me upstairs. You'll each have your turn then. Ah, Im so diligent! "

She bring them both upstair and the barman sigh and shake his head. A group of pony come on stage to start some smooth jazz. the barman pull that rope a other time and suddenly, in a puff of smoke, in a other table, a gympsy looking mare appear...

(I dont know much about her... You might describe her and name both mare if you dont mind)


Steam Roll seem interested: " Sure, you have cards? "

2018-03-22, 08:16 PM
Silk Rhyme?

Midnight Snack feared her won't be able to fold his wings anymore. His jaw fell down.
It was.. so much... mares acting so.. so.. ugh... ehh..
Where is Sugar Rush? Despite being well mannered, his imagination was untamed... he started to imagine, and then another breath stopping beatiful mare apeared. He tried to focus on the book- but his cursed ears were as good as eyes.


"Well... no?" RD sbrugged embaresses.
"Of course you do, silly filly!" Pinkie cheered and pulled cards from RD's bra.
'What? How did you-'

"Just made sure, you have emergency cards, since you like poker so much!"

RD blushed and covered her chesr with her wings.
RD wasn't shy, and she did stuff with Pinkie- but somehow, the thought of Pinkie sneaking stuff into her clothes.. wierded her out.

2018-03-22, 10:45 PM
The new mare presented herself as Silk Rhymes and she read hoofs and tea leaves. She seem there more to give entertaining then the others. The bat ponies still seem to love her as much as the others but the rude ones who try to push her to go upstairs are ignore with a cold stare.

For Midnight, its calming almost with the jazz music.

Soon, the mare from before in the shower arrive from the corrider and goes to Midnight, give her a appron and uniform and run back in the kitchen...


Steam chuckle: " Dont mind it too much RD. Im sure Pinkie don't realize how that made you unconfortable. " He hugs her with one wing to cheer her up.

" So how about we play? "

(what next? Skipping to the date at the spa with RD? Or you have a idea to where to lead this? :) )

2018-03-23, 06:27 AM
Midnight Snack was happy to see that somepony here wasn't so intense with the.. entertainment.
He blinked. 'Ms...?" He take the clothes and trot after her. "I still haven't apologized properly...."
(His uniform?
(Strip poker? Just kidding?)

2018-03-23, 07:01 AM
Midnight Snack was happy to see that somepony here wasn't so intense with the.. entertainment.
He blinked. 'Ms...?" He take the clothes and trot after her. "I still haven't apologized properly...."
(His uniform?
(Strip poker? Just kidding?)

Once in the kitchen , he see that her cheek are bright red. As he apologize, she shake her head: " It was my fault. Im sorry! I didnt do it on purpose. "

She cant look at him in the eyes, its clear she feel both embarassed and sorry for what happened.


They have a nice afternoon playing poker and swimming before they should realize they should head back.

COming back in town, he ask: " Well I have a room at the inn. I'll see you girls tommorow and you miss Dash especially at the spa tommorow morning? "

2018-03-23, 07:43 AM
Midnight was pleased abd surprised to find a mare with a bit of dignity here... she seemed like a pillar of sanity here..
Not that he didn't fantaized already getting up with one of the other mares.. how could he not to?
And where were Sugar Rush?!
"It was merely an accident. No harm done." He said with soothing tone.
"Let's present ourselves properly and forget this incident." He bowed and kissed the back of her foreleg. "Greetings. I am Midnight Snack... the new cook here. Would you honor me, with informing me of yiur name?"

RD cringed a bit. 'Spa.. ehh.... sure." And dashed away. Pinkie giggled. "She think spa is too feminine place for her."

2018-03-23, 09:58 AM
The shy mare still feel a bit embarassed but Midnight Snack kindness win her over. She whisper: " Twinkle. Twinkle Star. I-I'll be your assistant. S-Speaking of which, we will have to work soon. L-Let me show you where are the supplies and the menu for today, ok? "

(Midnight is quite judmental... he will need to learn to let go of such judgement. I like it!)


Steam chuckle: " She clearly is the proud type. Well Miss Pinkie, see you tommorow ok? We call all lunch together after the spa. I only stay a few days but your presence is clearly... pleasant. "

He hugs her and kiss her passionnaly while his hands wander a bit on her velouptuous body. He whisper to her ear: " Its just like I heard. A experimented mare like you is always fun to hang out with for good fun. "

(He clearly meant to compliment how " easy" she is and experimented in bed. Make it a compliment for Pinkie? Or should she start to consider how others see her? )

2018-03-23, 10:09 AM
)Well.. I think that as pony who use manners as shield.. and he has set of mind of what aproriate and what not... though, he won't voice kt)
"Oh. Very well, ms. Star. After you." He said more comftorable with her.

"Oh. Hahaha! Of course!" Pinkie said cheerfully. "Fun is my middle name! Pinkie Fun Pie!"
Later.. alone with Gummy.. she will start ro wonder

2018-03-23, 10:19 AM
( I know he wont voice it but after experimenting it for himself, Im sure his point of view will change. After all, all those mares have reasons to be here)

Working with Twinkle went well and after the meals are ready, she bring them to the tables. The bat ponies seem to be patient and understand the service can be slow. Suddenly, Sugar Rush arrive in the kitchen! She seem in a good mood and goes directly to hug Midnight: " Here you are! So how it is so far? "


At the inn... he discover that RD opened his window. She kiss him passionaly and hug him, naked: " Wanna do it again big guy? Just you and me? "
Steam kiss her back: . Sure but first, how about you tell me more about- "

She interrupt him by pushing him on the bed and removing his trousers. Seem like talking will come later.

He use his magic to make her give him her energy. Only after shes tired and with a smile does he try again. His tone is loving and smooth: " So, now would you mind to talk to me about yiu now? "

With the afterglow, he had no doubt she would be more willing to talk now

(RD need to learn to open up and stop making her cool apparance if she want a true relationship one day, at least not fear one)

2018-03-23, 12:31 PM
(For Pinkie Pie, I think however that even if she is alone with Gummy, it will only be a baby step since shes still attracted to every personna of Steam like a magnet for his babies. However, she should learn that she is getting a other reputation then party planner as this goes up... but for now, she dont mind if the stallion is super attractive like a magnet. HOWEVER... The next personna of Steam could be a donkey named Mud Paddle? Or a griffon maybe who gives her marks on her back because of the claws? He intend to break Pinkie spell by making her regret having done the deed with him, which could be a first for her. After all, she never regretted it before, even if it was for pity. Pinkie wont change much from such a experience but she will learn to put limits. For exemple, only ponies who appreciate her could get more out of her, not just lewd person who dont even truly enjoy her parties or efforts to make them happy. A attractive stallion could still get a passed if she feel like it but she will be able to say no from now on without feeling guilty and give them a adress to go for the local mare who wont mind (in our setting, their should be mares who do it for money). How about it? )

2018-03-25, 02:43 AM
)sound right to me.)

Midnight enjoyed working with the timid pony. It was strange to be in charge- but be was sure of his skills, and his politness balanced his anxoiety.
He complimented Twinkle a lot, and even if she did mistakes he was very understanding. "Don't be down on yourself, it could have happened to anypony.
When Sugar Rush hugged him, he blushed and smiled, though a sting of jealuse was there- why wasn't she happy like that from something HE did?
"There.. a lot.. to take in." He said, akwardly. "The kitchen here.. is ... well quipped, and.. umm.. you look.. quite.. pleased.."

"Sure. Yes. I am the fastest pony in whole Equestria. And yes- I am a wonderbolt." RD said eagerly.
"Am I awesome? Or am I Awwwesome?!"

2018-03-25, 09:19 AM
Midnight enjoyed working with the timid pony. It was strange to be in charge- but be was sure of his skills, and his politness balanced his anxoiety.
He complimented Twinkle a lot, and even if she did mistakes he was very understanding. "Don't be down on yourself, it could have happened to anypony.
When Sugar Rush hugged him, he blushed and smiled, though a sting of jealuse was there- why wasn't she happy like that from something HE did?
"There.. a lot.. to take in." He said, akwardly. "The kitchen here.. is ... well quipped, and.. umm.. you look.. quite.. pleased.."

Twinkle thanked Snack for his understanding.

As for Sugar, she was a happy pony in her kitchen and she was happy when she did teach him as a foal... Midnight can realize that now that he learned what he could from her, he haven't seeing her this happy since then. Maybe she enjoyed teaching him more then she can appreciate the results?

Sugar: " Well you know, I didn't feel that pretty in a long while. Their is so many beautiful mares here and yet the little me, as a client, Im as popular as the hottess here. I see you are working with Twinkle. She seemed in a good mood when I saw her. I knew you would appreciate her. "

She ask question about the menu and general activities, like if you adjusted for the ovens temperature here, etc. She seem quite pleased with Midnight answers. At the end, she sigh: " You were really ready to fly with your own wings. I had my doubt at first but it seem your mom judgement was accurate... well, as long as you learn to... "

She seem to realize and ponder something... She sigh and say: " Try to know the mares here ok? I know it might seem... urg, particular to you but each of them have a reason to work here and do what they do. And if its not them, try to make some friends here ok? Black at the entrance love banana protein milkshakes for exemple. As for the barmaid, his name is Silent Hill and as his name say, he is not the talking type. He is kind enough when you get to know him and he likes mocha flavored cupcake. "

You do realize that Sugar seem like a regular of the place and knows a lot... She probably worked a bit in the kitchen here at times.

"Sure. Yes. I am the fastest pony in whole Equestria. And yes- I am a wonderbolt." RD said eagerly.
"Am I awesome? Or am I Awwwesome?!"

Steam chuckle: " Please, you can't even keep up with me in the shack AND your awesomeness is something extremely well known across Equestria anyway. I wanted to know about what you likes, hows your family, your hobbies... "

2018-03-25, 10:52 AM
Did his mother knew... of the nature lf this place? "I'll do anything for you, Sugar Rush. Everything I know, my cutie mark.. what am I... I owe to you."

He blushed from the thought of getting to know the mares here...
"You surely know them, very well, Sugar Rush."

"Ohhh.. ehhh..." RD scrartched behind her head. "Nothing special really.. umm.. want to race?!"

2018-03-25, 12:22 PM
Sugar look at Midnight with love when he say the first part and hugs him : " Awww, thank you! But you had great potential from the start Midnight, don't undermine your own accomplishements ok? Be proud of who you are! "

Sugar frown hearing that last sentence though and her tone get defensive: " Your mom knew this place nature ok, Miss Crystal is a old friend of hers. So don't judge me or any ponies who come here ok? Black is just a FRIEND. As for Silent Hill... well it's complicated. We wouldn't be able to stand each other on the long run. Beside, his true love his his work here. I usually seek company from a certain bat pony in particular when he is here. "

She blush, something you never saw before!


Steam prone her on the bed and enter her tight again but don't move as he tower over her: " Truth or Dare Dash! Care to play it then? Or are you scared ? "

He knew he wasn't playing fair but as a changeling, he felt something weird from her emotions. He was curious and after his disater with Pinkie, he had decided he would help them he could. And in this position, he could connect to her easier and she would fall for the trap easier as she shivered from his touch and let down a single gasp.

2018-03-26, 12:55 AM
Sugar look at Midnight with love when he say the first part and hugs him : " Awww, thank you! But you had great potential from the start Midnight, don't undermine your own accomplishements ok? Be proud of who you are! "

Sugar frown hearing that last sentence though and her tone get defensive: " Your mom knew this place nature ok, Miss Crystal is a old friend of hers. So don't judge me or any ponies who come here ok? Black is just a FRIEND. As for Silent Hill... well it's complicated. We wouldn't be able to stand each other on the long run. Beside, his true love his his work here. I usually seek company from a certain bat pony in particular when he is here. "

She blush, something you never saw before!


Steam prone her on the bed and enter her tight again but don't move as he tower over her: " Truth or Dare Dash! Care to play it then? Or are you scared ? "

He knew he wasn't playing fair but as a changeling, he felt something weird from her emotions. He was curious and after his disater with Pinkie, he had decided he would help them he could. And in this position, he could connect to her easier and she would fall for the trap easier as she shivered from his touch and let down a single gasp.

Ooc:Silent Hill. Omg. Sound scary.

Midnight blushed. Did he said his thoughts outloud? So.. his mother was ok with all of this? Oook...

"I am not, in position to judge anypony. It's just so wierd..." he tilted his head. "Certain bat pony?"
Sugar Rush blushing.. jt was.. cute


"Sure! Let's do it!"

2018-03-26, 08:47 AM
OCC: Haha, like the game. Yeah, his non-talkive nature make him a bit scary. And only in our roleplay we can have a pony named Silent Hill without getting copyright strikes :smallwink:

Sugar shake a hood dismissively: " You don't need to learn about him... "

Twinkle come back and notice Sugar who she goes hug with a smile: " Miss Sugar! I didn't know you were back! "

Sugar chuckle and hugs her back: " I am, full a full week! And You are still as pretty as ever..."

She roll her eyes: " You must have mixed me with my sister. Are you gonna help in the kitchen today? "

Sugar shakes her head: " No actually, Midnight is my precious student. Please take care of him for me ok? "

Twinkle is surprised and look at Midnight for confirmation, almost like she don't believe it...


He start to move, to her pleasure but slowly: " I start then, Truth or Dare? "

2018-03-26, 04:12 PM
OCC: Haha, like the game. Yeah, his non-talkive nature make him a bit scary. And only in our roleplay we can have a pony named Silent Hill without getting copyright strikes :smallwink:

Sugar shake a hood dismissively: " You don't need to learn about him... "

Twinkle come back and notice Sugar who she goes hug with a smile: " Miss Sugar! I didn't know you were back! "

Sugar chuckle and hugs her back: " I am, full a full week! And You are still as pretty as ever..."

She roll her eyes: " You must have mixed me with my sister. Are you gonna help in the kitchen today? "

Sugar shakes her head: " No actually, Midnight is my precious student. Please take care of him for me ok? "

Twinkle is surprised and look at Midnight for confirmation, almost like she don't believe it...


He start to move, to her pleasure but slowly: " I start then, Truth or Dare? "

Midnight Snack raised an eyebrow for Sugar's attempt.to hide her.. love intrest?
"You look quite surprised Ms. Twinkle... Sugar Rush is my teacher, and the most passionate and beatiful cook of whole Equestria." He said with a hint of blush.

"Dare! Duh!" RD grinned. "Go crazy! Wow me!"

2018-03-26, 04:58 PM
Midnight Snack raised an eyebrow for Sugar's attempt.to hide her.. love intrest?
"You look quite surprised Ms. Twinkle... Sugar Rush is my teacher, and the most passionate and beatiful cook of whole Equestria." He said with a hint of blush.

"Dare! Duh!" RD grinned. "Go crazy! Wow me!"

Twinkle gasp: " Wow, that mean we DID get a great cook this time around! We had to make the menu way simpler when Sugar Rush wasn't there."

Sugar chuckle: " Alright alright, enough with the compliments! Midnight, the hottess will be done soon, why don't you try to talk to one of them? They need food too you know but their order will have to be delivered throught that door," she point to the door at the other side of the kitchen. " Their is a staff dining room here. You can eat with the bat ponies if you want though, it's as you wish. The point is to try to make some friends ok? "

Sugar Rush get toward the exit: " Now if you excuse me, I wanna go to the pool, later! "

And Sugar Rush leave, just like that.


Steam had planned this. He stop moving and ask her to go on all four for this dare. Once she is, he whisper: " You will have to say, very loud, " I'm trash master, please forgive me!" between your loud screams of pleasure. "

The PROUD Rainbow probably didn't see it coming.

(In PM? Its not gonna get more ... then that)

2018-03-27, 04:08 PM
Midnight blinked, his eyes followed her flank. "Ok..." he waved after her. He cleaned the dished, and decided to join the dinning room of the staff.

2018-03-27, 04:55 PM
In the Staff room, their is Storm Hugger, the black mare from before ( I came out with a good name for her) and also the purple bat pony mare... who jump at at Twinkle: " Little sis, are you ok?! I overheard Black joking about you were in tears earlier. What happened?! "

Twinkle hugs her: " Its ok sis. It was a misunderstanding. It's ok really. You worry too much about me."

She then turn to Midnight... she shift to worried to seductive: " Oh? You are new here? I'm Silky, nice to meet you. Here, let me do you the presentation."

She hugs him by the arm while pointing at everyoner: " This is Storm Hugger and the Black mare here is Destiny. We will all be your coworker from now on so be nice to us ok? "

Twinkle sigh: " Silky, don't tease him please. You can see he is inconfortable. "

She then notice his wing spread then frown, she look away: " Nevermind. Stallions.... sigh. "

Destiny nods to him and wave at him between two bite of her salad while Storm, who he is behind with, just turn a bit and nods before reterning to her meal.


For Steam, we can continue the next morning, going to the spa... and this time, Pinkie is intruding or RD is more... loving?

We could skip after the spa if needed, in the afternoon... Next should be dealing with either Pinkie or switching to Rarity...

2018-03-27, 05:37 PM
(I am bit confused of who is who)
Midnight Snack blushed. "Ehh? what? It's not what you think Twinkle! I am not a creep or anything!" he panicked.


RD:"Hey champ. Let's have a good time Ok? Just don't make a big deal out of it.."

2018-03-27, 11:33 PM
Twinkle Star: Bat sister with glasses
Silky: Sexy bat pony sister with long hair
Destiny: The dark eart pony mare who like reading cards
Storm Hugger: Pink pegasis mare with a eyepatch

Twinkle roll her eyes while Silky chuckle: " he is just a normal stallion Twinkle, don't mind it too much. He clearly wasn't raise in those parts for him to be this reserved around us and working in the kitchen with you. Give him some slack ok? "

She smile weakly: " He IS nice. It was nice working with him."


Steam laugh, embrace her: " This IS a date. Im gonna tease the hell out of you about it later but FINE... I'll be taking this with a grain of salt for now. "

He walk next to her, walking normally. He just seem happy and they could look like two friends going to the spa...

Once there, he see two mares welcome him: " Hello, how we might help you? "

" Steam, took a reservation two days ago? "

" Ah right, the steam bath first right? It's only you two who are there this close this morning, lucky you!"

She bring you there and the steam feel great. Once theya re alone in there, he hugs her and tease her a bit with a surprise kiss and hug... Their towels fall off...

2018-03-28, 02:04 AM
Midnight Snack was embarresed. "Well... I.. grew up at Starswirl's castle.." he wasn"t sure if mentioning Deepwood would be a good idea...
Sure. They officaly have made up... but some tensions are always there.
Officaly Deepwood accepted Midnight as he was, but Midnight Snack doubted, it wasn't painful for Deepwood to let go of his dream for "Warrior Boy." (Though his sister fulfilled it...)
"Sugar Rush has taught me everything I know." He added.
"Well, you are very good at the kitchen Ms. Twinkle...and a very nice pony, so I just have behaved as I should have..."

"Ha. Maybe the Spa not THAT bad..."

(Maybe good scene to meet Rarity?)

2018-03-28, 03:47 PM
Destiny seem to listen to everything then finish her salada in one gulp and make sign to Midnight to come sit next to her: " Im gonna read your hooves if you want! I can also read tea leaves! "

Silky smile and bring Midnight to her table: " Its part of thenew guys initiation to get their hooves read by Destiny. Trust me, she's good at it! But finish your meal first ok? "

Silky then go sit with her sister where they speak in low tone squeaks. Even Midnight cant understand what they are saying. He is too busy eating next to Destiny and with Storm Hugger in front of him. She have a gourd next to her she drink directly from. Different from the sight she gave in the salon. A bit less dignified, like she is relaxing.

Destiny is... happily chatting to him about her travels and some funny stories that happen in this place. Like the last cook assistant who tried to take Sugar Rush for himself and ended up burned and ended up fleeing the place with a diharea and burning mouth in the same time on top of that.

Midnight know full well that Sugar Rush have a limit and once you cross it, She will let you know. If you push it... it wont end well. But its the first time hearing such revenge stories. You think it might have being exaggerated however for story purposes.

Storm Hugger seem to just enjoy listening to Destiny.


Steam chuckle: " You and Pinkie really drainedme yesterday. That's gonna be the maximum Im doing today. Beside, Im sure the ponies here give better massages then I do. "

(If we meet Rarity, she will be oustraged they arent wearing theirtowels properly. She is a lady after all.)

2018-03-29, 07:47 AM
Midnight was amazed the whole new world he have discovered- he thought he knew Sugar Rush well.. but aparently not well enough.
Those mares were intresting too.
"Well.. I'll just wash the dishes.." he has collected them. "If you won't be busy later.." he turned to destiny. "I would enjoy a hoof reading.. it does sound exotic."

Rarity was thede blinking. "Rainbow Dash! Good to see you here! And with.." she blushed and giggled. "Oh, honestly I was afarid you aren't i to stallions at all!"
RD "hey.. don't blow it for me, Rarity!"

2018-04-01, 06:45 AM
Silky rise up: " Nope you won't! Your job is done soldier, I'll do the dishes. "

Twinkle sigh: " Sis, that should be my line. I'm supposed to do that. "

Silky hugs her sister: " Yeah but we have a newbie. And he needs the grand tour. You'll be better at it then I am. "

While they argue back in forth, Storm Hugger rise up a bit shakily and wish everypony Good Night. She seem drunk a bit.

Destiny seems like she wanna say something but she don't know to who. Like she's confused about all those ponies talking in same time.


(Im rewritting Rarity intro. It was too lazy to my tastes, sorry.)

Rarity had a rough time in dragon lands. Spike had a new friend and was safe now but she was glad to be back in a pony city with the right commodities to live confortably. All this sulfur smell was sticking to her even if she took a bubbly bath at home.

She planned a early trip to the spa. First the sauna to relax and then aromatherapy session. Only after she was sure she was smelling good would she allow herself to have a massage.

She didn't expect to have a couple in the sauna when she got in. Their wasn't a lot of ponies who came here so early in the morning. But turns out it was RD and.. a stallion?!

Rarity gasped at what they were doing, feeling herself blushing: " G-Good moning Rainbow Dash. Please refrain from more then that. We have to think of those who comes after us after all."

RD shrug and put back her towel while Steam was doing the same. He knew Rarity was his next target and my gosh, she was dazzling looking!

She comes in: " Although Im glad to finally see you with a stallion. You are usually so reserved about such matter with me. "

RD: " That's because we don't see romance the same way Rarity, that's all. His name is Steam Roller by the way. "

Steam nods to Rarity: " It's a pleasure to meet you miss Rarity"

He wondered if his athlete physique would have any effect. He wished he could use his pheromone spell to be sure but in a enclosed space like this, it would cause bad result. he had put the towel around his hips to hide his "tools" but Rarity could see his ripped belly with a beautiful 6 pack there. He wondered if her look would wander on him.

Unfortunatly, it didn't seem to be the case. She did at first glance but was now avoiding looking at him except at his face. A proper lady indeed.

Rarity teased RD a bit: " I was still thinking you might be secretly into mare RD. "

RD: " H-hey, dont ruin my chances Rarity! Beside, you are more flinging both way then I ever did."

Rarity blush: " I... Fine let's drop the subject. Wanna know what happened to Spike recently? "

She begin to tell what happened in dragon lands and Steam is listening. Her story is interesting. He avoid looking at her directly and beside, their is RD between the two of them.

He wondered how he should learn more about Rarity. She was a tricky one this one. He would need to be someone important he think to get her attention. This was only a theory though and he wasn't sure it would work.

RD rise up after her story: " Well thatw as interesting. Im sorry Rarity but we will get out now or we will get all wrinkled. It was nice to see you again, thx for the story in dragon lands. I definitly need to head there for a trip eventually."

Rarity chuckle: " It is indeed a place more interesting for you then it is for me. Have a nice day Rainbow. It was nice to meet you mister Steam."

She waves at them as they leave the spa. RD seem a bit... protective. They had to take a shower and then both would get a massage...

STeam chuckle and hugs her once they are alone: " Jealous much? You think she could sweep me up my hooves? "

2018-04-13, 07:52 AM
Midnight Snack blushed. "But..." he left his foreleg hanging, not sure how to argue.
He looks worried, going after Storm Hugger, offering her supporting wing. "Where is your room M'lady?" He has asked using his polite tone.

RD groaned, trying to move her pony with blow. "Pfff. Like you has a chance with her. You might have abs" she nudged him. "But you have to be fancy. That or a drunken AJ." She added with an evil smirk.

2018-04-13, 08:19 AM
Storm Hugger seem surprised to see Midnight pop up. She even rose up a bit. She reach for her mane and quickly grab... a inhaler? She spray it in her mouth. A flagrance of rose is in the air now. Seem like its a mouth washer of some sort?

She answer as she put that back in her mane. " Room 233. Thank you. "

As you reach the room, she say : " You really are a gentlecolt... Wait a moment ok? I have a gift for you and It's not wrapped up... "

Does Midnight wait or excuse himself?


Steam make a mental note of it. Might be useful for his next disguise.

" If you say so Rainbow. Now, how about we head to that massage next? "

Steam wonder if they give a " extra" here but he doubt it. Beside, he did it so much yesterday that he wasn't in the mood.

2018-04-13, 08:42 AM
Midnight blushed. "It's quite late ma'am.. and a gift?" He shifted nervously, "w..we better talk about it, properly tommorow... right?"
(Ehhh.. not sure what to do next)

2018-04-13, 10:20 AM
Midnight blushed. "It's quite late ma'am.. and a gift?" He shifted nervously, "w..we better talk about it, properly tommorow... right?"
(Ehhh.. not sure what to do next)

Storm Hugger chuckle and hugs Midnight: " Alright, I won't force you then. But let me give you the traditionnal bat pony parting gift at least. "

She kiss Midnight on the cheek, and look a bit smug doing it. She whisper: " Good Night Midnight. "

She part from the embrace. Her parfume is still lingering in the air as she close the door behind her...


The hooves massage was divine and Storm and RD reunited together at the pool... and Rarity was there. In her bikini. If Steam didnt had so much action yesterday, he would have a hard time hiding his attraction. But now, he tried to be respectful of RD feeling and only tried to catch a glimpse when RD was not looking.

Rarity seemed to enjoy swimming... and RD too as it seem a activity both Rariy and RD seem to enjoy together. Steam excuse himself and lay on a beach chair, relaxing.

He was almost dozing off when he notiuce that RD is still in the pool, seemingly training as she was going back in forth doing lenghts. Rarity however, had sat next to him...

(You can make her try to be friendly with Steam now. Formal introduction and what not)

2018-04-14, 01:16 PM
Midnight Snack blushed, and his wings perked up, his legs felt wobbly.
"G..goo..d ..night.." he floated, with goofy smile

"Hello, sweety. I think we haven't introduced ourselves properly.. my name is Rarity. I really am glad, to see Rainbow Dash, finally going out with stallion." she said warmly
but still somewhat rserved.

2018-04-14, 02:27 PM
As Midnight returned to the dining room, only Destiny was still here. It seem she did a card reading for herself and is meditating now.

You hear girly chuckle in the kitchen. It seem Silky and Twinkle are inside, doing the dishes.


Steam smile at her: " Im surprised you say that. I believe our dear Rainbow is just... hard to keep up with most stallions. You need a lot of energy to keep up with her and patience for her to open up. But I'm getting there. "

Rainbow was on the other side of the pool now, he wasn't afraid of her hearing what he just said.

He ask Rarity: " Its a honor to meet you miss Rarity. You and your friends saved the world countless times. Didn't expect I would meet 3 of them when traveling to Poniville. Is it hard? COordinate a personnal life and saving Equestria all the time? "

2018-04-14, 04:44 PM
Midnight adjusting his collar and turning to Destiny.
"Good evening Ms. Destiny... oh. excuse me, I didn't meant to interupt you.."

Rarity smiled. "Well, don't tell Rainbow Dash, I said it.. but she IS spectacular. I'm really happy for her for finding a stallion like you."

She giggled at his question. "Well, those emergencies, do not happen on daily basis, so I am fine. I even have opened shops at Manehatten and Canterlot." she looked over him, but as proffesional. "You could have a succesful career as model." she added. "What is your occupation, if you dont' me asking?"

2018-04-14, 05:56 PM
Destiny open her eyes... They are pure white for a moment before returning to normal. She blink a few times, invite you to come sit: " COme come, sit next to me! "

She takes the cards, put it back in a pile and shuffle like a pro. Then she put the card on the table next to her, where Midnight would sit.

" Their is no better way for me to know a pony then to use my gift. Cmon, shuffle the cards and pick three of them and put them in front of you! "


Steam put fingers up: " One, I'm not that special. Im just patient and I have a acute sense for psychology and ponies. Second, I AM a model. A Underwear model to be exact. You wouldn't recognize me though, the pictures never show my face."

2018-04-14, 06:14 PM
"Um.. ok. I will glad to." Midnight said, and sat next to her, picking three cards.


"Oh. Wow. Well, I did have a feeling about you. I am not surprised at all!" Rarity wad impressed

2018-04-14, 06:46 PM
Now that the cards are put in front of him, she ask to flip the one of the left. Its a pony gathering apple on a ladder from a apple tree but the card is upside down. She touch the card, concentrate on it and say:

" This one represent your past. You love your family but it had not being a easy situation in the past. You wanted to be acknowledged but it was hard. You had some support from your effort but it didn't always pay off. "

She turn to you: " Had trouble at home sweetie boy? I can guess a bit more but are you willing to talk about it? "


Steam nods: " Thank you. You must train regularly yourself to be be in shape. Of course, not like RD but you have a lovely figure. "

He meant that she must not TRAIN like Rainbow but that could be misinterpretated.

2018-04-14, 06:53 PM
Midnight blushed. "Umm.. well, it's kind of embarssing.. umm.. my father is a good pony... but he had.. expectations of me.. to be like him.." he found himself opening up

Rarity blushed. "Oh.. are.. my hips that swolled up?!" she has asked with worry.
"It' must because of Pinkie's parties.." she started to rant

2018-04-14, 07:32 PM
Her smile is recomforting: " Do not worry. Im sure he is. I saw it was a dad issue but wasn't sure you would be honest if I pointed it out. Ok, next card! "

The next card is a pony in a crowd of griffin but on the right side this time. She say: " this card represent a change in your situation. You are in a new situation, in a adventure. You came to the inn in hope of gaining something you didn't have at home. To be out of the shadows you were stuck in andyou wanted to try to get out of that shell of yours. "

She turn to you. She smile at you sweetly, expecting you to confirm or deny that...


Steam smile at her. He try to be kind but it sound akward as it feel weird for him to be sincirely nice: " Do not worry, you have your own charms. The side of your hips is not as important as the size of your waist. You shouldn't worry about your figure, the training you are doing is enough to keep it. However... Rainbow have so much stamina that she need a stallion who can keep up with her in lots of ways if you catch my drift. That is why you probably didn't saw her with a stallion before as its a hurdle most stallions can't give her. Everyone have basic expectations on what they want on a partner and it's not just the looks. Some mares want compagny, the others want a husband... Me and Rainbow simply have the stamina the other want and good enough looks to make the fire going. As for the rest, we will see how it goes. We don't want to complicate things. "

He turn to her, asking her with a suave smile: " And you Miss Rarity, do you know what you want? "

He did not expect to charm her as Steam... he had prepared a other identity for Rarity to use against her. So he believed he should remain as Steam with her for now. he wanted to question her to make sure his next identity would be perfect. He heard she was difficult to please after all. And... just in case... he secretly released some magic pheromone. Not a lot but just a bit. Their wasn't a lot of ponies anyway and those who were already there keep looking at them sneakily from far away since their group was so good looking.

2018-04-16, 07:41 AM
Her smile is recomforting: " Do not worry. Im sure he is. I saw it was a dad issue but wasn't sure you would be honest if I pointed it out. Ok, next card! "

The next card is a pony in a crowd of griffin but on the right side this time. She say: " this card represent a change in your situation. You are in a new situation, in a adventure. You came to the inn in hope of gaining something you didn't have at home. To be out of the shadows you were stuck in andyou wanted to try to get out of that shell of yours. "

She turn to you. She smile at you sweetly, expecting you to confirm or deny that...


Steam smile at her. He try to be kind but it sound akward as it feel weird for him to be sincirely nice: " Do not worry, you have your own charms. The side of your hips is not as important as the size of your waist. You shouldn't worry about your figure, the training you are doing is enough to keep it. However... Rainbow have so much stamina that she need a stallion who can keep up with her in lots of ways if you catch my drift. That is why you probably didn't saw her with a stallion before as its a hurdle most stallions can't give her. Everyone have basic expectations on what they want on a partner and it's not just the looks. Some mares want compagny, the others want a husband... Me and Rainbow simply have the stamina the other want and good enough looks to make the fire going. As for the rest, we will see how it goes. We don't want to complicate things. "

He turn to her, asking her with a suave smile: " And you Miss Rarity, do you know what you want? "

He did not expect to charsdwezzzsrzdaSdsam her as Steam... he had prepared a other identity for Rarity to use against her. So he believed he should remain as SterrrrrRswfr keep looking at them sneakily from far away since their group was so good looking.

Mizzdnight Snack blinked. He wasn't sure Destiny actually has mystical powers- but even if she "just" calculated those readinga by reading his behavior, it was impressing.
"Wow.. you.. good at this." Feeling akward, that she has revealed such intimate details with such ease.
He didn't dared to look directly at her eyes- what else would she reveal?!

Rarity has listened with enthusiasm- discussing feelings of others and generaly what RD and AJ reffered as "Sissy talk", was exactly what Rarity loved to talk about. She had a spirit of an artist, and as dress maker, she also enjoyed figuring what colors and texture would mark the qualities of her customers and friends.
Not everypony knew how to explain and express their feelings, and not to speak of feelings of others.
"Well, it does clearify quite a lot about the subject. I am just ashamed I couldn't have figured it out myself... I would have been more sensitive to Ms. Dash"

Rarity paused at his question. "Well... my needs are more humble. I simply want a handsome charming gentelcolt, who would treat me like a lady, and never take me for granted..." she cooed a bit as she fantasied.

2018-04-16, 08:05 AM
Destiny seem to see his embarassement, she blink, look away guiltly: " The bat pony here find it fascinating, they have nothing to hide for the most part. Those two cards are usually the most embarrassing ones as the the next one represent your future. We can stop here if you don't want to know though... "


" Wow, was this pony so romanticly fantasizing that it ruined her romances?! Sure seem like it, " Steam thought.

Steam decide to release more pheromone because what he is gonna ask next might upset her otherwise.

He smile at her but it look a bit smug: " So you are that type huh... And in how many relationship you were that lasted more then a year then? "

(the answer is obviously none. In our game, I think she got her heart broken by Prince Blueblood and no longer have "charming prince" fantasies but she does have fantasies still. She had a few unsuccessful crushes or romance but it lasted a few months only... and never in Poniville, only in the big cities where shes away from home.

So she will probably dodge the issue by asking HIM the same question or saying her job make her travel a lot and each time she hoped the pony of her dream would move in Poniville it doesnt end up as she hoped. Its one of her hidden criteria or romance, once she might not have realized herself...

And later on, she will probably ask Steam to work for her in Poniville as one of her models for lingerie...)