View Full Version : Strange Aeons In Character Thread

Gamey Geemer
2017-10-27, 06:29 PM
With the crack of a whip, everyone wakes up, some slouched on stone buildings built with no mortar on a cobblestone floor. You are barely able to see outside of a small bubble of light forged by a nearby torch, but it seems to go almost endlessly in both directions, with the walls serving as a kind of prison. Almost instantly, two primary factors of the nearby area leap forward at everyone, the thick soup like yellow mist with strange shapes dancing in the space between life and shadow and the stench of rotting flesh filling the air. And all through the space, the echoes of a slow methodical set of foot steps drifted lazily through the air with seemingly no source.


Go with the posting order from the OOC thread, everyone has 24 hours to post until further notice.

Just Helping (20)
Justicar (18)
McMurderFace (15)
HappyMeercat (14)
AvatarVecna (5)
IRollTwos (2)

Just Helping
2017-10-27, 11:07 PM
Reda quickly awoke, looking around the yellow misty area, the strange sensation of her blood pumping in her ears distant to her alert mind. The unmistakeable stench of rot filled the room, but Reda found herself oddly able to filter it from her mind... mostly, anyway. Right, task at hand. Where is this? I don't remember this place. And who is coming?

Reda stood, her attention darted to the strange shapes surrounding her, morphing ominously in the fetid room, lurking in step with the echoes. A horrifying image... No time for it, the smell gives away that we need to be going soon. Wait, 'we'?

Reda finally took a look at the others, those attaining consciousness appearing no more aware than she. Was she supposed to know them? Reda couldn't recognize any of them, but it would be best not to dwell on that for now.

"Very well, everyone," Reda quietly spoke to the others next to her, putting any doubts out of her mind. "It would appear that we need to leave this area."

2017-10-28, 06:37 PM
Skinner woke in a panic. He had to save... to save... he couldn't remember who he had to save, but he was filled with a sense of urgency. The feeling subsided a little once he felt his sword in his hand again.

As the rest of the people slowly awoke, he tried to focus on his surroundings and the sounds of footsteps closing in on them. If there was a threat coming, he needed to be prepared to protect this still unconscious.

Perception = [roll0]

2017-10-30, 05:53 PM
Orboros opened his slightly glowing eyes with a jolt. He frantically and instinctually did an inventory of first his extracts, bombs, and alchemical weapons, then his other possessions. After subconsciously knowing his things were in order, he began to rapidly eye his surroundings. His rat eyes peered into the darkness in an attempt to gain a bearing on location. He then suspiciously regarded each of the other individuals near him.

Who are you? Where am I? Which of you is responsible for this?

2017-10-30, 05:56 PM