View Full Version : Blood and Ash

2017-10-29, 06:57 PM
Its been a few hours since the humans rode through the village, most of the fires have gone out. More than half the tents have been burned, the reindeer herd has been scattered and the dogs have been either killed or are hiding. The survivors are walking about dazed or sitting on the ground in crumbled heaps, sometimes crying over loved ones, other times just crying. Then there are those who dont cry, who just sit and stare, their eyes unseeing.

Several of the surviving warriors seem to be gathering in the center of the village, where an ancient Wolf Gnoll is sitting, his sugliin on his lap.

2017-10-29, 07:16 PM

The tall grey Hobgoblin lopes through the wreckage, hands stained with blood, head flicking about frantically as he searches the mass of corpses. He pauses every few tents to pull a corpse aside or to sneer at the occasional dead human - far too occasional. Eventually, with a wry, bittersweet grin and the whispered word "Brother", he sits down in the mess and lifts the item he's been looking for - a simple axe of wood and metal, with thin grooves and engraved patterns running the length of its single uneven edge. He kisses the flat of the blade and wipes it with great care, holding it firmly in hand, his knuckles whitening from the grip. He surveys the devastation around him at great length, and his face contorts with unchecked emotion. He continues to move aimlessly through the devastation, aching with the echoes of pain all around him, so similar to his own. From the center of camp he hears the murmurs of hatred, the festering beginnings of acceptance, of anger. He follows the voices to the gathering in the center, filling with faces streaked with blood and filth, seeking understanding of the throbs of pain growing within. Pain so like his own, but theirs a wound still bleeding.

Etok wordlessly joins them, meeting their gazes with tears running down his face. For the first time in years, he feels needed. Occasionally his deep breaths are wracked by sobs, but he contains the worst of his emotion out of respect of the Wolf-Gnoll before him.

2017-10-29, 09:05 PM

He dropped the deer carcass and ran. His heart hammered in his chest and his lungs burned as his legs pumped furiously toward the crest of the low rise.

He didn't know who the riders were, they had been too far on the horizon to discern, but they had ridden away from the tribe's encampment. The horses were too big, too healthy, not at all like the steppe ponies, and there was something about their bearing that sent a shiver of dread down his spine.

Something was wrong, terribly wrong. He needed speed and stamina, Father Stag lend me your strength and carry me home.

It had only been a few months ago that he had trudged to the top of this very same rise, to look down upon the encampment that had become his new home...his new tribe. Life here had been a welcomed change from the prolonged misery that had been his existence in the Ashtooth clan. He had even managed to make a few new friends in recent weeks.

Skidding to a stop, his heartbeat thundering in his chest, he looked down upon...devastation. Easily half of the encampment lay in smoldering ruins, and the muddy ground was strewn with bodies.

Willing himself into motion, he loped down the hill, stopping periodically to kneel and check on one of his fallen tribe mates. He spotted a couple of warriors he recognized moving slowly to the center of the village and fell in with them. No one spoke, no one needed to. He knew what had happened. The same thing that always happened. Though he had never crossed blades with any of the imperial filth, he knew they were the ones responsible. Who else would murder innocents - old men, women, and children.

Coming to a stop, he looked first at the old gnoll warrior and his ceremonial weapon, then scanned the gathering crowd....too few, far too few. Spotting the shaman that had tended to his wrenched knee a month ago...what was his name? Zhar something....he nodded sternly. He gripped his greataxe in both hands and pushed his way nearer the front to hear what would be said.

2017-10-29, 11:46 PM

The grey orc approaches the circle of warriors with slow shuffling steps. Zharbub was never particularly war-like, and even now is no exception. His once beautiful robes, intricately woven and dyed, are rent and tattered. They hang like rags off of the broad frame afforded him by his blood if not his temperament. His once lustrous mane of thick black hair is dulled by the trapped smoke and has been shaved away in a distinctive pattern. Zharbub's eyes stare out from a stunned, slack face. They bear no glimmer of recognition for anyone.

Hanging from a cord wrapped around the orc's waist is the tribe's ancient medicine stick, a short shaft of weathered wood carved with the designs of the great spirits, its handle worn smooth by generations of use. The decorative feathers and rattles tied around its end are still sticky with Mahk the Gentle's blood. In his hands Zharbub holds the greatest fruit of his former life's labors, a beautiful and deadly spear that he had planned to present to the winner of the next great hunt. He is unconsciously wringing the shaft with this hands as though it is the neck of one of the raiders.

Still staring blankly through all of those present Zharbub's lips begin to move as he struggles to form one single word. Finally he gets the motions right and begins to add wind to the effort. "Why?" he asks in a tiny voice. "Why?" the word gets louder and his voice breaks as he allows every bit of heartache that he feels to fill the articulation. "WHY?!"

"WHY!?" Zharbub bellows at the world and the spirits that he can feel all around him, the spirits that sat and watched and did nothing when the attack came. I did nothing! The thought ricochets around inside the orc's skull driving him mad. He hammers the butt of his spear against the ground and roars at the sky as tears of shame stream down his face

2017-10-30, 01:01 AM
Thar Silverblood

Thar kneels on the ground by Krestak's lifeless body. Years of enduring Krestak's talk about 'The Spark' or 'The Fire Within'... but now he could actually understand the sensations Krestak was describing, that Krestak was trying to share with him, and Krestak missed it.

No, it was taken from him. The thought enrages Thar, and as he raises his head to bellow his anger towards the heavens, he feels the spark begin to flow outwards. surprised, Thar cuts off the flow, and his shout in the process. Can't even yell as an outlet without throwing around magic he doesn't yet understand and nobody can explain to him.

Thar shuts Krestak's eyes and turns toward the center of the village. Sorting out his magic will take time, and the tribe, what remains of it, needs things now. Approaching the gathered Warriors, unnaturally blue eyes focused on the ancient gnoll, Thar answers one question with a more important one. "No. Why can't change any of this. What next?"

2017-10-30, 05:15 PM
"Thar is right Zharbub, save your rage for when we can use it. Right now we have people to tend to, animals to find, supplies to take stock of. If we are fortunate we will have enough food to last us through winter yet. If we are not fortunate..." the old, mostly blind, Gnoll trails off. You all remember that he is named Dreamwalker, and he is a seer. He turns his rheumy eyes to you lot.

"You four, you should go see if you can gather the herd, a few of the dogs whould still be around to help. The rest of us will try to sort this mess out."

2017-10-30, 06:06 PM
Zharbub nods as the cold wind dries his tears. Eyes glassy once more he looks at Thar and Gnur. "If they have not splintered, they should not be hard to find." Taking his spear in one hand, Zharbub turns to leave and his gaze falls upon Etok. Gone is Zharbub's customary pity and gentleness when dealing with the half mad hobgoblin, instead there is acknowledgement. "Follow me, and keep up."

With long, loping strides Zharbub pounds through the wreckage of the campsite and out into the fields, casting about for signs of the herd's passage. He allows himself the release of physical exertion, pumping his muscular legs and holding his spear with a ready hand. Never particularly mindful of his surrounding at the best of times, now the orc shaman-in-training allows everything except the tracks and the rhythm of his steps to fade away.

Operating under the assumption that the ground is Firm (DC 15) or less and that the herd is fairly large (consisting of at least 12 animals)
who are themselves Large, Zharbub will move at his normal speed (40 ft.) incurring a -5 to his check.


Basically heading out immediately but the party will be able to double move to catch up so if you guys want to do something else don't feel like I'm trying to move us all off at once. :smallsmile:

2017-10-30, 06:49 PM

The flow of tears has steadily stemmed since he arrived, and Etok takes in the pure anger Zharbub exhibits with an openly sympathetic gaze, a strange reversal of position, but he makes no move to stop him. There would be time to adapt to what had just transpired, years of it. In this moment anger was warranted.

As Dreamwalker speaks, Etok intently. The orange eyes dart quickly to the other three indicated, filled with confusion at his inclusion. A strong young Gnoll, Zharbub, and Thar.

Thar was... odd. There was something off about his appearance - Etok couldn't put a finger on it. He did not see the apprentice often, as he had actively avoided Krestak and his strange attempts to "help him" as the sorcerer put it. Etok feared he would erase the memory of his brother Barok, irrational as it seemed. He knew little about the Gnoll, but he seemed unscathed for all his armor, and panted lightly - a hunter? Zharbub was quickly straightening up and as their gazes meet, no longer filled with that strange pity, Etok trots up to the shaman and begins to follow, casting a quick glance back at Dreamwalker, wondering what drove his choice.

Etok lays eyes on the medicine stick and mumbles as he catches up."He was taken." Despite being ever so slightly taller, Etok speaks as though looking up at the Orc. He jogs a little to keep pace with his stride, but seems unbothered by the weight of the armor and shield on his back. He gestures at the medicine stick at Zharbub's waist. "You can speak with the herd?"

He looks about for the other two indicated, gaze resting a long moment on Thar as he tries to discern what bothers him. He stares at the Gnoll too, taking in his excellent physicality, and his lack of ranged weaponry. He unstraps five of his own shortspears and stretches them handle first to him, a slight frown crossing his face. "Bad and unprepared Gnoll. Could be more. Could have horses."

2017-10-30, 07:27 PM
Without making eye contact or breaking stride Zharbub grunts in the affirmative. "By the cold embrace of the earth-father. When the sun rises tomorrow morning we will anoint his body with the sacred waters and fire shall free him to roam the heavens. As it should be," he intones using the old words that he is not sure he even believes anymore.

The question causes Zharbub to pause, not in stride but in his mind. The swirling presence of the spirits is there just as it always has been, he can feel them, but they are faint, muted by the chaos in his own soul. Nature itself feels distant to him, as though it too has left his side. Glancing down at the bloody medicine stick the orc shakes his head, "I don't know anymore, but I will try."

2017-10-30, 09:57 PM

He came to a stop a few feet from the elder gnoll, the one named Dreamwalker. He silently seethed as the looked about at the others, but the somber tones and the many faces streaked with tears reminded him that he had few friends here. His connection to his new tribe was still...thin, a tenuous thing. He hadn't lost anyone close. He hadn't lost...family, and he was hit with a crushing wave of guilt. If only he had been here, perhaps he could have done something...anything.

He swallowed hard...struggled to meet the tearful gaze of those around him. Before he could fade to the back of the assembling group, however, the seer spoke to him and those immediately near him. What had he said? Something about the herd?

The shaman, Zhar, spoke to him and he responded with a firm, silent nod. The orc set a quick pace, and Gnur followed. The four of them quickly cleared the ruined campsite, Gnur refusing to see the bodies of young and old alike scattered about like so much refuse.

The trail was easy to find, and Gnur thought about the seer's wisdom....Set a task before us. Get everyone focused on moving forward - doing a job. Smart.

He turned to the hobgoblin as he accepted the proffered shortspears, "Horses? They were mounted, yes." Indicating the westward horizon, "Rode off that way."

Motioning to his ruined left eye, "Not unprepared....not good with distances. I am called Gnur."

2017-10-31, 02:22 AM
Thar Silverblood

Herding isn't his thing, but if Dreamwalker says he should be doing this, this is what he should be doing. The one divination Thar doubted has just been proven completely true, so the Seer will be taken at his word.

Zharbub can handle finding the animals, so as Thar follows along he begins attempting to feel out his magic, quickly realizing that the fire within him can easily ward away the cold. Perhaps an obvious use, but a useful one. Feeling the spark gently suffusing his skin, a thought occurs to him. "Someone come over here. I need to try something magic. Should be good."

Any volunteers for magic testing?

New job, timings kinda bad right now, should normalize soon.

2017-10-31, 09:05 AM
After listening to Zharbubs reply, he nods gravely. "The remains are with us. That's good, good for us. Not frozen. Can be cleaned and cared for." There is a slightly faraway look to his eyes, and they take a moment to refocus. When they do, his attention has moved on to Gnur.

~He starts wrapping his shortspears to his pack again within easy reach as he replies to Gnur. "I'm Etok. Need to stay prepared, they could come again. How you gonna see if they come from the left?" Etok vaguely raises a hand towards the eyepatch and his frown deepens - he continues, not waiting for a reply. "Range is domination. No matter your skill with a weapon, you don't reach them, they will kill -" He twists his head to look at Thar, who just proposed "something magic." He does not stop in his stride, but he seems to shrink away from him slightly.

2017-10-31, 11:58 AM

He grimaces when Etok mentions his vulnerability to attacks from his left side; it was indeed something that concerned him. He holds up his greataxe, running his fingers over the ring of bear claws that adorn the shoulder of the handle, then responds matter-of-factly, "I'm confident that Old Bear's spirit will watch over me."

The gnoll nods his head as the hobgoblin continues, "Fighting from range is good...except for when it isn't. Your confidence will serve you well. I'm glad to have you with us Etok."

Gnur also looks at the other hobgoblin askance when he asks for volunteers before slowing his stride, "A tribe borrows its strength from the skills of all of its members. It is good that you can use magics. I am named Gnur, formerly of the Ashtooth. What do you mean when you say 'should be good'?"

2017-10-31, 06:48 PM
The trail is quite easy to follow and in just under a half an hour the group catches sight of the herd. Nearly two dozen reindeer are in a circle trying to ward off a pack of wolves that are circling them.

Theres half a dozen wolves and they are just over 200 feet away. They havent seen you yet.

2017-10-31, 08:11 PM
"Protect the herd!" Zharbub shouts closing the distance. Taking the medicine stick from his belt, the orc druid closes his eyes and reaches out to the great hunter spirits. The carvings on the stick glow and writhe and, even in their defiled state, the feathers whistle and the rattles chatter as a spirit answers the call. When it does Zharbub feels his rage bubble up and overwhelm his mind. The spirit he has called remains but he feels the others flee from him. "Come, you mongrels! You will make no kills from that herd this day!"

Actions while closing to 60 ft:
Move (40 ft. - Distance 160)
Move (Draw weapon)

Move (40 ft. - Distance 120)
Standard (Cast Shillelagh 10/10 rounds)

Free (Frenzy 5/5 rounds)
Move (40 ft. - Distance 80)
Move (20 ft. - Distance 60)
Shillelagh Duration 9/10 rounds

Initiative Check [roll0]
Zharbub (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1375825)
Male Orc Druid, Level 1, Init 1, HP 10/10, Speed 40 ft
AC 17, Touch 17, Flat-footed 14, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus +0
Spear Melee +6 (1d8+7, x3)/ Thrown +2 (1d8+5, x3, 20 ft.)
Sling (20 bullets) +1 (1d6+5, x2, 50 ft.)
Sickle +5 (1d6+5, x2)
Shillelagh'd Club Melee +6 (2d6+8, x2)/ Thrown +2 (2d6+6, x2, 10 ft)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 6
Condition Shillelagh (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shillelagh.htm) 9/10 rounds, Frenzy (+4 STR, +2 AC, +2 Ref, Extra Attack) 5/5 rounds

2017-10-31, 08:17 PM
Thar Silverblood

Quickly introducing himself in kind, he answers "Thar, was apprenticed to Krestak."

He then continues "Just discovered my new magic can keep me warm despite the cold. If I can share this warmth, it could be useful." before offering his hand to Gnur, his fingers glowing gently with a warm golden light.

(If Gnur accepts, he feels a tingle spread across his body as the warm light envelops it, before the light and tingle fade away leaving a gentle warmth in it's wake.)

Then, with the herd and a threat to it in sight,

After casting endure exposure on Gnur (or Gnur declines the buff), Thar will rush forward with Zharbub (and probably the rest of the group).

Initiative [roll0]

2017-10-31, 09:13 PM
With utmost calm, Etok watches Zharbub charge ahead - with the fluidity of a practiced movement he pulls two shortspears from their resting place and begins to pick up pace, following the shaman. He stands tall and scans the wolves, picking out the one closest to him even as he moves forward. Once his eyes lock on his target he dashes forward to catch up.

Move action - draw & move 30ft (170ft left) Move action - draw & move 30ft (140ft left) Full round action - Run 80ft (60ft left)
Initiative: [roll0]

2017-10-31, 10:26 PM

Gnur reaches out and takes Thar's hand without hesitation. The golden light and warmth wash over him, blunting the sharp edge of the ever present cold. "There have been many cold night hunts when this would have been a blessed relief Thar. I thank....." His words break off at Zharbub's shout. Releasing the hobgoblin's hand, "Let's go!"

Spotting the wolves threatening the herd, Gnur moves off from the others, sweeping wide to come upon the wolves from behind. He knew that if they turned the tables on the pack by making them feel threatened, they would leave the herd alone.

Sensing he had run far enough out, he made a wide arcing turn and ran up behind the nearest wolf threatening the herd, making loud yipping sounds to draw their attention.

Gnur is going to have to move considerably further than the others as he's not taking a direct path toward the wolves/herd, but rather circling around behind the nearest wolves.
Run(30x4) = 120'
Run(30x4) = 120'
Initiative [roll0]

2017-11-01, 04:04 PM
The two fastest wolves see the charging warriors and bolt, straight for Gnur. The two leap at him, trying to take him down

2 Bites

Damage (if hits)

Trip attempt (if successful hit)

2017-11-01, 06:52 PM

As the wolves broke from the herd and charged toward him the gnoll skiddedto a halt....well, you wanted to make yourself a target, now what are you going to do you big, hairy idiot?

The beasts both closed on him with alarming speed and dove in low, slashing at his calves... attacking purely on instinct. Trying to keep the slavering jaws at bay he glanced up at the other wolves...I wonder if I can use their instincts against them?

Suppressing his blood instincts to attack, he instead, yiped the distinctly high-pitch sound of a wounded canine, and dramatically limped away...

Resisting the urge to blindly rage and attack. Withdraw action 30' away from the herd and toward the rest of the party; trying to make the other wolves think he's wounded and draw them away from the herd.

2017-11-01, 09:32 PM
Thar Silverblood

Thar only really knows the basics of dealing with animals, but hopefully it'll be enough. He moves to place himself between the herd and the wolves, and readies himself to try and scare off any wolves that get close to him.

Not sure where I'd be moving too, but if the wolves are ~ 60 ft away, should work out.

Readying an action to accidentally breathe fire on the first wolf to get within range of my 30 ft line of fire. [roll0] fire damage, DC 15 reflex save for half.

As the wolf nears, Thar draws in a deep breath a goes to bellow at the wolf, but he feels his magic beginning to rush out again. Rather than cutting it off, he lets it flow, a gout of flame leaping from his mouth towards the wolf.

2017-11-02, 07:44 PM
The remaining four wolves move in between Gnur and the rest of the party, encircling him, but not approaching. Yet.

2017-11-02, 11:04 PM
"Your pack is overmatched, hunters!" Zharbub howls racing forward and chucking his spear with all the force he can muster.

Move to within 20 ft of a wolf and make a ranged attack with the spear.

Attack: Critical: 1d20+2[/roll] Flubbed but irrelevant Damage: [roll1] Critical Damage: [roll2]

Zharbub (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1375825)
Male Orc Druid, Level 1, Init 1, HP 10/10, Speed 40 ft
AC 17, Touch 17, Flat-footed 14, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus +0
Spear Melee +6 (1d8+7, x3)/ Thrown +2 (1d8+5, x3, 20 ft.) Expended
Sling (20 bullets) +1 (1d6+5, x2, 50 ft.)
Sickle +5 (1d6+5, x2)
Shillelagh'd Club Melee +6 (2d6+8, x2)/ Thrown +2 (2d6+6, x2, 10 ft)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 6
Conditions: Shillelagh (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shillelagh.htm) 8/10 rounds, Frenzy (+4 STR, +2 AC, +2 Ref, Extra Attack) 4/5 rounds

2017-11-02, 11:32 PM
Etok leaps forward, silently letting his shortspear fly at the wolf Zharbub just struck.

That's moving within 30 feet of target and attacking with a shortspear. Attack [roll0] Crit [roll1] Damage [roll2] and Crit damage[roll3]

2017-11-03, 07:59 AM
The Wolf goes down to two spears into its side. The two wolves that attacked Gnur yip loudly and race off, away from the herd.

2017-11-03, 12:04 PM

The gnoll grins as the first wolf breaks and runs. Pulling himself up to his full height, Gnur roars in fury; cords of muscles rippling along his chest, arms and legs. It almost appears as if his jaw elongates and his fangs seem much more pronounced and menacing. Snarling and snapping like a vicious beast he steps over the fallen wolf, and stands over top it like a predator claiming its kill. He slowly turns to glare at each of the remaining wolves one at a time.

Free Action: Rage
Purely a display of ferocity at this point to 'encourage' the remaining wolves to follow their companion's lead.

2017-11-05, 01:13 PM
Thar Silverblood

Seeing the wolves starting to lose their nerve, Thar rushes towards one and moves to bellow some threat at it. Instead, a gout of flame erupts from his mouth towards the wolf.

Assuming there's a wolf within 70', Move up to 40 ft to get closer (but at least 20 ft away), breathe 30 ft line at it. [roll0] fire damage, DC 15 reflex save for half.

2017-11-05, 02:04 PM
The wolf gets singed and leaps back with a yelp before the rest of them turn to their heels and make a run for it.

The reindeer herd is still a bit spooked and is keeping its distance from you.

Not gonna make a Ref save cuz its only one damage. Also, combat over and everyone gets 450 xp each.

2017-11-05, 07:39 PM
He twists his eyebrows high onto his brow, glancing oddly at the howling Gnur, and almost leaping back in surprise when Thar unleashes a gout of flame. Once the wolves begin to back away he lowers his arm ready to throw and looks back to make sure the herd still remains. Seeing it does, he grins excitedly.
He carefully re-bundles his spears as he makes sure the wolves aren't returning. He turns to face Zharbub immediately afterwords, eyes flicking back and forth between the herd and the shaman. "Gonna do it? I wanna go back fast, see what's happening..."

2017-11-06, 01:34 PM
Zharbub's eyes go wide at Thar's display of his new found talent. Etok's words snap him back to the task at hand. Turning his eyes sweep over the body of the slain foebeast and he feels strength leave his limbs. To Zharbub, his body seems to grow heavy with sadness itself. "Yes, we should hurry," he says as he moves slowly towards the herd.

Zharbub loops the still glowing medicine stick back around his belt and holds his hands out to either side. Moving slowly he approaches the lead stag, the one with the largest, most beautiful rack. The orc lets out a grunt that sounds like the bray of one of the beasts.

So I guess this could be seen as either a Wild Empathy Check [roll0] or just a handle animal check [roll1] DC 10 if the herd knows the come command or 25 if they don't.

2017-11-06, 06:23 PM
The lead buck shakes its head and paws the ground, clearly unhappy. It slowly backs up with the rest of the herd.

2017-11-06, 09:02 PM
Zharbub stops and shakes his head, "This is beyond me. I cannot make them understand."

2017-11-06, 11:17 PM
Recovering from his initial wide-eyed surprise, Thar thinks quietly, still not moving. The rush of it. Then, hearing Zharbub saying he can't get the herd back, Thar focuses back on the task at hand.

Given he's just got a hammer, he immediately thinks of a solution treating the problem as a nail. "How easily would fire spook them? They seem to want to avoid it, could I just drive them back towards the tribe with more fire? In moderation of course."

2017-11-07, 11:42 AM
Etok taps his foot on the ground looking disappointed, frowning at Zharbub and Thar. "Could work, could scatter them." He looks about at the cold terrain, resting his gaze in the direction of camp. "They just ran from camp, they won't run back there."

He is silent for a moment before falteringly offering his own solution. "Will they follow the big one? If we take their chief, they'll follow, right? We can grab him and pull." He tilts his head towards Gnur, indicating who he thinks could get the job done.

2017-11-07, 04:23 PM
To Thar, Zharbub says, "Perhaps fire is a good idea, if you think you can do that again, usually the spirit is not so generous to me." Glancing around the orc spots some serviceable lengths of wood and gestures to them. "If you lit us each a brand we could all assist and the spirit would only need to be summoned once more."

"I would be wary about contending directly with that one. Someone will get hurt either way." Zharbub says looking between Gnur and the lead stag.

2017-11-07, 06:33 PM

He struggled to release the grip his rage had over him, as he watched the wolves retreat into the distance something feral within him pushed him to pursue....to hunt. The herd...

Turning back to the herd of deer, he took a deep, shuddering breath and felt the all-to-familiar fatigue and calm settle over his body. He stoops to examine the fallen wolf, pulls the spears from its side, then draws a short blade and passes it back and forth over the body.

"Go, and join the spirit pack of your ancestors brother wolf, your hunts here are ended. Our pack will claim your fur, and it will keep us warm. The scavengers will claim your body, and it will fill their bellies. The earth will claim your bones, and it will renew the land."

Grabbing the hind legs, the gnoll hefts the carcass and easily tosses it over his shoulder. As he rejoins the group he holds out the two spears, "A good kill. A clean kill. Your spears have been blooded, brothers, take them...wolf spirit will smile upon you if you bring his blood against your enemies for they are now his enemies."

Looking back and forth to the others as they debate how to drive the herd, Gnur nods a couple of times then turns to consider the lead bull. He tosses the wolf carcass down twenty feet or so in front of the bull, then rejoins the group. "Zharbub is right, a tangle with the bull would likely be bad....for both of us. Let the bull see and smell the remains first. Let him know that he and his females are safe."

Looking at Thar, "Your fire is a strange and wondrous thing...a fury burns in you that will bring terror to your enemies. I am glad you stand with us, but no more fire today. The herd does not need terror. It needs safety and protection."

"Etok or Zharbub should claim their kill in a few minutes and lead the way back to the tribe. Hopefully proud bull will follow, while the rest of us herd the stragglers from behind like so....." The gnoll reaches down and moves three small rocks to form a "V" around a large stone.

Straightening to his full height, "This is my idea, if it fails, the failure is mine. If it works the success belongs to the tribe."

2017-11-07, 07:42 PM
Zharbub takes his spear with a start. "My thanks, Gnur," Zharbub says with a stiff bow to the tribe's newest member. Then backing away from the kill to allow the herd to inspect it, Zharbub takes a cross-legged seat on a nearby field stone and examines his weapon.

Curious he thinks to himself looking at the flint blade stained with blood. He had entirely forgotten that he had thrown it, or even brought it, despite carrying it all the way to the battle site. The orc plucks a handful of dry grass from the earth and begins to clean the blade and haft of his weapon murmuring quiet charms and quick blessing to himself.

2017-11-07, 11:58 PM
"I think Gnur's plan, with those at the rear carrying torches like Zharbub said, seems like our best plan right now. A gentle use of fire." Answers Thar, gathering some branches to set alight for the others to use.

Then, remembering something else, Thar says "Does anyone else want the warming charm?", before crouching down to light the torches without presenting much fire to the herd.

Get your torches and magical warmth here. Endure Elements and immunity to my breath weapon for the low low cost of get within reach.

Might I suggest Thar takes up position at the back of the group and acts as the main driver, with the others acting as aids in keeping the herd together and headed in the right direction?
(Assuming yes and rolling as Thar has 5 better handle animal than anyone else, [roll0])

2017-11-08, 10:33 AM
Etok accepts his spear, flicking off the majority of the blood. He smiles at Gnur and his plan, walking forwards to the body of the slain wolf. Standing before it, he raises the still bloody spear and raises his voice a little, staring fiercely towards his tribesmen. "The wolves did not abandon their brother. What lies here is only the flesh. The pack moves on to greater kills."

He steps forward to take his position, accepting Thar's touch with a brief flinch. "Learn from wolf. The loss should not hinder."

2017-11-09, 10:15 AM

As the others move into action, the gnoll accepts the small torch and passes one to Zharbub as well. "Looks like Etok's got the lead, and Thar will drive from behind."

Before he moves off, "I'll sweep around to the northern flank of the herd.....hopefully this works." He lopes off in a wide-sweeping arc behind the reindeer before disappearing out of sight on the far side of the herd.

Handle Animal [roll0]

2017-11-10, 09:27 AM
It takes a bit of doing, but you all get the herd moving towards camp. Once they get moving the reindeer are happy to keep going and keeping them targeted towards camp is relatively easy. Once you get in sight of camp, a few of the surviving herders come out with their found dogs to take over for you. The reindeer are herded to a small cluster of trees nearby where they lay down happily.

2017-11-10, 12:34 PM
"That's one job done," Zharbub says upending his torch in the snow with a hiss. "At least the tribe will not starve anytime soon." A voice rages inside the orc, scornful and angry, This is survival. We want vengeance! Zharbub glances over at Etok. Is this what it has been like for you all these years?

After a few moments of standing and staring, at his companions and the camp as a whole, Zharbub becomes uncomfortable. Seeing a line of the dead laid out beside a pile of ruined tents, drying racks, and other remnants of the attack he starts off in that direction mumbling, "I should see to the spirits of our fallen family."

2017-11-10, 10:16 PM

When the herders come to handle the reindeer, the massive gnoll squats down and ruffles the ears of one of the rangy dogs then pats it firmly on the flank, "go to work." As the herd moves off, Gnur lingers...looking down on the battered encampment. He could see several small groups striking poles from burnt or torn tents, as well as others re-erecting tents presumably taken from the outer edges of the camp....probably replacing those that were burnt, he thought.

Dreamwalker has everyone busy, and by nightfall the camp will look intact....smaller, but intact. Wise move.

Still he would not look at the gathered rows of dead. He refused to hear the wails of grief. Zharbub extinguished his torch and broke from the small group. His mention of the "spirits of fallen" set Gnur's teeth on edge. He gripped and regripped his ax handle ferociously. Watching the orc shaman walk away, he could tell by the set of his shoulders and the firmness of his step...he feels it too...with a glance at the upended and discarded torch....no, your fires are not extinguished so easily, you want the same thing that we do.

Turning and looking at Etok and Thar in turn, "Come. Ours is not for picking up the pieces of a broken life, ours is the fury, ours is to strike a blow...even if just one before we die. I would speak with Dreamwalker. I know his answer already. He will tell us such a thing is foolish....selfish; and perhaps he will be right to say so. Surely the need of the tribe weighs more than the desires of one half-blind gnoll. Still, I would speak to Dreamwalker out of respect. I cannot simply leave without at least telling him. I would know what is in your hearts...brothers. Are you consumed by the same need for vengeance....no, not vengeance....justice?"

2017-11-11, 11:32 PM
Zharbub finds the bodies of the fallen all laid out on a small rise outside of the village. All are prepared for burial rights.

Gnur finds Dreamwalker sitting on a log at the center of the village, a few attendants around him as he directs whats left of the tribe.

2017-11-12, 12:01 AM
Only upon reaching the line of corpses does Zharbub realize that he doesn't have anymore of the sacred dyes and powders required to perform the proper rites to prepare the bodies for cremation at dawn. His mind is hazy as he turns and looks back at the camp. Selfish! he thinks to himself touching his face where the last of his personal supply colors the grey of his skin. Mahk's tent was on the outskirts of camp, one of the first to be fired. There will be nothing left of his collection. Zharbub kneels beside the bodies of fallen friends and tries to pray, seeking the aid and comfort of the spirits but they do not answer him.

2017-11-12, 11:32 AM
As the herd is guided away, Etok looks about the slow recovery. His hand brushes the axe at his side. He starts when Gnur begins to speak of the need for vengeance, and listens closely. It was something that had come in waves, the desire to strike back, the fear of losing more, the logic and hate mixing and roiling till it became an unintelligible tangle, even within his own mind. It never ends. The brief clarity pushes Etok to speak up.

"I don't know. I don't want more to die, but I want to kill.""I don't want justice, I want to see them flee knowing we come, I want them to suffer" His hand runs back and forth over the axe, the familiar grooves seeming to keep him calm. but we can't.
"Dreamwalker is old, he knows many dead. He helps you understand why." Etok follows Gnur, accompanying him to the presence of the old Gnoll.

Upon seeing him seated at the log, he approached tentatively, and speaks softly to him. "Dreamwalker, are we going to wait for it to pass?" There is an almost pleading note to his voice, dreading and anticipating response.

2017-11-12, 04:47 PM

Returning to the tribe with his mission complete, Thar turns to his next goal. Better understanding his magic. Better controlling his magic. There's too much he still needs to know, and if something urgent comes up... Well, the others should have an easy time finding him.

Going to the side of the camp that was hit first, and hardest, by the attack, Thar selects an area already gutted by fire and makes sure there's nothing flammable still there.

Then, he lets his anger flow. At first it's just fire pouring out, but after a while Thar begins to get a sense for what moves the flame and uses his newfound control to mix in angry curses and incoherent yelling at the sky.

2017-11-13, 09:39 PM

He stares at Thar's back as the hobgoblin races off without acknowledging his question. Strange....but then again no stranger than breathing fire I suppose.

Gnur snarls and claps Etok on the shoulder after he speaks of making "them suffer". Marching through the flurry of activity, he spots Dreamwalker sitting on a log and begins to make his way closer. Stopping a few feet away, Gnur watches Etok approach and speak his query to the wizened tribal elder. The question hangs in the air but a moment before he growls, "Pass? Nothing comes from nothing. Maybe if we wait long enough the eternal summer will come; it will melt the snows, the land will flourish and become a realm of milk and honey." With a derisive snort, "No. This will not pass. We are beneath even their contempt. We are sport to them... and poor sport at that, not even a hunt...sheep to the slaughter is what we are."

Gathering himself, Gnur heaves a deep, calming breath before looking directly at Dreamwalker, "What can be done wise one? Will we huddle here in our blankets waiting for them to come again?"

2017-11-14, 06:29 PM
Dreamwalker grips his staff tightly as he answers, "Letting it pass has always been our way. Treat them as a winter storm and hop you survive, but that will no longer work. The ride out farther from the Pass each year, and they kill more each attack, something has to change." He looks up at your both "We must change. I am to old to lead the tribe now, that falls to you four, but i shall advise you as best i can."

Settlement management activate

2017-11-15, 04:46 PM
Etok leans back at the words "something needs to change" as a heavy tension in his shoulders releases, its weight unnoticed till now. He scarcely takes a moment to process the rest of the Gnolls announcement before leaping up a wild light in his eyes. Leader? No no, I'm not telling them to follow." He looks back at Gnur, a confused frown on his face. "You're new, know how others work. What to do?"

2017-11-15, 05:06 PM
Rising to his feet with a frustrated growl Zharbub snatches up his spear and drives it into the earth at Mahk's feet with savage force. Hanging the medicine stick from it's protruding end the he says, "Take back your teachings and your gifts, Master. I don't want them."

Roars of anger and gouts of flame draw Zharbub to Thar. Watching for a moment the orc steps forward and call out. "What manner of spirit serves you so slavishly as to come so easily to your call?" he asks staring at Thar. "What did Krestak teach you of his magicks?"

2017-11-15, 05:54 PM

"I know, I know, it would be foolish.....wait. What?"

Blinking his good eye a couple of times, Gnur turns to Etok, slack-jawed. Dreamwalker's pronouncement was so utterly unexpected that he didn't even hear let alone comprehend Etok's question. Lead? Did he say lead the tribe?

His mind was awash in never before considered responsibilities. It was dizzying. Before he could mentally resolve one potential problem, another would leap forward to grab his attention. He lifted his ax and studied the fine edge of the blade for a moment, So easy....fight or die...like the wolves, purely instinct...but this, this would be a series of choices and puzzles.

He looked back to the old gnoll as a strange mixture of pride and disappointment set in, then turned to Etok, "Stay here. I'll get Thar and Zharbub."

The massive gnoll turned on his heel and jogged off, pushing his way through a couple of orcs gathering up the remains of one of the trampled tents, then spotted the two on the outskirts of the camp. Hustling toward them he could tell they were joined in some sort of serious conversation, wait until they hear this....

"Come. You are needed, Dreamwalker would speak with all of us. He's a crazy notion that the four of us should lead the tribe."

He leads the orc and hobgoblin back to the center of the encampment silently, lost in his troubling thoughts. Casting a quick glance at his companions and nodding at Etok he addresses Dreamwalker, "Wise father, though I am new here my respect for you and the wisdom of your judgement is strong. You say things must change, and I agree. You say the humans encroach further and kill more with each passing winter, and we see this is true. You say the four of us should lead, and my heart shrinks at the task. I would see our people prosper and be at peace, but I see no path from here to there. I would listen to your council," turning to his companions, "as well as my tribal brothers for I fear I am ill-suited for such things."

2017-11-15, 11:25 PM

Turning to Zharbub, Thar looks at him questioningly before answering "The fire comes from within. Thought I'm not sure how Krestack put it in me. Or awakened it within me. Lit?.. The ritual that seems to have worked was beyond my understanding."

Then addressed by Gnur, Thar turns his attention to that. "Better see what he's advising then, his crazy notions are surprisingly reliable."


After Gnur gives his response to Dreamwalker, Thar answers when he sees the logic behind Dreamwalker's suggestion. "Individually, none of us would be right to lead. Working together though, we could do it."

2017-11-17, 03:32 PM
"I have seen you all, standing defiant, in a storm of metal and fire. That is the Empire, and you lead us against them. The spirits have chosen you. What their reasons are, i know not, but that does not matter." He looks at Thar "I believe you may have it."

2017-11-17, 05:34 PM
Zharbub stands meekly by the others, his face sullen and his eyes downcast. He feels his shame rise as he thinks of the words and the pitiful warrior's shrine he left at his master's feet. What right have I to stand amongst these brothers? the orc thinks to himself. What right have I to lead?

The spirits draw close about him and he feels his soul rouse. The deep abiding anger in his heart rages and a powerful voice answers his fear and shortcomings, BY RIGHT OF VENGEANCE, DAMN YOU. BY RIGHT OF THE BLOOD SPILT UPON SNOW AND FROZEN EARTH, BY THE FIRE IN YOUR HEART AND EYES, BY THE WINDS THAT BLOW ACROSS THE TUNDRA, AND THE WAVES THAT LAP THE SHORES OF THIS, OUR HOME.

Raising his head with a defiant jut of his jaw Zharbub growls low in his thoat, "I answer the call." Then he looks at his fellows, "I would be honored to work by your sides."

2017-11-18, 09:20 PM

The gnoll stands tall, his confidence bolstered by the recounting of Dreamwalker's spirit vision, and his brothers' confidence. Casting his gaze around at the camp and the diminished numbers...too few to stand and fight...too many to harry the enemy, move quickly, and stay hidden.

"It was easier when I thought it would be just us four. In my anger I was willing to throw my life away if only for a chance to strike down one of my enemies, but now...now I find myself suddenly more concerned with the safety of the little ones, the old, and the infirmed. We are too few Dreamwalker. We are weak. Vulnerable."

Gnur turns to look at the herd of deer, "We could take our lesson from Proud Bull....we should move away from the danger, gather the others," he snorts, "A herd of clans, if you will." Thrusting his great ax out before him, "Then the bulls can take our enemies on their horns when they come at us."

"Is it a thing that could be done Dreamwalker? Should we stand in wary defense like Proud Bull? Or....or, should we take our lesson from Brother Wolf? Should we travel swift and light....a pack on the hunt? Should we nip at the heels of our prey, picking off stragglers, though they be far greater in numbers?"

Suddenly growing pensive, Gnur kicks at the dirt, "My head is not made for such questions. My heart strains against my chest to follow the course of Brother Wolf, but my head tells me to look to Proud Bull and heed his wisdom."

2017-11-18, 09:45 PM
"Both paths have merit. Give it time, the answer will come to you. For now I advise we find a safer location to lick our wounds and recover."

2017-11-21, 01:20 AM
To be suddenly pushed into a position of power was a moment of great fear. The thought of not one, but many, many of the tribe following him to their deaths shook his relatively stable current mindset. It was usually all under control, as long as he could swing his brothers axe, hunt, and remain alive. He sat in silence while awaiting the return the other three, looking between his feet at the ground, and eventually up and about at the slowly recovering camp. If they needed him, they must be in truly dire times. He would keep them safe this time. His hurting brothers and the tribe.

Once the news is passed and the discussion begins, watching his brethren struggle with the weight placed on their collective shoulders, Etok again decides to speak his mind on the matter at hand. His eyes shift about between Gnur and Zharbub as he speaks.Just a raid was enough to kill us. We are not ready to fight back, not enough of us. We need strength, and time, and surprise, and we have nothing, like Gnur says." He clasps his hands together and sniffs, continuing to speak evenly. "Few will sleep well from now on. Lets move fast and lick our wounds in a safer spot."

2017-11-21, 11:20 PM

Gnur places the head of his axe on the ground and turns to the others, "When I made my way here I spotted some ruins in the distance to the north and west. Dreamwalker could spread the word to the rest of the tribe to make preparations to move in the morning, while we go check them out. What do you think?"

2017-11-21, 11:55 PM
Zharbub nods thoughtfully. "We should pick someplace that can be easily defended and which is within our craft to restore. Preferably someplace that is not already inhabited."

2017-11-22, 12:33 AM
Thar almost comments that nowhere will be easy to defend, before remembering an option that might at least prove easier to defend. "We could consider the river to the east. It would provide an easy access to water and might be usable as a natural barrier to aid defense. And I'm pretty sure it's a shorter journey to make during such a trying time."

2017-11-22, 09:10 AM

Seeing the wisdom in Thar's words, Gnur looks toward the east, "I like not the idea of being pinned against a river if the raiders come against us, but if we can find some way to favorably position ourselves it might work. It's certainly worth looking into. Shall we?"

2017-11-22, 05:48 PM

Nodding at the developing plan, Etok speaks. "How long will it take to move there with the whole tribe? We must finish the rites, so can we send scouts tonight to make sure the location is clear? We wait a little more here for more safety?" He is clearly nervous, but his thoughts earnest and genuine.

2017-11-22, 05:53 PM

"Actually I was thinking we could go scout it out ourselves. We can call everyone together and inform them that we'll be moving in the morning, go scout the area, and return. We finish the rites and move....if we find the site suitable."

2017-11-23, 11:29 PM

Swallowing hard, Etok nods his agreement. It could be a good chance to see how the other three were faring, as well as a help to the clan. The other three especially, were not given time to mourn and work through their anger and grief. He wanted to see how it would change them. The axe at his side seemed to grow a thousandfold in weight as the weight of the coming responsibility loomed.

"Dreamwalker. Handle tonight? We leave. Soon."

2017-11-25, 10:33 AM
Dreamwalker nods, "The recover process continues. Go and find a safe place for us to dwell, i will watch over the tribe."

2017-11-27, 05:17 PM

"I'm ready to leave now if the rest of you are agreed to the plan."

We gonna do this?

2017-11-27, 10:42 PM

"Sooner is better"

I'm all for it.

2017-11-28, 06:54 PM
GM is good to go.

2017-11-28, 10:31 PM
Zharbub nods, "I will meet you on the road in a moment. Don't slow your pace for me. I can catch up." Turning away from the gathering he jogs back to the bodies of the slain and bows his head. "Forgive me my weakness, all of you," he says in an apologetic but unashamed voice. "I will now go and correct my failing!" Reaching out Zharbub takes up his spear and the medicine stick. "Not until we are truly safe will I again lay these down," he vows to the spirits of the fallen.

With that Zharbub runs back towards the village and begins to lope east looking to rejoin with the scouting party.


2017-11-28, 11:07 PM

As Zharbub runs off, Etok pats his trusty pack, slinging it onto his back. "Hope not too cold tonight. Just blanket for me. No time to plan long trip." He grins heartily despite his words in excitement for a simpler task, and trots off to the road, ready to travel.

2017-11-30, 02:23 AM
Thar snorts at Etok's concerns of the cold, "My fire doesn't seem like it'll run out any time soon. The cold will be kept at bay.".

After filling his pack with what supplies can be packed quickly, Thar joins the scouting party on the edge of the camp, ready to head out.

2017-12-01, 12:11 PM
Once assembled the group sets out towards the river, passing the reacquired herd on the way. The Alpha Bull looks at the group and gives a shake of its head before heading back to its herd. After several hours of trekking through the lightly forested plains you all come in sight of the ruined structure.

The river lays just beyond the clearly artificial hill, glittering in the afternoon sun. A large ditch has been dug around the hill and the ruins of what appears to be a village with the remnants of a wall, with the ditch connecting to the river to create a moat. High atop the hill a dilapidated wooden structure sits, commanding all around it.

The old bridge that spans the moat is lowered and still intact.

2017-12-01, 12:54 PM

Zharbub drops into a ready crouch and creeps forward using whatever cover is available. The orc shaman casts about for any signs of recent habitation, checking the banks of the river and the moat for tracks in the wet earth. He sniffs deeply attempting to detect any trace of wood smoke.

Ready to make any checks deemed appropriate.

2017-12-01, 06:14 PM

Crouching low and drawing a large spearlike weapon with a wickedly barbed edge, Etok hoists it shoulder height. Harpoon ready, he looks back at the group and points at the hilltop with the tip of his weapon. The implicit question is clear:

"Shall we clear the most important building first?"

2017-12-01, 06:28 PM
Zharbub's examination reveals little besides a few animal tracks, which isn't suspicious. However, there are a few strange tracks that he can't immediately identify.

2017-12-01, 07:05 PM

Surveying the scene, the massive gnoll nods in approval as Zharbub examines the area for tracks. He tests the wind with his nose, then casts a glance back the way they came, followed by a longer look both up and down stream.

To no one in particular, "Could be good. I wonder how difficult the river crossing is here...."

As Etok drops into a martial stance, pointing at the edifice before them he nods again. "There may be something or someone in there. It worked with the wolves, why not here?" Smacking himself in the chest with the flat of his ax, "I'm the bait." Then motioning to the other three, "You're the hunters."

He turns and sets off at a brisk jog toward the old bridge across the moat.

2017-12-02, 01:58 PM

"Blind rush." Etoks grunts in frustration as Gnur heads towards the bridge crossing. His gaze alternates between buildings as he tries to cover all possible angles of attack. Too many places to ambush. If they have bows, we can't help. Too far."

He creeps forward for a moment before realizing the bridge is the only way to cross. He too, makes his way to cross, sprinting to close the distance between the Gnoll and himself. He holds a loop in the end of the harpoons rope in his left hand, ready to make use of it should any hostiles appear.

staying 30 feet behind Gnur.
How wide is the moat?

2017-12-02, 02:14 PM
About 15 feet

2017-12-02, 02:28 PM
Thar follows a short distance behind Gnur, knowing his fire will be useless if he'd further back. "Let's not get too far ahead of the others. Just in case something is lurking.".

Thar will follow 10 ft behind Gnur.
In case they're needed

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Can we just say Thar keeps the party constantly buffed with Endure exposure, rather than needing to track it and constantly mention reapplying it?

2017-12-03, 12:37 AM

The orc curses under his breath as Gnur approaches the ruins. Seeing the other two follow a short distance behind Zharbub glances at the frigid water of the moat and grits his teeth. Trusting in his ability to shrug off the cold the burly orc slips into the water and tries to cross silently to the opposite bank and follow the party on a flanking angle.

I'm guessing that'll at least be a Fortitude save, a swim check, and a move silently check. Here goes:
Fort Save: [roll0]
Swim Check: [roll1]
Move Silently Check: [roll2]

2017-12-04, 05:32 PM
Zharbub slips across the moat with little issue, those he does have to tread water towards the middle. The opposite bank is steep and offers little purchase, but thankfully the wall is in disrepair and he can find a hole to enter through.

The other three cross the bridge quickly with no issue. Once inside you see two dilapidated buildings flanking the entrance with an open central square with a few skeletons visible laying on the ground.

2017-12-05, 05:39 PM

The bulky warrior trots slowly to a halt in the commons area. Glancing back to see Etok and Thar close behind he nods at the buildings then bends to examine the skeletons briefly. He quickly stands and motions to the remains, "Zharbub, what do you make of these?"

No knowledge ranks, so Survival to see if Gnur can identify the bones - [roll0]

To the others, he motions with his ax toward the building on his right, "Etok and Thar, you want to check that building out? Zharbub and I will check this one over here."

Don't want to go all "bossy-pants", just trying to keep the ball rollin'. Cheers!

2017-12-05, 06:17 PM

The hobgoblin takes a moment to stare at the skeletons. "They been dead a while. Should be no danger." He relaxes a little, moving on.

As he and Thar move towards the next building, he speaks his thoughts aloud. "Animals didn't kill these. Animals take the bones. Man-folk or tribe fights. We need to know." He looks about at the state of disrepair despite the moat and wall and his jaw tightens. "Crushed. No one expected to be alive here."

2017-12-05, 11:20 PM

"Most likely the humans. Upside, if they think they've wiped out this location, they have no reason to come back in force." says Thar before taking a deep breath and stepping up to the entrance to the building on the right to look inside.

2017-12-06, 12:14 AM

Slightly miffed that Gnur gave him away, Zharbub stalks out of the shadows towards the bodies. Laying his spear gently to one side he stoops to investigate them, first attempting to determine species from their form and then looking for signs of damage to the bones that might signify a violent death. The shaman also tests their weight to see if the creatures might have starved to death slowly.

Seeing Thar and Etok move towards the building Gnur indicated Zharbub takes hold of his spear once again and nods in silent acknowledgement. Gripping the weapon in both hands Zharbub follows the gnoll in a stealthy crouch, eyes on the building before them.

Throwing everything at this to see what sticks. Disregard anything inappropriate.
Knowledge Nature check: [roll0]
Heal check [roll1]
Survival check: [roll2]

2017-12-06, 05:27 PM
The buildings are shattered remnants of themselves, everything inside is rotted away to uselessness.

Zharbub notice a mix of Hobgoblins, Orcs and the odd Gnoll and while he cant be sure, hes pretty sure they died in battle. As he looks around though things suddenly get...hazy.

It feels as if you're looking through a cloud of fog. You see the settlement, except that its undamaged, as ghostly images overlaid over their broken current forms. You see spectral forms of the citizens walk about, intent on their tasks.

It is clear they are under siege.

In a blink, the village is on fire and the inhabitants are fighting the humans. The humans are clad in shining steel plate, their swords cleaving through the armor of the villagers. Many ride horses armed with crossbow, cutting down all of those who flee.

As the vison begins to fade, you see the ghostly form of your master walk into the Motte at the top of the hill.

2017-12-06, 07:13 PM

Zharbub staggers dropping his spear as he clutches at his head. He jerks and spins, eyes tracking things that don't exist, "What...?". The shaman suddenly raises his fists as if to ward off a blow. "Not again!"

Finally looking up towards the hill Zharbub cries out, "Teacher! Come back!" and takes off at full speed, arms and legs pumping.

2017-12-06, 09:31 PM

Zharbubs pained exclamation reverberates through him, and he spins about to watch him run off. "Like brother. Not there." He looks to Thar, a sad note in his voice. "Fire can't calm him. Is fire all you have?"He doesn't wait for a reply, instead jumping out of the house to chase after him.

2017-12-07, 10:25 AM

Kicking around at the dirt and rotting timbers, Gnur eventually notices that Zharbub never followed him into the abandoned structure. The gnoll ducks his head out of the nearly collapsed doorway just in time to hear Zhar's exclamation and see him dart up the hill toward the old motte.

What's gotten into him?

He shoulders his ax and takes off after the druid.

2017-12-08, 09:27 AM
As Zharbub charges across the square, a black cloud rises up out of the ground and floats in the middle of the square for a few seconds, right before it shoots half a dozen bolts of black lightning into the surrounding corpses. The lighting runs down the bones and they begin to rise with a clacking sound.


Skeletons Init, in order

2017-12-09, 06:22 PM
The two nearest Skeletons rush Gnur and attempt to claw his face off

Claw 1

Claw 2

Damage in order

2017-12-09, 07:30 PM
The dead walking takes Etok by surprise - a vision or a warning perhaps? But battle instincts quickly kick in when two of the skeletons attack Gnur. He throws the harpoon already in hand and lets the rope go, seeing as there is no flesh for it to hook into. Instead he pulls a shortspear and lets it fly, targeting the nearest skeleton not engaged with the Gnoll.

They are strangely consistent
rapidshot - one harpoon and one shortspear.
Harpoon attack [roll0] and damage [roll1]
Shortspear attack[roll2] and damage [roll3]

2017-12-09, 07:40 PM
The Harpoon goes wide, but the shortspear slams into one of the skeletons, blasting it apart.


2017-12-11, 06:05 PM

The aftershocks of his vision still flicker around him and Zharbub is not sure what is real and now verses what is false and past. Hardly noticing the creatures that have risen to engage the scouts, strange orcs and gnolls and goblinoids whose bones exude a dark radiance under their translucent forms, once thought fills the shaman's mind. He's alive!

Leaving his spear in the square, along with his allies, Zharbub rushes towards where he saw Mahk disappear. "Master! I am here! Wait a moment!" He shouts taking the stairs two and three at a time.

Taking the run action if possible, double moving otherwise. That's 160 and 80 ft. respectively

2017-12-11, 06:47 PM
Zharbub gets inside the opening of the motte and he sees nothing more than a few inanimate skeletons and a dusty interior.

*Thar, burninate*

2017-12-12, 06:52 PM

Striding across the square after Zharbub, Gnur stops and looks around in confusion at the inky wisps rising from the earth. The cloud coalesces and bolts of lighting strike the skeletal remains of the long dead and forgotten tribesmen, animating them. Stunned by the sheer...wrongness...of the walking dead, he is caught off guard by their sudden and vicious attack.

Gnur stumbles a few steps, reeling away from the horrors, but the sting of the wounds and the sight of his own blood launches him into a nearly mindless rage. He reflexively swings his greataxe up and around in a wild attempt to strike at one of the skeletons, lunging in behind the blade snapping at the other beast with his fangs.

Free Action - Rage(+6 STR/+6 CON/-4 AC)
Attack Greataxe: [roll0]; Damage [roll1]
Secondary Attack Bite: [roll2]; Damage [roll3]

The second attack is conditional upon whether the first attack hits and drops one of the skeletons. IF it does then the bite goes toward the other skeleton.

2017-12-12, 08:49 PM

Thar rushes to join the fight, advancing towards the skeletons and bleching out flames to hit as many of them as he can.
Thar moves to catch as many skeletons in his 30 ft line or 15 ft cone as possible, and then spews fire.
Breath Damage[roll0]

2017-12-13, 05:30 PM
The axe blasts one of the skeletons apart and Thar crisps the unengaged pair. However this does nothing to deter the rest who continue their assault.

One Skeleton for each of you. They are attacking you in this order: Etok, Thar, Gnur

Attack roll

Damage, in order

2017-12-13, 06:32 PM
Caught unarmed after his throws, Etok is left with only his wits to dodge the incoming blow. Unfortunately, they do not suffice, and he takes the brunt of the blow.

Set on returning the favor, the hobgoblin swings his shield onto his left arm and whips out the axe at his side, leading with its serrated edge in controlled fury.

Free action - punishing stance, +1d6 damage in melee, -2 AC
Move action - don shield
Standard action - Battleaxe attack. [roll0] and damage [roll1] with extra [roll2]

2017-12-13, 08:25 PM

Bones and splinters explode in every direction as the massive gnoll finishes his swing. With each passing second Gnur seems to grow more bestial as all rational thought slowly fades behind of curtain of red rage.

Rather than recovering and repositioning himself with any semblance of skill, he simply continues the arcing swing of his greataxe in a full circle directed at the back of his second attacker.

Primary Attack Greataxe: [roll0]; Damage [roll1]
Secondary Attack Bite: [roll2]; Damage [roll3]

2017-12-13, 09:32 PM

Casually deflecting a skeleton's attack with his shield, Thar continues spewing fire onto the skeletons.
5ft step to better positioning if possible and again flame breath for most skeletons hit
Breath Damage [roll0]

2017-12-13, 09:57 PM

Zharbub rushes inside looking about wildly. "MAHK!? MAHK WHERE ARE YOU!"

2017-12-14, 08:23 PM
The skeletons are bit, smashed, and charred into oblivion and the Motte and Bailey is now silent once more.

Inside the Motte Zharbub looks in vain for his master, but just as he is about to give up hope he sees a watery image of him, standing by a door further in, holding up his hand in a stopping gesture.

2017-12-14, 10:19 PM

The shaman pauses, confused. "You're... You're not really here are you?" the young shaman mumbles passing his hand through the image. Rather than feeling moisture on his hand Zharbub feels tears spring unbidden to his face. "What does this all mean? Why are the spirits showing me these things?"

2017-12-14, 10:31 PM

He savagely whipped his neck back and forth, then spit the broken shards of bone out, roaring in fury. With two great bounds, he closed the space between himself and Thar, bringing the massive ax above his head to strike again. Recognition crept over his face as he slowly lowered the ax, the red curtain passing from his vision. Placing a hand on Thar's shoulder, he growled, "Sorry, my friend. Sometimes the battle lust is slow to fade."

He cast his gaze about slowly, nodding to Etok and looking back to Thar, "A dark curse lays upon this place. I would not bring our people here now, or ever. We should go. Where's Zharbub?"

2017-12-14, 10:35 PM
Mahk smiles and gently places a weightless hand on Zharbub's shoulder. "Soon...." he says gently, with a small smile on his face, before fading away.

2017-12-15, 12:07 AM

Although the immediate threat of battle gone, then spring-like tension in Etoks body remains. He is left gripping the axe and standing over the body, his scars throbbing with his pulse. He instinctively pulls his arm back as Gnur leaps violently at Thar - but drops it a moment later, the tension slowly unwinding. Adrenaline still pumping from the battle, it takes him a moment to process Gnurs question, and a moment longer to answer.

He raises the axe, pointing towards the stairs where he saw him last. He takes a few step towards them, squatting to pick up his harpoon for a moment, and finally finding his breath. "Inside."

2017-12-16, 07:44 PM

Thar is wide eyed as Gnur apologizes, before slowing letting out the breath he was holding. I need more control... Almost burned him. Heh, guess we're even at least.

"Something unusual is happening here. Even if that will make it unsuitable for the tribe, we should try to figure out what is going on. Including why Zharbub ran off. Let's go find him."

2017-12-17, 09:46 AM

With a brusque nod, Gnur follows Etok and Thar up the hill toward the old, abandoned motte.

2017-12-18, 06:18 PM
The other three enter the motte and see Zharbub squating by a wall staring at an empty doorway. The motte looks intact, structurally, though theres much rotted furniture and long dead skeletons scattered about

2017-12-20, 12:46 PM

Casting his gaze about the dim building and finding nothing threatening, Etok takes a hurried few steps towards Zharbub, kneeling next to him and looking intently at him, unsure of what to do. He tentatively reaches out and grabs the orc by the shoulder.

2017-12-20, 01:23 PM

Zharbub's eyes snap to Etok's face but maintain their glassy quality, and his hand closes around the hobgoblin's wrist with surprising but not crushing force. "Real..... false.....There but not there...." he mumbles in a low voice as his eyes focus on an empty space in the room before returning to the closed door across the motte.

2017-12-20, 07:28 PM

The gnoll warrior stands in the doorway peering inside, but keeping a wary eye out behind for any more....unnatural foes. Seeing Zharbub's distress and hearing his words about things there but not there, he immediately assumes the orc is referencing the attack in some way, "What's this Zhar? What happened to you? Were you assaulted by the spirits of those whose corpses we just fought?"

Stepping into the motte, and gripping his ax tightly, "Where are they? Were you able to fight them off?"

He follows the orc's stare, then strides across the confines to look through the empty doorway.

2017-12-20, 08:04 PM

The young shaman shakes his head. He seems to focus on Gnur and half rises to his feet but sways violently. "I could see them, but they weren't real. They had no form and could do us no harm." A confused expression crosses Zharbub's face. "Could you see them too?"

2017-12-22, 09:25 AM
The doorway leads to what looks like was a kitchen, all that is in there now is rotted furniture and a staircase down to what is probably the cellar.

2017-12-22, 05:46 PM

With a quick peek through the doorway to assure himself that nothing was there, Gnur turns back to Zharbub, "The things that attacked us most certainly had form...", he raises his badly wounded arm, "...and definitely capable of doing harm."

Cocking his head to the side in a characteristically canine fashion, "I did not....could not, see these...spirits. Did they not attack you?" He pauses and now looks upon the druid more thoughtfully, "Did they seek to speak to you Zharbub?"

2017-12-23, 12:34 AM

"I... No they didn't. I saw... fire... Siege. And Mahk. He led me here. Bade me wait..." Zharbub seems to focus on Gnur's injuries. "What do you mean the things that attacked you?" Suddenly looking around a thought strikes the orc, "Where is my spear?"

2017-12-26, 07:48 AM

Frowning deeply at the troubling sight of Zharbub in disarray, Etok decides to try and ease things for him. His mind was clearly strained, so soon after his loss.

"Zharbub. He's gone. Hold on to the real. The staff, the medicine. They stayed."
He reaches up and touches Zharbubs scalp, where there is a shaven streak, His words were comforting half-truths as far as he was concerned. The walking dead were strange, and if bodies can walk, why can't spirits?

If spirits could walk, why didn't Barok?

2017-12-28, 11:23 PM

"Mahk? Mahk led you here and spoke to you?" A look of puzzlement crosses the gnoll's, followed quickly by acceptance and even a slight smile. "Dreamwalker choose well, when he picked you Zharbub. The spirits speak to you as they do him."

Crossing the space between with one quick stride, Gnur places a hand on the druid's shoulder, and casts a look at Etok, "The spirits honor him, and show him what has passed. The siege and the fire must have been the humans slaughtering more of our kin and kind."

Stepping back and look at his comrades seriously, leaving behind a bloody handprint on Zhar's shoulder, "Something evil animates the bodies of our fallen kin, and this place was clearly a target for the imperial scum. I would have away quickly.....but, Zharbub, spirit Mahk bade you to wait? Wait for what? Where did the spirit go? Should we three step outside...do you think you can commune with the spirits in solitude?"

2018-01-01, 08:10 PM

With his questions still hanging in the air, Gnur turns walks through the doorway Zharbub was staring at and descends the stairs into the darkness.

2018-01-04, 11:41 PM
Gnur strides down the dusty steps, stained with old black blood. The bottom floor, obviously a pantry at this point, is covered in flagstones and the walls are lined with shelves, unrotted unlike the ones topside. A doorway, with the tattered remnants of the door hanging off it, leads further into the undercroft of the Motte.

2018-01-05, 04:18 AM
With a grimace at the Gnolls stubbornness, Etok follows him, loathe to leave him alone, but loathe to leave Zharbub in his current state.

He steps up Gnurs side and speaks. "Do not feed his weakness. He himself said he had trouble connecting to the spirits earlier. Don't you think the loss is hard enough without fake hope?" There is a hardness to Etoks gaze, although he does not make eye contact. Instead, he peers further into the Motte.

2018-01-05, 06:58 PM
Thar Silverblood

After standing quietly, carefully going over what magic he observed in his mind, Thar puts his thoughts into words. "There is necromancy afoot. It's definitely responsible for the undead we fought, and necromantic influence could complicate or empower communing with the spirits of those who have passed."

He then continues,
"We have to find out what's going on here. I think we'll need to head further to sort it out", while turning to look at the doorway leading further into the Motte.

2018-01-05, 11:16 PM

The shaman is lost in thought and reflection while his companions discuss their situation. As everybody descends the stairway ahead of him Zharbub shakes himself out of his stupor and grips the medicine stick that is his only remaining weapon. I must be strong! he thinks to himself and rushes after his allies.

2018-01-06, 12:15 PM

Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, Gnur turns to Etok and grimaces at the hobgoblin's words then shakes his head, "You sound like an Ashtooth with that 'fake hope' stuff. The shock of his loss, may be the very thing that opens his mind to the spirit world."

First Thar, then Zharbub join the two at the bottom of the stairs. With a firm nod to both the massive gnoll pats Etok on the shoulder, "Let's push further inward, perhaps the spirits have set Zharbub upon this path for a purpose."

Striding across the pantry, Gnur grabs the broken remains of the door, pulls it off of its hinges and casts it to the side. He grips his ax to his chest and pushes on deeper into the darkness...

2018-01-07, 03:12 PM
Remaining unconvinced, Etok simply nods to Gnur and pushes in deeper behind him, electing to ready his shield and axe in favor of the smaller quarters. His eyes dart about and he nods to Thar and Zharbub as they follow deeper in. He grips his axe with white knuckled fervor, his thoughts broiling inside him. He's gone. Gone. Gonegonegone.

His eyes grow increasingly wide in his fervor, but he remains in control.

2018-01-07, 05:26 PM
The undercroft you all enter looks as if was used primarily for storage. Old crates and chests of unknown things litter this room and it is all covered in a layer of dust. The old blood you saw on the stairs continues through this room and over to a closed door on the wall to your left. The door is closed and looks relatively intact. The bloodstains on the door imply something more sinister on the other side,

2018-01-07, 11:43 PM

As he enters the room Gnur slows to a stop, looking about at the scatter crates and chests. Indicating the bloody trail and the far door, he motions for the others to take up positions.

2018-01-08, 11:58 AM

Seeing the blood and what Gnur intends, Zharbub grips the medicine stick in both hands. He steps up behind Gnur and invokes a simple yet ancient blessing of Guidance. The medicine stick seems, to Zharbub, to flicker faintly in the pitch dark of the undercroft and as he touches it to Gnur's shoulder the Gnoll also gains a momentary spectral flame.

Casting Guidance on Gnur. +1 to one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check made within one minute of the casting. Must be chosen before hand.

2018-01-09, 08:26 PM
Exhaling slowly in an attempt to calm down before potential battle, Etok tenses into a striking stance, axe raised and ready to lash out to relieve some pressure.

Changing into punishing stance. AC at 18 (+2 shield, -2 stance), extra 1d6 to melee damage.

2018-01-10, 06:15 PM

As the druid places the blessing upon him, Gnur turns and nods silently in genuine appreciation, "The spirits of our ancestors see you Zharbub."

With a quick glance to Etok and Thar, he reaches out and throws the door open wide....

2018-01-11, 07:38 PM
The room on the other side is dark, but there is enough light behind you to see what is inside. Corpses. Over a dozen corpses are in the room, their weapons scattered about, and the walls are covered in old blood, but the corpses aren't of the People.

The corpses are human.

In the center of this butchery is a black spectre, vaguely in the shape of a Gnoll, and the creature holds a massive spear, seemingly made out of the dark of the moon itself.

"Why do you disturb me?"

2018-01-12, 10:10 PM
A moment passes after the creature midroom speaks, in which Etok takes in the surrounding carnage. The base revulsion melts away, replaced by the glee of doing something forbidden. Still gripping his weapons, he attempts to speak.

"How. Who ar-

He is cut short by Zharbub, and stops to listen to what he has to say.

2018-01-13, 04:29 PM

"The People are in need of shelter, Shadowed One!" Zharbub says in a voice that bounces harshly off of the stone walls. Raising a hand the young shaman steps forward to address the spirit, offering a covert, apologetic shrug towards Etok in passing but combined with a cautionary look. Continuing in a quieter but no less anxious tone, Zharbub explains the tribe's situation "The butchers from the south return again. They give no quarter despite having taken no offense. Our tribe would seek to settle in this ancient fastness, should the spirits and omens allow it."

What sort of vibe does Zharbub get from this spectre? Guardian? Echo of hatred?

2018-01-13, 08:40 PM
When Zharbub mentions the attackers of the south the spectre lets out a horrific shriek of rage. "Murderers! Killers! VERMIN!! I will rend their flesh asunder and cleave their souls!" The creature swings its great spear at several of the corpses and otherwise rages about the room for a bit before calming down to a brooding silence in its former location. "If you wish to reside in this place i will require a boon of you."

If it wasn't obvious, its very much a spirit of wrath.

2018-01-13, 09:51 PM

Zharbub grits his teeth to quiet their chattering at the creature's outburst. Regaining his courage the shaman asks, "What manner of boon can such as we grant such as you?"

2018-01-13, 10:13 PM
You're not sure, but you think it has an evil grin on its face as it answers "Bring me a southerner"

2018-01-13, 10:35 PM

"A southerner for a home." Zharbub says glancing at his allies. "You will cede this place to our tribe for the soul of a man?"

2018-01-13, 11:31 PM
The spectre lets out a deep laugh "Yes, you can have this place"

2018-01-14, 04:14 PM

The gnoll takes a hesitant step back at the dark spirit reveals itself, and quickly moves aside when Zharbub steps forward to address it.

"Would you not already have left this long abandoned place if you could?"

2018-01-15, 04:07 PM
The spectre tilts its head at Gnur "Of course i would have. I am trapped in these walls, and i want a human soul"

2018-01-15, 06:00 PM
Upon learning of the nature of the spirit before them, Etok stiffened, and remains tense even as he speaks. "Is this what those killed by them can become? Like you, waiting forever for vengeance?"

2018-01-15, 06:46 PM
The spectre blankly looks at Etok.

2018-01-16, 12:45 PM
Thar Silverblood

After considering the situation, Thar spots a different option and asks after the possibility of freeing the spirit to go about it's business, "What is it that traps you within these walls?"

2018-01-17, 07:13 PM
"I want revenge"

2018-01-20, 12:48 PM

Grimacing at the dark spirit's vengeful obsession, Gnur steps forward assertively, "Was it you that moved the remains of our fallen kin to attack us in the courtyard above? Speak true."

2018-01-21, 04:33 PM
The creature tilts its head the other way, and you swear, smiles "Hatred brought them back....a thirst for blood...."

2018-01-21, 08:18 PM

Turning slightly to display his bloody wounded arm and shoulder, "Your hatred. Your thirst for blood. Your want of vengeance has twisted your sanity."

2018-01-22, 04:56 PM

Offput by the spirits single minded obsession, he blinks at Gnurs aggressive questioning. "The dead want vengeance. Can we to deny them that wish?"

2018-01-22, 05:48 PM

Turning to Etok, "The dead's want for vengeance seems to override all sense or reason.....unless, you think those things that attacked us weren't trying to murder us."

2018-01-23, 03:32 PM

Nodding in reply. "It is as much our failings to enact vengeance that must anger them. He glances at the spirit, concerned, then lowers his voice. But can we fulfill the spirits order? Perhaps it is best to let him be for now."

2018-01-23, 05:40 PM
Once you stop addressing it, the spectre appears to ignore you.

2018-01-26, 10:01 PM
Thar Silverblood

"Unless the spirit has and advice for capturing a human, we should probably head out and get looking for one.", gesturing for the others to follow him away from the spirit.

2018-01-27, 12:09 PM

Following Thar outside of the spirits room, Etok shakes his head. "How? From where? I've never seen a lone wanderer, and it doesn't make sense to chase down raiders for a single human."

2018-01-30, 10:25 AM

The massive gnoll casts a brooding look at the malignant spirit, before stepping out of the room.

"This is no good. Whatever shelter or protection this place might offer our tribe is meaningless with this foul spirit residing here. I've no idea how we would capture a human to offer this thing, but I don't think it matters....for surely after it has one it will demand another."

With a deliberate look at each of the others, he continues, "No...we either purge this place of that thing, or we move on and seek shelter elsewhere."

2018-01-30, 11:37 AM
Thar Silverblood

Thar nods in agreement. "Of course we're not working with the tainted spirit. I just wanted out of the room without tipping it off."

"The question is, can we afford to try somewhere else for the tribe on short notice?"

2018-02-01, 04:53 PM

Frowning deeply at the predicament, the hobgoblin grumbles his reply. "I say we push on and make the best use of this night, find another spot. Perhaps it is best to leave these spirits as they are, as capturing a human is out of the question."

2018-02-08, 05:49 PM

The massive gnoll grimaces at Etok's words, then glances over his shoulder back at the lurking spirit. Frustrated he reaches back and slams the door closed with his foot, "Let's get out of this damnedable place!"

He moves with a deliberate pace, across the room, up the stairs, and out onto the hill overlooking the area below where they were attacked.

Taking a deep breath of air, he turns back to the others, "Where to? Which direction? I would put this place behind us as quickly as possible."

2018-02-11, 01:37 PM

Breathing a little easier now that they were out of the grasp of that place, the hobgoblin tries to determine the time of night. There are multiple locations around here we could take, but none are as near to the tribe as this one. It could be well into the day before we can scout one out and return. Even then, we will have to double back past our own tribe, or head dangerously close to human territory."

2018-02-12, 03:42 PM
Thar Silverblood

"It's seems like our options at this point are redirecting our tribe closer to the southerners, taking them on a much longer trek than was planned, or trying to cleanse this place. "

"I'm not sure I'm happy leaving this place as it is. The humans clearly have no interest in it beyond having stopping people from living here, and leaving that spirit means they get exactly that. "

2018-02-14, 05:49 PM

The gnoll turns back to the others, "I don't like it either, but I would not bring the tribe here to share space with the malevolent spirit below. If there were a way to remove its....presence, I would do what I can to assist, but I know of no such rite or practice."

He turns and stares off at the horizon for a moment, then turns and looks northward, his eyes following the course of the river. Motioning with his greataxe, "I say we push further northward upon the banks of this river, scouting for a place to make temporary camp. It is a cold thing to do, but if we put other tribes between us and the humans at least our people will be safe....for the moment. We can also warn the other tribes that the humans seem hell bent on encroaching ever further into the barrens....wiping us out, one tribe at a time. It's not the best plan....hell, it might not even be a good plan, but it's all I've got for now."

Surveying each of his comrades' faces one by one, "What say you?"

2018-04-03, 03:43 PM

The hobgoblin looks unsure for a moment, but then nods slowly in agreement. "Then we hope for the best and push north. There's nothing else we can do here. We deal with the other problems when they come."

2018-04-04, 05:28 PM

With a stern nod, the massive gnoll takes off at a trot, out through the stockade gates, then hues to the river bank, heading northward at a brisk pace.

2018-04-07, 01:42 AM

The hobgoblin hefts a harpoon to his shoulder and trudges silently behind him.

2018-04-07, 10:26 AM
The group heads North at a brisk pace, leaving the cursed fort behind them. After several hours of marching you all come to a bend in the river, and as you look further North you can see the trees thin out as the plains assert themselves. The land here is flat and well sheltered by some trees, this seems like it would serve as a decent camp.

2018-04-08, 02:57 PM
Gnur Ashtooth

The massive gnoll slows to a trot, then a steady walk as they enter the sheltered area near the river. Eventually he comes to a halt completely, and turns slowly scanning the surroundings with an appraising eye. With a satisfied nod he turns to his companions, "This seems like a workable campsite for the tribe. It's a fair distances from out previous camp, sheltered, and easy access to the river."

With a few long strides, he covers the distance to the banks of the river, and follows it's bending course, "We could even fashion a flat barge-ferry and a guide rope anchored on opposite sides to withdraw across the river if the humans come at us again."

He pats Etok on the shoulder and almost smiles, "I think this will do nicely. What say you?"

2018-04-11, 12:05 PM

The hobgoblin gravitates quickly to the riverbank, staring out at the plains beyond. He starts when Gnur touches his shoulder, spinning about to reach for his axe. He relaxes after a moment. "Retreat is a good way out. You can run all night? We have to get them quick. The tribe.