View Full Version : Thunder Rift IC

2017-10-29, 07:01 PM
Thunder Rift OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?540361-Thunder-Rift&p=22515302#post22515302)

This is the start of the in character thread.

2017-11-05, 07:06 PM
You have spent the day relaxing in your rooms at the Dragon's Den, a comfortable inn nestled in a grove of trees beside a rolling stream. The gurgling of the water, the sweet summer air, and the fine food served by the inn's owner has made a nice change of pace from the many days of travelling that you have taken to get to Melnir before the start of the Festival of the Three.

It is now dusk. A small fire wards off the chill of the night air outside, and the last dishes from the evening meal are being cleared from your table. As you and the other patrons settle in for a night of quiet conversation with the guests at the inn, you hear a commotion at the front door.

A young man is led into the room by the innkeeper who points each of you out to the newcomer. The stranger shakes the hosteler's hand and smiles broadly. With a timid wave of his hand he walks over to you.


"My name is Erik," he says. "I had heard adventurers might be here, but I wasn't sure I would catch you before your journeys took you elsewhere! I have been charged by the Burgomaster of Torlynn to persuade you to return with me to our village."

The young man fumbles around in his pouch and pulls out a bone scroll tube. He opens it, breaking the wax seal, and pulls out a rolled sheet of paper. As he hands the roll to you, you cannot help but notice the fine texture of the paper. When you untie the silk ribbon wrapping the letter, you find a plea for help.

The note reads:

I, Gustovan, burbomaster of Torlynn, am in need of help. My village has fallen under a dark and evil curse, the likes of which I have been unable to fathom. Other adventurers have been hired to combat this evil, but all have failed. I do not think I am wrong in saying that you are my last hope.

If you consent to aid my village, you will be rewarded. We are not rich, for the curse has robbed us of our prosperity, but all that we have we will gladly give to you.

Gustovan of Torlynn

When you finish the letter, you see Erik looking imploringly at you. In a voice filled with entreaty, he asks, "Will you help us?"

ooc: You all see the other adventurers who received a scroll like this one.

There is a young human girl whose nose in a book. There is an older female human dressed in the finest of clothes who stares back at you and a chill runs up your spine as she does so. There is a dwarf clad in ringmail armor - he reveals his gap-toothed grin as he wields a turkey leg in mock combat with the orcs of his tale. There is a handsome and suave elf with the scruff of a beard that belies his human heritage wooing the ladies as he recounts tales solved with the rapier at his hip. There is another elf clad in leathers fletching arrows with agile fingers as he surveys the room.

2017-11-05, 11:27 PM
The girl with her nose in a book was in her mid teens, around 16-17 years of age. She had long, wavy golden blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that lit up her presence whenever she smiled or laughed. Some could say she was beautiful but for those who knew her she was far from an innocent young girl. Her attire consisted of a brown shirt, blue pants, a pair of black boots and a hooded green cloak. There was a sheathed dagger and a sling attached to her belt.

Her curiousity was immediately aroused when she received the scroll. After reading it thoroughly though she had a few question, What is the nature of this curse that befalls your town? Can you describe it and just how bad the situation is?

2017-11-06, 09:02 AM
Kei's face betrays little emotion as she reads the letter. Her eyes flick across the others handed similar scrolls. She fixes the messenger with a stare "My time is precious, if this proves to be nothing more than peasant superstition I will be most displeased. Though I will at least consent to investigate further" her voice is cold and uncaring.
She looks little like an adventurer, more suited to the comforts of court or home. Her dark blue-black clothing laced tight, a choker with a deep red-stone at her throat, skin pale and blonde-white hair. The only concession to her safety is in the dagger at her belt, and even that looks mostly decorative.

2017-11-06, 01:15 PM
The Elven man seems the sort who gets around the world a fair amount. His arms and armor seem well used, a heavy leather harness covered in pouches crisscrosses his chest and back. His hair is pulled back and up into a bun, revealing his cheekbones and ears.Two swords are strapped to either side of his waist while an unstrung bow and Quiver rest on the table. He's been sipping the 'best' wine the place has to offer for several hours now. This leaves his cheeks slightly flushed. The lesser folks of the greater realm maybe lesser, but they certainly know how to get drunk. He seemed deadly serious when he arrived, but has gotten more verbose as the human wine does its work on him.

"What sorta man is your burgomaster? He deal with many curses?" Artanis takes a long pull on a glass of wine infront of him before continuing. "Where is your village? Near some dark and gloomy forest? Or the wind swept and haunted hills? I guess it doesn't really matter, I'm short on coin, as a matter of fact...BOY! Buy me more wine and I'll ride to this village of yours." He jabs his freshly fletched arrow towards the young man as emphasis on the last bit.

2017-11-06, 03:55 PM
"A curse?!" The young half-elf leaps to his feet. "You mean like the Curse of Millhaven? That's a great story, that is. You see, everyone thought that the town was cursed, but it turns out that it was actually... um, yes. Perhaps now isn't the moment..." he trails off after his enthusiastic start. "But anyway. If your village is in need, I'm happy to help, though I confess I have little experience in dealing with real curses. My speciality is more striking down evil with blade in hand, but perhaps some of these other fine folk have the skills I lack."

The half-elf is quite tall for his kind, with a lean, athletic build. He looks to be in his late teens or very early twenties, with green eyes and shoulder-length brown hair tied back into small bun. A pale scar cuts across his right cheek down to the jawline. He is wearing a striped green doublet over a simple white shirt; black breeches are tucked into a pair of comfortable-looking boots. A dagger is sheathed at his belt, and a rapier hangs from a leather baldric.

2017-11-06, 06:18 PM
Erik stammers a moment and says, "P-perhaps we could speak together - there in that corner table?" The innkeep sees the group head over and one of the maidens follows with a bottle of wine and she sets a stein full of mead with a lemon wedge floating in it in front of the dwarf.

Erik begins answering the questions once all are assembled. "The curse is something magical in nature - for nature itself has turned against us. When you do come, you will want to bring your winter furs, for though it is the height of summer, we in Torlynn are in the dead of winter." You recall Torlynn to be known as a proud alpine town east of Melinir nestled in a valley cut by the Drake River. It is rich for it supplies Melinir with lumber and many of the craftsmen net a fair coin for their various works. Dwarves and Elves alike find some rivals in this human settlement.

"You see, this is why Burgomaster Gustovan has sent me to Melinir - to find brave adventurers knowledged in the workings of magic to find the source that has cursed the valley and courageously defeat it. The Burgomaster is a wise, just and honorable man, and the town needs your help - that is, if you will give it."

2017-11-06, 06:26 PM
ooc: Assuming the party accepts, you are hard pressed to find winter gear during the summer, but feel free to do some extra shopping.

ic: Erik leads you out the inn to a handsome carriage. He apologizes for not being able to transport you in a a more elegant manner - a manner that a group of heroes such as yourselves must be accustomed to - but this was the best his village could muster.


The young man proves an able teamster on the way to Torlynn. The road is good, the horses fast, and the countryside pleasant. Although the trip takes three days, Erik stops regularly. At every such stop and especially at night, he begs you to tell him stories about your adventures. He listens eagerly to every word you say, and it is clear he is impressed by you and your comrades.

2017-11-06, 06:54 PM
Kei gathers her gear from her room, considers riding in the comfort of the carriage but looking over the motley crew of her companions she isn't sure she would entrust any of them to ride Velvet in her stead, and she sould not demean him by hooking him up to the carriage.
She rides close by, easily keeping pace.

2017-11-06, 07:35 PM
The red haired dwarf grabs his axe and shield and stands up.

Yup. I'll work for y'all. His accent doesn't seem to match what you'd expect of a dwarf. It just barely has a hint of a typical Dwarven accent, and you'd have to be a familiar with Dwarven speech to notice.

Once at the wagon he says, "Now thats a mighty fine wagon ya got there. Better than anything I've ever rode on."

2017-11-06, 08:42 PM
ooc: Insert roleplaying here

IC: On the third day, as you draw near Torlynn, you cannot help but notice that something is amiss. The air seems unusually brisk, although the sun is high and bright. Before long, you notice that the leaves on the trees have begun to change colors - just as if it were autumn. Erik seems to take no notice of this, though he pulls a warm shawl around himself in an effort to ward off the cold.


When you enter the village of Torlynn, you find it is a moderately sized town beside a narrow river in a wooded valley. The river is frozen over, however, and the trees are bare.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/The_Jachen_stream_on_a_sunny_winter_day_%28Bavaria %2C_Germany%29.JPG

The houses and shops have fallen into disrepair, and many have been boarded up and abandoned. Only a few people are visible, but they all look tired and careworn - as if they have been working under a great strain.


As the wagon rolls to a stop in front of the larges of Torlynn's once beautiful houses, a dirty snow silently begins to fall.

2017-11-06, 08:53 PM
Jessica does not ride in the carriage. Not that she had no qualms about it nor was trying to insult Erik. She had her own horse. And she preferred to keep her horse which she named Spitfire. For a studious little girl she was somewhat surprisingly tough in the outdoors and seemed rather comfortable in it. She is close mouthed about her past and largely minds her own business. That does not mean she is not sociable or rude, simply professional and somewhat private. The teenager could be talkative if she wanted to and did not mind, just not so open about herself.

2017-11-06, 08:56 PM
Havros is surprised by the changing seasons over a period of mere days. "What in the blazes is goin' on here?" he inquires to no one in particular. "Son, what have you got us into?"

2017-11-06, 09:00 PM
Erik leads you into the house. The young man guides you to a parlor where pots of hot coffee and tea await you. After the cold outside, the drinks are warm and refreshing.

"You will be staying here as guests of the burgomaster, for the inn closed several months ago." Your questions to Erik about the strange weather are met with, "The burgomaster will answer all your questions." Erik excuses himself to see to your bags and rooms.

Shortly after Erik leaves, a heavyset man with dark hair, a thick moustache, and a silver-framed monocle waddles into the room. His expression is one of concern and agitation.

2017-11-06, 09:17 PM
"My friends, I am Burgomaster Gustovan. I am glad you have come. I see from the looks on your faces that you have already noticed the terrible affliction upon our village - the curse of eternal winter. Today is traditionally the warmest day of the year, yet an inch of snow has fallen since you arrived."

I believe I know the source of this foul magic. Some miles outside Torlynn lies a ruined keep. It is said that this place was once home to a mad wizard. Three springs ago before the Festival of the Three, a pair of trappers reported seeing a light in the keep one night. Thinking the local children might be playing in the dangerous ruin, they went to investigate. To their horror, they found the place inhabited by foul, ratlike creatures - the likes of which they had never seen. They raced to town to tell me their story."

"I immediately contacted the Council who in turn sent representatives from the Triumvirate. This team of adventurers much like yourselves set off to explore the keep. I have not seen or heard from them since. That first summer, shortly after the party disappeared, and before the Festival of the Three, winter set in. I am convinced that whatever dwells in the ruin is the cause of this awful curse."

"Good people, we of Torlynn have been in the throes of winter for over two years now - and there seems no end in sight. We cannot raise crops or forage for food in the forests surrounding us, and our supplies are very nearly exhausted. Every day that passes sees more and more of my people leave for happier lands. Soon, there will be no one left in Torlynn."

"Will you help us? Will you travel to the keep and break this evil spell? I can offer you little in reward for your services, but there are stories about the mad wizard hiding treasure in the keep. If this is true, the treasure is yours if you can but remove the curse from our town."

2017-11-07, 05:59 AM
The Lady Lekath | Arrogant Aristocratic Acolyte.

"Well it would seem this is not a waste of my time after all. I must admit to being intrigued. It sounds like your prior adventurers were eager to earn your favour without any real effort. I assure you we will enjoy more success."

2017-11-07, 07:47 AM
Havros says, in his undwarven-like accent,
"Well, Sir, I do not know what help I can be against such magic, but if the Miss here is as potent as she is powerful, then your problems are solved. I'll do my right best to ensure she stays alive."

2017-11-07, 03:56 PM

In Melinir and on the trip to Torlynn
Steeldance bounds up to his room and collects his gear. He has no horse and is happy to take a seat, though it is clear he finds it a bit odd that the ladies prefer to ride rather than avail themselves of the comfort of the carriage. During the trip it becomes clear that, although he hasn't been to Torlynn before, he knows a great deal about the lumber that is shipped from there. Slightly embarrassed, he admits to having been an apprentice carpenter before taking up the sword. In quieter moments, he produces small pieces of wood and passes the time whittling little animal sculptures. His work is a bit rough, but there's clearly some talent there.

Meeting Burgomaster Gustovan
"Sir, the satisfaction of undoing this terrible curse and bringing down the villains behind it will be reward enough for me, but if no one else has a claim to the treasures that may await in the castle, then I am sure we can find a way to put them to good use. You may count on my blade in this endeavour. When do we begin?" Steeldance finishes, barely containing his eagerness.

2017-11-07, 05:48 PM
On the Trip to Torylnn
The Elven warrior rides in the carriage. He mostly keeps to himself, though he does occasionally through a side long glance to the half-Elven boy that has become his companion. Half breed...with a rapier, could he be skilled with it? He had to be to receive the same invitation as the rest. He occasionally fiddled with a buckle or snap, keeping his hands busy as the carriage makes its way.

Meeting the Burgomaster
"Rat like creatures? Like rat men? Or rats that are unusually large?" Artanis considers this for a moment. Obviously rat like men, or men like rats...why else would there be a light.

"I will assist you, I have no love for mages or their ilk, present company excluded for the moment ladies"The latter bit of dialogue aimed at the two women in the office with him. He looked the group over a second time, they would do. "Who did the Triumvarite send?"

2017-11-07, 08:50 PM
As Jessica listens to the Burgomaster's story, her mind starts evaluating the situation. Obviously magic or some sort of unnatural affect was happening here. She searches her mind for anything she might have researched from tomes and scrolls that might enlighten her better to the situation all the while asking him questions.

I will help of course but might I ask the following? What type of wizard lived in that Tower? Was he a specialist in invocation? Most invocation spells use the elements of fire and ice. Have you had any encounters with creatures that might have affinity to cold such as Frost Giants? Were there any unusual incidents or strange signs beside the sudden changes in weather or temperature drop?


2017-11-07, 11:21 PM
Jessica is positive that such magic would be powerful indeed. To bend the weather to one's will would be alteration magic, and you are certain that the spell is one that only a wizard who has reached the 12th circle of power would be capable of casting such a spell. However, to make one permanent, it would be a mage much more powerful. However, you have heard of wizardry that was ritualistic in nature where a stars are in alignment or a cabal of casters could perform such magic by alternate means; this type of sorcery usually entails sacrifice or binding the magic in some fashion. Legends have said the druids are able to locate ley lines of power from the earth itself, clerics can bring divine favor from celestial (or demonic) beings, and warlocks and witches can tap into alchemy to get desired results.

Only wizards dedicated to abjuration would be unable to wield such magic. Jessica figures that the Burgomaster may be on to something, as a keep or cave or sacred location where the ritual was performed may be the key to unlocking the magic.

The Burgomaster listens to the party and responds to Lady Lekath first. "I highly doubt that, good lady, as the party was a group of elven emissaries. They had a writ from the Triumvirate...let me see, where did I put that?" Gustovan gets up and waddles to a writing desk and rummages around and produces a scroll that was once sealed. The keen elven eyes of Artanis notice that the wax seal is that of the Triumvirate.


"Ahh, here it is. It says that Lady Thessandria has vouched for her cousin, Elladrin Evenstar and his bladesinging brethren."

He then nods at Havros and says as he looks at the armored and stout dwarf, "I would fear to face you, and my dwarven friends have proven their word is their bond."

Gustovan smiles and nods a short bow, "Thank you, good sir. May your blade and bravery begin soon, for I know not how long our town may last."

Artanis' questions are listened to, and the Burgomaster says, "I know not if they are men befallen of this curse or if they are cultists wearing strange garb. That is why I sent word to the Triumvirate and Lady Thessandria in particular as she is on the Council of Mages." He holds up the scroll again and continues, "She sent her cousin who I thought would be capable of getting answers of this magic and mayhem. He assured me that he and his team were accustomed to solving such sorcerous situations."

To Jessica he responds, "I only know rumors about the mage of that manor. I was told that he went to the Wizardspire in the west. I know not what invocation means, but it would make sense if they work in the way in which you speak. We have only been beset by goblins and orcs as of late, but rumors that ogres, trolls and giants may be in the area exist. It has been so long ago, I can't recall anything specific that happened; however, on clear nights, the sky seems to open up and glow - especially the closer one gets to the keep."

2017-11-08, 08:15 AM
The dwarf harrumphs. "The elves were dun over confident. An attitude like that always leads to trouble."

Havros listens intently to the description of the glow. "I think the glow is where we need to go."

2017-11-08, 09:16 AM
Kei's lip quirks slightly at the Dwarf's comment Was that directed at me?
"I agree, we will learn more on approach to the keep. How far is it by foot, since my companions lack mounts we may be better leaving the horses here, especially as the delve may take several days."

2017-11-08, 09:57 AM
Havros says, "We can take horses, if ya like. I just don't own my own. If there's a stable nearby, we can borrow some and take a stable boy with us. The stable boy can bring all the horses back while we explore. We'll just have to walk back."

2017-11-08, 11:02 AM
Well from what I can think of, I would say that this curse is caused by ritual magic. As such quite probably there is something, maybe an artifact or other object which probably needs to be destroyed to stop this curse. I won't know without more evidence and the only way I could get that is to go to this keep., Jessica said.

2017-11-08, 11:31 AM
"If this darkness was powerful enough to overcome the Evenstar... and a cadre of Bladesingers it is surely a great evil. I am honor bound to learn what I can of the Evenstar's death. The Lady Thessandria deserves to know how her cousin fell. I request that I am allowed to secure their blades and return them to their families. They are likely heirlooms of some standing." He stands to face the others, expecting that the easy answer would be given. If he must figure a way to insure the protection of those heirlooms, he will take some time to do so.

"Blood magic...rituals...not a pretty business that." He shakes his head in disgust at Jessica's statement of the possibility of rituals at use.

2017-11-08, 04:15 PM
"Bladesingers? I've heard of them - they're said to be mighty warriors. And of course their blades should be returned to their families. But if these rat creatures were able to overcome them, then they must be fearsome foes indeed. Have any of you fought or heard of such beings before?" Despite the worry in his words, Steeldance seems quite unconcerned, almost as if he were relishing the thought of confronting enemies that could defeat such renowned elven warriors.

Rolling for Local History to see if Steeldance knows any stories of dangerous rat men in Thunder Rift. [roll0]

2017-11-08, 06:40 PM
Gustovan says, "You will want to do as the dwarf suggests, for travelling there by foot in these temperatures is unwise. Erik shall arrange it for you. Know that the keep uses the cliffs as a natural barrier, and that if you brought your own steeds, they would need to be left unattended. The walk back would be easier after you lift the curse, too, eh?" He smiles and rings a bell. Soon Erik comes into the room. Gustovan has a side conversation about the arrangements as the rest of plans on how to prepare.

The talk of curses reminds you of the Gloomfens where legends of all sorts of strange and terrible creatures reside. Witches and wizards have been known to transform other living creatures into strange and terrible things. However, you have heard of something called lycanthrope - where the bite or wound transfers the curse from the maker to the infect the other. As such those afflicted are cursed and change to reflect the dark side behind such magics. It is rumored that such beings can transform into an inner beast like that of a wolf or bear. Such men are under the influence of the moon which forces their inner self to come out and wreck mayhem and malice. Those have said that they shrug off normal weapons and only enchanted blades and only a blade with a sterling temper can wound such a creature.

2017-11-08, 11:07 PM
I have a horse of my own named Spitfire. Can you assure that she will be stabled safely in town while me and my newfound friends investigate this keep?, Jessica asks, Also would you have any extra flasks of greek fire oil?

2017-11-09, 10:21 AM
Gustovan listens to the request and says, "Alas, we have traded almost all of our worthy possessions for food and goods needed to survive. Most of my fair city has left or is in the process of leaving to travel to nearby Melinir where the Festival will soon occur. They have taken their wares to sell if they haven't been sold already. What worries me most is whether the good people of Torlynn will ever return." The burgomaster wrings his hands and has a pained look on his face. It is clear to all of you that he loves his town and the people therein - it is hard to imagine the stress and pressure he must be in given the circumstances. "Fear not about Spitfire, for Erik will see to your mounts personally."

2017-11-09, 11:18 AM
The party plans their trip and are taken to their prospective rooms. Like the town of Torlynn, the burgomaster's home is cold and empty.

On the morrow, Erik is serving breakfast and the burgomaster greets you at his table. "Good morning, good morning!" he says. "Erik has prepared a meal for us. It is meager but masterfully done as always, Erik." Oatcakes fried in a pan and meat that must be rabbit or squirrel sizzles nearby. Coffee and tea are served as well as a piping hot porridge. "Please, please, join me - for you will need to keep your strength up as you embark on your quest."

Erik bustles about pulling out chairs for the ladies, dishing up servings, and pouring drinks for one and all. He smiles and bows at any compliments and continues about his tasks merrily.

When it is time to go, the burgomaster wishes you well and good hunting. He stays on the snow swept porch and waves as you leave. Your boots crunch in the dirty snow that has fallen in the night. You mount the carriage again and Erik takes you through the town to whatever stops you request before leaving. He makes conversation assuring you that Spitfire and Velvet are in the burgomaster's warm stable. Then, once satisfied the team is ready, he leads you out of town into the countryside.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0gXlewcIibM/U5DF0T5tvgI/AAAAAAAADN8/DnJLtw3l0fY/s1600/mountains+winter+snow+trees+cityscapes+houses+fant asy+art+digital+art+artwork+medieval+portuguese+_w ww.wallpaperfo.com_73.jpg

The hike from Torlynn to the ruined keep is not as difficult as one might suspect. Although strangely dirty snow falls during the entire trip, there are plenty of game trails and hunters' paths to follow.
In two hours, your feet are cold and numb, but you are standing outside a darkly ominous stone ruin.


The keep is built of large stone blocks; it has a few slender arrow slits in the walls, no windows, and only one door. The stone, which is beginning to crumble, is out but still sturdy. The door hangs from its hinges and stands open, as if inviting you to enter the darkness within. A shiver sweeps through your bones, but you don't know whether this is because of the chilling cold of the eternal winter or the evil lingering in this place.

Putting aside your misgivings, you step through the doorway and into the unknown.

2017-11-09, 11:45 AM
Before they depart, Havros the dwarf says to the Burgomeister, "Worry not, my friend, people will come back once the curse is lifted. They always do."

At the ruins, Havros adjusts his grip on his axe, studies his shield, and heads in, ready for anything.

2017-11-09, 02:42 PM
Havros steps through the battered door of the keep and waits for his dwarven infravision to adjust to the light. He takes a look around and sees that this room was once a richly decorated entrance hall, but it is now ruined by the passage of time. Damaged paintings hang from the walls, bits of furniture lie on the floor, and cobwebs cling to every corner. You choke on the odor of mildew and rotting wood. A brisk wind blows outside, lending a shrill, but faint whistle to the air.


As you can see from the above image, there are three exits - two straight ahead and one to the right.

2017-11-09, 02:51 PM
Jessica is used to the cold, having travelled a lot during her childhood. She simply enjoys the comforts of the carriage and when they proceed to the Keep by foot, stays in the middle of the group, with both her back and front covered. Her sling is out and loaded with a bullet. For a little bit she picks up some dirtied snow and examines it properly as best she can, trying to surmise anything unusual or different about it worth mentioning.


When Havros enters the Keep Jessica asks, May I use a lantern? Sorry I do not have darkvision.

2017-11-09, 05:48 PM

On the way to the castle, Steeldance regales the party with stories of the Gloomfens and cursed shapeshifters. "Lycanthropes, I've heard them called - men that become beasts under the light of the moon. Old Mag says that they're evil beings, even if they may have become so through no great fault of their own, and that only enchanted or silvered blades can wound them. I don't suppose either of you two ladies know how to enchant a blade?" he asks hopefully.

When the party arrives at the castle, Steeldance suggests that he and Artanis follow Havros, since all three of them can see in the dark unaided and together they can protect the spellcasters from attack. He sees no problem with Jessica and Lady Lekath lighting a lantern, as long as they keep it behind the three warriors while they're exploring. Having made his suggestions, he draws his blade and follows Havros into the dark.

"A sorry sight," he whispers to Havros as he takes in the ruined hall. "Do you think the owners - past or present - might have prepared some hidden defences here? Traps or hidden sally ports?"

2017-11-09, 09:49 PM
Havros says, "Yeah, light 'er up, girl," in response to the request to light a lantern.

In response to traps, Havros says, "I think you may he right. We gotta be careful here."

With that, he heads straight ahead.

2017-11-09, 10:05 PM
The party continues into the ruined keep and Jessica illuminates the area with a lantern. To the room ahead and to the left, what appear to be broken racks perhaps for cloaks and other garments lean in disarray or have collapsed altogether - dumping the clothing on the floor. What appears to be a thick layer of dust, probably from decayed cloth, covers much of the stone floor. The corners contain piles of leather, clothing, metal, and the like. The keen elven ears of Artanis detect a scratching noise that sounds like it is coming from within that room.

Havros' infravision peers into the room on the right. He can tell that this room appears to have been a sitting room of some sort where visitors to the keep could exchange light conversation with the master of the house. One object stands out - on the table in view is an old, yellowed skull. The top of the skull is gone and a stubby candle now sits within - just as if the skull was a jack-o-lantern. A bitter odor hangs in the air - an odor that reminds you of a smoldering fire or a recently blown-out match.

The hallway to the right is dark and the whistling wind makes it eerie.


The snow is dark and gray. Strangely it does not appear to be like the snow you have seen before because each flake looks like the other - clearly this is some alteration or conjuring enchantment

2017-11-10, 11:36 AM
Steeldance looks long and hard into the hallway to his right, hoping to catch sight of any movement, light or anything else notable.

OOC: Steeldance has 60 foot infravision, so he should be able to see quite a distance into the corridor, even without light. Assuming he doesn't see anything noteworthy, he'll continue as below.
Satisfied that no hidden foe lurks in the hallway, Steeldance steps up next to Havros and whispers: "Well, whoever lives here now obviously hasn't felt the need to clean up the place since taking over. And they have a macabre idea of what makes for a good candle holder too. But by the smell coming from that room, it's almost as if someone was lighting the candle when we walked in. Think we should take a look there first, or would poking through piles of old clothing be more fun?"

2017-11-10, 02:31 PM
Havros steps forward to poke at the clothing, seeing if he can scare away whatever is scratching down there. If it's just some little critter, he'll let it run off, but if it's something more dangerous he's ready to smack it down with the back end of his axe.

2017-11-10, 07:39 PM
Without entering, Steeldance risks a quick look into the sitting room on the right, then moves into the doorway behind Havros, rapier at the ready...

2017-11-10, 08:31 PM
Jessica stays right where she is, keeping a close eye on the corridor to her right while the others poke around ahead of her. She shines her lantern in the direction to see as far as she can.

2017-11-11, 03:33 PM
Kei stays back with Jessica, with luck she would not need to get her hands too dirty, but she could keep the others from the touch of her mistress if need be.

2017-11-12, 07:56 PM

As the two spellcasters cover the rear and long hall - Steeldance moves ahead to investigate the room to the right.

The room that you are looking in must have been a comfortable and well-appointed sitting room where visitors of the keep could exchange light conversation with the master of the house. Two chairs and a small couch are here, each upholstered in tasteful auburn fabric. A small wooden table, perhaps once used for refreshments, is also present. Time has been kind to this room, for much of the furniture seems to be in fair condition. There is however, a sharp, bitter odor in the air - an odor that reminds you of a smoldering fire or recently blown-out match.

One object in this room stands out from the rest - on the table is an old, yellowed skull. The top of the skull is gone and a stubby candle now sits within - just as if the skull was a jack-o'-lantern.

There are two more exits from this room.

Havros enters into the cloak room with the ranger close behind. The dwarf starts poking around at the piles of clothing when suddenly the pile begins to move and an angry screech is heard. Out from within the pile is a giant rat that bares its yellow teeth. Other screeching is heard from similar piles around the room as if to signify there are more.

1d10 - I will reroll in OOC (mental note - no ? next time)

Roll initiative, please.


2017-11-12, 08:27 PM

Add 7 if we're using weapon speed rules.

If they try to scurry away:
Havros jumps to the side and lets them pass, not wanting to hurt the critters.

If they attack:
Havros slams his axe down, aiming for rat.

Hits AC 3 (if I remember my 2e thac0 rules correctly).

2017-11-12, 10:15 PM
The rat comes scurrying at Havros who cleaves the creature in half - killing it. Another rat emerges from a nest of clothes and scurries towards the dwarf.

ooc: Rat2 is dead. Rat1 is out and will go on its action.

Yes, we are using weapon/spell/item speeds. A reminder to subtract (to 1 maximum with modifier) using Dexterity Reaction.

2017-11-13, 03:26 AM
Don't think Kei can get near the rats without blocking Steeldance, so she'll stay back, adopt a defensive stance ready in case any push out of the room.


2017-11-13, 02:55 PM
Hearing the commotion next door, Steeldance rushes out of the sitting room, rapier at the ready. Finding Artanis already crowded into the room behind Havros, he takes up position just outside the doorway, ready to spit any rat that makes it past the dwarf and the elf.

OOC: I.e. he moves to the square directly outside the door to the rat-infested room. This should entail no more than a half move, so he should still be able to attack this round if a target presents itself.

Initiative, incl. reaction mod and weapon speed: [roll0]

If a target presents itself:
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Whoops! Unless those rats are AC 10, that looks like a powerful thrust straight into the flagstones. :smalleek:
Double whoops! Had a brainfart. That's of course a miss no matter what.

2017-11-13, 05:49 PM
Jessica takes out her sling. She realizes there is combat happening and readies herself in case any of the rats gets by her friends and into her line of sight.


2017-11-14, 10:08 PM
The elven huntsman steps forward with twin longswords out and stabs at the moving piles of clothing next to Havros, allowing for Steeldance to...dance in and strike at another moving pile.

[roll0] + [roll1]
[roll2] + [roll3]

His double thrust strikes true and both blades come up bloody and the movement under the pile stops.

Steeldance follows suit, but comes up empty.

2017-11-14, 10:16 PM

The giant rat from under the clothing emerges and runs up to Steeldance and bites! Another flits out from the corner and attacks Artanis.

[roll0] + [roll1]
[roll2] + [roll3]

The half-elf sidesteps and kicks the rat away from him - avoiding the yellow teeth of the vermin. Accustomed to such fighting, Artanis blocks the creature by making an "X" with his crossed blades - thwarting the assault.

The rats will continue their attack on their current targets - no need for morale as they are defending their homes. Initiative will be rolled once all are satisfied with any outstanding actions.

2017-11-14, 10:28 PM

2017-11-15, 08:23 PM
Defending their nest, the rats attack Steeldance...

[roll0] for [roll1]

and Artanis again.

[roll2] for [roll3]

In their frenzy, both bite into the flesh of the warriors.

2017-11-15, 09:03 PM
Getting into the rhythm of battle, Havros attacks each of the two rats near him once.



2017-11-15, 09:46 PM
Havros is forced to check his swings in the close quarters or he would cleave his companions. (ooc: both misses)

2017-11-16, 12:04 PM
"OW! Mind the boots, vermin!" Steeldance cries out as he kicks the rat away that latched onto his leg, then directs at quick thrust at each of the pests.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

To hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Edit: And, in case it's important considering the dire rolls above... Steeldance's initiative this round is 9 (group initiative +Dex mod +weapon speed).

2017-11-16, 08:52 PM
Jessica points at the Rat closest to her and within her sight and mutters an incantation. Suddenly a streak of silver light shoots out of her finger and strikes the rat.

Magic Missile automatically hits R3 for [roll0] damage. Casting time is one resulting in 8 initiative.

2017-11-18, 10:39 PM
As the rat jumps toward Steeldance, it gets struck by Jessica's magic missile - sending it crumpling to the ground, dead.

(ooc: no damage as her attack occurs before the rat's)


2017-11-24, 05:23 PM
Stepping ahead, the noble cleric stabs at the sole remaining rat with her staff, but only manages to knock it off the dwarf.

2017-11-24, 06:15 PM
"Stand still, you tricksy little beggar!" Steeldance curses the last rat as it launches itself at Havros. His rapier flickers forward as he tries to skewer the rat before it can sink its teeth into the dwarf.

Initiative: 4+2 = 6

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-24, 07:49 PM
Init: 4+7=11

Havros slams his axe down on the rat that bit him.


2017-11-26, 07:53 AM
The rat dodges the blade of the swashbuckler and Artanis the elf brings his two longswords to bear and deftly slices the rat in half with the first swing. The danger averted, Havros has his wound looked at and thankfully the skin was not pierced as disease may have been an issue (though the dwarf's hearty constitution would most likely have come to Havros' defense).

The team rummages around through the piles of clothing and find treasures in the form of gold. 100 gold in total coinage is found as are two tarnished daggers.

The room to the east of the cloakroom must have been a comfortable and well-appointed sitting room where visitors of the keep could exchange light conversation with the master of the house. Two chairs and a small couch are here, each upholstered in tasteful auburn fabric. A small wooden table, perhaps once used for refreshments, is also present. Time has been kind to this room, for much of the furniture seems to be in fair condition. There is however, a sharp, bitter odor in the air - an odor that reminds you of a smoldering fire or recently blown-out match.

One object in this room stands out from the rest - on the table is an old, yellowed skull. The top of the skull is gone and a stubby candle now sits within - just as if the skull was a jack-o'-lantern.

There are two more exits from this room - one to the east and one to the north (both are dark). The one to the east looks like it may be a study of some sort as there is a rug on the floor and what appear to be books on the wall. The room to the north appears to be dirty with refuse similar to the cloak room (and you detect the smell of garbage coming from there as well).

2017-11-26, 04:08 PM
Steeldance sheathes his unbloodied blade, clearly embarrassed about his inability to even scratch one of the rats. Nevertheless, he makes sure to compliment Artanis and Havros on their fighting skill and to thank Jessica for her timely spell.

"I shudder to think where the original owners of this gold ended up, but I'm sure we can put it to better use than these pesky vermin. Is anyone opposed to all of us taking an equal share?"

When the party enters the sitting room, Steeldance - having already seen it once - is quick to suggest that the group explore the study first. The prospect of grubbing through more rotten rags and perhaps facing another wave of giant rats doesn't seem to appeal much to him.

2017-11-28, 09:50 AM
"Their use for gold is long since past." Kei still turns her nose up at the prospect or routing through more rubbish "I would rather not expend our resources battling mere vermin, so I agree, study first."

2017-11-28, 12:52 PM
"They just rats," Havros says.

Regardless, he stands watch as the others do their smart stuff and study the things that need studying.

(If no one else gathered up the gold, he will)

2017-11-29, 01:46 AM

As you walk through into the next room, you note that this room is a small study. A large oak desk stands in one corner next to a solid but comfortable looking chair. Bookshelves run along one wall, holding books of all shapes and sizes. A vermilion rug lies across the center of the floor; dark stains have ruined it, however. An old, tarnished suit of plate armor stands in the corner, and bits of broken weapons and armor are scattered about. A fine layer of dust covers everything - but strange, twisted footprints crisscross the soot and mark the recent passage of numerous inhuman creatures through the area.

On the desk is a large, opened book. The pages are yellow with age and covered with dust. A crimson bookmark lies across the top page, indicating the book has been opened to a passage of some importance.

ooc: Marching order, please. Also roll 1d10.

You find it odd that as you passed through the sitting room, that odd smell of a recently blown match still lingers.

2017-11-29, 06:42 AM
Kei will let the others proceed ahead of her (she'll go last in marching order - she's not as squishy as the mage, but not a frontline fighter).
She will take a moment to peruse the open page of the book (surely there wouldn't be horrible glyphs on us at this level...?)

2017-11-29, 06:48 AM
Forgot to roll the 1d10 [roll0]

2017-11-29, 09:22 AM

Havros will set up his shield and move forward towards the front of the group.

2017-11-29, 01:14 PM
Steeldance draws his rapier and moves through the door immediately behind Havros. Once inside, he moves over to the bookshelf to make space for the rest of the group. He is careful not to touch anything.


Re the smell: Duly noted. Hopefully there'll be an opportunity to get back to that in a bit. :smallsmile:

Re moving into the room: Moving to the second or third square along the bookshelf should be enough for everyone else to crowd into the room, right?

2017-11-29, 01:35 PM
Jessica silently follows the group, staying in the middle keeping at least two people in front and behind her. She moves over to the book and decides to read from it as best she can but not aloud.


2017-11-29, 10:01 PM
Havros enters warily followed by Steeldance and Artanus. Then the wizardess who looks to the table and notes that the book appears to be a spellbook of some sort. Just as Kei enters the room, a flash of eldritch energy occurs and suddenly the suit of armor in the corner rattles loudly and begins to move. It hefts a tarnished but dangerous axe. Steeldance and Kei are surprised or distracted - the rest of the party reacts!


Artanus springs into action with his twin blades, but they clang harmlessly off the suit.





2017-11-29, 10:38 PM
Havros hefts his axe and swings at the animated suit of armour.


2017-11-29, 10:39 PM


2017-11-30, 03:54 PM
Jessica loads her sling and shoots a sling bullet in the direction of the armor.


2017-11-30, 10:37 PM

Reacting to the threat, Havros takes a swing at the armor with his own axe. The blow hits hard and lops off an arm at the elbow. To everyone's chagrin, there is no flesh or even bone beneath - only air! The animated armor hefts the axe with one arm as a sling bullet flies into melee from Jessica...



...and beans the elf in the back of the head.

2017-11-30, 10:43 PM
The armor swings its axe at Havros...


...and the dwarf blocks the blow with his shield.

ooc: Declarations and rolls if attacking - no initiative is needed as the armor is slower than you all. Artanus is going to give Jessica 'the look' and continue fighting.


2017-12-01, 02:56 PM
"More unnatural monsters? Where's the honour in fighting a mindless automaton?" Steeldance mutters in annoyance as he recovers from the initial shock. But he draws his blade and dutifully engages the armour anyway, trying to hit a joint or other weak spot in the hope that the magic animating the armour might somehow be vulnerable in the same way as a living, breathing foe.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-02, 05:18 PM
Steeldance's blade hits a joint in the armor, but his fencing attack seems to have little effect.

ooc: Miss

Artanus continues to try and fell the threat with his twin longswords.



The elf thrusts both blades like an "X" at the armor's neck area and makes a pincer attack. The helmet falls to the floor as does the rest of the armor. Havros looks at the heap of plates, greaves, and other items and notes the quality of workmanship. After a good polishing and cleaning, it appears as though this armor would be usable.

The two magically inclined folk take note that the book on the desk is a spell book. It would take time to study, but it is quite full of arcane knowledge. The spell the book is open to currently has drawings and wording to indicate the end result would invoke a cone of chilling cold.

2017-12-03, 11:41 PM
Jessica's hand immediately goes to her mouth in shock realizing her mistake.

I am sorry! I meant to hit the armor.

Cursing herself for her stupidity she backs off.

2017-12-04, 03:10 PM
"That was some fine swordsmanship, Master Artanis!" Steeldance whistles appreciatively. "Did you know that you could strike a killing blow like that? I mean, against a living, breathing foe, for sure, but a suit of armour? I suppose I still have much to learn..."

"Does anyone feel like perusing the rest of the literature?" he asks, tapping the bookshelf with his rapier. "If these books belonged to the old mage, then there could be all sorts of arcane secrets in them."

"And I wonder if there could be something of interest hiding beneath this rug?" Steeldance gingerly lifts one side of the rug with the tip of his blade and sneaks a peek.

2017-12-04, 04:05 PM
"I've seen enough spellbooks to know what this is, but it is of little use to me. Though do ask if you need help with any of the big words." She gives Jessica a look. She gives Artanus a nod of acknowledgement, he'd slain the 'creature' before she even drew breath to act.

2017-12-04, 09:32 PM
Artanus stares at Jessica for a bit and collects himself as the rush of battle washes over him. "Refrain from firing into battle with foes with which we are engaged." He then nods at the priestess. "Before we look at the books, I'll see if there are any secret doors or traps. One moment." The elf uses the light of the lantern and looks at the shelves carefully.

Steeldance lifts up the carpet and can tell that a number of creatures must have met their demise here as the dark brown stains on the rug have run through. On this side, he can see more stains and the stones are also ruddy with old pools of blood. The half-elf follows the pattern of the dried blood and discovers a small concealed door.

The bookshelves appear to have mundane tomes. They are very old, but their value most likely is near worthless because of their dilapidated condition.

Looking through the desk drawers reveals mouse that scurries away and beetles and grubs. The drawers also contain a variety of scribes' tools (jar of dried up ink, quill pen, sealing wax, etc.) and old papers that crumble to dust when handled. It appears the papers were a letter. The last remaining parts read,

...lete. One could not ask for a more worthy apprentice, Keshute, and for that I thank you. The keep shall be yours after my final passing. Light my candle when you need a beacon of hope. Yours, Barrik.

Jessica continues to look through the spellbook. She sees that the cone of cold spell is used to cool and form a specially crafted candle. It appears this candle is part of a specific ritual that uses certain spells - several of which are necromantic in nature. On one of the pages is a diagram of how to flay the skin from the head of a man, followed by drawings of removing the eyes, brain, ears and tongue. Then, there is a drawing of taking the skull and inserting the arcane imbued candle within it.

2017-12-05, 06:29 PM
"Oh, well this is interesting!" Steeldance grins happily. "A secret door in the floor! Master Artanis, did I hear you say that you've some skill at finding traps? It might be wise to check before I try and open this little hidey-hole."

2017-12-05, 10:45 PM
The elf completes his inspection of the area and pulls the rug back and takes a look at the hidden cache in the floor. After a few painstaking minutes of intense scrutiny, he rises, "It isn't trapped, but it is locked - I'll need to fidget with it to see if I can discover how to unlock it."

Artanus produces a set of tools and begins working on the locking mechanism. [roll0]

He presses down on a stone and turns it and does the same with another and an audible 'click' is heard, and the small trap door pops up. Artanus smiles and says, "You all may want to back up in case there is something inside. If it jumps out at me - don't shoot at it," he adds looking at Jessica.

Once given the signal, Artanus lifts the lid. Inside there is a sack with lots of coins - silver by the looks and tarnishing. Also, a small box filled with velvet. Inside are small corked tubes with a liquid inside. There also is a necklace fashioned of platinum.


2017-12-05, 11:13 PM

To the south, the light indicates that there is a decaying, ruined library since the walls are lined with bookshelves that are, in turn, filled with books. The volumes come in every shape and size, from crudely bound bundles of letters to ornate and impressive covers crafted of the finest leather. Without exception, however, the books have fallen victim to the ravages of time. Many are half-crumbled into dust, others are covered by a fine layer of moss or mold, and some even appear to have been the victims of wanton vandalism.



As the party searches, Artanus finds a thick tome. He says, "This is interesting - this book appears to be some sort of strongbox. It is locked." He looks it over, turning it in many ways, and then produces his tools again. He sets to work and soon he is able to open it up - revealing a key fashioned from fine blue crystal. The booksafe is lined with velvet that is indented in the shape of the key. The crystal looks expensive and fragile. Artanus slips it back in its protective housing and lets the others see. "I wonder what that opens?"


2017-12-07, 10:08 PM
Jessica examines the spellbook more closely trying to understand the readings within using her spellcraft knowledge.


2017-12-08, 06:20 AM
Kei examines the necklace, she has a weakness for jewellery and shiny things.

2017-12-08, 05:58 PM
Kei examines the necklace, she has a weakness for jewellery and shiny things.

Jessica can tell that the item is made of platinum and would make for a nice accessory to her outfit. It does not appear to be magical, however.

2017-12-08, 06:01 PM
Jessica examines the spellbook more closely trying to understand the readings within using her spellcraft knowledge.


It is clear to Jessica that there are several spells within that she could learn, but she also can tell that there are many beyond her ability and power to control. Paging through, she can tell that there is some sort of ritual described using the spells to complete it, however she cannot tell for certain what the end result may be. A read magic spell at a later time may assist her in deciphering.

2017-12-09, 02:33 PM
"Well this is a fine haul already," Steeldance proclaims as he hefts the bag of silver coins. "And a mystery key and liquids as well. Do either of you ladies happen to be skilled in identifying unknown potions?"

2017-12-11, 08:37 PM
"Well this is a fine haul already," Steeldance proclaims as he hefts the bag of silver coins. "And a mystery key and liquids as well. Do either of you ladies happen to be skilled in identifying unknown potions?"

With her affinity to both the arcane and medicinal arts, Kei is certain that these are potions of healing (will restore 2d4+2 hit points if fully consumed or 1d4+1 if half consumed).

2017-12-12, 01:07 AM
If possible Jessica will carefully pick up the spellbook and put it in her backpack. She also examines the necklace closely looking for any magical runes on it.

2017-12-12, 03:29 AM
"Such a shame when libraries fall to decay. How much knowledge has been lost to mere time?" Kei sighs.
Leaving Jessica with the Amulet Kei moves to peer through the doorway to the right.

2017-12-12, 10:10 PM
If possible Jessica will carefully pick up the spellbook and put it in her backpack. She also examines the necklace closely looking for any magical runes on it.

The necklace is made of platinum and does not appear to be magical as assessed by both practitioners of magic. It does appear to be finely crafted and may net 250gp to the right buyer.

2017-12-17, 01:27 AM
Jessica decides to look through the other books in the library if any. She puts the amulet in her backpack.

2017-12-18, 01:32 PM
Pocketing a healing potion, Steeldance draws his rapier and indicates the next room to the east. "If everyone is ready, I suggest we press on. And let us hope there were no guards or such nearby. Our battle with the armour will almost certainly have alerted them". Moving to the doorway, he peers quickly round the door frame, trying to detect any ambush before moving into the room.

2017-12-18, 03:59 PM
"There is only so much preparation they can do, then time goes back to us as they get impatient in waiting. Still, lead on"

2017-12-18, 06:32 PM
The center of this room is dominated by a large oak table. A thin crack in the ceiling allows the chilling winds outside to swirl into this room, keeping it cold and drafty. Every so often, oily flakes of dirty snow find their way in, drifting down to settle on the table and floor.

Two places are set at the table, one at each end. The dishes are ancient and cracked, but were once of the highest quality. The goblets and cutlery are tarnished, but Havros identifies them to be fashioned of fine silver, and thus quite valuable.

Along one wall, a glass-doored cabinet displays a variety of china, glassware, and the like. All the pieces were once beautiful, but they are now worthless because the items are laced with tiny fractures and peppered with chips and nicks.

As the party examines (and liberates) the silverware and other items of use, Kei spies an untarnished small silver bell. As she lifts it to examine the item, the clapper strikes the side - causing it to tingle a ring. Suddenly, a silvery white glow and more tingles resound like other bells are being rung and a fine meal fit for a royal lady like Kei appears. It has all of her favorites in various containers suitable to hold said items: Pink pepper watermelon and chevin salad - complete with purple basil, toasted pine nuts, and pickled ginger. Butter baked sea bass with braised fennel and tomato jam on a bed of baby spinach. Smoked honey quail with egg, carrots smear, edamame, and truffle hollandaise. Green apple and gin sorbet. Lamb noisette with cauliflower puree, petit pois, caramelized baby onions, artichoke, and aniseed jus. Lavender peach tarte tatin for dessert.

As the party starts sampling the cuisine, they hear a hiss from Artanus who is pointing to the room to the north. Looking to the north, a light from a small fire illuminates a pair of horrid creatures. Each appear to be as tall as a man, but both are covered in what looks to be coarse white fur. They appear to be intently butchering some creature, as they raise cleavers high and bring them down with a chop. Thankfully, the wind from above and the noise they are making has concealed your presence.


ooc: Collecting all of the silver will net 1750gp to the right buyer. The silver bell, however, is quite a find. Declarations?

2017-12-18, 07:16 PM
Kei whispers quietly, "We could ambush them from either side of the doorway there, draw them through with one of our vulnerable looking members." she looks at Jessica, though realises she herself would do just as well.

2017-12-18, 09:06 PM
Jessica is immediately suspicious of the food. This was theoretically supposed to be an abandoned old keep yet there is all this lavishness? Made no sense to her since over the years the food would spoil. So she does not taste it, regardless of how fresh and tasty it looked. Instead she kept quiet and let the others decide what to do next.

2017-12-19, 06:05 PM
Jessica is immediately suspicious of the food. This was theoretically supposed to be an abandoned old keep yet there is all this lavishness? Made no sense to her since over the years the food would spoil. So she does not taste it, regardless of how fresh and tasty it looked. Instead she kept quiet and let the others decide what to do next.

OOC: The bell summoned the food into existance. It appeared after Kei rang the bell. Since Kei was holding the bell, food that she (a noble) likes appeared. It was not sitting there when you first came into the room.

2017-12-19, 07:05 PM
OOC: Definately tuck the bell away for later, not sure whether its it's own ability, or if it just activates magic in this room, but better to keep it just in case...

2017-12-19, 08:37 PM
Jessica quietly snacks on a few of the small foods while waiting for the party to make its next move. She also puts a day's worth in her backpack if possible.

2017-12-20, 01:16 PM
Kei whispers quietly, "We could ambush them from either side of the doorway there, draw them through with one of our vulnerable looking members." she looks at Jessica, though realises she herself would do just as well."A bold plan, my lady," Steeldance whispers back, "but hopefully we'll have no need to expose Miss Jessica to such danger. Both Master Artanis and myself have bows and know how to use them. We could strike these rat-fiends down from here, while Master Havros stands ready to intercept them if they charge before we can drop them." Having outlined his counterplan, Steeldance looks to Artanis and Havros to see whether they agree with his suggestion.

OOC: The above suggestion assumes that the light of the fire in the room to the north is enough to negate any light-related penalties to hit the rat men.

2017-12-21, 06:18 PM
OOC: You have surprise. Declare positions on map, actions, and then roll. You may want to declare what you would do given the survival of your targets. It is assumed that the creatures will attack (but they may run).

2017-12-22, 07:18 PM
Steeldance carefully knocks an arrow, aims, and looses at the nearest rat man. As soon as the first arrow is away he draws a second, waits to see the effect of his first shot, then looses again.

OOC: Takes up position in K4. He fires first at the closest rat man. If he hits and it survives, he fires his second arrow at the same target. If he misses, he will fire again at the same target. If he hits and drops the first target, he will the fire at the surviving rat man.

Attack #1 (incl. +1 bonus for surprise): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack #2 (incl. +1 bonus for surprise): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-12-24, 08:16 PM
The swashbuckler strings his bow, takes aim, and lets an arrow fly. It sinks deeply into the neck of the furred biped who drops its cleaver, clutching at its throat as it falls. The other creature turns with a hiss of alarm and to your horror you realize that these beastmen have the faces of foul rats! It raises its cleaver above its head as another arrow from Steeldance's bow slams into its chest. The creature is dead before it hits the ground.

Before you can celebrate, similar squeaks and hisses are heard nearby, and it sounds as though you will have company.

ooc: Positions and plan? There are more of these things that are coming from the kitchen area and are headed your way. Surprise round is over.


2017-12-25, 12:50 PM
"Oh dear! It appears I made someone quite angry," Steeldance quips with a sheepish grin. Laying his bow on the table, he draws his rapier and steps forward, ready to meet the first rat man that comes within reach of his blade. "Master Artanis, Master Havros. If I may be so bold, perhaps we could form a line on either side of the table so that these beasts can't encircle us? Miss Jessica, if you climb up on the table you should be able to get clear shot with your sling at anything that comes through that door."

OOC: Steeldance moves to K5 and will attack the first rat man that comes within range. All the rest is just a suggestion, but if Havros and Artanis occupy J5 and M5, the only way past us is by squeezing through N5.

If Jessica gets up on the table, she should get a +1 bonus to hit for being on higher ground, and as long as she remains in L4, it should be difficult for an enemy to hit her unless they too have ranged weapons or spears/polearms.

2017-12-25, 05:02 PM
The party moves into position...


Artanus draws his twin blades and will strike and miss both times.




2017-12-27, 12:24 AM
Jessica is afraid to use her sling remembering the last time she tried. So she points her finger at the obvious wererat and zaps him with a magic missile.


2017-12-28, 12:05 PM
The young wizardess invokes eldritch energy in the form of an arcane arrow and sends it slamming into the chest of ratling 3. The creature coughs up pink spittle, clutches its chest, and drops to the floor.

ooc: R3 is out of commission.

2017-12-28, 12:16 PM
The ratling on the left lashes out at Artanus with its dirty daggerlike claws.



The humanoid abomination next to it strikes at the nimble Steeldance.


The last remaining creature attacks Havros the dwarf.


2017-12-28, 02:10 PM
Steeldance easily sidesteps the ratlings clumsy strike and directs a hard, straight thrust at the chest of his unbalanced foe.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-29, 09:32 AM
Steeldance's blade strikes true; his foe falls to the floor, its lifeblood pooling beneath it.

ooc: 2 down, 2 to go. Havros? Kei?