View Full Version : Monster with the most hit points which does the least damage?

2017-10-29, 11:21 PM
Just curious what has the most staying power with the least ability to kill. Perhaps a NPC Cleric in plate with a sling? Anytbing more scary?

2017-10-29, 11:44 PM
Are you thinking lowest ratio of Offensive CR to Defensive CR to use the monster building stat terms? I wonder how a crab holds up.

2017-10-30, 12:32 AM
I imagine something with very AC, and super low strength, a bunch of resistance. Health comes secondary to that. Honestly a will-o-wisp comes to mind, those things can get pretty annoying at low level. If course if you make them only use unarmed attacks they basically will deal no damage (not sure if they can unarmed attack). If they had souped up HP they would be even more annoying.

2017-10-30, 01:31 PM
Galeb Duhr is pretty tanky and has a weak attack for its CR 6 designation. Granted, this assumes it doesn't use its animate boulders ability.

Empyrean and Goristros are pretty tanky with relatively low damage output. The Empyrean especially. Definitely enough damage to kill though.