View Full Version : Mountebank (the base class) + Deceptive attack

2017-10-29, 11:23 PM
The Mountebank base class from Dragon Compendium has a sneak attack like ability. The class states you can only use it on an opponent that is beguiled or has been feinted successfully by you.

Now considering both of these abilities make a creature flatfooted/unable to use its dex bonus, should any situation when a creature is denied its dex allow the mountebank to trigger his Deceptive attack?

Or is the poor mountebank forever stuck only making a single attack every round because he has to feint first to even make it worth attacking?

2017-10-29, 11:38 PM
It seems by raw if thats what it says than you must feint them first.
You can use a belt of battle to feint and get a full attack though.

2017-10-29, 11:48 PM
It seems by raw if thats what it says than you must feint them first.
You can use a belt of battle to feint and get a full attack though.