View Full Version : Pathfinder Any way to key spellcraft off another stat?

2017-10-30, 08:59 AM
Looking around for something that can do this. Even if the content is 3pp, if you know of one, do let me know :)

Checked the getting x to y forum that is back up, but I dont see anything listed there sadly. Still, that board does not have everything, so there is always a chance.

I would prefer it to key off of wisdom or con, but anything works. Trying to make a build I am working on less MAD.

2017-10-30, 09:28 AM
Although I am not a Pathfinder savant, I do not know of a way to do that. However, we could help you with the madness of your build in another way.
So what is your build? What are you trying to do with it?

2017-10-30, 09:30 AM
A very recent trait, Voices of Solid Things (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/TraitDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Voices%20of%20Solid%20T hings), allows charisma instead of intelligence. That's the only one I know and can find.

2017-10-30, 09:42 AM
Balanced Education (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/regional-traits/balanced-education-regional/) will let you flex to understand magic 1/day.

The Shaman's Lore spirit (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/shaman/spirits/lore/) lets them use Wis on all Int-based skill checks.

2017-10-30, 09:58 AM
Witch Hunter Inquisitors ADD Wisdom to Spellcraft checks, if that helps.

2017-10-30, 10:43 AM
Thanks to everyones quick replies :)

@Long_shanks I am using the path of war martial training feat line to acquire a stance from elemental flux. Its initiation mod is INT, as is the bonus damage from the stance. By its wording, if I can change what spellcraft keys off of, I change the whole shebang with it, so I am hoping to key it off a stat that I am using for my build (a wisdom and con based Kineticist)

2017-10-30, 11:27 AM
With the Errata for PoW, the Martial Training feats go off of your choice of mental ability modifier now. So you can choose to key Martial Training off Wisdom now. However, the Roil Dancer might interest you, its an initiating archetype for the kineticist.

2017-10-31, 03:03 AM
With the Errata for PoW, the Martial Training feats go off of your choice of mental ability modifier now. So you can choose to key Martial Training off Wisdom now. However, the Roil Dancer might interest you, its an initiating archetype for the kineticist.

Ya know, I looked and I looked at it, but I just cant bring myself to like it. The animus costs to do just about anything you need to do are just too high for my liking. I would need to go into Animus Adept just to keep a comfortable flow, and that is just not the build I am gunning for at,.

Also, there was an errata for it? Could you link where this is posted? This saves me SO MUCH TIME! I was considering taking a 2 level dip in Mystic - aurora soul for more elemental related theme and the access to the feat that lets me just grab new stances and moves, even from out of class disciplines.

Edit: I found it. I was on the old Pfsrd. No wonder :p
Im still not the largest fan of the new layout. I wish I could just save what tabs where dropped down and stuff.

2017-10-31, 03:28 AM
There's also Rubato bard, which lets you get versatile performance to let you use your perform skills for various other skills.

More specifically, it lets you use Perform in place of any skill associated with a discipline that you have. So you can use perform dance for your spellcraft for Elemental Flux.