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2017-10-30, 03:42 PM
Angleroot is a quiet and small town located in a region of grassy hills.

It is a cold autumn morning in the village of Angleroot. A strong rain falls outside, but even so the farmers work their fields and the villagers tend to their daily routines.

A warm fire roars inside the tavern of Gord’s Goose, while the tavern keeper chops artichokes and hums softly. “And the arty goes cho- CHOP! And the ckokey goes cho-CHOP! And then all.. into my tummy..”

You have all come to this small village for a simple reason. North of here lies an old abandoned keep, rumoured to have treasure inside it. To what end do you seek fortune? That’s your own business. Will you succeed in acquiring it? Only time will tell.

And so you have researched the stories about the ruins of...

Blackstone keep –
Aeons ago, a wizard king ruled this region from the eyrie halls of Black Stone. Legend says the wizard lost his mind in search of arcane power and his subjects rebelled against the throne, marching in exodus to new lands and leaving the insane king to his own unknown fate.

Be it truth or myth, it is undeniable that the strange ruins stand there, abandoned.

Over the years, a handful of heroes have dared to venture into the keep, looking to unearth forgotten riches. But no bard sings tales of their return.

It’s a safe to presume monsters to have taken up the abandoned structure as their new lair and the dangers of this expedition are clear to all.

On this cold autumn morning, you gather around a large wooden table at Gord’s Goose inn and tavern, maps and plans scattered amidst the food and drinks kindly offered by the tavern master.

From the information you have gathered, the ancient keep has been recently occupied by a group of members of the Greyblood gang.

Over the last few days, you stayed at Grood’s Goose tavern and might have had the opportunity to get better acquainted with the town folk.

Please choose one NPC that you have either befriended or become hostile against. They will provide help in the form of small favors or challenge you in interesting ways, I hope.

The Guard: Cassandra Pyke is a veteran retired fighter who takes on her shoulders the responsabilities of keeping the village safe.

The scholar: The old crone Jidora Salinq, lives alone in her library. She has a wide collection of books, some of which may contain magic, but she is suspicious of strangers.

Tavern keeper: Gord, male human, great cook. A simple man of simple pleasures.

The crafter: Hazel Windcharm, a young women, passionate for the arts of alchemy.

The village healer: a male dragonborn named Jorlok Akram who studies herbs and natural remedies.

The horse breeder: Nadia Madeer, a half-elf horse breeder and keeper of the stables.

You also notice a strange custom around town. When people drink ale, it is the norm to spill the first sip to the group and say the words “honor to the ghosts”. If the drinker has companions, it is common for them to reply “blessed be their might”.

However, if you ask someone about this strange custom, they will shy away from giving an honest answer and quickly bring up a different subject.

Depending on your overall alignment, you might have very different opinions concerning this group.

The Greybloods: A group of bandits acting in this region assaulting travellers and pressing peasants for protection money.

Founded by a ruthless rogue named Juri Greyblood, this gang is over a hundred men strong and stretches all throughout the grass hills. They are well organized and keep disciplined ranks. The current leader is unknown, but all sorts of degenerates and evil thugs flock to thicken their numbers. They wear no distinctive markings, but identify one another through a specific thieve’s cant. The gang’s founder, Juri Greyblood is currently incarcerated in the tower of mysteries at the elven city of Yallafiel.

The Greybloods: A group of rebellious heroes, fighting for the common folk against the oppression of vicious lords.

Founded by an inspiring champion named Juri Greyblood, this group is over a hundred men strong and stretches all throughout the grass hills. They are well organized and keep disciplined ranks. The current leader is unknown, but all sorts of adventurous good-hearted heroes flock to thicken their numbers. They wear no distinctive markings, but identify one another through a specific thieve’s cant. The group’s founder, Juri Greyblood is currently acting on a mission on behalf of the council of elders from the elven city of Yallafiel.

Today is Wednesday, 6th day of mid-autumn, year 775 of Balorbane.

2017-10-30, 04:52 PM
Sasha, who's taken a liking to Gord, is seated in the tavern. She's already finished her first dish, and is waiting politely for a second-a dragon's appetite (even a part dragon's) is rarely satisfied, after all!

Hopefully not ALL of it, Gord, she says with a laugh. You've got friends to feed too, after all, she adds, before turning to Nina. So, Nina-much as I enjoy the company, the fire, the beds... Really, this is just a wonderful little town. But, anyway, much as I enjoy that all, we do have have another goal. When do you think we should be departing for the Keep?

2017-10-30, 06:17 PM
Nina right next to Sasha smiles at Sasha's mention of company.

Your company has no comparison, dear. She smiles back. However. She preens running a hand through her long blonde hair to get it out of her eyes.

I think we should leave today, and survey the site before entering. Alot of people have died, it might be because of cave ins and collapses. Nina remarks.

2017-10-30, 07:28 PM
Gustav returns from the bar holding a large stein of beer.

Well I say we get right on with it and show these explorer chaps how to do this stuff rightly.

2017-10-31, 06:12 PM
Your firendly banter is interrupted by the entrance of armed soldiers.

Gord is quick to greet them, but cautions at the same time. He looks over to Sasha and tries to steer the soldiers away from her table. Not that Gord thinks Sasha to be a criminal, nor anything like it. It’s just that the tavern keeper has met adventurers enough to know that the entrance of armed soldiers often leads to confrontation and the subsequent destruction of his chairs and tables.

“Welcome, welcome! My dear patrons! Allow me to clean a table for you, this one on the corner is quite nice, yes? Come come, have a seat, rest your tired feet from the road, allow me to serve you the finest, if not the only, ale of the house!”

The best showmanship of Gord fails to impress the soldiers, which sit, grunt, groan and scan the tavern with their evil little soldier eyes.

They bare the sigil of Defenestria, the small kingdom that has recently been taken over by Prince Vorlok, the evil being who wanted to marry Nina.

2017-10-31, 09:00 PM
Evening, gentlemen, Sasha calls over to them, with a brief look and smile at Gord. Whaat brings you all here today?

2017-10-31, 09:19 PM
Nina eyes widen, before she moves over and clasps Sasha's mouth shut with her hand.

Just be quiet. She said doing her best to hide her silvered eyebrow her most distinguishing feature with Sasha's taller body.
Just trust me, and be quiet, please!

2017-10-31, 09:22 PM
Sasha shushes, but turns to Nina. What's the matter? Why... Oh. That symbol.

2017-10-31, 09:32 PM
Sasha shushes, but turns to Nina. What's the matter? Why... Oh. That symbol.

They work for a very, very bad guy. Nina whispers into Sasha's ear closely.

We should get out, while we can.

2017-10-31, 09:41 PM
Okay, Sasha whispers back, and begins heading for the door, Nina in tow.

Straight Dex for Stealth. [roll0]

Obviously we're not so much going UNSEEN as we are unnoticed.

Edit: Yeah no, I'm spotted, at least.

2017-10-31, 09:45 PM
Nina will attempt to leave herself.

Stealth [roll0]

2017-10-31, 11:25 PM
Wolfram enters the tavern with a smile on his face. As his eyes adjust, the smike changes to a look of confusion as he sees Nina and the others moving carefully, taking great pains not to be seen.

That confused look changes into a look of disgust and anger as he sees the soldiers from Defenestria.

Wolfram feels his hand involuntarily close around the hilt of his sword. Yet, the only thing holding him back is the new friendships he's formed in this village. Especially the friendship with Cassandra Pike, the guard captain.

Motioning to Nina and the others with a nod of his head, Wolfram nods at the door. Looking back over at the soldiers, Wolfram makes a mental note.


2017-11-01, 08:45 AM
You all avoid the soldiers in the tavern and quickly slip outside only to be surprised by a lieutenant of Defenestria’s royal guard, shouldered by a handful more soldiers.

Nina has met this man before, his name is Vlad and he serves as a goon/personal assistant to the evil prince Vorlok.

Vlad is a pale man, very tall and uncomfortably skinny. He is clad in official diplomatic garments in the colors of Defenestria: yellow, black and blood-red. Presumably wearing armor underneath, he carries a shield with Vorloks personal emblem, a lonely black tower over a yellow background.

The heavy rain makes his black hair stick to his forehead giving him a foolish look. His neck shows two small parallel puncture wounds. They appear to be old wounds that just didn’t heal well.

He smiles and makes a pompous gesture saying

“Lady Silvertooth, lady Goldleaf, Sir Streicher, *Mister* Freehorn, I’m terribly sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but I bring urgent news from my lord, the magnificent prince Vorlok.”

The pale man produces a scroll, clumsly drops it to the mud – sorry, sorry about that – unrolls it and reads in a strangely high voice:

“My dearest Nina,

It is my desire to inform you that, amusing as it was, I have grown tired of your hard-to-get act. It is my deepest feeling that our love cannot be delayed any longer. And thus I send my faithful men to fetch you and your friends who must all join me in my castle.

To demonstrate my good faith, I send you a gift in the form of this puppy”

Vlad snaps his fingers and two soldiers bring forth a small cage where a puppy barks and wiggles his tail enthusiastically.

“I have nourished and cared for this little beast – which I named Spots – in an effort to prove that you too will be nourished and cared for.

I wait for your expeditious arrival.

Your loving prince,

The Magnificent Vorlok, undisputed ruler of the great Kingdom of Defenestria.”

Vlad looks over from the scroll and adds:

“On a final note, Prince Vorlok would like you to know that attempting to change the puppy’s name will be punishable by death.”

As he finishes reading, the rain thins out and some sunlight starts seeping through the dark clouds. The skinny pale man puts away the scroll and asks in a tone close to begging:

“Now please, lady Silvertooth, please, let us go back and get away from this horrible sunlight, what do you say?”

Vlad stands there, painfully contorting his face in a failed attempt to smile.

2017-11-01, 12:50 PM

Sasha looks to Spots, and smiles at the little puppers. Aw, how sweet! Nina-I'm going to assume this isn't ENOUGH, but it's at least a nice touch. The punishable by death, though... Less endearing, she says. Can he come out to play?

2017-11-01, 12:54 PM
Nina still behind Sasha can't help but feel she's failing to remember something important... Like maybe it was about... undead.... or blood.... or the sun....

But Sasha was really distracting. Hiking herself on Sasha's shoulders, she kisses Sasha's cheek. Not nearly, not much of a pet person. She comments. (Sasha gains inspiration)

Also. Why my friends? Like is this an open marriage I don't know about? She says addressing the diplomat.

2017-11-01, 12:58 PM
Sasha blushes a little when Nina pecks her cheek, then more when she asks if the marriage is open. Nina! she rebukes the other woman. Excuse us a moment-I need to talk to her, she adds as she pulls Nina a short distance away.

The important thing is, I think this Vlad fellow is a vampire. He hates the sun, and... Well, just look at him. We need to stall till the sun comes, she says in a hushed tone. Got it?

I'm assuming a nat 20 with a (small) bonus lets me realize Vlad's vampiric nature. If not, DM, I'll edit this post.

2017-11-01, 01:21 PM
Oh. Nina comments.

So I should probably ask more about this open marriage thing, right? I mean seems the easiest way to stall for time is to pretend I have questions. Nina adds.

2017-11-01, 02:51 PM
As the others talk Gustav merely stands betweeen them and the horde of thugs, a nervous smile on his lips and fidgeting with his belt to try and stop himself reaching for his crossbow.

2017-11-01, 03:57 PM
Wolfram places himself between Nina and Vlad. Fighting the urge to draw his sword, Wolfram merely keeps his hand near the hilt.

Glancing back at Nina, Wolfram utters a simple message.

"On your word, Nina."

2017-11-01, 09:14 PM
Oh. Nina comments.

So I should probably ask more about this open marriage thing, right? I mean seems the easiest way to stall for time is to pretend I have questions. Nina adds.

Maybe not that SPECIFICALLY, but yes. Questions good, Sasha replies, and turns back around to face Vlad.

2017-11-01, 09:16 PM
So um. Why spots? Like what inspired the name. Nina replied gesturing with her hand to stay Wolfram's blade for now.

2017-11-02, 06:43 AM
“I was hoping you would ask that”

Vlad opens a big smile. Unlike his previous attempt to appear friendly, this is a big, cruel and terrifying smile.

His body becomes surrounded in a strange dark aura and he motions to cast a spell.

Please roll initiative :)

2017-11-02, 01:34 PM
As soon as Wolfram hears Vlad begin to utter the words of a spell, he does his best to act quickly. Drawing his sword, Wolfram springs into motion.


2017-11-02, 02:24 PM
Nina immediately, pulls out a puppet Nina as she springs into action.

Init [roll0]

2017-11-02, 03:08 PM
“]Aren’irht Jyor--…”

Vlad starts to speak and gesture to invoke whatever dark powers he intents to use (probably something to do with “spots” for a cruel punchline). But he is not fast enough!

Sasha Goldleaf, the young sorcerer, is quick on her feet!

Besides the three soldiers inside the tavern (who are probably coming out or setting up a flanking position from the windows), there are two soldiers next to Vlad.

Soldiers outside: A halfelf woman, wearing leather armor and holding a big net. She also has a handaxe in her belt. The other soldier, a male, looks more elvish than the first, wears the same armor and wields a sickle, with a few javelins strapped to his back. It seems strange that he is the only one without gloves, but they all look strange to be honest.

The initiative order:

Sasha – 21
Wolfram - 17
Gustav - 14
Vlad – 12
Soldiers – 11
Nina – 4

2017-11-02, 03:11 PM
Sasha steps back, letting Wolfram take the fore, as she whips out an incantation of her own. Forzare! she shouts, throwing her hand out and summoning three darts of energy to slam into Vlad.

Technically what I'm doing is readying an action to INTERRUPT Vlad's casting with my own, after moving slightly. So he'll have to take a Concentration save or three to successfully cast his spell.


Now, I'm not sure if it should be three DC 10 Concentration checks, or, since they all hit at once, one DC 10 (since max damage is 15, and half of 15 is less than 10).

I'd obviously prefer, in this instance, three checks, but so long as we get a ruling and it's kept, I'll be okay with it.

2017-11-02, 03:50 PM
Wolfram surges forward as he swings his sword in an effort to interrupt Vlad's spellcasting.



2017-11-02, 03:59 PM
The pale man screeches in pain "Aaargh! Damn you!!"

It is now Gustav Freehorn's turn!

2017-11-02, 04:24 PM
Gustav Ferehorn swivels on a heel, suddenly panicked he lets a crossbow bolt fly towards Vlad, scrabbling backwards he then desperately slams another bolt into the crossbows' chamber.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-11-02, 05:15 PM
Gustav’s aim is perfect and hits Vlad right in the left eye. The villain lets out a horrible scream of pain. But still manages to utter his magical words.

“Huuaarrggh!! *Huff huff* --jill’ard flym-orrien-uh’zzyjh! –“

However, before he makes the final gesture to complete his spell, Sasha’s magical missiles strike him, pulverizing Vlad into a pile of dust!!

The two soldiers trade quick concerned looks as if having a telepathic conversation about keep fighting or not. They appear to think that returning empty handed would be worse than death. And so.. They attack!

First soldier, the half-elf woman, attempts to throw her big net over Nina: [roll0]

The second soldier, also elvish, retreats a few feet crouching behind a wagon (half-cover) and launches a spell against Wolfram: a magical splash of acid!

Wolfram has to pass a dexterity saving throw (DC 12) or suffer [roll1] acid damage.

2017-11-02, 05:20 PM
Nina is trapped under the net and is restrained! She needs to pass a DC 10 strength check to free herself, or have an ally deal 5 slashing damage to the net.

Restrained: speed becomes 0, attack rolls against you have advantage, while your attack rolls have disadvantage. You have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws.

It is now Nina's turn

2017-11-02, 05:38 PM
As the net falls over Nina, she wolf whistles.

Hey, darling if you were going to be into tying me down, you really could have just saved alot of time and effort by just telling me in the first place. She mocked.

Nina is going to cast vicious mockery on the woman. She must make a DC 13 wis save, or take [roll0] psychic damage and have disadvantage on her next attack roll.

2017-11-02, 05:39 PM
Wolfram sees the incoming acid attack, and brings up his shield to try and block it.


I hope I did this right.

2017-11-02, 06:02 PM
Wolfram tries to avoid the spell, but is not limber enough. The acid hits and burns his skin. (6 acid damage)

The enemy soldier blushes at Nina’s words. (Wisdom saving throw: [roll0])

2017-11-02, 06:07 PM
We are back at the start of initiative, so it's Sasha's turn. The soldiers from inside the tavern will join the fray this round.

Turn order:

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration

Soldiers from inside the tavern

Wolfram – suffered 6 acid damage.

Gustav Freehorn

Soldier 1 (female half-elf) – suffered 1 psychic damage.

Soldier 2 (male elf) – crouching behind close by wagon

Nina – restrained

2017-11-02, 06:27 PM
Sasha glowers at the remaining soldiers. Give in now, and we might help you. Don't... And I promise that whatever was promised on your failure will be heaven compared to what we do to you.

She conjures an orb of fire in her hand, holding it at the ready to strike anyone who decides they haven't had enough.

Intimidate/Persuasion Check, to get them to stand down. [roll0]

And if they still attack, Firebolt: [roll1]

2017-11-02, 07:14 PM
With their main target (Nina) caught in the net and the fighter heavily wounded, the enemies seem to think they are winning. Like any professional soldiers, they are impervious to intimidation attempts when they are in a position of vantage. They also seem happy that Vlad is dead. A chance for promotion has just opened up!

(Sasha does not loose her bardic inspiration)

One of the soldiers from inside the tavern, who appears to be a member of a dwarven sub-race, climbs atop the tavern roof. Producing a short bow, he is likely to fire an arrow on the next round.

From inside the tavern, another strange soldier (this one has dark blue skin) reaches through a window and shoots an arrow at Sasha: [roll0], damage: [roll1]. He then retreats back inside, benefiting from full cover.

The third soldier from inside the tavern is a human male. He rushes out wielding two short swords running towards Wolfram. He passes right next to Gustav on his path.

A sphere of fire flails about, trying to find an enemy to hit, but goes too wide and misses the target.

First sword attack: [roll2], damage: [roll3]
Second sword attack: [roll4], damage: [roll5]

This enemy passed right through Gustav’s area of threat, so the ranger would ordinarily get an attack of opportunity. However, since he is holding a ranged weapon, he would be limited to trying to kick the enemy (unarmed strike). Don’t sneer at the 1 damage. It could make a different later on.

2017-11-02, 07:21 PM
The enemy soldier pierces Wolfram with his sword. "Maybe it's you who should surrender"

The fighter has fallen to the ground and is bleeding out.

It is now Wolfram’s turn. He needs to make a death saving throw.

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration
Soldier 3 (Dwarf) – up on the roof, preparing an arrow
Soldier 4 - inside the tavern
Soldier 5 - with two swords
Wolfram – bleeding out.
Gustav Freehorn
Soldier 1 (female half-elf) – suffered 1 psychic damage.
Soldier 2 (male elf) – crouching behind close by wagon
Nina – restrained

2017-11-02, 07:27 PM
Wolfram sees the approaching swordsman and moves into a defensive position. Blocking the first attack, Wolfram feels the second slice into him as he feels himself start to fall to the ground.

This brings Wolfram down to -1.

2017-11-03, 08:12 AM
Just to speed things up a bit, I'm taking the liberty of rolling Wolfram's first death saving throw. I hope I'm not stepping on your toes, Squad! Here it goes:[roll0]

2017-11-03, 08:20 AM
It is now Gustav’s turn.

Gustav is outside the tavern, close to him are Nina and Sasha.

A few feet ahead, there’s Wolfram bleeding on the ground. Next to him, a human soldier wielding two short-swords.

A bit to the left there’s the female half-elf soldier (the one who threw the net) and a few feet further, the elf male crouching behind a wagon (half-cover).

Up on the roof of the tavern, there’s a dwarf soldier, preparing to fire an arrow. And still inside the tavern, there’s another archer in full cover.

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration

Soldier 3 (Dwarf) – up on the roof, preparing an arrow

Soldier 4 - inside the tavern

Soldier 5 - with two swords

Wolfram – bleeding out. Death Saves: 1 success.

Gustav Freehorn

Soldier 1 (female half-elf) – suffered 1 psychic damage, disadvantage on next attack.

Soldier 2 (male elf) – crouching behind close by wagon

Nina – restrained

2017-11-03, 09:13 AM
First as the solider sprints by Gustav lashes out with a kick trying to place his heavy boot in the vunreble place between his legs as he charges Wolfram

Well that is a miss

Then once the man has dashed past he lines up a crossbow bolt for his back and lets it fly, before he even checks if it has hit Gustav has turned pulling his short sword out with his other hand and gone to cut the net off of Nina. Dragging her behind any cover, once he's tried to cut her loose.

Terribly sorry bout all the mess Nina, all still I'll have a hack at it.

To shoot [roll1]

To break through the net [roll3]

2017-11-03, 09:30 AM
For the second time, Gustav’s aim is flawless. The ranger hits his target on the shoulder. “Aaargh!! I will skin you alive for this!!” But the enemy is still up.

Swiftly, the ranger frees Nina from the net.

The half-elf female soldier rushes towards Sasha and tries to hit her with the handaxe.
[roll0], disadvantage: [roll1], damage: [roll2]

The male elf behind the wagon hurls another splash of acid, this time targeting Gustav.

Gustav must succeed on a DC 12 dexterity saving throw or suffer [roll3] acid damage.

From his cage, the puppy Spots barks and wiggles his tail "ruff!"

2017-11-03, 09:39 AM
It is now Nina Silvertooth’s turn, she is free from the net, thanks to the ranger Gustav.

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration, suffered 5 damage.

Soldier 3 (Dwarf) – up on the roof, preparing an arrow

Soldier 4 - inside the tavern

Soldier 5 - with two swords, heavily wounded, suffered 7 damage.

Wolfram – bleeding out.

Gustav Freehorn

Soldier 1 (female half-elf) – suffered 1 psychic damage.

Soldier 2 (male elf) – crouching behind close by wagon

Nina Silvertooth

2017-11-03, 12:54 PM
Nina rushes forward as the net is pulled off of her.

Sorry, need to do something. She calls to Gustav.

Stepping next to Wolfgram she kneels down, placing her hands over his wound.

Live Wolfram! You haven't even been in two full pages now, you have so much to live for! Nina cries out.

Casting cure wounds on Wolfram [roll0]

And using a bonus action to give him an inspiration dice.

She then attempts to move back towards cover.

Hey, lady! She continues with her taunting from earlier. You don't need to be jealous of Sasha just because she's got a bigger chest. It'll just make her that much fun to tie her down later, like you love so much!

2017-11-03, 01:04 PM
The bard heals her wounded friend who wakes a bit confused, but is back in the fight.

The rain has completely stopped now and the skies get clearer.

In the distance you hear the galloping of an approaching horse.

Round 3 is upon us - Initiative order:

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration, HP: 3/8

Soldier 3 (Dwarf) – up on the roof, preparing an arrow

Soldier 4 - inside the tavern

Soldier 5 - with two swords, suffered 7 damage.

Wolfram – has bardic inspiration, HP: 5/10

Gustav Freehorn

Soldier 1 (female half-elf) – suffered 1 psychic damage.

Soldier 2 (male elf) – crouching behind wagon

Nina Silvertooth

2017-11-03, 01:05 PM
Nina, now is not the time! Sasha says as she cups her hands together. FUEGO! she cries, sending a burst of fire into the half-elf directly beside her, and the dwarf on the rooftop.

DC 13 Dex save or take [roll0] damage, half on a success.

2017-11-03, 01:10 PM
Half-elf saving throw: [roll0]
Dwarf saving throw: [roll1]

2017-11-03, 01:12 PM
As the young sorcerer produces fire from her hands, both enemies are hit with the full force of the magical flames.

They are both killed by the spell!

2017-11-03, 01:18 PM
Nina wolf whistles. Sasha brings a whole new meaning to the term hot!

2017-11-03, 01:33 PM
You know this combat thing isn't nearly as difficult as


Uncle Reynie always complained about.

As he's talking Gustav bends over to examine his crossbow letting the acid fly completely over his head.

2017-11-03, 01:44 PM
From inside the tavern, the soldier with the bow fires another arrow against Sasha, the menacing pyromancer. “Stop killing my friends!!!” He then retreats back to full cover.

Attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

The soldier with two swords sneers at Wolfram “You can keep getting up, I’ll keep bringing you down!”

Attacks: [roll2], damage: [roll3]
Off-hand: [roll4], damage: [roll5]

2017-11-03, 01:57 PM
From inside the tavern, an arrow flies too wide to hit Sasha and you hear a peculiar snapping sound followed by the soldier yelling “Crud!!” It would seem he broke his bow.

Engaged in combat with a ferocious enemy, Wolfram is hit and falls unconscious again. The unlucky fighter must make a Death Saving Throw.

From the rooftop, the lifeless body of the dwarven soldier falls making a loud *thump* while Spots keeps on barking happily.

Round 3 - initiative order:

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration, HP: 3/8

Soldier 4 - inside the tavern, full cover.

Soldier 5 - with two swords, suffered 7 damage.

Wolfram – dying again, HP: 0/10, has inspiration.

Gustav Freehorn

Soldier 2 (male elf) – crouching behind wagon, half-cover, acid slinger.

Nina Silvertooth

2017-11-03, 02:13 PM
You had your chance to surrender, Sasha says. You should've taken it.

2017-11-03, 04:14 PM
While reloading the crossbow Gustav makes his way closer to the acid thrower, while taking aim at the dual wielding kidnapper.


As he crosses the ground Gustav yells into the tavern All you good folks stay calm, this kidnapping street thug b******* is skilled enough to shoot us or brace enough to fight properly so ya should be fine!

2017-11-03, 04:46 PM
Once again, Gustav’s aim is perfect. The crossbow bolt hits the target on the chest and the two-sworded thug drops lifeless to the mud!

However, the acid slinging elf doesn’t take too kindly of our hero killing his comrade “rebel archer, prepare to meet your doom!”

Gustav needs to pass a dexterity saving throw or suffer [roll0] acid damage.

Round 3 - Initiative order:

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration, HP: 3/8

Soldier 4 - inside the tavern (full cover)

Wolfram – bleeding out, HP: 0/10, has bardic inspiration

Gustav Freehorn

Soldier 2 (male elf) – crouching behind wagon (half-cover)

Nina Silvertooth

2017-11-03, 05:28 PM
Just as Gustav watches the bolt fly true he spies the stream of liquid spraying through the air.


Yet he manages to throw his torso out the way of the spell leaving it splashing against the empty ground.

You'll have to do better then that if you want to bring this hunter down! He yells in a jovial challenge at the hidden figure

2017-11-03, 09:21 PM
Oh come on! I just repaired that fighter. Nina scoffed annoyed as her hand was on her hips/

Fine. Fine. She kneels down again chanting words in some bastardized celestial.

~Light give us strength! She lets out touching Wolfgram's chest.

Heal [roll0]

Nina is officially out of spell slots, we may want to take a short rest at earliest opportunity.

Nina will also try pulling him into cover.

2017-11-03, 09:39 PM
Nina drags Wolfram to a safe position behind a couple of barrels and revives him once more. The fighter is back at his feet, ready for action!

Round 4 is here, this is the initiative order:

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration, HP: 3/8

Soldier 4 - inside the tavern (full cover)

Wolfram – has bardic inspiration, HP: 6/10

Gustav Freehorn

Soldier 2 (male elf) – crouching behind wagon (half-cover)

Nina Silvertooth

2017-11-03, 09:52 PM
Sasha tries to maneuver so as to avoid giving the elf cover, but regardless, pops a flame ball at him.

[roll1] Bardic Inspiration, if needed.

2017-11-03, 10:04 PM
“Fool! Your conjuration is but an insignificant nuisance for me, I shall end you soon!” The elf replies as the firebolt grazes him slightly.

The soldier from inside the tavern storms out! He is a very strange humanoid, with long dark hair and dark blue skin, he is holding a trident with both hands and attacks the Freehorn ranger shouting “Die, land dweller!!”

[roll0], damage: [roll1] piercing.

Round 4 Initiative order

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration, HP: 3/8

Soldier 4 – engaged in melee with Gustav.

Wolfram – has bardic inspiration, HP: 6/10

Gustav Freehorn - HP: 5/12

Soldier 2 (male elf) – crouching behind wagon, suffered 1 damage.

Nina Silvertooth

2017-11-04, 10:47 AM
Wolfram gets up and quickly takes in the scene around him. Quickly sizing up the enemies, Wolfram readies his sword and leaps forward to attack the nearest enemy.



2017-11-04, 11:24 AM
In a swift and strong blow, Wolfram slays the terrible acid slinger!

The elven soldier falls to the mud and whisper, in elvish, his final words before dying: “How embarrassing… To be defeated by a Streicher…”

Streicher is Wolfram's family name, a former noble house of great prestige that has been usurped from power.

It is now Gustav Freehorn’s turn.

There is but a single enemy left standing, the strange trident man engaged in melee with Gustav. Although alone in the fight, this enemy still seems to think he can turn the tables and win the battle!

Initiative order:

Sasha Goldleaf – has bardic inspiration, HP: 3/8

Soldier 4 – engaged in melee with Gustav.

Wolfram – has bardic inspiration, HP: 6/10

Gustav Freehorn - HP:5/12

Nina Silvertooth

2017-11-04, 11:33 AM
I think I ate whatever fish it was that your mother f***ed!! you dolt! Gustav cries more of his rural accent showing as he grunts in pain.

He draws his short sword once more and makes to stab it at the mans chest.


2017-11-04, 12:07 PM
With his over hand he swings it back letting his crossbow slide away while he swiftly draw a second blade with his off hand and goes in with a slice to the man's calf.


2017-11-04, 12:24 PM
“Swords!! My only weakness…!”

The trident man falls victim of Gustav’s precise slashes.

As he drops to the ground, he whispers before dying: “I should’ve… never left… Wik’iyanosi…”.

And thus every enemy is down for the count! Victory is to be celebrated by our brave heroes! A few villagers in the proximity cheer and clap (as they already knew Defenestrian guards are always bad news).

Gord, the tavern keeper, peeks out of a window and asks “is it same to come out now?”

Shortly after the combat, the town guard, Cassandra Pyke, arrives in her horse horrified at the scene.
She exchanges harsh words with her friend Wolfram, but understands it was a matter of self-defense.

Inside his cage, Spots, the puppy barks and wiggles his tail, staring at the heroes in admiration.

The rain is completely gone and the skies are clear.

The guard, Pyke, asks of Wolfram what to be done with the bodies (bury or burn?).

And of course, there’s the matter of the loot. Do our heroes have any interest in searching the fallen soldiers for valuable items? Upon his destruction, Vlad’s unnatural body was disintegrated, but all his clothing and equipment remained unscathed.

Looting: if you intent to search a body, do it one at a time and please make clear which. Unless you prefer to designate one single person to gather all the loot for you to divide later.

2017-11-04, 01:29 PM
Nina will start with Vlad's body searching through the rain soaked ashes, and clothes for anything of value.

Someone should take that puppy, perhaps. Nina adds after a moment's thought.

2017-11-04, 01:36 PM
Nina finds Vlad’s purse containing: 12 gold pieces, 1 healing potion (2d4+2), a strange silvered bell, diplomatic papers, a strange black wand, and a scroll which appears to bear a spell!

Also, Vlad wore fine clothing, which because of his strange physique (too tall and too slim), wouldn’t fit well in anyone you know. The fabric, however, could be sold. He also had a fancy belt and good travel boots. All of which can be sold for a total of 30 gold pieces, or 10 gold pieces each item. Beyond that, there's also the leather armor he wore underneath.

2017-11-04, 02:01 PM
Gustav limps over to his crossbow, holding a piece of his clothing over the three puncture wounds. Slowly he leans over and picks it up cleaning the muck away from the mechanisms. He looks away from the bodies, breathing heavily.

So what now? Shall we leave a message for the suitor perhaps? He inquires quietly.

2017-11-04, 02:21 PM
Wolfram stands there breathing heavy for a moment. Once he's better he goes and searches the elvish spell slinger.

2017-11-04, 03:04 PM
Wolfram finds the elf’s purse containing 20 silver pieces and a signet ring.

The fighter removes the helmet from the soldier and, seeing his face up-close, comes to a ghastly realization. This is a young member of the Vellion family, probably a distant nephew or far removed cousin trying to impress the main family branch by soldiering around the world.

The Vellions are an old elven noble family who took a protagonist role in the coup that brought down the Streicher name.

2017-11-04, 04:01 PM
Sasha looks at the bodies. You know, now that the fight is over... she says. I wish this didn't have to happen. I have no regrets for killing the vampireling, but the rest...

2017-11-04, 04:28 PM
You're not wrong, but some people are all to willing to send others to die for 'em.

Anyway let's give this little pup a look shall we?

As Gustav talks he struggles over to the puppy then peers in, looking for its breed, gender and general health.

Anyone have anything to write on? I want to leave a message for this guy who sent them, a little ditty.

2017-11-04, 04:46 PM
Sasha nods, and turns to Cassandra. With all due respect, ma'am, WHERE IN THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU TWO MINUTES AGO?

2017-11-04, 05:17 PM
Wolfram stands there shocked as he takes in the features of the elf.

Knowledge that he has vindicated his family by only a fraction causes him a small amount of relief, but the road to retribution is a long one.

2017-11-04, 05:25 PM
Gustav finds the puppy to be in perfect health. He seems to be of an indistinguishable breed, most likely a mixture. The puppy has white fur with a single black spot on his left flank. It is male and it barks happily at you “ruff!”

Cassandra turns to the sorcerer Sasha.

“I’m glad I wasn’t here before. I’m not the warrior I used to be. If I came earlier, I would have been just another corpse lying face-down on the mud.”

She appears to be well over the age of 40 and though she is pretty efficient in keeping the peace among the common townsfolk, you believe the enemies here would bring her down easily. She adds

“Anyway, that’s why we have heroes like you, right?”

2017-11-04, 05:28 PM
You... Sasha starts, but thinks better. You're right. I'm sorry-I just don't like near-death experiences.

Is there anything we can do to help handle the bodies?

2017-11-04, 05:44 PM
Cassandra says: “Oh, dear! You’ve done all the fighting already! And you’re wounded. Please, go inside the tavern and rest. The townsfolk will help me out here.”

2017-11-04, 05:54 PM
Gustav picks up the pup. He holds the creature under his left arm as he staggers towards the inn.

We're going to have to think up a new name for you buddy, can't use their name for you.

Once he's inside he'll ask for any clean cloths to hold his wounds with, and a place to rest.

2017-11-04, 06:23 PM
Wolfram puts the signet ring and silver pieces in his pouch for the time being. Walking over to where the body of the double shortswordsman lays and gives it a quick search.

2017-11-04, 06:32 PM
Wolfram finds the dead soldier. He had two shortswords, a sling, 10 sling-bullets and a purse containing 15 silver pieces and a pair of old socks. Beyond that, he wore leather armor. Nothing else stands out.

2017-11-04, 09:43 PM
Nina will move to the half elven net thrower and see what she can find on her body.

Is anyone bleeding out I have a potion. Nina pipes up.

2017-11-05, 07:27 AM
Nina finds 15 silver pieces, another healing potion and one old key.

Nobody is bleeding out. Sasha is at 3/8 HP, Gustav 5/12 and Wolfram is 9/10. But if you take a short rest they all get to recover 1 hit die.

2017-11-05, 12:13 PM
Cassandra, Sasha says. Is there anywhere safer than the inn we could rest in? Especially somewhere away from the public-I don't want another tussle like this to get anyone innocent hurt.

2017-11-05, 12:58 PM
Cassandra, the guard:

“Yes, you’re right. Please gather you allies. When you’re ready, come to my residence. You can rest there for a few hours.”

Gord, the tavern keeper approaches Sasha and says:

“Lady Goldleaf, excuse me. It was a pleasure serving you and your group.. This is for you to remember our town.”

He hands you a bottle of wine and says

“This is a very special wine, very rare. It’s called Dragonblood and each bottle goes for five hundred gold pieces!”

He smiles

“I got it from a friend, a magician like you, a long time ago! He said it has special, magical properties. I never understood the first thing about magic, but maybe you can read the runes and figure it out?”

He flips the bottle to show you an inscription in the label. You see a message written in strange runes, but they are easy to decode – Drink one glass of this wine during a short rest in order to replenish one expended spell slot of your choosing. Drink two glasses or more and face the possibility of undesired effects.

Gord waves farewell and hopes to see you again some day.

2017-11-05, 01:10 PM
Sasha grins when Gord comes out, and gives the man a big hug. I'll be sure to visit again, if I get the chance. Thank you for all your hospitality-you're a good man, and you make this town a better place.

She then turns to her friends, and asks Are we all ready to go?

2017-11-05, 01:18 PM
Can I have a hug? Nina asks Sasha hopefully.

And do we bury the bodies, or let the villagers handle that? She replies slinging her purse over her shoulder.

2017-11-05, 01:23 PM
Sasha smiles at Nina, and ruffles her hair a little before giving the shorter woman a hug too. You're so touchy-feely, she says with a laugh.

2017-11-05, 02:01 PM
Sasha smiles at Nina, and ruffles her hair a little before giving the shorter woman a hug too. You're so touchy-feely, she says with a laugh.

Mmm. I love your hugs. Nina says with a soft and wide smile.

2017-11-05, 02:37 PM
The guard, Cassandra Pykes, leads the way to her residence where you are safe to rest.

If you use this time to rest, you may use your hit die to recover HP (just roll your class hit die and add your constitution bonus).

On the other hand, if you prefer not to rest, you can fiddle with one of the magic items found and discover its properties. (There's a silver bell and a black wand).

After your short interval of rest, Cassandra approaches the party and says:

“Everyone in town, myself included, is very fond of your band of heroes. Nevertheless, I must order you to leave town.”

She looks concerned.

“If Defenestrian goons are coming here looking for you, it means a risk to my people, one that I cannot take. More soldiers will come, I’m sure, and they will leave no stone unturned looking for your group... If they consider we aided you, our village will be burned down.”

Her eyes are watering up as she says:

“I understand you’re exhausted from battle, but I cannot afford the risk of you staying over night. It will be safer for all of us if you just leave. I will give you one hour to collect your belongings and hit the road. If you remain in town, I will have no choice other than to ride to the nearest guard outpost and report the events of this morning.”

Cassandra invites you into her study. She talks to you standing next to a large object covered by a blanket.

“You helped me out a lot over these past few days and I thought I should give you a gift in return.”

She walks up to the object and unveils it, revealing a full set of plate mail.

“This used to belong to my husband. He was a great fighter.. But perhaps this armor would serve you better than it served him”

She smiles and wishes you safe travels.

Nadia, the horse breeder finds Gustav outside playing with the puppy. She is leading two horses by the rope and says:

“Gustav, I’m sorry to interrupt your bonding with your new companion, but I heard your group will leave town and I wanted to offer you something, well, these guys here”

she gestures to the horses.

There’s two of them. The first looks like a regular brown horse. The second one, on the other hand, has a magnificent appearance. He looks dark as night and has silvered mane and tail. Nadia says:

“Yes, this is a special horse. It’s a bit magical you see.. On your command, he will teleport you a short distance. But using this power drains a lot of his energy, so pace yourself. This one is for you. I wanted to provide a mount for each member of your party, but I could only spare one extra horse.”

She looks at Gustav and adds:

“Farewell, Gustav. It was great meeting you. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

The horse can cast the spell Misty Step one time per day.

Misty Step
lv.2 Conjuration
Casting time: 1 bonus action
Range: self
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Briefly surrounded by a silvery mist, you teleport up to 30 ft to an unoccupied space that you can see.

Hazel Windcharm, the town’s young alchemist walks in and seeks Nina.

She spreads a bunch of vials across a table and starts enumerating the properties of each component.

“You never know what you might need on the road, so I got you all I could gather! But this one here, this is the cherry atop your cake, my friend”

She hands you a flask with a bright orange liquid.

“Careful, careful!! Don’t handle it like a brute. That’s a very volatile potion!”

She looks gleeful as she explains

“You don’t know what it is, do you? That’s dragonbreath in a bottle, my friend! If you find yourself in trouble, just drink this potion and bring fiery wrath upon your enemies!”

She smiles and says farewell, wishing success on Nina’s expeditions.

She gives Nina:

2 vials of antitoxin

1 flask of acid (ranged attack, up to 20ft, 2d6 acid damage)

1 flask of alchemist’s fire (ranged attack, up to 20ft., 1d4 fire damage at the start of each turn)

1 potion of flying (turn your walking speed into flying speed for one hour)

1 potion of dragonbreath (exhale fire at one target, up to 30ft, who must make a Dexterity saving throw DC 13 or suffer 4d6 fire damage. When you drink this potion, you can do this 3 times before one hour passes).

Before you leave town, outside Cassandra's home, a large table has been set up with every item of equipment recovered from the enemy soldiers.

One of the town's traders offers to pay the party a total of 34 gold pieces for all of this equipment. He insists that you are free to take whatever you might want, but the price will reduce accordingly.

On the table, you see:

6x sets of leather armor, severely damaged.
2x Handaxes
1x Sickle
5x Javelins
1x Trident
2x Shortswords
1x Sling
1x Shortbow
1x Shortbow (broken)
18x Arrows
10x Sling Bullets

Plus, one brown belt pouch, that belonged to the dwarf and one deep purple belt pouch that belonged to the blue-skinned soldier. Neither appears to have been opened.

2017-11-05, 03:51 PM
Understandable, Sasha tells Cassandra. I wouldn't WANT to stay here if it meant putting honest folk like you and your friends in danger. Be well, Cassandra.

When the merchant makes his offer, Sasha decides to peek inside the pouches, seeing if there's anything worthwhile in them before agreeing to the offer.

[roll0] HP regained. Out of spell slots and hit dice.

2017-11-05, 04:01 PM
Wolfram can only stare at the armor, for the first time in his life, he was utterly speechless.

"Cassandra, you've been a close and dear friend. I thank you for your gift. I'm sure it will serve me well."

Looking the armor over, Wolfram smiles as he marvels at the craftmanship.

"I want to thank you for helping me in my quest to regain my family's honor and estates. You will not be forgotten my friend, once this is all over, hopefully I can return and tell you all about it."

I'm fine with selling the equipment. What bonus does the armor give me?

2017-11-05, 04:07 PM
brown bag: 11 silver pieces and one live scorpion.
purple bag: 15 copper pieces and a bundle of seaweed.

The plate armor gives you AC 18, but added with the shield and your defensive fighting style, it goes all the way up to AC 21.

2017-11-05, 04:16 PM
Ah! Hell! she says as she sees the scorpion, and quickly closes the bag, following it up by smashing it with something heavy. Who keeps a scorpion in their coin-purse?

2017-11-05, 05:32 PM
As Gustav prepares receives his new steed he takes a moment to thank Nadia.

I'll tell you something Nadia, It takes a lot of good hearts to give something worth quite so much, and once I've made my way I'll pay you back every piece these two are worth, but if anyone shady asks if I got 'em off you just tell them I nicked 'em. I don't want good folk like you getting chased by ****** for your kindness.

As he turns to leave Any hints you have on taking care of 'em, I know a little but not half as much as you do


At the trader's he isn't interested in keeping these dead man's items, but he does ask about replenishing his supply of crossbow bolts.

2017-11-05, 06:13 PM
Nadia says “Well, he really loves Goodberries, but he would never mean to impose. Just regular horse feed and the occasional brush and he’ll be fine”

Gustav suffered some damage. Would you like to roll your hit die during the rest?

Bolts are sold in bundles of 20, no singles! Which brings you up to 37 bolts and down 1gp.

2017-11-05, 09:26 PM
Wolfram stands there waiting for the others to settle things. As he does he goes through some simple maneuvers to get used to his armor.

2017-11-05, 09:31 PM
Sasha tells the merchant that she'll be happy selling all the equipment, but that she'll wait on her companions for a final decision, then heads outside, where she sees Wolfram.

She whistles appreciatively when she sees the new armor. That's new, she comments. Where'd you get that?

2017-11-05, 11:16 PM
Nina gives the young alchemist a tight hug after setting down the potions.

Thank you. So much! Until we meet again.

Though Sasha might be jealous. She adds with a thought and a grin.


Could I take a shortbow Nina pipes up. Could be useful if I need to fire further then dagger range.

2017-11-06, 06:34 AM
Wolfram looks up as he hears Sasha.

"Cassandra gave it to me, it belonged to her husband. I was honestly speechless when I saw it."

2017-11-06, 07:31 AM
Aw. That's real sweet of her, Sasha says. I'd make a joke about her having a crush on you, but honestly, that's just plain great of her. This town is too damn nice for us to put it in any more danger.

2017-11-06, 08:23 AM
Taking a break from attempting to fidure out how to ride a horse while cradling a puppy, Gustav speaks up.

Anyway, while we can't well stay where are we headed to? I'ld have a better then even chance of keeping us alive in the wild lands but we won't really achieve much either. There are those ruins we were considering delving into, but who knows what's down there? Or, and this is really only if we're desperate we could head to another town or city, we might still be tracked down but it'll take those thugs a while at least.


2017-11-06, 10:30 AM
The party travelled to Angleroot with the intent to explore the old Blackstone Keep. However, if spirits are low or if this particular enterprise has lost its appeal, there are roads leading out of Angleroot into other adventures.

These are the closest locations:

Blackstone Keep –
The old fortress lies about 5 days of travel North of Angleroot. There’s no road leading there, just old trails through the grassy hills.
Reasons to go there: Promise of treasure.
Reasons not to go: Certainty of monsters. Rumours the Greyblood gang uses this keep as an outpost.

The Regional capital, Valorgrad –
Following the road east and travelling for about 14 days, you will reach the capital city.
Reasons to go there: The Winter Ball is near. It is considered the most beautiful event of the year.
Reasons not to go: Last you heard, tickets were going for 800 gold pieces each. There’s a chance you may be granted entrance based on your family name, but that’s not guaranteed.

The free city of Oddsport –
Following the road southwest and travelling for about 21 days, you’ll reach Oddsport. Ruled by the Portmaster, Baren, this is a coast city of thieves, pirates and gamblers.
Reasons to go there: There’s always a bounty offered by the hunter’s guild or work on the merchant ships.
Reasons not to go: This is a dangerous city. It’s common to find less civilized humanoids, such as gnolls, orcs or goblins who live and work in Oddsport. The Portmaster himself is rumoured to be a member of the Greyblood gang.

2017-11-06, 10:33 AM
I say we still go to Blackstone Keep, Sasha says. Oddsport is probably just as dangerous, but with less treasure to take, and Valorgrad... Well, I could be persuaded to go there. But I don't think we'll accomplish much.

2017-11-06, 02:13 PM
Same, and we probably can't afford to visit the capital at this point. At least I wouldn't want to risk it, and find out we can't. Nina remarks.

2017-11-06, 02:40 PM
You spend several minutes examining the peculiar wand. It bears no runes or inscriptions, giving no hint of its purpose.

First you hold it in your hand and try to activate its magic, to no avail. You shout magical words you've heard before and again, no effect.

You wave it around the air, you use it to hold your hair in a bum while singing and dancing around. You use it to draw pictures on the mud and command your drawings to come to life! Yet again, nothing happens.

Finally, you give up and stow it back in your backpack. While you put it away, the tip of the wand brushes against one of your new potions and the whole wand glows for a brief moment.

With haste, you spread all your potions on a table and test the wand against each flask or vial. Against the purely alchemical liquids, the wand has no reaction. But when you point it at the magical potions of healing, flying or dragonbreath, you can see in your eyes the magical auras of those items.

-It’s a wand of magic detection!! Not the most exciting magic item in the book, but a useful tool, nonetheless. This wand allows you to cast the spell “Detect Magic” at will.

2017-11-06, 02:40 PM
Wolfram nods his head in agreement. "I agree, let's continue on to the keep. If anyone is looking for us, then that should..possibly throw them off of the track. Plus, while we do have a little bit of money, hopefully exploring the keep will get some more. Going to either of the cities will mean we definitely need more."

2017-11-06, 02:48 PM
Very well then, frankly if we're trying to avoid pretentious city bigwigs flying into rages when ever ya tell them no, the balls a place to avoid. Besides in the ruins at least no one get's pissy when you shoot that kind of monster.

Now that we've set a path anyone want to ride? Going two men to a horse will get us there faster than walking.

2017-11-06, 02:52 PM
Sasha! This wand will let us detect magic as much as we want. Do you want to carry it, or should I?

2017-11-06, 03:23 PM
Nina Silvertooth grabs a short bow, a quiver and 18 arrows before leaving and the trader pays the party a reduced price. The total party treasure is now: 68gp 2sp and 5cp.

With the villagers waving goodbye and cheering, the party marches north towards the Blackstone keep!

What dangers will they face? Will they have the courage to defeat the enemies ahead? Soon our party will find out!

Travelling requires you to choose a pace.

Slow pace: you’re allowed to roll stealth checks and possibly surprise ambushing enemies.

Normal pace: no stealth, but no penalties.

Fast pace: get there sooner, but take -5 to perception checks along the way.

Now I believe the ranger has some special abilities regarding travel? But I’m not sure, will have to check.

2017-11-06, 07:16 PM
Does it have to be one of us using it? Because we could give it to someone who's more likely to be out front, if not, Sasha says.

Normal pace sounds okay to me.

2017-11-06, 10:08 PM
I mean I guess, but some wands could only be used by us. Nina explains.

Normal pace.

2017-11-07, 07:20 AM
The party departs the town of Angleroot and travels north, heading towards the old ruined keep known as Blackstone. The unkempt trails lead you up and down the grassy hills and soon the hospitable village fades in the horizon behind you.

The rain has stopped and is replaced by a cold breeze, but the odd rain drop still falls here and there. The ground remains muddy throughout the day.

And then.. you see something on the road up ahead!

It appears to be a group of 3 people camping.
They have a mule, a cart with a few barrels and they have lit a campfire.
They are about 500ft away and you’re positive they’ve seen you too.

2017-11-07, 01:07 PM
Wonder what they're doing here, Sasha says. Hopefully they're friendly.

2017-11-07, 02:29 PM
Well let's find out! Nina said brightly starting to saunter up confidently.

2017-11-07, 02:44 PM
Gustav silently prompts his horse forward while scanning the group for any weapons or any sign of others hiding nearby.

2017-11-07, 09:02 PM
Wolfram watches as the group approaches the camp fire. Looking to see if the strangers are openly carrying weapons, Wolfram speaks.

"Greetings to the campfire."

2017-11-08, 12:33 PM
Once they're close enough that Sasha can talk without shouting, she says Hello!

2017-11-08, 04:47 PM
As you approach, you see three figures camping around the fire: a woman of dark skin, a large man wearing black furs and what appears to be a lizardfolk.

The lizard looks muscular and sits on a large rock a few steps from the fire, concentrated in sharpening the edge of a broad-bladed greatsword using a whetstone. It wears a chainshirt and has a shield, slightly dented. The shield has a symbol on it: a large rose with blossoming petals.

The man wearing black fur has bronze tanned skin and narrow eyes. He has a straw cage on his lap and appears to be feeding the bird inside (sounds like a chicken).

The dark skinned woman is resting against a tree, reading a book. Around her neck, there’s a strange amulet. She wears a long burgundy scarf and leather armor.

It’s safe to assume they are armed.

Upon being greeted, the lizard sniffs and growls aggressively. The woman is quick to get up and answer:

“Please apologize my scaly friend. Shz’lal is very suspicious of strangers!”

She goes on with a melody in her voice:

“We three are members of the Order of the Enlightened Cavaliers, under the sigil of the Rose, on a peace-keeping mission on these lands. How goes your travels?”

The man wearing black fur gets up and walks closer. He has a strange accent, from far-away lands:

“Don’t be too kind, Sarine, we don’t know these people.” He spits on the floor. “They could be robbers.”

Sarine replies looking at you:

“Oh, Zeng.. Always my zealous guardian.. You’re not robbers, are you? In fact, just to prove that Zeng is wrong, I’m sure you’re willing to pay a small tribute to our Order, right? After all, we’re so renowned and beloved across the land.. You’d be happy to sponsor our cause, I’m sure.”

The lizard grunts: “50 gold to pass. Pay or we take it.”

She appears to mean it.

If anyone wants to, please choose one of the following skills and make a check:

Insight (you focus on the words of Sarine, alert to discern if they are truth or lie)

History (you may remember something about this Order of Enlightened Cavaliers)

Religion (you may recognize the symbol on the strange amulet)

Nina the bard could have granted bardic inspiration to anyone shortly before approaching Sarine, Zeng and Sh’lal.

Make a wisdom check with advantage. This is in addition to the skill check you choose to make.

2017-11-08, 05:24 PM
Gustav believes in Sarine words, could be even a bit honored to meet a member of the Order.

However!! Something is fishy about Zeng... That bird of his, you know that chipping sound too well. That is no creature of nature, no sir. He is petting a Cockatrice, the terrible monstrosity beloved by villains.

2017-11-08, 05:41 PM
One moment my lady, as welcome as you beneficent order is in these parts I feel I must speak with my fair companions.

With this he turns to address Nina and Shasha stood behind him, he speaks very quietly first in Sylvan then in Elvish or if neither of them understand that frantic hand gestures.

I think these people are carrying an evil rooster monster, don't get to close it's bites can paralyse people. Lizard guy is bad news

2017-11-09, 07:18 AM
Wolfram fakes being bored and casually looks around the campsite. Never allowing his eyes to rest on any spot for to long, he keeps the trio of adventurers in his sight.

Total= 16

2017-11-09, 07:50 AM
You have read or heard stories about the Enlightened Cavaliers before. They are an order of knights and paladins from the capital city, Valorgrad and you notice a few oddities.

First of all, The Cavaliers favor light rose scarfs, definitely not burgundy.

And second, the dented shield has a very outdated design for the Rose Sigil.
The order renews the design every time a new Grand-Master is crowned as leader. By the rose on the shield, you can estimate it to be at least 200 years old, probably scavenged from a dungeon somewhere..

2017-11-09, 09:01 AM
Wolfram takes in the appearance of the trio, most notably the scarf and shield. With a look of innocence, he steps towards Shz’lal with a smile on his face.

"It is indeed an honor to meet such valued members of such an esteemed order. The Enlightened Cavaliers are indeed a worthy group to be members of. I'd be proud to shake the hands of three of it's members."

2017-11-09, 01:38 PM
You can tell she is lying. Everything about this group stinks of wildland bandits trying to make a profit out of (what they consider to be) easy prey.

Shz'lal, the lizard, growls at Wolfram: "No hand! No Shake! GOLD!!"

The woman with the scarf, Sarine, intercedes:

"I'm so sorry, but I have to agree with my heavily-armed friend. You have to pay us now." She gives a very provocative smile.

2017-11-09, 01:48 PM
Oh this is cute. Just adorable! Sasha says. Oh... You're serious? she adds, then breaks out into peals of laughter. Oh gods, that is just PRECIOUS!
Guys, they think they scare us! Now listen here, you. I killed multiple people earlier today. One of them so bad he crumpled into dust-and the other died screaming in flames. Now, I like to be the peaceful sort-the kind of person who doesn't HAV to hurt anyone. But really, that's up to you. Do you want to make me mad?

[roll1] if I get advantage from the speech, or if someone decides to Help me (wink wink nudge nudge).
[roll2] Bardic inspiration, if I still have that.

2017-11-09, 02:01 PM
While the bandits are distracted by the sharp words Sasha is unleashing, Gustav will take his crossbow in his hand and prep it stealing off into the woods preparing for combat to begin.


2017-11-09, 02:50 PM
It was totally awesome! Nina added to Sasha's threat. She brought a whole new meaning to the term hot! She added with a grin of her own.

2017-11-09, 02:54 PM
“Now look who is being cute!” Sarine says disdainfully.

The foreigner in furs looks concerned and whispers to her “Sarine, maybe we should let them go..”

“Hush now, Zeng, let me handle this.” She turns to Sasha aggressively and says “Are you honestly refusing to aid the Order of Enlightened Cavaliers? Are you not aware that by royal decree you can be accounted as a traitor to the throne of Valorgrad if you offend our cause?”

She looks very confident as she goes on:

“Now, perhaps it’s difficult for you to part from your gold, I can understand that. So I propose a middle-ground. You pay us 30 gold pieces, instead of the standard fee of 50. That seems fair to me, I recommend you take the deal…”

“…Before I hurt you.” adds Shz’lal.

2017-11-09, 03:06 PM
Well I mean if you actually were members of the order of the enlightened cavalier.

But that scarf is totally the wrong color, it clashes by the way. I'm a bard. Nina replies gesturing to the lady's neck.

And that shield is 200 years old by this date. If they can't even afford proper equipment for their elite knights, I'm really not too concerned about being considered a traitor, what are they going to do stare menacingly at me? She gives a really look at her.

2017-11-09, 03:17 PM
Wolfram takes a couple more steps towards Shz’lal before he stops moving. Judging that he's close enough.....Wolfram begins to laugh.

"Seriously, you think this little routine works? I hope you realize that you're not fooling anyone. First off the scarf...while close is the wrong color. The Enlightened Cavaliers favor rose colored scarfs, not burgundy ones. Second...that shield is about 200 years out of date. The Cavaliers change the design whenever a new Grandmaster is elected. So...how about we cut out the dramatics and the little kid games. It's obvious that you're either bandits or tomb robbers...so how about you let us go with a bit of compensation for wasting our time."

Wolfram casually lets his hand slide dangerously close to his sword hilt, to emphasize his point.


2017-11-09, 03:34 PM
Nina’s remarks really throw Sarine off her game. “What..?! No! ..I mean, the burgundy is lovely..! it..! This season agrees with it!”

“Come on, Sarine, just let them go before we get into trouble…”


“Sarine said the shield was good. Is it bad shield? I found it in home swamp. All the clan cheered..”

“Shz’lal, quiet!”

She turns backs to the group and now she speaks looking directly at Wolfram:

“Talk some sense into your group, for gods sake! This is my final warning.. hand over 10 GP or prepare to die!!”

She is trembling with rage.

"Seriously, you think this little routine works? I hope you realize that you're not fooling anyone. First off the scarf...while close is the wrong color. The Enlightened Cavaliers favor rose colored scarfs, not burgundy ones. Second...that shield is about 200 years out of date. The Cavaliers change the design whenever a new Grandmaster is elected. So...how about we cut out the dramatics and the little kid games. It's obvious that you're either bandits or tomb robbers...so how about you let us go with a bit of compensation for wasting our time."

“FINE!! Just get out of here then!” Sarine lets out in a roar. “I’m tired of your stupid faces, anyways.. But compensation?? You should thank your gods we let you go, don’t press your luck or things will get real ugly.”

2017-11-09, 03:43 PM
The season might, but the shield does not. Nina remarks quietly.

2017-11-11, 06:39 AM
The bandits let you pass.

Under Sarine’s disdainful glare, you continue your journey.

Will Gustav attack?

2017-11-11, 07:29 AM
Once the rest of the group is past and the Bandits have returned to rest Gustav crouches from 80ft down the road carefully lining up the sights oh his crossbow to the monstrosity and firing once before he dashes off into the thickest vegetation.

To Hit: [roll0]
Advantage as it hasn't acted yet [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Initiative [roll3]
Advantage from Natural explorer [roll4]

2017-11-11, 11:25 AM
Once the group is at a safe distance, Gustav fires a bolt from a vantage position. With the precision of a true marksmen, the ranger kills the horrible creature in the straw cage!

Zeng, the foreign bandit screams violent foul words and stares at the road scanning the horizon for the origin of the shot.

He and his group know it will be fruitless to rush in pursuit. Instead, they all hunker down behind cover to avoid being shot themselves.

What will Gustav do? You're well hidden, but if you move they might shoot or chase you.

You're well aware of what just happened, even though you didn't see it with your own eyes. The sound of an arrow cutting through the air added to the man's scream is enough for you to put 2 and 2 together. You're in a safe position to move forward. Will you wait for the ranger or keep going?

2017-11-11, 11:49 AM
Sasha looks back, preparing to fight if the bandits decide to pursue. She won't abandon her companion, though.

Readying an action to cast Firebolt at anyone pursuing us.

2017-11-11, 11:53 AM
Wolfram stands by and waits for his friend to show back up.

2017-11-11, 01:21 PM
Feeling the death of the monstrosity is enough, Gustav turns on his heel and dashes through the thick undergrowth as fast as he can to rejoin the party.

With dash I can move 60ft away in a single round, so I should currently be around 140ft away from the bandits outside the normal range of all missile weapons.

Once he sees his group he yells Well come on then, none of this scenery is worth sticking around for.

2017-11-11, 02:31 PM
Gustav dashes away, returning to the safety of the group.

In the distance, Zeng, the monster breeder, mourns his deceased pet. Boiling with rage, he plots revenge.

Gustav has made an enemy! Zeng, the far-lander monster breeder will save no efforts in finding and killing this unknown ranger. “One day…” he broods and plots.


The rest of your journeying day follows uneventful, until the sun sets and you find a good spot to camp for the night.

You all level up! Please update your sheets to level 2!!

Level 2 HP: Choose between rolling or taking average. If you choose to roll, please own up to it. If you roll 1, that’s what you get. No re-rolls allowed.

Everyone gets one inspiration point! To be used when desired.

Camping choices have to be made as well:

Fire repels most animals, monsters and unnatural creatures from attacking your camp site.
At the other hand, fire can be seen from afar and might attract robbers or intelligent monsters.

A fire-less night exposes you to the hardships of weather/nature and might cause a range of unwanted consequences, from cold damage to exhaustion from a sleepless night.

Also, bear in mind that it was a rainy day and more rain might fall at night, causing problems or discomfort.

You may also choose *not* to camp, just make a meal break and push on traveling through the night.
That will shorten your travel time.

Everyone needs to eat and drink water. Your waterskins are now at 3/4 full and you should reduce 1 day worth of rations.

If you want to save on food, you can choose to eat half a portion, but you'll need a full portion on the next day.

You are now 4 days away from Blackstone Keep and 1 day away from Angleroot.

2017-11-11, 08:08 PM
Sasha starts looking for relatively dry firewood, and asks Anyone good at hunting or foraging? We could use that to stretch our rations.

2017-11-11, 10:42 PM
Nina shakes her head before turning to Gustav.

You any good at it? She asks.

2017-11-12, 04:45 AM
It's among my talents, and this woodland doesn't seem to hostile. I'll see what it can gives us. You lot don't move to far off.

Gustav then slides back into the brush, looking mostly for roots, roots or edible fungi though he keeps his crossbow close at hand in case an opportunity for Venison or Hare should arise

2017-11-12, 07:32 AM
Gustav, the ranger, finds more than enough food to feed everyone. He also finds a creek where he refills the party waterskins.

The party camps and gets some well deserved rest.

Will you light a fire?
Fire repels most animals, monsters and unnatural beings.
However, it can attract inteligent mosters or robbers.

Sleeping without a fire might cause you cold damage or other problems.

Will there be a night watch? If so, what's the order you'll take?

Will Wolfram sleep in his full armor? Sleeping in heavy armor can cause you penalties in the next day.

You have now a surplus of 6 pounds of food for the next days of travel.

2017-11-12, 10:48 AM
Nina will vote for fire, and first watch.

2017-11-12, 11:34 AM
Sasha, assuming no one objects, lights the fire with a simple cantrip as night begins to fall. Also, guys, I don't want to sound lazy, but it might be best if I don't go on watch-or if I do, for someone else to go with me. I'm not exactly the most observant sort.

2017-11-12, 12:01 PM
I'll take hours at the end of the watch if that's Okay, I'll be ready to wake early but I want to catch some shut eye now.

2017-11-12, 03:26 PM
Wolfram glances over at Sasha and answers her inquiry. "You are more than welcome to stand watch with me. I'd enjoy the company."

Wolfram votes for a small fire. Also he will take off enough armor to not have penalties the next day, yet have maximum protection in case of attack during the night.

2017-11-12, 05:24 PM
You sleep a full quiet night, taking turns on watch. Despite the cold, the campfire keeps you warm and it doesn’t rain during the night.

You wake up replenished and well rested, ready for the second day of hiking.

The skies are grey with the promise of heavy rainfall sometime during the day and a dense fog is set on the trail, reducing your visibility drastically.

Today is Thursday, 7th day of mid-autumn, year 775 of Balorbane, you’re 4 days away from Blackstone Keep, 1 day away from Angleroot.

2017-11-12, 05:30 PM
Wolfram finishes putting on his armor and looks around the campsite. I wonder what today's adventures will be?

2017-11-12, 05:39 PM
Gustav alerts everyone of the breaking dawn, having eaten his breakfast rations while on watch he spends the time before they leave caring for the horses and playing with the pup whom he has christened Silumni

2017-11-12, 09:59 PM
Sasha yawns and stretches, glad to get a night's rest without incident. Up and at 'em, aye? she says as she takes some of the forage from last night and munches on it.

2017-11-12, 10:47 PM
Nina starts putting on her own armor taking careful measure to make sure her puppet pack is where it should be.

Are you sure that dog is safe? She asks concerned.

2017-11-13, 08:37 AM
Of course he's safe, isn't that right buddy?

Replies Gustav while preparing the horses, midway through he lifts the pup up and puts his in the saddlebags with just his head sticking out the top. There he pets him asking the question.

Well are we ready then? If we want to keep covering ground best get to it early.

2017-11-13, 07:33 PM
The second day of travel goes easy and uneventful.

In the middle of the afternoon, you are met by heavy rainfall, making the trails harder to follow, but under the guidance of a natural explorer, the group manages to keep up the pace.

Soon comes dusk and you prepare camp for the second night.

Under the relentless rain, it will be impossible to sustain a fire throughout the night.

You are now 3 days away from the keep and 2 days away from town.

Would you take the same watch order/pairing for this night?

There's still plenty of food from the previous foraging (6 portions), but if anyone wants to gather even more food, please make a survival check.

2017-11-13, 08:23 PM
Sasha grumbles about the rain, but soldiers on. I'm good with the same watch, if you all are?

2017-11-13, 09:37 PM
We could share a bedroll to keep warm. Nina offers Sasha with a grin, implicitly agreeing to the watch order.

2017-11-13, 09:52 PM
Yes please. Something warm would be nice with this weather, she replies.

2017-11-13, 09:54 PM
Yes please. Something warm would be nice with this weather, she replies.

Eee. Nina squeed with joy.

2017-11-13, 10:12 PM
Calm down a little, Nina, Sasha says with a chuckle. And wake me up when it's my watch. night everybody, she adds as she gets in the bedroll.

2017-11-14, 12:11 AM
Wolfram shakes his head as he prepares to bed down for the night.

Same routine as last time in dealing with the armor and sleep.

2017-11-14, 05:34 AM
Gustav beds down early, feeding both horses a good berry as a treat then settling down beneath a tree alongside Silumni.

2017-11-14, 06:59 AM
Under the unforgiving rain, the party takes turns watching the camp for each other’s safety. The cold and the water make for a lousy sleep.

(everyone needs to make a Constitution Saving Throw, DC 8)

(During your watch I need a perception check)

2017-11-14, 07:38 AM
For Wolfram-


2017-11-14, 08:28 AM
Gustav shivered in the early hours of the morning, he popped one of the berries he had crafted last night in his mouth as he stared over the chilled forest.

Con save [roll0]
Perception Check [roll1]

2017-11-14, 08:42 AM
Despite the loud sound of the rainfall, Gustav hears the distinct sound of a creature stepping on a loose tree branch. There is something approaching from behind!

roll initiative!

2017-11-14, 09:59 AM

Can Nina and I get advantage against the cold rain, since we're sleeping together? If yes:


If not... Ignore this roll.

2017-11-14, 11:50 AM
Gustav looks up and readies his crossbow, channelling all his expierience hunting he stares down the sights at the creature beneath

Initiative [roll0]
Crossbow [roll2]
Advantage [roll]1d20+37/roll]
Damage: [roll3]
Hunter's mark [roll4]

2017-11-14, 12:05 PM
The monster lets out a horrible screech as it is hit by Gustav's bolt!


The loud sound awakes the slumbering members of the group!

Unstopped by the bolt, the creature opens its mouth and launches a bundle of webs towards Gustav.


The webs fly wild missing the hero entirely.

Everyone should roll initiative! You join combat in the prone position. Remember it is raining and it is dark, so everyone has disadvantage on attack rolls until a light source is provided.

2017-11-14, 12:07 PM

Sasha scrambles out of the bedroll along with Nina, clad in her usual sleepwear of just her skivvies. She wastes no time on modesty, though, as she already has a ball of fire in her hand, and, upon seeing her companion under attack, launches an assault of her own.

[roll1] for [roll2] fire damage.

2017-11-14, 02:20 PM
Nina leaps out of bed, kissing Sasha's cheek as she does so. (Gain inspiration) You can do this, you are a sexy sorceress.

Seriously more netting, gods you are so unoriginal I could puke. I give you a 8 on target choice, but a 0 on originality. She mocks

Move, get up from prone.
Bonus Inspire Sasha.
Action Cast vicious mockery Wis save DC 13 or take [roll0] psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack.

2017-11-14, 02:33 PM
Gustav peers into the dark, after slamming another bolt into the chamber he attempts to bring the creature back into his sights. In a glimpse of light provided by the conjured fire he let the bolt loose hoping it strikes true.

Attack: [roll0]
Disadvantage [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Hunter's mark [roll3]

He then runs back away from the monster ensuring the Hornsea and Silumni weren't to close to the approaching monstrosity.

2017-11-15, 12:14 AM
Wolfram shakes off the blanket and stands up as quickly as he can. Quickly locating the monster he moves in to attack.


2017-11-15, 04:47 PM
Wolfram's initiative-


2017-11-15, 05:33 PM
Round 2:

Hearing the loud screech of the monster, the bard Nina awakes from her sleep.

Her sharp mind grasps the situation quickly and, in haste, she charms her companion and launches her acid witty banter at the foe, causing a clear discomfort to the creature.

You can almost hear the monster’s feelings getting a bit hut.

“Khhir…? Irrhh..yhh..??”

Before the spidery enemy comes to it, the amazing archer, Gustav Freehorn, fires yet another deadly shot!

“HHHRYYHH…HHH!!!” The creature screams are of terrifying agony.

The half-elf Sasha, still sleepy, shoots her fiery bolt.. too high! And it misses the target.

All the while, with the courage of a brave soldier, Wolfram rushes to the enemy, only half of his armor on, and swings at it violently! But to no avail.. The darkness makes him miss the mark.

The creature looks amused to have a hero in close range. (You cannot see it, because of the dark! But the monster is salivating in hunger, preparing another bundle of webs) (roll for recharge: [roll0])

The Ettercap attempts to bite and claw at Wolfram:

Bite: [roll1], damage: [roll2]
Claws: [roll3], damage: [roll4]

2017-11-15, 11:31 PM
Wolfram! Nina calls out as his flesh is bitten and clawed into.

You monster You great ugly big monster! She calls out with more retorts.

Second verse same as the first!

Vicious mockery, Wis save DC 13 or take [roll0] psychic damage, and have disadvantage on his next attack.

2017-11-16, 03:40 AM
Wolfram! Get down!

Hey webface, you want to bring the battle! Well here it comes!

Still aiming at little more than an vague outline in the darkness Gustav let another bolt fly skimming it just past Gustav towards the beast

Attack: [roll0]
Disadvantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Mark: [roll3]

2017-11-16, 01:33 PM
Eat fire, monster! Sasha cries as she unleashes another bolt.


Also, how injured does the Ettercap appear?

2017-11-17, 01:31 PM
Upon hearing the cries of his friends and comrades, Wolfram raises his shield and reacts defensively to the creatures attacks.

Centering himself from where the last attack came from, Wolfram goes on the hunt.

Second wind:



2017-11-17, 02:21 PM
This time, the monster doesn’t take notice of Nina’s insults and manages to dodge Gustav’s arrow… but Sasha’s firebolt hits the side of the creature’s body causing a great amount of damage!

Screeching from the pain, the monster keeps attacking Wolfram the fighter!

Bite: [roll0], piercing damage: [roll1], poison damage: [roll2]
Claws: [roll3], damage: [roll4]

2017-11-17, 03:54 PM
Stop. Arrow time! Nina calls out as she fires a bow at the faint outline of the creature.

Attack [roll0]
Disadvantage [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2017-11-17, 04:03 PM
Gods Damn it! Anyone have a rat's arse worth of dry kindling now? Gustav yells infuriated and clearly worried by the shifting shapes in the darkness.

He takes a moment to set Matilda down, before charging in with both his shortswords.

Main Attack[roll0]
Disadvantage [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Hunter's mark [roll3]

Off-Hand Attack[roll4]
Disadvantage [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
Hunter's mark [roll7]

2017-11-17, 04:14 PM
Nina’s arrow misses the monster!! In fact, she almost hits Wolfram!

Swords in hand, the ranger Gustav rushes to attack, but he also fails to connect!

The creature makes a strange sound "Hhrh--Hhrh--Hhrh!"

You think this is the sound of its laughter.

It is now Sasha’s turn!

2017-11-17, 04:18 PM
Yuck it up, spiderthing-you'll be dead before too long, she says as she continues her fiery assault.


2017-11-18, 12:45 PM
With a precise shot of her firebolt, the sorcerer Sasha finishes off the monster!

“Grrhh---yhhh!!” The Etercap explodes spraying Wolfram and Gustav with a mush of assorted monster organs and slimy purple goo.

The fight is over and the heroes have prevailed!

The party remains in the rainy darkness, but soon the sun will rise.

You can take this time to make a short rest, which would allow Wolfram to spend hit die and recover his second wind, or…

You could follow the trail of webs back into the creature’s lair!! (which could be very dangerous)

Wolfram’s Contitution saving throw for the venomous bite: [roll0]

Wolfram is not poisoned from the bite.

2017-11-18, 02:00 PM
Gustav walks back to his old post, still alert having rested before starting watch. There he pucks up his crossbow, slotting another bolt in the chamber and retrieving any usable bolts from the ettercap as well as any useful parts, taking out the venom glands with his knife.

While dissecting the monster he turns to the rest. Anyone have anything to set this one alight? Now you lot rest up I'm going to ride out come sun up and see where these come from.

2017-11-18, 04:17 PM
Wolfram stands there silent as the gore drips off of him. Not sure what else to do, he begins to laugh and shake his head.

Doing his best to wipe off the muck and gore, Wolfram walks back to his bedroll and using a spare cloth, cleans himself up as best as he can.

Upon hearing the plans for locating the lair in the morning, Wolfram perks up.

"Rest easy brother, you shall not walk that path alone. I'll gladly walk it with you."


2017-11-18, 10:30 PM
As dawn breaks, the heavy rainfall starts to recede giving way to the first sunrays of the day.

With most of your equipment damp and the uncomfortable feeling of a night ill spent still lingering on their bodies, the party gets ready to move out and continue their journey.

In the light of day, a clear trail of webs can be seen leading away from the camp site into a portion of tall grass. That’s where the monster came from, probably hoping to catch incautions prey and bring it back to the nest.

But what is it that awaits in the monster’s nest? Maybe infant spiderlings eager for momma to return with dinner, lying defenseless on a bed of precious silk? Or perhaps a colony with bigger and stronger monsters?

How many travellers did they snatch before? And how much discarded treasure, of no value to spider-people, might be piling up on a dark corner of the nest?

The skillful ranger, Gustav Freehorn, and the courageous fighter, Wolfram Streicher, prepare to follow the webs and uncover the answer to those questions!

With the fabled Blackstone Keep awaiting at the end of the trail, the pair set out on a small detour.

Will the bard, Nina Silvertooth, and the half-elf sorcerer, Sasha Goldleaf, join them on this enterprise?
Will they try to persuade them out of these possibly fatal heroics? Or will they safely wait for their return at the camp?

Today is Friday, 8th day of mid-autumn, year 775 of Balorbane, you’re 3 days away from the keep, 2 days away from Angleroot.

2017-11-18, 10:31 PM
You shall have my tales. Nina teased with a grin.

2017-11-19, 11:42 AM
I've got it, Sasha says, burning the corpse with flames from her hands.

Come morning, she nods in agreement. I'll go with. Hardly be a smart idea to go to Blackstone on my own, and besides, this thing might be an active danger. Blackstone Keep can wait.

2017-11-19, 12:37 PM
In the light of day, you follow the webs back into a mound.

It appears to be an old ceremonial or burial mound made by the ancient people that inhabited these lands ages ago.

You find a polished stone door leading to a tunnel deep inside the ground. The stone is covered in magical runes, but it is broken in half, as if some powerful force has shattered it. On the surface of the stone you find a message, written in the common language.

The message is barely readable, with the script worn out by the passage of time.

“..And as my power grew, so did my greed…”

“…unquenchable appetite..." "...unearthed precious gems…”

“…As my magic wears thin, my creation has turned against me…”

2017-11-19, 12:38 PM
Spooky. Anyone have torches? Sasha asks.

2017-11-19, 01:10 PM
"I've got some...hold on and I'll get them."

Wolfram says as he drops his pack to the ground and opens up.

Wolfram will take out a torch for himself and offer one for whoever wants one.

2017-11-19, 10:40 PM
I would need one. Nina pipes up raising her head.

2017-11-20, 06:34 PM
While they travel Gustav searches his memory for any useful knowledge of these creatures out of the many stories he had read or was once told.

Knowledge nature, advantage from favoured enemy.

2017-11-23, 04:19 PM
Wolfram hands out the torches and then lights them...starting with his own. As they move towards the supposed lair, Wolfram simply speaks his thoughts.

"Into the unknown we dare to go."

2017-11-23, 07:25 PM
Ettercaps are monstrous predators that nest in dark places and prey on travellers through these lands. They have a nasty venomous bite (as Wolfram can confirm) and shoot webs to restrain their targets.

Very often they protect and look after other spider creatures, serving as nest guardians.

They are very competent climbers and have no particular vulnerabilities or immunities to damage types.

As the party climbs down the tunnel, they are greeted by a cold gust of air filled with dust and the smell of decay. Several bones of varying sizes are scattered through the tunnel: the discarded remains of former victims.

The walls of the cavernous tunnel are adorned with images sculpted into the stone. They seem to represent a group of noblemen or knights of some kind.

After a few minutes following the path down to the underground, the party reaches a larger chamber.

More images are sculpted into the walls here, only bigger and in fine detail. The floors are leveled and paved with dark cobblestone. In the middle of the room, a circular hole of no evident purpose can be seen. It has approximately 5ft. in diameter.

Across the room, lies an enormous iron door, which appears to be locked shut, it has no apparent handles or keyholes.

An eerie dripping sound echoes through the room, but no water can be seen.

The room is 130ft.wide, 90ft.long, and 220ft. tall. It has only two exists: the tunnel you came from and the iron doors across from you.

2017-11-23, 09:24 PM
Can... Can anyone pick locks? Nina replies.

2017-11-23, 09:37 PM
Yes. But not solid slabs of iron, Sasha replies.

2017-11-23, 09:46 PM
Should we knock? Nina asks.

2017-11-23, 09:51 PM
Sasha laughs, but cuts herself off. Actually not an awful idea... But we should get one of the toughies to do it.

2017-11-24, 12:13 AM
Wolfram looks around the room and its decorations. Studying the wall carvings, Wolfram's attention is pulled back into reality as he hears the request to knock.

Walking over to check the door, Wolfram pauses to glance at the hole in the ground.

2017-11-24, 07:52 AM
As Wolfram walks around the room, he steps in a piece of stone on the floor that feels a bit loose and clicks with a threatening sound.

Everyone please make a Dexterity saving throw, DC 15.

2017-11-24, 08:45 AM
Opps, sorry everyone.



2017-11-24, 11:36 AM



Sasha cusses upon hearing the click.

2017-11-24, 01:00 PM
Having concealed the animals Gustav was relitivly confident while entering the caves, that was up until the click.


2017-11-24, 01:52 PM
Nina attempts to move out of the way.

Dex save [roll0]

2017-11-24, 02:26 PM
A trap door is activated beneath your feet revealing a dark pit!!

Wolfram and Gustav are limber enough to step right out of it, but Sasha and Nina are caught by surprise and fall down the pit!

(I understand Nina knows feather fall. Would she like to cast it quickly to prevent the fall damage?)

The pit is a smaller chamber, which is a 30ft square, 20ft deep. The bottom of the pit is covered in webs and the ground beneath is a kind of muddy soft soil, in which you sink slightly at each step. Added to the webs, the entire area constitutes difficult terrain.

At one of the corners you see a large spider nest where three giant spiders and another Ettercap are ready to attack!

Everyone needs to roll initiative!
(Also declare actions, if you want to)

2017-11-24, 02:30 PM

Hell! Sasha says. Why couldn't the tougher people fall in? Dammit, fuego! she cries as she steps forward, fingers together, gushing flames towards the spiderkin.

DC 13 save for all caught in the cone, taking [roll1] on a fail, half on a success.

2017-11-24, 03:26 PM
Gustav throws himself away from the opening pit trap and rolls to the side, slipping off his pack, preparing his crossbow and getting ready to shoot.

Adv from natural explorer: [roll1]

2017-11-24, 09:30 PM
Nina reflexes clicks her fingers, as Sasha and Nina start falling very slowly. Liquid silver! She calls out.

Casting Feather fall on everyone one.
Init [roll0]

2017-11-25, 01:22 PM
Wolfram manages to keep his balance and not fall into the pit. Looking around into the pit, he tries to find an area that's clear, so he can drop in and help out.

+3= 13 total

2017-11-25, 02:11 PM
The giant spiders are quick to attack the entrapped women!

The first spider has a dark green skin and bright yellow hairs covering it’s legs. The beast stares at Sasha with her eight yellow eyes and launches a web attack in an attempt to restrain the sorcerer.

Web: [roll0]

2017-11-25, 02:14 PM
Sasha barely dodges the attack, but she is not safe yet!

The second spider has only six legs, the two legs at the front appear to have been chopped off in a previous fight, leaving two clumsy stumps. It’s skin is a light shade of pink and it jumps at Sasha with a bite attack!

Bite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] piercing. If it’s a hit, Sasha must pass on a Constitution saving throw or suffer an additional [roll2] poison damage.

2017-11-25, 02:16 PM
The last spider is completely black, with a thin black fur covering its body, it is almost invisible against the dark inner walls of the pit, except for her bright red eyes, which are twice as many eyes her sisters have, making the wall glow with sixteen menacing red spots.

The black spider also attacks Sasha!

Bite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] piercing. If it’s a hit, Sasha must pass on a Constitution saving throw or suffer an additional [roll2] poison damage.

2017-11-25, 03:38 PM
Gustav snarls at the beasts below him while unleashing a bolt through the air towards this next ettercap, slamming another in the chamber while he observes the beastly spiders.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll2]

2017-11-25, 08:31 PM

Do better than my init.

Geeargh! Sasha lets out as the spider bites her. That freaking HURT!

2017-11-27, 03:22 PM
Wolfram leaps down on top of the stumpy legged spider's carapace,swinging his long sword at the creature's back legs


2017-11-27, 10:27 PM
Hey spiders no need to give me ideas for later. Nina remarks as she starts muttering on arcane words.

Twinkle twinkle little star!

Casting sleep on R14. [roll0]

2017-11-28, 02:05 PM
The ranger Gustav shoots a bolt against the Ettercap hitting it right in the shoulder!


The fighter, Wolfram, jumps in the pit to aid his allies hitting one of the spiders, but the monster barely seems to notice the attack!

The monstruous Ettercap runs close to Wolfram and attacks the brave fighter with bite and claws!

Bite attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1] piercing and [roll2] poison damage.
Claws: [roll3], damage: [roll4]

Meanwhile, the sorcerer Sasha unleashes her fiery magic upon the enemies making the spider-creatures produce a horrible hissing sound.

With her gentle verses, Nina’s magic puts the stumpy-legs spider to sleep.

Recharge web: [roll5]

The Dark Green spider attempts to bite the Wolfram!

Bite: [roll6], damage: [roll7], if it’s a hit, Wolfram must pass a DC11 Constitution saving throw or suffer addition [roll8] poison damage.

Amidst all the action, the giant spider with light pink skin curls into a ball within her six legs and attempts (but fails) to cover her eyes with the two stumps that used to be front legs. She falls into a deep and peaceful slumber.

On the other hand, the black spider appears angrier with the fire! She turns her 16 angry red eyes at Gustav and shoots a bundle of webs towards the ranger.

Webs: [roll9]

2017-11-28, 02:55 PM
Gustav starts to worry as the creatures continue to survive, though he nimbly slid past the web he tries his utmost to focus on bringing the ettercap down.

Crossbow Attack: [roll0]
Crossbow Damage: [roll1]
Hunter's Mark [roll2]

2017-11-28, 04:13 PM
Hit by two bolts and the full force of the flames, the Ettercap is barely standing!

Wolfram needs a death saving throw! Aaaand, it's Nina's turn!

2017-11-29, 03:59 AM
Wolfram feels the sting if his wounds and tries to fight on. While his heart is in the fight, his body doesn't seem to respond. Falling to the ground, he collapses into a heap.


2017-11-29, 06:06 AM
Despite his wounds, Wolfram refuses to go down!

The fighter gets back on his feet and is ready to strike his foes!

Rolling a natural 20 on a death saving throw brings you back to 1 HP and you can act on your turn normally

2017-11-29, 08:37 AM
Something primal snaps in the back of Wolfram's mind. Leaping to his feet, he surges towards the Ettercap and begins to savagely hack at the beast.

Attack 1-

Attack 2-

It's my fault on the bad math. I've deleted the mistake.

2017-11-29, 10:33 AM
With a deadly blow, Wolfram decapitates the Ettercap sending its head flying to the other corner of the pit! The limp body of the defeated monster falls to the ground spilling green monster ooze all over.

Enraged by the death of their guardian, the spiders are ready to bite!


Dark Green Spider
not hurt

Stumpy Legs

Black Spider
lightly wounded

Gustav Freehorn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1376205)
HP: 20/20, AC: 16
Has Feather Fall
Hunter's Mark

Wolfram Streicher (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1377614)
HP: 10/16, AC: 21

Nina Silvertooth (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1375369)
HP: 19/19, AC: 13

Sasha Goldleaf (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1375485)
HP: 6/14, AC: 15

Battlemap here! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cRy8YsGp6J-0ffB19whb6V0V17EyNmwesig2RL7SNYA/edit#gid=0)

It's Nina's turn!

2017-11-29, 02:30 PM
Nina for her part pulls out her rapier in her non main puppet hand, before lunging forward with the point.

Ha! Sasha do you get my point!

Attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2017-11-29, 02:45 PM
Puns now, Nina? Really? Sasha says as she ensconces her hand in a layer of lightning, before smacking it down towards the black spider. If she hits, she'll back away to the corner of the pit.

[roll1] if the roll would miss otherwise.
[roll2] lightning damage.

2017-11-29, 02:45 PM
The bard pokes out one the spider's eyeballs! The creature turns to her in anger!

Sasha's spell, on the other hand, misses the target.

2017-11-29, 02:56 PM
The dark green spider attempts to bite Wolfram.. But the fighter is quick to dodge!

Bite: [roll0], damage: [roll1], if it’s a hit, Wolfram must pass a DC11 Constitution saving throw or suffer addition [roll2] poison damage.

Meanwhile, with fifteen glowing angry red eyes and one puncture eyehole, the black spider will bite the bard Nina!

Bite: [roll3], damage: [roll4], if it’s a hit, Nina must pass a DC11 Constitution saving throw or suffer addition [roll5] poison damage.

Nina, however, wasn't as lucky as Wolfram and suffered a venomous bite. She must pass a DC11 Constitution saving throw to prevent additional damage.

It's Gustav's turn!

2017-11-29, 03:20 PM
Switching his hunter's focus from the now dead ettercap to the black spider Gustav allows another bolt to fly from his crossbow.

Back beasts, or taste death.

Damage: [roll1]
Hunter's Mark: [roll2]

2017-11-29, 06:24 PM
After a deadly shot from Gustav's crossbow, fifteen angry red eyes are slowly shut.

The menacing rage radiating from them disappears into the darkness of the pit, like candles snuffed out in a windy night. The black spider is dead.

Only two spiders remain, the unhurt dark green spider...

and the severly hurt pink spider, curled up in a ball, dreaming of her front legs.

(it's Wolfram's turn)

2017-11-29, 06:46 PM
Wolfram breathes heavy as he watches the headless corpse fall to the ground.

Turning sround he notices the sleeping spider and moves to attack.


If I have advantage...

2017-11-29, 07:36 PM
The sleepy spider awakes from her slumber with a gentle yawn, only to find herself facing the pointy end of Wolfram's sword. A spray of spider blood showers all the heroes as the stumpy-legs spider is slain.

It is Nina's turn! A single foe remains: the unscathed dark green spider with yellow eyes and bright yellow hairs covering her body. She is posed to attack Wolfram, resolute in seeking vengeance.

2017-11-29, 08:24 PM
Ah dammit! Nina remarks. If I was going to be bitten, I'd prefer Sasha to be the one doing it by a landslide. Nina remarks She'd probably bite worse then you, you giant spider! She jeered.

Vicious mockery. Wis save DC 13 or take [roll0] psychic damage, and have disadvantage on it's next attack roll.

2017-11-29, 08:55 PM
The spider shuffles its feet dishoriented by Nina's psychic attack!

(it's Sasha's turn)

2017-11-29, 10:13 PM
Sasha simply sighs. I don't get you, Nina, she says as she tosses a blast of fire at the remaining spider.


2017-11-30, 07:01 AM
Still dishoriented, the sole remaining spider tries to bite Wolfram!

Bite: [roll0]
Disadvantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] piercing. If it’s a hit, Wolfram must pass on a Constitution saving throw or suffer an additional [roll3] poison damage.

but the monster fails to hit the hero!

(it's Gustav's turn!)

2017-11-30, 07:18 AM
Swing the spider being encircled by his allies, Gustav adopts a wicked smile. Setting his crossbow down on the rocks he leaps off the ledge with both shortswords flashing through the air.

Main short sword attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Off hand Attack: [roll2]
Off hand damage: [roll3]

2017-11-30, 08:07 AM
The brave Gustav jumps into the pit to fight beside his allies!

Under the spell of the bard Nina, he descends safely to the ground, ready to attack.

But the spider proves still too nimble, for the ranger's blows fail to hit the beast!

The creature is salivating in anticipation of a venomous bite.

(It's Wolfram's turn!)

2017-11-30, 03:41 PM
Seeing the solo spider prepare to fight, Wolfram springs into action.


2017-11-30, 07:51 PM
Wolfram strikes the monster, slashing the side of its body!

Facing the threatening might of the heroes, the lonely giant spider coils in a submissive position. The beast appears to tremble in fear and curls up in a ball against the corner of the pit, ready for its imminent doom.

The monster has surrendered!

It can be killed by anyone with a coup-de-grace (free action) or it can be spared.

If spared, the giant spider can be tamed and trained to serve as a mount. A very uncommon and scary mount, but a mount nonetheless. It will require a number of successful skill checks over the course of the next few days.

All of our heroes are now in the bottom of a 20ft. deep pit. The walls are slick and slippery, making any climb attempt a challenging task.

In the corner of the pit, the lies the spider’s nest. It is composed of a rich silk, that if collected and stowed properly, can be sold for a significant price.

Harvesting the silk requires carefully curling it and stowing it in a proper container.

Several tools or mundane objects can be employed in this task, if any are at hand.
A skill check will be required not to ruin the silk and the task will take 2 hours to be completed.

Under the spider’s nest, you also find 9 opaque blue precious gems.

But before you can even discuss what to do, suddenly, a thunderous voice fills the chamber!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have overcome the challenge of spiders!

A spectral figure emerges phasing through the iron gates. Flies across the chamber and ends up floating above you. It is a small looking ghost, composed of a dense blue energy and continues his speech:

“For many eons have I waited for strong enough individuals and finally the wait is over!"

“I, Fallostrous Enormeous, powerful wielder of unspeakable magic, scourge of the land and destroyer of dreams, welcome thee into… THE BLACK ORDER!!”

“Together, we shall purge this world, murder countless weakling villagers, burn the towns and cities… and then... rule over the ashes and bones!”

The short ghost laughs with joy over his own predictions. He appears to have been a Halfling during his life.

“Well then, my new allies. Let us join our evil powers and destroy this world.

Which of you shall be my mortal vessel? Please choose wisely, for my power is far beyond imagination!”

2017-11-30, 08:24 PM
Nina will insight the ghost. Is he serious, or just have a taste for the theatrics.

Insight [roll0]

2017-11-30, 08:31 PM
The ghost seems serious and seriously evil at that. But maybe he has an exaggerated opinion of himself.

2017-11-30, 08:40 PM
I don't think we should do this, guys. Nina remarks.

2017-11-30, 09:00 PM
For one of the few times in his life, Wolfram is struck speechless. Thus, he finds himself watching the interaction with the ghost.

2017-11-30, 10:53 PM
You're not very good at the whole "people" thing, are you? Sasha asks.

2017-12-01, 05:09 AM
While this rarther rude ghost strived to interrupt them Gustav was looking over the spider, he slipped it one of the berries from the punch and searched the webbing to see if the was any more normal spider food inside.

2017-12-01, 06:25 AM
The spider seems pleased with the treat given by the ranger, but she remains in a very defensive stance.

The ground is covered with remains of previous meals, bones and carcasses of small animals and a few humanoid bones as well.


The ghost says:

"Arrogant fools!! You dare refuse my offer?! Fine, then.. Enjoy eternity at the bottom of my pit."

He then floats back and disappears through the iron gates.

2017-12-01, 12:00 PM
So did anyone find anything important? Nina remarks.