View Full Version : Conjuration Wizard Magic Items

2017-10-30, 03:57 PM
Good day all,

I am making a new Conjuration Wizard soon to replace another character and trying to figure out what magic items to take. I am allowed to have two rare items (can instead take an uncommon in place of a rare). A couple of notes on my character, I will start at lvl 10 and most likely be taking Cleric 1 / Wizard X though I may change my mind on that part and just go full Wizard.


2017-10-30, 04:37 PM
could you be more specific? what are you looking to gain from these magic items? what type of campaign is it? how free is your DM with other magic items? are you looking to fill out utility? things that are thematic for your class? there are a lot of magic items in the DMG. personally an immovable rod is always fun no matter what race, class, or campaign setting, but that might not be what you are looking for.

2017-10-30, 05:15 PM
Ring of Spell Storing, and a Ring or Cloak of Protection is always a safe bet.

But without knowing more avout what you want to do with this character, it's hard to make more specialized suggestions.

2017-10-30, 07:01 PM
Really looking for more utility options, I think I will be fine on defenses. I ideally I will be filling a support and battlefield control role.

2017-10-30, 07:11 PM
In most wizard cases, I'd like to know what spells I will have and regularly use before selecting magic items (assuming I have a choice like you do).

Regarding starting levels, remember your 10th level arcane tradition feature is huge, especially if you'll be summoning elementals.

2017-10-30, 10:34 PM
Amulet of Health, Wand of Fireballs, Bracers of Defense, Cloak of Displacement, Cube of Force if you feel like being cheesy, Horn of Valhalla depending on what was your cleric subclass, Instant Fortress if you expect to spend a lot of time inside or on the field, Piwafwi of Fire Resistance, Ring of Spell Storing.

Personally, if I knew that I was going to start with your magical items I'd tank my Constitution, grab an Amulet of Health and a Wand of Fireballs.