View Full Version : Sunless Citadel - Goblin reactions to a war of attrition?

Kobold Esq
2017-10-30, 04:33 PM
(( Spoilers for a ten year old module! On the off chance you play a game with a drunken DM on Tuesday nights in Chicago, then stop reading! ))

Recently started a 3.5 game with a bunch of newbie players, and running them through the Sunless Citadel. Party is all level 2. Human Barbarian, Human Paladin, Elf Druid, Elf Ranger (archer), Half-Elf rogue. Low optimization newbies with 28 point buy, almost exclusively PHB-only (except the Barbarian took "Extra Rage" at my suggestion). Erky joined them for the first time last session.

They've been engaged in a series of forays and retreats against the goblins. They've managed to kill nearly every combatant goblin on the first level, including the ones in the communal room, because each time they retreat, the goblins move forces to the target practice room. They haven't actually encountered the noncombatants yet (the combatants in that room were drawn into combat because one goblin managed to retreat and call for help). If it matters, the party also freed the dragon (after a short scuffle with it, they agreed to let it escape, even though they were winning handily against it).

I'm trying to figure out what would be an appropriate reaction now on the part of the goblins. They keep reinforcing the same room, and the guards keep dying. Over a span of a week, the PCs have made 3-4 attacks and taken out most of their forces. Clearly whatever the gobbies are doing isn't working. So what should Durnn have his men do differently?

Possible questions to answer in this thread:

1) What should Durnn do in reaction to losing such a significant portion of his forces so quickly? Bring up some of the forces from the lower level? Defend a different location?

2) Does Belak care? (module seems to suggest he basically keeps to himself, and may not get involved upstairs ever)

3) Do the kobolds become more aggressive? Maybe they start filling in some of the goblin areas?

4) How can I make the next encounter DIFFERENT than just "oh, you come into a room and MOAR GOBLINS" the next time the PCs attack.

2017-10-30, 04:44 PM
depending on #'s left...

Send out scouts when the party retreats... try to find them.

If you do.. amass every man, woman, child who can swing a weapon/ grapple.. and make a "last ditch attack" on THEIR camp.

Mike Miller
2017-10-31, 08:27 AM
(( Spoilers for a ten year old module! On the off chance you play a game with a drunken DM on Tuesday nights in Chicago, then stop reading! ))

Recently started a 3.5 game with a bunch of newbie players, and running them through the Sunless Citadel. Party is all level 2. Human Barbarian, Human Paladin, Elf Druid, Elf Ranger (archer), Half-Elf rogue. Low optimization newbies with 28 point buy, almost exclusively PHB-only (except the Barbarian took "Extra Rage" at my suggestion). Erky joined them for the first time last session.

They've been engaged in a series of forays and retreats against the goblins. They've managed to kill nearly every combatant goblin on the first level, including the ones in the communal room, because each time they retreat, the goblins move forces to the target practice room. They haven't actually encountered the noncombatants yet (the combatants in that room were drawn into combat because one goblin managed to retreat and call for help). If it matters, the party also freed the dragon (after a short scuffle with it, they agreed to let it escape, even though they were winning handily against it).

I'm trying to figure out what would be an appropriate reaction now on the part of the goblins. They keep reinforcing the same room, and the guards keep dying. Over a span of a week, the PCs have made 3-4 attacks and taken out most of their forces. Clearly whatever the gobbies are doing isn't working. So what should Durnn have his men do differently?

Possible questions to answer in this thread:

1) What should Durnn do in reaction to losing such a significant portion of his forces so quickly? Bring up some of the forces from the lower level? Defend a different location?

2) Does Belak care? (module seems to suggest he basically keeps to himself, and may not get involved upstairs ever)

3) Do the kobolds become more aggressive? Maybe they start filling in some of the goblin areas?

4) How can I make the next encounter DIFFERENT than just "oh, you come into a room and MOAR GOBLINS" the next time the PCs attack.

1. Instead of bringing more troops from below, maybe consider having Durnn relate to Balsag of a worthy hunt. Then Balsag can stalk the PCs with hit and run tactics and get them in a pincer attack with his "hounds".

2. I don't think Belak cares about any goblinoids. They are expendable minions.

3. If the PCs relate their successes to Yusdrayl, you could have the kobolds move in. Or you could have them play it safe and Yusdrayl will tell the PCs that they'll make a move when the PCs clear the gobs out of the fortress level. If the PCs don't relate their happenings to Yusdrayl I wouldn't do too much with the kobolds. I always see the kobolds as the less battle-prone group between the two.

4. Instead of reinforcing the same room, the goblins can set up traps somewhere else. You could even have them assault the kobolds while the PCs are working their way around the opposite direction so the PCs would have to try and save the kobolds. It could be a big final battle for the fortress level. Make listen checks for the PCs to hear the sounds of Battle, or just let them know it is happening.

Kobold Esq
2017-10-31, 03:24 PM
I think I'm going to have the non combatants retreat to the underdark, and basically abandon the Citadel for now. I like the idea of bringing Balsag and his hounds up to hunt the party, perhaps with some assistance from a pack of twigs (evil bushes, as my players are calling them).

The issue with the dragon and the kobolds is a bit weirder. No one in the party initially spoke draconic, so through pantomime and pictograms they managed to communicate with Meepo and eventually Yusandryl. They intended to work with the kobolds until a new party member was added who had the perfect combination of speaking draconic, but also being a paladin. Mr. Paladin was not thrilled with having evil Meepo come along. Oddly though, during the fight with the dragon, when it became clear to the paladin that the dragon was an unwilling captive of the kobolds, he convinced the party to let it free rather than capture it for the kobolds. (We'll see what the consequences of THAT are)

I am leaning towards having the bugbear hunt the party above ground at night, just for a change of pace, based on your recommendations. (Also the Archer ranger is getting annoyed with fighting in tight narrow quarters)