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2017-10-30, 07:59 PM
Turn 1

A plume of smoke lines on the horizon, after effects of the battle of cows road. The Oronvee have taken Calton, but the fight was not decisive, with the Ascanti army retreating in good order. Dozens, if not hundreds of soldiers died on both sides, and early autumn rains have buried the corpses in mud. The Bullfort still holds in Calton against the Coalition, stubbornly clinging on to their lives against impossible odds. Oronvee Scouts are chasing the Calton refugees into the city. Already their rumors of vast legions are causing rising panic through the streets.

In the merchants half things are even worse, with Calton refugees banging on every door begging for shelter. The Hurricane Guild, still arguing with the throne, has closed off both it's private Docklands and it's portions of the Merchants half to any refugees.

In Ramshackle, the press gangs are out in force, both from the government and from the warring Saulker sisters. As protection rackets and war taxes take their brutal toll, the citizens of Ramshackle start to crumble.

The Outskirts fairs little better, the army has moved in and set up a Labyrinth of camps, barricades and holdouts North of the river. Every night soldiers will sneak away from their Sergeants and distract themselves among the town's populace.

Kira’s Meadow is rife with tension, the press gangs have mostly has their fill, but huge holes have been left in the calm district. Most young people stay indoors for fear of draft papers, and those who do venture out join up with frustrated gangs looking to vent the districts anger.

Ten Mills churns away, oblivious to the war except for the increased price of iron and profit of weapons. The Foundry continues its campaign against Hurricane even as riots drive the body count higher. In Curseshire, the Brigade checkpoints have been drawn away by the invasion, and rumors of a new gang are emerging.

Grand Hills is driven to patriotic frenzy, or perhaps fear. As the Arch-dukes closest allies, the nobles would likely be first on the chopping block. The great houses gather their strength as best they can, circling eachother carefully as the balance of power shifts.

A city on the losing side of war, but not the lost side. Ascant repelled the Oronvee once before, can they pull a miracle victory again?

Independent VIPs
The Heron Knight
A hedge Knight of tourney ground fame, the Heron Knight is a regular sight in the city. He and his small band of treasure hunters make a living plunging into dangerous old ruins and bringing back fascinating old treasures.

Professor Falkar
A researcher at St Gulliver's, Falkar is a quiet and pious man who is usually willing to consult for magical research projects. He is a specialist in leylines.

Mercurious Shander
A Druid of considerable power, Shander normally lives in Stone Circle, but has come to Ascant to defend the city.

Rethel Vex
The most famous assassin in the city, Vex Claims he can find and kill anyone in the city, for the right price.

Alto Vassrigar
A powerful fighter well known in the summer melee. Alto is usually for hire. Last month he took the heads of Two Oron unit commanders and has been partying off the reward since.

Agda Ali
A sea witch. She has close ties with Sarn. Rumor says she used to work for hurricane, though it seems those ties have severed.

Jenny Two Teeth
A dwarf who can just barely talk, Jenny was deformed from birth, her chin is misshapen and stiff. For someone who talks so little she certainly seems to know a lot.

Coin Punch Coach House - location Abern Plaza
A tavern the size of a city block, the Coin Punch has something to offer everyone, wine, beer, food, love, lice, vice, and blackmail. Your first ever meal and as much beer as you can drink in an evening costs 1 coin of any sort, but you must hammer the coin into the wooden bar. The bar is covered in coins from a hundred different currencies. Ascanti Kronii, silver Oron dollars, even some new paper money from Sarn. A family tragedy has forced the owner to put the establishment up for auction.

Tonkerlock - location: Smokehills
The Kings Brigade police the city of Ascant. Their headquarters are in Smokehills, a small castle built to imprison the foulest criminals the city has to offer. Currently it is near bursting with people suspect of being Oronvee spies as well as Smokehills radicals.

Six Sided - location: East Docklands
Six long cargo barges lashed together make up the largest gambling den in the world. Each barge represents a different sort of games, though two are gamble free zones for food and soft company. A huge amount of wealth flows through this Gambling Hall, and the owner is an eccentric character who could probably remake his barges in gold if he so desired, such is his wealth.

The Tourney Grounds- Maltshire
There are three sports of particular note in Ascant:
Field ball, a sport played in turns by anyone with the will to run. Small teams use magic and strength to get a magically inert ball from one end of the field to the other.

Bloodsport, like it says on the tin, it the game of combat, either one on one or in small teams. The tourney grounds have a long history of melee and duels. Honor or entertainment, the fighting culture of Ascant runs deep.

The Joust
Bloodsport from horseback, prohibitively expensive for most common folk. The nobles and rich children of merchants and bureaucrats practice this colourful sport for two yearly tourneys. One in the month of May and one in the month of August.

While the tourney ground is currently a muster ground for the army defending the outskirts, there is some question as to who will take over when the war ends, the current owners having died during the battle for Calton.

The Maple Leyline - Clock Park
A exposed source of raw mana, the ancient wood of this Maple tree seeps magic into the surrounding park. The tree is kept by a small group of mages and druids who keep away graffiti and clean the tree of thrown metal (which inexplicably sticks to the bark).

Pennon Palace - Views
From the granite cliff overlooking the entire city the Palace of the Abern Dynasty dominated the skyline. The inner politics here are a tangled mess, eunuchs, advisors, nobles, and concubines all fighting over influence even while the invasion approaches the city.

Nearby Towns
Surrounded by riverless scrubland an grassland, Calton doesn't have much to offer farmers, but cattle and horse number in the thousands. The town is under Oronvee occupation, with the Bullfort standing as the last hold out against their onslaught.

Cavatac - 3 strategic
Horse ranchers who coined the term cavalry
The Calton Charger is a huge and viscous beast of a horse. Legend tells of an ancient Druid impressed by their courage and spark blessing them to forever be the hardiest and most dependable of beasts. Though this has led to the joke that they share more blood with bears than ponies.

Warmhearth - 1 food, 1 basic
Less prestigious than the other areas in Calton, warmhearth mostly deals in mutton and wool.

Hornshire 4 food, 1 strategic
Vast herds of cattle graze peacefully around the lake fed fields of Calton.
With tanneries near the coast, cheese sheds on every farm, and more beef than any of the farms could want, Hornshire is a crucial part of the City state of Ascant.

The Green River Towns
Clinging to the Green River are two towns and an important Leyline. Most of Ascants food comes from these two towns. The agricultural bounty of the towns giving the Green River its name.

HarvestShire - food 5, basic 1
Harvest shire is the larger of the two towns along the river, the town center is small but accounting for the surrounding farmlands brings the population up to around for thousand. Most of these folk are terribly poor, especially with the war taxes in full effect. Wheat, corn, root vegetables, and hardy fruits all grow strong here, the growing season magically extended by Druidic magic right to the doorstep of winter.

Trout catch - food 4 basic 1
Named for fish that have been driven to extinction trout catch shares much of harvest shires bounty from Druidic magic, the land here is slightly more hilly, and the river flows much faster, so crop yields are slightly less fantastical.

Stone Circle - luxury 2
A Druidic community surrounding the strongest Leyline for many miles apart from the Maple. Exotic fruits are grown by magic here. The druids also partake in a special mushroom that grows around the leyline. Its effects are hallucinogenic, though it also enhances the natural magic inherent to most people.

Fornhall Foothills
The Fornhalls stretch back many miles of mostly unclaimed hills, eventually becoming the Lasthold Mountain Range. Nearer to Ascant there are a few mining and quarrying communities. The logistics of moving such goods make the hills currently unusable to larger operations.

Oakhill - 3 basic
A prosperous quarry, more oxen live here than people, endlessly hauling neat stone blocks along the south road to build into an ever grander city. There is little sign of the war here, the invasion seems far away from the hilly valleys.

The Tormyn Mine - 3 strategic
Operated by the South Wardens, this small iron mine brings in just enough to keep up with ocean trade imports. Until recently, things were relatively quiet. Now a fire has lot under the foremen, the need for iron is great.

Comland - 1 food
Perched on a few rocky islands is a fishing community doubling as a naval supply base. Comland has never made much of a mark on the city, just as the city has left these hardy villagers alone.

The Colonies
Ascant will likely never grow to the heights that the old Empire did, but it does extend its influence well beyond the curtain wall. With the backing of the crown a few small settlements have been taken or established on foreign shores.

Al-taih - 3 strategic
On the Sarnic coast there lies a town near the fading sea. A few years ago there was a civil war among the people of Sarn, and an aspiring general from Ascant seized advantage of the chaos to occupy the valuable iron mine around Al-taih. Now governer of the desert city, General Franklin pretend at kingship as the city’s governer.

Antea - 2 basic
A small town far up the coast, Antea was once a part of the abern Empire. Twelve years ago the people threw out the Oron occupation and pledged themselves to Ascant as vassals. While this took everyone in Ascant by surprise King Richard was not one to turn down such an opportunity.

St. Tor - 1 luxury
Far out into the blue sea lies an island archipelago of beautiful sandy beaches and lush jungles. No people have yet been found inhabiting the island but a small group of Ascanti settlers founded the town of St. Tor. They harvest strange fruits and herbs important to Druidic spell casting.

Bounties and Quests
The Royal Seal of War
Any organization that aids in the destruction of the invaders will be regarded kindly by King Richard the 1st. Further, specific tasks may grant vast fortune from the Royal Treasury.

Destroy the Oronvee Scouts
Reward: 8 t.wealth
Difficulty: 5
Primary: Military
The Oron 2nd javelins, also known as the Serpent's Strike, as well as a band of Bathic Volunteers, have been sighted several times in the Cattle pastures just north of the city walls. Find and destroy them, and whatever efforts they have made.

Enrage the Woodlands
Reward 7 t.wealth
Difficulty 4
Primary: Magic
The Bulgewood acts as a natural barrier for the towns along the Green River. But the Rangers of Vee still threaten the crucial towns. Either gain the support of the Woodland spirits or drive them into murderous frenzy.

Crack The Coalition
Reward 14 t.wealth
Difficulty 8
Primary: Esp
Assassinate General Carser, he is a key figure in the coalition. More details will be available once we have settled who will undertake this mission.

Save the People of Chaunshire
Reward 3 t.wealth, 1 influence in Chaunshire
Difficulty 5
Primary: Mil
Someone opened up an old Vault. Now there are strange golems terrorizing everything for half a mile around their hole. We need someone to destroy them.
-The Concerned Citizen

Find Veronica Yately
Reward 3 t.wealth
Difficulty 3
Primary Esp
My daughter Veronica has been missing for nearly a month now. If you will not seek he for the sake of decency then perhaps you will seek her for the sake of money.
-William Yately

Seeking a Cursecatcher
Reward 1 t.wealth 2 t.rep
Difficulty 2
Primary mag
An evil lurks about my mill, the workers come in, then they freeze up like fresh stiffs. I've got the folks with families to feed stuck in there now. We need help as soon as possible.
-Bjok of Frozenshore

The Beast in Saltmarket
Reward 1 t.wealth, 1 influence in the Saltmarket
Difficulty 6
Primary: Mil
We’ve all seen it, those who walk the docks. Some giant magic monster creeping along the bottom. We might not have much to give here but soon enough some poor kids gonna get to close and we’ll lose a loved one. Kill it and save us all some sorrow.
-Concerned Citizen

Escort the Tormyn Iron Shipment
Reward 1 strategic resource
Difficulty 4
Primary: Any
House Walford has several months worth of iron ore piled up at the Tormyn mine, the area may have Oronvee threats present, bring the ore into the city and you will be handsomely rewarded.
-House Walford

Wartaxes - All factions must contribute 2 t.wealth by end turn to aid in the destruction of the Oronvee.

Impending Siege - Food is worth 3 t.wealth

The Draft - Military Hard Stats cost more due to lack of manpower.

War - Strategic requires are worth 4

Plague - the following districts have a maximum of 3 influence while the plague ravages.

2017-10-30, 11:50 PM
The Sea Wolves

The deck of the Widow's Wrath was a flurry of activity. As the crew finished warping the ship into one of the few docks near Saltmarket, the captain stepped foward, looking down from the quarterdeck. A hundred faces turned his way.

"Alright lads and lasses, listen up! Today... is a normal day. Unload the cargo. Haul the usual crates to the usual buyers. The rest, take to market, do as Tag says. Then take some shore leave tonight, spend some coin! You lot have earned it." He paused as a cheer waved across the deck. "But then." The crew quieted. "Then, when tomorrow comes, things are gonna be a wee bit different."

Brassbeard gazed at the city of Ascant. He gazed at the walls that stood between it and the army that was coming to tear it down. "Tomorrow, we make no plans, we go on no raids. We don't embark, then or the next day. We drop anchor... so to speak. So find your land legs. There's a storm comin', but not on the water... it's right here, on these streets. And those of you who know me, you know that I don't intend to change course, not for any storm. We don't seek shelter from the storm! We are the Sea Wolves! We are the storm!" A roar erupted from the crew, and their captain gave a toothy grin as he turned back to the city. "And we're sailin' straight through."

Argentum (4)
Greetings! My crew and I only just docked, but I've seen a lot more silver flowers around Ramshackle than I remember from my last visit. I take it there's no shortage of work for sellswords at a time like this. I'll let you know if I'm looking to trade any money for muscle, if yours isn't all on the frontlines. And my crew - we don't make a habit of trading in blades, but we're going to be ashore here for some time. You're welcome to visit the Widow's Wrath if you've got any more 'domestic' concerns to share with your newest neighbors in Ramshackle.

- Captain Brassbeard of the Sea Wolves

The Good Doctors Guild (4)
Greetings from the Sea Wolves. I don't believe we've met in any of my previous times in harbor, but then, those were usually brief. But we're staying in town this time, and your people seem to be making it big in Ramshackle. Or so I've heard. Mostly from people with nasty coughs. I've heard talk of a quarantine for the scurvy or whatever it is that's spreading around Cardova. I don't suppose your doctors are planning on treating those poor folk?

Also, pardon this messenger's mask. My boys are all a little worried about spending too much time over there in Mourner's Hall.

Bone Makers (4)
I'm Captain Brassbeard, of the Sea Wolves. I see you've carved out some territory right under the Saulkers' noses. That takes guts, and I know what I'm talking about when I say that!

Now, I know a lot of my crew have friends out in the West Docklands, so I'd like us to have an understanding. Tell me, what does that territory mean to your gang? Are you just after a cut of the coin and the booze that flows through those parts? Or are you carving a little kingdom that isn't as welcoming to visitors from my crew?

Agda Ali (4)
I hope this message finds you well, Agda. I don't think we've crossed paths, but I've heard your name on the sea winds. I expect you've got no interest in mincing words, so I'll be straight. I'm curious about your old work with Hurricane,
if there truly was any. And I'm not asking on their behalf, if that's what you're thinking - if you've heard of me, then you know Hurricane hasn't exactly been kind to folk like me.

Concerned Citizens of Saltmarket (4)
[Since it's right under my nose, I have some crew (no point investment yet) ask the locals in Saltmarket about this beast, The Claw. When did it show up, is it known to have a den, who has it been attacking, and does anyone know if it has any dangerous capabilities other than brute strength?]

2017-10-31, 01:38 AM
Atelier Maria ~The Alchemist of Ascant~
Game Start

The first alarm clock buzzed, sending up a shrill piercing cry that was immediately answered by a multitude of identical copies of the same device - all arrayed around a four-poster in the middle of the room - kicking up a similar ruckus. The bed itself was almost literally buried in sheets and blankets, and whatever it was concealing within the centre of the morass fidgeted and shifted in response, before going entirely still once again.

Moments passed, then the door burst open to admit a number of figured in concealing white robes. Some of them began digging into the fabric pile on the bed, eventually managing to excavate a flame-haired young woman wearing a pink nightgown, a teddy bear clutched close to her chest, and a groggy, squint-eyed expression on her face.

"Ummmf... five more minutes..."

The young lady murmured, as the white-robed figures led her by the hand away from the bed. Along the way, their hands reached out to remove the teddy bear from the young lady's sleep-enfeebled grasp, and gently slipped the nightgown off of her shoulders. One of them slipped away with the nightgown in hand, while the rest herded the girl to their destination.

"Awww, just a bit more- Woah!"

The startled girl cried out, as her escorts acted in unison to pick her up bodily, and tossed her into a steaming bathtub with a gigantic SPLOOSH.

"Wow, prices are really shooting up for everything these days. Good thing I had that greenhouse put up soon as I could."

Maria Fallwaft spoke to herself, reading from a newspaper held open in front of her by one of the white-robed figures, while the others worked to towel her waterlogged hair and bare skin dry. Her green eyes moved to another part on the broadsheet, and scrunched in mild consternation.

"And they're levying war taxes on top of it? Not that I don't see why, but still mmmf," her voice got muffled, as one of her attendants pulled a dress with autumn foliage motifs over her head. The others wasted no time as well, fixing the odd bits and ends that make up the entirely of Maria's typical accoutrement.

"...still, that's going to take a bite out of the budget. Perhaps building up a nest egg post-haste should be the first order of the day," she continued, as her Homonculi combed her hair and put the finishing touches on her attire.

"But for starters, got to handle those Echo House Irregulars folk," Maria spoke over a mouthful of egg, engrossed in a stack of reports while absent-mindedly working through her breakfast. "Have to figure that one out sooner or later. I should probably get to know my neighbours, too. Can't hurt, at least."

"So who are those neighbours again? Oh wow, there's far too many of them to deal with so early in the morning. Let's see who the closest ones are for the moment... the Doctor's Guild at the Gatemarket, mmm. Oh, House Calton too. Got to make plans to sit down with them for tea at some point. As for the Good Docks..."



Maria started, looking nonplussed at the fact that her attempt to spear another bite of egg with her folk had met with a cleaned-out plate. Now when did that happen? Dutifully, the white-robed Homonculi attending to her began cleaning up after her breakfast without a word as she sat there, slow to process the interruption to her train of thought.


Maria said, clapping herself on both cheeks to psyche herself up. Taking the staff that a Homonculus had handed to her, the Alchemist gave herself a final once-over to make sure everything is in place.

"Now to get down to work! It's opening time!"

She proclaimed. With that, one of her Homonculi flipped the door sign from 'CLOSED' to 'OPEN', and the whole lot promptly made themselves scarce from the shop space they had just finished tidying up minutes earlier. The doorbell jingled as the door opened for the first time that day, and Maria put on the brightest smile she had.

"Welcome to my humble shop, the Atelier Maria! How may I help you today?"

2017-10-31, 03:55 AM
In ages past, the priests of the Clanchurch sought the True Name of the Sun. Generations of study, meditation, prayer, adventure, sacrifice, and ritual in search of the Sun's True Name revealed no truths, and the priests never gained the dominion over the Sun they so yearned for. However, they realized that while they had no power over the sun, their prayers still went answered, their rituals bore results, and their studies often resulted in the names of the Sun's Servants or other beings. The Izt realized that the Great Sun, though nameless to and not beholden to the Izt, had chosen the the Izt as its people on its own volition. And so the Izt knew they were protected by the Great Sun, and owed the Great Sun their adulation for all time.
"I look to myself, to you, to our warriors and our priests, to the youngest chick, to The Whitetalon herself, to give all they can in service to the Great Sun." Sunwing spoke to the congregation, a gathering of faithful Izt from the Abern Plaza. They were gathered in a standard Clanchurch temple: a circular two story building with walls of stone, but no roof, to let the sun flow in. The congregation stood or sat on the dirt floor around the ornate altar that Sunwing stood on. His bright priest skirts barely reached the ground around his talons, while his feathers shown in the sun, marked by ribbons and paints as per custom for Clanchurch priests. Guards with green chestplates and helmets, with red ribbons tied around their wings to denote their violent professions, stood around the inner and outer perimeters of the temples walls. Those around the outside of the temple wielded long, wicked looking polearms, while those on the inside of the walls each carried a lit torch. Brass and bronze statues of the Great Sun's most favored Servants surrounded the altar.

"The Great Sun requires more from us than ever before, but no more than is in our power to give." continued Sunwing. "The Oronvee have come back. Driving us from our homes mere decades ago was not enough. Memories of their victories on the plains have numbed them to the sting of their defeat at this city." Sunwing made eye contact with several of the guards within the perimeter of the temple. "We will not fail again. The Great Sun shall rise every day to find a stronger, unified and faithful Clanchurch still standing. Like the Servant Ax'kata the Warrior, we will defy and defeat this foe no matter their skill or fury.

Blood and the Sun."

"Blood and the Sun!" cried back the faithful.

The warriors around the inner perimeter each raised their torches. Some began to light braziers built into the wall, while others approached and lit the flames in the altar at the center of the temple. As they completed this task, the sun hit its zenith in the peak above the temple.

"Consider your coming trials, and pray the Great Sun provides you with the strength you will require to overcome them."
At dusk, Sunwing entered the hall where The Whitetalon sat meditating.

"The Sun has asked you again prove your worth. Prepare for another trial. Do not disappoint the Great Sun"

The Whitetalon lifted an eyelid to behold the High Priest, but the Prophet did not raise weapon nor limb. After a moment, her eye closed.

"You never do."
Morale 6

The Sea Wolves
Privateers. A beast in the Saltmarket. A joint effort proposed. The beast a worthy trial for The Whitetalon. The Whitetalon will lead limited Clanchurch resources in support of Sea Wolf efforts against the Saltmarket beast. Credit for the kill goes to Sea Wolves. Much praise from Saltmarket-folk! Clanchurch makes request of the cash reward and corpse of the beast. Possible promise of future cooperation in the docks and Markets? Suspect mutual disapproval of Hurricane shipping. Opportunities abound.

Ascant Military (GM)
The Oronvee are disgraceful. Clanchurch desires to assist in active resistance of invasion forces. Will provide direct support to Richard's military effort if possible. Cooperation opportunities available? What tasks may the Clanchurch assist with?

Atelier Maria
Shopkeeper. You provide the enchantments for arms and armor, trinkets and baubles? Do you provide the physical telesma themselves? And how do you take your payment?

The Owl Guild
Spymasters. The Clanchurch desires the destruction of the incoming Oronvee. Owl Guild allocates network resources towards capitalizing on Oronvee vulnerabilities. Opening against General Carser. Clanchurch would supply The Whitetalon to complete the assassination. Request minimal split of the cash reward, but the body and belongings of the general, and share of any acquired Oronvee plans or documentation. Interest?

Suma Jareme
Heir. Your bid for the throne, clear. Suspect you will take military action against Oronvee. Much success, hopefully. Gain respect in eyes of populace. We too carry hate for Oronvee in our hearts. Maybe we will cooperate on the fields.
When you sit on the throne, will you enforce the Torrist faith on your subjects? Or will religion be free.

The Order of the White Flame
Crusaders. We wish to keep peace in the Little Temples. We hope you see similarly.

The Guild of Negotiable Affections
Guildmaster. Favor independence of Ascant from Oronvee invaders. You have useful skills for getting close to Oronvee persons of interest. Joint effort to weaken Oronvee leadership?

Coin Punch Coach House (GM)
Sunwing will head to the Coin Punch Coach House.

What do I know (commonly available knowledge) of the Torrist faith?

2017-10-31, 06:46 AM
The Ska

Rats are not uncommon within cities, Practically a staple of modern living, and Ascant is no different. However, in the dustyards and scrap heaps of the Ten Mills Sump a whole new breed of rat has recently sprung into the world of --manoids. Rats now seep from the Sump in numbers far beyond anything seen before and with a deliberate fashion that suggest they are working towards a higher unified goal than simple survival. Just a year ago rumours of Rat's walking on two legs hit the Ascant bounty board and quests to catch these abominations were handed out like candy--many Ska and even some of Ascant's heroes died in those bloody weeks--but now the situation has come to a ceasefire.

The Ska, now recognized if not yet accepted, sent a representative to the King and demanded they be treated as equals within the city just as the Orcs, Goblins, Dwarves and each other new race that had come before them. Whilst they are no longer hunted they still remain mistrusted and with the coming war their incomprehensible numbers could be a turning factor in Ascant's defense.

Moral: 3 -- Espionage: 4
Dear His Royal Highness,

In this time of uncertainty and strife the Ska pledge their unsurpassed military support to the city of Ascant and yourself its ruler. With your permission the Ska would like to take responsibility for the collection of ever so important Iron from the mines of Tormyn, and if required also Al-taih, so as to prove our dedication to the defense of the city and give our ever-growing military forces something to occupy their time with during the difficult and frictious times.

Your humble servant,
Grey Seer Snikrit.
Dear Commander's,

During these difficult and fractious times the Ska wish to setup a War Council to better co-ordinate our forces with each other, and the King, to the defense of the city. I am especially concerned about the ever growing friction within Ten Mills and the potential threat of insurgents striking against our power bases if any of us stretches our own forces out too thinly whilst endeavoring to aid the war effort.

Grey Seer Snikrit.
Dear Neighbors,

Recently our two people have come to be both neighbors within the Spew and we are worried that this might raise an element of tension between our peoples. Despite our peoples inherit lack of magic I myself am a competent practitioner of arcane magic and thus hold a respect for your peoples abilities more so than your might expect from a faction that has a reputation for being warmongering animals.

Recently our two peoples have both come into conflict with the Ooze like creatures within the Spew and we would prefer to come to solution before the situation becomes a more immediate problem: with your permission we would like to move a small ammount of our military forces into the Spew in order to erradicate them. We do not want you to see this as an expansionist adgenda but simply removing a joint threat to both of our people's whilst also freeing up all of The Spew for both of our benefits.

Grey Seer Snikrit.
Skrit Scrik Ska Merklin,

I Queek. The Ska grow stronger by the week. We are lead by the strong and those that are weak we make strong. You leave Ska because you feel Magic make weak. But we are strongest single military power in all Ascant. Join us again and be Leader (VIP) alongside Snikrit and Queek. Have voice in Ska: own Clan inside Ska.

This message,
Dear Neighbors,

As the newest official faction within the Ten Mills we have had little contact besides rumor and conflict during the Ten Mill's Troubles. As the largest military power within Ten Mills we would offer ourselves as mediator between the Foundry and the United Republican Movement in hope that we can come to a peaceful solution to your continuing and escalating troubles.

We also wish to inform you that we are seeking the contract with the King to deliver Iron from the Tormyn Mines and thus it might be valuable for our two factions to have a more favorable relationship in the future.

Grey Seer Snikrit.
Dear Neighbors,

As the newest official faction within the Ten Mills we have had little contact besides rumor and conflict during the Ten Mill's Troubles. As the largest military power within Ten Mills we would offer ourselves as mediator between the Foundry and the United Republican Movement in hope that we can come to a peaceful solution to your continuing and escalating troubles.

We wish to extend our sympathies for your plight: during the Ten Mill's Troubles the Ska were hunted out of fear and hate for both sport and bounty and we know the difficulties of climbing out of oppression. Through strong leadership, might of arms and the intervention of a stronger faction we now live in relative peace and we hope one day so can you.

Grey Seer Snikrit.
Dear Neighbors,

During these difficult and fractious times Ten Mill's has become an ever more difficult place to live: we appreciate that you are simply wishing to carry out your business unimpeded and should you ever find yourselves caught up in this mess feel free to contact the Ska for help.

We also wish to inform you that we are seeking the contract with the King to deliver Iron from the Tormyn Mines and thus it might be valuable for our two factions to have a more favorable relationship in the future.

Grey Seer Snikrit.
A single Ska Gutter Runner is sent into the Spew to attempt to communicate with a member of the Ooze.
A single Ska Gutter Runner is sent to the Salt Docks to attempt to communicate with The Claw.
Dear Distant Neighbors,

With your permission the Ska would like to take responsibility for the collection of ever so important Iron from the mines of Tormyn and deliver it to Ascant so as to prove our dedication to the defense of the city and give our ever-growing military forces something to occupy their time with during the difficult and frictious times. You can be assured that our forces are more than capable of achieving the task and we would be honored if you would back our proposal.

Grey Seer Snikrit.
Dear Distant Neighbors,

With your permission the Ska would like to take responsibility for the collection of ever so important Iron from the mines of Al-taih and deliver it to Ascant so as to prove our dedication to the defense of the city and give our ever-growing military forces something to occupy their time with during the difficult and frictious times. You can be assured that our forces are more than capable of achieving the task and we would be honored if you would back our proposal.

Grey Seer Snikrit.

Imperial Psycho
2017-10-31, 07:40 AM
The Blue Company Morale: 4

From the rising hills outside town, the camp was almost beautiful. Row after row of white tents covered the landscape in the outskirts of Ascant City. The main city guard camp was almost distinguishable from the Blue Companies own lines, marked by a thin and almost imperceptible line, a gap between the tents.

Elwin watched for a while as the men began to rise from their rest, as smoke from small cooking fires began to spiral from the camp. He sighed. It was oddly peaceful. There was a storm coming, and when it crashed against the walls of the city, there would be blood and death. He thought of the camps of the Oronvee, and wondered if their commanders had the same camps, if they too watched their soldiers performing their drills. He wondered how many fathers and sons would die before the war was over.

Shaking his head and rising to his feet, Elwin dismissed those thoughts. He was here to protect people. That's what he'd do. Moping would solve no-ones problems. "There's work to be done." He said to no-one in particular.

The Atelier Maria

The man who entered the Atelier's shop appeared to be in his mid-twenties. He was tall, with an athletic build and a handsome enough face. He had a certain rakish charm, sporting a long blue coat, a sword, and a self-assured swagger. The man, of course, was Elwin Kazan, Captain of the Blue Company, a individual of increasing noteriety these days.

He smiled broadly as he entered. "By the gods! I had heared the rumours of a beautiful alchemist in the City, but I never expected such a sight!" He strode into the centre of the shop, surveying all around him.

"A most impressive store you have here, Atelier.. may I call you Maria?"
His eyes widened, as if remembering something. "Ah, but I am being rude.
My name is Elwin Kazan. I have business with you, if you'll oblige me. The first of which.. is this."

A small square card, pastel blue in colour, seems to appear in his hand as if by magic. He proffers it to Maria. "I decided to deliver this in person, so that I could visit your fine establishment on my way."

To Atelier Maria, House Danmorsay, The Great House Calton, Argentum, The Heron Knight


Hello Heroes!

If you have received this card, yourself, or a member of your household, has been identified as an exceptional individual, and one who has the desire to help others.

If this describes you, I, Elwin Kazan, am holding a gathering for such like minded individuals in the Coin Punch Coach House. Through collaboration, I believe we can truly make a difference for Ascant City!

The card appears to be of high quality, and bears the seal of the Blue Company.

OOC: This meeting will not be a PM, so don't worry about using one.

Lost Demiurge
2017-10-31, 09:34 AM

The Guild of Negotiable Affections

The place is called Grimbler's Finest. No one's quite sure where he hides his finest or what it may be, but everyone agrees that the sausages are pretty good. It's working class fare for working class prices, and she enjoys eating there sometimes. She is, after all, a working girl.

You wouldn't think she'd be eating there by choice, not to look at her. She's not the usual clientele by appearance alone. Her face is unlined and pretty, her hair's blonde, poofy, and arranged into a pixie cut, her body's slender and a bit short but still maintains a fair number of attractively highlighted curves, and her clothing is a cut above the neighborhood's standard. She's wearing a long green skirt that shows just a hint of stockinged ankle, flat and comfy shoes that are nonetheless fine quality, and a blouse with ruffles demurely hiding her cleavage.

Her concessions to accessory are a frilly green parasol and a sort of droopy hat that bears three flowers upon it. White carnations, their blooms standing out in the grime of the Chop street eatery that she's currently haunting.

Her ears are pointed. Some elven blood there, perhaps? Or something more exotic? Hard to tell. No earrings. No piercings whatsoever.

She doesn't look a day over twenty. Looks are decieving.

The patrons of Grimbler's Finest all know her. They smiled when she came in and she smiled back, and then they gave her her space, and that's all she wanted really, besides a sausage-inna-bun platter with turnips on the side, and a hard, small roll of rye.

It's her moment of peace, in a day that has been, and will continue to be spent dealing with PEOPLE. Her minute of solitude, a break from the hullaballoo, the thousand and one problems that never quite go away, from, well, everything.

The fare is plain but the meat is never bad, and she knows the taste of every item of food on there by heart. Nonetheless she passes the ring over the plate and its accompanying cup of beer when it arrives, checks it, and nods with satisfaction.

And just as her dinner knife is ready to pierce something that probably had come from a pig at some point, the door to Grimbler's Finest opens again, and a mountain made of creaking leather walks in.

It's trouble, of course. He wouldn't interrupt unless it was trouble.

She looks up at him. He looks down at her. With a sigh, she puts coins on the table and leaves with him, the tiny little slip of a woman following the walking geography.


He's shorter than he looks. Maybe a hair under six feet, with a thick frame. He just dresses in loose clothes, has a cloak and a jerkin filled with knives, saps, and other holdout weapons. That and an aggressive strut that reeks of violence, a way of glaring if you look at him... well, he dominates the street as he walks. His small beard is fast going grey, his head's shaved bald, and his face is scarred. His eyes size up everyone on the street as if he's looking for the most efficient way to kill everyone there.

He probably is. His name is Murdoch, and he is Tam's best friend in all the world.

"Nice hat."

"Technically it's a bonnet. What do we have, Mister Murdoch?"

"Firewilds gang."

"Oh, the new lot. What have they done?"

"Hit the blue-whites."

"Hm. Impressive. What's this to do with us?"

"They took over Morley's to celebrate. Tula's in there. They ain't lettin' her leave. Morley hisself sent his cook to run and tell me. He knows we wouldn't take it well and dun't want trouble."

A frown, and a shadow over her eyes, far older then the rest of her. "Our guards?"

"None around. Workin' uptown todays on account o' the festival."

"Right, right. You and me, then?"

"Reckon so."

"Well. Almost like old times... Hm. The Blue and Whites, any survive?"

"A few. Scattered. Angry. Fearful."

"They still have a flophouse in the Mews?"

"That they do."

"It's not far, let's make a little side trip before we hit Morley's..."

Morley's Drunkery is the most honest pub off of Tock street. The windows have never known the touch of glass, the regulars all have their favorite parts of the street outside to land on when they get bounced, and the benches and tables are either bolted down, or cheap and easily replaceable. It exists for one purpose and one purpose only, and it's damn good at it.

Right now it's full of laughing youths and grizzled men with red tattoos, and red articles of clothes scattered around. Typical Chop street gang, really. She's surprised to note a few women in the crew. Well, it's a sign of progress, she supposes. Still, given the circumstances...

Tula's in the corner, shrunk down in her bench, surrounded by a table full of rowdies pushing drink on her and making suggestions. She's frightened, silent, trying to be invisible, but they're getting more frustrated and they're not taking no for an answer.

Tam takes in the scene in seconds, doing quick calculations. Ah, good. The table with the leader, a brawny man with flame tattoos on his face, is toward the center. That would be Char, she remembers. A small time thug with big time dreams. The side where Tula is seems to be packed with the lesser gang members, so there's a chance of getting Tula out of here with minimum conflict. Hm, plans B through D might not be necessary after all.

Then Char looks up. "Well! If it ain't the whore queen herself! Nice hat."

The pub roars with laughter. She smiles, tips her parasol to her shoulder, folds it.

"Technically, it's a bonnet. Queen, though? No. More of a first among equals deal, I think."

Murdoch's scowling behind her. She can tell by the way the nearest Firewild gangers are scooting backward and slowly edging hands toward weapons.

"Well then, First lady, what brings you to our little party?"

"Oh, my friend Tula is late for an appointment. Can't keep a customer waiting. So we'll just be walking her there-"

"Nah, I think she'll stay here."

She meets his eyes. He's drunk, high on the beating he just delivered to his rivals, riding the thrill of power. She knows that thrill, she's seen in it so many bullies over the years. Some can handle it. Others use it to justify any hurt they turn upon their victims. She's seen it so many times...

And every time it still turns her stomach.

"I fear I must insist." She taps her parasol on the floor. "But we'll kindly arrange for some more cheerful company to replace her. Standard prices of course, standard rules."

Shut your mouth and we can do this, you fool. Shut your mouth and agree, and you can go back with no face lost, and Tula gets out of a bad situation. Shut your mouth, and...

"Nah, I think not. Though if you want to take her place..." He grins.

Oh, he went there.

"Not an option for you, I fear. Now, we've got any number of young ladies and men who would-"

"You sayin' you're too good for me? For us?"

The gangers are scowling now, and standing up. Char stands, moves a few paces closer.

The mood's gone quite ugly.

She reaches into her cleavage, pulls out a heart-shaped locket. Pops it open, considers it, snaps it shut. *Click* "No. I'm anyone's. No better than most, worse in some cases, really. First among equals as I said, and everyone pulls their weight in the Guild after all. But there's rules, for me. You have to guess my price before you can pay it. One guess permitted per year."

Char laughs, gestures to a thin woman with burn scars on her hands. A second perhaps, or a floozy she lazily throws a pouch on the floor, and it spills open. Gold, enough to buy a large house in a good part of the city. Probably some of their ill-gotten gains from the Blue and Whites.

*Click* Tam snaps the locket open and shut again. "I'm afraid you've guessed incorrectly. Well. Come, Tula, we're off then-"

"Heh." The leader moves closer, four of his bully-boys falling in behind him. "Well. How 'bout a kiss, then? One kiss, and Tula there gets to leave. Fair and square."

He never said anything about letting US leave, though. Of course.

"One kiss for Tula's freedom? Very well then." Her fingers twitch, and behind her, Murdoch chuckles.

Char grins, steps forward, and reaches for her... And Murdoch MOVES, grabs him, lifts the brawny goon into the air, and locks his lips onto Char's mouth.

The entire tavern freezes, shocked.

Well, save for Tula, who drops under the table and starts scurrying for the door. Good girl.

*Click, Snap* The locket opens, Tam glances in it again, then shuts it. Back it goes into her bosom.

Murdoch drops Char who lands, sputtering. There's a ripple of nervous laughter in the back and he flushes, red. Murdoch grins.

"You kiss like a virgin. I like that."

He tips Char a wink.

Tam shakes her head.

"Kiss delivered, deal done. Now, we'll be-"

And that's when Char draws a knife.

Well, tries to. There's a crunch-SNAP as Murdoch's heel staves in at least four of his ribs. He crumples like wet paper, screaming, and the Firewilds around him finally, FINALLY start to move.

Tam sighs. You try to be nice...


The Firewilds fill the tavern, but it works against them. Too many in too tight a space, and half the tables and benches are bolted to the floor. They're drunk, they're sore from their last fight, and with their leader down they're uncoordinated.

Tam observes all of this from the doorway to the kitchen, with Morley peering out behind her, frightened.

There are those who would leap roaring into the crowd. Those who would go berserk and reduce the furniture to splinters around their foes. Those who would stretch forth mighty thews, grab someone, and proceed to beat a fellow with another fellow.

And then there's Mister Murdoch.

He doesn't waste time with flashy.

He doesn't pick up chairs, tables, or anything like that.

He simply hits, and every time he hits, it maims or kills. Eyes are gouged. Calves are stamped in half. Stomachs are split, and bones crackle and snap like trees falling. Groins are crushed, jaws are knocked askew, and fingers are bitten off. Occasionally he'll draw a knife or take one from someone and leave it in someone else.

In return... Sure, if you were good or lucky you could hit him. Sure, you could hurt him. But he knew how to take the hits, he didn't let the pain slow him down, and he gave out much, much worse then he recieved. Too, he was armored under that leather vest. They weren't. He could be beaten, had before, but never easily and rarely without cost. To fight Murdoch, even if you won, was to lose something of value.

A foppish poet had once witnessed him fight, and compared him to a fox in a henhouse. No, Tam had corrected him. Mr. Murdoch's at the very least a wolverine, she'd said.

(The poet guessed the wrong price later on. Pity, he had seemed nice.)

Mister Murdoch tried his hand at being a gladiator once... It hadn't worked out. The fights were over too quick. There wasn't much to see before they were done. And he had never quite grasped the notion of fighting fair.

Well, Tam didn't have much use for it either, to tell the truth. But she grasped the notion at least. Just had no real use for it, that's all.


Murdoch was slower with each passing year. He kept his muscles strong, but they gave him more and more trouble as each winter came and went. Bones broken and reset and mended through magic or chirurgery, and never quite as good after.

The time would come when he'd struggle to get out of bed.

The time would come when his strength would leave him.

Age would succeed where hundreds of thugs had failed. She'd seen it before, and she'd see it again.

In ten years she'd probably be helping him up stairs.

In twenty years she'd be sitting by his bed, reading to him to keep him from going mad with idleness.

In thirty, if he made it that far, there'd be an unmarked gravestone in a quiet little cemetary. Far away from necromancers, or resurrection men, or other vultures. She'd promised him that.

Her hand found the pointed tip of one ear. Wouldn't be the first time, wouldn't be the last. Didn't make it easier. Never made it easier at all.

She winced as he took a punchdagger to the side, kept on fighting. He had things about halfway handled, she judged. Probably need a trip to the chirurgeon after, or a temple healing. With one part of her mind she was tallying costs. With another part... Yes. Yes, that would be how she would relieve some of the pressure on him. It would work best for the plan, anyway.

She screamed, and Morley jumped, frightened. The fight paused, and she clamped her hand over her mouth, and fled for the back stairs.

The deer draws predators from more vulnerable prey by feigning weakness...

And sure enough, a good portion of the remaining bully-boys followed.

The rest wondered why Murdoch was grinning. Well, while they still had time to wonder, anyway.


They finally caught up with her in the alley outside, battering through the locked doors, cursing as they tread on the caltrops, and doubletracking as she lead them upstairs and downstairs, huffing and puffing as they went the long way around through the linked buildings.

They found her waiting at the end of the alley, nowhere to go, examining her locket. With a *Click-snap*, she put it away, twirled her parasol to her shoulder, and studied them, impassively.

The leader of the pack was the thin woman with the burned hands. She grinned with black teeth, as they closed in.

"We'll do ya over slow. Make an example. Char's down but he ent dead, and yer dog'll slit 'is own throat to get ya back. What's left of yer will spend the rest of its short life screamin', and sippin' soup through bowls held in broken hands."

"I see." Tam removed her hat, and held it over her belly with one hand. It flopped out around her, almost shield sized.

The thin woman snorted laughter. "Think I'll nail that stupid hat to yer skull after. Any last words, Queen Whore?"

"Well, yes. One, you shouldn't have left any of the Blue and Whites alive. They were eager to come work for ME when I offered. Especially after I promised them your blood if you didn't see reason."

That's when the Firewilds in the back of the alley started screaming, as forms dropped down from the low roofs above. The thin woman whirled, cursed, then drew a knife and charged for Tam.

"And two..."


The woman dropped, as the bolt caught her in the throat. Tam regarded the hole in her hat sadly, then dropped it, to reveal her hand crossbow, the one she'd drawn while using the hat's long, floppy brim as cover.

"Technically it's a bonnet."


They walked Tula back home, Tam supporting her with one arm as she wept with fear and the aftermath of adrenaline. Murdoch was limping, and had a fresh set of wounds, but he was grinning. It tore Tam up to see him so, but a few days rest and a doctor would see him right. The former Blue and Whites, now guards for the Guild, had reinforced him, as Tam knew they would.

Tam shrugged. Hey, she'd been willing to give the Firewilds a chance to back down and let Tula go. Everyone in Tock Street knew the rules... You don't keep the Guild workers if they want to leave. You don't keep pushing if they say no.

Sometimes people needed a reminder, was all.

They put Tula to bed in one of the upper rooms, let her sleep it off. When they got downstairs, Milo was waiting.

"Trouble," the handsome young man, said.

Tam sighed. Murdoch cursed. "Wot the hells is it NOW?"

"Oronvee." That put them both to silence. Milo sighed. "Lord Fanter was talkative after my last visit. The Oronvee have taken the Jol-trum gate."

Tam went to the cupboard, grabbed the oldest bottle of bourbon she had, and poured drinks. She and Murdoch collapsed into chairs around the table, and looked at each other, as Milo quietly accepted a glass, then left them to discuss.

"Nothing between the horde and Ascension but a long stretch of terrain, a few abandoned forts, whatever armies the new ruler can muster, and the prayers of the faithful."

"Yeah, we're screwed."

"You ever seen a city under siege, Murdoch? How's it go for anyone who's not worth a ransom?"

"In a word? @$@!$. In three words? Really %#@%! @$@!$."

She sighed. "Well. We'll have to make preparations, then." She downed the last of her bourbon, sighed, and rose. "What a terrible day. My lunch interrupted, Tula terrorized, and a fresh round of bruises for you. AND I've lost my best hat."

"Tech'nic'ly it's a bonnet. WAS a bonnet."

She threw her glass at him as he laughed.

Espionage 6, Morale 5


Ah, hello there! I don't believe we've had many dealings in the past.

Oronvee is quite the problem. We're amenable to a joint operation, if it's well-planned.

On another note, we're rather concerned about the Calton Refugee crisis. I'd like to have a small meeting with you, and the other movers and shakers within Merchants Half, to discuss boundaries, mutual interests, and ways of protecting our little slice of Ascension through the troubled times to come. Do you think you could send a representative to that, if I arrange the venue?



The guild will go ahead and take their money/research split in cash, thank you. Also, we'll go ahead and contribute our 2 temporary wealth in war taxes now.

2017-10-31, 12:02 PM
Morale 6

The Guild of Negotiable Affections
Yes. Good plans will be necessary to halt Oronvee. Oronvee leave many refugees in their wake. Ascant should be their home. Hurricane shipping resists refugees. This is not the way Ascension City should be. Clanchurch will send representative to discuss future of Merchant's Wuarter, requests discussion of Hurricane Shipping.

OOC: Do you want a VIP PM? Or just participation in a discussion?

Lost Demiurge
2017-10-31, 12:50 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Espionage 6, Morale 5

Atelier Maria

Good evening, Miss! Welcome to Ascension.

I'm afraid things are a bit rough right now. Still, it's quite criminal that we haven't properly welcomed you to the area.

I'm hoping to change that. Have a mixer, more or less, of certain, shall we say, influential persons in the area? We can meet, discuss various states of affairs, and plan new affairs, so to speak. Or at the very least, figure out how to address some of our pertinent concerns.

You've got a few at your doorstep, I'm afraid. Rather rambunctious sorts, could cause problems for business if left to their own devices too long.

In any case, would you be agreeable to a meeting? Small party, nothing too fancy. Lunch WILL be provided.


The Black Maze

I greet you with politeness and respect, Masters of the Maze. I know well your time is precious, so I shall keep this missive short. We would like to gather and discuss the woes of the district with the stakeholders of the district, and you yourselves are very important stakeholders. I am planning a small convocation at a subdued venue to discuss how we can best assist each other, and find ways to work together for the good of us all.



Excellent! Then this is your invitation to the small gathering that we discussed, to discuss mutual assistance for the district stakeholders, and figuring out ways that we might assist each other in the times to come. The choice of venue is still being decided... we're thinking a private room in the Coin Punch. That's right on your doorstep, come to think of it. Would that be agreeable to you?

Hurricane WILL be invited to this one. If you're not comfortable talking about them to their face, we can talk about them behind their backs later.

OOC: I'm thinking a VIP PM, shared among all attendees.

Yrs Trly

Calton Refugees

Good evening! Welcome to Ascension.

I'm afraid things are a bit rough right now. Still, it's quite criminal that we haven't properly welcomed you to the area.

I'm hoping to change that. Have a mixer, more or less, of certain, shall we say, influential persons in the area? We can meet, discuss various states of affairs, and plan new affairs, so to speak. Or at the very least, figure out how to address some of our pertinent concerns.

I know you are all of many peoples and areas and groups. I would ask that you talk amongst yourselves, and send one or perhaps two representatives, who can speak for as many of your people as possible.

The simple truth of the matter is that the situation you're in is untenable, and I would like to help with that. But my guild is not the best place for all of you. Still, we have connections, we have friends, and we know a great many many potential employers and real estate owners who can help you settle in here, whether it's for the war or for times yet to come.

What do you say? Would you like to come and discuss the future with me?

All my love,

The Doctor's Guild

Good evening, sirs. First of all, I would like to commend you on your sterling work in fighting the plague. I know this city would be in far more dire straits without your efforts.

Second of all, I'm planning a small get-together for business holders with an interest in Merchants' Half. I'm aware that the main focus of your intentions is elsewhere, but I felt it best to leave your potential attendance to your discretion. Do let me know if you're intrigued, and I shall add you to the guest list.

Yours truly,

Great House of Calton

Lady Leonora, good evening. I am Tam, a... broker and organizer... for many who reside in Merchant's Half. Welcome to our city! Would that it was under better circumstances, but things are far from settled yet, and it is my hope that we shall one day look upon these times with satisfaction, when it is all done.

I write to you today because I am planning a small soiree for business and land holders in Merchant's Half, to discuss how we can best aid the war efforts, and each other. In particular, I am trying to find room and employ for the refugees, some of which are from your region. If you or your representative would care to attend, you would be more than welcome. If not, then I quite understand, and I look forward to seeing you once circumstances are more settled.

Milady, farewell


Good evening! I am putting together a small mixer for business and real estate owners active in Merchant's Half, to discuss potential ways of working together for mutual benefit. You are cordially invited to attend.

Best wishes,

House Danmorsay

Good evening, Torac. May I call you that?

I've got quite a few employees who sigh over your exploits, and read the books threadbare... I can't keep them on the shelves, in the break room!

Whatever the exaggeration or lack thereof of your deeds in those books, however, I can't deny the craftsmanship of your work, and have purchased a few implements now and again for my own usage, from your Gatemarket stall.

In any case, I'm having a small meet and greet for business owners and other persons of note in the Merchant's Half district. We're getting together to drink and discuss the war, ways to help each other out, and various neighborhood matters and problems to be resolved. You and/or your children are cordially invited, should you wish to attend. I'm well aware that the bulk of your livelihood is elsewhere in the city, so if you don't have time for this I'll not be offended.

Though I have to admit I would like to hear a proper telling of your side of things in regards to the six Valkyries, the stolen longboat, and Ymira's lost hoard. That story always entertained me!

Warm regards,

The Coin Punch Coach House

Good evening! I'm sorry to see such a well-run landmark change hands... I'd like to have one last fling, if I may, on the premises before it's all said and done.

I'm planning a party for some private individuals. May we rent an upper floor?

Best wishes,

The Golden Girls

Hello there! Some of my employees tell me that you're of a like mind as us, simply in a different location.

We seem to have mutual interests, and a desire to stay independent. I can respect that. Would you care to agree to a mutually beneficial exchange of information? We'll let you know if we hear anything coming your way, and in exchange, you'd do the same for us.

Does that sound fair?


2017-10-31, 02:27 PM
Arrows clattered against the rough ramparts of Bullfort, eliciting only one shout of surprise. Those brave and foolish enough to ignore the captain's orders for cover already lying dead in the courtyard. Caha Shepard, a militiaman, sat with a loaded crossbow and three spare quarrels, counting under his breath. Seven seconds was all it took for the next volley to come hissing through the air, this time eliciting several yelps and screams. The captain cried out the order fire and Caha jumped up with the rest of them, the Ascanti Volley hissed down towards the hay manlets and fortifications. Caha didn’t wait to see if his quarrel hit, ducking back down to begin the long reload. Forty and seven seconds, but only three shots left.

To the Ska

United Republican Movement MOR 6
Your words are interesting to us. Oppression may be both our plights, but are you truly open to our cause? We have been burned before by those falsely claiming to want cooperation. I hope you understand our reluctance, but if you can prove that talks are viable with the Foundry then we will show up.

Arch Duke Richard MOR 9
Your support is greatly valued Grey Seer. The Iron from the Tormyn mine is of course of great value to our city in this time of need, but its movement is under the purview of the House of Walford. If you wish to help with the defense of the city then I am sure your people would make a superb sally force, and you would be certainly seen in a much better light by all of the citizens if you were to support against the Oronvee in such a bold and decisive manner.
Richard Abersire the 1st,
Arch-duke of Ascant, King of Abern

Ooze MOR 1
Your runner escapes with his life, shaken by the twisting entities that made no response to diplomatic offers.

The claw MOR 1
Your rat is lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the creature, nearly six meters across the creature scuttles along the shadows of the docks of salt market. It does not look intelligent.

Clan Merkit MOR 2
You claim to grow stronger yet you still raise your claws for the Warlock Snikrit. He will not take the decisive action that is necessary in this city. He would have the Ska serve rather than rule.

House Walford MOR 6
A message arrives from the noble house of Walford by a nervous looking page. The poor boy stats very close to the boundaries of the Sump, desperately waving down the first group of Ska he sees.

House Walford will consider your offer when the Sump smells like a rose garden. We will have plenty of better suited claims to escort the iron.

Al-taih MOR 3
The message is sent off on one of the last runner boats that will leave before the siege, you will hopefully see a response by midturn.

Ascant Industries MOR 4
Well well well, the garbage rats come to the Foundry pretending at soldiers. Listen here garbage rat, I’ll ignore that threat about your soldiers, Foundry has more than enough to deal with you. You want to talk business, let's talk business. But only in private. Never know when this damned liberals are spying in.

To the Clanchurch

OOC stuff PM
The Torrist Faith is old, dating well back into the bronze age. It concerns the creation legend of the Maker, Mother, and Twelve children, whom are the official gods of the polytheistic faith. The church can name Saints, both alive and dead, and the priests collect a very small tithe from the faithful. There are several offshoots, most of which can be found in Little Temples. The Faith is very widespread, practiced from Sarn to Oron to Frozen Shore. They have some, though not much, history of religious intolerance, but there is no such voice in the modern versions of the Torrist holy texts.

At the Coin Punch LocationPM
Three great pillars made of exotic Dalwood anchor the multiple bars of this sprawling building, glittering with a small fortune of hammered in coins. It is the middle of the day, so the ground floor is packed with noisy workers of a dozen factions. A group of Itz see Sunwing arrive and raise a toast to him. The balcony above the balconies where wealthier patrons drink and scheme.

Notably, the Summer Tourney Champion Alto Vassrigar has bought out one of the grand balconies and is feasting a huge group of friends and acquaintances. There is also no sign of the Houses usual owner, Baillen Vos. A message board in one corner is cleared of the usual posters and instead has a simple message:
“The sale of the Coin Punch Tavern will begin this [mid turn], thank you to all of our wonderful patrons for many good years. Sale by auction will be held in Abern Plaza, open to all comers.”

The Sea Wolves

The Bone Makers MOR 2
Captain Brassbeard,
We won’t have any concerns with you or yours in the West Docklands. Our operations will be moving else where soon enough. Good to see you back in port Captain, Hurricane has been a right pain and you always seem to keep them off our backs in Ramshackle.

Agda Ali MOR 3
Ah young Brassbeard, do not think for a moment that I have grown to love a pirate like you just because I am off the Hurricane payroll. I’ve a date in Six Sided if you really want to talk, elsewise we should stay out of each others affairs.

Saltmarket Affairs
The beast was first seen about a month ago, tales from the various dock workers vary wildly, but the average seems to be about six meters across, reeking of strange magics. It resembles a giant crab, and has so far kept under the water. No one knows of its lair, but sightings are fairly scattered and irregular, so it must have somewhere to hide.

To the Guild of Negotiable Affections

The Calton Refugees MOR 1
Greetings to the Guildsmen of Tock Street,
I am William Farren, I’ll speak for all of us here. Most of us anyway. Name the time and place and I’ll be there. It's time we had a voice and got this mess sorted out.

Hurricane Shipping MOR 7
The guilds letter is on paper of very fine quality, imported from Rani.
We will attend this meeting. Though please keep our attendance private. The idiots at the Foundry may try and interfere if they catch too much chatter about Hurricane.

The Coin Punch Coach House MOR 1
Of course you may rent a balcony, (the cost for your faction is negligible). Fair warning we will be going up for auction after the [midturn]. The owner has not yet decided if we are remaining open during such times.

Thank you for your kind words, I will make sure the Baillen hears them.

The Golden Girls MOR 2
Why my dear Tam of course! Many of our ladies got a start in your guild. I’ll keep you up to date if anything strange happens up here in Golden Dreams. You stay safe over northside, Merchants Half is gonna be lookin’ mighty dangerous soon.

Ranna Henerly

2017-10-31, 03:59 PM
House Dunmorsay

To many, the continuous roar of the furnaces and smelters and the hammering of two dozen apprentices at work would have been a cacophony, but to Torac, it was sweetest music. He moved along the rows, leaning heavily on his cane, occasionally offering up a word of advice or criticism. "No, strong there." "You keep it out too long. It's getting too cold." "Your furnace is too hot. What did I tell you last week?"
They were stockpiling weapons and armor, now. Simpler stuff than they usually would, short mail shirts, kettle helmets, spear points. This wasn't the time to equip the nobility with fancy gilt and filigree. They needed a large militia, now.
He sighed. The apprentices were nervous. Making mistakes. Well, an army at the doors did that, he supposed. The ore was running out, too, they couldn't go on like this for long.
As he walked past Iryn, his eyes gleamed with pride. She was standing at the forge, her skin glistening with sweat, red hair tied back under a bandana. Her upper arms were as wide around as his head and moving rather impressively. He nodded, but she didn't notice him, absorbed in her work, so he moved on.
He hesitated just a bit as he came to the ore vault, then knocked. There was no answer, but he stepped in anyway.
Once again, Ceron was lying face down on top of a pile of iron ore, humming to himself.
"Ceron? Again?"
His voice was soft and concerned.
Ceron stood up and dusted himself off.
"I swear, I almost have it. It's... like a word on the tip of my tongue. I can almost remember it..."
"Ceron, you've been in here since yesterday morning. You haven't eaten in over 24 hours. You haven't even really moved, it seems."
"I know, I know." Ceron sighed. "But the iron... I almost have it now..."

"Great Seer Snikrit,

An interesting coincidence. We, too, were thinking about sending troops to secure that iron shipment, hoping to bring some to our forges. Perhaps, if you are interested, we could share the burden in the spirit of cooperation? I'm sure details can be worked out, but I propose that we take the raw ore and in exchange would give you finished weaponry.

With the greatest respect,
Torac Dunmorsay

Why yes. I will gladly attend.

Torac Dunmorsay

Hello, Tam!

Keep in mind that many of these stories are decades old and greatly exaggerated. There were four valkyries, and only two of them fell in love with me. As for the longboat, it was mostly downhill from a mountain lake, so we just had to slide it over scree. As for Ymira's lost hoard, well, we found some of it, but a lot of it was too heavy to carry and the Valkyries took most of the rest.

Anyway. I'm rambling again. Of course I will come, it's an honour to be thought of as of note.


2017-10-31, 04:46 PM
The Order
Morale 5

Rivergate Guild
From Speaker Mallick Limb, to the most honorable and sagacious Rivergate Guild

Worthy gentleman it grieves to write to you in this manner, and hope it arises out of poor rumor alone, that most distant cousin of truth. I hear from my congratulation you are unsettled by the arrival of the faith to this most fair part of our holy city. I wish you to know you need not fear the Order, we have come to the city to protect you. Ten years ago the Flame showed me the war that now approaches your homes, burning a trail of ruin a hundred miles long. It is an elemental force, war, as predicable and random as the hurricane or the earthquake. The Flame showed me I must stand here. If I do so there is a chance, just a chance, that the seemingly unstoppable force will break upon the walls and scatter. The war will not end, but thousands will be spared, yourselves among them. That is my holy mission. Fight, and we shall fight beside you, stand aside and the Order will protect you, stand in our way in this and the Order shall destroy you.
Dedicate yourselves as best merchants can to beating this army and you will ever have a friend in the Order, worthy gentlemen

The Restless
A Channeller is sent to see if these poor benighted creatures are capable of communication

The Order of the Legacy
Fellow worshipers of the almighty Kira, brothers and sisters of the faith, I write to you in these dire times to speak truths the uninitiated would never understand, words that must be shared with the wise. The city will soon be under siege once more, history repeats itself, the cycle ever continues, yet this time there is no Kira. It falls to us, her followers, to perform her miracles in her place. I suggest we combine our efforts to this end. Our magics are potent yet very different, together we can accomplish far more.

Arch-Duke Richard the First
(Regarding Destroy the Oronvee Scouts)
A petition from Speaker Limb of the Order;
My lord, I beg your permission to ride out against the Serpent's Strike. We have no small history with their company and it would be good to bloody their noses once again! Our swords are sworn to the defense of this city, allow us to unsheathe them in your service.

A note is found pinned nearby one of the many secret passages in the clock tower
'Word has it that a shadow lurks beneath the tower, one that knows many secrets. If such rumors were true I would wonder if this shadow would share those secrets, for a price of course.'

The Clanchurch
Rest assured you have nothing to fear from the flame, fellow priest. We are more alike then we appear, I think. Very much more. As long as you pose no threat to the defense of the city your shrines in Little Temples will be unmolested.
But we cannot swear to peace in the district. The Order exist to enforce peace, our paradoxical existence thus necessitates our continued efforts at war. If potential harm arises in Little Temples we will strike it down just as we would anywhere else. I am already hearing rumors of malicious forces there. I wonder, as we share interests in the area, if we could rely on your support in such a circumstance?
~Speaker Mallick Limb

2017-10-31, 05:00 PM
edit: now its done.

The good doctor´s guild morale: 4

the five masked people were sitting a round wooden table, their surroundings clashed with their attire, the sides of the house-sized white tent resembling the robes they wore.

The figure at the head of the table was rubbing her temples, or at least the place were they would be below the mask and sighing in an obviously exasperated manner, the people around making sounds that she tried her hardest to avoid listening too, all faces turned as an armored man entered the tent relaying a message in a rather soft and calmed voice for a man of such might: "miss Saphaer, there seems to be some trouble with the treatments in our southernmost outpost"

With that She quickly rised up, brushing some hair behind her horns as she placed them in her hood donning yet another cloak and walking to the exit, one of the doctors speaking in a voice that was obviously as angry as it could in this current situation:
-"Head doctor, our discussion has not finished yet and I suggest you continue it, it is awfully rude..."

- "zip it, Daniel my discussion has been done for over an hour, now, regardless of if you´ll excuse me I have work to do, and so do you, Get to it. Meeting dismissed." no time for a response was given before she was out of the tent, securing her leather gloves and pondering if sending Cortes as a spokesman may just be a better choice all around.

The young doctor is caught off guard,
and she tries to contain a smirk when she hears the apology for the mask. "thank you for the visit, We don´t do much business in the shores, wich is the most likely cause for the low contact between our groups, Making it big is a bit generous, but if the people are saying it we´ll take the compliment.

nasty stuff that is going on in Cardova, we are trying to keep it in the district while we figure out a solution. But we cold always use some help if your boys feel charitative, people around here get a bit shaky when you tell them they aren´t allowed to leave the zone and we lack the man power to stop them all. "

Your majesty, if it is not too much trouble we would like to request a bit of coperation from your troops while we deal with the threat of disease on Cardova, as you know none are as capable as us when it comes to healing but what few members of the brigade are on town go from passive to outright detrimental to the situation, cutting the efficiency of our own elements.

Dearest Maria, I do regret the lack of contact between me and you, and I would like to mend that since we seem to hold a similar affection for magic, if a different style of it, I wonder if you´ll be willing to hold a meeting amongst some of us educated in the arts to discuss the fate of the city and have a chat bout our trades.

- with the highest regards: Dr Saphaer, head of the good doctor´s guild.

Dearest Matthias, I regret the lack contact between our guilds, and it shocks me that the only two groups that seem to care about an advacement of technology have had barely any discussion,
I would like to meet you with some likeminded friends (mostly of the magical type), so we can talk about the future of the city and perhaps a path to mutual benefit in our research.

- with the highest regards: Dr Saphaer, head of the good doctor´s guild.

Dearest Chemosh, I´m thrilled to learn that still new organizations surge with the hopes of studying magic in all its forms, we I hope you and your apprentices are interested in a gathering, where like-minded individuals of some magical ability are gathering to discuss the fate of the city and our respective trades.

- with the highest regards: Dr Saphaer, head of the good doctor´s guild.

we from the Good Doctor´s guild would like to take up this task, any information you have on the spirits most common in the forest would be good but we can make due with our own info.

Dearest Valindus, it is my hope you are open to share a timely meeting between some of the most well regarded magicians of the city, were we shall discuss the fate of the same and our respective trades.

- with the highest regards: Dr Saphaer, head of the good doctor´s guild.

greetings, master, us in the good doctor´s guilds could use some help on the treatment and cure of the sickly down at Cardova, and we would be very thankful if you could help us with your understanding of seasonal magic.

We would like to lend you our aid, at least as doctors by trade, in the conditions you work there must be more than a few people faring worst for ware out of natural causes, and we would hate that the poor morals of sentient beings delivers others of their kind to plagues and exhaustation.

greetings to you holy men, we can empathize with your faith and conviction and would like to ask you for help,
many of your faithful live and run stores in rivergate, and we would like to start offering our services in the area, assuring that shipments are devoid of disease as we do in the gatemarket.

I´m turning 2 of my wealth into t.cash, to eventually pay the tax, and the other 4 into t. research and spending into researching a cure for the plague in Cardova, hoping it gives me A) more influence in Cardova and B) less cost when investigating other related subjects (say, if it is caused by water I can deal more easily with waterborn diseases). I was hoping both rogue and mage levels would count for this if I used my researcher trait, if not I may just save the other two points for the next research.

2017-10-31, 05:12 PM
The Most Venerable Society of Arcane Goblinoids

"Dioymachus do you think the Oronvee like Goblins?"
"No one likes Goblins"
"Do you think the Caltons like goblins?"
"What did I just say?"
"Oh.... Do you think there are any goblins from Calton?"
"How should I know that"
"Is the Klaw a goblin?
"Do you think he likes Goblins?"

Morale 5
to the Ska
Dear Snear Snakrat,

We are not of interested in eradikation of the Oooze... yet. We wish to find their source and research them. Perhaps they will be useful in the days ahead. They cannot be rasioned with but that doesn't mean the Goblins can't master and kontrol them as we have with Magik. We do not think we will need your services of yet.

-Screed SinClaw

to Calton Refugees

Kome one Kome all, there is plenty of space in the Spew!

to Druids of Stinkvale
Do any of you know anything about the "OOOOZE"? The dump and Spew are not too different and we wouldn't be surprised if they were konnekted. Also would you mind telling us of any Magiks that will help with smells, you seem to have it under Kontrol mostly.

2017-10-31, 05:15 PM
The Great House of Calton

Introduction to the VIPs of the Great House of Calton

Leonora, Lady of Calton, Head of House.

Survivor of the Battle of Calton. Fought alongside and lost her children in the Battle of Calton. Saved by the previous Head of House, her husband Gaius, who she watched die saving her. Making sure his death was not in vain, the noble knight rode her horse Ebony, a Calton Charger, as she guided refugees to Ascant in hopes they could stave off the Oronvee invasion there.

Image credits to len-yan (https://len-yan.deviantart.com/art/ursa-478030083).

Aulus of Calton.

The former Head of House's uncle from mother's side, this old man looks with sadness at the apparant downfall of the Great House. His grandchildren were lost in the Battle of Calton and now his children have joined the army. He does not expect them to return after seeing the death wish in their eyes. Of the scholarly type, he is well read and well informed.

Image credits to Fernanda Suarez (https://fdasuarez.deviantart.com/).

Gabriel of Calton, Heir of House.

This young priest wanted to join the army, to avenge his fallen brethern and parents. He was forbidden from doing so by Leonora, Head of House, because he is now next in line to be Head of House as newphew to Gaius, the former Head of House. Followed a religious study at the Tor Cathedral as third child and is a pious priest of the Torrist faith.

Image credits to chazillah (https://chazillah.deviantart.com/art/tristan-foxfur-668325450).

The Calton Mansion at North Hill

She's been standing too long at the window, she knows it. Leonora, Lady of the Great House of Calton, Head of House, peers out past the curtains. The rising dawn is already gone, with the sun high enough to mark it late in the morning. Her cup of tea stands idle on the table besides her, long cold. Her cheeks tighten as she grits her teeth, a depressing thought filling her mind as she looks to the North. Drawing a deep breath through her nose, the muscles in her arms and legs tighten, she moves a few inches to the side, but then halts. Casting a glance through the window, her eyes flare wide and she steps to the side, in cover of the window.

"Milady?" A servant standing in the room, concern obvious in the tone. She shakes her head, forces herself to relax. Beneath her, she sees Gabriel of Calton, her newphew and heir to her position, leaving the mansion's grounds. Her eyes narrow for a moment, following his direction. After too long, when he has left her field of vision, she turns around. Too fast, she realized, as she straightened her face and ignored the concerned look on the servant. She moves out of the room into the hallway. Her footsteps almost echo through the silent mansion. It's too silent. Too empty. She winces.

A door closes and she hears other footsteps. Not those of the servants. Aulus, her uncle. She looks down the hallway and sees the older man, his face tired, though stern. Late morning and only now he is out of bed, she realises. The toll of current events. "Gabriel left the grounds. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." She utters. For a moment, she bites on her tongue, the tone was too sharp, unbefitting of her new role. Yet Aulus only nods politely, in understanding. The two look at one another and no more needs to be said. Their paths seperate, for now.

Morale 1

Your Majesty,

The sincerest of apologies is offered to Your Majesty, for the failure the Great House of Calton to fight off the Oronvee Invasion at Calton. Each moment the Northern lands are soiled by foreign occupation, my heart weeps. Know that I have seen firsthand the bravery of your loyal servants, who stood to fight against the Oronvee coalition, even in death. With me I bear the shame to come to Ascant in life, where my brethern do not.

It is with great tragedy I report the death of my husband, Gaius, Lord of Calton. Know that he fought valiantly in an effort to protect your lands from foreign incursion. It is now my burden to take upon his mantle of responsibility and I intend to do so, and serve you, to the fullest extension of my possibility.

In that light, I wish to humbly ask Your Majesty to bestow upon the Great House of Calton the honour to execute the three great tasks of the Royal Seal of War. The Great Houses's military force is no longer capable of bolstering the army as before, thus we seek to serve by offering our aid where it will count the most. With Your Majesty's blessing, the Great House of Calton will be His Royal blade and dagger which strikes at the Oronvee coalition as we destroy the Oronvee Scouts, end General Carser's life and work with the Woodland spirits of Bulgewood.

I have the honour to remain, Sir, Your Majesty’s most humble and obedient servant.

Leonora, Lady of Great House Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

For the choice of t.cash or t.research from my wealth stat, I will pick to convert it all to t.cash. That means my starting 3 wealth generates 3 t.cash.

2017-10-31, 05:33 PM
The Ska

The tiny little rat, Grey Seer Snikrit, sat upon a throne of bones as he examined the responses to his letters and replies from his spies. Not literal bones of-course, Grey Seer Snikrit was not a cartoon villain, but in fact remains of once proud pieces of machinery and furniture now re-purposed from their decaying corpses in the shape of a large throne. Infront of it sat a very large piece of the most strange green rock that he gazed into and saw things--sometimes he didn't even know what the things he saw meant but he nether the less took heed of each glimpse.

Moral: 3 -- Esp: 4
Dear Friends,

I must confess our military strength and offer of mediation has not had the desired effect upon those that lurk within the Foundry--perhaps if the orcs and goblins too could be brought onside as neutral mediators Ascant Industries might move from their staunch position of ignoring your plight. We will continue our efforts, no matter how ineffective, to help your cause but we do not wish to cause the matter to escalate any further. I am glad to hear you appreciate our support and I believe it is wise that you are cautious of those that offer their aid.

Best Wishes,
Grey Seer Snikrit.
Dear Arch Duke Richard,

Our military is entirely at the disposal of the city in the coming attack--already I have sought to draw together the most militant of the cities factions in an attempt to create a War Council to better distribute our soldiers when the time comes to fight for the very fabric of our homes. Perhaps it is yet too early but I feel we should have such a meeting before it becomes too late.

Grey Seer Snikrit.
The Rat sadly was not sent to simply catch a glimpse and run away: He was sent with strict orders to attempt communication. If words did not work he was to try grunting or gesture and perhaps even rat squeek.
The hulking Ratling of Queek errupted from the shadows a few days later. Merkit, the leader of Clan Merkit, had been the gargantuan Ratlings only surviving sibling from their brood--between them they had killed and eaten the rest. Now the two long lost brothers stood face to face: each with long shaggy black fur and each with snarling maws and long curved fangs.

A fist struck the rat on the side of the head as around them Ska and Merkit warriors pointed spears and sword at each other in panic in a standoff. Neither side wished to start a war or interfere with the diplomatic meeting.
Ska are Traitors to this Throne! We will cull this land and spread our influence across the city!

He waited a moment to let his statement set in.
We work with Snikrit because he is smart and he see future glimpses. Not because he strong or because we weak! Queek strongest of all Ska, kill most Ska and fight best but Snikrit useful little rat for plans and tricks! Understand?
Dear Floral Smelling, Never-Perspiring, Soft-Handed and Clean Pored Miners.

We did not realize our ability to maintain and keep clean a piece of land that has been abused by your own perfectly clean and very tidy humans was an important aspect of receiving your contract. The fact we have spend that last several months collecting, organizing and recycling your own people's waste in an attempt to clean this piece of land that you have abused is clearly not good enough and we shall endevour to be much better at our entirely voluntary good will project. Please allow us to give our sincere apologies for our military capable people for requesting the mission to militarily protect your goods when you would much prefer a cleaner to fight off the bandits that seek to ambush your convoy of Iron and make it dirty!

We wish you the very best,
Stinky dirty non-clean Snikrit.
Dear Friend,

We did not know you had the military power to risk removing your forces from Ten Mill's at such a volatile time; If you can secure this contract the Ska would be more than willing to come to some agreement as to how we approach the task although the House Walford has been less than accepting of our own offers to aid them due to our apparent lack of cleanliness. Ironic that such a statement would come from Miners--notorious for their own hygiene and almost as favorable of tunneling as rats.

Dear Sneed SninSnaw

With all due respect we are not requesting your permission, we are informing you of our intentions, own people live and work within the Spew and these Ooze are a danger to our own kind and thus we are acting to remove that threat for our own peoples safety.

-Snear Snakrat,

2017-10-31, 05:48 PM
...and then I said that isn't a cow that's my cat. Chemosh says laughing. The only one who joins him is Pyrom who had been drinking up to this point.

Arryn makes a slight coughing noise.
Right. So how does that relate to you calling us "Chemosh and the apprentices". I mean come on, you were the only one of us to fail. Even Pyrom managed to keep his grades up until his expulsion. Arryn points out.

Oh that, when filling out the forms to make our mage group I had to say who the master was. Figured it might as well be me, seeing all the instruments are mine. Look, it isn't important. Chemosh and Apprentices will become rich and famous soon; then no one will care about our official title.

Ash long ash I gets me beer, I don't care. Pyrom slurs before taking another deep drink and slamming down his mug onto the ground shattering it into pieces.

For **** sake Pyrom. I had just fixed that. Anyways, I don't really care as long as we are making money I'm good. What about you babe? Lucy says waving her hand. The pieces of the mug quickly reassembled themself and there is a small whine as the glass melds back together again. All that

I'm not so sure but I'm ok with it if you are ok with it. Eisenhower says quietly with a dazzling smile.

4 versus 1, the name is good. Speaking of money let's see what quests are available today and if any magic items are for sale. I believe it was your turn to get the quest list Arryn. Chemosh says trying to look professional. It isn't very successful with his stained robes and poor posture but at least he was trying.

Yeah, I got it. Most of them were military or espionage focused but here is what I got. The government has a contract out to enrage or befriend some the woodland spirits. Eisenhower is the obvious choice. Probably Pyrom and one other along as some of the guards, due to it being relatively dangerous. I highly suggest befriend, Ironbreaker is out there and I imagine he would be pissed if you enraged the spirits. The second job is just to remove a curse, relatively simple the pay is poor but it will make us look good. I suggest Chemosh or myself for this one. The last is to escort an iron shipment, a bit out of our normal line of work but it doesn't seem too bad. Unfortunately, it is relatively open ended and they are giving away a strategic resource for it. Not likely we get it but no harm in applying and if we do we send Lucy. If we can't get the jobs, I hear there is a group of eldritch slimes in the spew that we could try to control. We may also wish to contact a few other people if we want to actually become well known. Arryn says reading off a list. The others just sort of agree and they get to writing their letters.

Morale 4

We would like to take the job of befriending the woodland spirits. We have an enchanter and several magical tools to aid in getting them on our side as well as several years of magical training. See attached page for our references and previous experience.

We are able to aid in removing the curse. While not specialised curse removers, I'm sure you will see our portfolio is quite a diverse one.

We are quite interested in your job. Our escort would be a very magic heavy escort to blast attackers away.

We have attached our portfolio and references.

We hear, recently a slime problem has popped up with some magical slimes spawning. We were wondering if you would be interested in a joint operation to try to take control of them. We may not be able to do it pending whether our quests applications are accepted or not but the slimes could be a good source of renewable guards for both of us.

Hey teach, your favourite student Chemosh here. We were looking into some eldritch slime in the sewer and were curious if extended exposure to ley lines could cause mutations in animals? The claw and the ooze both reportedly are magical in nature and both seem related to the water.

I'm not sure how the professor actually views Chemosh, but he generally assumes he is every professors' favourite student despite his poor grades.

Chemosh stops by the shops to see if there is any interesting magical items for sale and to say hello to the shop keepers. Most shop keepers have probably met him before as these shopping trips were quite common before he got cut off.

Would like a t cash for my 1 wealth

2017-10-31, 06:19 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

The members of the Scions Club were holding a meeting in their club house in the Golden Dreams, a thing they did all the time, yet this was not like any of other meeting they had ever had. The tension in the club house was high, even though a lot of the members was enjoying a cup of coffee alongside different kinds of pastries. Everyone were quieted, waiting for last members to show up.

Suddenly the door open and in came a beautiful young lady, dressed in what looked like a very expensive dress, that still allowed its wearer a lot of mobility. “I am sorry, that I am late, but you know how long time it takes for a lady to get dressed.” She said and walked over and sat down in one of the many different couches there was in the room.

“Well, since you have arrived Amelia, then we can start the meeting.” Lewis said, who was easily recognizable, because on his cape were his coat of arms, which match the name of his house, since it was a black tree.

“We all know why we have gathered her today, to discuss what we are going to do about the Oronvee invasion. I personally think we should start by securing our powerbase, but I would also like to hear your thoughts.” Lewis said to other members.

“I think we might be able to convince some of the other students from the University to join our efforts, perhaps we can even convince the administration to help us out.” Elisabeth said. She was sitting beside Harvey, who sitting quietly listened to the others talking.

“I think we might need to secure the Golden Dreams before truly trying to gain support from another district, also I think we need to increase the number of soldiers on our payroll and try to get them some better equipment.” Duncan said. He had left his sword at the entrance, but he stilled had some light armor on, as if he expected to get into a battle soon.

“I think you are right, we ought to contact the Golden girls and see if we cannot get to some sort of agreement, but we need to be careful about how we spend our resources.” Lewis responded.

“I have taken the liberty of ordering the cooks to prepare dinner for us, so we will have plenty of time to discuss.” He continued. In the end the members first left for their home after the sun had gone down and the stars and moon lighted the way home for them.

To Leonora, Lady of Calton
I offer you my dearest condolences for your loss, my Lady. If there is anything I can do to help in this difficult time, just ask and I will do my best to help.
There is something I wish to discuss with you, namely that both the house of Calton and the Scions Club has a certain influence in the Views. In this time of war, we from the Scions Club wishes to gain all the support we can to stand against the Oronvee, but we do not want any animosity between us, so I found it best to discuss this with you, before we tried to expand our influence in the Views.

Best wishes
Lord Lewis of House Blackwood

To the Golden girls
Girls, I believe that it is time to put past troubles behind us, so that we can present a united front against the incoming invasion and I am sure that we can come to some sort of agreement.
- Amelia Denman

To William Yately
When I heard about your missing daughter, I knew that I had to do something about this. The Scions Club are willing to start looking for her, but I would like to hear more about she disappeared, so we would know where to look first.
- Lord Lewis of House Blackwood

I would like to ask a few questions,
Who has influence in the University besides me?
Who has influence in the Views besides me and Calton?
Who are William Yately?

2017-10-31, 06:21 PM
Argentum, the Silver Guard Mor 3

The streets of Roof Walk are narrower than in most parts of the city but occasionally open to small spaces for gatherings and conversation, trade and gossip. Here and there on the corners and pathways small groups of men and women wearing the silver flower walk, at home in the crowd but still holding themselves separate while on duty. They're not armed with iron nor wearing any heavy armour, but still bring order wherever they go.

A tall man with sharp features and skin a shade darker than even most of those who live in the Sarnic slum makes his way through the winding streets, his gait eager and light, even hurried. It's as though he can't quite be content with the speed everything is moving at, pushing just a bit ahead. His armour, showing from underneath a long coat, is adorned by deep blue sigils alongside the shield and flower symbol of the Argentum, while in his left hand he holds a long staff of black wood.

"Aleeka, good sir!" A greeting from the crowd mixing two languages as is common in these parts. Naib waves a hand and brightly replies with the traditional "Aleeka gerat." It's a common occurrance, the people here both know and trust him to look out for their interest. A few children run up to him and he exchanges a few more words, tossing a coin that quickly disappears into the folds of their ragged clothing.

Nearing the edge of the neighbourhood, the architecture begins to change. It's as ramshackle as ever, but the warmth seems to drain away from the stones, and Amarr's smile and jaunty step turn into a more stern outlook, walking with his back straight as a military man would. The streets continue, as winding as ever, and as packed with the poor and the destitute. Spotting a flicker of movement on the rooftops he lifts his right arm and goes over a few hand signals, taking the next opportunity to turn to a side alley. He doesn't slow his pace even as a large-boned man who looks like he hasn't eaten properly for days, if ever, steps out in front of him holding out a hand with a sliver of sharp metal. "Hey, this ain't your kind of place, snake. You look like you've got-"

That's as far as the would-be mugger gets as Naib flicks the staff up, a blade springing out in time for two quick strikes to first cut at the hand holding the knife and then ending the 'fight' with a stab to the throat. He takes a moment to wipe clean the blood before continuing to the other end of the alley.

A young woman leaning on the wall falls into position a step behind him as he turns back onto a larger street. "So, what is it?"

"Good to see you well, Jasmin. We need to send out a few messages and make some appearances. I'll take the public ones, you take the others as usual." He hands over a small package. "The order matters with these ones. Let's compare notes at fifth bell back at the compound."

She nods and turns around to leave without a word. "Take care."

The Sea Wolves

Yeah, we've called in most of our people. It looks like things are going to be getting tight with the Coalition. We're always up for side business, of course, just nothing too long-term at the moment.

We should probably talk, though. Both of us look like we're dropping anchor at Ramshackle for the time being, after all. There's some conflicts around the place that both of us might have a professional sort of interest in - the Saulkers, for one, and the whole shebang with the Hurricanes and the Duke. Keep an eye out for each other's backs, and we might be able to profit here. Always good to have friends, after all.

Naib Amarr, Commander of Argentum

The Blue Company

A response is delivered promptly, in the form of a hand-delivered letter with Argentum's seal.


I always have considered myself an exceptional individual, and therefore will happily accept this invitation. The Gods help those who help each other, after all. I must admit, I can't wait to see what sort of proposal you've come up with.

Naib Amarr, Argentum

PS: I've got a more discreet sort of business proposal that we might want to discuss in more privacy. Perhaps we should meet at the usual spot, with the two of us? We're the main mercenary companies in the city, after all, and this coming siege is definitely an opportunity as much as a trial to overcome.

House Calton

Greetings, Lady Calton,

First of all let me express my deepest and most sincere condolences for the tragedy that has struck your House as of late. The tide draws near and it is once again time for Ascant to show it can hold off the Coalition, or perish in the attempt.

With the unfortunate losses taken against the Oronvee, and many of the wealthy and powerful in the city still looking out for their own good rather than the benefit of us all, we of the Argentum would like to extend to you an offer that you can hopefully present to those deciding the current and future military actions of the city. We're sure it will be better received by a House so honourable as your own. We are mercenaries by trade, it's true, but we live here and we came here fleeing the previous Oronvee invasion of our own homeland. We'd be quite willing to do our part for the effort and will not, as is usually the case with soldiers of fortune, gouge prices from the beleaguered city in its time of need.

((OOC: We might be able to work together on things. For example, I'd be interested in guarding the iron shipment, and with your Rep we'd be sure to win the bid, while my military can easily reach the target number.))

Saulker Family

We've heard you had some trouble from a new gang in the neighbourhood. I'd like to visit for a chat, maybe work out some sort of an arrangement. We are mercenaries as well as neighbours, after all, and we can't exactly leave the city for long-term jobs at the moment.

Doctor's Guild

The plague in Cardova is a terrible omen for the coming siege, and something that must be cut short before it spreads. This should be your specialty, so I am hoping you'll be able to deal with the situation even as we focus on the Oronvee.

Arch-Duke Richard

Your most honourable majesty,

While we truly understand the need for the increased taxes to combat the Oronvee, as a mercenary company paying people so they can fight our enemies is somewhat contrary to our business model. We would like to suggest that instead of handing over our coins so you can pay soldiers, we directly hand over our soldiers to act in the defense of the city in any suitable capacity with less than the usual price for such an assignment. I believe this would be a more efficient way to solve the matter, and our soldiers are famed for their discipline and effectiveness. I assure you, they'll fight all the harder in the defense of their home.

Naib Amarr, Commander of the Argentum

Suma Jarema

(Entire letter written in Sarnic script)
May the moon bring you victory,

Though our stations are different as are our means and ambitions in life, blood calls to blood. If you have a need for a few hundred good men, ones that follow orders to the letter, keep us in mind. And likewise, any aid you can provide to us in securing our livelihoods and futures will be remembered. The sand cuts deep but the stone doesn't forget.

Naib Amarr, Argentum

2017-10-31, 06:58 PM

"Even the Rats laugh at poor Goblins, we must prove to all of Askant that we are more than they think."

Morale 5

To the Ska

You are fast to make enemies I see. You may come into our home as a contigency plan if we kan't discover their source and kontrol them ourselves. We can have our more skilled mages set up magical defenses against them if this would ease your mind.

But otherwise, we will be forced to not allow entry and resort to bloodshed and the Goblins will rule Spew and Sump alike.

2017-10-31, 07:25 PM
Tor Cathedral, side annex
Suma Jareme sat in a cramped room over a cramped table with his commanders. "The Oronvee have not brought a fleet to cut off our movement by water. They can not intend to starve us. A direct assault on the city will fail regardless of numbers while our defenses hold. Thus we now face three potential threats: magical siege weapons, mundane siege weapons, and the compromization of our defenses for within the city. The first can be neutralized by magical forces within the city as long as said forces are concentrated against it and the Oronvee are not allowed to leverage Stone Circle. The second can be made inoperable. The third must be guarded against. All of these conditions can be fulfilled only before their army reaches the city."

Suma took a minute to close his eyes and straiten his posture. ​"Apart from tangentially and inadequately touching on the third, the Palace's efforts do not touch on any of these objectives. The City at large has so far made no relevant efforts. Therefore, with no broad support, we and whatever allies we can find or buy will be achieving all three before the Oronvee next march. Destroying war machines will require a foray into what is likely the heart of the Oronvee army, we will need to know the layout of their encampment and have a means to get in undetected; optimally we will also have a means for getting out. Stone Circle is indefensible; therefore we must drain it, lock it down, or trap it extensively the help of the druids would be invaluable, but can not be relied upon. Enemy agents may find a gap to slip through, hide themselves within refugee groups, be present already in established groups, or simply be able to turn invisible and fly; we can not find them, so we must monitor every defense in the city at all times with sufficient forces that no point can be attacked or neutralized even temporarily by any possible attacker. Barring any failures, this will render the invading army totally impotent."

Suma looked down for the first time to check his notes "Onto the issue of the war taxes. We lack to funds, and none of our initiatives will provide monetary windfall. It is likely any of us that live will be arrested next week for tax evasion. Let us go around the table clockwise for questions."

You assistance would be greatly appreciated. As to my intended religious policies, a king can not chose his subjects, he must act on behalf of all people within his lands. An official faith would invite insincere professions of belief, and lying to the Maker and living in hypocrisy are more grievous sins than heathenism. Therefor for the sake of your souls I will never make such a law.

Lost Demiurge
2017-10-31, 07:44 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affection

Espionage 6, Morale 5

Tam hums as she works through the day's mail. There's quite a few yet to respond, and she frowns at the map of the district pinned to her sitting room wall.

"Relax," Murdoch rumbles. "Them as matters will be there. The rest'll get sorted out one way or t'other."

"That's the ideal, Mister Murdoch." She taps her quill against her chin. "But I'd rather know them before the bulk of the sorting gets going. It's good to meet people in pleasant times, rather than worrisome ones. And Oronvee's not going to let us have many pleasant times before long."

"Bah. Our business is pleasant times. Times get harder, so does our customers." He laughs, a rasping croak of a thing.

Tam squints at him, pointed ears twitching slightly. "Did Markus tell you that one?"


"Tell him he's got chamberpot duty for the night."

The Coin Punch Coach House

Fantastic! We'll go ahead and book it then, with the understanding we may have to vacate eventually.

Best regards,

The Calton Refugees

Excellent! We'll save you a spot at the table, William. It'll be the uppermost story of the Coin Punch Coach House, I've rented the entire floor for the evening. I look forward to meeting you in person.


Hurricane Shipping

Of course! The venue shall be the uppermost floor of the Coin Punch Coach House. One good last evening in Abern Square's oldest tavern before it passes into new ownership.

Kindest regards,

The Golden Girls

When isn't it dangerous? We'll be fine. Most of the wolves have more to worry about these days than us poor, innocent little lambs. And if all else fails I've got a Murdoch.

PS. Do give my love to Reina, and tell her happy birthday. Her present should arrive by parcel shortly, I have NOT forgotten her.


House Dunmorsay

Ah, it's a pity Mister Murdoch can't be there, that would settle our bet for certain! Nonetheless, I'll be happy to share drinks with you and chat of many more adventures. Should be a nice palate-cleanser between bargaining, I expect to be doing a lot of that. In any case, I've rented the top floor of the Coin Punch Coach House. We'll save you a seat at the table and the largest turkey leg the kitchen can cook!


2017-10-31, 08:37 PM

Chemosh & Friends
Yes wise ones, if you wish you may investigate them with us. We have made it klear to the Ska though that we are not interested in eradikation yet.
We would prefer to gain mastery over the oooze, they seem to be mindless so there must be a way to kontrol them... there is certainly potential for gain for both of us in the form of guards or defenses.

2017-10-31, 11:38 PM
The Cult of Undeath
Morale 3


The Blue Company
Seeing as we are almost neighbors now, I thought I'd ask what your plans in the area happen to be. Given your past... demeanor against even the smallest threat to the citizens of Ascant,
I'd imagine you'd be interested in working together to deal with Ironbreaker, spirits of the dead and the various other monsters lurking in the outskirts. These are not a danger to only you and me, but to the citizens of Ascant and the refugees fleeing the Oronvee as well. Although me and my acolytes are likely to be occupied this season, perhaps we could work together when winter comes?

Adalbert Holzmann

The Verdant Enclave
It seems we found ourselves at each others' doorstep - both in Bulgewood and Stinkvale. I'm contacting you to inquire about your future plans in the area - it may very well be smart to work together, if our goals are in any way similar.

Adalbert Holzmann

The Most Venerable Society of Arcane Goblinoids
I've heard of your pursuits to increase your magical knowledge. Apart from this, do you have any plans regarding the Outskirts? I'm quite interested, given we both have some influence in the area. Do you have any specific plans as to what you plan to do with your newfound magic, and how to improve it? Perhaps that would be something we could work together on.

The Owl Guild
Do the owls only deal in secrets, or is there other ways to pay for information? And do you sell more direct services as well, or only information?


The Restless
Do you know what it is that keeps you trapped in this world, that doesn't allow you to move on to afterlife? Perhaps there is some way we can help you.

The Order of the Legacy
Greetings, dear colleagues. Would you perhaps be interested in mutually sharing some of the secrets of our art? I imagine you have learned much while fulfilling your oath to Kira, and I during my travels. Maybe we could organize a meeting, I'll make sure to attend personally.

Adalbert Holzmann

I'd like research from my wealth, while the conjurer trait will, of course, generate the only thing it can - cash.

2017-11-01, 12:24 AM
Atelier Maria
ESP: 0 MOR: 4

"Aaah... ahahahaha. No, surely you jest..."

Maria laughed nervously, completely bowled over by Elwin's forward and unabashed nature. But even as the flustered girl scrambled to deny the charmer's compliments, the light pink hue on her cheeks was an obvious indicator of the effects said compliments had on her.

"But certainly, as long as I can call you Elwin in turn. So, business with me, is it?"
she enquired, taking the card and looking at it, with widening eyes of comprehension.

"The Blue Company...? Oh, you're from the group of fortune soldiers down in Maltshire!"

Maria exclaimed, clapping her hands together and presenting Elwin with a bright smile. "Thank you for the invitation, Elwin! I will most certainly be there!"

She stepped to one side, gesturing with one arm to her shop space. "Oh, and you have other business with me besides that, right? Is there anything in particular you're looking for?"

All of these and more, depending on what your needs may be! If you tell me what you're looking for, I can recommend something I can offer that should be the ticket. And I take payment in [t.wel], same as anyone else of course. But if you have something else in mind, I'm always open to suggestions!


And a very good evening to you too, Madame!

Thank you very much for your invitation, I will certainly be there! I am sure there will be much for us to talk about!

Speaking of which, have you by any chance received a similar invitation from the Blue Company recently? Elwin Kazan himself personally came to my Atelier to deliver it in person, I think he was their captain or some such.


Oh, but of course! What do you have in mind, I wonder?


That morning, Maria was tending to the shopfront of her Atelier as usual. As the bell jingled at Chemosh's entrance, she broke into a big smile and called out.

"Welcome to my humble Atelier! How may I help you today?"

2017-11-01, 06:08 AM
morale: 4 Esp: 0

good evening to you too, and thank you for appreciating our work, it does seem sometimes like only the dying do.

I would be fairly interested on the get together, and will do my best to go, if I get enough time away from dealing with the newest spread of the plague in Cardova.

best of wishes.
-Dr Saphaer, head of the guild.

We appreciate your concern for the threath at hand, and assure I you that we are doing our best to handle it,
our lines will not be broken by sickness, and with any luck we may be ready to help you break theirs when they arrive.

Nothing too fancy, I was just an invitation for dinner in one of my holdings down at mourner´s hall,
I have noticed that some seem have an adversion (not entirely sure why) to expending too much time within the sector so if you share that opinion I may be able to move the meeting to somewhere else.


2017-11-01, 06:14 AM
The Ska

A small crack appeared in the glinting stone, was it on the surface or simply a vision of the seer truly he did not know, inside it a great fire burned.

Moral: 3 -- Esp: 4
Dear Little Goblin.

We are quick to defend against those that seek to kill our people--your pupish threats to deny our kind access to their homes within the Spew and outlandish statement of evicting us from our own home within the Spew simply show your naivety. We will give you one opportunity to deal with the Ooze: if you do not we shall deal with them ourselves.

Grey Seer Snikrit.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-01, 10:35 AM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5

Atelier Maria

Actually, I've not recieved an invitation from the Blue Company. Mercenaries don't often invite us to their shindigs. Well, not directly, but our employees usually end up in attendance in some form or the other, so it works out in the end.

For our shindig, we've rented the upper-most floor of the Coin Punch Coach House. It's changing hands soon, so it'll be one last soiree, before a new owner steps up. I look forward to seeing you there!

With respect,

The Guild of Doctors

Excellent! Should you find the time, you can find our soiree at the top floor of the Coin Punch Coach House. Just ask the bartender, he'll tell you which staircase to use. The place is a bit of a labyrinth, it can be a little disorienting.

Please keep up the good work,

2017-11-01, 12:16 PM
Argentum to Technists Guild


As some of the most prolific and wealthy industrialists in Ascant, we thought we would contact you first about a proposal that should help both of us. With the coming siege, new weapons for siege warfare are going to be in great demand. Perhaps our tacticians and military experts might work together with your innovative artisans and production facilities to prepare for that need. I've heard some of the more volatile chemical mixtures might be of great use as traps, for instance.

Naib Amarr, Argentum

((OOC: Joint research project for something usable in the coming war? Explosives for example?))

2017-11-01, 12:30 PM

Morale = 5

to the Cult of Undeath
We do not have many plans right now, we will wish to increase our influence in the stinkvale eventually and study the strange magiks of the druids that live there. We are mainly working out of the Spew and Sump for now, but if you have any ideas of joint interest d o not hesitate to let us know.

to the Ska

We understand that there are differences in our speach, but we did not realize it was this bad. When we said we wouldn't allow entry, this was not in reference to your people in general. It was in reference to your military forces. We mean no harm toward the Ska living here and we do not threaten them. We will not hesitate to take action if your military is too aggressive in the Spew.

2017-11-01, 12:47 PM
Technists Guild


We have indeed been looking into the issues and means to survive the siege, and insure that our fair city manages to beat back the invaders. We shall admit, that while the current thoughts have leaned towards improvements to the Ballista designs, allowing for a change from a siege to anti-infantry weapon, that was mainly due to the ease of conversion. That, and we would have less need to do the proper safety and handling tests. While we are not soldiers, we have heard the occasional complaint about carrying weapons as likely to kill their handler as the enemy, and we would much rather have the other sorry bastards die for their country, then ours.

Still, there are a few differing mixtures and preparations that we can work towards. We can have the explosive traps worked on, though we have been looking into some older research notes about Ionian Fire. Still, if you would like to send some of your engineers over, we can collaborate.

Chairman Matthias Rosengrim of the Technists Guild

((OOC; Sounds good, though have a few different ideas. Basic Explosives are a good project, though Napalm and the Reaper Bolt Thrower (http://warhammerfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Reaper_Bolt_Throwers) were ideas rattling around in my head. Still, would not mind working with you on this one))

2017-11-01, 12:49 PM
Chemosh and Apprentices

See, I told you our name didn't matter. Half of the responses called us Chemosh and friends. Speaking of names, look I got us official stationery. They charged by the letter or detail so I couldn't afford to put our entire name on it but I think it looks pretty good. Chemosh says holding up a several papers with Chemosh et al written in fancy script on the top of each one.

What the ****, that is a complete waste of money. We don't need ******* stationary. Lucy says as she repairs a window Pyrom has smashed in his rowdiness before he had passed out.

Arryn and Eisenhower both murmur agreement. Pyrom just snorts in his sleep as he rests on a table.

Fine, we can just throw these out and in the future I will talk to you guys before buying gifts for our group. Chemosh says moving towards a trash can with the paper.

Wait, don't throw it out. If we have it, we may as well use it. Would be an even worse waste to throw it out, but yeah in the future consult the group. Lucy says.

Agreed. Eisenhower murmurs.

That was never really my concern but I can see when I'm out voted. Anyways, we should probably reply to those messages. Arynn says sighing heavily.

Morale 4
We are definitely interested in meeting. Should we send a representative over to speak now or is it still being planned?

Sounds good, we will send someone to investigate as soon as we find out if we got our quests or not.

Mostly just looking around to see what the shops are stocking. Window shopping for now until we see if we get the quests we applied for or not.
Do you stock any interesting specialized magic items or general tools? I generally prefer more permanent items than what most alchemists make but figured it would be good to check. Chemosh asks.

The young man is slovenly to say the least with robes covered in what appears to be grease and stained with unknown fluids. The robe appears to have been extended multiple times to fit the large man inside. That being said, he is covered with magical items and tools to help manipulate magic.

2017-11-01, 01:39 PM
Technist's Guild

All right. I think getting some basic mixtures for explosives down first would allow us to then create many more uses for them. Small fragmenting canisters that infantrymen can carry would be brutal in street battles, for one, and maybe larger such canisters could be thrown with machines from the walls into the enemy below.

((OOC: I think basic explosives is a good starting point that can lead to all sorts of nice things, maybe even firearms eventually. I'll have all my available t.wealth as research for this project this turn.))

2017-11-01, 02:25 PM
To the Order of the White Flame

The Restless MOR 2
The horrible ghost that your channeler encounters flee from his presence, at least at first. Soon the channeler is ambushed by several of these powerful restless dead. He holds them off, driving them back with holy flame, but they are far from destroyed. The channeler judges it best to retreat and report than die alone in a graveyard. It seems these dead have at least some modicum of intelligence, but are very hostile and do not respond to query.

The Rivergate Guild MOR 2
To the Honorable Order of White Flame,
We of the Guild appreciate that you are willing to extend a hand of friendship in these dangerous times. The Rivergate Guild has existed for many years and we have perhaps become set in our ways. Though if you say we have nothing to fear then we will take that at face value. Please leave our operations in peace and we will not speak against you.

The Order of the Legacy MOR 5
To our brothers and sisters of Whiteflame,
Yes these times are indeed trying, the light that the Archmage Kira brought to our city will be sorely missed in the coming months. We agree that mutual cooperation would be in our best interests, we propose an alliance between our Orders. Let us remind the Enemies of the city that Kira’s body has transcended but her soul remains with us.

Arch-Duke Richard the First MOR 9
It is good to see the holy orders of the city stepping up to the sacred duty of defending the city, I will of course highly consider your petition, and return my final answer soon.
Arch-duke of Ascant, King of Abern

The Good Doctor’s Guild

Arch-Duke Richard the First MOR 9
To the Doctors of Mourners Hall,
Thank you for taking it upon yourselves to help the beleaguered people of Cardova. The Brigade men stationed at the District must stay on duty in case things get any worse, though I will instruct them not to hinder the men of Mourners Hall. Please keep the Brigade up to date if things need to be full quarantined.
With regards to the contract to enrage the woodlands I will take your application under consideration, we of course have many folk currently looking to take the contracts.

Richard Abernsire,
Arch-duke of Ascant, King of Abern

Mercurious Shander MOR 2
I will of course offer my expertise to such a project, the threat of plague in the city during a siege should be a top priority. How can I help?

Seems fine to me, though remember that the research points are something you spend at EoT, not right now. Little ways off yet.

The Most Venreable Society of Arcane Gobliniods

The Calton Refugees MOR 1
You get no response from the refugees, to be fair though, you were offering them all the warmth and comfort of an active sewer complex.

The Druids of Stinkvale MOR 5
The Ooze are of no concern to us, the Vale is a closed system, no leaks.
OOC: this is how the druids usually talk, as someone with influence here, you have had a few dealings in the past. You know that these folk are VERY private.

The Great House of Calton

Arch-Duke Richard MOR 9
House Calton,
My heart lies heavy in my chest for your loss. The heroic defense of Calton allowed hundreds, perhaps even thousands, to flee to the safety of the Curtain Wall. Your family will be remembered as heroes for generations. I, Richard the First, Arch-duke of Ascant, recognize the ascension of Lady Leonara Calton to head of the Calton House, may the Northern Reaches be once again safe under your guiding hand.

The Royal Seal of War is not some trifle Lady Leonara. Your house is battered, do not let your drive for revenge shatter what is left. I will certainly consider your bids for those contracts, your blood is noble and your heart is strong, but these quests will require strength as well as conviction.

It is my sincerest hope to see the Great House of Calton rise again.

Richard Abernsire
Arch-duke of Ascant, King of Abern

To the Scions Club

William Yately MOR 1
It is good to find kind words among the young bloods. Thank you for your interest in our case. I will certainly consider your bid to help very carefully.

The Golden Girls MOR 2
Well well Mister Blackwood, what would a little sisterhood like ours do against big scary Knights of Oron?
In all seriousness though we agree that something should be done. What do you propose my lord?

Mortenkam PM
Chemosh and apprentices hold 3 influence, the remainder is empty, I will try to get the map up this evening to make things more clear. Views is also empty due to the number of noble who died at Calton.
The Yately s are a minor noble house in views. Since they are named characters, they may appear as Independent VIPS at some point.

To the Ska

The United Republican Front MOR 6
The struggle will not cease against the Foundry and the Nobility for a long time. The Foundry has far from ignored us, they have been actively stomping down our every effort. Still, your good wishes are appreciated. Good luck in this cruel world, Ska.

Arch-Duke Richard MOR 9
Grey Seer Snikrit,
I doubt my generals will have a place at the walls for you or any such idea, rather, I believe your people would be well suited to a sortee force, to prevent the enemy from setting up any sort of camp near the walls. Perhaps I will set up a war council soon and invite your folk to it, but I hardly think one of your people could start such a gathering with your immaturity to city politics.

The Claw MOR 1
Your rat does not return.

Clan Merkit PM
“QUEEK! You have betrayed our kind! The whispers of that rat have made you a FOOL, even now you believe his lies when he calls HIMSELF a traitor. The Ska and Merkit will never unite while that ragged mouse rules!”

Merkit claps the two long razors reaching past his claws together.

“And you could never beat me runt. I am the strongest of our kind!”

Chemosh and Apprentices

Arch Duke Richard MOR 9
Thank you for your interest in our cities defense. I will consider your faction most highly for the Woodlands task.

Bjok of Frozenshore MOR 1
DAMN! Some university big boys coming to check my little mill! I’ll happily consider your assistance Chemosh. Give me a little longer, but you’ll probably be the troupe for the job.

House Walford MOR 6
Thank you for your consideration for escorting our Iron shipments. I’ll take your offer under consideration.

Professor Falkar MOR 2
Ugh Chemosh, you don’t have anything to do with that mess do you? Though now that you say that, it would line up with Garahin’s Experiments on the Effects of Leyline Magic on Common Goldfish. Perhaps there is something there my boy. I do so wish you had stayed with us at the University, you showed such promise once you got past the thick skull.

Tell me, what led you to such a hypothesis? I see no reason why the Maple Leyline would be affecting these creatures.

The Clanchurch

Arch-Duke Richard MOR 9
To the Clanchurch
It is good of you to show interest in our cities defense, I am sure that your church and people will be invaluable in the coming conflict. For now I think it best that the military be left mostly in peace to prepare defenses. Our current problem lies with our lack of ability to effectively move forces around the ocean. The royal navy is tiny, previously we relied on the Hurricane Guild, clearly a mistake. You are an important figure in the Merchant’s Half, anything you could do to convince the smaller guilds to ally their ships with ours would be invaluable.

Imperial Psycho
2017-11-01, 02:41 PM
The Blue Company

At the Atelier

Elwin seemed a little downcast at not being recognised for a short moment, but the expression, if it was there at all, disappeared into another smile. "You honour me with your attendance. If nothing else, at least now I know I won't be drinking alone in the Coach House."

He turned his attention to the shop, inspecting the potions and pigments with curiosity. "My other business? Of course. Would you say you had anything to improve strength, speed, or perception? For I am weak, slow and blind, and if I am to fulfill the expectations everyone has for me, I will need all the help I can muster. And what help could be better than the master Atelier?"

"I also have a list of reagants I require. A mixture I find helps me rest. I learned of it in my travels to the East, actually. Do you travel much, Maria? There are so many wonders t see in Sire, wouldn't you agree? Though Ascant City is more impressive than most! Truly forged in the heart of an Empire. You can taste the history on the air."

The First (?) Meeting of the Heroes Guild

It is now the late afternoon. The Coin Punch Coach House is bustling, as always. Elwin Kazan awaits his guests at a window facing table. A blue card is propped up at the table, marking it out from the others.

(OOC: Feel free to introduce yourselves, people accepting my invitation :smallsmile:)

To the Cult of Undeath
You are certainly right that they are a menace! If it is to be winter, let us discuss it more then, but I agree that the woods must be made safe again for the people!

To Argentum
I am most grateful for your swift reply!

Certainly, I will meet with you. You will come to my meeting, so of course I shall come to yours.

Elwin Kazan.

2017-11-01, 03:15 PM
The Heroes Gather

Naib enters the room and, after a short glance around, heads to the marked table. He has left his armour off out of courtesy, instead wearing long, finely tailored coat in the Sarnic style. He grins and nods at Elwin as he grabs a seat on the opposite side of the table, setting his staff at his side to lean on the wall. "May wisdom flow. It's an auspicious day for business."

Blue Company [PM]

A meeting is held, and things discussed, privately.

House Walford

The Silver Guard would be interested in hearing some details about your iron shipment's size and the transportation route. It sounds like the kind of task we would be well suited for.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-01, 03:30 PM
Coin Punch Coach House

The door to the Coin Punch opens, and a small group of absolutely gorgeous young men and women file in. The one at the head is tiny, with blonde hair cut in a page-boy bob, and wearing a demure dress over her slender frame.

She takes a look at the assembled heroes, then moves her grass-green eyes to the bartender, who shrugs.

"Ah, enlightenment dawns! I see now the reason the main hall was unavailable." Tam smiles, and shifts a bulging purse to her left arm. "Keep up the good work, and... eh?"

One of the women, a tall, sturdy lass with hair like fire, is whispering in Tam's ear.

"Well, certainly, you can stay down here, to mingle. They've got ale, but you can't have a proper adventurer's celebration without the other bits, hm?"

Tam heads up the stairs, offering a full-faced smile to the Heroes as she passes them in the night.

Coin Punch Coach House - Private Floor - Merchants Half Balcony


The refreshments are arranged exquisitely, around the long tables. Outside, through leaded stained glass, the sun sets upon Abern Plaza. Tam sits at the center of the foremost table, leaving the head and foot to whoever would choose to claim them. There are plenty of other seats around though, and a warm fire roaring in the fireplace.

As the door creaks open, Tam glances up, and smiles, waving a white-gloved hand in honest greeting. "Welcome! I'm so glad you could come!"

2017-11-01, 03:35 PM
The Clanchurch

Arch-Duke Richard MOR 9
To the Clanchurch
It is good of you to show interest in our cities defense, I am sure that your church and people will be invaluable in the coming conflict. For now I think it best that the military be left mostly in peace to prepare defenses. Our current problem lies with our lack of ability to effectively move forces around the ocean. The royal navy is tiny, previously we relied on the Hurricane Guild, clearly a mistake. You are an important figure in the Merchant’s Half, anything you could do to convince the smaller guilds to ally their ships with ours would be invaluable.

To Argentum

The Saulker Family MOR 7
We can work something out. Break the Bone Makers and bring me their leader and there’s [5 t.cash] in it for you plus what ever they might be hiding in their district. This district has grown soft with my daughters fighting. They need to be reminded who rules here.


Arch Duke Richard MOR 9
I’ll wait for the Calton’s response before I have the king respond

To the Cult of Undeath

The Order of the Legacy MOR 5
The Order of the Legacy would be interested in sharing our findings on the manipulation of the dead. Though I am curious as to your finding with the Restless. They should not have been able to walk with so many of your own servants there. The numbers of them are quite startling.

The Restless MOR 2
No response is given by these monsters, your people have noticed the occasional spark of intelligence among their hauntings, but thus far communication has been impossible.

At the Coin Punch Coach House LOCATION PM

The Merchant Half Balcony
The balcony looks out over the main common room, bright kitchen hearths and whale oil lamps trapping the day a little longer into the evening. Coin Punch is big enough to actually have a proper menu, and already the three long meeting tables on your balcony are covered in a wonderful variety of fried river shrimp, roasted corn meal and associated sauces, warm dinner rolls with butter and chives, and plenty of soft wines and ales. The effect is quite relaxing, and the servers are very discreet in their wiping away of the finished plates and refilling of finished glasses.

William, the representative from the Calton Refugees, it's just barely maintaining decency, piling into the food even though the main course is as yet quite distant. Quite the opposite is the small contingent of Hurricane guildsmen, who bunch up on one table and look rather sever among the diversity of the other Merchant’s Half representatives.

The Heroes Meet
A wide round table of polished oak is covered in a delicious variety of simple chicken cuts fried in oil and batter, roast carrots and peas, and bread with several cheeses. An iron wrought lamp hangs over the table, scented with cinnamon to hide the whale oil smell. The ground floor is noisy and boisterous, but in a private sort of way. Everyone busy enough with their own merriment that all but the loudest scraps of conversation drain away beyond the borders of each table. Uniformed servers patrol the tables, refilling water and offering beer.

The Heron Knight is one of the first to arrive, accompanied by a couple of friends from his small crew. They happily greet everyone arriving and start swapping stories, a deck of cards appears, and soon the crew are trying to pull everyone in for low stakes poker.

2017-11-01, 03:38 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

To Chemosh and Apprentices
Hello Chemosh and “apprentices”
It is a while since I last saw you at the university, but I am hoping that you are doing well on your own. The Scions Club were thinking about expanding its influence in the university and then I found out that you somehow succeed in gaining a lot of sway at St. Gulliver, so I thought it best to inform you of our plans.
- Elisabeth Curzon

To the Golden girls
I believe that we can make some sort of business arrangement. We united our influences in the Golden Dreams, the Scions Club uses its connections to make sure no one bother you, while also giving you access to all the right events and places. The Golden girls can then help the Scions Club make sure it knows what is going on, since I am sure that you girls hear a lot of things. What do you think about my proposal?

To William Yately
Simply give the word and I would start the investigation immediately.

Thanks, I had forgotten about Chemosh and Apprentices.
How does it work if I want to visit a place? Do I say that one of my VIPs are going to visit a location and you write something about, or should I write them arriving myself?
How much would it take to take over an empty influence?

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-01, 03:57 PM
Guild of Negotiable Affections

Coin Punch Coach House


Merchant's Half balcony

Once enough of the party are assembled, Tam rises from her seat, and taps her wine glass with a spoon until the conversations quiet.

"Gentlemen, Ladies, I bid you welcome. It is good to meet you face to face, finally. You have all been asked here because you either live in the Merchant's Half, or you control various interests in the area, or both.

"To that end, with the city undergoing a stress it hasn't seen in centuries, I thought it best to meet and discuss the affairs in our district which will need sorting out, and quickly, if we are to continue doing business and prosper in the times to come.

"I think it best to begin by listing the various things we would wish to discuss, that concern us right now. As for the Guild, we have the following concerns to bring to the table."

She moves around to William, the Calton Refugees representative, and embraces him. "Welcome to the City. I'm sorry you've been displaced. The Guild will do what we can to help you. But we can't do it alone."

"The first concern we have is the welfare, settlement, and gainful employment of the Calton Refugees. This affects the entire district, Tock street the most right now, but it will soon impact others."

She turns from William and points out the window. "The second cause for concern right now are the murders in Abern Plaza. We want them stopped."

Then she makes her way over to the Hurricane Company, offering a curtsey. "The third concern we have at the minute is the price of food in the city. Though tolerable now, if this trend continues, it's going to result in a lot of desperate people. We were hoping that some of our more knowledgeable importers could speak on that possibility, and ways of alleviating it."

Spinning, she accepts a hand down from one of the handsome youths who accompanied her in, and settles back into her chair. "Right. Well, that's a start. Could everyone else please voice any concerns that I haven't listed? Once we know what's on the table, we can start figuring out who's best suited to helping resolve matters. Or whether or not to get involved at all, in some cases."

Tam sips her goblet of wine, considering the attendees with her green, green eyes, almost too large for her face...

2017-11-01, 03:58 PM
Naib waves and smiles at Tam and then stands up to greet the red-haired newcomer with a bow. "Ah, the sparks of fire, the song of water. I am charmed and joyful to have you here to brighten our meeting. My name is Naib Amarr, and I've the dubious honour of being the one people complain to when off-duty Argent manage to get in trouble. May I ask for your name?"

The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Greetings, and may grass cover your pastures and golden wheat your fields,

Everyone in the city knows of the Saulkers, and I am sure everyone also knows that there will be a change of the guard eventually. I happen to believe in the power of connections, and making a positive impression early on such future notables is certainly something to consider. They've had some issues with their territory recently, right next to our own as it so happens. Perhaps you too would like to partake of the opportunity to make well with our future neighbours - we have men and swords, but people tend to get out of the way if they hear such coming, and so we're looking for some complementary assistance in the matter as things stand.

Naib Amarr, Commander of the Argentum

The Sea Wolves

Hey. We're thinking it's probably smart to make nice with the Saulkers while we're in this neighbourhood, and what better way to make nice than make an enemy of their enemy. I just want to make sure we're not stepping on any toes by stepping over any unofficial borders, so I thought I'd either invite you to join in or at least provide a heads-up that there might be some tussling at the docks but we don't intend any trouble for you or yours.

House Danmorsay


We've two matters of business that we'd like to bring to your attention. Firstly, us and the Technists believe that we might be able to work up some countermeasures against the Oronvee siege if we were to put our brightest together. There was talk of having a volatile chemical compound react inside a fragile iron shell to propel fragments around it, which would be very effective in close quarters or thrown from walls, for instance. I'm sure your expertise would be very useful both for generating ideas and turning them into working machinery.

In addition, we'd like a backer for our bid to guard the iron shipment. We've got the men and the experience in such tasks, but these things are so often more about connections than actual competence, and we'd be glad to share the profit with you as we know your men are as steadfast as our own, rather than let the security of this city's iron supply rest on the shoulders of some random group of civilians who run away at the first sign of trouble.

Naib Amarr, Argentum

2017-11-01, 04:28 PM
The Sea Wolves

Clanchurch (4)
The more the merrier, I say! You certainly know the way to a pirate's heart - through guts and glory. I was planning on dealing with the beast meself, but if you'd like to join the hunt I say you're welcome to. I'm only interested in making the Saltmarket a tad safer for these folk, got no interest in the monster once it's slain. And if this Whitetalon is as fierce as I've heard she is, she'll more than earn that fisherman's reward.

Opportunities abound indeed, friend.

Good Doctors Guild (4)
The messenger nods. "Aye, panic makes people do stupid things. I heard the Brigade was thinkin' of stepping in. You think it'll take some,
ah, less legitimate muscle to keep things from spreading?" He looks around the guild's camp. "You seem to have quite a number of fighters yourself, here. I guess you ain't the 'do no harm' type, are ye?"

Argentum (4)
(OOC: a reply to your previous message - this is what I get for not refreshing the thread before finalizing my post)

Aye, friends are worth more than gold in times like this. 'Course, if you can have friends and gold, even better! Am I right?

I got enough of a stake in the matters you mentioned to be interested in whatever you've got to say. You let me know if you're making plans for profits. I might be a little tied up soon, though, got some housekeeping to do. Pigs in the pantry, giant crabs in - well, nevermind. But my crew might be around.

Guild of Negotiable Affections (4)
Ahoy! I've heard word around town that your guildmistress is quite the lady, so I wanted to send greetin's with my lad here. We're just docked from a rough voyage, so some of my crew may be electing to visit your establishment, those of 'em that ain't sticking to Ramshackle. I hope this letter reaches you before most of them do, so's you don't go mistakin' them for a raid! They're... good boys and gals. I know you've got a reputation of keeping things orderly, so if there's any trouble, you let them know they'll be answering to me as well.

I've some local business to sort out around Saltmarket soon, but I expect I'll be staying in Ascant for some time. If that business takes me into Merchant's Half - which it may - I hope we can find ourselves as allies. We are, after all, both in the business of helping folk get what they need.

~ Captain Brassbeard of the Sea Wolves

Bone Makers (4)
So you do know me! Aye, I won't turn down a chance to ruffle Hurricane's feathers. Have they been poking 'round these parts lately? I've not been unfortunate enough to make their acquaintance again since I've been back.

And I hope you're not moving outta the docklands on account of that ugly beast The Claw! That damned critter is fishfood when I get my hands on it. Or is there any other danger afoot that I should be worried about?

Internal (PM)
All my Wel is going into cash.

2017-11-01, 04:32 PM
Hero's meeting

The old man approaches the blue table, leaning only slightly on a polished wooden cane with an iron handle. He is dressed simply, in a white, starched shirt that doesn't quite hide his still broad shoulders and the blacksmith's muscles. Only the shoes don't quite fit the image of the aging guildmaster. They are black riding boots with iron-shod heels, the leather obiously old, but well-kept and waxed. His head is completely bald, veined and liverspotted, but his beard is well-trimmed and he has an easygoing smile.
With a sigh, he sits down, smiling to each of the assembled company in turn.
"Forgive an old man for not standing during introductions. My knees aren't what they were. Torac Dunmorsay."

"Greetings, honourable commander Amarr.

Believe it or not, you are the second group to contact us about these iron shipments. We were already interested in obtaining the contract, or at least helping with it, so sharing the burden and rewards is entirely possible. In fact, we would be more than glad to have some disciplined and skilled warriors along for such a mission. You can be sure of our support as masters of the blacksmith's guild for such an endeavor, which should carry some weight in regards to a mission involving iron.

As regards your explosives, well, I do not usually work towards making iron brittle, though I have some ideas how that could be accomplished. However, let me propose an idea of my own. I have in my services a bound spirit of elemental fire. I am sure she could offer your alchemists some novel insights on matters of combustion, or at least a novel perspective.
She is bound to my forge and can not leave it, but she and I would be happy to welcome visitors.

Torac Dunmorsay

2017-11-01, 04:40 PM
The Order

Morale 5

'This saddens me, those poor benighted souls.' Speaker Mallick Limb turned from the messenger and looked at upon the city. Leaning heavily on the balcony rail as if mortally tired he took the cityscape in. The Meadow of the Great Flame, Kira's Keep, the great sanctum, the sites of a dozen holy miracles laid out before his eyes, stretching out all across the city. It steeled him, his grip tightened on the rail. 'Your dedication and professionalism are, as always Fiddler, deeply appreciated by the Flame.' Below a press gang rounded the corner, not for the first time they took in the brothers and sisters of the Outer Order guarding the gateway to Residence, weapons and armour on display without even the pretense of subtlety, and turned away. Thus was the congratulation protected as they flocked in and out, which of course led to many new converts. The first of countless battles to be fought, happily a bloodless victory. 'From what you say it seems these creatures are intelligent, capable of tactical thought. Would that also be your assessment Fiddler?'
'Aye sir.'
'Thank you Fiddler, that will be all.' He waited as the Channeller saluted hand on heart, turned crisply and marched away. In the ensuring silence two men listened briefly to the sounds below, from the common rooms of the Residence. They could hear the sound of practice swords and muffled prayers. Both privately mused that it was a good sound. The Speaker broke the silence, as was a superior's right
'What do you make of this, Mortal Sword?'
Tonnakalian stepped closer, towering over the High Priest. Alarmed Speaker Limb thought for a second that the scarred veteran might lunge at him, although he was a man who often gave that impression. But his voice was quiet, that of one seeking total privacy 'With respect Speaker we have far weightier concerns at this moment, and for all the moments to follow. Fiddler would have been a grievous loss to suffer, with the city not even yet under attack. You have said yourself countless times. We are here to protect the city, that before all else. I do not see how worry over those who have already died will aid us in this. I do not see why it wounds you so, Speaker.'
Speaker Limb flinched at that last. Anger and hurt warred on his features, although neither prevailed. He took a deep breath before he answered 'I am wounded Mortal Sword because we have no Shield Anvil. This is the very duty of a Shield Anvil, a position I have not filled.
The first Speaker not to have a Shield Anvil always by his side.
'And that, Mortal Sword, is because of you, though I blame you not for it.'
Tonnakalian's features might have been carved in granite, his eyes were curiously flat as he asked 'How so Speaker?'
'Your marshaling of the Inner Order has led to a change in them. If you were to fall I would have many sound candidates to replace you as Mortal Sword. Similarly if I fall there are many within the Inner Order worthy of the Flame's selection as Speaker, yourself among them.
'But a Shield Anvil is more than a skilled warrior, a sound tactician. They require courage beyond reckoning, tolerance of pain beyond the human limit. Qualities the Inner Order possesses, I think. But one thing above all is needed. That which we lack. It is compassion that has died out within the Inner Order under your stewardship. There is not a single member of the truly initiated with the heart to perform the duties of a Shield Anvil.'

Silence again, but this time Tonnakalian broke the silence 'Remember Shield Anvil Dukcan?' Suddenly the tension between them broke, and the formalities of rank melted away. They were simply two old soldiers remembering and mourning an old friend 'He saved that village from the plague, I don't even remember the name now. Took all their pain and suffering away from them and set it upon himself. They called it a miracle, called him a saint,' he smiled wryly 'They called Speaker Jorha his disciple, I'll never forget the look on his face...
'He told me what happened after that, Dukcan. He died fifty times that night, over and over again, as death raged at being cheated. He told me he knew what it was like to die of plague, that he had lived that death half a hundred times and knew it as intimately as his own mother. It was the most noble thing I've ever seen, but it seems to me, Speaker, that the duty of the Shield Anvil is a most cruel one.'

'Careful what you say! The ordinances of our faith come from the Flame itself. The Flame wills that I find a suitable Shield Anvil, that is all that need to said. Dismissed.'

Speaker Limb listened to the footfalls away. One, two, three

'Mortal Sword... It is the duty of the Shield Anvil to assume the sorrows of the world on behalf of the Flame. Such a duty is nothing but grief and pain, but it is necessary. Dukcan also spoke to me of that night. He said "I am the bearer of the Flame's grief. I am the vow made incarnate. In this, and in all that follows, I suffer so many will not. I would save a thousand plague victims if I could. We are not yet done here. I am not yet done. Behold, I yield to nothing"

Tonnakalian grunted 'Well, that explains one thing. His final words, as he died in my arms at Vindabarra "Behold, finally I yield, sweet release.' He left hurriedly, before anything else could be said.

The good doctor´s guild
Of course! I have seen armies ravaged by sickness far quicker and more thoroughly than any army could manage. What can we do to help you?

The Order of the Legacy
This is pleasing to the Flame, I am most glad to call you allies. As a first action together I have in mind a shared ritual to strike at the Oronvee. On a possibly related note, what do you know of the Restless, in particular do you know what binds them within the graveyard? 4

2017-11-01, 04:53 PM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Ms Tam,

On behalf of Her Grace Leonora, Lady of Calton, I write this reply. Allow me to express my gratitude for welcoming Her Grace to this city. Without doubt I can say she shares the wish that it was under better circumstances.

It is heartening to read about an invitation for a soiree to organize like minded together in common purpose in these hard and trying times. As noble member of the Great House of Calton, I would be pleased to accept the invitation when further details are provided about a time and location. It is my sincere hope that proper care is taken into selecting a discreet and impartial location, however I am convident such concerns are already on your mind. Considering the times we live in, I hope to receive a time of meeting which is sooner, rather than later. Should my needless worries be addressed, I hope there will be the time available to have a conversation with you in person outside the set boundaries of the meeting itself.

Yours sincerely,
Aulun of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

Most esteemed Lewis, Lord of Blackwood,

Allow me offer to my gratitude for the condelences you offer us. It pleases me to read your offer of help. As I write this, all I can think of is the help our great city now needs and I hope you will be able to assist in whichever way available to you to stand against the coming Oronvee assault.

It is good that you share your intention to expand your influence in the Views in writing to our Great House, showing courtesy as befitting your noble position. We recognise and acknowledge the current state of war the city it finds itself in. Therefore, we will abstain from denying you the opportunity to increase your base of operations, in the hopes your efforts may aid in the stand against the Oronvee. We do state clearly that we expect in the time that follows, the families and people who pay allegiance to the Great House of Calton in the Views will not have their loyalty tested by the Scions Club.

May the Grand Hills stand strong against the Oronvee.

Your sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

Dear Mr Amarr,

Let me offer my gratitude for the condelences you express. The words you offer, relating to events of the past, strike deep in my heart. It is my sincerest hope that we shall not perish, but instead, persist against the coming tide.

Therefore, it gladdens me to read your words. They speak to me and tell that you know of what horrors lie before us, what may come to pass should we not stand against our foes. Your offer to aid this city in need brings you beyond the role you bestow upon yourself and that is commendable. I look forward to see your efforts on the fields of battle, so that they may protect the citizens who depend on our vigilance. It is therefore surprising to myself to read that you extend your offer to myself, and not His Majesty, The King. It is my hope that you will do so, and should you need my assistance, I will assist to make this aware to His Majesty, The King, you need only but ask.

Perhaps it is the provision of the Maker, the Mother and the Twelve Children that I should find your letter at this time. I trust you will uphold your stated intention of assisting the city in this time of need. There may come a time when the city faces no further danger, if we truly can stand against the tide and beat it back, as the sea withdraws from its shores. Yet, we know not to where this sea might withdraw.

To cut aside such comparisons, let me make myself clear. Should we beat back the Oronvee Invasion and the city is free from impending harm, the Northern Reaches may still be in grave danger. While the city you life in is safe, I expect you to your current intention to lend the city a hand will end and you will pick up your professional trade. Therefore, I hereby extend an offer to fill your treasure coffers by the start of the next season, with provisions, in exchange for future assistance to aid the Great House of Calton in re-establishing dominance in the Northern Reaches. The provisions I speak of is that we will only be able to provide such funds, should we succeed to obtain and fulfill the offered Seals of War by His Majesty. It is our hope that you will find these terms agreeable.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

(OOC: To translate the last paragraph in OOC terms. If the Great House of Calton gets the contracts for the quests, beats them and gains the cash at the rollover to the next turn, they will receive more money than they can store. Should nothing happen, this vanishes. The Argentum has 5 Wealth. Assuming they have none stored from this turn, the Argentum starts next turn with 5 t.wealth and can hold 10 in their pool. The Great House of Calton offers to transfer 5 cash to Argentum at rollover to the next turn, so the Argentum would start the next turn with 10 out of 10 in their pool. This assumes the Great House of Calton has the money available and the Argentum agree to offer future assistance as stated in the above letter.)

The Great House of Calton, as mentioned in the previous post, will use all their wealth to generate t.cash. Of this t.cash, 2 will be used to pay the war tax to The King as soon as possible.

2017-11-01, 05:09 PM
House Danmorsay, Technist's Guild

I have contacted both of you regarding the matter of developing novel methods of warfare to help our proud city remain independent against the coming tide, and received favourable responses. I hope that we can all bring our unique skills and insights into this partnership and I fully expect with you by my side we can produce marvels to put the fear of the gods into the hearts of the invaders.

((OOC: Hoping to pool some t.wealth into research to get some urban/siege combat traits up. Feel free to pitch ideas, too.))

House Calton

Most Honourable Lady Calton,

May your pastures once more be green with grass, and your fields golden with wheat.

We would be much obliged if you were to mention our situation to the King. We intend to spend our treasury in equipping our men for urban combat and siege warfare, and it makes more sense for our soldiers to be fighting the Oronvee than taking merchant contracts, after all.

We'll of course be willing to spearhead the reconquest of the northern lands once the invaders have been driven back.

Naib Amarr, Argentum

2017-11-01, 05:48 PM
Morale 4 Chemosh and Apprentices

Not this time, learned my lesson about mixing magic and animals after the exploding frog incident. The idea came to me while I was thinking about the oozes. They are pretty obviously magical in nature and seemed to be uncontrolled. So what could could be releasing enough energy to do that? Then I thought wizards. I asked Arryn and she said she couldn't think of any reason why they would make that many slimes that didn't appear to do anything.

Then I thought some more. There are orcs...but after asking Arryn it turns they take magic energy not generate it.

But then I thought, the tree releases its magic naturally and attracts metal, right? What is a massive source of metal that can't be moved? The sewers. What is growing roots that is attracted to metal? The tree that releases magical energy. Arryn suggested I message you at this point seeing you specialize in it.

If I had to guess the tree broke into a pipe and started releasing its magic into the water. Would explain the slimes, the claw and the magical goblins (they live in the spew). I would guess if you took some samples of the sewage water in the spew it would come up magical. The plan is to go into the sewers to investigate with the goblins and attempt to control the slimes. If we are going in do you want to come and investigate with us? Even if you don't, do you want us to collect any samples?

Can't say I'm surprised you haven't seen me, I'm around but rarely on campus. You might have seen our members around The university. Lucy sometimes helps with the student treasury, Arryn works as a tutor for extra cash, Pyrom has probably had a drink with most students and Eisenhower is Eisenhower everyone knows Eisenhower.

Anyways, no reason you have to tell us you plan on making friends. If you want any introductions just message us and I'm sure we can help. As long as you don't mess with our university sanctioned fraternity house we don't really care. We need that until Arryn figures out the demi-plane magic to hold all our stuff.

2017-11-01, 05:53 PM

MOR: 6

There were no skylights in the Hei Yinhang. Such a thing would ruin the aesthetic of the carefully-sculpted and maintained bonsai gardens on the roof, which Grandmaster Xi would never allow, and would also be an unforgivable breach of security, which Specialist Li would refuse to even consider. Light in the halls of the labyrinth was provided by elegant lamps filled with a clear-burning oil that smelled of sandalwood, with the only exception being, of course, the Grandmaster’s receiving room.

Proper feng shui dictated that the receiving room must be full of light and air, with a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere, to allow visitors to speak with the Grandmaster in peaceful mindfulness. To this end air was filtered in over lines of moss and running water, to fill the room with the fresh smell of a forest stream, and sunlight was directed in from above through the use of carefully-placed mirrors diligently turned to face the right angle on the sky above by clever clockwork mechanisms and the studious efforts of half a dozen apprentices. Scenes of quiet contemplation were painted on the walls between the dark rosewood pillars, images of still ponds and lofty mountains making the room seem larger than it actually was. In the center of the room a moat surrounded the broad wooden platform where meetings and discussions were held. Fat koi swam lazily through the moat, patterns of bright orange and white scales flickering below the black water.

The Mazemen had a selection of reed and cloth mats on the platform, for sitting comfortably. There were also chairs available, though no one had ever asked for one. Even the most inattentive, unschooled, or just plain rude visitors were instilled with the unshakable feeling that making such a request of the Grandmaster would be unbelievably crass. Such is the power of good feng shui.

In the center of this scene of tranquil harmony, Specialist Li was pacing back and forth, gesturing animatedly with her hands as she talked.

“They’ve taken Calton,” she said. “The city’s running scared. Tock Street is full of refugees, there’s riots in Ten Mills, and I can’t say for certain that the Knot is as stable as we’d like it to be. We don’t have the space or the resources for this, Grandmaster. This war is bad for business.”

“War always is,” said Grandmaster Xi. The old man’s mouth barely moved when he spoke, sitting cross-legged on a mat in front of a low table. A single burning incense stick, a square of paper, and a pot of ink with a brush leaning against the edge lay in front of him, and he studied them like they were lost artifacts from another age.

“Always,” agreed Li. She stopped pacing and put her hands to her head. “Every time, Grandmaster. We spend so long putting things in order, and every time some idiot has to come along and flip the table on us. Oronvee.” She spat the word like a curse. “Another pack of fools who have set their eyes further than they can reach.”

“There will always be fools,” said the Grandmaster. He leaned forward, plucked the brush from the pot of ink, and made a single stroke across the paper in front of him before leaning back and studying his work. “A true master takes their foolishness into account, and redirects it to better ends. Thus is disorder turned into harmony.” He made another careful stroke on the paper, brush moving as precisely as a gemcutter’s blade. “Find one of the apprentices to carry a message when I am done with my writing. We have work to do in the world, my friend.”

Guild of Negotiable Affections

Certainly. I would be most pleased to attend.

Your humble servant,
Xi of the Black Maze

Owl Guild

Our scribes have prepared this summary of what was discussed at our meeting [OOC: Discord conversation].

The Guild wishes to undertake an economic and political analysis of the current state of the City. To this end, the Guild would be gathering the required information, with economic analysis to be provided by the Black Maze and political analysis provided by an as-yet-undetermined third party.

Is this an accurate summation?

Your humble servant,
Xi of the Black Maze


We are interested in knowing your rates for hiring your mercenary company.

Your humble servant,
Xi of the Black Maze

House of Calton
Regarding the terms of your loan, madam, I would like to reiterate what we discussed [OOC: in the Discord chat] and explain the bank's requirements:

Loan: 3 t.WEL
Repayment: 3 t.WEL next turn + 2 t.WEL deposit, opening an account for the House of Calton with the bank


One (1) vial of blood from an individual judged to be worthy of representing the House of Calton, as collateral, to be destroyed as soon as the 5 t.WEL payment is made. If the 5 t.WEL payment is not made, the individual who donated the collateral will be karmically punished.

The House of Calton agrees not to withdraw their deposited 2 t.WEL for one (1) turn (that is to say, you deposit 2, and then agree not to withdraw it on the next turn, so the bank can use it for a turn in a short-term investment).

We hope these terms are agreeable.

Your humble servant,
Xi of the Black Maze
Sirs and Madams,

In light of increasing disorder in the city, we are looking into the creation of a neighborhood watch to guard the Riddler's Knot against looters, enemy saboteurs, and other such ruffians. As individuals of distinction and prestige, we had thought that you might be interested in assisting with this effort.

Your humble servant,
Xi of the Black Maze

2017-11-01, 05:59 PM
The Black Maze

Honoured Grandmaster,

May your path bring you to where you must be,

It all must depend on the specifics of the contract in the end, as you surely understand. There are some tasks we will not undertake, and others that hold too great risk to act upon without commeasurate reward, for instance. But for the ordinary kind of work, the tenths are a good starting point.

((OOC: Depending on the job, but a point or two of Cash more than the t.Mil being requested. I've also got several irons in the fire, so if you need a lot of troops you should ask early.))

Naib Amarr, Commander of the Argentum

2017-11-01, 06:05 PM
The Ska

The little mage heard the Rogue enter but barely saw more than a swirl in the darkness and two red eye appearing a few meters before his throne.
"I am summoned Grey Seer?"
"The Protestors."
"I know of them."
"Speak to them."

The tiny ratfolk, even smaller than the already quite small mage, nodded imperceptibly.
Closing its eyes it left the room: this time Snikrit saw there were no longer eyes before him but did not hear him move.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
A very small Ratfolk appears carrying the next letter--usually it was handed to an aid or runner but this time the Ratkin was very specific.
"I must take this to your leader."

He did not say please and he did not ask it was a matter of fact and those that looked into his eyes knew there was a price to be paid for refusing the little rats words.
Standing less than four feet tall this little rat was smaller than most dwarves, goblins and halflings--he moved silently and quickly and it seemed almost hard for him to walk plainly in the open whilst his natural instincts told him to be in the shadows and cling to cover at all times.
"We must speak alone."

Another command--the little rat emptied his jet-black cloak and more than twenty concealed weapons tumbled onto the floor--I promise I am not here to do anything hostile but simply carrying a message of a more private nature.
"My associate, Grey Seer Snikrit, has send me to discuss your people's future in Ten Mill's and how the newly formed Ska people can facilitate, aid and benefit from furthering your goals."
Dear Sir,

Of-course we did not truly expect to have others jump to our suggestions but hoped that by suggesting it another, more reputable, might carry out our own aims and perhaps that person might be gracious enough to allow us to attend. We only hope to do our part and by extension prove ourselves to be more than the sneaky animals most seem to believe we are. Thank you for making time in what much be a very busy period for you to correspond with me.

Grey Seer Snikrit.
The beast known as The Claw has been logged as hostile.
Queek draws a massive axe and sabre from his belt--whether or not he came here to fight he was not prepared to be assaulted with weapons sheathed--growling as all the thick black hair on his heckles rose.

"Do not be fool Merkit! Grey Seer put end to the bounties an hunters in dens! Only peace gave time grow number and strength!"
He let out a vicious and throaty screech--amongst Rats Queek was a Lion.
"I come to bring home! You would make strong Warlord of Ska! Come home as Warlord or come home as Severed Head."
Dear Neighbors,

We accept your apology, the Ska have only had a short history and much of it has been as infants running and hiding from the swords and arrows of hunters. As spiritual leader and political guide to my people I take threats to their safety very seriously. Although the Ska are not yet capable of channeling magic en-masse I myself am a fledgling arcanist and I would feel much better about the situation if you allowed me to be a part of this attempt to kontrol the oozes that threaten my people and it would also give me an opportunity to interact and perhaps learn from more experienced mages and magic cultures.

You have my guarantee that if this minor request is permitted Ska patrols within the Spew will not be increased although we cannot agree to remove them all together--removing pre-existing patrols during a time in which my people are worried about these Ooze attacking them would cause undue panic within the Spew Ska residents.

Grey Seer Snikrit.

Imperial Psycho
2017-11-01, 06:20 PM
The Blue Company


Elwin nods amiably at Naib. "I hope so, my friend, I hope so! Though I hope also that this meeting will serve a greater cause than business. Mercenaries we might both be, but I believe there is a higher calling, also."

He calls after Tam as she makes her way upstairs. "Ah! I hope I did not cause you any inconvenience! ... She's gone, I think." He seems a little unsure how to take the addition of the red-headed girl to proceedings. "The more the merrier, no doubt. Are you drinking? The ale's on me, at least as long as my meagre coinpurse lasts us."

Elwin suddenly rises to feet on the arrival of Torac Danmorsay, however. "Baron Danmorsay. Ironheart. I am truly honoured you accepted my invitation. " His youthful visage lit up with a grin. He moved to clasp Torac's hand in greeting "I was raised on tales of Ironheart. Truly. Along with the Dragon Knight, you inspired me to follow the path I now walk. I hope I'll live up to your example. I hope you'll find my proposals today worthy of your time." He gestured for Torac and sit, and retook his place at the table.

"There are a couple more who have yet to arrive. We'll wait up a little more, then I'll give you the pitch, if that's alright."

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-01, 08:16 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

"Oh, ya didn't inconvenience 'er," The flame-haired lady says, turning her full smile on Elwin, then shifting it to Naib. "Takes things in stride, she does. And we learned our lessons well from 'er. Me name's Dusky Ember, and I am thrilled to meet yer. Not sure 'ow much yet, but the night's young, hm?"

She makes small talk for a bit, flirting openly.

Morale 5


My thanks for the blessings of bounty! I don't have many fields at present, but perhaps one day I shall walk among the barley again.

The Saulkers. My goodness... I must admit, they play rather rough. Such diplomacy would be best handled with utmost care.

We may be able to assist, depending on when, how much, and what assistance you require. Certainly we'd rather not jump into any situations blindly. Too, our most valuable assets may be entangled with some... eager customers, for a few months. But do tell me that which you know of the Saulkers, and how you'd like to initiate ingratiation, and at the very least I can offer a sympathetic ear and a sounding board for such ventures.

With high hopes,

The Sea Wolves

My goodness! I'm quite pleased to say hello, and don't you worry about us, our lads and lasses are always up for a high-spirited game of blow the man down. In fact my major domo assures me that he loves handling seamen. He does have the cutest smirk when he says this. Poor lad thinks he's getting away with something.

That said, we have heard good things about you and your lads, Captain Brassbeard, and should the need ever arise, we would welcome your aid or be happy to help in whatever capacity we can. For a reasonable price, of course, or if the cause is just.

The city is richer for your arrival, and we hope you find your harbor snug and comfy. If not, well, we're good at helping with that sort of thing.

Best regards,

The Great House of Calton

The time of meeting is indeed sooner, Lord Aulun. Please find your way to the Coin Punch Coach House. We're seated in the Merchant's balcony, and the conversation's yet to get going. I look forward to seeing you in person!

And there should be plenty of time for a private conversation afterward. You could escort me home, if I might so impose. Or vice-versa, I've no objection to a quiet stroll through the city with friends.

With joy,

(OOC: Feel free to read the Coin Punch Coach House PMs that happened before this post. )

The Black Maze

Excellent! I look forward to seeing you at the Coin Punch Coach House. We're enjoying its fare one last time, before the new owner purchases it. There's a sort of Hero's thingy on the lower level but we've reserved the balcony. Come on up!

(OOC: Feel free to read the Coin Punch Coach House PMs that deal with the Merchant's Half Balcony, including the ones that happened before this post.)

2017-11-01, 09:06 PM
The good Doctor´s guild: Morale 4.

Coin Punch Coach House

A robed girl rushes through the door, fondily remembering that she already placed a coin and didn´t have to repeat it, she pauses a moment to look at the assorted collection of professional warriors at a nearby nearby table, slightly tilting her head as she tries to remember if she had heard of such a meeting before just moving along...

Just as Tam is finishing her speech, Saphaer walks in, having finally found the tables she approaches, taking the straps off her mask and pulling out her hood, revealing a face suspisciously sweatless for someone who spends their days in three times as many clothes as normal for such a climate, she takes a moment to fix her hair behind her ram-like horns and makes a small reverence while looking for a seat.

"Sorry if I´m late, just got a fresh bash of pacients and we have been short of personnel as is" this is all said with a hearthy smile, wich she keeps as she surgically (hur hur) removes her gloves, heavy coat and heavy puch and places them in an onuccupied chair nearby, not before grabbing and spraying a clear liquid on her hands, scrubbing them with it. Afterwards she just takes a nearby morsel and tries to catch up on what she missed with whatever nearby trader she finds.

is still being planned, but I´ll be sure to let you know when we settle on a date and place.

We just answer the call of duty. I´m glad we could sort this out and I´ll be sure to take your generous offer if the situation ever gets so dire.

Is nice to know that other people care about the furthering of our mutual cause and I´ll understand if you decide our assets are better used elsewhere.

Well we are at a very early stage of the procedure, barely searching for the cause and useful treatments before pouring resources on blind experimenting, since you have more knowledge when regarding non-sentient fauna and flora I hoped you could work with our doctor´s to search for some similar diseases in those specimens found near the zone.

thank you for your cooperation, for know we would just like some eyes in the zone, so if you can let us know of any evidence of an outbreak that´ll be terrific.

We plan to discuss with the merchant´s about a mutual agreement as we did in the gatemarket,
wich means we´ll eventually place a guarded guild house in the area, so we wanted to make sure you were okay with that.

"is just natural, sadly. We hope it doesn´t but I hope I can trust you if I need to, the guild has been trying to talk to the king about the brigade´s support but I´m unaware of how that´s going.

heh, with the world as is... who can do no harm?" she smiles slightly after that comment, in a manner that made it unknown if she actually thought it funny or it was something else.

ok, would you believe it if I told you that I just realized the hero´s EoT action stands for EoT? :smalltongue:

also, if I wanted to expand my influence in Rivergate (or some other place) via magic, instead of military 1) how many points of t.magic would it cost? 2) can we fluff it as performing some miracolous healing around the place instead of you know, just blasting others to shreds?

2017-11-02, 02:08 AM
Atelier Maria
ESP: 0 MOR: 4

At the Atelier

"Let's see... strength, speed, perception," Maria recited, counting each requisite with a finger as she did. So focused was she on Elwin's request, that the girl completely failed to hear the Blue Company captain's laudatory comment as she ducked beneath the counter. I'm sure I can find something for that, or at least the recipe for it. Give me a moment, if you'd please?"

Even preoccupied with her work, the girl continued conversing with Elwin without dropping a beat. "Travel? I'd love to, but I'm afraid I haven't been doing much of that lately. Been so busy just setting up shop here, there's so much to do, you know? Oh, but I'd certainly love to do so when circumstances are better, of course!"

"Now reagents from the East, you say? I just might have it here, depending on what exactly it is. Do you have a list of some sort?"

Does Maria have the ability to produce the sort of VIP-specific items that the Blue Company and Chemosh are asking her for? If so, what are the costs of doing that?

Oh, I see! That's most appreciated, and I would gladly accept your invitation... but unfortunately, my social calendar is utterly packed as it is.
So sorry! We'll have to have that dinner some other time, I'm afraid.

Oh, speaking of which... have you by any chance received any invitations from Captain Kazan of the Blue Company, or Madame Tam from the Guild? Perhaps we'll get to meet each other there all the same?

"Oh, I'm afraid I don't have any of those on hand at the moment. Like you've said, those are not typically items I'd stock on a regular basis," Maria said apologetically, seemingly failing to register the customer's unkempt appearance altogether. She put up a finger.

"That said, I also do custom orders. If you have anything particular in mind, some sort of specific effect you're looking for, I could perhaps transmute something to that effect? That probably wouldn't be cheap to do, of course."

Coin Punch Coach House

A frazzled-looking Maria Fallwaft burst through the front doors in a frantic rush.
"Wait, there's some custom here, if I recall? Let's see."

She pulled out a golden dubloon of some unknown vintage - which might have been transmuted by the Alchemist herself, for all anyone knew - and momentarily seemed to be at a loss. "Now what was I supposed to do next? Oh, right!"

Saying that, Maria promptly attempted to pound the dubloon into the wooden bar... for all of one attempt, before she ended up almost in tears, shaking a sore hand. "Aww, I need something bigger than this..."

No sooner had she said that, than several of the Alchemist's customary white-robed attendants seemed to materialize out of nowhere, with one putting an entirely oversized mallet in her hand to her delight. "Oh, this would work!" Maria exclaimed, seemingly altogether unaware of who had handed her the implement, and hoisted it in the air to swing it down on the counter hard.


The gold dubloon was well and truly embedded into the wooden bar, although it was more of a flapjack than a coin by that point. Nodding in satisfaction, Maria absentmindedly let go of the mallet, which was promptly scooped out of the air by her attendants before they vanished from sight again. Then wasting no more time, she headed in to the rendezvous.

The Heroes Gather

"S-sorry I'm late! Heya, Elwin!"

Maria called as she entered the room with a cheery, yet breathless voice. She waved at Elwin Kazan happily, as though they were already old friends. "I've been looking for this place for about an hour or so! Amazing how hard it is to find, what with it being so famous or so I heard.
But this place sure is popular, isn't it?"

The girl chattered at a rapid-fire place, pulling out a hardcover notebook which seemed to be her daily planner.

"I mean, there's a gathering I have to be at right after this, and it's being held right here as well! At least, I'm pretty sure it's right after this, but let's see what time it's starting..."

At which point, Maria had flipped it open to the relevant page, saw what was penned within, and covered her mouth in shock.

"What?! It's the exact same time! Oh no, what have I done? Er, sorry Elwin, I gotta go greet the Madame at least see you later!"

With that, she dashed away in a panic, failing to acknowledge everyone else present as she dashed up the stairs to the private balcony.

The successive thump thump of footsteps running up the stairs punctuated through the room, before the door flung open to admit a panicking Maria Fallwaft.

"Madame Tam sorry I'm late woah~!"

She cried out as her feet slipped on her first step into the room, and promptly faceplanted into the floor.

A moment, two, before the girl started picking herself up. "Auuuu...," Maria moaned plaintively, gently rubbing her tender nose.

2017-11-02, 03:49 AM
Heroes' meeting

"Oh, right. They still do the coinpunching thing."
Torac grins, reminiscing. He flexes his hand a bit.
"They banned me from that, after I brought in a Marathi coin. They make them from small slivers of mother of pearl. So, if you hit it, it just crumbles to power."

Morale 6

I am very sorry to say this, but our plans for the iron shipment will have to change. I was contacted by the Argentum and they are very insistent that they want to take that quest and that they would feel insulted if I took it from them. They have agreed to share some of the reward and danger with me, but are categorically against sharing any further, so I don't think we can bring any Ska along.
I hope this will not permanently sour our relations. As an apology, could I perhaps offer you a discount on the weapons forged from that iron, once it arrives?

2017-11-02, 06:07 AM
Guild of Negotiable Affections

They've had some trouble with a new gang at the Docks, the Bonetakers. I've agreed to resolve this problem for them at a reasonable price, hoping to make my name known so to speak, get a foot in the door. Now, we don't have any problems facing a gang as such, but it'd be nice to have some backup in finding them all and ensuring the leader doesn't get away. And, of course, any assistance would be rewarded with a proportional share of the reward given - a fair amount of money, in this case.

((OOC: Been offered a Saulkers quest to remove the Bonetakers and bring their leader to Saulker's Court alive or dead, for 5 cash. Would like some Esp aid to ensure they don't just hide and escape, especially the leader.))

2017-11-02, 06:59 AM
The Order
Morale 5

The Good Doctors
Of course my dear doctor, will shall keep you informed, and of course you have our blessing to set up shop in Rivergate. Have you discovered what is causing this sickness? In our experience vermin are usually to blame, but of course we defer to your expertise.'

Jenny Two Teeth
I am looking for someone to perform a census of the various faiths popping up in Little Temple. What would be your rate for such an inquiry

Owl's guild
I am looking for someone to perform a census of the various faiths popping up in Little Temple. What would be your rate for such an inquiry

2017-11-02, 09:37 AM

Yes, you may come as well. A boy Wizard name Chemosh and his friends will be assisting, if our spies are not wrong he may bring Professor Falkar as well.

2017-11-02, 09:40 AM
The Great House of Calton

Gabriel of Calton at the Coin Punch Coach House

A young man, finely kept and in the dress of an aristocrat enters the establishment. Following him are two personal guards. The keep their distance, to allow others to approach the young noble, but they stand ready to intervene at a moment's notice. The young noble wears accessoires showing he is not just a noble, but ordained in the ways of the Maker, the Mother and the Twelve Children. Still, as this occassion is clearly not one of religion, his dress is matched to suit.

Soon enough, the young noble makes his way to the table marked by a blue card. "Greetings to all those gathered here. It is my honour to make your acquaintance. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Gabriel of Calton." As he takes his seat, he asks: "If I may ask, what have I missed so far?"

Morale: 1

First Message to the Black Maze, sent before the Great House of Calton receives the Black Maze's message from Zemalac's last post

Standing before the blank square entrance set in the dark stone walls of one side of Mulberry Street are three persons. A woman in a fine dress of a plain dark colour, a man in tidy and straight costume, but clearly not as fine as the woman. And lastly another woman, of broader and tougher stature than the two others and wearing a uniform belonging to a personal guard. Two clerks and their guard and if one looks carefully and is in the know, they likely belong to the staff of a noble house from Grand Hills, with the woman in fine dress being the staff member in the lead. After a moment of pause, they enter the Hei Yinhang, clearly intent to do business with the Black Maze, known for its business of banking.

After being received by the Black maze's personnel, the woman in fine dress will give her name and state she has arrived on behalf of the Great House of Calton, who seeks to do business with the Black Maze. Between pleasantries and ettiquette, they state their intent. The Great House of Calton wishes to loan a sum of money, big enough to pay for a shipment of food in these dire times. As the Great House of Calton expects to earn a sum of money at the end of the season, greater than the loaned amount, they will at that point in time wish to repay the loan and deposit the remainder, up to the amount available in the Black Maze's coffers. The staff member of the Great House of Calton indicates that at this visit, only the proposal is presented and she would like to hear what the Black Maze offers. This counter offer will be returned to the members of the Great House to be deliberated upon.

Eventually the two clerks and their guard leave the premises again, making their way to North Hill.

(OOC: The Great House of Calton wishes to loan 3 cash this turn. In exchange, they will give the Black maze part of their earnings on turn rollover, for a total of 5 cash. 3 of this cash will be used to repay the loan and 2 of this cash will serve as a deposit in the bank. The Great House of Calton is open to further terms.)

Reply to the Black Maze, sent after the Great House of Calton receives the Black Maze's message from Zemalac's last post

Once again, Mulberry Street has visitors. This time, a fine coach drawn by horses arrives in the streets, escorted by two guards on horseback. The horses are commanded to a halt before the entrance to the Hei Yinhang and out of the coach steps the woman in fine dress and man in tidy and straight costume. Escorted by two guards, they enter the building when access is granted.

Their business is clear, they have come to accept the deal on behalf of the Great House of Calton. In addendum, the representative of House Calton adds that should the House not be able to have their expected earnings through whatever reason, the Great House of Calton still obligates itself to repay the loan, spread out over the three coming seasons. The woman of staff hands over a box containing the well secured vial of blood containing the blood of Leonora, Lady of Calton, as Xi of the Black Maze instructed in the requirements set forth. It is stressed that the Great House places trust in the Black Maze to use the given collatoral only for the terms of this deal and that trust is given that the Black Maze upholds their part of the deal to destroy it once the terms are fulfilled.

(OOC: The Great House of Calton accepts the terms of the Black Maze. Should the Great House of Calton not be able to have its expected earnings, they will repay the loan over the coming three turns with one cash per turn.)

(OOC: To any spies reading this message, apologies for the confusing situation with messages sent before/after Black Maze's last post. I contacted Zemalac on Discord to propose business in a timely fashion, so he would not need to wait to consider it before I got around to writing the proposal in an actual IC post, which, as this shows, took a while.)

As stated in the spoiler above, the Great House of Calton is loaning 3 cash from the Black Maze this turn.

Aulus of Calton

An older man, with a stern look in his face, and dressed in a noble outfit, sits amidst the other persons gathered at the balcony at Coin Punch Coach Poach. Quiet as he listens and observes carefully what is happening. He is a member of the Great House of Calton, the uncle of the Head of House, Aulus of Calton. Slowly, his glass of water empties as invitees gather.

Eventually, the host of the meeting, Tam, takes up the word and holds her speech. Aulus waits, waiting for others to bring up points. Yet his patience has worn thin of late and he finds himself standing up. "Greetings to all gathered here. To those who do not know of me, allow me to introduce myself. I am Aulus of Calton." There is a short, intentional pause as he gathers breath and lets his heritage sink in to the listeners.

"Allow me to raise the fourth concern, which affects us all. The war. The Oronvee are amassing outside our fair city and preparing to strike the Gate from which the Gatemarket owes it name." Letting his glance pass over each of the gathered, Aulus' face looks grim. He seems to draw breath to continue his point, but then, halts. For a moment, his eyes loses focus until he blinks. "I will respect the proposed order of conversation and look to resolutions for the raised concerns after given others the opportunity to voice their concerns." And with that, he sits down again, taking effort not to betray a distraught look.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-02, 11:47 AM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

The Coin Punch Coach House (VIP PM)

Merchant's Half Balcony

Tam smiles at Saphaer. "You're here, and that's what matters. I'm going to guess that you'd like to discuss the plague. Do you have any other concerns to raise vis-a-vis Merchant's Half?"

"Oh my!" Tam stands as Maria hits the floor. "Here, here," the tiny woman bustles over and helps Maria up. "It's all right. We've got ice I think, yes here, put this on that. Best to attend to swollen things quickly, I've learned." A compress is swiftly constructed by one of Tam's escorts, and handed over. "Maria, yes? Good. We were taking turns raising our concerns about local issues. Mine were refugees, food prices, and the murders in Abern Plaza. Do you have any concerns to raise? Perhaps those Echo House fellows, or some other problems?"

The Lady is back in her seat as Aulus speaks, listening and nodding. "Well spoken. Does anyone else have any more issues? The War's probably going to eat up the most discussion in general, so let's grind out the easy stuff first." She frowns a bit as she realizes what she's said, and one of her escorts chuckles. "No entendre implied."

A moonlit walk with Aulus
Much later, after the meeting's wrapped up, Tam and her small group of "chaperones" wait for Aulus to leave, then join his side. Tam rummages in her purse, pulls out a frilly, long-handled parasol, and opens it up. It's more than big enough for two to shelter under. "Thank you for coming, milord. Now about those matters you wished to discuss..."
(Morale 5)

"...I think we can do it on the way, yes? I know enough quiet streets that we should be reasonably private."

Morale 5


We'd love to help with that, but we might be hitting a problem with a prior commitment. Let me see if I can sort that out, the details on the prior commitment are not entirely sorted and the client is being a bit hard to reach...

(OOC: About how much ESP do you think you'll need? And will you be requiring the services of Mister Murdoch? (Brute 2, Killer))


2017-11-02, 12:42 PM

MOR: 6

Coin Punch Coach House: Merchants Half Balcony (VIP PM)
The old man in the corner almost doesn't look real. His silver goatee is too perfectly trimmed, his hair too straight, his black eyes too unnervingly sharp for the genuine warmth in his smile. The wrinkles on his face look like they were arranged by an artist rather than the vagaries of age, and the steam drifting up from his cup of tea coils itself into a single elegant cloud as it rises. He looks like portraiture rather than flesh and blood.

"The war is, of course, an overriding concern," he says. "But larger problems are made of smaller ones. Take one piece at a time, and eventually you have the whole. Refugees and food prices are both things that must be dealt with if we are to stand on firm ground against these Oronvee."

Great House of Calton
A pleasure doing business with you, madam. We have supreme confidence in your ability to repay this loan in a timely manner.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-02, 12:43 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5

To Arch-Duke Abern and Clanchurch

(OOC: Not sure about the rules for bidding on quests, so forgive the format if I'm wrong.)

Good evening. We believe that we have an in, and that our united forces can Crack the Coalition. We would like to formally bid on this contract, if possible.

Kindest regards,

(Our rep for this is 4 and 2 respectively.)


All right. After talking with our prior client, I'm sorry, but we're going to have to go with his deal. And it's going to take everything we've got.

Please rest assured, we are still interested in helping you with the Saulker matter, but it is impossible at this time.


2017-11-02, 01:48 PM
The Ska

The little mage sat alone now--he had hoped to pay a visit of his own to persons of interest to the Ska--but as of yet the time had not come.
He waited patiently always watching the large green jewel before him: eventually he would discover sense to the swirls and eddies of its surface.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Friends,

Thank you kindly for allowing us to come--we look forward to meeting each of you in person.

Grey Seer Snikrit.
Dear Neighbors,

It is unfortunate that you judge us to be second-class to our counterparts when we are equally capable if not more so. It saddens me that from what I have heard from my smaller cousins their correspondence to you fails to mention anything as to whether we should be involved or not and thus we can only take it that you yourself have decided we are not worth any such partnership.

We wish you the best of luck but I think we may seek any future purchases elsewhere.

Grey Seer Snikrit.

Imperial Psycho
2017-11-02, 03:01 PM
The Blue Company

A Gathering of Heroes

Elwin beamed at the new arrival. "You are just on time, Gabriel. I am Elwin Kazan. Fear not, we did not start without you. Who could be so rude to the Noble House Calton, who we all respect so much?"

He lifts himself to his feet, his hands gripping the table beneath him. "I suppose it is about time I explained to you all why I have brought you all here. There are others who have been invited, but I think I owe you all an explanation. Let those not here forever regret they were not here at this moment!"

With a twinkle in his eye, he begins his spi""As I said in my note, I have asked you all here today because I know you either by reputation, or experience, to be people of merit. People capable of great things! And people with the interests of Ascant City at heart.

"This world is a dangerous one. Many horrors plague her surface. War. Magical beasts. Villains, who seek to harm others, or act without regard for others. This world will always need Heroes. People who can step up, and protect the common folk from the predations of others. But so often, we act alone. We are tied down by loyalty to a particular government, or by an interest in personal profit over the benefit of the people."

"What I am proposing to you today is an organisation that will always put the protection of the people first. There are many quests that need doing, and I am sure there are many of us who are eyeing the opportunities with interest. The Heroes Guild would work together to secure work for it's members, and we would co-operate to assist each other in the tasks."

"But at it's core, the cause I want to serve is higher. I want to build a world where no-one is left behind. I have seen many in our line of work salivating over the well-paying work on the jobs board. But what of the father simply looking for his daughter? What of the monsters that terrorise the townsfolk across the city? What of those who have little to give?"

"The Heroes Guild will work for the people first. I invite you to join me. With the strength of Argentum. The wisdom and heroism of Ironheart. The determination of House Calton. The expertise of the Atelier, should she return. Imagine all the good that can be done, if we just work together. Please. I ask you to consider working with me. "

2017-11-02, 03:25 PM
The Righteous Rally

"Hear hear." Naib raises his mug. "I came from folk with nothing, and I remember what it was like. Perhaps more people in power should."

The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Ah, the herd roams where it must. We will manage, having more business than hands to deal with it happens on occasion and it's not something to be sorry about. I'm sure we'll be able to cooperate on the later stages of this matter.

Out of professional curiosity, what're you planning on? Your means are certainly not little, and if whatever job you're taking takes all of yours to handle, it might be good to be aware of what's going on.

2017-11-02, 03:31 PM
The Great House of Calton

Aulus of Calton

Listening to the old man representing not just in word, but in presentation, the Black Maze, Aulus simply nods as he mentions the war is an overriding concern. His attention shifts back to Tam as she speaks, but then he remains silent, waiting for any others to voice their concerns they may have.

A moonlit walk with Tam

When the meeting is done, Aulus of Calton leaves and finds Tam joining him with her "chaperones". Outside the Coin Punch Coach, a small group of personal guards respectfully follows in their wake through the alleys, keep enough distance to offer some privacy to the two talking. The nod between Aulus and the lead of the guards shows they are there to escort him. "And thank you for hosting the meeting, madam. As for the matters I wished to address..."

Morale: 1

"...we can certainly do it this way. Allow me to first applaud you for some of the details in the meeting." There's a shift in his attitude, a lighter tone of conversation, as he chats about trivialities of the meeting, such as the quality of the soup and the finery of the cutlery. There is only a serious expression in between, where Aulus glances to the streets around them, which indicate that he waits with the serious subject until they have left the Coin Punch Coach House out of sight.

"..the wine was certainly of a good year, but allow me to no longer take up your time with reflecting back on this evening, but tackle future matters at heart. Now the streets are more discreet, I will not tarry any longer around the subject I wish to converse with you. As you may be aware, His Majesty, The King has offered specific Seals of War to be taken. We, as Great House, seek to fulfill them and on behalf of the Great House of Calton and would like to offer you the opportunity to work together to ensure the enemy General's time on this world is short. The rewards can be split half-way. This is the offer I bring, in a straight-forward fashion. I would like to know whether you are interested and keen on taking up on our offer." He then sets his eyes on Tam, studying her to observe her reaction to the offer. While he seems calm, calculating and carries his tone in a formal style, suffused with business intent, the keen eye can see moments where his gaze betray worry at the future before them.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-02, 03:55 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Coin Punch Coach House VIP PM

Morale 5

A moonlit walk with Aulus

Tam makes small talk with the best of them, twirling her parasol now and again, examining the beads sewn into the lining. Occasionally they glitter, for no reason whatsoever.

"Ah," she says when Aulus makes his offer. "You know, you're the second man to approach myself and my organization with that particular offer? I was inclined to accept the first suitor. But here you are, offering the same deal."

She tilts her head, considering the streets around her. The escorts, at some point, have slipped away. Scouting ahead? Hard to say.

"This would not be an easy venture. And the assets that my first partner have to bring to bear are both significant and arcane. I am disinclined to abandon them. On the other hand, you sir, are no slouch yourself. Are you open to a hm... threesome? In this venture?" She smiles without guile. "Though I would claim slightly more than a half share, their talents would come out of my part of the matter. There are two stipulations, however. The first being that we share all information gained from this venture. Oronvee plans are a prime concern. The second stipulation being that my partner wishes the general's body, and all his possessions."

The tiny woman gazes up at Aulus, eyes twinkling with mirth. "What do you say, good sir? Does this perhaps tickle your fancy?"

Morale 5


Regretfully, the client requested discretion. I can say with perfect honesty that it should not impact either yourself or the business you have revealed to me.

With Love,

2017-11-02, 04:23 PM
The Great House of Calton

Coin Punch Coach House Balcony VIP Location PM Morale 1

When Aulus of Calton hears that Tam has been approached before with the offer, he frowns. His eyes narrow for a moment in a pentive look, but it fades as he continues to listen. There's a minor twitch as as she describes three parties working together as a threesome. It is a choice of words he would not have considered to utter in this context, and it showed for a moment. Chosing to ignore such play on words, his tone remains serious as he responds. "Let me think for a moment." Buying time as looks onwards to give his thoughts room, his gaze cast over the street's stones, the sound of their footsteps for a moment the main speakers in the conversation.

"You have piqued my interest. If those contributions are as significant as you claim, than slightly more than a half share is only fair. The stipulations are fine, though I will have one in return. Either of you would provide cooperatives who are capable of helping see the operation through in hard times. To.." Aulus of Calton seems to look for appropriate words, a slightly pained expression on his face as he seeks to diplomatically describe something he would not confess straight up. "..keep everybody focused at the task at hand. Inspire companions when a roadblock is encountered." He stiffles a sigh, looks briefly at Tam, making an idle, though nervous gesture with his hand, than offers a simple nod. He then moves on to the next subject. "Should you agree, I will ofcourse need to know who I will be working with, both in your team, as well as the the mentioned third party. Before you ask, yes, I will contribute my own efforts to this task, and the House will contribute all it has in intelligence forces."

(OOC: Aulus will, as VIP, contribute to the task. Intelligence forces as mentioned above is synonym to espionage, which will mean 3 Espionage dedicated. His pained expression is asking that either you or the third party, will contribute Morale in the operation. And he is asking for information about who he will work with and what you and the third party are dedicating.)

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-02, 04:53 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

VIP PM Coin Punch Coach House

Morale 5

A moonlit walk with Aulus

"Your conditions are agreeable, and quite sensible, really. We'll ensure that care is taken to protect the specifics of this plan."

"As to who the first suitor may be, you'll be getting in bed with the Clanchurch. They'll be contributing their own intelligence... and a highly skilled agent, trained in all sorts of entertaining arts. Rest assured, you shall find her agreeable. Though I do hope you are not allergic to feathers." Tam flutters the parasol playfully, as if mimicking a bird's wings in flight.

"Now, as to contributable assets... well, I'll be there, of course. To manage any hardness that should arise. Make sure the project slides through easily." Her face is entirely innocent and there's not a hint of lewdness in her voice. "I'll have Mister Murdoch along of course. He'd throw quite a wobbler if I didn't. As well as the best intelligence we can give. Camps give rise to camp followers, hm? This one should prove no different."

"There is one thing." She closes the parasol with a snap, and rests the tip on Aulus' shoulder. Her green eyes catch his, and she looks upward, face turning to sorrow. "Please understand, I hate killing. I hate doing this sort of thing. But this is war, these are necessary measures, and if they were left undone, many more of my people would perish than otherwise." She inhales, lets her breath out. "We don't make a regular habit of this. And if we ever do, then well, something's gone horribly wrong."

She lifts the parasol from his shoulder, and offers him a small smile. "Well! Here we are at Tock Street. Thank you for the escort, kind sir. Let us part as friends, and we shall undertake the later venture with the greatest of vigor, when we are all gathered together in a more... comfy... place."

Tam curtseys and turns to leave.

(OOC: We're bringing 6 espionage, Clanchurch is bringing 2. We're bringing Tam and Mister Murdoch, and Clanchurch is sending their Temple Assassin on this. IF that doesn't do it, then something's very wrong. And yes, we'll be spending all our morale on protecting this op.)

2017-11-02, 08:08 PM
To the Scions Club

The Golden Girls MOR 2
Well you boys do have a stellar reputation. I'll speak with the girls and we'll try and figure out a deal that might work. But surely you know our little group was created specifically to avoid hegemony among us young folk. If you aren’t careful my lord you’ll end up just like your father.

Just Declare your visit and I’ll give you a little intro with clues as to what's going on there.

To the Seawolves

Bone Makers MOR 2
No no. The Claw is firmly your problem. Though fairness to you its worth mentioning a couple of our guys spotted something in west docklands shortly before the beast appear in Salts. I imagine the beast may have passed through. Maker knows where it actually came from.

Hurricanes been poking around aye’. We’ve gutted two of their men snooping around. That’s two big boys we’ve pissed on already though, might be moving elsewhere while things cool down for us.

Order of the White flame

The Order of the Legacy MOR 5
Then I am glad to call the Whiteflame allies. As to the dead we have been curious as well. By all laws of magic we know they should not be able to come to such numbers. It could be carelessness by the Cult who haunt the graveyard, though they contacted us questioning their origin as well. It might bare investigating, but we should focus on readying our defenses. Outskirts is likely a prime point of attack for the oncoming forces.

Chemosh and Apprentices

Professor Falkar MOR 2
Oh gods. Those poor amphibians. Perhaps your drop out was for the best. Well it does bare investigating. Do those goblins still run things down at the Spew? I think we should take a closer look at these Oozes. Would you or your ragamuffins help an old man take a trip down the sewers?

The Blackmaze

Criers MOR 3
We are out in the streets enough as it is, I’m sure we could assist with such a project.

The Ska

United Republican Movement PM
You meet with a slightly starved looking man in loose hanging scholar’s robes. He looks surprised and a little scared at first to see a Ska in person, but he regains his composure quickly.
“Please everyone, a moment's privacy.” The other folk shuffle out of the room, somewhat reluctantly.
“I was unaware there was more to speak of with your folk, but I am all ears. Please, speak your mind.”

Clan Merkit PM
The Ska around the conflict all tense up, nervous energy overflowing.
“You know that this cannot end with one bowing!” Merkit sneers. “I will strangle the Grey Seer with your tail Queek!”
You have provoked Merkit to attack. The battle is short and decisive, Queek is larger, stronger, perhaps even faster, but Merkit is ruthless and aggressive, ignoring his own pain. Blood is drawn on both sides. Queek is minorly hurt, but not in any lasting fashion. Queek’s axe connects with one of Merkits hands, tearing flesh and cracking bones.
Clan Merkit retreats stung but not defeated. Though Queek has clearly won this exchange.

House Calton

All good with the loan, I see you are plotting for the Crack the Coalition quest. Just to be clear about my last post the Throne would be VERY reluctant to give your faction all three of the Royal Seal Quests. They are big and difficult, and you would be hard pressed to do all three. The King is fine with giving you your pick of the three though. You have a VERY high rep.

At the Coin Punch Coach House

Merchants Balcony
The moment House Calton arrives William the refugee relaxes visibly. Though as more people arrive the Hurricane guildsmen look increasingly stern.

William will speak up next.
“My Lord Aulus, please forgive me if I speak out of turn, but there is a very urgent matter to” A flickered look towards Tam, “ speak of. You see, when we left Calton them army folks were crashing through our pastures and takin’ so much already, we knew the Oronvee would do no different, so we took all the horse from my farm and the Wheatlys. Plus half a dozen from the Calsons, and a few more we could pick up along the way. Mostly breeding mares plus a few promising studs. We paid off some Brigade men to let us through the gates at dead of night and hid them in one of the warehouses. We’ve been trying to keep em’ quiet, didn’t want the army to requisition our breed stock or…” Again the nervous glance towards Tam. “Any o’ the gangs or some such.” [By his numbers you would guess about 2 stategic resources worth of Calton Chargers]
The lead Hurricane Guildsmen also speaks up.
“Well that drama aside there is another critical matter to attend to: Ascant Industries. The wretches are behind half the murders and many of the other problems in Merchants Half. They have declared war on anything calling itself a guild. Something I’m sure many of you have a vested interest in. They must be dealt with regardless of what polity wins the coming siege, before they burn us alive inside our walls.

2017-11-02, 09:16 PM
The Ska

The massive black furred form of Queek erupted into the little mage's throne room but the Grey Seer was not there.
He had wanted to tell the little rat just how bad an idea it was to send him and how there was never any chance that his visit could have been successful.
The giant rat had wanted to make excuses, pass blame and let the anger of failure off his chest by screeching and hissing; instead he found a note.

"Dear Queek,

Do not worry, you have done an excellent job. It is a shame you only took his hand but I know soon you shall bring me his head.
I have gone away for a few days on errands please see that Snitch gets back safely and try to keep everything ticking over.

GS Snikrit."

Queek scoffed and spat ripping up the note after he had read it. That stupid rat knew too many things and spoke too much like a -manoid.
He did have his uses though and he really was quite clever.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
The little rat bows, attempting to ease the mans nerves, although this man was not what Snitch had expected. He considered offering the man some of his travel rations before realizing that even the starving man might think twice before choosing to eat what constituted for a Ska meal.
"Your people are struggling to put food on the table and wood on the fire--soon the city will be under-siege and the ever tighter resources will become even more suffocating."

The tiny ratling takes a seat in the courner of the room with its back against the wall: thick callus covered feet spread out under him and a bald scared, but fully intact, tail stretches out beside him.
"I do not wish to question your honor but it has been suggested your people have grown tired of not just the oppressors within the Foundry but also the Arch Duke himself. Perhaps this siege offers an opportunity for the less fortunate of this city to even the playing fields a little."
Grey Seer Snikrit had wished he could send Queek to this meeting--truly a beast of a Ratfolk should venture to meet beasts of the wild. Somehow though Snikrit believe this Druid would appreciate the blunt and aggressive approach to conversation just as poorly as everyone else Queek had the misfortune of being tasked with diplomatic talks. No--something told Snikrit that as the sharp intellect and arcane wisdom of a fledgling mage struggling to hold a feral and warmongering race of Ratfolk together he would have something in common with the Iron Breaker leading his Ironbreaker Hordes. At least he hoped so--he hoped thats what the swirls and eddies of his stone had told him.

Now he found himself walking aimlessly within the mist and fog of the city outskirts hoping to meet a very dangerous leader and also hoping that same leader would not kill him before he had the opportunity to say his piece. He stood waiting--if the swirls were true the person he hoped to meet would be here any moment.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-02, 10:05 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Coin Punch Coach House VIP PM

As William speaks, Tam's eyes go wide. Then she covers her mouth as she bursts into a fit of giggles. "You honestly thought we might be tempted to steal your horses? Oh... oh my! Hahahahah... oh. Oh my dear man, that's, uh, that's not one of the areas our professionals, ah, offer services in." She pats his hand. "But oh, isn't this a coup?" She looks toward Lord Calton. "This man's loyalty, and those of his countrymen, stood unwavering. He saw those steeds through the thick of the war, to return them to you. To bolster the forces of Ascension, in its time of need! I can smell the broadsheets now. And therein lies my plan." Mirth flees her face as she hops up on a chair, and gestures. The two escorts nearest her unfold a series of posters.

"This is my plan to deal with the refugee crisis. We make them us."

One of the posters shows a man in traditional Eastern garb, helping pull on a ship's rope, as a storm rages. The title reads "HURRICANE ACCEPTS THEIR AID! ALL ARMS AGAINST THE ORONVEE!"

Another poster shows men in battered Calton uniforms forging arms and armor, and offering them up to Calton's soldiers. "THEY RETURNED TO AID THEIR LADY IN HER TIME OF NEED! SUCH LOYALTY DESERVES OUR AID!"

They go along in this vein, showing various refugee groups helping around the city, and directly aiding the war effort.

"We speak up, and change the narrative. Right now the city's on edge, and the narrow-sighted are thinking the refugees competition. So we make them out to be survivors, heroes in their own small ways. We use our reputations, and a bit of money, and we start finding jobs for them best suited to their skills. Once they have employment, they are no longer refugees, but Ascensionites."

"Essentially I am asking the honorable attendees of this council to donate what reputation and wealth they can, into this initiative. It will probably take a matter of months, but the sooner we get it started rolling, the better. And it helps in one more way..." She smiles, and her eyes harden. "Oronvee will undoubtedly eventually seek to sneak spies in among refugees. By thinning the herd as it were, and vetting them to various trades, we scatter any organized guerilla groups, and get to take a long, hard look at any incoming suspicious sorts."

"That's my solution." Tam hops down. "I'll start implementing it right away, unless anyone has any serious objections or points to raise that I haven't considered. Any and all help on this would be welcome. After all, it's going to be a bit of a public relations coup. Investment now, will surely grow the good names of those who also take up the torch."

"Next order of business... The murders in Abern Square. Normally we'd be investigating that, but most of our resources in that area are spoken for. Does anyone have an investigator, or perhaps some... sly individuals to spare? Maybe a stray divination? If not, then we may need to consider pooling our resources and offering a reward. There's any number of strapping heroes downstairs who would leap at such a bounty. Wouldn't even have to be a big one."

"Thirdly, the food prices." She looks at Hurricane. "Honestly, you're the ones best suited to tell us if food shipments are going to increase, decrease, or experience troubles. Could we ask you to look into this, and send all participants missives after the meeting, letting us know how we should prepare? Your security is enviable, so letters are likely the best route."

"Fourthly, the horses. Well, seems simple enough. You've got them, your lordship is here, there you go." She squints. "Might want to arrange some guards when you deliver them. Some nasty gangs about, be a pain if they tried to grab them. Also a fairly stupid move, as those are probably some pretty distinct and easily identifiable horses."

"Fifthly, Hurricane's conflict with Ascant Industries." Tam looks around. "I would like to motion a pact of neutrality, at the very least. That those of us here agree to refrain from aiding Ascant against Hurricane, and avoid allowing Ascant influence within Merchant's Half. Well, as much as we can within our areas of trade and contacts, anyway. If they make a concerted effort, to be honest, it'd take a lot of fuss to stop them." She sips her wine. "Further assistance against Ascant can be negotiated on an individual basis, I think. We've got such varied talents and assets that any stricter agreement would be difficult to rub out at this time, I think."

"Right. Questions? Issues? Oooh, I think I see the main course coming..."

She frowns.

"Ah, one more thing. This venue is up for auction shortly. Is anyone here planning to bid? It would be good if this landmark stayed within the hands of an established group..."

Then with a guilty glance to Lord Calton, she remembers the last part. "And also there's the war to talk about. Well, let's settle the smaller stuff first, shall we? Sooner done, sooner we can discuss the war."

2017-11-02, 11:17 PM
Doctor´s guild: Morale: 4

That´s fine, as things are going I´m probably not going to be doing that anytime soon. I did also get that invitation, looking forward to seeing you there!

Thank you kindly, we´ll be sure to not cause trouble as we move in. We are working closely with a local druid to inspect the pests common to the area with more accuracy because, as you say that´s probably the case.

Saphaer runs at Maria as she trips to the floor, her instinct raising with her pained groan "hi, is a pleasure to meet you in person, I´m Saphaer, just in case the doctor´s pouch didn´t give me away" after a seconds she notes that as expected it was nothing but a bruise, she applies a cream that gives a cold feeling and leaves her to the compress, setting aside the things in the chair next to her and motioning for her to sit down.

As she sits down herself and was her hand dismissively "I don´t think we should worry about the plague, this meeting is for the problems in merchant-half and the plague is fairly contained." she nods at the old man, finding his interpretation delightfully similar to one of her guild´s favored creeds, after listening to Tam speak she replies hearthily "On my part I approve of the way you plan to deal with the refugees, and feel sad that my lack off foresight leaves me unable to help, the plague and the taxes barely leaving enough to run the guild, I do believe Mourner´s hall would be a good place for some of the refugees to move to, there is tons of free spaces Around the zone and the citizens couldn´t be more adaptable to new circunstamces. I do believe I could help somewhat when it comes to the murderer, if I get to look at some of the most recent bodies that is." She shies from speaking about the growing food prices, fearing reprisal for her partial involvement in those, And ignores the conflict between Hurricane Guild and Ascant Industries agreeing that is best they are just left alone for now even if she dislikes them.

Meanwhile back at Mourner´s Hall, a very bored Cortes decides to further relations on his own, in a quest to find things to do...

The heavily armored men walks to the boats, two ragged men flanking him.
They are exactly as stealthy about it as they sound, he reaches to the nearest pirate he can find and cordially states "¡Hey!, are any of your guys interested on taking down the tin cans down at Chaunshire, you can take the reward if you guys back me up when I explain it to my boss" the last part is said with a grin, albeit it is barely noticeable under the helmet.

OOC: just planning for some cooperation, not even sure if I´ll get this quest but if I don´t I may just send my VIP in anyway with whoever is doing it, probably what I´ll end up doing anyway since is pretty hard to get Quests with Rep 1 :smallbiggrin: this also gets us in the right foot if any gets some other quest.

My most benevolent king, I was wondering if you may find it in yourself to grant a lowly sub-guild like my own the chance at proving their worth by tearing apart the Oronvee scouts.

-your humble servant, Cortes, Pledged Bodyguard´s to the doctor´s guild.

A heavily armored man sets up camp outside the town, adressing what few people are around and not in hiding, "¡Fear no more citizens, Cortes is here to free you from your plight! ¡The moment my allies arrive I´ll give you the peace you deserve!"

2017-11-03, 12:05 AM
Atelier Maria
ESP: 0 MOR: 4

Coin Punch Coach House

"Uuuuu, thabk kyuu..."

Maria could only mumble, gratefully accepting the compress from Tam and the rubbing cream from Saphaer. Teary-eyed. she shook her head when Tam asked if she had anything to bring up, but when everyone else's attention was elsewhere, she fished out a vial full of some coloured liquid, and surreptitiously dabbed a few drops onto the compress before holding it to her nose again.

By the time she was ready to speak, Maria had regained her cheerful demeanour, with no signs whatsoever of her mishap for some reason. At the end of Tam's announcement of her initiative, she applauded quite gaily in approval.

"Hear, hear!" she said happily. "That sounds like a fine idea! I'll lend my [t.REP] to this if you'll have it, Madame!"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" she suddenly blurted out, remembering something at the last moment. "As Madame Tam said, I do have an issue with the Echo House Irregular folks in my district. With the Oronvee on the way, I need total control of it as soon as possible, so I can get started on ramping up the workshops to full capacity and prepare to supply the coming war. And well, they're kind of in the way. I'm fairly sure I can deal with them myself if need be," she clapped her hands together, "but any additional hands can't hurt."

"Besides, I'll still need to develop my district to its full potential afterwards," Maria continued, and this time her green-pupiled eyes were looking meaningfully at William of the Calton refugees, "so who knows? I might just need additional hands when all's said and done."

With her part in her discussion done, Maria piped down and listened as the proceedings went on. But when Tam mentioned the impending auction of the Coach House, she frowned and cupped her chin in thought for some moments. At length she raised her hand, looking much like a child would when volunteering an answer to the teacher.

"I might, actually," she said, looking at Tam. This is but my first time here, and I'm liking this place already. It'll be a shame to let it go out of business, and I could always use another basket to put my eggs in."

The Heroes Meet

At some point, Maria had descended from the stairs, just in time to catch Elwin's speech. At the end of it, she spontaneously broke into applause, probably startling anyone who wasn't expecting her to be there.

"Hear, hear!" she called out, smiling gaily all the while. "Count me in, naturally! So, how are we going to go about getting things started?"

Hey there! So I heard you're sitting tight in the outskirts of my district at the moment, but I do kind of need that land. There's a war coming, don't you know, and I need all the assets I can get to help the city prepare for it.

So, I'd really like you guys to vacate the premises soon as possible, but so that we don't necessarily have to be all acrimonious about it... perhaps there's some sort of mutually beneficial agreement we can come to? How about you all come and work for me? I could easily use some big strong men like your lot to help keep my district safe!


2017-11-03, 03:29 AM
The Clanchurch

Morale 6

The downtrodden Izt from Tock Street walked towards the temple entrance in Abern Plaza. She had been born in Ascension City, decades after the Oronvee had swept the Clanchurch from the plains. Life in Tock Street was a struggle, and though at times things slowly improved, the latest Oronvee invasion brought Tock Street to an entirely new level of overcrowded poverty. Her faith in Tor promised answers, but...

"My child, there is no shame in returning to the flock. The confusion you've felt your whole life will fade away in the face of the Great Sun. You are always allowed home."

The Izt hesitated, but then followed Sunwing into the temple.

The Sea Wolves
Apologies, privateer. Time between letters has Whitetalon busy with new tasks. But a deal can still be made. If you will give us beast body, phalanx will assist in cornering beast. Your men slay, your men reap influence and gold. Agreeable?

Atelier Maria
No suggestions, Alchemists. Always looking for opportunity. Autumn is not the season of the Sun, but surely we can be useful to each other given time.

Suma Jareme
Freedom of faith, heir? Worthy. Glad to observe your bid for throne. Watch closely your actions during Oronvee crisis.

The Black Maze
Banker. Your rules, offers, and services. Describe them if you will.

The Order of the White Flame
Similarities, Crusader? White Flame related to sun? Great Sun's Servants like your gods? Unlikely, but... strange.
If you claim no ill intent, then we trust. Agree to help keep peace in Little Temples if needed.

The Guild of Negotiable Affections + Caltons
We accept deal to take contract "Crack the Coalition" together, if bid is taken. It is Great Sun's will the Whitetalon hunt a worthy foe. Clan resources will coordinate with your agents to move Whitetalon and your trusted agents to silence this Oronvee voice forever. Nobody sees a thing.

Coin Punch Coach House

Sunwing's first visit to the Coin Punch was long ago, and his coin from that visit remained where he had hammered it in years ago. He made haste towards the balcony, but couldn't help but notice the assortment of interesting characters in the own meeting.

Heroes and warriors from around Ascension, he recognized some of them. A strange sort. They adventured for pleasure or gain. The call of the gods was lost to them.

Merchants Half Balcony
His entrance betrayed by the clanging of the jewelry of the high priesthood, Sunwing stayed to the side remained silent throughout most of the conversation; late as he was he knew it would be impolite to interrupt those who had arrived on time. Though far better spoken than his written word would show, when his time came to speak, he was brief. "The Izt of the Clanchurch were driven here by the Oronvee decades ago, as I imagine many of your people were. It is only right that we do right by all refugees who come here under the Great Sun's watchful eye. The Clanchurch will assist with efforts to welcome refugees as new inhabitants to Ascant.
As for the Oronvee, the Sun is clearest about this above all. The Oronvee must be resisted and destroyed, and the Clanchurch can be counted on to participate in this war."

2017-11-03, 04:25 AM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Thornhold,

On behalf of the Great House of Calton, I write to you, the leader of the Verdant Enclave. It may have come to your attention that His Majesty, The King, has set out the Royal Seal of War, with specific seals for tasks to be had. The Great House of Calton is seeking to fulfill these seals, and in specific I contact you involving the seal where the woodland spirits are involved, to gain their aid against the Oronvee Invasion. The druidic skill and affinity to the spirits of nature the Verdant Enclave possesses, as well as the knowledge of the area due to your base of operations lying in the Bulgewood, would be of great asset to fulfill this task. Therefore, I extend to you the offer for the Verdant Enclave to cooperate with the Great House of Calton in this effort.

To go into details what the offer entails, I offer to lend my personal support, as well as the reputation of the Great House, to this operation. In addition, the magical forces of the Great House of Calton will be committed to the task. It is my hope that you will cooperate and send a suitable guide, known in the layout and intrinsicaties of the area where the spirits can be found. The guide would have druidic support from your end, as well as a spiritual investiture, to both the spirits as well as the working operatives in this operation. The reward would be split as follows. Four parts out of seven would be our claim and three parts would be your claim. I will be clear that our main objective will be to seek the alliance of the wood spirits against the Oronvee Invasion, which threatens them as it does us. Only when words of diplomacy falls on deaf ears will we seek to enrage them against our enemies.

It is my profound hope that you will consider this offer for cooperation in earnest, and I hope to receive word from you soon.

Your sincerely,
Gabriel of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

(OOC: The Great House of Calton offers to cooperate with the Verdant Enclave on the the quest "Enrage the Woodlands" set out by The King. The Great House will lend 3 t.Magic and probably 2 t.Reputation, as well as the support of Gabriel of Calton as VIP. The reward of 8 will be split 4 to the House of Calton and 3 to the Verdant Enclave. The Verdant Enclave is requested to lend support in Magic and Morale. The support in Magic can come in the form of Mage VIPs or a combination of Magic and a VIP. The Magic support will have to know the lay of the land, which should be easy considering your home base. In your reply, should you chose to accept such a cooperation, please state what you offer in support.)

Thanks for the warning. I'm going to try to get all three of them anyway! I just don't have enough time to write back to the King at the moment, nor complete my plotting on how to get all three of them, but those messages will come! You will see in my above message to the Enclave another part of my intentions.

2017-11-03, 06:50 AM
To House Walford

To His Grace, the Lord Walford, Warden of the South,

We have heard of your difficulties with obtaining iron. As one of the largest manufacturers of iron goods and head of the blacksmith's guild, we would like to lend our help in securing the iron shipments our cities so desperately needs. With your permission, we will combine our own forces with those of the Argentum and make sure that these shipments get delivered on time. I hope you will agree that this is the best course for everyone involved.

Respectfully, your servant
Torac Dunmorsay

Heroes' meeting

Torac nods. "A very nice speech. And I will be glad to lend my... well, my resources, I suppose. And my experience. Can't say lending my hand would do much, these days."

2017-11-03, 11:22 AM
The Order

Morale 5

The Clanchurch
The Clanchurch do for the Izt what the Order do for the world. Thus our burden is reduced. Both our gods desire the same things for the Izt,
the differences are those of scale, of concern for other races. And both our Churches have made their home here, with all the world to choose from,
our gods both willed we were both here, at this crossroads of history.

Doctor´s guild
Please keep us appraised. If it is vermin we may be able to loose the plague against the Oronvee. If you have any problems with the Rivergate trading guilds do let us know.

The Order of the Legacy
I had thought to loose the dead against their army. This of course is your area of expertise, so I shall put it aside if you judge the task too vast to safely complete in time. I agree with your assessment of the Oronvee's likely approach, therefore we should focus our combined efforts in the Outskirts, specifically the sacred fort in your order's keeping. We should combine our magics to bolster Leyline Keep's defenses. Between your necromancy and our sacred fire we can make the whole area around the keep a killing field. We should bleed the Oronvee as much as possible before they reach your physical defences.

OCC: Suggesting a combined magic research project to 'mine' the area around Leyline Keep. How much can the order contribute? I can spare 1 research and 5 magic

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-03, 11:22 AM
Guild of Negotiable Affections

Coin Punch Coach House (VIP PM)

Merchant's Half Balcony

Tam gives Saphaer her undivided attention. "Ah, that's a relief. Please let us know if the situation changes. We'll give you our full compliance."

She glances over at William. "Some of the refugees probably have medical training, too. Mourner's Hall might be a good spot for them, I'll leave that for you to bring up to your folks, sir."

Tam claps her hands together as Maria offers her support. "Thank you! This will make things much easier. I gladly accept your help. Well, they'll gladly accept it, anyway."

"Come to think of it, when the management changes hands here, some of the staff will leave, too. Some will stay on, but this'll open up jobs that refugees can help fill. Yes, by all means, I recommend you bid. Just ah, do me a favor, and keep their signature cornbread on the menu, hm? No other place in this city does it half so well."

"As to support rousting the Echo Street lot..." Tam frowns. "There's not much that the Guild can offer. The few we've got are guards and enforcers to ensure the safety of our employees. But y'know, there's a bunch of heroes downstairs who might be willing to help you out now, in exchange for useful potions later..."

2017-11-03, 12:42 PM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Kazan,

As you may be aware His Majesty, The King, has set out the Royal Seal of War, which specific Seals for operations which will benefit the war effort. The Great House of Calton seeks to fulfill these seals. The reason this letter finds you, the leader of the Blue Company, is because I, as Head of House Calton, wish to extend an offer of cooperation on the Seal involving the defeat of the Oronvee scouts.

It is my hope that the offer is of interest to you and your Company. We would see the reward attached to this Seal be split as follows. Three out of eight parts will be paid to the Blue Company and five parts will be claimed by the Great House of Calton. The Great House of Calton is willing to dedicate our military forces to the defeat the Oronvee scouts, with myself in charge.

Should the offer be of interest to you, I would like to hear what forces you offer to dedicate to the cause in return. Should your proposal be satisfactory, we will be able to reach a deal. For the proposal to be satisfactory, I expect it to, at the very least, include a commitment of combat forces, as well as commanders or other supporters well versed in keeping morale high amongst soldiers in trying times.

It is my sincere hope that the offer is indeed of interest to you. I graciously look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

(OOC: The Great House of Calton offers to hire the Blue Company for the King's offered quest "Destroy the Oronvee Scouts", so they can combine forces. The reward is 8 t.wealth, which would be split with 3 to the Blue Company and 5 to the Great House of Calton, where the 3 t.wealth gained is equal to their wealth stat and would ensure your wealth pool is filled next turn, assuming you spend all your wealth this turn.
The Great House of Calton will dedicate 3 Military, as well as the VIP Leonora, Lady of Calton. It is expected the Blue Company as mercenary company, if interested, proposes what they will commit, before the deal is finished. The Great House of Calton requests that the proposal includes a commitment of t.morale.)

2017-11-03, 01:29 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

Pennon Palace - Visit/PM
Lewis Blackwood had dressed himself in some of his finest cloths, and gotten himself a carriage for the small distance between his home and the Pennon Palace. He had decided that it was time for him to check out the political situation and meet and greet with the important officials at court. The carriage arrived at palace and Lewis got out and started walking for the entrance.
The Tourney Grounds - Visit/PM
Duncan Curzon was wearing his armor and his sword and shield. In these times of war, you had to be ready for battle at any time. Duncan had decided to visit the army camp at the tourney grounds to try to get a feel of the moral amongst the soldiers and to hear the thoughts of their officers. He arrived to the tourney grounds on his trusted steed, which he handed over to one of the stable hands, and started to explore the army camp.
The Maple Leyline - Visit/PM
Harvey Granville had always had a deep interest in magic, since he saw his father do wonders with it. His love for magic was the reason, that he loved to visit the Maple Leyline and see the ancient maple tree and talk with the caretakers of the tree. So, Harvey visiting the Maple Leyline like he was doing today, was rather common. He arrived at the park on foot like he normally did and then he went to enjoy the tranquility of the park.
Coin Punch Coach House - Visit/PM
Amelia Denman loved to venture out and see different parts of the city and the Coin Punch Coach House was one of her favorite places, she had hammer a coin into the wooden bar a long time ago. She was wearing what she always wore when she was out in the town, a light dress in which she could still easily move, and she never forgot to bring a dagger with her, if she were to run into troubles. She opened the door and walked into the coach house and took in room.
To Chemosh and Apprentices
We will of course not go mess your fraternity house and I thank you the offer for introductions. We will see how much the Scions Club will try to win over people at the university these next couple of months, since we have a lot of things to do, but we hope to sooner or later to get around to it.

- Elisabeth Curzon
To the Golden girls
We are more than willing to discuss this peacefully, there is no reason to speak of the chance of someone getting poisoned. It is not a thing to speak lightly about.

- Amelia Denman
(I liked the reference to Lewis backstory, but this dialog was actually started by Amelia, since I ought to use more than one VIP, since I have five of them.)
To Leonora, Lady of Calton
You can rest assured that we will not trouble those loyal to you, my lady. If you ever have any plans for the good of Ascant, I would be more than willing to hear you out.
May the Grand Hills stand strong against the Oronvee.

- Lord Lewis of House Blackwood
How much would it take to take over an empty influence?

2017-11-03, 02:52 PM
The Ska

Queek didn't quite fit upon the little rats throne--although Snikrit was just under average size for a Ratling Queek was almost twice the size of his kin--and it creeked and cracked loudly as he sat atop it. Before him was a piece of parchment, ink and an intelligence report about the House Calton. The strange green rock had made strange noises, that he could have sword were the distorted whispered voice of Snikrit himself, telling him to write a letter to House Calton and now he was doing just that.

He also found another note pre-written with instructions to circulate to the important people of Ascant.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
The handwriting is terrible--perhaps written by a child, someone with a physical deformity or a Doctor.

Dear Grand Lady Human,

Mice friends tell you seek strong soldiers for quest of kill scouts. We not want rude but not only humans make good mercenary.
Ska has strong soldiers and would willing work on quest with Grand Human's if considered.

Queek the Ska
Dear Fellow Citizens of Ascant,

We had hoped this month that we would secure some job opportunities for our people to bring in some income, however, it appears that each of the quests we have applied for have come up that others are already offering their services. We, the Ska, pride ourselves on the riches and bounty we have within the Ten Mill's Sump and the storage capacity we have within our vaults for treasure and riches: without any quest oppertunities these vaults will have ample room unused for any factions requiring a safe place to bank their excess wealth and offer this storage at no cost to any such factions requiring this service.

Grey Seer Snikrit.

Terms and conditions apply

Imperial Psycho
2017-11-03, 03:20 PM
The Blue Company Morale: 4

Heroes Gather

Elwin turns to face Maria as she begins to applaud. He seems a little flustered by her return. "Ah! Maria. You came back. You surprised me."

He looks around for a moment, then clasps his hands together. "Ah yes. So, the details. My plan would be for us to correspond on a regular basis and discuss which quests we are interested in pursuing. This will allow us to pool resources and make sure we secure the quests we need. I hope, in time, we can build a reputation for competence and compassion for our group."

He offers Torac a smile. "I am certain that the smithing of House Danmorsay will be an invaluable asset. And I would be honoured to fight by your side, should you ever feel the need. To fight alongside Ironheart would be a dream come true for me, at least."

"The Alchemy of the legenday Altelier will no doubt come in useful also."

"While we of course will choose our own missions, I would appreciate if we also keep in mind those quests which will help the most people, or those in the most need."

"For example, this month, I intend to take on the golems that terrorize Chaunshire. I believe this is a rational choice for my group, and secures the Outskirts of town, so that they can live in safety, at least for now. I think my organisation can handle it. However, I also have taken note of the disappearance of one Veronica Yately. Not a quest that I have seen much interest in, but... is she not also deserving of help?"

"And what of the factory curse, and the families in need?"

"I, however, have few resources that can directly contribute to such endeavours. Thus, I ask you, Heroes. What can we do to help?"

To The Concerned Citizen of Chaunshire
Do not fear, Citizen of Chaunshire! The Blue Company will take care of your problem. You may have seen our piquets and scouts in the area. Rest assured, the golems will be dealt with.

The Blue Company

(In addition to my REP, my influence in their area and that fact that dealing with the golems is literally in my application for this game will help me here, I hope)

To House Calton
I am afraid I must refuse at this time. While the war, and the damage it may cause, is foremost in my mind, my first loyalty is to the people of Ascant, and the Blue Company will dedicate itself to their protection in the coming months.

However, I thank you for considering the Blue Company as a partner in your endeavours, and I hope you will continue to do so in the future.

The Honourable House Calton is always welcome at my door.

Elwin Kazan
Captain of the Blue Company

The Blue company will take all of our Wealth as t.Wel this turn please.

2017-11-03, 04:40 PM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Kazan,

Thank you for your reply. It is unfortunate your Company is unavailable to hire at this point, but it is understandeable given your raised point. I wish you luck, content in the knowledge you have the best interests of the city at heart in your endeavours.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

Dear Mr Ska,

Thank you for the interest you show. It is true that not only humans make good mercenaries. I would be willing to consider an offer to work together on the quest you stated. I look forward to such an offer.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton.

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

2017-11-03, 05:12 PM
Morale 4

It was quite unfortunate, teach but I still hold that Chemosh's Magnificent Exploding Cloaca will save someone some day. Sure it was supposed to be an animal enlarging spell but all the best spells are invented by chance. Yeah, the goblins still hold the Spew and they seem quite magical of late.

Anyways, of course you can come along. Maybe we can talk about the importance of the leylines when we meet. I never quite got how their magic releasing thing worked.

If you plan on transmuting it, I will just skip over the more general effects and go straight to the more interesting ones. I was mostly just seeing what interesting and cool effects the creators might have made but I have been looking specifically for a few things. For example, a pair of boots or even a potion to teleport the wearer or drinker away from danger. It doesn't even that far just far enough away to escape immediate chase. I'm also interested in a bag of holding or anything else that can hold a lot of stuff. I'm open to suggestions though.

So here is the general game statistics of what I propose. Obviously this will have to be looked at by the GM.

Boots of Teleportation
When threatened by a VIP the user teleports a district away. This immediately ends what they were doing and fails any quest they might have been on if they were the only ones on it. The owner has to choose to wear it or not before their EoT and once active it will teleport against any VIP even if they would have won the fight. Max one teleportation per turn so if there is more people waiting they can still kill the user.

bag of holding
Hold more temporary stats.

2017-11-03, 05:29 PM
The Ska

Queek rubbed his massive claws together as the news came back--first that a letter from House Calton confirming that the Blue Company had declined their offer and then their reply to the Ska--now he knew the Ska were most likely their only choice. The ratling had a truly terrifying smile: dagger like teeth surrounded by diseased and swollen gums stretching from the tip of its long nose all the way along its muzzle.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Leonora of Calton Lady,

We are sorry you lose opportunity for work with Blue Company but glad this leaves you opportunity for work with Ska.
Ska wish for opportunity to show dedication to Ascant and prove reputation. King suggested our forces would do good as sally force outside of city and this best opportunity to prove strength.
We offer that Grand House Calton secures quest from King and allowes Ska to do it on your behalf for half to half split of the reward. For you no effort you are get half of reward and we Ska are able to prove reputation!

Yours sincerely,
Queek the Ska

2017-11-03, 06:12 PM
Morale - 5

To Mortenkam
[OOC: I am uncertain if some of your spoilers in your most recent post are VIP Visits, which would be behind PMs, or if they are messages fluffed as in person visits that would be your Morale? I would appreciate if you label them so I don't read things I shouldn't. :smallsmile:]

Chemosh and Apprentices, Professor Faulker (5)
[OOC: An experiment in voice before I settle on exactly I want to do.]

A clever and correct hypothesis.

The sire of these Ooze is a newly exposed Leyline.

As the spirit of the city, those magicks are Ourblood.

Or lifeforce, methinks? We've never been quite certain...

Regardless, We are this city and this city is Us.

We seek to contain these ruptures.

But there are more than most know.

More than the druids can protect.

We know much, but lack hands to wield the whispers.

We require more custodians.

Guardians who will not use these Leylines against the city.

Who will stop the monsters, both those from the Leyline and from without.

If you believe yourselves to be worthy, then We can direct you to The Weeper.

2017-11-03, 06:23 PM
To Nemesis67
Fixed it for you.

2017-11-03, 06:40 PM
Morale 4

Hello again, we recently have been thinking about something. We aren't entirely sure but Lucy insists that others are working together to get the quests. If that is true, getting the most important quests will be nearly impossible even if we are capable of solving the problem ourselves.

Your people seem to have pretty good relations with others and we think with a little push from you could help us get the job. All you would have to do is put in a good word or two and we will give you a cut of the profits from the mission when we successfully complete it.

Wooooo! I got it... The writing before this is scratched out and abruptly changes from Chemosh's messy handwriting to a very precise and compact hand writing. Lucy here, I think at this point it might be best if you three meet. We accept, assuming what has been said is true. We don't want this getting out any further than it already has though. Do not say what you are replying to Professor, a simple yes or no to the question works. We don't know who is listening.

2017-11-03, 06:49 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

To Chemosh and Apprentices
That sounds like a fair deal and we be more than willing to help. What quest do you want us to help you secure?

- Elisabeth Curzon

2017-11-03, 07:25 PM
The Order

Mor 5

Jenny Two Teeth
I am looking for someone to perform a census of the various faiths popping up in Little Temple. What would be your rate for such an inquiry?

Owl's guild
I am looking for someone to perform a census of the various faiths popping up in Little Temple. What would be your rate for such an inquiry?


A note is found pinned nearby one of the many secret passages in the clock tower
'Word has it that a shadow lurks beneath the tower, one that knows many secrets. If such rumors were true I would wonder if this shadow would share those secrets, for a price of course.'

2017-11-03, 07:47 PM
Morale: 5

To Mortenkam
[OOC: Thank you. :smallsmile:]

Chemosh and Apprentices, Professer Falkar (5)

We shall invite the druidic wanderer.

His thoughts will be revealing.

Should you desire a quest, you may ask. Competition betters us all.

The Order (5)
A shadow lurks, yes, not beneath the tower, but across the city.

Everything has a price.

What will you pay it for?

Mercurious Shander (5)
Guardian of the Stone Circle,

The city is under threat, and you seek to help.

We wish to pick your mind, along with others'.

May we meet?

The Friday Man (5)
What price do you charge for your service?

Agda Ali (5)
Beyond the walls of this city, you have seen much, on many journeys.

Tell us, does the Claw remind you of any?

Does the Ooze?

Tory the Wall (5)
What price do you charge for your service?

Order of the Legacy (5)
The city marches to war.

What do Kira's Oathsworn do to prepare?

What else may they require?

Rethel Vex (5)
What price do you charge for your service?

Rakka Tak (5)
We know you buy.

Do you have anything to sell?

Jenny Two Teeth (5)
What is it you know, that We do not?

At what cost and what gain?

Yorick (5)
The Lady of Storms marches onwards, the Oronvee behind.


Poor Yorick,

We knew her.

But did she know us?

Does he know them?

For the record, and for Dino's sanity, I'll translate my ramblings to English.

Yorick seems a madman, but an information broker. If he knows anything of benefit on the invaders, or what the invaders know of the city, that would be very useful.

Alto Vassrigar (5)
What price do you charge for your service?

The Heron Knight (5)
What have you seen that We have not?

Should We worry?

Any relics worth Our interest?

2017-11-03, 08:01 PM
The Order

Morale 5

The Order are unskilled in the ways of spycraft, we have had little use for it on the battlefield. But this city, it is a different kind of warfare. Here the Order is exposed, yet blind. I would not march my troops without first sending scouts. Secrets and deceptions are the lifeblood of this city, it seems.As such we require the skills of someone like yourself.

OOC: I'd like to trade 2 temp wealth per turn in exchange for using your esp score for the purposes of reading messages

Just wanna check what I've suggested above is legal. I see it as Sovereign's spy network basically just making another copy of everything to pass onto me.

2017-11-03, 10:17 PM
Chemosh and Apprentices
Morale 4

Ah, right that important. I really should get Arynn to read over these things before sending them. We specifically want the befriend the woodland spirits quest.

Sounds good, just tell us where you wish to meet.

As for quests, we are always open to quests. We might be a bit stretched right now but if it is possible we will do it.

2017-11-04, 12:28 AM
Morale: 5

The Order (5)
[OOC: Checked with Dino, and that is not something I can offer. No sharing messages. I can inform you of what is in them through normal communications only.]

Alas and alack!

You have asked for something We cannot offer!
Our intellectus, Our knowing, is Us and Ours alone.
Without this gift, what are We?

We can offer a warning,
Should an arranged topic be broached?
Or an answer to questions you may ask?

Chemosh and Apprentices (5)
What We mean to say is, should you find your current arrangement too costly, We can also acquire quests for you.
And let us meet at the only Leyline within the city.
Maple Park. Our home, or near enough.

[OOC: I'll wait for Dino to post Falkar and the Druid before starting that PM.]

Oleksandr Murkov (5)
[OOC: Dino and others, this is intentionally directed to a non-existent person.]

Despite the best efforts of Ascant's Post, an `Oleksandr Murkov` cannot be tracked down. Spinning through the system for a number of days, the letter is finally lost to a clerk's reckless cat and an unsecured ink bottle. Its contents, never finding its true destination, lost to time... Save those OTHER recipients who managed to exfiltrate it from the proper channels and into their own prying hands, before returning it (resealed) to its correct route.

Our fellow shadows,

There is no knowledge that is not power.
But there is power that is not knowledge.
And even the greatest library falls to the torch.

Together, we are the underworld.
But there are many who may threaten us.
Including each other.

We seek peace and prosperity.
For all.
So We propose a truce.

No shadow wars between us, at least while the city lies besieged.
Should you agree, send a message to Mr. Murkov.
While some may be past even Our sight, it will signal an affirmative.

2017-11-04, 12:48 AM
Suma Jareme (mor 5)

Even more than usual, I beg for your assistance in the coming weeks. I wish to undertake several dangerous missions against the Oronvee army, and I need any aid I can acquire.

The You venerate a saint who preformed great tasks, if you would like to do the same, I seek to neutralize the coming army before they even reach our walls, and would be profoundly grateful if you would assist me.

Although many of you have turned to hunger and violence, this is your city as much as mine, if you would defended it there are invaders approaching and I would that you fight alongside me against them.

How fares your keep?

Although I have often been your rival, our interests in overcoming the coming army are equal and aligned. So take my words to heart when I write that I believe your preparations for the coming invasion are misdirected. This is not a war we can win numerically. If the Coalition breaches or defenses, we are done for. If they can not, Ascant can hold against them with even a moderate force. Indeed, every soldier at arms is a mouth our respective sides must feed who does not bring in food themselves in even the invaders minds turn to siege.

It is very much in our favor to transform this fight into a protracted stalemate, wherein naval action can keep our city supplied and allow our forces to circle around and harry the enemy supply lines until they fall under the weight of their own numbers and the disention any coalition of distinct actors will face under privation and shortage.

I implore you to turn your efforts in that direction rather than expand your efforts at a draft past their point of utility.

I have work and I need men to do it. My plans on stopping the Oronvee forces require a set of dangerous actions to be taken immediately, and I want your assistance. What payment do you require?

I have always had great respect for your house, so I will write to you explicitly. I plan to destroy all siege weaponry the Oronvee army possesses mundane, magical, and covert before they can be brought to bear against the city. Even if your swords are fewer and turned elsewhere, the back-line support of people I trust would be immeasurably appreciated

If your desire for entertainment extends to a martial direction, I will be undertaking several actions against the Oronvee I can promise on my life will excite.

I need to do something to a leyline that I am not sure can be done. Although it is not you area of expertise, your arcane skill is great enough for me to seek you out regardless.

Have you any desire to join me in a near suicidal raid on the Oronvee army in perhaps a week or 2?

Fighting for a crown is not something that happens for a few weeks when there is an open position. I try to prove my worthiness to rule every day by protecting the city as if it were already mine. Currently that takes the form of planning to strike at the Oronvee. If you wish to come along you are welcome.

I plan to conduct a major independent military action against the Oronvee, could I persuade you to assist?

2017-11-04, 01:39 AM
Morale: 5

Coin Punch Coach House - Heroes' Meeting

A moment ago, They were without.
The next, Sovereign stood at the center of the assembled exceptionals.
A shade taller than all, clad in raiment fit for kings long since buried, skin of iron and eyes of coal.

"There are others that seek to help.
As well as those who seek to profit, but help nonetheless
You need not solve all the woes yourselves."

Turning to each, and each in turn, Sovereign greeted the legends of the city.
"Alchemist. Ironheart. Nabil. Calton.
It has been much too long, methinks."

Stopping on Kazan, the spirit stares into his eyes for a moment.
"You are new.
We are Sovereign.

To Murska
For the sake of posting, I am assuming Naib's father's name is Nabil, and will change that when you correct me.

2017-11-04, 01:59 AM
The Ska

United Republican Movement PM
His eyes follow Snitch around the room, widening at the dangerous words.
“You speak of betraying the Duke? While the Oronvee breath down our necks? I hold little love for the bastard and his point stick of office but… What if we, you! Should fail? It is hard enough to keep my people out of Tonkerlock as is, I do not wish to hang from a rope with my brothers and sisters.”

He moves around to the other side of one of the desks strewn about the room, gathering several papers together. A nervous gesture.

“And if we were to strike now, the chaos that would ensue, the Oronvee would surely win. I doubt they would be any better. Only the Bathics among them have any sense of democracy or representation.”

Iron Breaker PM
The mists give no response, it appears that Iron Breaker is not yet on the board.
OOC you can have the PM back, Iron Breaker does not have a presence in the city or the outskirts.

The Good Doctors Guild

Arch Duke Richard MOR 9
To the Good Doctors,
It gladdens my heart that healers such as yourselves would consider taking up the blade in defense of our city. We will certainly consider your petition for the contract.

The People of Chaunshire MOR 1
A couple of older men approach in the light armour of militia. Their leader, a bearded sergeant with a recently broken polearm speaks up. Good to see you’ve got an interest in our people Ramshackler. We’ll keep you in mind for the contract.

Atelier Maria

The Echo House Irregulars MOR 1
Bugger you with your broken ‘children’ lady! This is our turf that you stole. What makes you think we are budging another inch? You’d better watch your own windows before you go pushing us around any more.

The Great House of Calton

Zweanslord PM
Fair enough, you play a bold game. I’m mighty tempted to put in the rule that you have to split up your rep on each one to take them from everyone. But I’ll play it by ear. Just know that if you manage to take them all and bungle them by spreading to thin things are going to get a lot harder for you and the city.

House Danmorsay

House Walford
Sir Torac! I am mighty pleased to hear you taking an interest in the contract. I’ve not forgotten you saving my father from the Noon Hag’s curse. I will of course consider your application for the contract very highly.

The Order of the White Flame

The Order of the Legacy MOR 5
We will contribute to such a project, pass your [research and 2 mag] to our keep and we will begin our project. Any discoveries will of course be shared with you. We will make the Oronvee bleed. The Painted Host will grow.

Jenny Two Teeth MOR 9
Words from the faith full? You ask me to be buried in pamphlets to find such. Still I’ve a juicy tidbit or two for those willing to pay. [4 t.cash] and they are yours. I imagine your order would be especially interested.

To the Scions Club

Location PM at Pennon Palace
Lord Blackwood arrives by carriage to a bustling courtyard. Hundred of the pennons and banners that festoon the walls and spires of the palace have been changed out for black, in preparation for the funeral of lord Giaus Calton this coming winter. After a few moments of banter, barter, and bribery between Lewis’s carriageman and a palace footman you are brought to a comfortable waiting room. A clerk you recognize as Daniel Penter greets you, a powerful man who organizes taxes in the low city.
“What can I do for you Lord Blackwood? What brings you to the Palace today?”

Location PM The Tourney Grounds
The Tourney ground is a mess, though Curzon’s military trained eyes see good organization and discipline to the tangles of tents and drill yards. Most of the men whom Duncan speak to sound depressed and defeated. The officers and what upper echelons have time to talk however are all very much the opposite. Most talk about the excellent fighting retreat that was used against the Oronvee in the battle of Cows Road. If half of what is said is the truth many more Oronvee were killed or injured than Ascanti.
OOC: Your move.

Location PM The Maple Leyline
Harvey Granville arrives to the peaceful park that surrounds the Maple Leyline. Things are calm here, the quiet druids and mages occasionally spotted tending to the various plants or caught up in conversation. The great Maple tree for which the Leyline takes its name radiates an aura of sincere magic, raw and honest. Any pieces of iron Granville carries vibrates very softly, and feels static-y to the touch.

Location PM Coin Punch Coach House
Three great pillars made of exotic Dalwood anchor the multiple bars of this sprawling building, glittering with a small fortune of hammered in coins. It is the middle of the day, so the ground floor is packed with noisy workers of a dozen factions. A group of University students see Amelia arrive and raise a toast to her. The balcony above the ground floor where wealthier patrons drink and scheme is especially bustling, apparently some big meeting is going on. (OOC you’ll need to ask permission to jump in on that one, The Guild of Negotiable Affections is the main orchestrator.)

Notably, the Summer Tourney Champion Alto Vassrigar has bought out one of the grand balconies and is feasting a huge group of friends and acquaintances. There is also no sign of the Houses usual owner, Baillen Vos. A message board in one corner is cleared of the usual posters and instead has a simple message:
“The sale of the Coin Punch Tavern will begin this [mid turn], thank you to all of our wonderful patrons for many good years. Sale by auction will be held in Abern Plaza, open to all comers.”

The Golden Girls PM
OOC At this point you can try to assimilate the Golden Girls with the rep stat or other means in your EoT.

Mortenkam PM
Empty districts do not take much to take over. About 4 total temp stats. Though there are some dice involved, fair warning.

To the Blue Company

The Citizens of Chaunshire MOR 1
A couple of older men approach in the light armour of militia. Their leader, a bearded sergeant with a recently broken polearm speaks up.
“The blue company come to save us. Never thought I’d see the day. My brother wanted to join your crew. Maker rest him, we will of course consider you very highly.

To Chemosh and Apprentices

Professor Falkar MOR 2
Good good my boy. Name a place and I’ll be there.


Mercurious Shander MOR 2
Noble Clock Spirit, I am here to help the city, but I have seen my calling. I go to help the sick in Cardova and avoid worse disaster. I dearly wish to meet but am occupied fully with helping the sick. Please keep me in mind in the coming months. I’m sure there is much we could tell each other.

A Mystery Blade PM
From the Friday Man
All contracts. [18 t.wealth]. Complete secrecy.

Agda Ali MOR 3
Honored spirit, I have ranged far and wide and seen many things. I know almost nothing of these Ooze so I could not say, but that beast called the claw reminds me very much of when I traveled the ports of Hexon. They have many Leylines there, weak ones, but certainly there. When a cult disrupted the Lines, many monsters were spawned. I’ve been mighty concerned, especially with that damnable pirate squatting on the monsters hunting grounds. Things may yet get worse.

A Guard of a Different Sort PM
From Tory the Wall
I’m tied up workin’ fer the Saulkers at the moment. Ya’ don’t just abandon a job like that m’afraid. Usually I charge [10 cash] fer [3 turns]

The Order of the Legacy MOR 5
The Order of the Legacy will be prepared. Leyline keep will flay the armies of our enemies in the name of Kira once more!

Rethel Vex MOR 4
And why does a folk tale like you want to know? It will of course depend on the target.

A strange little Kobold PM
yes yes yes of course mister sovern we have many fine wares our best seller found us a very very fancy staff only [6 cash]
[Staff of Druids +2 mage level in any outskirts or ‘park’ district]

Jenny Two Teeth MOR 9
Sovereign, I love you dearly, but you taught me most of these secrets, and you certainly know the rest. I’ve nothing to offer that you do not know.

I knew him PM
Yorick seems a little harder to find than a simple message. Some amount of Esp will have to be spent finding his location if you want to speak further.

Alto Vassrigar MOR 2
Usually about [7 cash for 2 turns] sir. Though depends on the job. What’chya looking for?

The Heron Knight MOR 3
Nothing to fear Sovereign! The city has repulsed these bandits once before, we shall do it again!

To Suma Jareme

The Torian Curia MOR 4
Of course my child. How may the Curia be of assistance?

The Church of the Twice Fallen Saint MOR 4
To Suma Jareme,
My lord I admit to surprise at you contacting my small order. We’ve little but loyalty to offer against the invaders. Our flock is not comprised of warriors or wizards. Any way we can help, please tell us, but I will not send those who put faith in my church to their deaths needlessly.

The Restless MOR 2
The wrathful dead do not communicate as you do. Even getting near them is a dangerous prospect, many are very dangerous.

The Order of the Legacy MOR 5
The Order of the Legacy will be prepared. Leyline keep will flay the armies of our enemies in the name of Kira once more!

Arch-duke Richard MOR 9
Suma Jareme,
We may be occasional rivals my lord, but truly these desperate times call for people such as we to join together in harmony.

Tactically none would dispute that you are a brilliant commander my lord, but the Oronvee will not wait for us to use such tactics. This coming siege will not last long and with Hurricane still acting like toddlers denied their toys we do not have the Naval strength to maneuver significantly anyway. Most critically, the Rivergate walls have been pillaged over the last sixty years. Illegal, yes, but what's done is done. Thus we cannot allow them to take Maltshire, lest the entire wall be compromised.

Tell me strategist, with the option of a protracted siege removed, how do you think this war should be handled?

2017-11-04, 03:20 AM
Suma Jareme (mor 5)

In making my plans to hinder the Oronvee army, it struck me that the leyline at Stone Circle could be a devastating weapon against us. I am poorly versed in the mystical arts, but I feel there must be some way to keep the invaders from drawing on it's power. Any leads or insight would be helpful?

Loyalty may still be enough. Ascant is a vast mass of corridors and passages. I am concerned that the Oronvee may find a way to send a small group into the city to sabotage us from within. An early warning could make all the difference.

(ooc): so does that mean I need to use a PM and hope I get lucky, or does it mean talking is totally futile?

(ooc): do you have maps for this yet? I'm roleplaying tactics blind, which is harder than it sounds

We could rebuild the Rivergate walls. We would need to do in weeks what would take years by conventional methods, but tearing down great numbers of buildings and employing extensive magic we could do it. The position of the river aids us greatly, if it is lain with stakes and strung with chains even a poor wall at the near side could stop an army crossing as long as it can hold and be fired from. If we must meet them in battle, we can afford to do so only if the bulk of their forces are unable to engage. Ideally any opening they create must be turned into a choke-point immediately.

2017-11-04, 03:28 AM
The Order
Morale 5

The Order is bidding for the royal warrant against the Oronvee scouts, as I'm sure you already know. Use your influence and knowledge to help us secure the contract and we'll pay you a portion of the reward. (2 temp cash)

Jenny Two Teeth
Would you accept split payment, 1 temp cash this turn, 3 next turn?

2017-11-04, 04:30 AM
Atelier Maria
ESP: 0 MOR: 4

Coin Punch Coach House

"Of course, Madame! I'll tell them to keep making their cornbread!" Maria answered cheerily, with a nod and clapping her hands together.

And that's a good idea, I'll ask them later!"

The Heroes Gather

By the time Elwin was done with his speech, Maria had acquired her first free mug of beer, was partaking of it, and seemed about to say something. That, of course, was when the wraith that called itself Sovereign materialized out of nowhere in front of them all, and startled the poor girl in particular.

"Kyaaa~!" she screamed, reflexively flinging her mug in the shade's direction.

Well, I'd love to help. But there's an Echo House infestation I was planning to take care of with my magic... unless, you'd take care of that for me?

Now that's just rude. I offered you all a job, and this is my thanks? Guess I'll have to call that offer rescinded, then.

And if that's not enough, you threaten to break my windows? I have made some friends lately, you know? For your own good, here's hoping they'll agree to avenge your slight on my behalf... because otherwise I'll do it personally, and that's even worse for your health than it would be otherwise.

Imperial Psycho
2017-11-04, 04:43 AM
The Blue Company Morale: 4

Heroes Meeting

Elwin was suddenly at his feet, sword in hand. He didn't even seem to move, it happened in a flash. "What in the-" The blade sliced through the air once, and twice. The beer mug that had been flung split into four parts. This, however, did not impede the motion of the flying liquid.


He calmed himself, and put the blade away. Elwin gave Maria a bit of a look, then returned his attention to Sovereig "You're Sovereign? I've heard of you! Wow. You're a most impressive spirit! I count several spirits and extraplanar beings as my friends, but I have never seen a local spirit as.. manifest. Truly, Ascant City is a most impressive place."

Elwin offered the spirit a hand. "You are welcome here, spirit of the city. I am Elwin Kazan. My home is very far away indeed, and I have taken on the role of a traveller of Sire. I hope I am not intruding upon your city. "

"Did I detect an offer to help? Could it be - do you wish to join our Guild? One of your stature would always be welcome."

Citzens of Chaunshire
A female Company bowman with a a long scar across her face greets the two men. She grips the serjants forearm in greeting and solidarity. "I'm sorry for your loss. We'll make sure these unholy beasts go back to where they belong, and avenge our prospective comrade. I'll promise you that much."

2017-11-04, 05:09 AM
The Ska

The green stone was whispering again, Queek attempted to ignore its malign speech but he was drawn to it, a whistling man in the mist decided to change task.
"As one door closed another door opened."
Again a flash--An assassin lurked in the dark as a poor man struggled with fear and morality: Queek's head began to hurt this stone--and the Grey Seer--was not to his liking.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
The little rat stands but maintains its great effort to appear as nonthreatening as possible.
"Could to be much worse?"

The rat gives a nervous little laugh.
"This war will weaken the strong and they will try to ease their suffering by drawing even more from the already weak. If you do not let them draw upon you they shall crumble and you will have the opportunity to thrive--the next rulers may not be anymore fair than the last but at least you will be in a better position to make your own changes."

From within his pocket he pulls out a piece of parchment--it is a deed for five hundred Ska (5 t.Wealth).
"The Ska have great wealth from within the Sump--enough for you to feed your people and raise a militia from those without food of their own--and we are willing to share it with you if you will seize this opportunity. Recover your strength this season and build your people, any excess militia you do not have room for can be camped within the Sump (offering to Bank their excess t.Military) and during the siege strike at the Prison. Due to the siege it will be less well defended and once the prisoners are freed they will bolster your forces for a continued assault on the walls from the inside."

The little Ska held the piece of parchment just before the man--fingers open willing the man to take it.
"We will not fail comrade--the resistance against the king is great--provided we all play our part we will become the ruling class in this cities next evolution and can do our best to make it more fair and just."
The mage began to whistle, maybe believe Ratfolk are unable to whistle their mouths entirely the wrong shape for it however this one most certainly was doing so, and strode into the mist away from the city.
If one door has closed another shall be opened.

The little mage wandered deep into the wild under the cover of darkness, his grey fur and black cloak acting as perfect camouflage as though he had specifically dressed for the occasion, until he came to the edge of a camp. Then he once again began to whistle.

Just wondering where Bjok of Frozenshore is from--don't suppose there is any chance its Smokehills/Dustmills?

2017-11-04, 05:33 AM
Suma Jareme (mor 5)

Massacring thugs and malcontents in cold blood is somewhat pathetic at any time. Doing so over a territory dispute when your city is about to be sacked... Is not my planned activity. I will attempt to make do elsewhere.

2017-11-04, 06:15 AM
Heroes' meeting

Torac smiled and gave a little wave to the shade.
"Heya Sovereign. Haven't seen you since... the Gilmore Park werewolves? Hehe. When you ordered the palatine guard not to step on the flower beds. Good times. Also, just Torac now. Ironheart is gone."
For a second, he looks wistful, then his knuckles tighten on his cane.
"Anyway. We were talking plans. I'm sending my kids, a few soldiers and some mercenaries to retrieve that ore shipment. We need it. Since saving the city was mentioned, my current plan is simple. I intend to fund, equip and train my own militia unit. If any of you know any volunteers or drill sergeants, the information would be welcome."

2017-11-04, 07:33 AM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

Pennon Palace – Location PM
“I am glad that you ask Penter. I came to hear the latest news from court, but while I have you, how are the tax collection going in the low city? I could imagine that some may be a bit annoyed by the war tax, even if its necessary in these trying times.”

After Penter answered his question, Lewis continued.

“So, have you heard anything interesting recently or do you known someone I ought to say hello to?"
The Tourney Grounds – Location PM
Duncan keeps talking with the officers, praising them for their use of tactic and suggest at some point, that if they were to hold some tournament here on the tourney grounds, it might do good for the moral of the army. If they seem interested in the idea, then Duncan suggested it should a tournament of Field ball, since Bloodsport, would risk the health of their men before battle and it would be hard to find enough people for jousting. One could also promise a small prize to the winner to make it a bit more exiting.
The Maple Leyline – Location PM
Harvey started his visit to the Maple Leyline by sitting down near the maple tree and simply feeling the magic rushing through the area. After he had gotten a good feeling of the Leyline, he continued over to greet some of the druids taking care of the park and starting a chat about the different plants in the park, including the Maple tree.
Coin Punch Coach House – Location PM
Amelia ordered a drink and decided to visit Alto Vassrigar’s party. Amelia had watched him wining the summer melee and it had been one of the greatest sights Amelia had ever seen. She went up to his balcony and tried to see if she could not meet the host himself.
To Suma Jareme
The Scions Club is interested to hear, what you specially have to propose. If it sounds good, then we would be willing to participate.

- Duncan Curzon
To Chemosh and Apprentices
We could definitely lay a good word in for you with the Archduke, but I have already heard that the house of Calton have asked him for the responsibly of ensuring its completion, and they have an even higher standing, than the Scions Club. I have also heard that they asked the Verdant Enclave for help completion it, so you could try to convince the house of Calton to make use of your services instead of the enclave.

- Elisabeth Curzon
What would it approximal take to absorb the Golden girls?

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-04, 10:29 AM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

One minute Tam's wheeling and dealing, her dinner delicious and her plans set in motion.

Then, all of a sudden, Tam straightens, eyes wide with... fury? She spins her chair around, leaps up, and stairs down at the tavern floor.

Sovereign arrives, all sound and majesty, and Tam's already glaring at the spot he comes in at, gripping her silverware so hard it's bending the spoon. Putting the fork down, she pulls a locket from beneath her blouse, opens and checks the contents, and shuts it again.


After his statement to the crowd, and a half minute of consideration, Tam seems to gain control of herself again. She turns her back on Sovereign and resumes her meeting.

Coin Punch Coach House (VIP PM)

Merchants Half balcony

"All right, it would seem that all business has been raised, and we have plans proceeding to deal with most of the issues."

"Does anyone else care to contribute to solve the refugees plight by strengthening the city?" (t. rep and t. wealth, Guild of Negotiable Affections and Atelier Maria already donating)

"Does anyone else wish to contribute loose information assets to help stop the murders in Abern Square?" (t. esp or ???, Doctor's Guild already donating)

"Does anyone wish to donate loose enforcers to aid Maria in securing her neighborhood?" (t. mil, nobody donating so far)

"Does anyone have any objections to the non-aggression pact, to avoid aiding Ascant over Hurricane?" (Simple agreement, no resources needed)

"As to the further issues, we may continue discussion at this time, or we can call our business done... There are private rooms on this floor to continue individual discussions if people wish, but given the attendance here tonight I can't guarantee they'd be entirely private." (We'd be using our usual morale to secure any conversations at this location from others at this location.)

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-04, 11:49 AM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5

Heroes Meeting

After some time, Tam makes her way downstairs. She finds the sulking Dusky Ember, who's pouting in the general direction of Elwin. "Hm? What is it now, dear?"

One whispered conversation later, Tam sighs and bends close. The hubbub of the tavern drowns out the bulk of their discussion, but a few words can be heard.

"...other fish in this pond... setting your hook for a seadragon when you should be aiming for flounder...only end in heartbreak anyway...heroes. Trust me on heroes." Tam gives her a squeeze on the hand and the woman with hair like fire pounds her drink, then heads off to other parts of the tavern.

The small woman speaks with the barkeep, takes a tray, then with consumnate ease brings six drinks over to the heroes' table. "My apologies for intruding, but may I?" Tam smiles at Elwin. "If I'm unwelcome I'll certainly depart, but it's rare I get to meet such... august personages."

2017-11-04, 12:07 PM
Heroes' meeting

Torac winks at Tam as he takes a drink.
"August? I'm not August. I'm banned in seven cities for indecency, public nuisance and lèse-majesté. Though, to be fair, the Princeps did insult my dog first, so I'd say that was fair."

2017-11-04, 12:08 PM
The Owl Guild
Morale: 6

General Carser certainly needs to die, however the reward for doing so is of little use to our guild. We deal more in secrets rather than gold. We believe it would be wise to seek a third group who can more readily exchange the proffered reward for something of use to us.

We deal mostly in secrets yes, however we are open to other options and other services. What do you wish done, and what do you offer?


A succint summation. We at the guild know that information is power and we with the current precarious political and military situation we are working on gaining as much knowledge as possible in order to chart the correct course of action for ourselves and our clients.

No doubt you have similar concerns for your own business affairs, so we believe such a joint venture will benefit both of our organizations.


We deal in services rather than physical goods. If you wish for information we would require the completion of tasks that our own agents cannot carry out.

(OOC: Not being specific because I don't know how much that census would require yet.)

Imperial Psycho
2017-11-04, 12:08 PM
The Blue Company

Elwin turns to Tam. "Ah. You're the lady from earlier. I do hope our taking a table didn't cause you trouble. I'm Elwin Kazan. I don't believe we've met, miss...?"

"You're welcome to join us, if you wish, though as your friend discovered, we are not nearly as exciting as one might hope. We will be discussing tiresome matters like helping others, and how we can use our resources to accomplish that. Perhaps once that is done, and you get enough drink into us, we can tell some tales of our various travels and adventures."

He surveyed the assembled group. "Though I can tell you, I've traveled from the Bathic Duchies to Hexon, from Primidia to Vee, and I don't think I've ever seen such an impressive group of individuals in one place."

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-04, 12:20 PM
Tam beams at Torac. "From what I heard you hung him from his own flagpole by his undergarments, though, so I'd say the slight was avenged. Ah! Hold on. Rubio?" She glances back, to one of the handsome young men who came downstairs with here. "The minutes for Mister Torac, if you please." Rubio offers a slim bow, and hands Torac a scroll of parchment. "That's everything we discussed upstairs. Sorry you couldn't make it, but feel free to let me know if you've got concerns or want to help with any of it."

Tam beams at Elwin and takes a seat, next to Maria as it happens. "Thank you so much. I'm Tam, the leader of the Guild of Negotiable Affections. No, no trouble at all. I shan't be here long, actually, got an appointment with a handsome gentlemen requesting the best of escorts later, so my time, alas, is short."

"And what you're doing down here sounds an awful lot like what we've been doing upstairs. Overheard some of it, we did."

She glances over at Torac. "You know, some of the Calton Street refugees probably have military experience. Most of them no, the ones who stayed to fight are probably dead, but some of the remainder could be a good recruiting pool if you asked nicely and offered room and board."

Tam smiles and nods to Argentum. "There's much to do and little time, but I think between our groups we're making a good start on it."

Her smile grows as she turns to Sovereign. "Good day, yer lordship, forgive the mess. Bit surprised to see you here uninvited, I must confess. What woes, oh spirit, do you plan to address?"

Imperial Psycho
2017-11-04, 12:35 PM
The Blue Company

Elwin flushes when Tam explains her job. "The Guild of -" He coughs. "I see. Well. Uh. Welcome, Tam."

He returns to his seat. "So, back to business, if it's no trouble. Cursecatching in the Mill and finding Ms. Yately. I'm prepared to commit what I can to these, but I'll need help if we're going to pull them off and make a name for the Guild."

"Do we have any takers?"

2017-11-04, 12:37 PM
Heroes' meeting

Torac takes a set of small spectacles from his pocket and glances through the minutes quickly. He frowns and his lips move slowly while he is reading. Quite evidently, he goes back over some lines several times. Then he nods again and stands up, walking a few steps away from the table to a more quiet corner.
"Ladies, gentlemen, if you would excuse me for a minute..."

Tam [Morale 4]

"Our resources are getting stretched this turn anyway. However, I think I can help with the refugee problem, at least. First of all, I have high standing in the blacksmith's guild. Please, put the word out. If there are any among the refugees who know their way around a forge, or want to learn, I'm sure I can find places for some of them with my colleagues. Or in my shop.
I'm also planning to put together a militia. We're already producing javelins, spears, helmets and shields as quickly as we can. If there are any among them who know their way around weapons, I'll pay well for anyone who can work as a drill sergeant. Or wants to be a recruit."

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-04, 12:50 PM
Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5


"Of course, my dear. I'll let them know, and thank you." She hugs Torac. "This is precisely what I was trying to get going, I'm very glad you're on board." Her smile could rival the sun. (OOC: If you want to contribute temporary reputation at EoT, it could help with the plan too. Up to you though.)

Calton Refugees

I just had a talk with Torac, head of House Danmorsay. He's going to put in a word with the blacksmith's guild, who can use anyone who has metalworking experience. He's also trying to start up a militia, so he could use anyone with military experience or strong arms and a willingness to fight. We're bearing fruit already! Hang in there, we'll see you through!

2017-11-04, 02:27 PM
Morale: 5

To Mortenkam
Hey Mortenkam, I going to do a separate PM meeting in Maple Park with other people. I believe this means that, if you have Espionage higher than a participant's Morale, you can read those messages. Otherwise not.

The Order (5)
Sadly, it seems We have been too slow.
We shall join the race,
Even if it is for naught.

Archduke Richard, The Order (5)
Should you prefer soldiers to rats,
And these Quests to matter,
Ourself and The Order shall slay the Serpent.

The Good Doctor's Guild (5)
This plague in Cardova.
The cause,

An attack by the Oronvee?
Or a traitor within?
We would appreciate anything you uncover as to the source.

Maple Park Leyline Meeting [Chemosh and Apprentices, Professor Falkar] (PM)
Deep in the woods of Clock Park,
As deep as the light forest can be...
Sits the Maple Tree.

Sovereign stares onwards,
Entranced by the dance of power.
Our power?

The druids and mages leave the spirit to wander.
Out of respect, fear, or exasperation,
We know not.

Not turning to the guests, but knowing nonetheless, the spirit speaks.

"Our city bleeds.
The Ooze and the Claw, spawned from the Lines.
What next, what else?

Four Leylines,
Two Monsters,
So far.

What of Stone Circle, and the Oronvee,
Should they salt the wound?
An end, a beginning, or just a monster anew?"

Rethel Vex (5)
You have forgotten the folk tales told to children.
Of monsters, of horrors,
of death.

What deaths We seek,
We know not.
But what is the cost?

The Lady of Storms

General Carser


Hector Junior

Voya Saulker

Alicia Saulker

Castiana Saulker

Archduke Richard


Archduke Richard (5)

You wound the good of this city with your tax.
Those who aid it should not pay the same as those who do not.
Those who aid it should not pay at all.

[OOC: Referring to the Archduke as Steward because Sovereign is obviously the Sovereign.

This is definitely not the first time this has happened, and Albernsire probably corrects him every time but lets it drop.

Proposal: Anyone who helps with a Quest should be exempt from the Wartax.]

Alicia Saulker, Castiana Saulker (5)
We don't suppose you can set aside your differences for the sake of the city?
A truce, a break, a pause, while under siege?
There are Oronvee to kill, and coin to be made.

Mercurious Shander (5)
A shame.
We believe your current task is of more import.
For now.

Do you worry for Stone Circle?
Do the Oronvee know of the Leyline?
Can they break it?

Will Ironbreaker march with the Oronvee?
Or, march just behind?
Should We worry?

Fortress For Hire (5)
Of course.
When does your current contract end?
And, should We seek to possibly buy it out, whom do We contact?

Alto Vassrigar (5)
A soldier against the Oronvee.
Maybe others.
What can you do?

[OOC: Asking for his VIP level, basically. Looking at using him for some quests, maybe.
Destroy the Oronvee Scouts? (Difficulty 5 Military)
Slay the Beast in Saltmarket? (Difficulty 6 Military)]

Agda Ali (5)
How does one disrupt the Lines?
Do the Oronvee know?

How does one re-rupt the Lines?
Do you know?
Do you wish to?

The Heron Knight (5)
Will you?
Should We seek aid,
Are you available?

2017-11-04, 02:37 PM
The Order

Morale 5

Who then has stolen a march on us? I am eager to cross blades with the Serpents Strike once gain, maybe I shall have to garner further support elsewhere.

Owl Guild
No problem. Maybe we shall do business another time.

2017-11-04, 03:06 PM
Morale: 5

Without a glance,
The Alchemist's projectile freezes in space,
Beer and shards, perfectly suspended.

Eyes still on Kazan,
The spirit shakes the offered hand,
Cold iron and a slight jolt of mana.

The only intruders march on our gate.
All are welcome here, should they seek a life to live,
And not lives to take.

Claiming a seat at the table,
Was it there before?
Sovereign returns Ironheart's wave and grin.

Our apologies.
We hope you no longer howl to the full moon?

With a stop, and a start,
The grin wavers.
Face to the half elf madam, through a half smile creeps,

We are Sovereign.
We are Ascant.
We are always invited.

Returning to the smile,
To all assembled here,
Sovereign announces,

"We seek to right the woes,
Of the city,
Of the world.

So We petition you,
All of you,
That We may join your Guild.

The Order (5)
House Calton.

The Grievers outweigh even Us.

They have claimed the Steward's war effort.

All of it.

2017-11-04, 03:50 PM
The Order

Morale 5

A House of ancient great name and recent great tragedy, their word carries such weight as to be insurmountable. Nevertheless the will of the Flame shall not be denied. I intend to press my case with all the influence at my disposal. Can I count on your support? As I said, we shall share one quarter of the ransom with Sovereign in gratitude.

Order of the Legacy
Brothers and Sisters, I must call on your support. I have learned the House Carlton intend to claimall of the bounties. The war martyrs have turned influence brokers, thus does war winnow the strong and the weak alike. This is bad for the defense of the city, however of far greater importance is this; Kira's holy Flame commands that I ride out to answer the Oronvee scouts, the Serpent's Strike. I ask that you throw the influence of your whole Order behind our application for that contract

Rivergate Guild
Worthy Merchants I must request a boon from you. The Flame has shown me that I must ride out to answer the Serpent's Strike, yet House Carlton intend to claim that bounty for themselves, something they are ill prepared for. I ask that you throw your influence in court behind my Order's suit.

The Good Doctors Guild
My good Doctor I have a request to make. I intend to claim the bounty for the Oronvee scouts, the Serpent's Strike, yet I require political support. Could I count on yours?

2017-11-04, 05:20 PM
The Great House of Calton

Heroes' meeting

Gabriel of Calton listens to the conversation going on, nodding to newcomers. The arrival of Sovereign did surprise and startle him, after which he looked with interest. All in all, Gabriel kept himself aside for most of the conversation, looking thoughtful. The reason for this is soon explained.

"My sincere apologies, but I unfortunately need to decline from joining an organization as heroes. I have my own duties and obligations with the Great House of Calton. I do thank you for this invite, it is illuminating to meet so many people."

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Ska,

It brings happiness to me to hear that your kin is willing to show their dedication to Ascant and seeking opportunities to prove your reputation. Since you mention you have had contact with His Majesty, The King, and he has offered you a different suggestion already, I am confident your proposal to allow the Ska to fulfill the task at hand in its entirety will not be accepted by His Majesty, The King. Otherwise His Majesty would have suggested this task to you in the first place. Therefore, it is my personal recommendation that myself and a group of our soldiers would cooperate alongside the forces you are are willing to commit to this task.

If I may ask, what are your plans to commit to this task? I had hoped to find it in your offer, so that I could gain the confidence the task will be achievable.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

(OOC: Proposing to dedicate my VIP and 1 Mil.)

Aulus of Calton's eyes widen upon hearing William's words. He leans over, restraining himself to show further expression about this turn of events. "Your work is more than commendable!" While he hides it from his expression, the admiration is clearly audible in his voice. "By all means, please bring them to the Great House of Calton. We will provide an escort. Your bravery you and yours display by bringing the horses with you is profound! You honour us all." The mask Aulus is trying to keep up is slipping as he seems touched by the courage.

"The Great House of Calton intends to vacate space in the mansion and other places to house Calton refugees. We welcome you, as well as those you chose. Unfortunately, the House does not have the facilities to house everybody. Our solution is simple in idea, but difficult in execution. Beat the Oronvee back from this city and rid the Northern Reaches of them. Then, the refugees can return to their home lands and work the fields again, providing food. Unfortunately, I realise well that this is not achievable currently and until such a time, the people of Calton would need to be taken care of. The idea raised by Miss Tam is of merit, and we will support it. We will ofcourse welcome anyone back to Calton in a future where it is once liberated, but in the mean time a future as citizen here is better than a refugee."

In response to Tam's summary, Aulus states the position of the Great House of Calton."The war is of great concern to us, so we will dedicate our forces to that effort. This means we will unfortunately not be able to aid with the problems at Abern Square. Nor are we in a position to involve ourselves in the district of Miss Fallwaft. We have no current business with Ascant Industries at this time and in light of this meeting, we will not intend to do so in the near future."

Morale: 1
When hearing about the cooperating faction, Aulus nods. A small smile appears at one comment. "Do not fear, I do not any such allergy." Continuing to listen carefully, it is clear Tam has Aulus' attention. The references she throws in her speech cause no further reactions on Aulus, as he keeps any reactions he has to them hidden.

When she mentions the measures necessary for war, which would not apply outside, Aulus nods. "Understandable. I admit I was wondering if I the offer would interest you in the first place. It is that I am fortunate enough to hear you already had plans of your own."

"Here we are indeed in Tock Street. The pleasure was all mind, Madam. Let us part as friends indeed and look forward to a fruitful cooperation. I will send word about whether the task is granted to us. I then trust to hear from you where we will meet the next time, and hope to meet the third party there, so we can further align our plans. I wish you a good night, and until next we meet, Miss Tam".

Based on the King's last IC reply I had concluded it would be tough for me to get the quests. Your previous PM did state as much. I don't expect the Great House of Calton to get the quests if I don't send another message to the King. I still have to persuade the King to award me all the quests. I have given the sending of other messages priority, so I have a better case available to me to present to him. I expect Midturn to happen on monday, so I will send a message to him before then in hopes of convincing him.

I do realise the quests are difficult and I can't complete them all by myself. Failing them would endanger my faction and the city even more so. The reputation of my faction is on the line. I hope, however, that when I, and the factions I intend to cooperate with, state what is dedicated to the quests, they will be significant enough!

2017-11-04, 05:42 PM

Argentum (5)
Ramshackle is the soul of Ascant,
If not the heart.
What is it you plan?

We walk Akimbo more than most,
And hold it dear.
Should We worry?

Black Maze (5)
We require a bank,
And seek a loan,
Do you have the capacity?

Technists Guild (5)
The Smokers speak highly of your Guild,
Of respect and freedom.
Proper treatment for those that keep this city running.

What are your plans for Smokehills?
For the city?
The world?

The Most Venerable Society of Arcane Goblins (5)
We know of you, but do not know you.
Who are you?
What do you want?

The Order (5)
The House has claimed the Archduke's bounties.
All three, but no more.

Should We be able to assist, We shall.
The Oronvee must be broken.
This should not be left to a single power, regardless their service.

Myros Ravenheart (5)
We have questions, and you have answers.
The first question is, can We ask you a question?
Can anyone?

Internal (GM)
Ongoing End of Turn:
(PM) Maple Park
(Action) ???

1 Wealth generates Cash.

2017-11-04, 06:08 PM
Suma Jareme

We are certainly proponents of such action. However, at this particular moment most of our forces are spoken for, and of course we'd need to know of the specifics of the plan first - the Oronvee have a massive army, and any offensive action against them needs to be very well planned to avoid defeat and the loss of troops sorely needed for the defense.

So, what did you have in mind, and when?


Great spirit of our old, new home. We already provide order, safety and purpose to our own kind. We intend to build relationships with those around us who are willing to talk, and to clear out those who do nothing but cause trouble. You would of course belong in the former category, as evidenced by this very conversation. In fact, if you would be interested in using some of your power to assist us with the cleaning, it would be much appreciated.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-04, 06:24 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5

The Heroes' Meeting

"Always invited..." Tam muses, as Sovereign speaks in bombastic tones. "Well, I shall bear that in mind in the future. Here, please partake. The butterbeer is a most excellent vintage." She offers the last drink on the tray, bar one. "I'll save the absinthe for myself, if it's all the same. Tends to make the heart grow fonder."

Coin Punch Coach House Balcony, VIP PM

Tam beams. "Then that about wraps up our business." She glances to the Hurricane table. "You've been rather silent. Am I to take it that our pact to avoid dealings with Ascant is satisfactory to your interests? If so, then good." She smiles. "I do hope you can see it in your heart to provide what support you can to resettling the refugees, whether through your name or through coin or both. It would be a gesture long remembered, and ensure that the pact is kept among those who might otherwise find themselves making hard choices in desperate circumstances."

A Moonlit walk with Aulus

Morale 5

"Then we are settled." Tam smiles. "Oh, one more thing... The spirits of your house, I'm sad to say, are rather low at the minute. This is understandable. We might be able to help with that. Among with other appendages, the Guild specializes in raising morale, and providing succor to those in need. Fornication, my dear, is only one of our specialties. There's that too, but entertainment, therapeutic massages, hell, just a simple shoulder to cry upon now and again can work wonders." Tam folds her parasol, and taps it on the ground.

"Think it over and talk to me when you have more coin if you're interested. We'll see about getting the loyalty of your people realigned to where it needs to be." Tam curtseys and departs.

2017-11-04, 06:34 PM
The Table-talks

Naib had leaned back, greeting each of the arrivals in turn, until the commotion with Sovereign's arrival. With the more flashy reactions by the others, not everyone notices his staff leaping to his hand for a moment with the blade springing out. He sheepishly returns it to its place before bowing. "Great Spirit. I am afraid Nabil is no longer with us - I am his firstborn, Naib. Honoured to have the priviledge of communion."

After Tam arrives, he, having already returned to his seat, gives her a nod. "Lady Tam. I hope your business is going well. We've got what we needed for now, so there's no harm done."

And when Gabriel speaks his piece, there's another comment. "It is unfortunate but understandable. Do know that I for one already consider you and yours to be heroes for your actions in defense of Ascant. From what I've heard, you are certainly working on making a difference."

The Owl Guild


We would like to hire some specialists of yours to provide information for us. In specific, we'd like to do some cleaning out of gangs from our neighbourhood, and would be interested in being sure we can find all their hideouts and prevent the ringleaders from escaping. We're being paid for the task, and will be willing to give a fair portion of the payment to you in return, as well as a commeasurate favour - we can provide temporary banking, minor research, assist in military operations or somesuch.



Taking 3 Research and 2 Cash. I'll apparently need to pay someone's taxes this turn. :P

2017-11-04, 07:00 PM
Morale: 5

Coin Punch Coach House - Hero of Meetings

Reaching down to the tribute,
Iron fist cradling the mug,
The spirit nods Their approval.

"Our thanks, Lady Tam.
We owe you a drink.
Next time We are invited."

Disturbed from Their reverie,
By a reminder of mortals' mortality,
Attention once more (or anew?) on the Silver Commander.

Your father was a good man.
Better than most."

Staring a moment too long at Naib,
And glancing toward the Calton scion,
Sovereign raises his mug high.

"A toast, and a moment, to those fallen in service,
To our city and our home.

Argentum (5)
There is great trouble without.
The Oronvee and Ironbreakers march.

But what of within?
What do you see?
What do you fear?

2017-11-04, 07:11 PM

Well, inside the city we see less than most. But we hear things, now and then.
The war takes away some attention, but we have to care for our people as well.
Ramshackle has few respectable people holding it together, and plenty of troublemakers to clear out.
We'll focus on our neighbours, and make their lives better first.
The Saulkers, for all their faults, are a stabilizing influence and one that we'd like to be on good terms with.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-04, 07:13 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Coin Punch Coach House - Heroes and Zeroes

Tam smiles at Naib. "Good. That's something that needs tending to, sooner rather than later. We'll check in a few months down the road, once our schedule clears up. Some affairs take a good long while to consumnate, and often additional hands are required to handle hard bits."

She smiles up at Sovereign, and snags the Absinthe from the tray. "You're welcome. Let us drink and be friends. It beats the alternative, I think."

But she does gladly lift a toast to the worthy goal, and quaffs it as quickly as any of the other strapping heroes at the table. And Maria. "...and to the darling people who call her home, the wicked and good alike."

"And with that, I think I must depart." She glances back at Aulus of Caulton, "My good friend is waiting, and I do hate to leave a gentlemen in such a situation. Farewell, heroes." Tam rises, curtseys, claps a floofy hat on her head, and starts heading out.

2017-11-04, 07:28 PM
The Order
Morale: 5

That yet is wisely spoken, however softly you whisper it. If Carlton succeed in their monopoly once they certainly will attempt it once again. I assume they have no means of completing the contracts themselves, that they will essentially sell on the royal warrant? If so they endanger the city to line their own pockets. Mayhap they believe they are deserved restitution, mayhap they are correct, but not in this way.

OCC: So is it cool I tell Dino you're adding your REP to mine for purposes of this contract? Between both of us we equal his REP, so I'll probably need at least one more faction on board, but it's a start

2017-11-04, 07:58 PM
Morale: 5

Argentum (5)
We see.
We know things you could know,
For a price.

Are you willing to pay?
Can you?
Meet Us at the Leyline.

The Order (5)
You are correct.
They cannot complete them alone.
Not likely to, at least.

They are outsourcing.

[OOC: If that's how it works, then yeah. Sovereign contributes Their Rep to your bid.]

Ironbreakers Horde (5)
It has not been long enough.
Why are you within Our domain once more?

Coin Punch Coach House (5)
We are so sorry for the horrible hand fate has dealt to your family.
Is auctioning your establishment the only thing that can be done?
Can We help?

House Kalenho (5)
We fear for the Stone Circle.
We fear Ironbreaker marches behind the Oronvee.
Do you?

United Republican Movement (5)
You speak of evils in Smokehills.
Evils you fight.
What evils are they?

Internal (GM)
Ongoing End of Turn:
(PM) Maple Park
(Action) ???

1 Wealth generates Cash.

Sovereign contributes Their Rep to the Order's bid on Destroy the Oronvee Scouts.

2017-11-04, 08:33 PM
Chemosh and Apprentices

Morale 4

Meet at the Maple Park.

Arryn tells me, we would rather not ally with people like House Calton. Apparently their morale is so low that a stiff wind could probably break them. She highly suggests not to trust them.

Do you know if they are looking at any of the other missions? We might still beat them if they try to take some of the other Crown missions. I doubt the Crown is willing to put all their quests in one basket. Though, if you think it is needed we do have another ally that is willing to aid in getting us the quest.

Arryn and Chemosh arrive to the designated spot.
...and then I said that isn't my cat that is a cow. Chemosh says as he walks in.

Arryn just sighs.

Chemosh is in his usual stained and unkempt robes. Arryn in contrast is in a a clean and well kept dress; well made if a bit plain.

Hello, we were the people voted to represent... She gives a very heavy sigh here. ...Chemosh and apprentices. Please don't take the name seriously, we just had to have a master listed when we were filling out the forms. Anyways, I'm Arryn and this is Chemosh. Arryn says.

Glad to meet you...less glad that you were reading my mail but still.

They listen to what the spirit says.

Only those two? We had thought that the Ska had formed from it as well and the Goblins have become more magical of late. Also, I can't imagine the Oronvee would be good for the city. The starvation alone from the siege would severely damage it and most likely the city would be looted and sacked.
Arryn asks.

Besides, they don't want the city for the city. If they did they don't need an army nearly that large. You don't make army that large unless you need to conquer the city quickly. Otherwise they would just siege us out.

Four leyline? What other ones are there...and do they intersect?

2017-11-04, 09:14 PM
The Ska

The rat had by now grown a little better at understanding the ins and outs of the Grey Seer's job now that he himself was doing it. He still believed it un-Ska and would rather allow his more intelligent and vastly more patient counterpart to do the job for him but he was also getting a little better at it despite this. He had even started using his own shade of in as opposed to the Grey Seer's black he was now using a lovely shade of scarlet.
The green jewel tutted at him loudly--perhaps it didn't approve of this cosmetic change.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Lady of Great Calton,

Make point good you do. We Ska would be great honored fight beside your fighters and prestijeos good leader!
We not decided on forces yet! Master Snitch will lead them so we fink we would like to deploy your assassins (VIP Rogue 1, Esp 4) for sneaking up on the scouts before they are able to scout us. But we have an equal number of strong fighters for backup should they be required! (Mil 4) We think strong enough force crush scouts and not let any escape.

Bestist scincerities,
Queek Lordwar.

2017-11-04, 09:15 PM
Walk in the Maple Park [PM/Visit]

A short young woman emerges from the streets darkened by the setting sun, strolling into the park itself with feigned casualness. She glances around, attempting to spot others in the shadows. On her vest a silver flower on an iron shield is painted. After not immediately noticing anything pressing, she settles herself in the shadow of a large tree to wait.

2017-11-05, 12:58 AM
Suma Jareme (mor 5)

I have many plans in action and little time to do them. Does re-configuring a leyline or entering the heart of the Oronvee army sound more attractive?

I intend to enter the Oronvee encampment and destroy all their siege equipment. Once they reach the city it would be rather too late.

2017-11-05, 01:09 AM
Atelier Maria
ESP: 0 MOR: 4

Coin Punch Coach House


Maria squeaked, wringing her hands at the faux pas she had just committed. It took a while for her to finally collect herself sufficiently to put her hands together, in a posture of contrition.

"Ah, ah... I'm sorry, Sovereign! You scared me, appearing out of nowhere like that," she stuttered, still a tad teary-eyed. Overwhelmed by her embarrassment at making a fool of herself, Maria quietened down up and until Tam joined them, taking a seat by her side.

"Erm," she finally piped up, wiping away the last of her tears. "I could probably handle the Cursecatcher, but I was planning on saving my [MAG] to deal with the Echo House Irregulars. But if anyone here has [MIL] to spare... well, I'll put an equal amount of [MAG] into dealing with the Cursecatcher as anyone here will lent me [MIL] for them."

With that, Maria settled down and listened to everyone else, glancing at Tam as she took her leave. "Ah...," she uttered, and made as if to reach out to Tam, but the utterance died in her throat as she stopped herself halfway. It might have been that the girl felt most comfortable with the only other woman in the group, but could not justify keeping the latter from more pressing business. Instead, Maria settled for just waving goodbye to Tam with a sweet smile.

"Oh, right!" Maria suddenly exclaimed as a thought hit her, and she turned to Elwin. "This isn't the last time we'll be meeting, right? We'll be checking in a regular basis, from the sounds of it? Would you all be planning to do so at the Coach House in the future?"

Atelier Maria

At length, Maria finally emerged from behind the counters, and put her hands together in apology towards Elwin.

"I'm so sorry, Elwin! With things just barely getting started around here, I'm afraid I don't have anything in stock that would be of much use for what you need at the moment."

With that, she put up one finger.

"That said, now's as good a time to do market research as any, so I hope you'll help! I'll be working on developing a very particular potion, which should temporarily boost the drinker's physical attributes for a short time. With any luck, it'll be ready within the next few months. Does that sound like the ticket for you, or do you have any ideas on what I should be looking into instead?

Thinking of researching a potion that gives +1 Brute level to any VIP for the duration of a single Quest.

2017-11-05, 02:40 AM

MOR: 6

The Bank of the Black Maze is open for business. Our standard contracts and services are listed below. Send a message to Mulberry Street if you wish to negotiate other services not listed.

Depositing with the Black Maze means that your wealth is protected, defended by the bank's magi and the labyrinth of the Hei Yinhang. It also allows you to hold amounts of cash greater than your own organization can support.

There are two types of deposit that you can make with us:

Long-term deposits are free to make. The only condition is that once you make one, you will not be able to access your stored wealth for 1 turn. During that turn we may use your deposit as part of short-term investments meant to generate more wealth for the bank, so long as doing so does not jeopardize our ability to allow you to withdraw your funds.

Short-term deposits incur a one-time fee of 1 Cash or 20% of the deposit, whichever is higher, but you can withdraw the rest of the money immediately on the next turn, instead of having to wait.

The Bank of the Black Maze can store coinage in significant amounts, but our vaults are not limitless. Consult with one of our accountant magi to learn if we can arrange to hold your deposit.


Before EoT, the bank must be informed of any withdrawals you are going to make. Unexpected withdrawal requests will be assumed to be forgeries being used as part of an elaborate heist, and will be denied.

Withdrawals of greater than 3 Cash must be scheduled before mid-turn, in order to ensure that the bank has the necessary funds on hand. Failure to inform the bank of a large withdrawal in time may result in penalty fees being assessed from your deposit. This limit will increase as the situation in the city becomes more stable.


For 1 Cash per turn you can store artifacts, documents, or other special items in secured boxes deep within the vaults of the Hai Yinhang. The Black Maze does not need to know what is in your secured box, and will allow access to it only to yourself and representatives that you have cleared with our magi.


The Bank of the Black Maze offers loans and invests in business ventures, but only ones with low risk and guaranteed returns. If you wish to discuss a loan or investment, be prepared to present a solid business plan to the Grandmaster. In general the bank expects to see a 10-20% return from any investment or loan, depending on the risk involved. All loans must be secured with a vial of blood from the individual requesting the loan, to be held as collateral by the bank. Failure to repay loans from the Black Maze will result in karmic punishments.

At this time the Black Maze is not offering loans for the rest of the season, as our client list is already full.

Excellent. I will sent Specialist Lee to help get things organized.

Your humble servant,
Xi of the Black Maze

Coin Punch Coach House: Merchant's Half Balcony (VIP PM)
"I think we on Mulberry Street can best assist with the refugee issue," said the old man from the corner of the table. "We are most adept at bringing order out of disorder."

We are a bank. Wealth deposited with us will be secured for you, leaving you free to worry about greater matters knowing that your valuables are safe. We also offer safe deposits for artifacts,
documents, or other items of that nature. I've included a copy of our standard contracts for you to review.

Your humble servant,
Xi of the Black Maze

(OOC: the standard contracts are listed publicly at the top of this post)


I regret to say that our capacity for loans is entirely occupied this season. If that should change, I will of course reach out and inform you forthwith.

Your humble servant,
Xi of the Black Maze

2017-11-05, 03:10 AM
The Clanchurch Morale 6

Offerings to the Great Sun's many Servants are integral to Clanchurch theology.

Sunwing was proficient in the ritual killing of livestock. Some may argue the food would be needed in the siege. Sunwing knew the favor of Hekechototl the Beast would be ever more fruitful.

Suma Jareme
We may fight by side some day. Clanchurch cannot now directly strike at Oronvee. But plans in progress. Your enemy is our enemy. We hope you prove your worthiness.

Owl Guild
We offer no secrets. Our plans must part, for now. May we return when we can offer value. Hope Owl Guild remains amenable to future cooperation? Birds of a feather...

Arch Duke Richard
Clanchurch's influencing over neighbors is not great. Izt influence in maritime fields very low. Will talk to Merchant's Guild for good of Ascant City. Expectations low. Clanchurch will fight Oronvee other ways, however. Hope Richard recognizes Clanchurch efforts.

Mercantile Guild
Traders. Stalwart suppliers. Clanchurch has long relied on Abern Plaza merchants for supplies. Our ways of life cannot continue if Oronvee conquer Ascant City. Their rule even more autocratic than the Archduke. Your ships would be a great boon to Ascant City. Sail alongside the Archduke, see yourself favored in future? Prove yourself more useful to the city than Hurricane? Gain favor of whole city? Ascant's navy could use more ships. Ascant's streets need food. Can the guilds provide either of these? Can Clanchurch help you, help Ascant?

2017-11-05, 05:41 AM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

To Nemesis67
Got it, you can speak in peace.
To Suma Jareme
We are already planning to go looking for Veronica Yately, so we would be more inclined to help you divert the leyline, so what are we going to need and how will this harm the Oronvee?

- Duncan Curzon
To Chemosh and Apprentices
The Caltons did ask for all three quests against the Oronvee and they seem to have made a deal with the Ska about dealing with the scouts. I have not heard anything about them making a deal with anyone about the assassination of the general, but we would not be suited for it even if we could get it and we have already offered our help in tracking down Veronica Yately. We could attempt to convince the Archduke to share the quest, but I do not know if it would work or if it is a good idea to anger the Caltons. If there is any other quest you like, we would still be willing to help you with them.

- Elisabeth Curzon

2017-11-05, 06:00 AM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Lordwar,

It is understandable that a precise number of forces is not yet known, an estimate is sufficient. I strongly believe that forces capable of sneaking will not be sufficient, so the backup of fighting forces you mention is certainly reassuring. The Oronvee may have prepared against others sneaking them, so standing ready to reinforce with combat forces will be essential should earlier efforts not be sufficient.

I will agree to your offer, so we may fulfill the seal to defeat the Oronvee scouts together. Should I manage to secure this task from His Majesty, The King, I will contact you once more. I do wish to ensure you are aware of what is at stake here. We will be tasked to strike at the enemy, so our fair city will not fall and we may see the city's army victorious. I am putting my Great House's reputation on the line to ensure the seals can be won. Therefore, by working with one another, I place great trust in you, Mr Lordwar, and the Ska. The task at hand must be fulfilled to a success. Upon success, you can rely on us to put in a good word with a recipient of your choice afterwards.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

2017-11-05, 07:09 AM
Suma Jareme

That would be a telling blow indeed. It'd take them months to rebuild their siegeworks from Outskirts buildings. But I still see no plan that would make this not suicidal.

It's true that we can't strike once the siege begins, but that still leaves us with plenty of time to prepare and gather allies.

((OOC: So, next turn? Siege starts the turn after that. If you've got something planned that makes this not suicidal, you can count me in.))

2017-11-05, 08:16 AM
The Ska

Queek was most certainly not a strategic mind--ruthless, quick but simple--and yet now he had been left in charge of the Ska affairs for quite some time. No longer were the acts of correspondence and bureaucracy trivial and aggravating to the large ratkin. Now he saw them as his daily duty in the absence of the Grey Seer and understood their importance, however, he still long awaited the little rats return so he could move on to doing better suited tasks.
The rock no longer troubled him as much as it did either--he didn't look at it and attempted to ignore its whispering he could... he really did hate that rock.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Lady of Great Calton,

Perhaps you right--Military only might best. Most glad we are and best wishes we have for your acquiring the quest. Ska will be seen as might-ly Noble House just as Calton!

Proud Ascrat,
Queek Lordwar.
The letter is written in particularly bad handwriting--they seem to have tried their best but their best is barely legible.
Dear Elizabeff Curson,

My mou-spies notice you seem know lots about much and lots of update on quest takers. We hope you no mind their squeakings. As you seem so capable knower does that mean assassination quest not taken? We Ska have a little of that experience but not enough to complete whole task alone--perhaps with your good ability we could team up on quest together or perhaps you know one who would?

Queek of Ska.
Dear neighbors,

Sadly to inform you that perhaps Grey Seer Snikrit not able attend Spew Kontrol mission. Oppertunity for raising Ska reputation and doing good for the less able of Ten Mill's has arise and we hope to be allowed to act upon it. Please do not take insult Ska believe you and your other mage friends more than capable of dealing with problem but would be interested in being updated on problem so we can ensure safty of our people in Spew.

Best of luck,
Dear Bjok,

We of Sump Ska know hardness of poverty and plight from our time of huntedness. We have attempt to make good relations and reputation since those times and have made attempt to help Unyted Repbcan Movement but not able to setup talks with Foundry and Workers because our reputation bad. We believe some of your workers are member of URM and solving your problem would make lives easier for them and also earn reputation as good rats of Ascant.

We would willing to do quest for you for no wealth reward--free of cost--if you will allow us to. We Ska in Sump no need wealth but would greatly benefit from your backing as reputable and nice rat peoples. If you concerned we have not any magic ability then let me assure you we have might Seer Snikrit who personally can attend--I am very sure he would be very capable of helping.

Queek of Ska.

2017-11-05, 03:52 PM
The Great House of Calton

Leonora, Lady of Calton

Striding through the palace, Lady Leonora, Head of the Great House of Calton, makes here way through the Palace with her entourage. Dressed in an almost black dress of the finest cloth, embroided with fine decorations, the torso part of her dress is of a lighter gray and of a tougher and thicker material, as if to symbolise a breastplate. On the side of her belt, she wears her sword, again of fine make. Her pace is steady, clearly intent on her path. Any who would wish to speak with her are addressed by her staff that the Lady may have time for them after her current appointment. Her destination is clear, the audience chamber of His Majesty, The King.

Morale: 1

Entering the audience chamber as her arrival is announced, her name is accomponied by all the titles she carries. Should she have to wait until His Royal Highness arrives, she will do so patiently at the place as demanded by ettiquite and then sink to her knee, bowing upon his arrival. If already present, she will move to the place and immediately sink to her knee and bow. At all times, she will follow proper ettiquite as demanded of her position.

Presuming there comes a time when the King lets her rise and tell her reasons for this audience, she will rise at his behest. "Your Majesty, I offer my sincerest gratitude for allowing me this opportunity to speak to you here. We have spoken earlier through letter, where I asked for permission granted to the Great House of Calton to fulfill the three Seals of War. I have come here with the profound hope to that you will bestow upon the Great Hous eof Calton the honour to fulfill the Seals of War. Allow me to make the case as to why I think our Great House should be bestowed such honour, Sire."

"It is true that the Great House of Calton has suffered in battle. Therefore, I have listened to your wise words and in my bid for these contracts and state that the Great House of Calton will not fulfill these Seals of War alone. We have gathered under our banner for the Seal to take out the Oronvee general the support of no less than two factions. To defeat the Oronvee scouts our forces will join with another faction, with forces most resilient. And as we speak, our Great House is in negotations with yet a fourth faction to aid us in winning the cooperation of the Wildland spirits. Let the Great House of Calton prove to you that your loyal subjects can stand together and defeat the Oronvee in these targets of war. I truly believe that if we take upon these contracts, we will allow the Army to focus fully on the main forces of the Oronvee. As you may know, Sire, in the army there are many of my brethern, who have taken up the duty to protect your citizen. It is my sincere hope that by focusing the Great House of Calton's forces, bringing with us the strength of your other subjects, we give the Army the necessary space to focus on their task. This in return, I hope will reduce casaulties amongst the people, and with them, my family. Thus it is not revenge that drives me now, Sire, but a conviction to protect your people."

"Allow me to prove my loyalty and that of my House in word and deed, as no other noble House has. My blade is yours, Sire." Leonora kneels down again after drawing her blade and as she bows, she holds her blade up high, offering it up to His Majesty, The King.

(OOC: Dedicating a VIP PM to aid in obtaining the Seals of War. Lady Leonora is a Noble Blood, which may able to provide its bonus in this attempt. Should the King wish to know what factions will support the House, Leonora will tell him.)

2017-11-05, 04:10 PM
Cult of Undeath
Morale 3

The Owl Guild
We have no concrete plan as of yet, but there are certain influential individuals that may stand in our way in the future, and taking them out directly is not a very viable option. Is this something the owls can help with?

As to the payment, the Cult's wealth and magical capabilities are well known not just in the city, but outside of it as well.

PM - The Restless / St Alvin Cemetery
Intent to find out more about the spirits of the dead, Holzmann sets off to explore the cemetery in more detail, visiting the areas under control of the Restless. His goals being finding out if there's a specific reason that the spirits are not moving on, and are continuing to attack the living; or simply if they concentrate in specific places so future investigation into them will be easier.

2017-11-05, 04:46 PM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Your Majesty,

It has come to our attention that the mercenary company Argentum, also known as the Silver Guard, wishes to dedicate their forces to the plight the city of Ascant finds itself in, the impending siege of Oronvee. They wish to dedicate their funds in equipping their men for the purpose of urban combat and siege warfare and hope that you will consider to make them pay their war taxes in the form of service to the war. The effort they will be able to dedicate is a professional force of combat trained mercenaries, which would be more effective than a newly inexperienced drafted person, funded by coin. I feel that such a proposal would be a valuable asset to the war effort, and it is my hope that you will at the least consider the suggestion set forth by the Argentum.

I have the honour to remain, Sir, Your Majesty’s most humble and obedient servant.
Leonora, Lady of the Great House Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

2017-11-05, 05:11 PM
Suma Jareme

The leyline at Stone Circle is the approaching armies only point to launch a magic attack against the city on equal footing with local mages. If we can somehow render it unusable to the Oronvee it could effectively neutralize a major dimension of the invader's attack.

(ooc): I really want a good map for planning this stuff. I didn't even know the time table for the Oronvee to get here and can only guess their route. I do actually have several reasonable ideas, but I'm still trying to figure out how valid they all are. (finding out for example that there's a giant hole in Ascant's walls is best done before EoT actions (working on that one by the way))

At the moment I have several inadequate plans, which are a poor substitute for one good one. You are correct that groundwork will need to be laid, I am ascertaining what resources I can pull into the effort to determine how to do so most fruitfully. At present we can assume that some or most of their equipment is in use claiming the Bullfort. If it can be held that makes it a natural line of retreat. the grasslands the army occupies could also, with proper preparation be set alight with our forces prepared to make our retreat through the flames. Civilians still trapped around Calton make that a choice I don't favor. I am looking into several distractions to enter, their camp, none of which I have guaranteed yet. Also, if the near future goes well I will be slinging around a great deal of magic somewhat haphazardly that may lead to some opportunity.

I have several practical questions about leylines I would love for you to help with. Can a leyline be moved? Can a leyline be made unusable for a time or by certain people? And if in any respects yes, how?

Do to it's strategic importance, it is vital the Oronvee not be able to use the leyline at stone circle. Can I have your support in a foray to ensure this?

2017-11-05, 07:09 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

To Suma Jareme
What you are proposing sounds interesting and it is important to do something about the advancing enemy. Do you have any idea of what we will need to pull this off?

- Duncan Curzon
(OOC: Do you also have an idea of if we could call this a quest and my VIPs gotten their full level instead of half. We could always see if we could have the Archduke make it into a quest, since I have a guy at the palace.)
To the Ska
I have just heard from my friend at the palace, that the Calton have made a deal with two other groups to help them with the assassination, and they are trying to get the archdukes final approval for them to handle the three tasks under the Royal Seal of War by showing him that they have found the right people to help complete them. I will write you, if I find out if they got it, but since they have found the capability to do it and with their reputation, then I would believe that they will get the final permission.

- Elisabeth Curzon

2017-11-05, 08:07 PM
The Ska

The grin was back on the monstrous rat's face--it looked as though a crocodile had been dumped in tar and then used to clean the floor of a barbers. Whether a mother would love it or not was not important--Queek had used contacts and whit to gather information! The little Seer always went on about how important it was to be Big or Clever, or was it that he wasn't Big or Clever, and now Queek had a little of both!
The green stone was silent for once--not even a sigh.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Elizabeff Curson,

We are grateful of your kindess to share with us. It is nice to see young ones not inherit mean of olders. Pleased to acquaintance and correspondence.

Queek of Ska.
Dear Lady of Great Calton,

Excuse our tardyness we are only just learned of your plans: did not know you had organizated the mission of assassination aswell as scout. With suggestion of Ska not sending assassins on scouting missquest Ska have free forces silent and ready! Would consider taking our sneaky ratssassins on such vital mission to kill general? We would not want much of reward! To be a part of decisive blow to arch enemy would be very reputational for our people!

Your friend,
Queeker the Warseer.

2017-11-06, 03:37 AM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Warseer,

There may have been a misunderstanding on both our sides. I was under the impression you were willing to commit both your mentioned stealth forces as well as military forces to defeat the Oronvee scouts. I stated that it is reassuring to have military reinforcements, because I believe bringing only the stealth forces you mentioned will not be enough to fulfill this task. This should not be taken as a suggestion to not involve your stealth forces and rely only on your mentioned military forces!

On the contrary, the way I saw your proposal, one where your stealth forces strikes first, followed by the military might you mentioned, impressed me. In light of such dedication, I was and am willing to, upon success, put in a good word with a recipient of choice, or more formally, write a letter of recommendation.

However, in one of your last letters, to my surprise, you only wish to dedicate your military forces. Perhaps I was not clear enough in my last letter to explain the gravity of this situation. To defeat the Oronvee scouts is really, really important! For this city, for my House and for your reputation! It should go without saying that if you truly wish only to dedicate you earlier mentioned military forces, your proposal is not as impressive as I had understood and my offer to write a letter of recommendation is hereby withdrawn.

The military forces you dedicate, if as much as you earlier mentioned, will I believe reach just shy of assured victory. The King himself said a Seal of War requires strength and conviction. I ask to see in your offer, if not strength as you wrote before, then forces with conviction (t. Morale).

As for your proposal to help with the Seal of War involving the Oronvee general, that subject was not and is not on the table here.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton.

2017-11-06, 09:41 AM
At the Coin Punch

Merchants Balcony PM
William nods along enthusiastically to what has been said so far, happy to have somewhere for his people to go, especially with such a good reputation among the gathered parties.
“I thank you all who have gathered for our safety, I am sure our people will be eager to get to work on any projects you put our hands too. Not many of can read, damn few of us can write, but we’ve hands and hearts. The people of Calton will not be broken.”

The Guildsmen from Hurricane look somewhat less impressed, one going so far as to slam a hand on the table.
“Dammit we don’t need a non aggression pact! We are a Guild not a country. This has gone far past the point of simpering treaties. Our people are dying in the streets to the misplaced pride of a pubescent psychopath.”

To the Ska

United Republican Movement PM
“But what could we even do? Just the Ska and our folk against the entire city? The Foundry alone could destroy our combined forces.”

The man pauses and gathers himself for a moment.

“No you are right. At least about the prison. The attack on the city will be the perfect opportunity to free our many brothers trapped there by the Foundry’s corrupt politics. Do what you will, I need to contact my people and prepare.

Iron Breaker PM
You stroll into a much different camp than may have been intended originally. After a brief standoff with a few picket guards the unit captain comes out to speak with Snikrit.
“What is it rat? This operation should not concern you”

The Scions Club

Pennon Palace Location PM

Lord Penter smirks slightly. “Of course people are annoyed with the war taxes. Especially since some can see that the Arch-duke is happy to spend freely to play Castles and Dragons issuing quests. Though I would certainly agree with the importance of the Royal Seal missions. Still taxes are taxes, people figure it out and adapt.”
The man pauses, coughing slightly. Age weighs rather heavily on the man, though his mind seems sharp as ever.
“As to people you should or shouldn’t meet I may as well inform you of the death of Cinthia Cresthal, I know she frequented your clubs in the Dreams. She died a few months ago in the Bathic Duchies, along with a great part of the Kings Far Eyes. If you would like a private meeting with the Arch-duke I am sure he could arrange to meet you. You may have to wait a day but guest quarters could be arranged. The king would be pleased to know the opinion of the younger nobles.”

The Tourney Grounds Location PM
Field ball could indeed be a good idea to keep the troops happy. If you want to spend Duncan’s EoT action to organize and encourage things along it could be very good for the morale of those who are soon doomed to the front lines.

The Maple Leyline Location PM
Many of the druids are busy enough with work or meditation. But there are a few willing to talk. Most simply want to speak of the specific quirks of keeping soil healthy in high magic zones or kids trying to get things to stick to the tree. The whole operation seems very much non-spiritual, more like a very involved hobby for those gathered.

Amelia is bought a drink, brought a seat, pinched inappropriately, and carried along with the raucous party. Not necessarily in that order. Apparently Alto performed a daring raid on the Oronvee camp before Cow’s Road and took a few important heads. He has been partying here nearly every day since, flush with prize money.

Mortenkam PM
You don't get to know exactly, though it is not like you can only use Rep, any stat is viable so long as you explain it well.

To the Order of the White Flame

The Order of the Legacy MOR 5
The Duke will never grant so broken a house command of the entire Royal Seal. The Duke may be an idealist at times, but he is not a fool. Our reputation is near worthless when compared to yours, and our Oath would not permit us to search away from the keep for so long.

The Rivergate Guild MOR 2
To the Order of the White Flame,
We do not have the resources to spare for your politics. Perhaps you should speak with house Calton further?


A Walk in the Park. Location PM
Feyka arrives to the peaceful park that surrounds the Maple Leyline. Things are calm here, the quiet druids and mages occasionally spotted tending to the various plants or caught up in conversation, even at this late hour. The great Maple tree for which the Leyline takes its name radiates an aura of sincere magic, raw and honest. Any pieces of iron Feyka carries vibrates very softly, and feels static-y to the touch.

2017-11-06, 11:10 AM
The Ska

The green stone cackled quietly--sinister.
This time it was Queek's turn to be silent.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Lady of Great Calton,

You offer to write a letter of recommendation is hereby withdrawn... We are confused, you not longer wish work with Ska? This comes as great disappointment to self.
Under recommendation of your words Ska have abandoned use of stealth and dedicated most strongest and capable warriors to quest (4 t.Mil, 2 t.Moral & VIP) lead by our scout master himself.

Have we done some wrong? Ska usually know much of Great House's conversations but hear nothing about quest of most importance to war. We worried that you might not have enough stealth forces to complete such a difficult and most hard mission from lack of having seen any talks about it. Perhaps it was secret and Ska excluded: if so we most sorry for our intrustion, however, it seems wasteful for skilled and silent warriors to remain idle whilst most important task of all war might not have enough.

We most concerned with such mail--hope dearly relationship of friend is not spoiled.

Your friend,
Queeker the Warseer.

2017-11-06, 11:49 AM
The doctor´s guild: morale: 4

we´ll be sure to let you know fi the plague can be used against their forces. And on the subject of the Oronvee scouts you can count on our support, be it political or if needed through force of arms.

Dear Ska, I´m glad we were considered for such a kind offer, as not many look upon us favorably, and it shows, troubled as they are to express it. As our wealth isn´t quite material at the moment, and if it was there is plenty of space in Mourner´s Hall´s vaults for any we happen to produce I believe we´ll have to decline it for now.

But rest assured that if ever comes the need we´l be sure to talk with you, and I look forward to working with your group if you would need our help.

-Best of wishes. Dr Saphaer, head of the guild.

And so we shall, blessed one. Trust that you´ll be second only to us when the knowledge of the perpetrator (if any), is made apparent.

-With utmost respect. Dr Saphaer, head of the guild.

A messenger in dirty robes shows to the balcony, with several waiters obviously disliking the new "costumer" as he said to defend himself, Saphaer waves for him to wait outside and starts getting dressed "Glad everything is settled, I´ll be seeing you all hopefully very soon, but duty calls..." she stops without knowing how to continue and just keeps stacking coats, finally strapping her mask and placing her hood up before leaving with not another word.

I´m sorry I wasn´t able to talk to you before I left the meeting, but there was some trouble with a supposed new appearance of the plague (thankfully false), if you do need help With those Echo House thugs, I can always send some of our security to hopefully startle them out of there without a conflict.


I wonder if I could use T.mag to cover for T.esp for the murders in Abern square?
using a more forensic approach to things instead of interrogating whitnesses (and maybe some speak with dead spells).

2017-11-06, 12:05 PM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Warseer,

This conversation of letters certainly turns out to be confusing for both parties involved. Please accept my apology for any confusion. Perhaps my mind wanders too much in these trying times.

I still wish to cooperate with you. When mentioning the letter of recommendation, I was referencing to what I wrote earlier. Impressed by the forces you described as willing to dedicate, I was willing to, if the task succeeds, to put in a good word for you with a target of your choosing, by writing a letter. Otherwise known as a letter of recommendation.

In the letter that followed from you, you said that you only wanted to use military forces, instead of both stealth and combat forces. Since you did not state the commitment of combat forces would change in number, it was logical to assume it would be as high as you mentioned earlier. This, from reading your last letter, is clearly not the case, as you intend to let the forces be led by a capable commander. I had mistakingly thought said commander belonged to the stealth forces and thus would no longer participate.

The current forces as mentioned by your last letter are reassuring, especially with the added provisions for the troops dedication. Allow me to let my earlier offer for one letter of recommendation, upon the success of this mission, stand.

As for the other mission, rest assured, I am confident it will be brought to a success.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

A second note is delivered with the letter, in a different handwriting.

Dear Mr Warseer,

Thank you for your messages, it is my hope that the cooperation between the Ska and the House will be successful. However, I wish to make you aware it is considered bad form to spy on messages which are sent to somebody else. I hope you will take this in consideration.

With regard,
A loyal servant of the Great House of Calton.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-06, 01:16 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Coin Punch Coach House

Tam's smile never wavers, as she turns her gaze to the Hurricane Company representatives. "My apologies, sirs. You've been so quiet, that I rather thought you were satisfied with the progression of the discussion. Clearly I have misjudged."

She settles back into her seat, at the middle of the farmost table, where she can look across the entire room at once, and steeples her fingers.

"And yes, actually, we do need a treaty. Probably the worst possible situation for you, was if Ascant, which as far as I know has not been targeting any of the rest of us, subverts any of the organizations here against you. You'd be facing a fifth column in your own midst. I wager that when you report this offer to your guild master, he'll see the wisdom in that. With this pact, anyone who chooses Ascant's side risks the ill will of every neighbor he's got, many of whom will still be here once your business with Ascant is settled, one way or another."

"But as to your problem, and it's resolution..."

"Please understand, that most of us have little visibility into your section of Merchant's Half. And those of us who are capable of gaining such visibility, have refrained from using it out of respect to your guild. You say that Ascant's behind many of the murders and problems here. We haven't seen that, but I think you may be privy to information that we are not. Would you care to share it?"

She pulls her hands apart, and gestures broadly with them. "And then, please tell me what you want of our gathered groups, to help with this matter. What can we, on the whole, do to support you in the manner you wish to be supported? I'm here, I'm listening, and I promise you, I want you to leave happy. That's pretty much my Guild's goal in every transaction, and I see no reason to break tradition now."

2017-11-06, 03:28 PM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Jareme,

It pleases me to read about the respect you grant, and your opennes. The plan you state is sound and I wish you the best of luck in seeing it through. It is unfortunate that the Great House of Calton will not be able to support you in your plans. Though rest assured that our forces are turned against the Oronvee and it is my sincere hope our contribution in the war efforts will make your task easier.

May Ascant stand strong against the Oronvee.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

2017-11-06, 03:32 PM
The Ska

In the dark the stone was now throbbing green luminescence--a short shadow being cast upon the walls.
Queek was no longer worried by the stone and whether it did or did not do things. He had begun to understand why the Grey Seer, truly, was the way he was.
The stone had made him so and now the stone was trying to make him another.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Lady of Great Calton,

Oh good gladness, happy solved!
We hope you sure other mission be guaranteed must access to powerful spies and assassins and be sure that done as important very so.

Your friend,
Queeker the Warseer.


Dear Loyal Servant,

We not sure we sent mail to you, so we not sure if you maybe also reading others mail!
We also kindly suggest if you no want mail read you make better attempt keep shut--sometime letters from Great House to Ska arrive already opened.
There reason King sends their mail very very well secured--not a matter of honor to read or not read mail but practicality of keeping ones mail safe.

Dear Doctor Saphaer,

We sorry you money not flow for your trade. Doctors we think very clever and selfless profession!
We Ska have taken time to try help people of Ten Mill's poorer and perhaps you own services might future useful.

Best Wishes,
Queek Ska.
The little Ska smiles at the man questioning the strength of their resistance.
"For now we remain hidden, clutching to shadows and organizing our pieces respectfully blind to each other. Only when the time comes for you to act will you see our other allies my friend."

The little Ska sets the bond's within the mans hand.
"We will contact you in the coming months to inquire as to your progress: you will reply that you are dedicating all of your current resources to the war effort until the city is free, if your arrangements to attack the prison during the siege is on track."

There was one more matter to attend to.
"There are rumors within Smokehills that your workers are backed by a secret organization--are these rumors true and just who are these backers?"
The Rat speaks with an authority yet no louder than a whisper ensuring that no one overhears their conversation.
"You are aware that I am kin to your way of thinking?"
"And no doubt that their King has placed a Seal of War upon your men to be erradicated."
More nods.
"The Ska have acquired that Seal but we required the aid of House Calton's reputation."

The men now perhaps looked a little confused as to why their own allies had accepted a quest to kill them.
"I wish to discuss with you our plans to carry out this deception so that as few of your men as possible can be harmed, we can replace your patrols with our own to continue to provide our patron with information and we can claim the bounty upon your people so as not to draw suspicion of our treachery until the time comes to act. Is this an acceptable time to speak with me?"

2017-11-06, 04:14 PM

Morale = 5

This is acceptable, we will let you know of the outcome.

We are the Most Venerable Society of Arcane Goblinoids. We goblins have been disrespekted by "superior" peoples, but we now have control over magikal arts and wish to further our arts and prove them wrong. We may potentially be able to prove ourselves capable of living outside of the Spew and Sump if we help defend the city from the Oronvee. We kan ask the same Kwestions of you, what do you want with the Goblins?

2017-11-06, 10:30 PM
Morale: 5

Maple Park (PM)
Professor Falkar, Chemosh and Apprentices (5)
Standing tall, facing the Maple,
Wreathed in a cloak of Summer green leaves,
The spirit addresses the mortals,

We are Sovereign.

Our apologies.
We do not read your mail.
But We do know your mail."

Wind begins to pull at the fallen Fall leaves within the Park,
Swirling, congregating, assembling, a yellow map of Ascant and more.
Two dots of red punctuate the chart, settling on the Saltmarket and the Spew.

The Weeper wept too recently for the others.
But mayhaps."

Pulling from the cloak of green,
Yet untouched by the mystical force,
Sovereign bears four leaves, letting them fall to the city below.

"Maple Park.
The Weeper, in the Spew.
Stone Circle, far away on the Green River.

The last, that We know,
In Merchant's Half.
The source of the Claw?

The last Leyleaf hovers around the Quarter,
Unsure where to settle,
Adrift on wisps of wind.

The wind and leaves pause in place,
Within the map and without,
As Sovereign's eyes flash white.

"The rats may not accompany you in the sewers.
Their Seer sees elsewhere,
To curses, and their catching.

To the Grievers,
Fighting their war.
With them or for them?"

With a slight tap, a spark ignites at the spirit's foot.
Catching flame, the leaf floor ripples towards the yellow,
Calton burns, with a single square unlit.

"The Bullfort?
The Stone Circle?

Finally turning to fully face the mages,
Eyes white, unfocused,
Sovereign speaks,

Will you be meeting my cousins?
The spirits of the Bulgewood?
Do you wish to?

With a shake,
And a nod,
The eyes fade back to black.

"But here.
And now.
The Ooze.

We wish to secure the Leylines.
Not alone, of course.

They are Our veins.
They bleed,
And can be bled.

But they are Us.
And open...
If not closed, than they should be tended."

Argentum (5)
A whisper,
Naught but wind,
Bristles through the tree.

"You act on the Saulkers' orders.
Which hydra head spoke?
Which will you take?

We know secrets of them.
One's den.
The other's war.

Do you wish to?
What will you do with it?
What can you offer?"

Sea Wolves (5)
You seek to slay the Claw.
But does the Claw seek to slay you?
Does it matter?

We seek its corpse,
If it persists.
To satisfy Our curiosity.

Most Venerable Society of Arcane Goblinoids (5)
A question,
A question indeed!
But not the same.

We know of the Oozehome,
That you seek.
What do you hope to find there?

An army?
Or knowledge?

Rand and Thorn (5)
We, alone, seek a loan.
The Labyrinth is already full.
What price shall We pay?

Bjok of Frozenshore (5)
A curser to catch,
Or a curse to throw,
One, or both?

The history of the mill,
An orc,
Got Hurt?

William Yately (5)
What do you know?
And what do you not?

Internal (GM)
Hurt, Yorick, and Myros Ravenheart might need to be searched for. Could be useful?

Hurt seems like a possible cause of the curse in the factory... Might be evil?

Ongoing End of Turn:
(PM/Visit) Maple Park
(Action) ???

1 Wealth generates Coin.

Sovereign contributes Their Rep to the Order's bid on Destroy the Oronvee Scouts, in exchange for 2 Coin.

Future Drafts:
Most Venerable Society of Arcane Goblinoids (5)
A question,
A question indeed!
But not the same.

We know where the Ooze is sired.
We can assist.
For a price.

We ask to be neighbors.
To claim the Oozehome.
To help you claim the Ooze.

Should you permit.
This is your county,
Of course.

Our friendship can open doors.
Or, at least, close some to others.
And We can watch for those foes.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-07, 12:39 AM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5

To the Goblins

It's a very fancy letter, that's written on the sturdiest waterproofed paper available. Smells nice too, but not in a tasty way.

"Hello, my dears! I am Tam, a friend of the Calton Refugees. They tell me that you invited them to come live in the spew. Thank you so much for doing that! I don't think many of them will, because a lot of humans get weird about sharing space with goblins. But it was a very nice gesture and if things go not as planned, they might just have to do that."

"I've known a lot of goblins over the centuries. Some were wicked, others were nice, most were very, very entertaining. I do hope you're the nice ones, and I think you are."

"Funny thing is, I don't believe I've ever known any ska. They're new, I think. I'm not sure what to make of them. You live very close to them, what do you think of them?"

"I'm mainly curious because they've been sending a lot of letters and messages to some of my friends and acquaintances. I do hope they're nice ratpeople. But if they're not, then I should like to know that as well. Times are going to get tough here, and I really, really want to make sure my friends come through all right."

"I have a lot of friends, but I'm very busy so I have to be careful who I help. But I do like to help, as I can."

"Anyway, have fun and good luck. Do let me know if there's anything you need from my part of town, and I may be able to arrange that it comes your way."

"Kindest regards,"

2017-11-07, 06:17 AM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

Pennon Palace – Location PM
“I am saddened to hear of the dead of Cinthia Cresthal, she will be missed. If you can, do tell me how she died?” After Penters response, Lewis continues. “I would be more than willing to share my opinions with the Arch-duke.”
(OOC:I assume that the kings Far Eyes means his spies in foreign countries and that Cinthia was one of them
The Tourney Grounds – Location PM
(OOC: I will decide later, what Duncan will do for the EoT.)
The Maple Leyline – Location PM
Harvey decided that he ought to see if he could not find anyone to discuss leyline with, especially the leyline at Stone Circle, and see if anybody would have a good idea of how to disrupt it.
Coin Punch Coach House – Location PM
Amelia tried to see if she could address Alto and ask him, what his plans where, after he had finished partying.
To the Ska
Dear Queek of Ska
You are more than welcome to write us again, if you ever need help with a problem.

- Elisabeth Curzon
Would I gain the Golden girls hard stats if/when I absorbed them?

2017-11-07, 06:48 AM
A piece of maple syrup cake [PM]


"Had a chat with the old man, yes. I would love to know what you do of them, of course.

As for what we've got to offer... I don't exactly know what you'd want or need. We've got good people under our banner, we have contacts in the city and some measure of position. Friends in high places. We're not rich, but wealthy enough."

2017-11-07, 01:11 PM

Argentum (Maple Park - PM)
"For now,
We have need of funds.

In the future,
Who seek out good for the city.

We do not believe the Saulkers are good.
But you have spoken to them...
Do you?"

Scion's Club (Maple Park - PM)
[OOC: Since you're here...]

A cloaked man, leaning heavily on a crook, breaks Harvey out of his observation.

Gesturing to the seat next to the mage, he croaks out, "May I?"

Without waiting for a reply, he collapses into the chair, gesticulating wildly up with his cane.

"Everyone knows the Leyline is here, yet so few come to see, only those who think they have something to gain."

With a sigh, the staff resting across his lap, he nestles more comfortably into the chair.

"What is it you seek here, young man, why have you come?"

"Power? Knowledge? Or a simple conversation?"

Guild of Negotiable Affections (5)
Lady Tam,
May We be of assistance for the Refugees?
Or other matters you are tending to?

Rakka Tak (5)
We will offer a premium to have it now,
And pay once contracts are resolved.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-07, 01:20 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5

To Sovereign

Why yes, actually, you very much may!

I'm currently thinking myself a bit foolish, for failing to think of it. Why not ask the city itself for help absorbing them?

Our current plan is to use our good names and what wealth we can spare to convince the employers of the city to hire the refugees into jobs that fit their skills. To this end, (t. rep and t.wealth) are the main drivers. Alternatively, if you can recruit them directly for tasks you need filled, that works too.

Once they're citizens, they're no longer refugees. They're us.

So yes, you absolutely may help, and I'll thank you for it.

With more respect than I can tell you,

2017-11-07, 01:24 PM
Verdant Enclave - Morale 5

Greetings from your fellow druids of the Verdant Enclave. We stand with the city in the coming struggle. We stand with life as always.

Or circle is small yet resolute and we have need of others that would stand with us.

Would you be interested in joining together in defense of the city?

Professor Falkar. Greetings from the druids of the Verdant Enclave. We have come to the city in order to stand with you in the coming conflict on the side of life.

We possess much knowledge in the areas of the magic of life and will be turning our magic towards benefiting the city. The people of the city will need food, defense, and healing support. We indeed to use our magic to support those needs.

We have heard that you are a expert in Leyline research and given our proximity to the leylines near the forrest we believe that you would be able to accelerate any research that you might be doing and benefit the city in the same move.

Would you be open to working with us for the betterment of life and the city?

Greetings from the warrior druids of the Verdant Enclave. We have heard of your strength and your ability to explore dungeons and other areas. The ruins near us could provide you with plenty of opportunities.

We have come to the city to defend it from the coming conflict. Life must continue.

Will you join us in defending the city?


The Verdant Enclave is seeking allies to defend the city and to form a faction to support our efforts.

2017-11-07, 04:48 PM
Sovereign - Maple Leaf Rag [PM]

"Good?" She laughs. "No. Not good. Good for the city, however... that gets complex. There's gonna be crime. The Saulkers are their own form of nobility in a way, feeding off the work people under them do and keeping order to keep the profits up."

She straightens up and begins walking alongside a wooded path. "Coin. We've got some, but not very much right now - we're spending money to gain, and the Duke's taking their share. Once our immediate problems are dealt with, however, and when the iron shipment reaches the city, we'll have much more. What sort of sums are we talking about?"

2017-11-07, 05:57 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

Sovereign – The Maple Leyline – Location PM
Harvey simply nodded, when the cloaked man asked for his permission to sit next to him, even though the reply did not seem to matter to the cloaked man. After hearing what the man had to say, Harvey answered him.

“The Maple Leyline has always been a nice and quiet place, at least compared to the rest of the city, and I have often sad down at prepared myself for my studies at the university here. I also often find someone to have an enlighten conversation with here at the park, just like the one I suspect that we are going to have. But excuse my manners, I have forgotten to induce myself. My name is Harvey Granville, student at the University of St. Gulliver and a member of the Scions Club, and I did not catch yours?”

2017-11-08, 02:33 PM

Morale - 5

We seek at least our own safety from the ooze, but we do not see why we cannot seek the three options you presented as well. Pets are always fun, soldiers can help with the oronvee, and knowledge is power as some say. We hope that the Ooze could make great soldiers or else good traps for invaders. How else are us Goblins supposed to gain the respekt of the city?

The paper is grimy and smells bad

We think we are the nice goblins at least. The peoples of Askant have ne'er done anything for us, but now that we are magikal we thing we can earn respekt by offering help and hospitality when needed.

These rat men are defensive types. They insisted on eradikation of the Ooze, before we kould study them and they threated to move rat men soldiers en masse through the spew. When we said we would not allow this, they took it as agression as if we were going to expel all Ska men from the spew entirely. Once we klarified what we meant they more hospitable towards us. We know that they may be doing something in ten mills, but ne'er have the Ska expressed intentions to Goblins other than their own concerns of ensuring and improving safety and reputation

2017-11-08, 03:06 PM
To the Clanchurch

The Mercantile Guild MOR 2
To the Clanchurch,
It is good to hear that someone in merchant’s half actually cares about the cities defense. Your folk are a hell of a lot better than Hurricane. We’ve ships for sure but no soldiers. If you would be willing to partner with our forces perhaps we can come to an agreement on the defense of the harbour.

To the Ska

Bjok of Frozen Shore MOR 1
To the Ska?
You want the job for free? With just one guy? You did read the posting right? Everyone who steps into the mill freezes stiff after a few paces. I’ll keep you in mind of course but… I wouldn’t put up the cash to post up if I weren’t willing to pay.

To House Calton

At Pennon Palace Location PM
The King receives Lady Calton with the usual fanfare, the audience chamber though is one of hostility for Lady Leonora. Gorst Kalenho and a retinue of army folk are already in the Throneroom, apparently discussing strategy. Their conference is paused while Leonora makes her speech and her words are undercut by angry whispers coming from Kalenho and his lackeys.

The Archduke listens intently, his eyes old and piercing for such a young frame.
“Lady Leonora your words are inspiring and true, the city needs unity now more than ever, but to give you all three of the royal seals despite your web of allies would do the opposite. Those who you have not graced with opportunity will seethe bitter as their forces languish unoccupied. This will encourage them to take their own path towards wealth, and leave the streets in chaos.”

“Still your bid for the Seals will not go unrewarded. Pick two of these seals with my blessing, and commit to them. Leave the other to some other worthy taker.”

The Cult of Undeath

The Restless PM
The dead shy away Holzman, though as before he is soon attacked by a grouping of them. A kind of rag-tag ambush. The powerful necromancer is not surprised by the tactic and easily seizes control of such a small group. Using them as ‘scouts’ of a sort he manages to pick his way through the more infested parts of the graveyard.
Eventually he finds a group so dense and powerful that his strategy can get no closer, but simply using his eyes he can see all of these creatures are centered around simple grave standing in one of the older sections St Alvins. It is difficult to make out what is on the grave but the magic washing over Holzmann from here makes it clear that something grander than simple ghosts is afoot.
OOC: You can use this information to strategize your actions in EoT but from here Holzman cannot continue alone.

Suma Jareme

Professor Falkar MOR 2
Well my lord I can saftley say that a leyline cannot be moved. There are many ways to disrupt them, though I would not recommend it. The more active healthy leylines in an area the stronger magic will be. I have noticed that our city seems to be on several, but I digress. Did you have further questions?

Mercurious Shander MOR 3
The Stonecircle will have little to fear from the Oronvee if the Duke manages to keep the Oronvee out of the Bulgewood. I am afraid I have found a cause which I cannot ignore this season, but in future I hope we may work together.

To the Doctors Guild

You can certainly use magic to cover, it will not be quite as directly effective as esp, but especially through description from you it can work well.

At the Coin Punch Coach House

Merchants Balcony PM
One of the more level headed Hurricane guildsmen places a comforting hand on his companion's shoulder, gently pulling him back to his seat.
“Please forgive Rex’s outburst, the recent upheaval has his his household hard. He does however speak the truth, nearly a dozen dead now in the Headquarters and almost certainly AI to blame for it. I appreciate that you would be willing to offer non aggression treaties, but it may well have gone past the point of effect. The Foundry does not want us gone, they want guilds gone. And the merchant’s half to serve Ten Mills.”
He sighs, taking a sip from his wine.
“I sincerely doubt they will stop at Hurricanes Downfall, with our monopoly broken and the King continuing his tantrum we do not have the resources to fight Ascant Industry thugs. If any of your organizations could contribute troops or reputation into smearing the name of Ascant Industries then Hector Juniors own workers will do the rest.

OOC: Nem I swear your replies are coming, but I have one more class to get to today. Everyone else as well, more to come, MIDTURN WILL BE FRIDAY NOV 13th

2017-11-08, 03:34 PM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Thornhold,

Circumstances have changed since my last letter. I am no longer able to represent a bid for the Seal of War involving the woodland spirits. To my great regret, this means I will have to withdraw my previous proposal to cooperate in the Seal of War. I wish you the best of luck should you chose to still persue it.

Your sincerely,
Gabriel of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

Morale: 1

"Thank you for the great honour you bestow upon our House, Your Majesty. Your Majesty speaks wisely and as is spoken, so it shall be. The Great House of Calton will be honoured to fulfill the Seals of War involving the defeat of the Oronvee Scouts and the defeat of General Carser. May our actions bring glory to Your Majesty. I wish whoever is granted the honour to send the woodland spirits against our foes the best of luck." Bowing deeper in gratitude, she continues to bow until the King choses to dismiss her.

2017-11-08, 05:38 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

To the Ska
I just want to inform you, that the house of Calton got permission from the Archduke for the assassination and the destruction of the scouts, but not the last of the three quests.

- Elisabeth Curzon
To Chemosh and Apprentices
It seems that the house of Calton did not get permission from the Archduke for the quest for befriending or enraging the Woodland spirits. I believe that we could help each other with completing the quest. We would help you secure it from the archduke, while you would make sure it gets done. Of course, me and Harvey are also willing to help, and because you would be doing most of the work, you would also be getting the biggest share.

- Elisabeth Curzon
(OCC: The Scions Club secures the quest and sends it two mage VIPs, while you send a force large enough to insure the quest completion. You would get 4 t. wealth, while we would take the last 3.)
Pennon Palace – Location PM
One of the first things Lewis wished to discuss with the archduke, when the meeting happened, was that the Scions Club would be more than willing to see to the completion of the woodland spirits quest, in fact the Scions Club had already secured the aid needed to make sure it got done properly.

2017-11-08, 06:59 PM
Chemosh and Apprentices
Morale 4

Ooh, nice. Always had trouble with that one. For some reason they always came out terribly. Though can you show the actual lines? I'm less curious about where the magic can be grabbed from and more curious about what it is flowing to. Chemosh asks.

You are missing the big picture. We need to deal with the leaks. We can't just have a bunch of wild creatures popping up when ever and it could be dangerous. Arryn points out.

Why is a problem? Just set up some repeating ritual or something to siphon the magic off. Enchant magical rocks or something so the magic can't build up or set up extremely strong wards with it. Chemosh suggests.

That just delays the problem and I'm sure massive ley line leakage has problems beyond just the immediate creatures. What do you think professor? Arryn counters.

Chemosh blinks thinking for a second but doesn't suggest anything else for now.

Anyways, we would very much like to meet the other spirits. We even applied for a quest to befriend them for the town, though we may need that aid you offered to get it if our talks with the Scions don't pay off. Apparently the Calton's are trying to worm their way into all the major quests. Anyways, figured it would be a good idea to try to get them on the city's side. Chemosh says.

We are also definitely willing to help with you gaining control of the ley lines. We had already been planning on trying to control the oozes and it seems like a good idea to insure someone who won't want to hurt them has them. Arryn says. Chemosh immediately pipes up after her.

And we are quite happy to act as care takers. You would be hard pressed to find a group with access to more magical tools than ours. I'm sure we will do great at the job particularly if the Prof is willing to help. Think of all the research and good you could do if you were a secret guardian for the secret ley lines...plus let's be honest, my group has the magic but don't really have the know how to take care of leylines. Chemosh says to the professor.

On a side note, do you know where we could find someone selling magic items? Those could be vital to help defending the lines. Chemosh says finishing.

We are quite glad to hear that we have an opportunity to acquire the quest and that sounds like a fair deal to us. We will make sure to keep those resources open in order to complete it.

-Lucy (Chemosh, isn't writing every letter now)

We are always glad to accept more magical allies and are interested in at least looking at your new faction. We just have one main question for you, what are your views on leylines?

2017-11-08, 07:02 PM
The Ska

Green--Black--Green--Black--Rat's Shadow--Black--Green--Black.
The light throbbed intensely today. During the ebb it was so black you could see the red glow of Queek's eyes but during the flow his entire form shone with an eldritch green glow.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Elisabeff Friend Curzon,

Many happy thanks for your news! We Ska must hopefully have contact within Palace one day but for now simple Ten Mills folk.
If forgive our boldness we have notice that Magical Seal of War is untaken and that perhaps you, as mages, would seek to attain it?
Our Grey Seer Snikirit is competent mage and seeking to perform quest so as to better his own ability! Perhaps would consider allowing Ska Mage to work alongside on quest?

Best Wishes,
Queek Ska.
Dear Neighbour,

Yes, Grey Seer Snikrit is powerful mage and could complete quest alone. We not interested in money! Ska have pledged support for the vulnerable of Ten Mills.

Queek Ska.

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-08, 11:13 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5

To the Goblins

This paper has patterns on it to make cut-out folding hats and dolls

I think you can. The truth of the world is that most people usually ignore you until you're useful or they notice you around them. People are very silly when you get down to it.

It sounds like we both have much to learn about the Ska. I suppose we shall wait and see what they do. Hopefully it's good.

Thank you, and be well!

Best wishes,

The Coin Punch Coach House

Merchants Balcony

"Dear heavens," whispers Tam. "I had no idea it was so bad."

Her eyes narrow. "If it's come to the point that you have thugs attacking you in your homes, then yes, we've got an issue with that. Guinevere?"

One of her escorts steps forward, and places a book and an abacus on the table. Tam flips through the book, checking pages, her fingers flicking up and down the abacus as it clicks and adds, all shiny brass beads on ebonwood frame. Tam finally snaps the book shut, and considers the beads. There aren't many of them.

"The Guild's not got many fighters, but we can spare you what we have this cycle. Which... isn't much, but we can at least watch your backs or guard while you go out to tend to matters." She looks around the rest of the gathered groups and sighs. "Anyone else got any forces they can spare?" Her voice isn't hopeful.

To Clanchurch
Morale 5

Tam pulls the representative aside for a second. "What was it you wanted to discuss about Hurricane, if you don't mind me asking? Anything we can discuss here, or is this best done safely during... our other joint venture?"

2017-11-09, 01:55 AM
Suma Jareme

(ooc): I am working on answering your questions, but it may take a while

The Duke will keep the Oronvee out of the Bulgewood for as long as he can, but half a year from now? The Oronvee will be at our walls, and if they can't take them they will look for other targets. In a year, either they we have beaten us, or the Stone Circle will be too strategically important for them to ignore. And if they seriously try to take it we can't hold them off indefinitely from it while besieged ourselves. Unless we can?

I asked about the hows, and still wish them. How is it impossible to move a leyline? How is magic stronger in an area with a healthy leyline present (and what is an "area")? How can a leyline be disrupted?

2017-11-09, 08:47 AM
The good doctor´s guild: Morale: 4

Well we are at a very early stage of the procedure, barely searching for the cause and useful treatments before pouring resources on blind experimenting, since you have more knowledge when regarding non-sentient fauna and flora I hoped you could work with our doctor´s to search for some similar diseases in those specimens found near the zone

this in answer to this:
Mercurious Shander MOR 2
I will of course offer my expertise to such a project, the threat of plague in the city during a siege should be a top priority. How can I help?
but I forgot to put DM on it the first time, sorry :P

Queek Ska,

Do not worry for us, our trade is flowing right now, just not to our coffers, thank you for your kind comments. Let us know if we are needed, and let it be known that we applaud your charitative gesture
to those in the Ten mills.

Best wishes.

2017-11-09, 06:06 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

To the Ska
I am sorry to tell you, but we have already made a deal with another group about handling the quest together.

- Elisabeth Curzon
To Chemosh and Apprentices
Then we have a deal. We will write you, when we have an answer from the archduke.

- Elisabeth Curzon
To Suma Jareme
(OCC: It’s okay, I also need to see what quest I got at midturn, to know what stats I can use.)

2017-11-09, 06:17 PM
The Ska

Pitch Black, red eyes, no light.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Elisabeff Friend Curzon,

Much shame--Ska have strong mage council member but not a single willing person to allow our skills put to use.
Perhaps our reputation not good enough but mostly we Ska, non-magical race, dragging our Grey Seer down and not one willing to work with.
Only goblins--perhaps is true that we lesser -manoids must stick together.

Perhaps could put in good word for us with Bjok of Frozenshore so we might get quest--maybe they value opinion of such noble humans.

Best Wishes,
Queek Ska.
Dear Doctor Saphae

One among our people has magical talent but no room to grow within our species of mundane ratfolk--attempted to reach out and offer to do quest that would benefit workers of Ten Mills but it seems reputation or magic credentials not good enough. Perhaps could put in good word for Ska with Bjok of Frozenshore so we might get quest--maybe they value opinion of such doctor humans.

Best wishes.
Queek Ska.

2017-11-10, 09:34 AM
The doctor´s guild: morale: 4

dear Queek ska.

I´m troubled to hear about that, and I understand the plight of not being aptly recognized for your abilities, I´ll be sure to put in a good word for you, hopefully helping you to help them.

highest regards.

Greetings, I have been told that you are having doubts about the abilities of the ska´s generosity or their grey seer´s ability to stop the curse plaguing you, but I assure you, his magical abilities are surely up to the task and if any backing is needed you can count on my own.

Best of wishes.
-Dr Shaphaer. Head of the Good Doctor´s Guild.

Imperial Psycho
2017-11-10, 09:53 AM
The Blue Company

Sorry, fallen a bit behind on things, but as far as mid-turn goes:
The Quests I want are:

Save the People of Chaunshire

Seeking a Cursecatcher (working with Atelier Maria so won't contest if she wins it)

2017-11-10, 11:40 AM
The Order

GM pm
Also for my own bookkeeping
Magic 4 promised to the OotL for defence
Sovereign and doctor's guild dedicate their REP to my bid for destroy the scouts, waiting on Rivergate Guild and OotL for further support

2017-11-10, 03:02 PM
Morale: 5

[OOC: Haven't forgotten y'all, just want to get this in today.

Midturn (5)
Destroy the Oronvee Scouts
-Sovereign (6 Rep, 2 Mil, [3 Mage / 2 Rogue]), Order (2 Rep, 5 Mil, [5 Mage])

Find Veronica Yately
-Sovereign (6 Rep, 6 Esp, [3 Mage / 2 Rogue])

[OOC: <3]

2017-11-10, 05:03 PM
Morale: 5

Goblins (5)
You are Ascanti,
Even if others don't call you that.
Never forget that.

Respect is hard to earn, yes.
Especially starting from little.
But others can help.

We can be friends,
Open doors for you,
And close others to your enemies.

But friends help each other...
We seek to claim the Oozehome.
It is a danger We seek to contain.

We can guide you there,
And help you tame the spawn,
If you cede Us the Location after.

This is your county. Your, ah, district.
We do not wish to impose Ourselves.
Should you seek to protect it alone, you may.

But We can be of help.
Both now,
And through to the future.

[OOC: The Oozehome is a Secret Location I know of, and therefore can get to without needing to search for. I don't care about the Ooze themselves, but I would like control of the Location. Obviously, this being within your District, I don't want to do anything without your approval. But this could be a start to a partnership.]

Scion's Club (Maple Park PM)
The old man smiles a crooked grin, as his cloak shimmers into a cowl of leaves, vine-entwined druidic staff now in Their hands.

"We are Sovereign.
The soul of Ascant,
And Beyond!"

What was once flesh hardens to iron,
As the spirit stands tall from the chair,
Sweeping Their arms out to the horizons.

The smile remains,
An Iron smirk,
As the once old, once man, returns to Their seat.

"You are one of the ones who will go to meet Our cousins in the Bulgewood?
To make peace with them against the invaders?
Both the Oronvee and the Ironbreakers?

Do send them Our regards.
It has been much too long since We said hello.
Not since the last time Ironbreaker crossed into Our domain.

What is it your friends and you seek?
In this moment, and the rest?
For now, you seem to dabble.

Not a crime!
Nor a weakness.
But one that makes it hard to read the cards.

We can go first, if you wish.
We seek a stable, secure, and successful Ascension City,
Intact, Independent, and Interconnected.

Therefore, the Oronvee and the Ironbreakers are Our enemies.
But there are threats within We must deal with,
And We shall.

What shall you do?
What foes do you face?
What is it you seek?"

Chemosh and Apprentices (Maple Park PM)
You are the best caretakers We know...
We may be of great help you you, and you to Us...

The spirit lists away from the map briefly,
Gazing back the Clock Tower They call home.
As Their eyes flash through a cycle of colors.

"We know of a dealer.
A fence, for less than licit goods.
We actually seek an item now from him.

But These secrets are Our power.
And only if they remain secret.
So a price must be paid.

We see you will speak to Our cousins.
The Bulgewood spirits.
We'll introduce you to Our friend, for the 4 Coin you gain from the Steward.

This gold will be used to purchase an item to make Us stronger.
So that We may claim the Leylines.
With your help."

Turning back to face the mages,
Sovereign's eyes glow royal purple.
Their hands, outstretched, offered to each of the mages.

"We do not give Our word lightly,
Nor do We take others'.
Will you join Us in saving our city?"

Argentum (Maple Park PM)
"Crime shall always be.
But the Saulkers need not.
They are a blight on Our city.

As Feyka walks the path,
The voice follows,
Without a source in sight.

"We seek to supplant them.
To prune their enterprises of most pain and blood,
And take them Ourselves.

Alas, We are of shadow.
Not of steel.
But now there's you.

A new neighbor,
Of Us and the Family.
Soldiers here to bring order.

Who's order do you seek?
Your own?
The Steward's?

A loftier cause, mayhaps?
Of prosperity and peace?
Or conquest and coin?"

2017-11-10, 06:46 PM
I'm hoping to murder the Oronvee general alongside the Guild of Negotiable affections, and the Caltons.

I am also hoping to slay the beast thing in Ramshackle alongside the Sea Wolves.

2017-11-10, 07:07 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

To the Ska
Well, it seems than one of our partners have already showed an interest in it, and it seems wrong to help them get one quest, to try to stop them for getting another quest.

- Elisabeth Curzon.
Sovereign – The Maple Leyline – Location PM
Harvey was shocked, when he saw the old man change into iron, but he attempted to hid it. He allowed Sovereign to finished speaking, before starting answering him, so he would have some time to compose himself again. After hearing Sovereigns question, Harvey spent a moment thinking, before replying.

“Well, it is an honor to meet you, Sovereign, I have heard many great things about you. You are indeed correct about us going to Bulgewood to seek peace with the Woodland spirits, in fact I am planning to go myself, so I shall remember conveying your regards.

If you ask what we seek in this moment, then it is the strength to stand against the invaders, but if you ask what we seek afterwards, then it becomes more unclear. Our vision likely looks a lot of yours, but a lot of my friends seeks to restore the glory of the Abern Empire and their noble lineages, who has lost some their glory after the empire’s fall. I personally hope that we will earn enough strength to make sure, that none will try to attempt to take our home a third time.

So, our foes at the moment is the Oronvee Coalitions and all who works with them, and we wish to gather the strength and allies to strike back against them. At the moment we seek support from the Grand Hills, primarily from the Golden Dreams, where we are trying to consolidated ourselves, but we are allying ourselves with Chemosh and his fellow mages.

We also wish to track down Veronica Yately. A lot of us from the Scions Club knew her, if not personally, then of name, and it we do take care of our own.

But do tell me, what are your plans for handling this crisis we are in?”

2017-11-10, 07:45 PM
Morale: 5

Scions Club (Maple Park PM)
"The Empire was long ago.
A lofty goal.
And one We support.


We also spoke with Mr. Yately about his daughter.
We... Do not need to be the one to find her.

But we also wish to help the city.
And, unfortunately, require coin to help more.
Mortal's metal is not something We have pursued before.


We have been cooperating with Chemosh as well.
They seem good people,
And capable mages.


With a pause,
Gazing upon the crackling sparks of the Maple Tree,
The spirit speaks lowly.

"This is not the only Leyline within the city.
New roots have found their way to the surface,
Spawning monsters.

They are poisoned.
By what, We know not.

We must cure the Leylines.
Lest we fall to the Oronvee,
As magic fails in all of Ascant.

Shaking Their focus from the Leyline,
Sovereign turns to face Harvey directly.
Extending an iron hand, the spirit intones,

"Beyond? We know not. It is Our next path to plot.
But you have an ally in Us. Against the Oronvee. Or whatever next foe there be.
We know a great many things. Old and new. What can We do for you?"

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-10, 07:50 PM
Guild of Negotiable Affections

GM Midturn thingy reminder

Not sure if this will be midturn or EOT actions, but...

We're sending all our T. Espionage and using T. Morale to conceal the Oronvee general's murder. Also sending Tam and Mister Murdoch on that one.

We're committing all our T. Rep and 2 T. Wealth to helping integrate the refugees into the city. We'll also help absorb whichever of them want to and can work for our Guild.

Our puny 1 T. Military is going to help Hurricane guard their folks.

And our last 2 T. Wealth went to paying war taxes.

I think that's about it. Any questions?

2017-11-10, 08:48 PM
The Ska

Queek no longer used the writing apparatus of his counter-part: now using a beautiful fountain pen found within the Sump. The fact that its nib was broken and caused the ink to draw in thick smudges as opposed to fine lines was of no concern to the would-be diplomat. If anything it made his handwriting look less illegible despite the effort of trying and more purposefully expressionist calligraphy.
The Stone agreed--Yes, you no longer appear a Common Idiot. Now you appear a High Class Idiot.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Elisabeff Friend Curzon,

A shame we thought you perhaps fair nonbias friend hope. But you prefer a non-ratfolk faction friend of yours have two quest whilst we struggle for one.
Still--we thank much for info but is a shame thats all we will ever get.

Best Wishes,
Queek Ska.
Dear Doctor Saphae

You are most kind very friend if ever this city falls into troubles know that Ska have best wishes of the majority, not the few, and will have support of Ska in such actions.

Best wishes.
Queek Ska.

2017-11-10, 11:01 PM

The Verdant Enclave

Mercurious Shander MOR 3
I would certainly be interested in partnering with my City bound brethren. I am working this season to help those suffering from the plague in Cardova, but when the city needs us we should work together.

Professor Falkar MOR 2
Many people have been asking for my advice on leylines this month. I am willing to answer any questions but for now I am tied up with my own research. It is good to hear you are in support of the city.

The Heron Knight MOR 3
I will be joining in the cities defence, my company were hired on to hold the walls around east Docklands. It is good to hear there are many factions willing to contribute to the city’s defence.

Suma Jareme

Professor Falkar MOR 2
Leylines cannot be moved for they are a part of the land, as far as I know it would be like shifting a continent. One of the reasons magic is so powerful in Ascant is that we are sitting on several Leylines. Stone Circle and Maple are the ones close to the surface, and certainly the most powerful. I do not know how to disrupt a leyline. It has happened several times here in the past, though I have yet to pick out any sort of pattern.

Mercurious Shander MOR 3
Stone Circle is far up the River and deep in the woods, if the Oronvee want to waste their time going after my people let them, our orchards can be replanted, we will hide in the woods. Have you heard the Oronvee are putting us to siege?

The Doctors Guild

Mercurious Shander MOR 3
I will of course assist your people in treating the sick.

The Ska

The United Republican Movement PM
Very well. I understand the code. Our backers are just that, rumour. Though apparently now the Ska could be counted among them.

Ironbreaker PM
The captain looks at the Ska with a smirk.
“Aye we could pull somethin’ like that off. What other forces are acompanying? Mayhaps we could lay a dire ambush and put a big force to the sword.”
“Clever bit of work with the Seal, we knew of it and were prepared, but this… Well this should be good.”

The Order of the White Flame

Jenny Two Teeth MOR 9
Sure I’ll take that deal. Just be sure you pay up to Jenny.


The Secluded Mage PM
No response arrives from Myros Ravenhart.

Iron Breaker MOR 6
No response arrives from the Druid Warlord.

Coin Punch Coach House MOR 3
See Midturn :P

House Kalenho MOR 5
We will not fail as Calton did. Our forces are prepared to defend the River. Worry not City Spirit.

United Republican Movement MOR 6
The evils of the Foundry and the Monarchy, the evils of the hard smoke hills and the evils of the streets. The list will never end my friend, nor will the struggle against our oppressors.

Bjok of Frozen Shore MOR 2
Don’t you speak that creature's name. He’s nothing but bad luck and omens. The farther he is from my mill the better I’ll sleep at night.

Rand and Thorn MOR 5
Loans start at 8 t.cash at an interest rate of 25%. Once things have settled down with the war interest rates are almost guaranteed to come down.

William Yately MOR 2
I don’t know you damnable spirit. I don’t want ANY more riddles I just want my daughter back.

A strange little critter PM
Rakka Takka
Nononono you must pay the money now. To many people have cheated poor Rakka.

The Scions Club

Pennon Palace Location PM
He is already shaking his head as you ask. “I am afraid her death must remain secret for now. But the king will see you in the Throne Room now.”

You enter the Throne room just as Lady Leonora Calton leaves. Several members of House Kalenho stand around a wartable and glare daggers at her back. The King looks tired but hopeful.
“Ah Lord Blackwood, it is good to see you. What can you tell me of our noble folk in Golden Dreams.”

The Maple Leyline Location PM
Harvey finds many happy to discuss leylines. One older mage in particular enthusiastically speaks of Ascant likely having many leylines, though Stone Circle and the Maple are the most powerful. While the city has many undisrupted Leylines magic functions normally or even with greater power. But the disruption process is poorly understood. The country of Hexon for instance, has the largest leyline in the known world, but it has been disrupted for nearly a century now, and none know why. Magic is nearly a fairy tale in that particular country.

The Coin Punch Coach House Location PM
As the questions start coming Alto gets increasingly evasive. Does Amelia press?

Mortenkam PM
Unless you really blow away the checks their hard stats will turn into soft stats of semi random amount. If you really overcommit to taking them over and blow their rolls away, then you might get some hardstats. Though certainly not 1 for 1.

The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Lost Demiurge PM
That’s all EoT stuff, mid-turn is just a checkpoint for quests plus the rumour list.

At the Maple Leyline PM
Meeting with Chemosh, Sovereign, Professor Falkar

I agree with Arryn, setting up some kind of magic drain would only delay the problem, this leyline seems to be corrupted. We need somewhere to either dump the excess and delay the problem, or need to spend the resources now to fix things. Either way if this continues we may face very serious repercussions. I imagine that at the very least we will see magic become significantly less effective in Ascant within a season. I will of course contribute to whatever we decide to do.

Destroy the Oronvee Scouts : House Calton
Crack the Coalition : House Calton
Enrage the Woodlands : The Scions Club
Save the People of Chaunshire : The Blue Company
Finding Veronica Yately : Sovereign
The Beast of Saltmarket : The Seawolves
Escort the Tormyn Iron Shipment : House Danmorsay
Seeking a Curse Catcher : Chemosh and Apprentices

NEW QUESTS For Phase 2 (These will be confirmed at EoT)
A New Kind of Magic
Reward: 2 t.mag, 3 t.research
Difficulty: 4
Primary: Mag
We must discover the origin of the Lady of Storms. This Arostaza dares to rally the coalition against us but we do not truly know why. Find out.

Spies in Oron
Reward: 4 t.cash
Difficulty: 3
Primary: Esp
Oron is the primary faction behind the Coalition. Put spies in their court, we need to know if their politics are exploitable.

Training for the Eleventh Hour (x3, So 3 people can take and gain reward from this quest)
Reward: 2 t.cash
Difficulty: 2
Primary: Mil
As the Oronvee approach ever closer our troops need to be ready. The Tourney grounds already play host to our troops drilling for combat, but many companies within Ascant are masters of martial warfare. Anyone willing to train our people will be welcome.

To All Traitors to the Throne MOR 10
Noble Liberators!
The final hours of the Abern line approach! Soon our armies will crash over the derelict battlements and sweep away the petty army of Ascant. Our armies will arrive in midwinter, and our encirclement will be complete by spring. Above all else, gather as many as you can against the King. Your rewards will be grand, and when the city is ours you will be given titles and wealth aplenty.

As fall wanes to winter our primary objective is to gather strategic resources so that the Ascanti cannot use them against us. Stockpile as many as you can. You will be paid 6 t.cash for each when the city is ours. If any of you gain control of the gatemarket that we may suprise the Ascanti when the attacks begin at winters end you will be awarded with [3 hard stats of your choice].

Any With Esp 5+
A strange cave has been found in Ekakikin, it is almost completely waterlogged, with only a few air pockets here and there. Apparently a group of Izt fisherfolk were diving for Red Scallops and discovered the cave. They returned with gem encrusted holy symbols of Tor. Perhaps the Tomb of the Saints? Regardless great wealth and magic could be waiting for those capable of plumbing the underwater depths.
New location: Drowned Crypt

Anyone with Esp 2+
Yet another body turned up in the Merchants Half. This time in the Landmarket. The Brigade were quick to shush things up, but those with some level of spy network have heard that the body was marked all over with strange symbols. The Body is now being kept in Tonkerlock.


The Coin Punch Coach House is up for Auction, anyone may publicly bid on the property in an open message. T. Cash Only, starting bid 4 t.cash.

Magic Fluctuations: No effect, but something strange is happening to iron bound magic.

2017-11-11, 12:58 AM
Morale: 5

Coin Punch Bid (Open)
We put up [4 Cash] for the Coach House.
A pittance, for such an establishment,
A true Ascanti institution.

Chemosh and Apprentices, Professor Falkar (Maple Park PM)
"Should magic falter, the city will fall.
That... Cannot occur.
The Leylines must be cured.

Stone Circle and Maple Park remain pure, yes?
Those that are corrupted are those that spawn monstrosities?
Then we must secure the others.

Before the siege.
If We can...

How far can the excess be channeled?
And can it be contained in a vessel?

Let's say, an item?
A mage?
Or a spirit?"

Guild of Negotiable Affection (5)
During your Quarter meeting,
Did any of these killing come up?
Or, strange symbols of unknown origin?

We... We do not think We know the source.
And that... That is not a pleasant experience for Us.
We hope someone knows.

2017-11-11, 08:14 AM
The Great House of Calton

Aulus of Calton directs himself to the representative of Hurricane. "Thank you for making us aware of the situation in the Merchant's Half. Unfortunately, the Great House of Calton will be unable to do more than such a treaty, as we will be occupied by the hostile forces arriving at our doorstep, which I hope you understand. If I may inquire, however, why do you describe the King's behaviour as a tantrum? Are you referring to the lost monopoly position of Hurricane, or perhaps pointing out something else, which would be useful for us to take into account?" Aulus of Calton does not seem to take offence at the description of the King's behaviour, rather, he takes interest in Hurricane's woes.

2017-11-11, 09:26 AM
The Ska

The reports came back: Ska had, potentially, gained nothing. Now they relied on the honest word of -manoids to fulfill their pledge.
Queek simmered--he would have never trusted non-Ska only a few months ago. He had struggled to trust the Grey Seer up until a year ago for his -manoid tenancies.
Put pen to paper. The green jewel radiated calm light and Queek picked up his pen.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
A Letter to the Warden of Tonkerlock.

Dear neighbors--Ska people hear rumours of body taken to Tonkerlock with potential Ska writing upon it. We wonder if we can lend our Grey Seer knowledge in Arcane Writings to help decipher these texts.

Best Wishes,
Queek Ska.
Dear His Highness Royal,

Ska had tried to lend our spies and rogues to aid of Assassination Seal but denied. We now notice new Quest for political espionage at hand! We think Ska would make excellent choice to such a task and imagine many other choices already dedicated their resources to other tasks. Please consider our peoples to be such vital part of war effort and grant us this Quest.

Your humble servant,
Black Rat Queek.
The little Ska smiles equally--two very small but very sharp teeth on its top and bottom jaw only--removing a piece of parchment from his cloak and passing it to the Captain. (House Calton: 1 Mil, 1 Moral, 1 VIP & Ska: 4 Mil, 2 Moral, 1 VIP.)
"These are the forces that we shall dedicate to the task. The problem shall be striking a balance between all three of our objectives: maintaining our cover, preserving your forces and striking a blow at the enemy."

The little rat steeples his hands before him, contemplatively or perhaps something more sinister, and closes his eyes very briefly.
"If we kill all of the House Calton forces and come back empty handed the Enemy will most likely believe we have betrayed them or failed. Yet if any survive who have seen us attacking our allies they will tell of our deception. It is a difficult balancing act."

He pauses and then speaks again.
"We propose that your forces lie in ambush of the Calton forces and attack them on masse as viciously as you can. We will then arrive to their aid and perform a counter attack. I will instruct my Ska not to kill you but to wound or feint only--if your men play along and fall to the ground my Ska will move on to the next. We cannot obviously say the same for the Calton's and some of my Ska may get a little carried away, you may kill any that are not following my orders, but overall your losses should be acceptably low. If all goes well this should leave a decisive blow to the Calton, very little damage to yourselves and all of the honor and praise to the Ska."

He places a hand upon the Captains uniform.
"I will require to take this back with me, it will be easier than taking it from you on the day. We will acquire a body to wear it as proof we have killed you to present to the king."
Dear Neighbors and Friends,

Despite best attempts to quest gain the King favors his -manoid leaders.
Snikrit may afterall have no place or quest to attend and perhaps is best we build bridges with Goblins.
I am sure you too know suspicion of -manoids towards what is not their own.

I have done best to keep Goblins up to date on affairs--not to mess around but because want trust and good relationship.
We are still hoping to find good quest for Snikrit to lead but if not we hope to accompany Goblins in Spew.
Has there been any updates on those attending? Perhaps at this point is more valuable to accompany Goblins after all...
Have considered what will do with Spew space once Ooze cleared or Kontrolled? We would have selfishly taken for ourselves at start of quarter when asked permission to invade it and kill Ooze with army but now perhaps we could share between Goblins and Ska?

Black Rat Queek
Dear Neighbors,

It came to attention that you and Grey Seer Snikrit come to disagreeism. This is shame and perhaps I could rectify sadness between our two peoples.
Once was offered that in repayment for you not wishing to ally with us on quest that we could buy cheaper wares from your people. We would wish to purchase Iron that you are transporting for ourselves if you are willing to sell it. This would increase your payment of quest and give us a little of what we wanted from having done the quest ourselves.

Black Rat Queek

2017-11-11, 11:39 AM
Maple Syrup Run [Sovereign-PM]

"Huh. They haven't been much trouble to us in Roof Walk.

...though, that's probably because of the Argentum, now that I think of it."

She tilts her head up, looking at the stars before continuing.

"You know, my Master speaks often on all that stuff. Order, chaos. Power.

From what I can tell, there's always gonna be people on top and people on the bottom. And the people on top make the rules, so they get higher and higher while the rest of us are left with less. That's not right. What order I want? I want enough power to make everyone better off. So that even if there's the nobles and there's us scum, at least we'll have something. That's what I want."

She sighs and continues walking in silence for a moment.

"Look, the Saulkers are gonna be fighting each other. They'll need iron, and we have it. If we can put our fingers on the scales just right, we can change how they operate for you.

You want their network of whispers? Sure, we don't really deal in spies and having a friend who does is worth plenty. Help us and we'll help you. We need their warehouses of food and supplies, their toughs for training into soldiers and most importantly the name. It holds a lot of weight in these parts."

2017-11-11, 03:03 PM

Rethel Vex MOR 4
Well then Spirit we must meet in person. It is bad for my neck to discuss prices where they may be read by owls and whores.

Arch Duke Richard the First MOR 9

I will remind you that while you may be a spirit of the city you are still bound by its laws. I see no mention of The Sovereign on the Royal Seal and I see no reason an immortal like yourself should be exempt from the taxes that the mortals must pay.

I will offer you the same as I offered the Silver Guard, offer up a militia of 3 t.mil and you will be exempt.

The Rivals PM
Castiana Saulker
I’ll put my differences aside when that little devil is buried in lead.

Alicia Saulker
I apologize to the Noble City Spirit Sovereign. As he approached your messenger was unrecognized by a foolish sentry and shot. The sentry has been punished.

I think you will find little common ground between our rivalry, but know that the Oronvee will never be welcomed in Ramshackle while I draw breath.

Mercurious Shander MOR 3
Stone Circle the community is safe. Even if the Coalition pierces our Defenses and takes the leyline our people will melt into the woods as we always have.

As to Iron Breaker… Well it really is not something I should discuss where others might read. But I doubt that he would march with the Oronvee. They are just as much what he hates as the Ascanti are.

Fortress for Hire PM
Contract ends this Spring, can’t tell ya who to contact. Confidentiality and all that.

Alto Vassrigar MOR 2
Of course I’m against the Oronvee, where do you think I got all this prize money! (VIP level remains secret unless you manage to hire him on)

Agda Ali MOR 3
Leylines are not so simple. Disruption is poorly understood. Usually re-alignment requires some kind of magical ritual or specific condition. But sometimes things can be disrtuped for a very long time. Theres that place out in hexon that has been disrupted for near enough a century now.

The Heron Knight MOR 3
Always available City Spirit!
The Arch Duke has granted my company the honor to hold the wall over east Docklands, but I am sure I can spare aid for your projects if they are worthy!

House Calton

Archduke Richard MOR 9
Well Lady Calton, you have chosen a truly difficult task in the Assassination of General Carser. The Oronvee almost certainly have traitors in the city, so they just as certainly know that Carser is a target. But he is but our secondary goal. First and foremost is the capture of the treasurer Nathan Erkin, and his replacement with my associate Gyix. Gyix is one of the Doppler folk, as long as Erkin is alive Gyix can double him perfectly.

With Gyix on their treasury we will have huge opportunity for disruption and espionage, but I will emphasize that Erkin must remain alive. Capture without the Oronvee noticing the swap and bring him to Pennon Palace, he is to important for a cell in Tonkerlock.

Carser is still a huge target, killing him would truly crack the Coalition. He is practically the only thing keeping the Bathic Volunteers and the Ranic forces from either killing each other or leaving. (He is a lvl 4 VIP with the nomad trait so much of the army marches on his back)

I will leave the specifics to you and your allies, obviously speak of this to no one but those who are participating in the mission.

If you manage to complete both tasks you may have the pick of the Royal Armory. (Free VIP item)

2017-11-11, 04:16 PM
Chemosh and Apprentices
Morale 4

Oooh, semi-illegal magic items. All the best ones are semi-illegal. We acce... Chemosh says in excitement at possibly getting more magic items before getting his mouth covered by Arryn.

Two problems with that, Chemosh. We need at least 2 money to pay the Kong's taxes which we currently don't have and you no longer control our funds. This money is being made by our faction for our faction. Arryn says before letting go of Chemosh. Chemosh just sighs.

We will be right back, we just have to work out the details. Chemosh says.

We are not breaking the law multiple times, paying a massive sum of money to a city spirit just so you can have the potential opportunity to potentially buy magic items and you know you need my vote to get this. Lucy and Eisenhower would never go for this. So you need my vote as well as Pyrom's. Lucy says looking extremely annoyed at Chemosh.

Fine what will it take to get you to agree? I can ask if we can pay magic for our taxes if we can't get the curse catcher quest? Chemosh suggests.

I'm still not sure this isn't just a scam but if it isn't we need two assurances and one thing from you for me to vote for this. One, we need to get the name of any magic item dealer that might pop up not just this one. Trust me when I say that thieves have a tendency to disappear with out a trace. Last thing we need is to pay a fortune for this information and then it immediately become useless because their fence went to ground. Second, I think we should push for a dibs so we won't have to deal with both of us wanting the same item. Once the dibs is used we will have to figure out another way to handle it but for now good enough. Finally, you need to give me your vote 3 times. I can call them in when ever and you have to vote with me. If that sounds good I will vote for this and then we just talk Pyrom into it to win the vote
Arryn says to Chemosh.

Chemosh just sighs and nods.

We have to have a vote but first we have two conditions. One we either need to win the curse catcher contract or get permission to pay part of our taxes with magic. Second, we need assurance this applies to all magic item sellers you find. For such a sum, the name of just one seller isn't enough particularly seeing they might flee the city or hide at any moment. Finally, we would like one dibs. If both of those conditions are ok we will get you the money as soon as we finish the quest. Chemosh says after returning from the talks.

Putting all that magic into one person seems like a recipe for disaster. Even if we split it among all of us it seems dangerous. I think both me and Chemosh agree that putting it into several items or fixing it is much preferable. We probably still have the magic left over even after the quests to repair it, particularly with the professor's help. Maybe we can even get the Goblins to help. The other one we would need to wait on but there isn't much we can do about that. Arryn says.

I was hoping to make some amazing magic items from the excess ley line power but helping keep magic healthy seems like a good thing to do.
Chemosh says looking a bit sad at the concept of all the magic items he might lose from solving the problem.

2017-11-11, 05:19 PM
The Great House of Calton

Gabriel of Calton, Heir of House

(OOC: This is not a Location PM, but a VIP PM. This will require the Guild of Negotiable Affections to dedicate a VIP on this PM too. From what I read, I saw no other VIP PM's, so Mr Murdoch should be available. Should this not be the case, we will have to find another way of communication, such as making this a Location PM at a district you control. The below assumes Mr Murdoch is available for a PM.

"Thank you for this meeting, Mr Murdoch." The face of the young hear of the Great House of Calton is serious. He breaths calmly, though with restraint. Eyeing the Mr Murdoch, he forces his arms in a relaxed manner. "You probably know what this meeting is about. To Crack the Coalition. To defeat General Carser. The Great House of Calton has won the bid for the Seal of War. The Honourable Aulus of Calton has met with Miss Tam, and she agreed to cooperate, alongside the Clanchurch. His Majesty, the King, has informed Leonora, the Lady and Leader of the Great House of Calton, of the details of this mission. He also stated that there are with near certainty traitors. They will know about the goal and try to prevent our success." He looks away from Mr Murdoch and then back again, his hand twitching for a moment. "That is why we now meet. The messengers my House employs can unfortunately not be trusted to bring the message I bring. I have not invited a representative of the Clanchurch, but for good reason. It is my hope that the Guild of Negotiable Affections will share with the Clanchurch only the details they need to know."

"I.." Gabriel looks up at Mr Murdoch again and swallows. The intimidating size of the man makes Gabriel's anxiety more apparent. "..do not need to tell you that the Great House of Calton is placing great trust in the Guild of Negotiable Affections. The fate of the city is at stake here." A short glance. "But you know that." Gabriel starts to breath a bit faster. The words he had prepared some more impressive when speaking to himself in the mirror than to this man. "There is more to this assignment. General Carser is not the primary goal, but the secondary goal. The primary goal is to capture the treasurer Nathan Erkin unnoticed. One of His Majesty's agents will join us for this task and after we captured him, the agent will stay and ensure that the Oronvee not notice the treasurer is missing. It is then our duty to ensure Mr Erkin be brought to Pennon Palace without anybody noticing. I stress that we have to ensure the agent is in place as well as Mr Erkin's survival. The reason for bringing the treasurer to Pennon Palace is because he is too important for a cell in Tonkerlock." Breathing loudly through his nose, some tension seems to drop from Gabriel of Calton. Yet, more than his eyes betray the anxiety that still resides. His eyes dart between Mr Murdoch and the nearby lantern, and he slowly moves his hands along his to his back, straightening his spine, in an effort to show dignity and severity.

"General Carser remains a target, and with it, a huge target. From what I have heard, the is the person responsible for keeping the Bathic Volunteers and the Ranic forces in rank and file, otherwise they would either lunge at one another or leave." (OOC: General Carser is a Level 4 VIP with the nomad trait, so much of the army marches on his back.)

"It is up to our factions, as well as the Clanchurch, to complete both tasks." His expression turns more stern, he gritting his teeth before inclining his head and for only a brief moment, closes his eyes. "I, as representative, admit that the forces of the Great House of Calton and flow of communication are not as invisble as would be desired for this task. Therefore, I suggest the Guild of Negotiable Affections to take the lead in the flow of communication during this operation with the forces of the Great House of Calton." Breathing deeply again, he remains his cool despite clearly not liking the admission. (OOC: Basically, the House proposes that the Guild of Negotiable Affections takes the lead in organising and directing the cooperation of the different groups during the operation.)

"From what I have been told, the Guild of Negotiable Affections will dedicate Miss Tam and Mr Murdoch to this operation, and the Clanchurch dedicates Miss Whitetalon. The Honourable Aulus of Calton made Miss Tam aware that he would personally commit to the task as well. It is the proposal of the Great House of Calton that you, Mr Murdoch, and Miss Whitetalon are dedicated to the task of taking out General Carser, while Miss Tam and the Honourable Aulus of Calton would be dedicated to the capture of Mr Erkin and emplacement of the agent. In addition, and this is the reason why I have not invited the representative of the Clanchurch, I suggest that the Clanchurch only take on the task of defeating General Carser and not be made aware of the actual primary goal. This will allow them to commit to one task, instead of spreading their forces, and Miss Whitetalon seems ideally suited, as do yourself, to take on General Carser. It will also ensure that sensitive information about the primary goal not be known to more groups than is necessary to complete the task. With traitors in the city, caution is priority." Gabriel of Calton gives a short nod, as if to reassure himself. "I further propose that the Great House of Calton does assign its subterfuge forces to both tasks, as does the Guild of Negotiable Affections, to ensure both are represented at the task of defeating General Carser. This will avoid raising suspicions."

Looking at Mr Murdoch again, Gabriel of Calton awaits a response to the proposals with anxiety.

2017-11-11, 05:26 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

To the Ska
I think we might in fact be able to help each outer out. The Scions Club wishes to undertake the task of spying on the Oron, but we like to make sure of our success, so we would like to recruit your aid. We were thinking that we could split the reward equally with you sending a slightly larger force that the force we would be sending to ensure our success.

- Elisabeth Curzon.
(OCC: Each would get 2 t. wealth, but we would send something equal to 2 t. espionage, while you would at minimum sent something equal to 3 t. espionage)
Sovereign – The Maple Leyline – Location PM
Harvey saw Sovereign’s extended hand and decided to shake it.

“And you have an ally in us. But what you can do for us? At the moment, I do not think there is much you could do, or at least nothing we would have any right to ask of you. Though if you did hear something relevant for us, like something happening in the Grand Hills, then we would like it, if you passed it on to us.

About the leylines though, do tell me more. It sounds very serious, but the Scions Club might be able to help, thought we do have that much of magical prowess.”
Pennon Palace – Location PM
Lewis bows to the king and then answers him.

“Your majesty, I can tell you that we our loyalty and dedication to you and the city remains unwavering. We already declared our willingness to help deal with the Woodland Spirits, and I wish to say that we would also be more than willing to help planting spies in Oron.

I can also tell you, that we have plans to ensure that we can present a more united front against the Oronvee in Golden Dreams.”
The Maple Leyline – Location PM
Harvey had not gotten much concrete information about how to disrupt a leyline, but he had realized the potential consequences of a disrupted leyline could extend a lot further than simply this war, and he had gotten a bit unsure if disrupting the stone circle leyline was still a good idea.
Coin Punch Coach House – Location PM
When realizing his unwillingness to talk about his plans, Amelia suddenly became a lot more interested in an answer, so she decided to turn on her charms to see if she could not get him to trust her enough to reveal something about his plans.

2017-11-11, 05:53 PM
The Ska

Mail from the -manoids pretending to see Ska as equal. It was a devious play and one that Queek could not accept or be replaced.
The green stone frowned and scratched its long nose--at least that is what Queek believed had happened.
He picked up the pen--something else was guiding his hand as he wrote.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
The Handwriting really is rather good.
Dear Elisabeth Curzon,

Smart--once more you smile pleasantries whilst lacing our drinks with poison. No doubt you know we would want this quest for ourselves but that we could not compete with your reputation. So now we have the option of going up against yourself and another party, that you would no doubt replace us with if we rejected your offer, or partying with you and being forced to do the lion's share of the work for half the profit. It is a shame you abuse our reputation for your gain--however--we accept. It is a pleasure watching such noble blood conduct smart diplomacy.

The Green Stone of Ska.

2017-11-11, 06:13 PM

MOR: 6

A New Kind of Magic
We are very interested in the origins of this Arostaza ourselves. The Black Maze would like to undertake this quest.

Your humble servant,
Xi of the Black Maze

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-11, 10:24 PM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

In her room, with the walls completely covered with maps and pins, Tam ties strings between each one.

A knock on the door, and Tam nods without looking. "Come in, Mister Murdoch."

"Bout time fer me ta go. Tend ta business. The fing wiff the guy." The mountain of leather rumbles.

Tam nods. "Make it quick. Let's be merciful, shall we?"

Murdoch chuckles. "Oh, I'll be nice to'em. He's a fancy one, he is, and I likes the fancy ones..."

Morale 5

To the Goblins

Thank you for sharing your opinion of the Ska with me. I have something to give to you!

Just so you know, you're not the only ones I've told of this. Ta, loves!

Rumors say a strange cave has been found in Ekakikin, it is almost completely waterlogged, with only a few air pockets here and there. Apparently a group of Itz fisherfolk were diving for Red Scallops and discovered the cave. They returned with gem encrusted holy symbols of Tor. Perhaps the Tomb of the Saints? Regardless great wealth and magic could be waiting for those capable of plumbing the underwater depths.
New location: Drowned Crypt

To Atelier Maria

Say, you're in the heroes' guild now, aren't you? Rumor has it that there's a new dungeon around...

Just so you know, you're not the only ones I've told of this. Ta, love!

A strange cave has been found in Ekakikin, it is almost completely waterlogged, with only a few air pockets here and there. Apparently a group of Itz fisherfolk were diving for Red Scallops and discovered the cave. They returned with gem encrusted holy symbols of Tor. Perhaps the Tomb of the Saints? Regardless great wealth and magic could be waiting for those capable of plumbing the underwater depths.
New location: Drowned Crypt

To the Doctors' Guild

You wanted to examine bodies of murder victims? Have we got a deal for you!

Rumor is, yet another body turned up in the Merchants Half. This time in the Landmarket. The Brigade were quick to shush things up, but those with some level of spy network have heard that the body was marked all over with strange symbols. The Body is now being kept in Tonkerlock.

To Sovereign

The only murders we discussed at the meeting were those in Abern Plaza which have been happening for a while, and oh, Hurricane has accused Ascant Industries of targeting and attacking them. I'm still trying to verify the truth on that one.

VIP PM Meeting with Calton

Murdoch's grin is a graveyard of yellow tombstones, among a face that's all stubble and scars. "She's a sharp one, she is, me lady," says Murdoch, his armor creaking as he paces between the lantern and Gabriel, throwing him into shadow with every third step, eyes gleaming from beneath his hood as he scrutinizes the young heir up and down. "Told me that there's no way the crown would tell people who th' assassin's target was if that was all there was to th' game." He hawks, spits, and lands the gob squarely in the spitoon in the corner. "Guess that Archduke's got savvy after all. Two silver reals I won't see none back any time soon."

He considers Gabriel for a long moment. "Clanchurch wants one fing. We'll take care o' that. Technic'ly they works for us, so ent no problem only askin' them to do the task they signed on for."

Abruptly he's across the room, leaning against the wall, looming over Gabriel.

"The traitors in the city will be carryin' word of Carser, and Oronvee will be on guard." Mister Murdoch's face is a pool of still water, quiet, dark, and deep. "They'll be on guard, wiff guards on guards. Ya know this, right? The grab on Erkin, sure, we can do that. The death of Carser..." Murdoch sucks his teeth. "Might be we don't make it back. Yer ol' man Aulus all right wiff that?"

2017-11-11, 10:48 PM
The Sea Wolves

Argentum (4)
No "unofficial borders" to worry about, the way I see it, not as of yet. But any business in Ramshackle is business the Sea Wolves are interested in. Consider our ears open. Perhaps it's something to discuss in private, if any of your guild is available?

Clanchurch (4)
Pity, this Whitetalon sounds like quite a sight to behold in the heat of battle! I'm sure the tides will bring us together another time. If you're willing to commit your warriors to the hunt, we'll honor the agreement.

Good Doctors Guild (4)
The pirate shows the armored man the paper he had been reading - a flyer from the offices of the archduke. "Looks like the Blue Company's already decided to save the day," he scoffs. "Personally I'm always up for cracking some heads,
even whatever passes for heads on those golems. But the captain's got other plans. He's fixing for a crab hunt, and says he's gonna need all hands on deck." He glances back at the Widow's Wrath sitting in harbor. "Err... so to speak."

(OOC: yeah, good luck fighting for quests with that rep. If we're less busy in the future, the Sea Wolves are actually very competitive in Rep if the questgiver is on the coast, so we might be able to help each other out if the opportunity arises)

Suma Jareme (4)
A near suicidal raid, you say? How can you argue with an offer like that?

I appreciate your plainness of speaking, your royalness, but I'm afraid my crew is occupied for the time being. You've heard of the Claw, I take it; the people of Ramshackle are scared stiff of the beast, and it's going to take my full attention bringing it down. As well as some local dramatics, you understand. But the Oronvee are no friends of mine, and when their army arrives I intend to be ready! Godspeed in anything you can muster this season - hit those bastards where it hurts.

Sovereign (4)
This Claw's got names aplenty, but it's just another beast at the end of the day, innit? Do you also wonder about the personal motivations of sharks in the sea?

We've got no interest in the corpse of the critter, soon as it becomes one. But I'm afraid it's already been preemptively claimed! The Clanchurch is also curious about what makes it so... whatever it is. Some wild magic, I expect, but that's beyond my ken. They're helping with the hunt, you see, and expect the carcass in exchange. You could always ask nicely and see if they're willing to share its secrets. Or you could join us in the hunt, and see if it's as interesting of a specimen when it's upright and intact!

(OOC: how does Soveriegn communicate outside of PMs? Letters? Couriers? Paper airplanes with haikus inside?

2017-11-12, 09:30 AM
Atelier Maria
ESP: 0 MOR: 4

Thank you very much for telling me of this, Madame! Hmmm, I won't say it isn't tempting, but I'm not sure whether I'm cut out for this sort of thing. Maybe I can make something that'll help me breath underwater...?

Master, I'll like to make an order! The Coach House itself and everything in it, for the price of [5 t.Wealth]!

2017-11-12, 10:04 AM
Town criers:

"SAVE YOUR CITY! JOIN THE DANMORSAY MILITIA! Bring your arms, bring your will, bring your heart. Danmorsay promises any willing recruit will be outfitted with arms, armor and training. Come one, come all. And if you do not have the strength or heart for fighting, we always need armorers, fletchers, water carriers, messengers, drummers, cooks and many more! THIS FIGHT IS ALL OUR FIGHT! STAND WITH YOUR BRETHREN, FOR ASCANT! DEFEAT THE ORONVEE!"

2017-11-12, 03:07 PM
The Great House of Calton

Morale: 1

Dear Mr Amarr,

Recently His Majesty, The King, made public who won the Seals of War. The Great House of Calton failed to obtain all three Seals of War, which means that the prpvision I previously wrote of comes into effect. Without the third Seal, the Great House of Calton will not have enough revenue to fill your treasure coffers in advance without damaging our own.

I am still eager to win the aid of the Argentum for future activity in the Northern Reaches, however, thus I am willing to make a slightly altered arrangement. I can no longer offer the funds as stated previously, but I am willing to offer [3 t.Wealth] at the start of the next season in exchange for future help. Just as before, the provision applies that the stated money can only be granted if the Great House of Calton succeeds on fulfilling the Seals of War. Secondly I would ask for reassurance from you that our choice of paying at the start of next season for future services will be a better choice than holding on to the money until such a time your services will be necessary. It is my hope that you will find the arrangement agreeable.

Also know that I have mentioned your situation to His Majesty, The King. While I do not know if he has fulfilled your request, His Majesty does seem to have taken the situation of yourself and others into account, considering the tasks he has set out. I would recommend trying to train the army's forces.

It is with genuine interest that I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
Leonora, Lady of Calton

The letter is signed in wax with the symbol of the Great House of Calton.

(OOC: As a reminder, previously 5 t.Wealth was offered, instead of 3 t.Wealth now. Start of next season means rollover of this turn to the next.)

There was a frown from Gabriel when the spitoon rang from Murdoch's hit. It soon vanished.

Nodding as Murdoch mentioned the Clanchurch would stick to one thing, the young Heir to the Great House of Calton was surprised to see Murdoch's speed as he crossed the room. As he loomed over Gabriel, the nobleman placed one foot back in instict, intimidated by the sudden movement. Leaning his body back, Gabriel swallowed as he cast his eyes up towards the dark pool of Murdoch's face, meeting them. Sweat breaks out on Gabriel's forehead, he gritting his teeth as he slowly, very slowly, forces himself to straighten his pose back towards Murdoch, no longer leaning back, but standing straight. Yet, there's the infrequent tremble and the start of Gabriel's speech sounds somewhat shaken. "I.. I'm not alright with that."

His expression changes slightly, his brows furrowing, an inward look, then a more challenging, angry, though stiff, gaze towards Murdoch. "Wh..wh.. What do you propose then? How to divide the forces?" Clearly sweating under the looming Murdoch, Gabriel tries his best to look tough, though by now he is trembling. Uneasy, uncomfortable, it both applies to Gabriel as he is not in his element here. He takes another breath, trying to breath in courage. "Sh-ould it be needed, I can have our magic forces ready. For either task." A short pause, more sweat. "I can assist. The capture. The Honourable Aulus of Calton with the General." He grits his teeth again, clearly unhappy with the lack of elegance in his last words. With the timing of his suggestion. Trying to keep his spine straight and in position, the nobleman starts to waver. Pride is making him stand, helping him in his attempt to not cave into the feeling of intimidation he is feeling, though pride only goes so far.

(OOC: 3 Magic and Gabriel of Calton, Level 1 Mage, can be added from the Great House of Calton. Open to proposals how to divide forces between the tasks.)

2017-11-12, 04:24 PM
The Ska

Queek was no longer sat within the Grey Seer's throne room--the Green Stone had begun to influence him in ways he did not like.
The room was cold and empty and the Green Jewel snarled long and deep growls at being left in isolation.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
The Little Rat made another visit--this time he did not ask but simply traveled silently and swiftly to the previous meeting room. Once there he removed all weapons again, bowed to the man he had come to see, and asked to speak in private.
"Greetings my friend, I do hope you do not take offense at me paying you another visit. I have a gift if you would allow me?"

He had brought a gift this time: nothing as valuable as the previous gift but much more personal. From the little rats robe he pulled Skrit-Crit, a large adult albino rat, and passed it to the man.
"Skrit-Crit is very territorial, provided you feed him well, he will keep others of our lesser kin in line better than any Cat might."

The little ratfolk spoke to the rat very briefly in Squick-Squeek before turning back to the man.
"Now, about why I really came. The Ska have donated a considerable amount of wealth to your people with the purpose of arming yourself for the coming war, however, it has come to our attention that the House Danmorsay is openly recruiting within Ten Mills and offering to train and equip this new militia it wishes to raise. We suggest that your people make use of this: leaving your jobs within the Foundary and joining the Militia for free training and equipment. I am sure you know better than I the implications of this action."

The Little rat smiles--it is mischievous.
"The Foundry shall be left without a workforce, floundering and incapable. Whilst House Damorsay shall be robbed of an army it believes it is training and at the same time equipping and paying its enemies. It will most likely also draw these two factions into a dispute. We believe the wealth we have given you can still be used to supplement this strategy and without pressing need to pay for your own training and equipment more of it can be used to feed and clothe the most needy among your people."

The little Ratfolk steeples its fingers.
"Lastly there is a change of plan: we wish to bring forward the attack on Tonkerlock in the next Quarter so that your men and the freed prisoners can mobilize fully against the walls with us during the siege. We will protect you of any backlash after this attack and you may claim asylum within the Sump--we will say that your attack was based solely on those people being imprisoned unfairly and nothing to do with the war."

2017-11-12, 09:09 PM
The good doctor´s guild morale:4

Queek Ska.

I´m glad to hear your kin is finally being recognized by the other factions within the city, my own are not directly involved in the defense of the city but we consider a willingness to defend it a great trait to have and we I´m sure any who know of it will see you in a far better light as do I.

kind regards.

thank you, we expected no less of one such as you.

OOC: sooo, what does having the help of an NPC entail?
can I point him to a magic-needing activity related to the sick and he´ll try to do it? do I some extra t.magic this turn from his support?

Thank you so much!!
I´ll see to looking at the body, The guild just hasn´t a reliable source of this sort of tips you know, or at least we didn´t have them. I´ll let you know what we find out about it.

The man looks kind of pissed by the news until he hears about the crab hunt and makes thinks for a moment before making a suggestion, "could I join then? free of charge or attachments"

OOC: not planning on getting too many myself, just want to have the VIP some XP and I really don´t think they get them by just sitting around.

dearest (insert brigade leader name here, prettty sure there isn´t one),

We of the Doctor´s Guild have hear about the body you keep and if you permit us would like to investigate it personally, both to further your knowledge of it and to avoid the possibility of the sort of catastrophic magical disease bodies like that can create.

best wishes.
-Dr Saphaer, head of The Good Doctor´s Guild.

alright so unless anything happens (like me getting permission to check the body or an invitation by the Sea wolves to send my VIP in), I´m expending all my T.research on finding a cure for the plague in Cardova, with my researcher spending her EoT providing 4 more T.research to that project, 2 t.cash go to taxes.

my t. magi c will be spent by sending some of the guild´s mages to research who may be the murderer settled in Abern Plaza,
by judicious castings of speak with death (or perhaps something that shows the thought of the deaths seconds/minutes before death), and specialized divinations that help Identify the type of weapon to make a wound without having information on a similar wound.

my t.military will be saved for now, albeit I´m thinking of using it to gain some influence in either rivergate or mourner´s hall, or to train mor military.

2017-11-12, 11:55 PM
The Sea Wolves

Good Doctors Guild (4)
The pirate grins. "Aha, so the good doctors don't have enough action for your tastes? If a fight's all you're after, I'm sure we could find some room for ye in our ranks. The cap'n will be leading the charge, and the Izt Clanchurch are lending a hand too. More the merrier, I say! I'll make sure to come by and let you know before we set out, if you want in just for the sport of it."

2017-11-13, 08:15 AM
Suma Jareme

I have quite a few questions before EoT, and I figured it would be easier to put them all explicitly in a post rather than try to ask them obliquely through messages to npcs

In no particular order,

I'm still not clear what a mid turn was

Duke Richard was discussing strategy with me and then just cut off with no comment for some reason and never mentioned what that meant the city was doing

Mercurious Shander and Professor Falkar did the same thing and all three were really important conversations for me because Them involved a mission outside the city I was committing everything to and which probably would have had another players support if I was ever able to tell them anything definitive about it

The church still hasn't gotten back to me from over a week ago with advise and resources they said they were going to contribute, and the advise was more important than the resources

I don't even know if talking to the restless is possible because you never clarified, but I suspect that would have been a mid turn thing so it may no longer matter

The three things I mentioned I wanted to accomplish in my first post for this turn all seem to have been made irrelevant, but due to the vagarity of our communication I don't even really know

Multiple pc and npc factions now expect me to form and act on some sort of plan for the imminent war and I every attempt I've made has been met with confusion and dismissal by npcs because I still don't have a map which has been coming soon since before the game began and whenever I talk about them with other players I have to get them to commit with conjecture and hope for the same exact reason because I have no idea where or what anything is and every conversation with an npc has been terse and has answered my questions only by saying they don't understand why I asked them.

2017-11-13, 08:57 AM
The Order

Morale 5

Arch Duke Richard the First
My Lord, I fear you have made a great mistake in awarding your seal to House Calton, your deference to their lineage and their sacrifice may doom this city. I wish my protest lodged with the court.
'We remain, however, your loyal subjects. You have asked for aid in training your troops, I volunteer the Mortal Sword of the White Flame as a drill instructer

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-13, 10:29 AM
The Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5

To Atelier Maria

You're very welcome, dear. If you're not set up for it, others likely won't be as well. So you'll probably have a few months to decide whether it's your sort of thing, one way or the other.

To the Doctor's Guild

You're very welcome! We enjoy mutual benefit, that's pretty much our business model when you get down to it. Let me know if the guard get obstinate about letting you in, we do have a pretty good... relationship... with the Merchant's Half constables.

VIP PM Meeting with the Great House of Calton

Murdoch's silent for a time, looking down on Gabriel. Finally, he nods. There's a glint of approval in there, as the young man speaks on, despite his obvious fear. "That'll do."

Moving slowly, he reaches over, pulls up a chair from the nearby table, and slouches into it, backing off a bit and putting his face at eye level with Gabriel. Though his expression doesn't change, the tension leaves the room.

"Lot of people focus on the bloody part. Forget about the part where you have to leave in a hurry after. Just managing the killing ent enough. Ya gotta have a way out, and magic's good for that." He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a hip flask, pours a shot into a nearby goblet and pours himself one as well. He nudges the goblet towards Gabriel, but leaves it to him whether or not to drink.

"Yer divvy is good. You should go with Tam and Aulus to help grab Erkin. Better odds of you surviving, and better odds if we run into magic on that end 'o fings."

"Now the rest of yer magic... The General's a general. He'll have wards, or watchers, or summat. Something cheaty. We'll either have enough to handle it or we won't. Devote that (3 magic) to gettin' past those and gettin' away afterwards."

Murdoch drains his goblet. Whatever alcohol's in it, the scent fills the room like acid searing copper.

"That's my take on it."

2017-11-13, 11:40 AM
The Great House of Calton

The relief Gabriel is experiencing as Murdoch leans back is clearly visible as he shuffles a bit in the place he stands, ticks off some drops of sweat from his brow and scratches another itch which want apparent to him before. Breathing out a deep breath, he tries to conceal a sigh.

Swallowing, he makes a short, but polite, declining gesture with his hand to the offered drink. Hiding his hands behind his back,
he does not trust the tremble he feels within them to not show during any drink at the moment.

" Alright." Gabriel's voice is still tense. " We'll do that. Thank you." He nods to Murdoch with a grateful look in his eyes. " Now, there's some details to discuss.." While Gabriel still sounds tense and is impressed, he slowly manages to pick himself up now Murdoch is no longer looming above him. He brings up details, such as where their agents should meet to start the operation. He is, after all, in an ideal position now to discuss some of these basic matters where no messenger stands in between, so he wants to make sure they can at least start the operation without such a messenger being necessary.

By the time Gabriel leaves, he still feels at unease and quite a bit shaken, almost failing to grab the handle of the door properly. But he also leaves with a bit more confidence.

2017-11-13, 12:50 PM
Morale: 5

Guild of Negotiable Affection (5)
Were these murders in the Merchant's Half of arcane nature?
Mayhaps the murderer has simply moved dumping grounds,
Within your Quarter?

Clanchurch (5)
We hear you seek the Claw corpse.
And are helping slay it for such sake.
May We ask why?

Do you seek to know its origin?
To replicate the mutation?
Or for knowledge's sake alone?

Sea Wolves (5)
Some sharks make for good conversation.
We see.
Unfortunately, fighting is not Our strong suit...

We know things.
People. Places. Plans.
Perhaps things you wish to know?

[OOC: Beautiful (and perfect) calligraphy in a wax-sealed letter delivered by a runner. I kinda wanted to fluff it as writing just started writing on the nearest paper to the recipient, but that doesn't play nice with message interception.]

Argentum (Maple Park PM)
"A friend indeed.
For a better world,
Where the common man need not bleed for the noble."

In Their hand now,
But not before,
A wax-sealed letter, same as Sovereign's runners bring.

Alicia Saulker
A viscous brute and scoundrel, or so many believe. Alicia has dedicated he small faction to mobile warfare, constantly assaulting Castiana’s patrols and melting back into the streets.

Castiana’s hideout- Cardova
Castiana Saulker is one of the two claimants to the Saulker Family. She operates from a warehouse in Cardova, where her faction trades in weapons and illegal magics. Her schedule is erratic, so meeting up with her here is difficult.

Chemosh and Apprentices, Professor Falkar (Maple Park PM)
"Dangerous, yes.
But necessary?
And a sacrifice We will make."

Chemosh and Apprentices (Maple Park PM)
With a tilt of Their head,
Sovereign looks away from the mages,

We suppose We know two dealers,

Attention returning to the now,
And here,
The spirit continues,

"A counter to your counter.
Should you find any others,
You will tell Us.

Scions' Club (Maple Park PM)
"Nothing in Grand Hills,
But We shall keep a watch.

The Ooze and Claw,
You know.
Those are the spawns.

A new Leyline within the Spew,
Another in the Good Docks.
Both sick.

Why, We don't know.
Or simple chance?

The Goblins, Chemosh, and mayhaps Ourself deal with the Spew.
The Good Docks, We know not.
An acquisition, mayhaps?"

Archduke Richard (5)
We will infiiltrate the Oron.
Possibly Ourselves,
If necessary.

Rand and Thorne (5)
We accept your terms.
[8 Cash] now,
For [2 Cash] a [Turn] until the debt is paid.

United Republican Movement (5)
]The struggle will come to an end.
No war lasts forever.
They just must be won.

We know the pains of the Smokehills.
We will help.
How can We?

King's Brigade - Tonkerlock (5)
The body.
The first of a new killer?
Or more of the same?

Castiana Saulker (5)
You sell some things,
We hear.
What do you have in stock?

Rethel Vex (5)
One would think you'd want those to hire you...
Meet Us at the Maple Park.
So We may discuss business.

Rethel Vex (Maple Park PM)
"The price,
For all that follow,
Friends and enemies alike:

The Lady of Storms
General Carser

Voya Saulker
Alicia Saulker
Castiana Saulker

Archduke Richard
Hector Junior

Mercurious Shander (5)
If you have the time to discuss,
Leylines and lords,
Meet Us at the Maple Park.

[OOC: Including them in the Falkar + Chemosh PM, bringing them up to speed.]

Agda Ali (5)
We fear Ascant's Leylines will be disrupted,
Or already have been.
We seek to fix them.

Meet Us at the Maple Park.
If you can,
And if you care.

[OOC: Including them in the Falkar + Chemosh PM, bringing them up to speed.]

Heron Knight (5)
A Torist tomb has been uncovered.
We are considering an expedition,
For wealth and weapons.

Tools against the Oronvee.
You are the expert.
A worthy enough gamble for you to help?

2017-11-13, 02:24 PM
Morale - 5

The Ska
We are unsure if the Oozehome is something we can share as of now. Although we would be most comfortable doing so, the Sovereign knows of the precise location, but if they told us they'd like to keep the space for themselves.

Interesting proposal, but we Goblins want to know what you plan on using the home for? We thinkst that if us Goblins could Kontrol the ooze after all, then why would the home not make an excellent breeding ground.

Guild of Negotiable Affections
Thank you for informing us of this. Do you know if anyone is planning on seeking the crypt? We don't wish to waste our time on it if spoils aren't guaranteed.

2017-11-13, 04:35 PM
The Great House of Calton

End of Turn orders for the Great House of Calton

Stats: 2 Military, 3 Espionage, 3 Magic, 8 reputation, 1 Morale, 3 Wealth

Note the below expected contributions are what I expect it to be, this may be higher or lower than what the other factions truly decide to contribute.

Quest: Destroy the Oronvee Scouts
Reward: 8 t.wealth, Difficulty: 5, Primary: Military
Dedication: 1 t.Military, 1 t.Reputation, 1 t.Morale, Leonora, Lady of Calton - Brute 2 (Noble Blood)
Working together with: The Ska
Expected contribution: 4 t.Military, 2 t.Morale, Snitch - Rogue 1
Expected total: 5 t.Military, 1 t.Reputation, 3 t.Morale. Leonora, Lady of Calton - Brute 2 (Noble Blood), Snitch - Rogue 1
Upon success: Reward is split 50/50. Thus 4 t.wealth to the Great House of Calton and 4 t.wealth to the Ska. The Great House of Calton is then willing to write a letter of recommendation for the Ska in a later turn.

Leonora, Lady of Calton, agreed with the Ska to tackle the Quest "Destroy the Oronvee Scouts" together. The Ska will do the majority of the work, contributing the largest force, as they are eager to prove their worth in the eyes of the city. Therefore, the Great House of Calton only dedicates a token force of cavalry (1 t.Military) led by Leonora, Lady of Calton (Brute 2, Noble Blood). The presence of their House's Leader inspires the forces (1 t.Morale) and they are sure that when they face the enemy, the words of the bravery of the valiant defenders of the House of Calton will demoralize the enemy (1 t.Reputation) in combat.
The Calton cavalry will try to work to the side of the Ska forces, ideally dividing the area the Oronvee scouts are active in between themselves and the Ska, with the majority going to the Ska. Should this not prove ideal, the Calton forces are willing to adapt. This can take the form of acting as the cleanup, using their cavalry to act as cleanup of any fleeing stragglers, or when the Ska may be overpowered, act as flanking cavalry.

Quest: Crack the Coalition
Reward: 14 t.wealth, Difficulty 8, Primary: Esp
Dedication: 3 t.Espionage, 3 t.Magic, Aulus of Calton - Rogue 2 (Noble Blood), Gabriel of Calton - Mage 1
Working together with: The Guild of Negotiable Affections, The Clanchurch
Expected contribution: The Guild contributes 6 t.Espionage, 5 t.Morale, Tam - Rogue 2/Mage 1, Murdoch - Brute 2 (Killer). Clanchurch contributes 2 t.Espionage and the Whitetalon - Rogue 1/Brute 1/Mage 1 (Killer).
Expected total: 11 t.Espionage, 3 t.Magic, 5 t.Morale. Aulus of Calton - Rogue 2 (Noble Blood), Tam - Rogue 2/Mage 2, Murdoch - Brute 2 (Killer), The Whitetalon - Rogue 1/Brute 1/Mage 1 (Killer)
Upon success: Reward is split 6/6/2. The Clanchurch additionally claims the General's body and belongings. Thus 6 t.wealth to the Great House of Calton, 6 t.wealth to the Guild of Negotiable Affections and 2 t.wealth plus the General's body and belongings to the Clanchurch.

Should the dedication need to be split amongst primary goal (Replace the treasurer Nathan Erkin) and the secondary goal (Defeat General Carser), it will be as follows:
Capture the treasurer Nathan Erkin: 2 t.Espionage, Aulus of Calton - Rogue 2 (Noble Blood), Gabriel of Calton - Mage 1
Expected contribution: The Guild of Negotiable Affections dedicates 1 t.Espionage, Tam - Rogue 2/Mage 1
Expected total: 3 t.Espionage, Aulus of Calton - Rogue 2 (Noble Blood), Gabriel of Calton - Mage 1, Tam - Rogue 2/Mage 1

Defeat General Carser: 1 t.Espionage, 3 t.Magic
Expected contribution: The Guild contributes 5 t.Espionage, Murdoch - Brute 2 (Killer). Clanchurch contributes 2 t.Espionage and the Whitetalon - Rogue 1/Brute 1/Mage 1 (Killer).
Expected total: 8 t.Espionage, 3 t.Magic, Murdoch - Brute 2 (Killer), the Whitetalon - Rogue 1/Brute 1/Mage 1 (Killer).

Other expected contribution: The Guild of Negotiable Affections dedicates 5 t.Morale in counter-espionage.

The Great House of Calton cooperates with the Guild of Negotiable Affections on this quest, who have an agreement with the Clanchurch. It is agreed with the Guild of Negotiable Affections that the Clanchurch only cooperates and knows of the General Carser part of the quest. To this end, both the Guild of Negotiable Affections and the Clanchurch have dedicated a lot of Espionage and a VIP each: Murdoch - Brute 2 (Killer) and the Whitetalon - Rogue 1/Brute 1/Mage 1 (Killer), respectively. The Great House of Calton provides a small force of their espionage forces, to not make anybody suspicious about absence of espionage forces. In addition, they dedicate their magical forces, which is composed out of priests and wizards.
These espionage and magic forces are under instruction from the Guild of Negotiable Affections to take out General Carser. By letting the Guild of Negotiable Affections oversee the operation to take out General Carser, the Great House of Calton hopes to reduce the chance sensitive information about where and when they will strike may leak out, as the Oronvee will likely know that General Carser is being targetted. In addition, there are no Great House VIPs to lead and the task of the Calton forces will mainly consist out of lending support to the other factions, as Murdoch and the Whitetalon will prove essential to complete the task. The magical forces dedicated to this operation will be support. They are to act as counter to magical wards set up by the Oronvee, providing supportive spells to the operatives, gain intelligence by divinition and to help in getting the strike group out of the hot zone after the defeat of General Carser.

Then there is the primary goal to capture the treasurer Nathan Erkin by the King's and replace him with the King's agent. Both Aulus of Calton and Gabriel of Calton will be involved, as well as Tam of the Guild of Negotiable Affections. Supported by their espionage forces, they will seek to find intelligence about Nathan Erkin's where abouts. Planning and scheming a good time for the capture, they will consider the option to use the attempt on General Carser's life as distraction while they operate.
Aulus of Calton will take a leading role during the operation, to ensure all the espionage forces are working well organised and any risks during the operation can be immediately tackled by his instructions as needed. While no burglar, he is a careful planner and plotter, and knows how to improvise. It will likely be up to the spies and Tam to take part in the actual capture and emplacement of the agent, but Aulus of Calton will keep close tabs and a time schedule to ensure the operation runs smoothly and he can intervene as necessary, either himself or by directing espionage forces, and should it be needed to involve himself in the actual capture, he will do so.
Gabriel of Calton uses his clerical magic in support where possible, praying for the guidance and assistance of the Maker and Mother and the Twelve Children. His spells will be able to provide divination for intelligence purposes and he can use supporting spells, such as skill enhancing spells, as needed. He will listen closely to instruction of Aulus of Calton, Tam and the espionage forces, for his skill is not in stealth, but in support. Hence, while he will be able to provide support with his spells and blessings, it is unlikely he will be involved in most of the stealth part of the operation.
Should the capture succeed, it will be easy for Aulus of Calton, as cunning person (Rogue 2) and connections in Grand Hills by virtue of his Noble Blood to devise the correct plan and route to get the treasurer in Pennon Palace unseen. As Gabriel of Calton is no stranger in Pennon Palace either, he may well serve such a plan devised by Aulus of Calton.

Escort the Calton Chargers
Dedication: 1 t.Military, 2 t.Reputation

As agreed at the Coin Punch Coach Balcony, the Great House of Calton arranges an escort for the Calton Charges from the Calton refugees. This consists out of the personal guard of the Great House of Calton (1 t.Military) and the escort is done not just for the horses, but for the refugees which are invited to North Hill. The transport takes place during the day, along the safest and busier roads. By showing off their House affiliation, surrounded by refugees and acting in full day light, the Great House of Calton expects none would act to take the horses (2 t.Reputation). Otherwise, backup from the city guard would be easy to get, transport would be difficult through the people masses and whoever did it would be immediately known and suffer from reputation backlash.

Disclaimer: Should the escort of these resources not require stats to be dedicated for reasons, such as due to the short nature of this activity, or leave for example t.Military unspent due to the Military arriving home the same day, the 1 t.Military will be spent on Destroy the Oronvee Scouts and the 2 t.Reputation on Help the Calton Refugees.

Help the Calton Refugees
Dedication: 4 t.Cash, 5 t.Reputation

The Great House of Calton opens the doors to parts of their mansion and other real estate in North Hill to welcome Calton Refugees. Rooms have been prepared to house refugees and tents have been set up in gardens. Food and goods have been bought, so the refugees will have a place to stay for now. It is acknowledged that there is not enough room available to house all refugees, despite some space being made available in the Views and the Gatemarket, so only a part is allowed in. William, the representative of the Calton Refugees, had been asked to select the people who need help the most. It is made clear that the offered housing is temporary, for the duration of the war. Ideally, the Great House of Calton sees the Oronvee beaten back, so the refugees can return to their homeland in time.

Besides providing housing, the Great House of Calton cooperates with the plan offered in the Coin Punch Coach Balcony: to help the refugees be part of Ascant for the duration of the war.

As part of the House's staff left for the army, they will offer staff jobs to the refugees until such a time their original staff decides to return.

Painters are hired to make posters as described during the meeting, where refugees are portrayed as brave Calton defenders of Ascant, willing to take to jobs and help in the war effort behind the lines. The paintings do have an undertone where not just their dedication to Ascant is displayed, but their dedication to Calton, much like the poster Tam suggested with: The returned to aid their Lady. They are placed at strategic places in the city, where the effect to help the refugees is deemed the best.

Members of the noble Calton family also try to pull strings or convince other parties to hire out provide for the refugees. They try to rally support for this cause mainly amongst the nobility in the Grand Hills, though are not shy to seize the opportunity to ask other parties outside Grand Hills, with the notable exception of Ascant Industries.

Additional Finances
-2 t.Cash War Taxes, paid as soon as possible
+3 t.Cash Loan Black Maze

If all Quests succeed
+4 t.Wealth from Destroy the Oronvee Scouts
+6 t.Wealth from Crack the Coalition
-5 t.Wealth repay Black Maze Loan
-3 t.Wealth pay Argentum in advance
+2 t.Wealth Quest Reward

If one quest fails and no reward is given for said quest, the Black Maze loan is still repayed as much as possible, but the Argentum is not paid in advance.


Stats: 2 Military, 3 Espionage, 3 Magic, 8 reputation, 1 Morale, 3 Wealth
5 Influence, 1 District controlled, 20/25 Stats

0/4 t.Military = +2 from stat, -1 Destroy the Oronvee Scouts -1 Escort the Calton Chargers
0/6 t.Espionage = +3 from stat -3 Crack the Coalition
0/6 t.Magic = +3 from stat -3 Crack the Coalition
0/16 t.Reputation = +8 from stat -1 Destroy the Oronvee Scouts -2 Escort the Calton Chargers -5 Help the Calton Refugees
2/6 t.Cash = +3 from stat +3 Loan Black Maze +2 Quest Reward -2 War taxes -4 Help the Refugees
0/5 Storage

Leonora, Lady of Calton, Brute 2, Noble Blood. PM: Pennon Palace. EoT: Destroy the Oronvee Scouts.
Aulus of Calton, Rogue 2, Noble Blood. PM: Coin Punch Coach House Balcony. EoT: Crack the Coalition.
Gabriel of Calton, Mage 1. PM: With Murdoch of the Guild of Negotiable Affections, EoT: Crack the Coalition.

2017-11-13, 05:17 PM
Morale: 5

Coin Punch Coach House (Open)
[6 Coin],

Goblins (5)
There are reasons We've left unstated.
To avoid potential nefarious parties from eavesdropping.

If you can meet Us at Maple Park,
We will be direct.
For all our sakes'.

Internal (GM)
I suspect there were discussions in the Ten Mills talk related to Coin Punch. I think Ascaloth is serving as the proxy for this group. Since Maria has no Quests or communications that would result in Cash (as far as I recall), if she can go up to [7 Coin] without any additional messages, then this is confirmed. (Since she has 5 Wealth, and will be presumably using her VIP action for the grenade research)

Alto Vasrigar (5)
We seek to hire you for [2 Turns].
There are wars to be fought...
[7 Cash] up front, We presume?

2017-11-13, 05:28 PM
The Ska

Things had begun going wrong since the large rat left the Ska Throne room: and with it the Green Stone.
First it was slow and minor--stepping on broken glass, dropping ink on his armour, food escaping uneaten--but now it was coming hard and fast.
A moment ago the Black Rat had been assaulted whilst taking a sewage dip by three frenzied sump-hounds and had almost been drowned or maimed.
Deep in the back of his mind he could hear the stones voice calling to him--or perhaps it was the crunching of the hounds bones between his teeth.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Neighbors,

This is mildly distressing news--whilst we are happy to be neighbors with such an amiable and equal race as yourselves we are concerned of other parties wanting to plunder our territory for the best it has to offer. This Oozehome you speak of? I have never heard of it but it strikes me as peculiar that humans, never wanting anything to do with the Spew, now wish to move in and investigate now that potentially something of value has been discovered on our boarders.

The Green Stone of Ska.

2017-11-13, 05:51 PM
The Clanchurch
Morale: 6

Spirit. Why you intrude on Clanchurch interests, actions? Spirit of the city you may be, are we not permitted our interests and privacy in some matters? We will discuss Claw with you, but respect Clanchurch more in future.

We do not wish to replicate beast. Of course interested in origin, wish to study its magic. But the Clanchurch takes pride in its work. We want body as trophy. Izt warriors will help slay it, and we will keep it, and the Great Sun will see it and see what we have accomplished. To study the magic, just incidental.

2017-11-13, 06:09 PM
Morale: 5

Clanchurch (5)
We had asked the Sea Wolves whether We could have the corpse,
But you had already claimed it,
And so they told Us to speak to you.

Your mail,
Unlike most,
Is beyond even Our knowing.

We seek understanding,
So the Claw is the last,
And not the first of many.

We know some of it.
Where it came from,
What it is.

But not why. Or,
Dare We think it,

There are also other matters to discuss.
Coin Punch.

You see the auction of your neighbor's House.
Do you happen to have any opinion on its fate?
Us, the Alchemist, or another?

2017-11-13, 06:23 PM
The Verdant Enclave

We would be interested in a alliance as well.

We draw our magic from the forrest from the elements however all magic is of interest to us.

What is your interest in the leylines?

Lost Demiurge
2017-11-13, 06:31 PM
Guild of Negotiable Affections

Morale 5

To Sovereign

Well, the truth of the matter is we don't know if the murders in Abern Plaza were of an arcane nature. They were kept fairly quiet, and we only noticed them when the curfew hit. Someone would have to talk with the constables in order to learn of the past cases.

We were going to save this until we had more resources to spare to investigate it, but by all means, please feel free to dig into the past if you can. The Merchant's Half is about somewhere near your lungs, we estimate. Bit painful if you've got a bug in there nibbling at stray alveoli.


To the Goblins

(This sheet of paper contains recipes for cooking rats and sewer eels on the back of it)

The only other person we've talked to about this doesn't know if she's prepared to go into it this cycle. So you probably won't conflict with anyone WE'VE told. However it's a big city, and we're not the only ones who heard these rumors.

Bottom line, we can't guarantee no one else will be there, but if you want to go, the less likely the chance of running into company.

Riskily yours,

2017-11-13, 08:05 PM
To Sovereign

Rethel Vex MOR 5
To many people at the Park my friend, chance of words leaking is far to high. [regular PM]

Agda Ali MOR 3
Would that I could spirit, alas I find myself in the company of far too many fine drinks at Six Sided to leave now.

The Ruthless Sorceress PM
Castina Saulker
Yeah we’ve a few things here and there, discount to anyone who cuts Alicia’s teeth.
Faction Mods:
Crushers: Large Stones or Boulders that have been enchanted to roll lethally towards an enemy, even along flat surfaces or uphill. (Bonus vs an enemy that has used any sort of tight formation)

Saulker Bolas: Enchanted bolas that continue to struggle and grapple the target. (Bonus to capturing people/VIPs)

The Brigade MOR 3
Yes spirit, more murders more of the same. No pattern that we can see except for the markings, and no way to tell when those we… carved. We’ve the Doctors Guild looking into it.

The Heron Knight MOR 2
A worthy adventure indeed! Thank you for telling me of this, my company need somewhere to blow off steam before the siege! Where is this tomb?

Mercurious Shander MOR 3
I would if I could spirit, but I am quite busy already speaking with other contacts.

Rand and Thorne MOR 5
This is agreeable to us. We will however need collateral. Should you miss a payment you will be liable to pay us outstanding dues as well as an additional 5 t.wealth, as guaranteed by the Hurricane Shipping Guild. Should you be unable to pay out this amount we will sieze you [wealth hardstats], and [1 Influence in Clock Park].

Archduke Richard MOR 9
Very well, your application is noted.

United Republican Movement MOR 5
Another who would say ‘soon’, ‘when current problems are dealt with’, we’ve heard it all before city spirit. You want to help? You let our brethren out of Tonkerlock.

Suma Jareme

Mabn PM
Looks like I missed your response to the king, though Falkar and Shander both responded.

Professor Falkar
Leylines cannot be moved for they are a part of the land, as far as I know it would be like shifting a continent. One of the reasons magic is so powerful in Ascant is that we are sitting on several Leylines. Stone Circle and Maple are the ones close to the surface, and certainly the most powerful. I do not know how to disrupt a leyline. It has happened several times here in the past, though I have yet to pick out any sort of pattern.

Mercurious Shander
Stone Circle is far up the River and deep in the woods, if the Oronvee want to waste their time going after my people let them, our orchards can be replanted, we will hide in the woods. Have you heard the Oronvee are putting us to an extended siege?

The Rest in Order:
Mid turn is just a check in point for the turn, current quests are assigned to people with the highest rep, a few new quests are posted, rumors will go up locked behind espionage or sometimes other stats. Factions do not gain, spend, or lose stats during this time.

I’ll throw up a message for post #99, I think that is the one that I must have missed. I am so sorry.

Things have been pretty hectic running such a big game for me as well. Do you happen to have discord? There is a link in the recruitment thread and OOC for the TW discord, and contacting me through there is a faster way to get my attention if you think I have missed one of your posts or messages. If you want to delay your EoT until after you have proper messages and responses from these NPCs thats totally fine with me.

Tor Curia MOR 4
Stone Circle could indeed be vulnerable, though unless they find some way to disrupt it, a poorly understood phenomena at best, they will not be able to turn its power against us. I am old, and cannot move far from the cathedral anymore, but should you make an expedition out into the Bulgewood I implore you to allow along a group of the Churches Paladins. We may be few in number, but we are strong, and experts at driving off the monsters that lurk in that dark forest.

The Restless MOR 2
You can PM them, but talking via message is utterly futile.

Arch Duke Richard the First MOR 9
OOC: yeah tactics with no map was cruel of me, there has been a link to the blank city map in the OOC for a few days now, and the Oronvee are coming from the North. I will put a regional and world map up when I find the time to make them, until then know that Calton (where they currently are) is about a day’s march from the Gate Market.

The Oronvee, so long as the scouts are dealt with, will not be able to put us to surround until spring (turn 3). They will be at the north walls in a matter of weeks (turn 2), but I expect assaults to start very soon. I’ve a few ears around the city and it sounds as though the two Orders are setting grand plans for traps around Leyline Keep, which anchors our western defenses while the River Gate wall is in shambles. The nature of the walls and gates will force them into choke points. Though again, as long as the scouts cannot set the land for them we do not need to fear major siege equipment until at least spring, when we can start leveraging our advantage on the water. The Bulge wood protects the towns along the river, especially if the woodland spirits can be turned to our favour, or at least against the Oronvee.

To the Order of the White Flame

Arch Duke Richard the First MOR 9
No response arrives from the duke, though you are certain he recieved your message.

Maple Park Location PM

Professor Falkar, Chemosh and Apprentices, Sovereign
We’ll have to see once we get to the Weeper, but I fear that it won’t be a simple bleed off.

The Scions Club

Pennon Palace Location PM

“Good, good.” The Archduke nods and looks to the war table. “We can win this as long as the quests keep working. Every bit is a delay action, every part to stall the Coalition. The longer things last the more the Coalition will waver. They need a quick victory.”
He shakes himself, young face briefly looking very old indeed.
“Apologies, I’ve been talking maps all day, clouds the mind it does.”

Coin Punch Coach House PM
Vassrigar is reluctant, but he is also drunk. Amelia presses him until he wanders off to nature's calls, and follows him to an alley.

“Alright alright!” His voice is slurred, but his combat instincts are enough that he notices her following.
“I just wanted to find some answers. Everyone worried sick about the Warlord.” He coughs.
“It was all just so damned sudden.”
(OOC damned lucky roll you level one VIP… Damned lucky)

The Blackmaze

Arch Duke Richard the First MOR 9
Thank you for your interest in our cause. Your bid will be considered.

The Doctors Guild

Mercurious Shander MOR 3
No one else has managed to draw him away, so for next turn he will join your faction temporarily. And he will apply himself to the action of ‘cure the plague in Cardova’ this turn. Though he may want to talk with other people next turn, he has become mighty popular all of a sudden.

The Brigade MOR 3
Please send some of your people to tonker lock as soon as possible, your folk would be most helpful with this case.

The Ska

The United Republican Movement PM
Thank you for the… cat? Rat? Is this normal for the Ska? I suppose some nobles keep monkeys after all.

I think you misunderstand our specific situation. Sure we could call up a relatively large force to distribute pamphlets, but we cannot bring huge numbers to abandon what little living they can make in the Foundry to join a militia. The funds you provide will go well used, and certainly the free equipment and training from Ironheart is a brilliant idea. Everything will ride on the results of the Tonkerlock raid. The timing well. We will be prepared. As soon as the military is distracted we will strike. (They will attack whenever you give the word, the more time they have to prepare the better.)

2017-11-13, 10:59 PM
Suma Jareme

I reread my message, and I'm afraid I came off as unintentionally hostile. I'm sorry for that

I don't tend to use Discord, but I'll keep it in mind

I missed the druid and professor's replies, but I see them now

To clarify then: leylines strengthen magic in their surroundings, but can't be controlled as such and casting spells from directly on top of one does not particularly make those spells stronger

You mentioned turn 3 is spring, what time of year is it now?

The Oronvee are camped one day from the city, but are still weeks from arriving here?

2017-11-13, 11:48 PM
The Ska

Tonkerlock MOR 3
Ska writing? Perhaps… I suppose it may be best of we at least consider that angle. Here is an excerpt at least.

What follows is a strange series of scribblings that no Ska save the Grey Seer recognize, and even Snikrit only feels vague familiarity. Within a few hours of the messages arrival the paper begins to char and crumple, though no flame has touched it.

Archduke Richard the First MOR 9
Grey Seer Snikrit,
I will consider your request. I know you have been denied several times this season, but I implore you to have patience. During times of war such as these it is vital that all quests move forward with efficiency and perfection. There can be no room for error, so I have for the most part chosen those with an established reputation. Perhaps offer your aid to the Caltons, they have taken two of the Royal Seals upon their shoulders and would surely not shrink from extra help.

Ironbreaker PM
“A cruel plan, little rat, you are lucky I have those Bathic louts lying about that deserve a bit of injury.” He directs a sneering glance to the covered fires that smell of spice and cider.
“I propose a slightly different plan again, with the Calton forces so pathetic I can safely say my forces will easily overwhelm them. I will send the Bathic Volunteers against your forces [2 mil (though as a quest there is technically an additional layer of abstraction involved)], take as many of their corpses as you wish, they have been worse than useless to our scouting mission. Meanwhile we will finish off the Ascanti and then ‘retreat’ in the face of the scary rats. Take the uniform, gain your praise, and we will set the land for the coming storm unmolested.”

Suma Jareme

Mabn PM
Leylines do indeed strengthen surrounding magics, or weaken them if they become distrupted. But you cannot usually ‘channel’ them directly or any such thing. Though technically sometimes that could be part of a process to restore a disrupted leyline.

The Oronvee are about a day's march north but must first consolidate their power and finish off the Bullfort (A small castle in Calton) before they can move their forces south, and with such a huge army in the Autumn things will be slow. Forces will likely start showing up soon, heck there are already scouts, but the full force will not be able to gather within anything less than two weeks. Though with a force so large even the vanguard are still not super vulnerable to sally actions for fear of the sally being cut off. The tech level is somewhere around the ‘fall of the western roman empire’ so logistics are pretty terrible, hence the fairly slow movement.

2017-11-14, 12:20 AM
The Ska

The Seer returned to find his throne room a mess--the Stone. The Stone was on the floor and beneath a sheet! A crash shook the room and a shrill squeal of pain made all his hair stand on end.
A giant rat beast of some form held Queek in its mighty jaws whilst the black rat hacked away at it with his own deadly weapons. The Green Stone trilled with glee as it tore into him and raored in rage as he tore into it.

"Stop this at once!"
Lightning accompanied his words--arching with deadly precision towards the rat beast attempting to disembowel his Warlord--and filled the room with the green light once again.
He pulled the sheet off of the Stone and placed his claw against it--feeling its warmth and anger.

"Go clean yourself up Queek. You have an invasion to prepare for!"

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Warden,

Thank you for this excerpt it has been very enlightening. I can confirm it is not of Ska origin, however, I do recognize some of the symbolism from my own magical teachings and would very much like to be allowed to come to Tonkerlock and examine the text in full. I would be very careful where and how you attempt to document these texts in future: the symbols themselves seem too powerful to be documented for much time upon parchment and after a time crumble to ash.

Grey Seer Snikrit
Dear Friends,

I have been allowed to study a excerpt of the text from the body at Tonkerlock: I believe these are arcane symbols that I recognize from my own magical teaching and would be interested in joining your party if you too decide to study this body within Tonkerlock prison.

Grey Seer Snikrit
The little rat nods agreement and smiles deviously.
"My forces will be glad to wet their blades. I shall have them setup fake patrols in your absence, although I doubt my forces will be as capable as your own, I will have them attempt to replicate any work that needs doing to setup for the invasion forces."

He waits patiently for any suggestions what that work might be before silently slinking back into the darkness and leaving.
The little rat smiles sweetly--trying very hard not to show that he has taken any offense but instead pulling of an entirely different look.

"Very-well my friend you, of-course, know your own capabilities better than we. We will hopefully have an appointment within Tonkerlock ourselves this quarter and they shall do their best to look for any weaknesses in the prison's defenses. Provided all goes well we should be able to lend some of our stealthier forces towards the raid on Tonkerlock and provide you with further cash next Quarter to further provide for your people."

He bows and leaves.

2017-11-14, 12:23 AM
Maple Park King - Sovereign [PM]

Feyka quickly opens the letter with a small knife. She then slips it somewhere in her clothing after giving it a glance.

"All right, that's a good start for a friendship. We'll pay Castiana a visit as soon as we're able, to get a feel for if she'd be in need of any assistance. I'll let you know.

Oh, by the way. I'll be having a short business meeting on a related prospect here. Talking with the Sea Wolves about the situation in Ramshackle. Since we're friends, I'd like just to say that it'd be very polite of you not to listen in, okay? I'd appreciate it."

House Caulton

My lady,

This proposal is still acceptable. Of course we'll need to see what sort of forces will be needed after the siege is done, and against what kind of opposition - I'm sure you understand we can't promise a blank cheque - but consider our assistance guaranteed in at least some manner.

We will of course look into the training proposal.

Naib Amarr, Commander of the Argentum

Sea Wolves

Ah, yes. We've got a busy timetable but if you could send someone for a chat over at Maple Park? There's a couple things I'd like your input on.

Sea of Trees [Maple Park Location PM - Sea Wolves]

Amidst the growing shadows of the late evening, Jasmine Feyka walks out from deeper in the park. She seems to slip something in a pocket before giving a wave.

"Heya. Sorry about the timing, all sorts of irons on the fire for everyone it seems."

2017-11-14, 01:19 AM
The Sea Wolves

Sovereign (4)
Oh, I'm sure you've a great many secrets I'd love to get my hands on. But I'm not sure what we're bartering over, here. Like I said, Clanchurch have the rightful claim to the crab. Or are you looking to establish some other cooperation?
We could always use more friends in the city, and I'd bargain you'd fit that description in more ways than one!

Argentum [Maple Park PM]
A dwarf stepped along the path to join her. "Not to worry, miss! Name's Tagdur, first mate to Captain Brassbeard. I'd say my friends call me Tag, but we aren't just here for a friendly stroll through the park, are we? Lovely as it is." He lowered his voice. "We had some business to discuss?"

Six Sided [Visit PM]
Brassbeard looks over his personal diary in his cabin. Nothing, surprisingly, requires his urgent attention. With his affairs in order, perhaps he has time for a drink...

He heads to the East Docklands to pay a visit to Six Sided, taking in the scene and maybe rolling a few dice. He also makes a point to find Agda Ali inside. "Now, what's a fine lass like you doing in a place like this?" He grins. "And jokes aside, I know we ain't exactly friends. But this is Ascant City! Anything could happen, eh? Why don't we have a couple ales and chat?"

OOC: I'm not worried too much about roleplaying this late in the turn; Brassbeard's just trying not to waste his PM. If we want to fast-forward a bit through this conversation - I'm interested in learning who hangs out at Six Sided, and asking Agda Ali what happened between her and Hurricane, and what her opinion is on the local drama in Ramshackle with the gangs and the Claw.

2017-11-14, 01:32 AM
Wolves for the Trees [Maple Park - Sea Wolves PM]

She smiles and extends out a hand to shake. "Jasmine Feyka. Charmed. I deal with wards and barriers for the Guard. Talk and walk?"

Without waiting for a response she sets a slow pace along the wooded path, in a different direction to where she came.

"Business, yes. We got the Boners kicking up a fuss. I hear our bosses are agreed on the docks being for your people and the slums for ours, they straddle both lines.

More importantly, they've kicked the Saulkers' nest and that pit of vipers ain't good business when angry. The Guard's looking to have a good friendly deal with Saulker, maybe even see if they'd be hiring for their little sibling scrap.

A good first step for mutual profit methinks is kicking the Boners out. Specifically want their leader, and your band of pirates has some more experience with that kind of work than ours. Split the take and the dirt fair. Good?

Ah, haven't seen you poking around most of them bigger quests. The fancy players get the high-paying ones, we've got men busy carrying iron for them to hide in a vault for a pittance in turn. That stuff's worth solid gold and there's wagonloads of it. In't seem fair to me. Almost got assigned myself, it's a nine day trip there and back in the rain and constant watch for bandits and the Oronvee, can't even use barges even though half the trip's alongside one river or another. Bad job."

2017-11-14, 01:49 AM
The Sea Wolves

Argentum [Maple Park PM]
Tagdur spits. "Ah, the Saulkers. Calling them a pit o' vipers is an insult to vipers, you ask me. I know I haven't got much of a place to stand, one criminal trying to take the high road over another, but... well. My personal opinions ain't what we're here to discuss. I prefer the Bonemakers over 'em, myself, but I also prefer the Sea Wolves over the Bonemakers. And if we can assist them in leaving a vacancy for us to fill, I think I can convince our lads to help out. If we get the biggest slice of the West Docklands, we'll be there."

"And no joke about that iron? That's a cryin' shame. I was looking at that contract - the Walfords, right? - but Brassbeard wanted to make a point of keeping the Saltmarkets safe from that Claw thing. But it sounds like they don't know how valuable that shipment is, time like this. Good help oughta be worth it's weight in coin."

2017-11-14, 01:54 AM
Morale: 5

Sea Wolves (5)
The Claw is a matter with the Clanchurch.
But there are other matters that matter.
Friendships, as you say.

We are, at least in part, a Ramshackler.
The present and future of the Quarter is on Our minds'.
What is it you seek that to be?

Goblins (5)
In the pursuit of openness...
We will be venturing into the Tomb,
To find anything of note.

This is not to say you cannot join Us,
But there will be less to go around.
Though possibly more We can find...

United Republican Movement (5)
[OOC: Spoiler ate the reply.]

Another who would say ‘soon’, ‘when current problems are dealt with’, we’ve heard it all before city spirit. You want to help? You let our brethren out of Tonkerlock.

Castiana Saulker (5)
What are the prices?
How often do you invent new ones?
And do you take suggestions?

Alto Vasrigar (5)
We seek to hire you.
There are wars to fight...
[7 Coin] up front for work this season and the next, yes?

Heron Knight (5)
We appreciate your help.
Our people (or person, mayhaps) will meet you there.
Is there a specific talent We could provide that would be more helpful?

A strange cave has been found in Ekakikin, it is almost completely waterlogged, with only a few air pockets here and there. Apparently a group of Itz fisherfolk were diving for Red Scallops and discovered the cave. They returned with gem encrusted holy symbols of Tor. Perhaps the Tomb of the Saints? Regardless great wealth and magic could be waiting for those capable of plumbing the underwater depths.
New location: Drowned Crypt

Internal (GM)
Draft EoT:
1 Coin from Wealth.
3 Coin from Yately (Quest).
4 Coin from Spying (Quest).
4 Coin from Chemosh (Infobrokering).
-2 Coin for Taxes.

1 p. Mil is traded to the Scions for their 1 p. Esp. (These stats are also used later in the `Delve into the Drowned Crypt Action`)

Action: Find Veronica Yately
-3 Esp.

Action: Spy on the Oron Court
-3 Esp.

Action: Delve into the Drowned Crypt
-2 Mil and Sovereign assists the Heron Knight and the Scions in plumbing the Tomb. Use Our magic and skills to deal with traps/wards, provide support (i.e. air, whatever other environmental stuff) for everyone else and Our soldiers.

Maple Leyline
-6 Rep convinces the Druids to join me. Reveal the other, poisoned Leylines, and question the cause. They must be healed, before the siege. The druids are much more experienced in all this Leyline business than Us, but We know of the city and secrets. Together, we can find and protect against the threats to magic.

2017-11-14, 01:57 AM
Silver Silence [Maple Park Sea Wolves PM]

"No joke." She scoffs. "Probably know exactly the cost, the cheapskates just don't want to pay for proper guards."

"You can have the Docklands, but give us the head of the leader if you find him first. We'll coordinate the attack, and make a show of it too. The Saulkers are gonna be weaker when the old bastard bites it, with a finger on the scale we'll have a chance to maybe make them sit down and shut up for a time. Speaking of, maybe your crew of thieves and buccaneers has some extra thieves? It's best not to let the opportunity to get away, and there's profit for us both here.

Have you heard of the row between the Duke and the Hurricanes? Sounds like there could be something there, the Hurricanes refuse to help against the invasion and they have most of the city's shipping. The Duke's getting more than a little pissed off by now."

2017-11-14, 02:06 AM
The Great House of Calton

In one of the streets in North Hill, a woman in the dress of a servant moves with a quick pace. She's in a hurry, but has recently learned running to a destination here is not, how did they call it again? Professional. Or put simply: rude. A short smile appears on her face with that thought. Lizzy is unused to such fanciness, but finds it amusing. At least better than the violence she fled from in the North. Her pace tries to squeeze out a tad more quickness, without going into a run.

Her pace slows a bit as she has to move past a crossing of streets. The streets are far from crowded, as it's still very early. She offers a wave and a cheerful good morning to another early bird passing by. Casting her glance to the right, she sees the poster placed strategically near the crossing.

The poster shows men in battered Calton uniforms forging arms and armor, and offering them up to Calton's soldiers. "THEY RETURNED TO AID THEIR LADY IN HER TIME OF NEED! SUCH LOYALTY DESERVES OUR AID!"

Lizzy smiles again, grateful to the Great House Calton for giving her the opportunity to work for them and working, alongside others, to find work for other refugees. She hoped others would be inspired by the posters to help the refugees. Noticing her pace had slowed down even further, distracted by the poster, she picks up the pace again.

It's not long before she finds herself before the staff entrance in the wall of one of the fanciful houses in the district. "Good morn', Henry!" Lizzy offers the guard opening the door a friendly smile, who returns the favour. "Good morning, Mrs Birch." She smirks at the formal address. " Don't be late for breakfast, Henry!" She mentioned as she rushed past him to the house.

Passing several tents, which are put up on the grass in the garden of the house, she hears snoring coming from some of them, while another woman is just getting out the tent. "Hey, Lizzy! Did I hear breakfast?" She nods and gives a short wave. " Soon! " The grateful look on the face of the woman, another refugee, made Lizzy happy.

While she had been lucky enough to get a shared room elsewhere, she was still happy that the Great House of Calton had put up tents for refugees. Still, they could not help all refugees, and every evening she prayed to the Maker, the Mother and the Twelve Children that the other Calton Refugees would be okay. That they all once may return to their homes in and near Calton.

But for now, she has work to do. Going in the house, she made her way to the kitchen. It was time to prepare breakfast.

2017-11-14, 02:18 AM
The Sea Wolves

Argentum [Maple Park PM]
"I'm always interested in profit, and could maybe rearrange some of our plans for the coming season. We'd all love to be richly rewarded for our services, but the jobs on the board are the jobs on offer. What are you gonna do?" He eyes Jasmine, not entirely rhetorical.

"Aye, that sounds like Hurricane, alright. What does it matter if the city's burning down around 'em if there's no profit to be made in helping? I'm sure you know Hurricane's no pal of the Wolves, with what the ****e they pulled on Rogue's End. You got an idea on how to take them down a notch?"

Sovereign (4)
If I can be honest with you, spirit? I seek for Ramshackle to be a home. Not just for me and my kin, mind. A real home, where people aren't needing to look over their shoulder all the time. People in Ramshackle, they may be outcast, or poor, or running from their own demons, but that don't matter. The 'present' of Ramshackle is one where those people keep a blade under their pillow, and worry whether some monster from the deeps will get to them before the desperate gangs do, or whether the big city dogs like Hurricane will bleed em dry first. And I think you know better than anyone that that kinda life - that ain't what Ascant was built on. Even if the Oronvee get crushed to the last man, these people won't be free. Not unless there's somebody fighting for them.

2017-11-14, 02:32 AM
Fear of the Dark [Sea Wolves - Maple Park PM]

"Naib's got a plan, though it'll take a while yet. Need ta see the Duke, see if he'd be amenable to having a more patriotic band of pirates ruling the sea.

But yeah, profit now, dreams later." She looks furtively around the now dark path.

"Methinks some of your less brash folk could be well-spent casing upstream in case something drifts away during the battle with the Boners. Say, ten days from now?

I'd set up at Crook's Crossing. If there's sound of a scrap inland, take a look at what you can find. I think their cargo is marked with red crosses, so don't let them get away. Shouldn't be an issue to slip out with boats afterwards, we'll make sure they're too busy when leaving to pack ships of their own."

2017-11-14, 02:42 AM
The Sea Wolves

Argentum [Maple Park PM]
"Crook's Crossing, eh? I know a good spot near there, away from prying eyes. Chance may even see me passing by with a few sticky-fingered friends ten days from now. It's incredible what opportunities present themselves when you know where to look." He flashes another grin.

"And I do like the sound of taking the wind out of Hurricane's sails, and depositing it into ours. You'll need to talk with the Duke, though. Idea might be easier to swallow if it comes from your company, rather than us tryin' to insert ourselves into his affairs."

2017-11-14, 02:53 AM
Darkwood Sonata [Sea Wolf PM]

"Yeah, though if you could spare someone presentable to come along (t.rep) to explain your case I think it'd go better.
Let them see what they're buying."

2017-11-14, 09:55 AM
Morale 4 Chemosh and Apprentices

Seems fair. Currently we only know Atelier but if we find any one else we will tell you. Chemosh says smiling.

If you believe we can't really help soon with our magic do you think it is ok if we sign up for another job that uses magic or do you think we should just spend it all in trying to repair the ley line? Chemosh asks the professor.

We would very much be interested in signing up for this quest.


We use hired guards and we have enough leniency in the contract to have them help with training, if needed for the contract.


We are working towards protecting the ley lines so we wanted to check to see how you viewed them.


2017-11-14, 11:45 AM
Atelier Maria
ESP: 0 MOR: 4

"Alright, put the last of that over here in this spot."

Maria called out to the Homonculi, whom were carrying the last of the rubble that had been salvaged from workshops long abandoned and in disrepair. Silently and stoically, the robed figures lugging the detritus made their way to the designated spot, and tossed the last of it onto the veritable mountain that they and their 'twins' have erected at their mistress, the Alchemist's behest. Around the circumference of the rubble mountain, a chalk circle curved around to encompass the entire area that the pile took up, demarcating the border at which the rubble ended and empty ground began. At various points around the circle, chalk marks branching off the border and disappearing under the pile indicates a more complex pattern than was apparent, but whatever it had been was now entirely concealed by all the rubble heaped upon it.

"Whew, that took long enough! Alright everyone, good job! Now step back a bit, will y'all?"

The robed figures bowed in acknowledgement and skedaddled away from the rubble pile, staying just within earshot as Maria beheld her "children's" handiwork. Nonchalantly, she pulled out a pair of embroidered silk gloves, the tracery of which seemed to make up a particular pattern in itself.

"But you know, whatever Sovereign is trying to pull here, it's still just weird," she murmured to herself absent-mindedly, while pulling the gloves onto her hands. "I mean, if you think about it, you could say that the Coach House is as much a part of his 'body' as anywhere else in Ascant, right? It's like someone offering to pay good money for... say, his own spleen. Or something like that. Come to think of it, given what its nature is, does Sovereign even know what it means to pay money for stuff? Just plain weird to think about."

At that point, the gloves were snugly fit onto her hands, and a light twinkled in Maria's eyes as she gave a wicked smirk entirely uncharacteristic of the klutzy girl she was.

"Well, whatever! I'll like to see what Sovereign does to beat this!"

And with that exclamation, Maria clapped her gloved hands together. Thunder rang out across the Atelier district as sparks flew from her hands, which she slammed down onto the edge of the chalk circle.

The lightning spread throughout the chalk lines, and spread onto the rubble pile, which began to gleam a blinding white that cast the surroundings in bleached colors. As the light darkened into a pale yellowish hue, the rubble began to melt as all the Homonculi in the vicinity started up a chant in some long-dead, long-forgotten language. The resonating of the robed figures' chanting was one to send chills down the spine and stop hearts cold, but not so much as the peel of horrendous cackling that was coming forth from the Alchemist's tongue.

"Kyihihihihi, hihihahaha..."

In the washed-out yellow glow of the growing lightning, all that could be made out of Maria's features were black outlines of her eyes and mouth, twisted upwards in a rictus scream.


Sorry Sovereign, but I really want this neat little place to call my own! [8 t.Wealth] is my bid!

2017-11-14, 01:14 PM
The Ska

Tonkerlock MOR 3
OOC: I believe you are out of PM/Visit actions, though I suppose you could use an EoT action.

Very well, we have a group called the Doctors Guild also coming to check on the body. If you think you may have contributions please come as well. I implore you to keep this as quiet as possible, we cannot have panic in the Streets with the Oronvee so close.

IronBreaker PM
The captain shakes his head.
“No need for that, it is better that you keep your cover. I will see you on the battlefield.”
He smiles mischievously and offer a handshake.

At Six Sided Location PM
Agda Ali looks surprised as Brassbeard approaches.
“Well well, a Captain who can read AND listen.”
She slides over a drink that was clearly bought for her by someone else.
“Better than the gulls for brains over at Hurricane anyway. Lets see how good you are at cards eh?”
Brassbeard moves on the the questions, as you said it's a little late to do a long conversation.
“Hurricane is having a little spat with the King, they thought they could be oh-so clever and break the Foundry by funding those poor republicans. I found out and took it to the King, now he has stripped the monopoly and half a dozen other things.”
She glances over her cards, a woman at least in her fifties but young and spry despite a life in the sea spray.
“Probably shouldn’t be telling you this Wolf, but you’ve always had your heart in the right place I suppose. Winds changing, Hurricane will fight like gulls to hold on but they have grown fat an’ complacent without competition. I don’t see them lasting mor’n a couple a years as a big dog, might be a pirate's life like yours is about to become a good deal more profitable.”

“As to the Saulkers well… I’m trying to stay out of it. I knew Alicia when she was just a little girl and already she had the presence to command half the gang if she wanted, bit of a cruel streak but she hides it well enough. Castiana I know less of, she was already in St Gullivers when I was working with the Saulker’s. My bets are on Alicia, but bets ain’t worth much in a gambling hall.”

“The Claw I’m near certain came from Dolphin House. Dunno what those folks are doing to their leyline but I’ve been chatting with that Sovereign creature and I think he agrees. It’ll still die by spear and spell but I fear it may be just the beginning. Something has gone wrong in good docks. I’ll have to investigate myself soon.”

As to the clientele of Six Sided it's a pretty diverse bunch, the loop created by the Barges houses pit fights and boxing matches, the card and dice tables are hardly fair but very flashy. A lot of money moves around, but usually in the direction of the elusive ‘Boss’, who makes no appearance in his personal kingdom. Must be richer than the King though.


The Ruthless Sorceress PM
Castiana Saulker
12 cash for the Crushers
5 cash for the Bolas
I’ll make more when I get the time.

Alto Vassrigar MOR 2
Ha 7? I won't settle for less than 11 for 2 seasons. What do you need me for anyway?

The Heron Knight MOR 2
More swords, more spies, more spells! The more we have the better our chances of coming back rich. If you know of any good mages I’m sure they would be invaluable to navigate the terrain. I don’t know about a spirit such as yourself but my folk cannot breath the sea.

Maple Park Location PM
Chemosh, Sovereign, Professor Falkar
On the contrary my boy! The more of your magic and… apprentices you bring along the better chance we have of restoring this leyline. I am almost certain that we can gain something more than warm fuzzies for this. Though hopefully the Ooze will not be a problem.
Chemosh and Apprentices

Chemosh and Apprentices

Arch Duke Richard the First MOR 9
We will of course consider your bid, thank you for all of your help.

2017-11-14, 02:55 PM
Morale: 5

Alto Vasrigar (5)
A treasure hunt,
Likely a war or two,
Maybe a hostile takeover.

There are a great many options,
And not enough time.
Ascant must survive.

2017-11-14, 03:13 PM
The Clanchurch
Morale: 6

Let Clanchurch decide once we have beast. We may have questions for spirit. We will let you work with body if need be.

Coach house no interest to us.

2017-11-14, 04:42 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

To the Ska
Well, I would say that it is only natural, that we take a bit extra for being the broker for this quest, people prefer to have things handled by people they trust. We have decided to trust you, where other did not, and therefore we decided to share this work with you, but it is good to know, that you have accepted the terms.

- Elisabeth Curzon.
Sovereign – The Maple Leyline – Location PM
“It is good to know you are taking care of a part of the problem. About acquiring the Good Docks, then the Scions Club is not against it, but we were planning on consolidating ourselves in the Grand Hills, before expanding our influences out in the rest of the city.

Also how do you plan to deal with the Claw in the Salt Docks?”
Pennon Palace – Location PM
“Rest assured your majesty, there is many in this city, who will stand with you against the invaders, even if there is a few that is not willing to dedicated themselves to the fight, like the Hurricanes, with them ‘circling the wagons’ instead of helping out.

Because of my certainty of our victory, I wish to discuss what to do with the tourney grounds after the war, the Scions Club would love to take over running it.”
Coin Punch Coach House – Location PM
When Amelia heard Alto’s answer, she showed worry and tried to get more details out of him.
“What about the warlord? Do you mean Ironbreaker? What has happed?”
To Argentum
Greetings to your fine company of mercenaries
I wish to ask if you could help get some of the members of the Scions Club and our guards, some live practice, before the invaders arrives? We want to show that we are readying ourselves for the coming war.

- Lewis Blackwood
(I offer 2 t. mil for 2 t. rep)

2017-11-14, 05:06 PM
Lucy arrives to start talking to the goblins. She wears good quality clothes that are extremely plain. It is obvious she chose clothes purely for economy and not fashion and her movements are extremely minimal.

We must talk about what we are going to find under there and we must talk soon. Chemosh has been talking with a Professor specializing in ley lines and Sovereign. What I'm about to say you must not tell anyone except maybe the archduke once it is fixed and never send it by mail. You see, you appear to be sitting on what amounts to the equivalent of a magic gold mine. I'm not sure how familiar you are with ley lines but they usually keep magic healthy and release magic around them. You appear to be near a corrupted one, which is why it is making all these slimes. The Professor says it is fixable with enough magic. So what we are suggesting is that we both capture the oozes like we were planning and then any energy we have left goes to repairing the ley line once the threat from the oozes is neutralized. Once fixed you and Sovereign can figure out who owns it, I personally suggest joint ownership so that it can be properly protected. It is just important that it is fixed soon and that it is reported to the Archduke before it starts weakening everyone's magical abilities. It is also vital no one except those you absolutely trust go on this mission because if anyone wants to help the invaders they will try to disrupt the ley line. If you already have and can't get out of it in the very least do not tell them about the ley line. Is all that ok with you? Sorry for the information dump right before the mission but it took us ages to get the info. Lucy says. She seems to be taking minimal breaths as she speaks and it is clear she isn't used to speaking so much.

2017-11-14, 05:06 PM
The ScienScions' Club


Yes indeed, we have a good opportunity for such. We'll be clearing out a violent gang from some warehouses near the docks to bring order to the area - it should not be a particularly dangerous endeavour, but a good way to get a feel for the sound and fury of a battle and to see the tactics used by larger formations in urban fighting.

Naib Amarr, Argentum


2017-11-14, 06:47 PM
Morale: 5

Scion's Club (Maple Park PM)
"The Sea Wolves and Clanchurch will slay the Claw,
The Goblins and Chemosh will tame the Ooze,
And the Leyline, hopefully.

There are... Concerns over Our presence.
From their neighbors, the Ska.
So We shall seek a different venture.

A Tomb has been found.
We are joining the Heron Knight in plumbing the depths.
If you wish, you can join Us, for a proportional cut."

We also notice your organization has some agents,
But not enough to be of great use.

We would like to offer some of Our knights,
In exchange for some of your people.
There are some secrets We know that can sweeten the deal?

[OOC: Negotiations ends up with...

Sovereign Offers:
1 p. Mil
Direct Intelligence Queries
University Location
University Person

Scions' Club Offers:
1 p. Esp
Alto Secrets]

Chemosh and Apprentices (Maple Park PM)
"The Ska are perturbed by Our involvement.
We will stand aside to avoid contention.
Enclosed is the directions to, and details of, The Weeper."

Secret Location
The Weeper - The Spew
A Leyline recently exposed by a cave in somewhere in the sewers, the mana font is now buried in the sludge of the city. Few know of this event, and none know what might come of it.

"As for the other deal,
Two dealers,
For Four Coin.

And informing the other,
Of any others.
Do be careful with them."

Secret Person:
Rakka Tak
A creature of the Kobold race, Rakka makes a living fencing stolen goods. He may not offer the best deals, but if something is to hot to sell or use, Rakka will take it off your hands.

Secret Location:
Castiana’s hideout- Cardova
Castiana Saulker is one of the two claimants to the Saulker Family. She operates from a warehouse in Cardova, where her faction trades in weapons and illegal magics. Her schedule is erratic, so meeting up with her here is difficult.

"There is a Torist Tomb that has been uncovered.
Gold and magic may be found within.
We will seek weapons against the Oronvee.

Next season,
We shall assist with the Weeper,
If still required.

Or We shall join you at the other Leyline,
To repeat the process,
With less interference..."

2017-11-14, 07:13 PM
The Scions Club
Moral 3

Sovereign – The Maple Leyline – Location PM
“It sounds like you nearly got the problem handled, but if it gets worse, we might help at that time.
I think Duncan might be free to go exploring a tomb, alongside some of our men.
I also believe, that the others will agree to your suggestion.”

2017-11-14, 07:24 PM
Morale: 5

Scions' Club (Maple Park PM)
"We hope so.
Things may prove more difficult than We expect,
Or others may interfere.

We appreciate your offer of assistance.
It is likely that will be required for the next Leyline.
Or, if there was a saboteur that must be hunted down."

2017-11-14, 08:38 PM

So what do you intend for the Oozehome? We know the Ska would certainly not be comfortable with such an arrangement

2017-11-14, 08:39 PM
The good doctor´s guild: morale: 4 -- espionage: 0

wih a huge grin the man shakes the pirates hand before leaving "thanks, I do enjoy a good fight!"

thanks, but that won´t be needed, it seems the guard is actually happy to have us working with them for a change.

sweet, so that´s how you get new VIPs? convincing people to stick with you for enough turns that everyone just sees them as part of your faction or could I actually affiliate them by spending t.rep*?

*or some stat that I can produce more of :smalltongue:

we shall hurry to do so, but do try to keep the body as pristine as possible,
any tampering with it may be detrimental specially to the one that does it.

Great! I´m already on the way to preparing a crew of some of my best doctors to inspect the body and you are of course completely welcome to come,as I´m sure they would appreciate your expertise on the matter. Sadly, as the highest rank within the guild I have a duty to see to the extermination of the plague still afflicting so many in Cardova so I won´t be able to join you, I´ll be sure to let you know when my team is ready to go.

Nice to speak with you,
-Dr Saphaer, head of the Guild.

I´m spending pretty much all my t.magic for the turn on the body so if you come with and we actually figure out what death cult/murderer/Oronvee trash is doing this we can tell the king directly and split whatever quest rewards he places, you like? :smallsmile:

changing some stuff from the previous one,
even though it seems I´m the only one doing this :smalltongue:

for now, all my t.magic is being used to inspect the body with a mix of the techniques I described for inspecting the other bodies and plain knowledge plus detect magic/identify/etc to see what the runes do hopefully with the help of The Ska´s grey seer to finish it in one turn. 2t.cash are going to the war taxes and t.4 research are going to the cause of researching a cure for the plague in cardova with the rest stored, unless anything happens before end of turn.

As for VIPs, Saphaer is using her end of turn for the researcher trait and all 4 t.research that provides is going to the cure the plague research Project. And cortes is using his EoT to go with the sea wolves to clean up the crab in the hopes of getting some Exp so that I may get him a shiny new trait by next turn. And as you said, the borrowed VIP in Mercurious Shander is going to help with the plague in Cardova this turn.

2017-11-14, 08:53 PM
The Owl Guild
Morale 6

To the Argentum
We will see that the shadows are watched for you.

To the Clanchurch
Understandable. We will be waiting if you have need of our services.

To the Cult of Undeath
We might be able to provide such a service. Given the proper incentive. It would of course heavily depend on who stands in your way.

To Oleksandr Murkov
The shadows agree.

To the GM
I will send Mr. Grey to the Coin Punch Coach House. Just to make that official.

2017-11-14, 10:22 PM
The Ska

The throne room was back to its original state: dark with a faint green glow as the Green Stone floated ominously at the centre of the room.
Atop the throne a little rat, Grey Seer Snikrit, once again sat in silence contemplating the various letters and spy information as he wrote his End of Quarter Report.
The Green Stone hummed happily--the little rat was silent.

Moral 3 -- Espionage 4.
Dear Dr Saphaer,

I shall be attending the Prison myself, despite the Ska's limited magical ability, I am a Seer and capable of reading the fundamental principles of arcane writing. I look forward to working alongside your team: hopefully my leadership shall contribute where my limited magical ability lacks and equally their greater magical ability can make up for my own lack there of.

Grey Seer Snikrit

No worries I jotted down in my EoT that any reward we did get should probably be split between the two of us.

2017-11-15, 12:12 AM
Morale: 5

Goblins (Maple Park PM)
"To be direct.
The Oozehome is a newly surfaced Leyline,
Named The Weeper.

This node of wild magic has spawned the Ooze,
Just as another new Leyline has spawned the Claw.
These are abnormal.

Leylines aren't supposed to do that.
Just look to Stone Circle or Maple Park.
These new ones are sick.

We don't know whether through chance,
Or sabotage.
Hopefully chance.

These magical fluctuations are the start of the end of magic,
Caused by these poisoned Leylines.
And will worsen if they remain uncured.

This has happened before, elsewhere.
Magic becomes but a fairy tale if the Leylines are wrong.
This siege will end Ascant if magic is lost.

The Ooze is a byproduct of this incorrectness,
One that We care not for.
The roots must be healed.

Our desire for control over this Location is for the sake of stewardship,
To be maintained like Maple Park or Stone Circle,
And guarded if there is a saboteur loose...

Should you desire to be the custodian,
That is acceptable to Us.
Magic is Our lifeblood, but not Our power.

It will take work.
To cure the Leyline,
And keep it safe from those who'd seek to exploit it.

We will help you,
However you wish Us to.
Should you pursue this.

It is your choice.
We will give you all We know of it,
And leave it to you."

Sovereign passes the goblin representative a sealed envelope,
Just as Their previous letters appeared,
And offers Their hand in partnership.

The Weeper - The Spew
A Leyline recently exposed by a cave in somewhere in the sewers, the mana font is now buried in the sludge of the city. Few know of this event, and none know what might come of it.

Problem is excess wild magic. Should be able to bleed off through ritual, and tame the Leyline?

Chemosh and Apprentices (Maple Park PM)
[OOC: Dunno if I did this. Here is details on Weeper, which should include location/directions.]

Esp 2 Midturn News
Yet another body turned up in the Merchants Half. This time in the Landmarket. The Brigade were quick to shush things up, but those with some level of spy network have heard that the body was marked all over with strange symbols. The Body is now being kept in Tonkerlock.

The Weeper - The Spew
A Leyline recently exposed by a cave in somewhere in the sewers, the mana font is now buried in the sludge of the city. Few know of this event, and none know what might come of it.

Scions' Club (Maple Park PM)

Myros Ravenhart
The aloof mage known as myros can usually be found at the university. A magical genius, he was once highly sought as a mage. Now he jealously guards his privacy, secluding himself in the universities dusty corners.

Gulliver's Gizzard - University of St Gulliver
A university basement turned political rally hall. The Gizzard is where many mages go to discuss, complain, and read somewhat bad poetry.

Sea Wolves (5)

If I can be honest with you, spirit? I seek for Ramshackle to be a home. Not just for me and my kin, mind. A real home, where people aren't needing to look over their shoulder all the time. People in Ramshackle, they may be outcast, or poor, or running from their own demons, but that don't matter. The 'present' of Ramshackle is one where those people keep a blade under their pillow, and worry whether some monster from the deeps will get to them before the desperate gangs do, or whether the big city dogs like Hurricane will bleed em dry first. And I think you know better than anyone that that kinda life - that ain't what Ascant was built on. Even if the Oronvee get crushed to the last man, these people won't be free. Not unless there's somebody fighting for them.

A worthy cause.
We seek the same,
For all in Ascant.

We will fight alongside you,
Against any who oppose a better life for all.
After We ensure the city survives the oncoming storms...

Rakka Tak (5)
6 Coin for the Staff of Druids.
As well, We have some friends We'd like to introduce you to,
Chemosh and Apprentices.

2017-11-15, 02:05 PM

We kan be the kustodian you seek. We Goblins will not see the fall of our newfound prowess and since Sovereign kontrol of it makes our neighbors concerned, we kan take responsibility, but if you wish to help us with this task you may.

2017-11-15, 02:18 PM
Morale: 5

Goblins (Maple Park PM)
There are other events We have ventured on,
To prepare for the Oronvee.

Should the Weeper require more,
Or if you wish to help the other sickened Leyline,
Then We will assist,

They are vital,
And vulnerable.

Be careful.
Chemosh, We trust,
As well as their Professor.

But the Ska are an unknown.
They may seek to take it from you,
Or sell the secrets to others who will.

We'll watch.
We'll know
And we'll help.

[OOC: Unfortunately, my EoT is already in. Too late to change things. You should send that to Dino, if you haven't.]