View Full Version : Core Dungeon Crawl: The Deadpeaks

2017-10-30, 09:17 PM
Your employer sips quietly and eyes the uninterested adventurers as they leave the table. The moment they’re out of earshot, he spits out his tea and throws the remainder into a nearby plant pot. “Well, let’s not wait around til that bunch starts blabbering. Gather your things- we leave in an hour.”

Your journey was not an easy one. After slipping out of town in the dead of night, you ride ten days east; always breaking off trail to camp in the woods by day, never moving back to travel the road til night. Three days more and you turned from the road altogether, hiking into the wilderness by the guide of no more than a scroll, a candle, a starmap, and a sextant. The journey was tasking with its destination untold, but it gave you time to familiarize yourselves with one another. Even your employer kept you entertained well enough.

Q,he called himself, was a genial man and an erudite lorekeeper. He had a talent for regaling you with storytelling from around the globe, along with some excerpts about Sham Bel Sharma himself. You would almost think him a genuine friend, were it not for his constant obsession with secrecy, his obvious pseudonym, his remarkable tight-lip about what he was after, and him always, always watching behind his back. Soon he even insisted on barring campfires, for fear of being followed. And any inquiries as to why were all met the same way; a smile and a suggestion to focus on the gold they’d find instead.

You continue like this into undiscovered territory, until six days later... the road began again.

* * *

~ Now ~

* * *

In a land forgotten by man, forgotten by life, the Deadpeaks stood alone; an unmarked rock affixed in the distance. Your feet trod a path for ages untouched, leading to a place long lost and abandoned. It drew you high into the mountains where your pilgrimage was complete, the first visitors of the temple in years.


A statue of Sham Bel Sharma awaits you from atop his cathedral, six stories high.

* Aerowyn Foxfire, Elf Rogue (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=367173)
* Ivellis Eliene, Gray Elf Wizard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1375417)
* Saeth Iach, human Cleric of the inevitable march of war. (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1376828)
* Umral Warden, barbarian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1376599)
* Isabella Streamrunner, human ranger/barbarian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1376635)
*Malthena Malachi, dwarf cleric (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1379038)
* Burroughs the Respecrable, dwarf Bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1040026)

The entrance picture, larger (http://i.imgur.com/d9aJo.jpg)


2017-10-30, 10:36 PM
Q, very much a lorekeeper and not an adventurer, seems quite content staying back for a bit until you can clear a safe path for him

The entry to the temple has been completely sealed shut, its door an enormous stone slab 20 feet wide which bars your way [rectangle]. Two stone grotesques [circles] are mounted at either side, standing nearly as tall as men, with long tongues extended outwards as though in anguish.

The statue on the right has a long slash mark across its chest.

The wind blows briskly at your faces from across the peaks.

This post is just to tell you more about what's in front of you. I fully encourage you all to interact amongst yourselves and head in whenever you like :smallsmile:

You can call out your placements on the grid if you like: I'll reference the grid A-Z horizontally and 1-10 vertically. (EX: Left statue is at A3 & A4

2017-10-30, 11:15 PM
Aerowyn rummages through the packs of his heavily-laden donkey, swapping in the gear he intends to carry on his person. "Q, is there anything you can tell us about the interior of Sham Bel Sharma? Inhabitants, defenses, layout, that kind of thing?" His voice is somewhat low for an elf, and ever-calm. Satisfied with his selections, he turns and approaches the great door, hands on hilts, eyes turned upwards as he scans the entirety of the structure before scrutinizing the parts immediately before him.

One spot check to see anything unusual about the outside of the structure.
Searching the two statues and every 5ft of door between them - six rounds.

Studded leather, buckler, rapier, bow/arrows, dagger, climbers kit, thieves tools, belt pouch, antitoxin, tindertwigs, all potions/oils/elixir, one sunrod, one smokestick.

42.25lbs total

Everything else remains on the donkey, which he pulls along behind himself with one hand, his other on his bow.

He also hands his wand to Ivellis.

2017-10-31, 12:01 AM
Malthena plants her hands on her hips and surveys the temple, and tries to peer to either side as well (Spot check, along with any applicable Knowledge: Religion, Arcana or The Planes).

Plunking her pack down on the ground, Malthena dons her suit of armor: black metal, fading into a deep green tint around the visor and extremities, with red gauntlets. Keeping the visor up for the moment, she checks that her gear is all strapped into place, then extracts a small box of bones, which she scatters on the ground and examines inscrutably, before packing them away. Kneeling, with head bowed and one hand pressed to the earth, she prays aloud: "Ruby Sorceress and Keeper of Secret Places, guide our foray into the unknown. Show no mercy to fools, but take our preparation and our strength as an offering, and reward our efforts as they deserve. May the bones of our enemies seed crops for a thousand years. Amen."

Straightening up, Malthena dusts herself off and turns to her comrades. "Ladies and gentlemen. It has been a pleasure to get to know you this past week. The augury bones bode well, and I trust your strength and determination. I have your backs, as long as you have mine. I am willing to take the front line, if you wish. Now is the time to make your peace with whatever gods, idols or traditions you hold dear, and to steel yourselves to walk amongst death seeking riches. Shall we enter?"

2017-10-31, 02:30 AM
Ivellis nods and takes the wand from the other elf. While he had no doubt Aerowyn knew what he was doing with the wand, it was probably safest in a wizard's hands. As Aerowyn moves to examine the statue, Ivellis joins him at a respectable distance, reasoning his scholarly studies might lend some light as to the statue's nature. Plus his own keen elven eyes might be of assistance

Aid Another on Aerowyn's Search [roll0]

Trying to learn what I can from the statues as well:
Knowledge (History) [roll1]
Know. (Architecture and Engineering) [roll2]

If there are other relevant Knowledge checks, let me know

Upon hearing Malthena's words, Ivellis shivers. The woman was unnerving, though she had done nothing to offend him. It was simply that he had only brief dealings with followers of Wee Jas in the past and at best, they had been unfriendly. Still, he heeds her advice and offers a quick, silent prayer to Corellan, reasoning the god of elves can't hold grudges too terribly long just because of one or two shouting matches with his clergy. He considers other deities, mostly of magic, but sets them aside. If Wee Jas was on their side, then it would be enough to ask Corellan to work with her.

So, Aerowyn, what do you make of it?

2017-10-31, 04:31 AM
Burroughs scratches his chin, as he examines the door, he takes off his finely crafted gloves and takes out his tobacco pipe and a little box. He carefully prepares it while he recalls his books and tomes, trying to remember any useful information.

Knowledge History [roll0], Knowledge Dungeoneering [roll1], Bardic Knowledge [roll2]

Hope you all don’t mind me smoking. I won’t do it indoors so I might as well take my last pipe here.

This is indeed an impressive structure. The crafting of the statues suggests a high degree of masonry.

He approaches the statue with the slashing mark…

Perhaps someone battled here. Defenders might have locked themselves inside. Waiting on the enemy… There could be another entrance… or arrow slits…

taking 20 on a search for arrowslits or similar around the door, I don't know if the stonecunning applies.

2017-10-31, 11:19 AM
“Inhabitants?” Q raises a hand to shield his eyes from the sun, “No one has worshipped the prophet Sham Bel Sharma or his deity for a long time. Nor has he been alive to protect his worshipers from the evil that lingers in this place. If anything is inside that has come during his absence...” he shudders. “None of it would be good.”

Malthena scours her memory. Sham Bel Sharma something sounds familiar about that name…
Knowledge: Religion [roll0] (+2 bonus for worshipping a god of death)

Your memory serves well. You remember one night sneaking into the crypt’s library, curious about other gods of protection and death.

Sham Bel Sharma was a prophet of the primordial entity Aldul. Aldul was rumored to be among the first beings to declare that mortal men must die, lest they rise against the gods in rebellion. He did not concern himself with the matters of living things, and to him the conflicts between men were as insignificant as a squabble between two grains of sand. Only when they died did he turn to them, to offer in death his love and protection.

To better understand mortal kind, Aldul sent Sham Bel Sharma among the living. But the men of that time were wicked and haughty, and the prophet was mortified at the crimes he saw. Terrified of invoking the Death God’s wrath, he created this temple to cleanse even the worst man’s sins. Here, in self- imprisonment, self-punishment, self-condemnation, evil men were left to meditate, and match cruelty for cruelty upon themselves.

Pain and anguish has permeated these walls for years, and no saint remains to prevent what would fester in this place…

Aerowyn, Ivellis, and Burroughs move in to examine the door

Ivellis: you succeed in making scholarly insights which assist Aerowyn in his searches. You place it back to about 11-12 centuries old (a long time by human standards, you remind the elves and dwarves of your group), and are thoroughly impressed with the craftsmanship and masonry relative to the contemporaries of its time. The gargoyles have been long-since battered by the elements, and you place them back to about 8-9 centuries themselves... but the slash mark? It looks like someone took an axe to the thing no longer than a year ago.

Burroughs: You eye the statue warily. You’ve heard tales from other dungeon-delvers of statues which would spring to life and attack most ferociously. You have learned to take such tall-tales with a grain of salt, however; this statue looks little more than an expert’s artwork and decoration.

The first story of the cathedral seems to be a foundation structure, as the entire building is built into the rock. Peering upwards, you do notice windows along the two towers, large enough for a bolt to be shot through, small enough to prevent anyone from crawling in or out. You are well within bowshot; if one wanted to, they could feasibly have reduced you to a pincushion by now.

Aerowyn: Searches: [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6]
You scour the door as best you can. You notice a bass-relief of multiple hooded figures converging into one, but the wind has destroyed the rest of the image in there.

The gargoyle on the left is unnervingly built. It feels as though it is staring back into your eyes.

The gargoyle on the right is very much the same... except you discover a hinge in the back of its mouth.
Its tongue is a lever... if you dare to reach into its mouth to pull it.


Q sits back eagerly.

2017-10-31, 12:27 PM
Ivellis lowers his voice, not wanting to alarm their employer. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I judge that slash to be no more than a year old. Someone has been here more recently than Q believes. He rolls his shoulder and steps back. For the time being, he'd done his part, but he sets his hand on the gnarled, ashen wood of the wand at his belt and keeps an eye out around them. Revindil the bat crawls from within Ivellis's pack onto his shoulder, head turning to examine their surroundings.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Spot [roll2]
Listen [roll3]

2017-10-31, 01:06 PM
Burroughs points up to the narrow windows above them with the tail of his pipe.

If there's someone inside, they are surely not expecting us or at least no organized against us. Or we will be dripping blood from many new eyes.

Savages perhaps? tasteless goblins unable to finbuid their own dwellings. Or beasts.

2017-10-31, 02:05 PM
Saeth scoffs at the open prayer given to the Stern lady. He prefers to offer his devotion on the field of battle. He says nothing, however, as he has learned that challenging the beliefs of others more often than not leads to a fight where no one wins.

His equipment is worn but well cared for, if only the same could be said for his face. Clean shaven is the most that can be said for the care he takes in his appearance. The kindest would call his visage weathered. Less tactful folk would note that erosion of time did not cause his homeliness, and if anything, might have improved upon it by offering excuse.

For almost two decades Iach has spent the year from first thaw to hard freeze on campaign. Forced marches, long sieges, both in and out of walls, and pitched battles. Where there is a war, he finds a way. Even winter is not enough to hold the veteran some years. Three times he has risen as high as sergeant before a nation suddenly breaks out in peace and he must be on his way.

Of late a good war has been even harder to find, and Saeth is picky about who he will fight for. After two months with nothing but scoundrels looking for lackeys, signing on with Q was an easy choice.

The soldier wonders, though, what sort of fight lies ahead of him. As he keeps an eye out, he has to wonder, as well, How many fights lie ahead of me?

Spot check [roll0]

2017-10-31, 04:43 PM
Umral steps up to the stone, cracks his knuckles and voices

I dot cer. Big man open big door.

He then attempts to climb the slab.

2017-10-31, 05:08 PM
Aerowyn stands by the ugly statue on the right, fingers to chin, and responds to Ivellis, "Well, this one's tongue is a lever, which I am considering whether or not to pull," He glances at the other statue and opens his other hand in it's direction, "while that one's is not." He walks closer to Ivellis and lowers his voice to a hush, "(Elven) I cannot be sure, but the left one's gaze follows me. A guardian of some kind? Or perhaps a spying device. Either way, consider that it has no wound, while the one on the right has been slashed. I have heard you speak to Umral in orcish; can you ask him to destroy it's head?"

2017-10-31, 05:27 PM
Revindil quakes gently atop Ivellis's shoulder, and you feel a stern sense of worry from him. Perhaps he simply does not like this place? Perhaps it is as you fear, and someone is actually watching you? It is difficult to read the meanings behind emotions sometimes, but you see nothing.

Umral makes a spectacular sprint at the stone door, kicking off the bas-relief and leaping high to gain some height. Unfortunately, the slab is only 15 feet high before it reaches the ceiling of the outside structure, and all you manage to do is grab hold of some moss which quickly breaks away and sends you falling onto your backside. Q stands thirty feet behind you, quite unharmed and unable to discern what you are doing. You take no damage, and splendidly identify yourself to the GM as the party clown :smalltongue:

Saeth: The mysteries of this place are yet to be revealed. You steel yourself, ready to explore.

((OOC: Stepping out for a bit, more to follow later tonight pending replies))

2017-10-31, 09:30 PM
Saeth whistles through his teeth at the news of a lever. He takes another gaze at the architecture then comments."I don't know much about old temples, but the place looks like a keep to me. I've never seen the gate to a castle with a way to open it from the outside. Either obscure cults are more welcoming than most rural lords, or that lever doesn't open the door."

2017-10-31, 09:48 PM
It's never the unknown that lies ahead that tends to get you gutted, but the known you've left behind with complete surety. At least, this is the wisdom of Isabella Streamrunner, the eternal wanderer. Her eyes are peeled and ears sharp to any indication that something would come from the surrounding lands that they had traversed for the last six days.

Because if their employer was worried about it, than it was something to worry about, another wisdom learned.

"Any of you try knocking yet?" She calls out, hand idly grasping the haft of her weapon, other at the ready to snatch a javelin. "Or better yet, just tying a rope to the lever and pulling from afar? This area is a little too open for my tastes, would prefer to not just be sitting at the entrance waiting for something to happen."

1d20+6[/roll] Listen

Isabella is going to stick within charging distance of the front door, but will be keeping most of her attention towards their rear and sides. Q has been more than paranoid about followers, and no matter the work done to keep trackers from following, some tend to find tracks.

2017-10-31, 11:37 PM
Isabella backs away from the temple several strides. While Burroughs and Ivellis have done well enough surveying the building and its vantage points, a gut feeling compels her to look back down the trail she came. She squints her eyes at the base of the peak... where a faint glimmer reflects in the sun.

Rivendil squeaks frantically and burrows back into his pack.

There are horses hitched at the base of Deadpeaks.

2017-10-31, 11:39 PM
Ivellis nods and turns to Umral, only to see his fantastic fall. He raises a brow, but otherwise ignores the incident and walks over to him, speaking quietly to him in Orcish If you think you can make the climb, please destroy the head of that statue pointing to the one Aerowyn indicated. His eyes widen at Rivendil's sudden movement and he turns with slight alarm on his face.

2017-10-31, 11:59 PM
Malthena rummages in her pack and takes out a long coil of soft, well made black silk rope, cocking her head to Isabella. She speaks, loud enough for to get her message across to the group:
"I agree, on both counts. Standing at the mouth of danger makes me uneasy. If the crypt-fortress is giving us this much pause, it seems able to deter most pursuers. Besides, I believe Q isn't paying us for sightseeing. Even if the lever doesn't open the door, I'd wager it does something. If I were a betting woman.
and Something is a bit better than the Nothing we're going on right now. Even a trap or guardian might give us a clue. This place has the feel of stifled souls who could use a good airing out, and it makes me uneasy. If no one objects, I'm willing to do the honors. Unless someone else has a particular desire to volunteer? Any objections?"

If no one objects, I'm willing to do the honors. I'll try to tie the rope to the lever, stand as far back as I can, wait for my companions to position themselves safely away if they wish, and give it a pull.
If anyone else wants to do the fastening or the pulling, I'll defer to them.
If anyone objects to my execution of Isabella's plan, I'd like to hear what they have to say.

2017-11-01, 05:31 AM
Burroughs, who has been sitting crosslegged smoking his pipe for a few minutes now, pts away his smoking kit while the tall woman ties a rope around the lever.

I can do it safely. Allow me warrior. Though I would think that our resident Rogue here was hired precisely for this kind of probing.

He cracks his fingers together and stands up.

I'll first try to use mage hand I'm a bard... to pull the lever, if it doesn't work I'll use animate rope to pull the rope she tied around the lever.

2017-11-01, 09:24 AM
Isabella's grip tightens on the guisarme, her gaze sweeping over their surroundings as she began to step back towards the temple. She pondered the idea of letting their pursuers continue to believe that they had not been noticed, but this was far too open a place for defending, and far too many unknown variables for keeping up such a ruse. Not that she was going to scream out a warning, but there was no good reason to keep such dangers a secret.

"Hurry it up back there."

There was a concerned edge to her voice as she continued to shuffle backwards towards the group, keeping most of her attention on everything in front of her.

"Cause we were followed."

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen

Isabella is keeping her attention fully on the Deadpeaks and area near where the horses were tethered, wanting to figure out where these pursuers are.

2017-11-01, 10:19 AM
Aerowyn raises his hand to stall the dwarves, "A moment, and we will try it." He waits to see the result of Umral's actions. From over his shoulder, he speaks, "Saeth, I am suspicious as well, but we do not have much to go on, and we may have company."

2017-11-01, 03:21 PM
Malthena gives a short, deferential bow to Burroughs and Aerowyn. "As you wish."
Finishing her knot, she hands off the rope and glances up toward the Umral.
"I must have missed the signs of our pursuers. Keen-eyed ones, what do you see? If they are close, perhaps we should provide a welcoming party.
Saeth, you are experienced in the tangled webs of tactics. What say you? While I have no interest in being reckless, nor in waiting around here for too long, I'm sure neither of our creeds would mind a little offering.
Q, would you like to tell us anything about who may be coming? I'll respect your desire for privacy as much as the next, but at the same time, even more enigmatic silence would be a useful clue. I assume if you knew that something or someone particularly above our pay grade was coming, you'd let us know, if only out of self-interest? The more we know, the better we can defend you. Knowledge is power, as they say.
"Does anyone have any power and desire to scout out the opposition?"

2017-11-01, 04:00 PM
Saeth grins, "Company? I'm all about hospitality. You all keep knocking, and I'll see if I can't put out a nice welcome." The veteran pulls his bow from its strap on his quiver and deftly strings it. Then he loosely knocks an arrow and looks toward the rear.

Try another spot check:


2017-11-01, 05:20 PM
"What!?" Q spins around to Isabella. "Are you certain. No, that can't be. I was so careful. Oh no. Oh no..." he paces back and forth, stammering to himself.

The party springs to action, not willing to waste time. It took your company two hours to climb to this point, and no one can tell how long the horses have been there, or how fast its riders might climb.

Saeth and Isabella take to the rear-guard, eyes peeled tight but unable to spot anyone.

Malthena in her wisdom ties a short lasso and to toss over the gargoyle's tongue, lest the lever do little more than clamp down the statue's mouth and trap the hand that pulled it.

Aerowyn gives the command to Umral, who grunts in affimation and holds his halberd high over the left gargoyle's neck. Ivellis watches on intently, and stays keen on their surroundings.

Everyone is in position. The wind blows again, and the Deadpeaks are silent.




Burroughs puffs his pipe in contemplation, and puts it out decisively. All eyes turn to him, as he gingerly gets up and tugs the rope.

* * *

Dust unsettles from the temple's face, as the enormous stone slab slowly slides upwards. Ten feet thick and twenty five tons, the rock reveals the atrium of this once great sanctum, the stench of stale air lingering within.

You eagerly await as the stone rises...
Until it is three feet high
And bones spill out onto the ground at your feet

Five bodies, no more than a year old, collapse from where they were propped against the doorway inside. Their clothes are torn to pieces and one is missing his jaw- but not his fellows, suggesting the rot of time was not what took it from him. One is curled to a fetal position, and they all still wear their adventuring gear. You can almost imagine their screams during their last moments alive.

...Umral decides to chop the gargoyle anyway [roll0]. It sinks quite deeply into the thing's neck, but nothing else changes. (Seems the adventurer who slashed the right gargoyle was thinking the same thing!)

* * *


The inside of the entry hall is eerily dark, save for the that sunlight spills into the room. The faithful guards and stewards who once greeted guests here still remain, and their bones are littered about the dusty floors around you. You cast long shadows over them as you stand outside.

Two more gargoyles are at the far end of the room, mouths gnashing and clenched shut. Yet as you look at them longer... a fire suddenly sparks to life from within. They act as braziers to light your way.

The pathway is open to Sham Bel Sharma.

2017-11-01, 05:44 PM
Oof? Se!? Big man open big door! Big boi go first!
Umral picks up one of the bodies' heads and moves it's jaw like a puppet
"Umral, we should go in together!"
Yes Mr. Skolly let's go in :thog:
Umral moves into the room right before the stairs (2nd position from the left) and...
Whops! Mr. solly no!
Umral watched in horror as the body drops to the ground, as Umral reaches out to catch Mr solly he misses grabbing him. (Umral stays in his square, but is it ok if the body goes down the stairs?)

2017-11-01, 07:20 PM
Burroghs thinks Orcs, they only know how to kill and smash. They reproduce like rats and they can't organize themselves for noting else but slaughter and pillage. Fools.

Then he look at the bodies of the adventurers and takes a look inside...

These were adventurers. It seems they were trying to flee and never managed to open the door.

But... what killed them...

Will any of you versed in the secrets of healing be able to identify what killed this folks?

He kneels close to the bodies. Trying to see if they present any recognizable wound, something he had seen before.

I'll roll knowledge dungeoneering to see if i recognize a particular wound cause by typical dungeon monsters. A dissintegrated body part, a rusted armor, etc... [roll0] I know is a stretch but trying to be creative.

Could this guys be the owners of the horses you saw at the bottom of the peak?

2017-11-01, 09:22 PM
Umral, for a man dimmer than Ivellis's magical bat, proves surprisingly clever (if not comically so).

You hoist a body held together in chainmail and let it tumble affectionately down the steps onto D8. It makes a remarkable racket while it clatters about, and displaces its head which bobs onto D7.

Mr. Skolly stares back at you indignantly, half-lolled on the bottom floor.

<P l a c e h o l d e r>

* * *

Burroughs , meanwhile, examines the bodies as though a mortician, while recalling all manners of terrifying fiends. For his expertise, the job is simple: grooves sink lightly into the bones, claw marks made by some medium sized creature. Unfortunately, the simple mechanical nature of this job leaves so many possibilities that it does not narrow a culprit for what could have done this.

Except for the jaw of course. It must have taken some strength to wrench that off.

(The bodies have been rotting for quite a while; it is unlikely that the horses outside belonged to them)

2017-11-01, 09:53 PM
As he steps through the archway, Saeth spares a glance at the corpses nearest the door. He had no particular skill for medicine, but years on the battlefield told him these corpses were much older than the horses. He wonders as he does so, what ill fate befell these adventurers. Burroughs' suggestion that they were trying to escape seems likeliest. "I know it sounds calloused, but someone should check to see if there is anything of use left in their equipment. "

Moving to C13, continuing to keep watch with my meager wisdom bonus and not even a cross-class rank. Spot [roll0]

2017-11-02, 01:45 AM
Ivellis glances at their employer Q, I know you want to keep your reasons private, but let's assume the people here are hunting the same treasure we are. What do we have to fear from them getting to it first? Is there some rival of yours in pursuit of the treasure?

He listens for an answer, but makes his way inside and looks around. Given the state of those who had gone before them, it seemed the party would need to know how to open the door from the inside. We should find a way to open this door again, should it close behind us.

Search [roll0]

2017-11-02, 04:52 AM
Burroughs nods to Saeth

And perhaps any clues on what were they doing here. Whatever atacked them had claws, and apparently was not interested in their equipment.

Burroughs proceeds to search the bodies for useful equipment and any documents, maps or letters that give any indication of their identity and purpose. When he finishes he produces a small bottle of strong alcohol and cleans his hands. Grimacing.

May whatever gods you used to pray upon when living hold you in their halls.

2017-11-02, 06:01 AM
Malthena sighs grimly and enters the vault, stifling a shudder at the thought of death like this.
"Poor souls. We have neither the time nor the luxury of unobserved action right now to take these men and women out for a proper burial. Be on your guards, for I would not be surprised if their souls rest uneasy. Surrounded by tight-locked stone, their lonely bodies could not rejoin the Great Cycle of life and death. Their nutrients molder and rot, nourishing no plants. Hopefully their gear, at least, can be useful to us. These men and women died in pain, far from the prayers of their loved ones. Whatever your beliefs about what lies beyond, I pray we do not meet the same. May the Crimson Psychopomp find and guide their souls peacefully to whatever afterlife they deserved."
As she speaks, Malthena goes to examine the corpses with the limited generalist healing and mortuary skill that she has developed. She will also check for any signs of religious iconography that might help her know how to eventually bury them appropriately. Unless she finds anything to give pause, she will also take a brief moment to try to straighten out the bodies and lay them out and bring the various pieces together to give them a little dignity, as well as to aid in her examination.
"Umral," she calls forward. "While some would say your respect for the dead is a bit lacking, your desire to speak to these corpses as comrades is understandable. Do you mind if I re-unite 'Mr. Skolly's' head to his body? It might make him happy. More importantly, what do you see up ahead?"
When she is done searching the bodies, Malthena will produce a small stick of incense, light it, and leave it by the bodies, closing her eyes for a moment of brief prayer.

2017-11-02, 08:52 AM
Uh, big boi see...

as he peers towards the gargoyles, Umral also unknowingly steps down into D8 with Mr. Skolly and reaches into D7 to *attempt* to reattach his head

2017-11-02, 07:12 PM
Agreeing to both the searching the bodies and for a device to open or close the door, Aerowyn begins with the former. While looking over the corpses, Aerowyn speaks to the group at large, "I do not want to be standing here if and when our followers arrive, but I fear what lies ahead as well. We have many tasks for a short amount of time; I will scout ahead and see if the rest of this room and the stairs beyond are safe, then we can set an ambush for our late-coming friends. Ivellis and Burroughs, you seem most able of finding a hidden device. Umral, would you stick close to me? Isabella and Saeth, you two are formidable and perceptive, mind you the exit?"

Aerowyn is in D12
edit: donkey needs a spot too, let's say she's in D14 at the end of the leash Aerowyn is holding

Searching each of the corpses (forget how many there were, let's go left to right), spending one round on each
Search: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]
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Search: [roll4]

2017-11-02, 07:33 PM
"Don't worry. I've got my eye to the rear. Although, if someone figures out how to close this door from this side, it would be good. Shouldn't be as big of a secret from the inside, but then I didn't think that lever was going to work, either." He reaches under his tunic and pulls out a second holy symbol -- this one glows like a magical torch.

2017-11-02, 09:58 PM
"Ivellis-- listen to me," Q looks at you with a mix of sternness and desperation, "You are a learned man. What I am looking for is a something very important, a very powerful tool. Its best protection is that people simply do not know about it, and if anyone did learn of it, or knew that I knew of it and followed me... there are many, many terrible things it could be used for.

And what's worse than that is they will most likely seek to kill me!" he despairs.

* * *

Q was right for one thing though, and that was hiring this adventuring party. Skilled and savvy, the group cautiously makes its way into the vault, eyes peeled and senses sharp; even Isabella advances inward, acting the bodyguard as ever. She and Saeth keep their marks on the outside, from where Q looks in with curiously until the path is safe. Malthena, holding reverence of the dead and sympathy of their deaths, shares a look with Burroughs, who both hold a moment of contemplation over the grisly horrors that occurred here. Saeth the veteran clasps her on the shoulder and gives a firm nod, and the lot of them set to their work.

Ivellis plucks Mr. Skolly's axe in passing as Umral carries him towards the stairs.
Burroughs takes to first body, a female elf, and searches [roll0] the body. He spies a backpack, and removes it to look inside.
Aerowyn takes the second, quickly identifying the late human's backpack, toolkit, coin-purse, and mace.
Malthena hesitates in her search, but peruses through the body as well [roll1]. She find nothing to take, and leaves a flower on the curled up corpse.

All of you offer wisdom and debate what actions to take next, hardly noticing Umral in the background at the head of the stairs...

* * *

You hoist a body held together in chainmail and let it tumble affectionately down the steps onto D8. It makes a remarkable racket while it clatters about, and displaces its head which bobs onto D7.

Umral watches the body curiously as the tile it lands on sinks into the ground.


* * *

2017-11-02, 10:12 PM
Mr. Sollu stop pushing my buttons the orc remarks, moving down the stairs and into D8

U sooch a bad boi, gud thing u got big boi here to help :thog:

2017-11-02, 10:45 PM
The enormous slab screeches from above you, twenty five tons rocketing towards the floor and grinding the bodies to dust as it crashes into the ground. The 6 of you dive out of its way with precisely 1.01 seconds (https://www.angio.net/personal/climb/speed.html) seconds to react, barely escaping with your lives and limbs . The gale of its shockwave surges throughout the room, pounding at your back and blowing out the braziers across the room.

Plunging you into absolute darkness

As you hear the clatter of bones around you through all about the room.


You are blind.
You can't see a thing.
They are coming.
Everything happened so fast.
You don't know where your comrades are.
You can't see where you are.
Everything is black.
They are coming.
They are coming..


Malthena was right- the bones of the dead were laid to improper rest in this place, and they assemble themselves right again! Your comrades feel blindly at the dark; as the undead slowly look to you.

Everyone roll for initiative.

2017-11-03, 03:27 AM
Burroughs covers his sensitive ears at the slab thumping...

so that's how these poor fellows got trapped he thinks for a second as his eyes adapt t the sudden total darkness. then he sees the skeletons.

and that's how they got killed... I hate undead. he thinks

I have never apreciated undead, they really have a dead ear for music. Says Burroughs as he moves forward valiantly. He's refinated, but definetly not a coward. But, fighting shoulde to shoulder with an orc... well, a job is a job.

He takes a 5' step to protect those who are blinded.

Humans... you snuff the lights of and they are useless

draws a weapon...

Clear his throat and starts singing in a deep voice. Is the tale of Thurman the Holy, who once battled an undead wyrm for two days wthout resting.

5' step forward.

Knowledge Bardic [roll0], if Burroughs happens to know these skeletons have damage reduction against slashing,

Move: he will draw his heavy mace, if he doesn't know it, e will draw his longsword.

Standard:Inspire courage: +1 morale bonus attack and damage, and saves vs fear and similar

HP 24 AC 16 Attack: sword +6 1d8+4 or mace +5 1d8+4

2017-11-03, 12:59 PM
Burroughs, Umral, Malthena:


A skeleton on your right scuttles towards you along the wall, pushing out and throwing itself at you with an outstretched claw.

It swings viciously, but you sway back to avoid the blow

Aerowyn is next to react

2017-11-03, 01:22 PM
In an ambush like this, time is of the essence. Though he hates to waste a valuable item, the sooner his companions can act in an effective way, the less lethal this fight is likely to be. He reaches into his pouch and draws his sunrod, striking it against the studs of his armor to light it, then drops it on the ground in front of himself.

Draw sunrod
Light sunrod
Drop sunrod into D11

I know two people in the party have continual torches, but oh well.

2017-11-03, 01:40 PM
The sunrod busts onto the floor, and the breath of light fills the room again! The humans and elves see clearly now the monstrosities upon you, the shambling dead who once attended this place.


A skeleton runs from the far end of the atrium, clawing at the air and making a straight path for Malthena!
A second comes around from the left, glowering at the light. It steps out from around the pillar and sets itself, charging headfirst at Aerowyn
You spot the charge a mile away, and nimbly sidestep as it rams its shoulder at you. You muse over the thing, noting it more vulnerable than before.

- -Isabella & Ivellis are next- -

2017-11-03, 03:59 PM
By the light of Saeth's holy symbol, Malthena calls out to him as she backsteps a skeleton's claw. "Saeth, turn them back if you feel you must, but if you'd give me a chance before trying, I think I might be able to command a few. Some disposable troops to command might be useful to spring traps and such. But I don't know if your holy vows preclude such a thing or not."

2017-11-03, 06:16 PM
The sudden darkness after the door closed, followed by the eruption of light from Aerowyn's sunrod shocked Ivellis, but he recovered quickly as he saw the skeletons. Though not his specialty, necromancy had always filled Ivellis with morbid curiosity and he was for a moment lost in the simple marvel of how magic could animate nothing but bones. As they attacked, however, he swiftly focused his mind. Behind the others as he was (and having no desire to make himself vulnerable), he could not make use of his wand and so drew his crossbow, stepped to his right, and fired.

I should've bought a pistol to complement my shotgun
5' to the right should give me a clear shot to the skelly in B7
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] *crosses fingers*
Note to self: get a sling

2017-11-03, 06:30 PM
It had happened faster than Isabella guessed, that barbarian oaf had nearly killed most of them under a large piece of stone because he wanted to play with a skeleton. Even as the darkness enveloped her, Isabella was readying her weapon to strike out.

Then the light came back and over the head of the dwarven bard was a skeleton. Without even thinking too much about it, she drops the guisarme and leaps past her allies to engage the skeleton with a flip!

Free action to drop the guisarme.

Move action to tumble into a better position, namely D-11, drawing the club at the same time due to more than +1 BAB. [roll0] Tumble to avoid the AOO

Standard action to beat the skeleton in the face with the club.

[roll1] ATK vs AC
[roll2] Crit ATK
[roll3] damage [Two-handing club]

2017-11-05, 01:42 AM
Isabella successfully leaps through the air over Aerowyn's shoulder in a dazzling feat of athleticism! As she prepares to stick the landing, the dusty floors offset her footing, leaving her open as she realizes the skeleton upon her.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage (if hit): [roll1]
The creature starts to maul at her viciously, tearing at her for 6 damage.
She returns in kind by reeling back with a club, shattering the thing straight through it's rib cage like a baseball bat, destroying it. She takes half a dozen follow-up swings to pound the remainder into dust just for good measure.

Ivellis considers his options quickly and shuffles into a better position. He lets a bolt fly at a skeleton caught unaware, but it narrowly misses him and shatters against the wall. It looks to see where the shot came from, and turns to you sharply.

Burroughs steps forward and pulls a heavy mace, his voice reverberating off the stone walls; inspiring thunder within your hearts, and bringing out the fight from every one of you.


A skeleton on the left is drawn to the noise, shuffling along the walls and lashing out at its source.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage (if hit): [roll3]
It strikes you dead on, but your armor holds true.

Umral, two more skeletons leap into the sunken floor, flailing wildly and coming right at you!
Attack: [roll4]
Damage (if hit): [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage (if hit): [roll7]
The one at your center claws at your legs as it makes its way up the stairs, dealing 3 damage.

Saeth is ne----

A skeleton wrapped in chainmail sits up from upon the floor.

It feels around and reaches for its skull, putting it back in place like a spangenhelm.

It seems to look for something, unable to find it.

Then it locks eyes with Luccan, still in possession of its ax.


Skolly, the Risen takes a 5 foot step back, and reaches for a javelin
Attack: [roll8]
Damage (if hit): [roll9]
It slams against the wall behind you hard. He seems ready to draw another.

- - Saeth is next - -

2017-11-05, 02:56 PM
"Malthena, I would be overjoyed if you turned some of our foes to allies. I think I'll thin out the weakest ones first, though."

Saeth finally frees his holy symbol from under his tunic. He is too late to add much light to the room, but he puts it before himself and shouts, "BACK! Fell Spawn, BACK!"

Keeping his bow handy, Iach draws his morning star from his belt.

Turn Check [roll0]
Turn Damage [roll1]

2017-11-05, 10:11 PM
Enemies converge from all angles, casting terrible shadows across the room. Three close in on Umral, reaching out to rend him limb from limb. One makes a dead sprint for Malthena from across the room, and hurls itself at her with a running leap. The moments before the carnage seem drawn out, as you see them all coming at you.

At the last instant, Saeth raises his holy symbol and shines it brighter than any Continual Flame. Vested with the power of everything holy, the light combusts the mob of skeletons in white fire, which recoil in terror and collapse to the floor in unison. The room plunges into silence as quick as the noise had came. If you listen closely, you may hear the final wails of these spirits leaving their bodies.

The ambush is ov--


Except for that guy.

Skolly the Risen roars with no voice, screams with no lungs, and hammers twice at his shield with a javelin. He points its tip towards Ivellis, and holds his ground in defiance.

2017-11-05, 11:20 PM
Malthena scowls at the oncoming undead warriors. Amateurish work, and unlikely to have been consented to by the bodies' former owners. Perhaps as a servant of the Stern Lady she can put them to better use, or at least cow them with the power of real necromancy.

Malthena's eyes glow with a dim red light as she extends a mailed fist:
"Bow, minions, before the ruby light of Jasite power. Pray the Stern Lady sees fit to grant you rest."

I'm going to draw whatever I can use at once. If my holy symbol counts as part of my shield, then I Rebuke Undead and then draw my weapon, keeping the shield in hand.If the shield doesn't count, I draw my backup holy symbol and Rebuke Undead.

Rebuking Check: [roll0]
Rebuking Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-05, 11:26 PM
Malthena's voice quavers uncertainly, and she seems uncertain against the undead horde. Seeing disappointing results, she swears:

"Damnations to the 9th layer of Hell."

The somewhat gangly, tall young dwarf looks embarrassed, and mutters to herself:

"Father Balthazar was right. I guess I just don't have the knack for it..."

2017-11-05, 11:41 PM
Malthena draws the symbol of the Stern Lady, turning from powers pious and demanding Skolly's obedience. A dark power reaches across the room, and for a moment, the cleric and the undead lock eyes.




Alas, the creature stands stiff. It disregards your commanding gaze, eyes locked and focused on Ivellis.

The challenger stands ready, waiting to be answered.

--Umral, Aerowyn, Isabella, Ivellis, and Burroughs are next--

2017-11-06, 12:34 AM
Mr. Solly y u turn (haha puns) against me liek this!? W-We could've been good friends! How DARE you do this to me!! WAAAGH!

Umral wildly charges Mr. Solly, emotions bubbling harder than Alchemist's Fire.

Not raging right now, because I'm kinda sad that I have to kill my puppet. We could've sprung all sorts of traps together!
Charge (+2 Atk, -2 AC)
TWF Atk: [roll0] Halberd
[roll1] Armor Spikes

Damage: [roll2] Halberd
[roll3] Armor Spikes

Yay now he's dead I guess... My AC is 14 if he decides not to die

2017-11-06, 01:54 AM
Umral, furious at this unforgivable betrayal, charges at his old adventuring companion. He swings his halberd down from high overhead, chopping past chainmail and bone alike for 10 damage. It surprises you that a blow like that did not bisect the thing in two, but your strike was solid, and you stand triumphantly all the same.

...So does Skolly the Risen, who does not flinch. His skull slowly rotates to look right back at you.
Oh no you didn't
The armor spikes attack failed, but can one use them with a two-handed weapon?

--Aerowyn, Isabella, Ivellis, and Burroughs are next--

2017-11-06, 04:44 AM
Burroughs, still singing, blinks for a second as the light shines in the vault bothering his sensitive eyes, he sees the skeletons crumble and appreciates the good work of the Saeth.

Then he notices that the tall dwarf tried to control the remaining undead...

She is evil Burroughs thinks for himself. I'll keep an eye on her

He raises his mace and follows Umral charging across the room towards Skolky

Charge Attack 2 Power attack: [roll0], BAB +2 STR +2 Charge +2 Inspire courage +1 Power attack -2


2017-11-06, 10:01 AM
While the others seem to have started on the sole skeleton left after a blinding array of holy power, Isabella decides to take a step back and collect her guisarme. Figuring things are going to get a bit tight in melee with this, she might as well have a range advantage.

"Certainly nice to see that sorry lot move on, now lets send this last one back to their maker."

5ft Step back to previous square.

Move action to stow the club back in its belt loop, and another move action to pick up the guisarme.

We can do this!

2017-11-06, 05:55 PM
Aerowyn rushes forward past Saeth and leaps down the short stairs, drawing his rapier mid stride and casting shadows all over the room as he goes past the sunrod on the floor. He comes up around Umral's right and flanks the treacherous skeleton with Burroughs. He takes a wide-stance, his buckler arm raised high, and jabs forward with his pointy sword, knowing it won't do much but eager to end the fight quickly.

Moving into E7 after curving out to the right to avoid any possible AoO, drawing rapier.
Fighting defensively and flanking with Burroughs.

AC 20

Rapier: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-06, 06:18 PM
Just as the glowering skeleton looks ready to strike, Umral's allies spring to his aid. Aerowyn, nimbly darts around the right, and expertly stabs the creature through straight through its chainmail. Had it a heart it would be surely run through, but alas, your rapier strikes little underneath (2 Damage).
You act before Burroughs could put himself in flanking position, but you make the hit regardless

Isabella prepares herself for the long fight, and moves to recover her guisamre. Best get a two handed solution to this problem.


--Ivellis is next--

(Burrough's action will be counted after)

2017-11-07, 12:40 AM
Ivellis drops his crossbow and grinds his teeth. No undead would end his life, no matter how tough it seemed. Time to show what a wizard is worth. he mutters. Then he steps forward, taking his aim carefully. He raises a hand and intones Iloun napah! An arrow, acidic in form, springs from his hand and race toward the skeleton

Moving to G11 for a clear shot
Casting Acid Arrow (ranged touch attack)

Attack [roll0]

(Acid) Damage [roll1]

Assuming Mr. Skolly is still standing next turn he takes an additional 2d4 acid damage


Behold: The world's worst elven shot

2017-11-07, 11:39 AM
Yeah, that's the downfall of d20 sadly. The best laid plans can be laid to waste at the roll of a dice =/

Ivellis notes the skeleton's heavy armor and turns to the arcanum, the very air before him coalescing into acid and dripping onto the floor. At his evocation it forms the shape of a bolt and rockets forward, but alas loses its target amidst the melee. You suddenly recall the word for "excrement" in dwarven, elven, orcish, and draconic.

Burroughs charges forward with a flying leap down the stairs, swinging with all his might into the weight of the blow. The skeleton raises its shield to redirect the impact, but the club slams down hard from on high, dropping it down onto one knee. It barely manages to hold together, as its armor absorbs the rest of the blow.

Int roll: (auto-success)
Ivellis, while by no means a specialist you are still familiar with the core tenets of necromancy. For an undead to retain any intelligence, any semblance of its former personality beyond death, it would take either an incredibly powerful person or a particularly strong emotion to leave an imprint on its bones. The undead adventurer seems very keen on getting back his axe.

Rising from the strike, Skolly the Risen levels its shield with Burroughs and decks him with its rim for 6 damage. It reaches out at Umrals face and rakes downwards (5 damage), marching past him and Aerowyn in its march towards Ivellus.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage (if hit: [roll1])

Attack: [roll2]
Damage (if hit: [roll3])

5 foot step toE8


--Saeth, Malthena, and Umral are next--

2017-11-07, 12:15 PM
Saeth grins wickedly as he sees the skeleton maneuvered by its own attack into a favorable position. "Mr. Skolly! Your betrayal will not go unpunished!" Iach's odd battlecry comes has he lifts his morning star high with both hands and runs at the skeleton. Momentum carries the wicked spiked ball downward at his foe.

Full Round - Charge to E9

Attack [roll0] +4 normal, +2 charge, +2 flanking, +1 higher ground
damage [roll1]

Edit: I forgot Bardic Music. +1 to that attack and +1 to that damage.

2017-11-07, 02:17 PM
Malthena drops her backup holy symbol and draws her morningstar as she charges forward. If Mr. Skolly would not bow before her magic, her weapon will bring him to his knees.
Attack: [roll0] (+5 base, +2 charge, +1 Bardic Music)
Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-07, 03:17 PM
Saeht and Malthena spot an opening after the skeleton's shield bash, and rush forward in unison with bludgeons in hand. In one final effort, the clerics smash the sides of Skolly's skull in like two great pendulums swinging together, shattering it to pieces and sending splinters flying everywhere. He staggers forward up a stair or two, before finally collapsing to the ground.

The battle is over in a matter of twelve seconds, and the room returns to its long-kept silence. You stand inside the room alone, movements flickering from the sunrod.

- - End Encounter - -

2017-11-07, 06:12 PM
Malthena breathes a sigh of relief, sheaths her weapon, and goes to retrieve her holy symbol.

"Umral, you seem to have a knack for picking the most powerful undead to play with."

2017-11-07, 06:36 PM
Burroughs stops singing, then spits some blood and checks his lower jawbone. Rattled by the hit he takes a few seconds to notice Skolky is now dead dead, the cleric and the tall dwarf delivering the final blows.

We need to find a way to open the door, hopefully the folks who were following us didn't have time to catch up with Q, after all without him we don't even know what we are looking for. My guess is that those brazier gargoyles have some kind of lever to pull the slab back up.

He puts his HVY mace away and pulls a long thin wand from his quiver where arrows with feathers of different colors can be seen. He waves the wand at him and at Umral.

Using two charges of my CLW wand

First on me [roll0]

then on Umral [roll1]

2017-11-07, 06:54 PM
Ok Mr. Skolly, say you're sorry Umral says, picking up the skeleton

"I'm sorry" the skeleton appears to say with Umral's bad ventriloquism.

Aw it's ok buddy :thog:

2017-11-09, 10:30 AM
In the relative safety after the fight, Malthena is going to search the room.
"Perhaps we can find a way to open this door again. Anywhere probably trapped that I should avoid checking out?"

2017-11-09, 11:12 AM
"It is not his fault, Umral, but an magical -- likely evil -- force that took over his body preventing it from rest." Saeth slips his morning star back through the ring on his belt, and claps the orc on the shoulder in sympathy. "Should we find the one who did this to them, forced them to attack us blindly, we will avenge Mr. Skolly. He was pretty frantic about getting to something. Did anyone see where it went?"

2017-11-09, 12:05 PM
Burroghs nods to Malthena's words.

It is likely there will be more traps. I'll examine the gargoyles where the light shone. But we could use some expertisse in traps...

He looks at Aerowyn.

Elf, Would you assist us?

2017-11-09, 12:27 PM
Aerowyn nods, sheathing his rapier, "Were it me, I would trap this low area down the stairs, well, which is what they did, I suppose. I would wager you are safe if you stick by the walls. It might be that they have a similar set up as with the gargoyles outside, so that the reverse is on one of those," he points at the gargoyles in the room, "but I will search the spot where Umral triggered it first."

He promptly begins searching the exact spot where Umral triggered the door trap.

Gonna try 3 times before just taking 20 if he doesn't see anything.

Search: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

2017-11-09, 01:22 PM
Ivellis holds up the axe This, I believe, is why he was so intent on transfixing me. The wizard seems to have regained his composure after his misses in combat and is now setting about examining their surroundings, careful to avoid the center as Aerowyn suggested.


2017-11-10, 07:36 AM
Burroughs listens to the rogue's advise and keeps close to the wall trying to reach the gargoyles. Once there he'll conduct a search without touching them.

taking 20 but not touching the gargoyles.

2017-11-14, 12:20 PM
Malthena and Ivellis runs their hand along the walls of the room. Embedded along the long walls are another bass-releif, depicting the progression of men. They start off upright and haughty, carrying swords and dragging a halfling (or a child?) by its hair. The men then appear to come to temple of Sham Bel Sharma, where they then stoop low, leaving their swords behind, and place shackles upon themselves instead. The men remain low in the next panel, draped in robes and shackled still. This panel repeats itself again. Only at the end of the wall do they rise again, higher than before, beams of light eminating from their faces.

At the head of the room, just above the staircase, a single grand figure is depicted; all the shackles and light beams are stemming from him, connecting to the figures around the room. There is no depiction of its face.

Aerowyn takes careful steps as he lowers himself down the stairs, using expert precaution to exam the floor without actually touching it. This panel that sprung the door trap looks to be a reseting mechanism, and must have been made by an artisan craftsman; whoever took care to trapping this place knew what they were doing... and you will find them a formidable rival as you expore.

There are no other traps on the initial panels, but the door seems to be lifted from somewhere else. Feeling confident, you examine the rest of the floor below, noting how the pillars could have acted as ambush points from those entering the temple. Only on the stairs leading out of the depression do you spy the glint of a trip wire in the sunrod's light. Grooves have been carefully hidden low along the walls, bringing visions to mind of a sweeping chain that would catch those panicked enough to blindly run forward.

Alas, the trigger seems non-reseting, and if a trap was here it was triggered long ago. Tugging the wire does nothing, and its purpose is left to your imagination.
It doesn't fit with the narrative necessarily to have a deathtrap at the opening, but you're right; it would make for a good spot :p

Burroughs stays wary but examines the gargoyles from a safe distance. Unlike the gargoyles outside, these have their mouths closed, snarling at you with the light having come from between their beared fangs. As far as you can tell, these statues were simple braziers; though they must have been triggered magically, they remain dark, and the mechanism for the door lays elsewhere.

* * *
* * *
Ivellis has Sir Skolly's axe
Burroughs has a backpack
Aerowyn has a backpack and a toolkit
Umral has Mr. Skolly

2017-11-14, 03:48 PM
Well, beyond rather disturbing engravings, I can't seem to find anything of interest. Any chance we can open that door?
I'm worried our employer might be in danger. Ivellis examines the axe carefully, looking to see if he can spot anything of particular interest about the axe. He sets it aside after a moment and removes a scroll from his pack, reading aloud the last parts of the incantation. Attuukiat Atiavah. His eyes take on a faint glow for a moment and he looks at the axe again and glances around the room as well.

Using a Scroll of Detect Magic.
Search check, if needed:
Knowledge (Arcana), if needed:

2017-11-14, 04:49 PM
Saddened at the likely fate of his poor donkey, and to a far lesser extent, Q, Aerowyn settles for inspecting the backpack and toolkit he saved from the crushing door to distract himself.

2017-11-15, 03:44 AM
Burroughs is slightly disapointed with the gargoyles.

So this isn't how we open it...

He thinks of Pucho, his dog, and Q' and the payment he was promised.

Damn Orc!

He looks at the party, Ivelis and Aeowyn seem trustworthy, so does Saeth. He does not trust the orc, and the lanky bizarre dwarf. He points his fingers at Ivelis Saeth and Aeowyn, and mutters some words casting a spell to communicate with them...

Then he whispers a message across the room
Whe need to be swift with this, get Q and the animals inside quickly. And we need to be silently too. Don't think all the dwellers of this place will be undead.

casting message with ivelis, aeowyn and saeth as targets, it lasts 30 minutes

2017-11-15, 09:20 AM
Saeth nods at the whispered words, adding his own aloud, "I was wrong earlier about the switch in the gargoyle's mouth, so I may yet be wrong about this. But, assuming this ruin operated in some sort of normal fashion, the control for the door should be within a reasonable distance. Likely, there is some method of opening in some nearby room. Considering the trap that was laid here was intended to catch those trying to leave, it is likely to be hidden, though."

He thrusts the shaft of his morning star back through the loop on his belt and retrieves his bow. The light from his holy symbol shines upward casting eerie shadows on his face. "Aerowyn, take point, but be careful. Everyone, keep your eyes open."

2017-11-15, 07:13 PM
Malthena nods to Saeth's words, wide eyed. She is comforted to be sheltered deep in the stone vault of the crypt, and figures the exit will be found in good times. However, her encounter with the hostile undead warrior had perturbed Malthena, used to undead merely as passive harmless servants. She shows her gear and falls into formation, a bit on edge.
"Indeed, Saeth. If anyone living once walked these halls, they needed to get out sometimes, at least for provisions. Either there will be a back door, or some way to open the front without leaving it in defended as residents take hours winding through the labyrinth. Keen-eyes Aerowyn, you were skilled enough to find the secrets of the front door, I'm sure you can find the exit."
She then turns inquisitively to Burroughs: "Thurman the Holy. An appropriate choice for the setting. Our priests also ken him Thurman Peacekeeper. Perhaps when we rest, you might be willing to exchange lore of him? I had not heard his story for many years, but it seems my Graystone dwarves' legend has minor differences perhaps worthy of erudite examination."

2017-11-17, 05:24 AM
Burroughs frowns when Malthena mentions the old song he used to inspire courage in the group.

Didn't think you liked the story of a hero who killed the minions you seem to prefer...

Then he moves into the threshold opposite to the door they crossed and listens carefully into the dark.

There were arrow slits right over the door, maybe we can communicate with Q if we get to the second floor. Which way to go Elf?

2017-11-17, 12:13 PM
Ivellys stares at the axe. At his incantation, the world seems different- as though looked at through the lense of a strange glass. From the axe’s blade, symbols shine forth; runes inscripted with magic, marking the spell of an enchanter. You recognize these symbols as glyphs of abjuration, and conclude that this axe must protect its wielder in some way.
[Axe of Defending]

As you feel the thing in your hands, your fingers graze over an engraving in the haft towards the head of the axe. It looks like a family crest, beneath which is a short phrase, written in common and scrawled crudely. To read it properly, you bring it into the light.

The inscription reads:
"Go get em, daddy"

* * *

The fate of Aerowyn’s valiant pack mule remains unknown, and he digs into the pack to distract himself.

You find an arcane scroll with words you find difficult to understand. Ivellys glances over your shoulder and identifies the symbols as part of the school of divination. It is spell which will reveal the immediate future, and make your next attack Strike True.
Deeper in the pack is a vial, filled with thick amber oil. A note is attached to it, written in elven: “Magic weapon”
Deeper still are 20 gold pieces, and two days’ worth of food.
The toolkit seems filled with harnesses, tipped shoes, gloves, and a bag of chalk. You suspect it will make climbing difficult surfaces much easier.

Burrouhgs finds two flasks of bright red fluid, which turns shades of orange and yellow as it swirls and shifts.
You recognize this as alchemist’s fire, and tuck it away safely.
You also find a stone, which while seemingly unremarkable, echoes loudly whenever you touch it. You wrap it in cloth and stow it away all the same.
(You also find some hygienic products, but whether you keep these are up to you)

* * *

The stairway north stands open

2017-11-17, 07:54 PM
:thog:C'mon Mr. Skolly! We gotta get some friends!
Gotta love them orcs
Umral moves to D1 and peers into the darkness. Umral then reaches into his bag of holding, pulls out a gallon of ale, and starts drinking :smalleek:

2017-11-17, 09:17 PM
Aerowyn draws his bow and picks up the sunrod with his other hand. "Alright. Form the line we spoke of, we will see if we can get this door open in time, but I do not want to end up like them," He points the sunrod at the crushed skeletons under the door, "so we will go slowly. Walking pace."

2017-11-18, 05:05 AM
Burroughs offers to take the rations, his backpack has space as his rations and water are outside in the saddlebacks of his dog.
He tucks the alquemist fire in a special pocket on his belt ladden with lead. He makes sure his sword can be drawn easily from its sheat and grabs his composite shortbow an a green feathered arrow (+1 arrow).

Then he tells aerowyn Let me go in front with you Elf, I don't want to spring any traps, but my eyes allow me to see without that light which will probably give away our position to any ambush.

2017-11-18, 06:12 AM
"If my memory serves," replies Malthena, "Thurman the Holy saved the Three Clans when he put to rest the Unsleeping Wyrm, who made a mockery of life and death alike as the chief lieutenant of the balor Parvax. Had he destroyed the fiend's ballistae, or supply lines, or any other tool, I would grant him praise. He was a noble dwarf, loyal to his clan and his customs, as a ruler fair but strong, and his triumph merits praise. You sang it well. I hold no general love for the unliving; nor special fear. When the living freely grant us their use in death, we accept the offering as we would any other, for what burial could be more honorable than eternal service to a beloved cause? Raised without consent, bodies are desecrated more surely than the victims of any grave robbers, and restless souls cry in anger at the theft. Would that we could bury these corpses according to their custom, but given our pressing circumstances, I find the expedient use of their bodies little different than the use of their cherished gear we seem to have no qualms with appropriating. Speaking of which, Ivellis, what does your magic say about that scroll? A sometimes-seeker of arcane lore, I should be able to make use of it as well, given the need."

2017-11-19, 03:29 AM
Ivellis nods at his findings and disseminates the information, though he doesn't share the now rather depressing message on the axe. I have no need of the scroll, excepting extremely dire circumstances. If anyone else can make use of it, I suggest they take it. As for the axe, it can provide an increase in defensive or offensive capabilities depending on the will of the wielder. I recommend someone who knows their weapons better than I take it. At Aerowyn's instruction, Ivellis falls in line, taking extra care where he steps, eager to escape with his body alive and intact.

2017-11-19, 05:52 PM
The air is thick and stale as you ascend into the room above.


The cathedral of Sham Bel Sharma is vast and daunting, sprawling with high terraces that extend back into the choking darkness. The room is five stories tall, with two more balcony-floors ascending ever still. The seven of you stand at the center of it all, at the lowest platform of the lowest floor, left to the scrutiny of the monks of old... who all face towards you from every angle. Their ankles are shackled beneath their robes, forever secured to their meditating places; and all about them are candles that have since been reduced to wax. Their skin is remarkably well preserved after all these years, and you can still make out their faces... stretched paper-thin over what's left of their bones.

At the head of the room, three terraces up, you can make out an old sarcophagus, at least fifteen feet long and five feet high.

On the first balcony, one story up... you can see a sunlight reflecting in from the outside.

On the second balcony, two stories up... another, small flame lingers still.

The room is deathly still. You may be the first living things to walk upon this place in years.

First Floor (http://oi68.tinypic.com/qovtah.jpg)
Second Floor (Undiscovered) (http://oi67.tinypic.com/2n8ro92.jpg)
Third Floor (Undiscovered) (http://oi64.tinypic.com/eisiuc.jpg)

2017-11-19, 06:02 PM
In response to Burroughs, "As you wish."

Aerowyn spends a brief moment looking all around this large chamber, then speaks in a hushed tone, "To those stairs, straight through these poor fools, quietly as you can." He points to the in the upper-left corner of the room, and begins slowly walking in that direction, trying to be silent, climbing up each terrace without using the stairs.

I'm assuming the monks aren't packed in really tight or anything.

2017-11-19, 06:24 PM
Climb: [roll0]
Tumble (Moving through squares via means of acrobatics): [roll1]

Aerowyn climbs, with excruciating and arduous measures, up the terraces and through the monks without touching the stairs or the monks themselves. While they sit close together, you are able to tiptoe over and around them, leaving them as undisturbed as you found them. You are able to make it to the opposite end, and none of them react to your presence.

(There is also a very high likelihood that they are dead, but one can never take chances in these places)

The spiral staircase at both the northeast corner and northwest corners have collapsed. It is a fifteen foot climb to bridge the gap from one step to the next. Luck seems to favor you, however; this staircase has cracks, which may give surfaces to grab onto and permit an ascent.

2017-11-19, 06:36 PM
Ivellis nods at the rogue's words and follows him, as carefully as possible. He nudges Revindil in his pack Danger has passed.
I need your eyes and ears, old friend.

Tumble and Climb?

Tumble [roll0]
Climb [roll1]

2017-11-19, 08:50 PM
Saeth intones a low mantra, and his eyes begin to glow with a violet light, "I'd prefer to see if any magic is hidden in this chamber before climbing all about it." He slowly turns around the room scanning it for auras.

Cast Detect Magic, duration 30 rounds
Divide the room up into 4 60' cones, roughly NE, SE, SW, and NW. He will spend up to three rounds observing each cone in that order. If there are no auras in a cone, he'll skip to the next one after only the one round.

2017-11-20, 04:20 AM
Burroughs takes a moment to admire the scene, the devoted monks chained to their places, he studies them for as long as Aerowyn quickly climbs...


Then, cautiosly puts his bow away and takes a sip from a potion he had in one of his many belt pouches.

drinking hide from undead 10 minutes

And then he follows Aerowyn... He doubts the Orc wil be as subtle as the elf...

Climb[roll1] Tumble [roll2]

2017-11-20, 11:18 AM
Malthena hangs back, not eager to climb in her armor. "Saeth, what do you see?"

2017-11-20, 12:32 PM
Ivellis girds the loins of his robes, hoisting himself up spryly with ease. Ascending the terraces proves easy to you, and Revindil enjoys the smooth ride up. You are nearly at the top, so close to Aerowyn… when your foot catches the hood of a monk just below you. (DC 15)

Its head is tugged back and it lolls rearward toward you, mouth ajar and eyes deep and sunken-- unnervingly locked with your own. You hesitate for a moment, but its gaze does not move, and it does not react to your movements. You quickly free your foot of the dead, entombed thing, and move onwards.

* * *

Saeth attunes himself with the Arcanum, and surveys the room for what magics might linger in these ruins. The monks, to your relief, hold no auras about them, and if spells were cast upon them they had stopped long ago. At best, you suspect their flesh had been preserved by some old-world necromancy…
[spellcraft] [roll0]
But it may just as well be the well-designed architecture. It is hard to say.

The sarcophagus, however, is another story. Runes glimmer faintly on the rim of its stone lid, powerful spells of conjuration, abjuration, and abjuration again, some repeated several times around the sides and its base. Whatever is inside, someone took extensive effort to make sure that no one got in… or nothing got out.

* * *

Burroughs takes the downtime as a luxury to study the old monks. It is uncommon to witness monasteries like these beyond the stories, and each place bears within it a thousand tales, waiting to be told. The monks are truly ancient, decrepit things, but what’s interesting is that their corpses vary in age and deterioration. People must have come for at least a hundred years to pay penance at the Temple of Sham bel Sharma, some maybe more; you are only on the first floor, and the other monks may tell stories still.

One such has tattoos on his face, which you have heard once marked the crimes of an especially despised person. You surmise that these monks may have been the very same depicted in the room below.

You take note of your allies and begin to climb yourself. Alas! At the top of the second terrace, your foot slips, and it sends you tumbling backwards! (DC 10) Just as you fall towards the laps of three monks below you, you brace out with one hand onto a blank patch on the floor, and handspring yourself through the air onto the safety of the ground floor. The entire auditorium of monks are speechless after the feat.25 on tumble, I’ve recruited a party of chimpanzees!
You try the climb again. [roll1] HNNNG ok you know what. It goes much better for you this time.

2017-11-20, 12:43 PM
S o m e t h i n g .

w h i s p e r s .

o v e r .

y o u r

s h o u l d e r

.You spin around, but see nothing. Revindil turns to you, expectantly.
He heard it too.

2017-11-20, 12:47 PM
Before climbing up Burroughs takes the information and thinks to himself Well I start to see a pattern, criminals and siners who come here to repent...to find a final rest, chaining themselves to the light.

Then after the clumsy climb Burroughs takes a look at Malthena and Saeth... he hopes they don't take the disrespect for the death too seriously.

Once upstairs What do we see rogue? I think this place has been visited many times in the past, and these monks are penitents that come to chain themselves, they are the ones painted in the other chamber, in a procesion to reach Bel Sharma perhaps.

2017-11-20, 02:42 PM
Saeth responds to Malthena, loud enough for the others nearby to hear. "I don't see any magic except on the sarcophagus. That glows like the face of a soldier on furlough. I count three spells more powerful than I can cast. Specifically, I don't see any hidden magics hiding among the corpses."

He shivers at being surrounded by all of this orchestrated death. "I have the sinking suspicion that all of these people were chained here alive and left to starve." Death was no stranger to Iach, but on the battlefield, a person's life or death made a difference, at least to their comrades. This was a toothless and pathetic existence.

2017-11-20, 03:21 PM
Ivellis shudders and nods to Revindil I can't be certain, but I think there may be a presence we can't see hear.

2017-11-20, 03:52 PM
Mr. Skolly, you didn't tell me you had friends! :thog: Umral unwittingly shouts. Moving up to the inscription on the sarcophagus, he presses Mr. Skolly's head into the stone, yelling
Mr Skolly, can you read it!?

2017-11-20, 07:29 PM
Helping Ivellis and Burroughs up the last bit of the climb, Aerowyn loud-whispers, "The climb is fairly difficult, but I know how to fall, so do not be alarmed if I do. One of you can throw me a rope if I make it." He turns around to inspect the wreckage and look for the best route, bites the sunrod in his mouth, then carefully attempts to climb.

I figure one section of wall may be easier than the rest.

Climb: [roll0]
if I fall:
Tumble: [roll1]

2017-11-20, 09:39 PM
Although Sir Skolly had his skull smashed to splinters not long ago, Umral approximates where to shove his neck if only for ventriloquism's sake. You are fortunate that Aerowyn had his back turned when you trounce up not one, not two, but three flights of stairs on your way to the sarcophagus, but you seem none the worse for it (just as your sagacious wisdom and forethought anticipated). The inscription on the sarcophagus is quite legible, carved sharply and boldly into the great stone slab.

Gathered herein is Tyrterrath's history - of blood and greed and hatred

Siphoned from the worst of beasts - never to corrupt the light again.

Buried herein is Sham Bel Sharma - the illustrious one who stayed armageddon

Absolver of sin and pardoner of evil - who assembled all injustices to bear upon himself.

N e v e r . o p e n . t h i s . b o x

* * *

Aerowyn stares at the ruined stairway, mentally marking his every step. The path upwards is crumbling and precarious, and there is no way of telling which grip might give way. Worse than the gap are the steps below, hard and jutting, a painful place to land. You take a deep breath and steel yourself, preparing for the climb.

Precisely five feet off the ground, your first grip breaks and gives way. So does the second, and the third, and the next after that, and before you realize it you are scurrying all 135 pounds of you up a crumbling stairway that would crush you under its rubble. Burroughs and Ivellis scatter from the falling pieces, while Saeth, Malthena, and Umral wait on bated breath as you climb faster than gravity's draw. Your legs give out beneath you, and with a desperate reach...! You unscrunch your face and open your eyes slowly, finding yourself hanging by your fingertips from the balcony above.

(The DM will note that you aced the climb, and the dramatics were purely for the fun of it)

You pull yourself safely to the next floor


Full Image (http://oi66.tinypic.com/4tu8tu.jpg)

* * *

Malthena... you swear you could feel something graze your shoulder. Your arm suddenly feels numb.

2017-11-20, 09:53 PM
Aerowyn gets up and dusts himself off, breathing a sigh of relief. He then holds his hands out, ready to catch a thrown rope.

2017-11-20, 10:11 PM
Ivellis tosses his rope, but he keeps glancing around. He seems nervous and each monent seems to increase that nervousness. He sends a feeling of caution to his familiar, hoping the bat will keep it's own senses at the ready.

Throw (Str I assume) [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

2017-11-21, 03:02 AM
Burroughs does not understand why Aerowyn didn't tie a rope around his waist, and then he sees Ivelis pathetically throwing the rope a few centimeters...

Besides, there's what ivleis said... something invisible... Burroughs is quite sure there's a ghost.

Aerowyn, it is better if you check on that light by yourself, Ivelis thinks we might have company, and ghosts wouldn't surprise me in this collective tomb...

He takes his bow again, notching a magic arrow...

Is there a way you can detect undead or invisible foes Ivelis?

While he does this Burroughs does as saeth and his eyes light up.

2017-11-21, 04:16 PM
A ghost would be an optimistic thought.

Over malthena's shoulder rests a spectral hand, elongated and thin like a shadow stretched by flames. The glow of Saeth's holy symbol casts back the darkness, and what remains indeed is the shade of a man, a lightless void
forming a silhouette against the light.


Malthena: [Knowledge, Religion: [roll0]]
Ivellis: [Knowledge, Religion: [roll1]]
Saeth: [Knowledge, Religion: [roll2]]
Burroughs: [Knowledge, Bardic: [roll3]]]

Positions in the room (http://oi63.tinypic.com/15q5547.jpg)

You recognize this thing as the hungering darkness, a creature born of emptiness which saps away at life. By every account they are predatory and vile... and yet despite getting the drop on you, this fiend does not attack.

It clutches its temple in one hand, and wanders about without any apparent aim.

It is your decision of what to do.

* * *

2017-11-21, 05:23 PM
Aerowyn deftly catches the hurled rope, and looks around for a place to tie it to, like a balcony rail. Regardless, he will hold the rope just in case for anyone climbing up, or pull them up while they hang on, as they prefer and his strength allows.

Assuming hurling a rope is easy enough to not need a check, and also that he had no way to know about the shadow thing.

2017-11-21, 09:30 PM
Saeth turns to face the creature holding his holy symbol out in front of him. "So, uh, we are definitely not alone in here. There is a shadowy undead creature that should be eating Malthena right now, but it is largely ignoring us. 'Thena? Are you alright?"

2017-11-22, 01:25 PM
If it isn't bothering anyone, might I recommend we stay away from it? Aerowyn is waiting to help us up. He notices Umral playing with the sarcophagus and lets out a pained sigh Umral! That is quite likely to be very dangerous. Please leave it alone.

2017-11-22, 04:30 PM
Saeth retorts, "Easy enough for you to say -- from way over there." Still, the priest takes no offensive action, but he doesn't take his eyes off of the shadowy creature, even to look at what trouble Umral has found for himself.

2017-11-22, 07:42 PM
To the group: "Doing fine, Saeth, thanks for asking. I'm going to see if this being can be communicated with peacefully. Usually it would attack, but this one seems safe for now. What's more, this was a temple to purify sinners and redeem them, so this remnant may wish us no harm."

Malthena warily approaches the shade, and attempts to communicate with it. In Common and in Dwarven, she says with composure:

"Greetings, cold one. We mean you no harm. Please, grant us safe passage through your crypt. If you can communicate with us, I will listen respectfully."

She can also try towrite her message in her notebook and attempt to show it to the specter.

If the spirit does not seem to respond, Malthena just tries to communicate peace through large pantomime gestures: laying her palms open in front of her and bowing low in greeting.

2017-11-22, 08:55 PM
Aerowyn: You can catch the rope quite easily from any point, and the balcony is lined with banisters that make for easy anchors to tie to. You can shuffle past the monks and tie it along the western rail, or along the southern end where the balcony makes a bend. The matter is entirely up to you.

Despite your best efforts to gesture and communicate with the shade, its responses are erratic and impossible to comprehend. It whispers to itself unintelligibly (whether in common, you cannot say,), looking about the room in sudden motions as though distracted by a dozen things unseen.
You try tracing its gaze to no avail. Its attention finally snaps to you, reaching out with a hand that chills your breath.

" h





It withdraws its touch abruptly, focusing sharply on Umral. It looms a foot taller in size, eyeing him at the sarcophagus.

" h i m . "

The creature lets out a low, gaping howl, and disappears into the floor.

2017-11-22, 11:57 PM
Aerowyn ties the rope to the nearest undamaged banister, then drops the rest down by Ivellis. He waits to see if they want to follow him up; if they do, he will hold on to the rope or haul them up.

2017-11-23, 02:51 AM
"Umral," Malthena calls out with some urgency, "I would advise you to step away from that sarcophagus and proceed with a bit more caution. Our cold acquaintance may defend it with some vigor, and I am disinclined to aid you in desecrating a well-protected tomb with a clear warning before further consideration. Saeth, did you see where it was looking?"

2017-11-23, 09:03 PM
Step away? Ok, but Mr. Skolly has got to keep watch

Umral says, setting Mr. Skolly down onto the sarcophagus, sits down, and drinks a gallon of ale, indiscriminately sloshing is over himself and the floor

2017-11-24, 02:59 AM
Ivellis watches the undead sink into the floor and simply studies where it disappeared for a moment. He lets out an awkward cough in the following silence and turns to the rope Aerowyn offered Well, no time like the present. He begins attempting to climb it, wanting to be as far away from the undead as possible.


2017-11-24, 11:04 AM
The shade returns with an arcane scroll. At its incantation, a Hero's Feast appears before you- a long mahogany table with courtier's chairs, lined with delicacies and spirits of all manners from the Western lands. At the center of it all is a golden-brown bird, cooked perfectly and seasoned so well that its aroma puts all the ghosts of the ctype to rest. Only Sir Skolly remains to stick around, who joins you at the table and shares stories among your loving company.

Everyone roll a willsave: DC 25, or fall asleep when the meal is done.

Happy thanksgiving, everyone

* * *

Reading the dead is an enigma, Saeth. Just as the untrained eye cannot percieve the arcanum, what can mortal men see of the great between? The undead's spirit is in a place betwixt places, incomprehensable to those... uninitiated.

You cannot view the world through an undead's eye, or know what it might be seeing. From a living man's perspective is there anything which you can see or think of, which there are dozens of in the room...?

* * *

Aerowyn makes his way past the monks and ties the rope firmly to a banister. He directs Ivellis to hold on tight, while he pulls the wizard up from above and Burroughs pushes him up by the backside below. It is a silly and clumsy effort, but through teamwork you get him to the balcony above.

(The rest of you can take 10 on the rope climb, or keep an eye on the ground floor below)

* * *

I'm going to check out the sunlight. It's on the first balcony, which can be reached via the ruined stairwell in the upperleft corner.

At the end of the hallway is small tower room, with a tall thin window giving light from the outside. It is poorly maintained, cold, and dusty. There was a short hall leading to the opposite balcony which has since caved in, and the steps leading to the next floor have all but collapsed. None of this is as important to you though, as what lays before you outside.

Ten men stand outside Sham Bel Sharma; tall, thick-armed, draped in rough wraps and armors. Though their faces are hidden behind cloaks and helms, their body language speaks out multitudes, cross-armed and serious, and driven with purpose.

At their center is a man in a boar-shaped helm, dressed in all black crouching low to the ground. He pinches the soil where you all stood outside, and smells it between his fingers. A lone man on horseback, the apparent leader of this group, speaks to him ((Listen [roll0])), gruffly, and guttural, and in orcish.

But of course, you do not know orcs enough to tell who they are, or understand the language enough to tell what they say.

2017-11-24, 01:17 PM
Aerowyn turns from the window and beckons Ivellis over to it, putting a finger to his lips to request silence while doing so. While Ivellis is coming, Aerowyn peers out the window in every direction he can without moving fast enough to draw any eyes, trying to locate Q and the animals.

If appropriate:
Spot: [roll0]

2017-11-24, 02:20 PM
Ivellis walks as quietly as he can to the window and peers out, listening for the words of the riders and searching for Q

Move Silently [roll0]

Listen [roll1]

Spot [roll2]

2017-11-24, 04:05 PM
Saeth shivers as the shade fades from view. "I feel it would be better if we stuck closer together. If some threat came upon us now we'd be in poor shape to defend ourselves, spread out as we are over two fronts."

He picks his way across to the rope and in turn climbs it to the balcony.

2017-11-24, 10:20 PM
With one last glance around, Malthena follows Saeth up the rope.

2017-11-26, 11:59 AM
Hope you all don’t mind me smoking. I won’t do it indoors so I might as well take my last pipe here.

"Tobacco ash," the orc in the Boar Helm declares, letting the pieces fall before him. "Dwarven brightleaf."

You see the silver animal helm on black armor, and your heart sinks.

Dats a manhunter. Mean bois, powerful, with hearts as dark as pitch. You've seen one break a mark's wrists, and drag em by a horse away in the middle of the night. Dis boy's a professional; and you're being hunted by him like deer.

Dis is bad. Whoever's after Q really, really wants to get his hands on him.

The orc (?) on horseback trots up to him, watching him survey the ground. He snarls with a voice like gravel, and turns to the temple of Sham Bel Sharma.

" I must say, manhunter. I'm surprised you were able to track him after all."

"It was harder when he stopped using campfires."

"And now, look at him. How he brings sellswords and hides in this place. How he leads a pack of cowards, to run from us like kittens. This is weakness in their hearts. Hrrrrn, I hate it."

He tightens his grip upon his weapon- a heavy glaive resting broad across his back.

"How many."

"Six escorts--"

"Six insects."

"And a seventh on horseback," the tracker ignores the comment and continues to pat at the grass. "Or a pack mule. I cannot say by the weight."

"Hrm. We can handle seven, and now our man has nowhere to go. Entry points?"

"Sealed from the front. It looks like..." he levels himself with the ground, shuffling to follow the tracks, "one of them led the horse and a dog around the side? There might be another way in."

"Good," the commander turns the horse about, and shouts to his men. "ALRIGHT, you heard him! The enemy is weak, and softened with cowardice; the time to move in is now! Five men around the side, four with me to choke off his escape. Flush out this vermin from his hole... and bring him back, that I may axe his neck."

The orc in the Boar Helm nods, and gestures four others to follow him. "And his bodyguards?" he asks before he goes.

The commander waves the comment off, never taking his eyes off the temple.

"Tell them to piss off... or kill them very badly."

(Q, the donkey, and the dog are nowhere to be seen.)

* * *

It is possible to try to climb to the next balcony, via another difficult climb.

2017-11-26, 01:05 PM
Ivellis's expression darkens as he listens to the conversation and relays the informationIt seems we specifically are being hunted. Whoever this is wants Q dead badly and is willing to kill us all to achieve that end. From the sounds of the conversation he holds low opinion of our mercenary employment. He smirks slightly as he hears of Q and the animals However, both our employer and the animals are alive. Apparently they went around the side. He indicates the relative direction based on where the tracker pointed They out number us slightly, but if we are clever I think we'll be fine.

2017-11-26, 01:33 PM
Burroughs listens to the information and takes a green feathered arrow...

We could make up the numbers by shooting them right away... we have cover after all that will distract them from following Q

2017-11-26, 01:46 PM
Umral follows the other's lead by speaking softly
We not fight. These Orks are to togh. Shot now, and they climb up, but we wait for split, then we kill 2 by 2

2017-11-26, 02:16 PM
Ivellis stares at the orc for a moment He has a point... They're already weakening themselves. By the sound of the conversation, the leader plans to wait for Q to be brought to him alive. If we can regroup with Q and face the groups one at a time, we'll have advantage in numbers already. They think we're here to make a stand or lose them in the temple and flee, so they may expect us to act desperately.

2017-11-26, 03:20 PM
Burroughs eyes Umral with obvious misstrust...

If they find an entrance behind we might have to face them inside... we could so easily take them out from afar...nail them down while they climb. But I play by the team, and as a team we make mistakes.

2017-11-26, 04:45 PM
Saeth strokes his chin and ponders tactics. "The door on the outside was not entirely difficult to figure out. I think they'll be through in a few moments. The climb up this stair was not so easy without a rope. Perhaps we should lure them into the chamber below and fire upon them from this balcony."

2017-11-26, 07:38 PM
"The door on the outside was not entirely difficult to figure out. I think they'll be through in a few moments. The climb up this stair was not so easy without a rope. Perhaps we should lure them into the chamber below and fire upon them from this balcony."

Umral agree. But wot do Umral do? Ooh! Or we cud fill entry with bodies! Little small men down below wud be happie to help!

2017-11-26, 08:28 PM
"That is a remarkably good idea." Saeth isn't sure if this was just Umral's usual randomness coming up lucky for a change or if the big orc had a basic grasp of tactics. Either way, he is impressed.

2017-11-27, 08:56 PM
Ooo. Or we cud tie elfy man (pointing to burroughs) in a rope and hang him over here. Then dey wudn't hav a choice but tah come!

2017-11-28, 02:33 PM
Burroughs looks at Umral with the hatred of thousands of years of dwarves and orcs...

the dwarf is a strange one, delicately dressed and neat looking, not like other dwarves, but to be called elfy by this moronic orc...

His faced turned red... but he was a practical dwarf... ignoring the orc he puts away his composite bow and maneuvers into position to the balcony directly over the stairs, once there, he prepares three bottles of alchemist fire cuts down an end of his silk rope and ties the small bottles together with the thunderstone in an improvised grenade.


2017-11-28, 10:33 PM
Since they seem to be in agreement, Saeth hauls the rope up to their level. "Maybe pretend we didn't hear them and are locked in here looking for a way out. It is sneaky, but not entirely untrue. Against overwhelming odds some deception is permissible."

2017-11-28, 11:29 PM
"We are in agreement, then. The plan is to watch at least some of them as they come inside and fairly rapidly find this chamber, then to pepper them with arrows? I think it is a fair plan, but I have no bow nor sling, nor practice with this sort of combat. However, I can bless a weapon, aid with a little minor healing, and the like. If a good enough defensive position can be found, I would also be willing to take a stand on the lower floor in melee, preventing an easy climb up, if you can provide enough ranged support. The danger would depend on how many they send in. Also, I think we should see about thing some ropes to anchor points on the ground level to booby trap it. In the dim light, they might miss a rope and fall. But even if not, it will slow down charges and prevent easy access to the upper balcony. Have you any thoughts?"

2017-11-29, 09:26 PM
Burroughs returns to the main cathedral balcony.

You only needed to make a tumble roll to move past the monks without disturbing them; speaking of...

Your darkvision adjusts to the unlit room again... kicking in just in time, as you spot something faintly towards the end of the hall.


It is crouched low before one of the monks, feeling gently at the space about its head, never making direct contact.

A moment later it takes notice of you. It suddenly blinks from this world and returns in the same instant, impossibly now standing erect and facing you.

It does not make the first move.

* * *

Aerowyn, Saeth, Malthena, Umral, Ivellis: Clear pathways include climbing up to the top balcony, and taking the hallways north on the ground floor

2017-11-29, 11:11 PM
Umral calls out to the orcs down below

Hello! :thog:
Cod yuu open za dur?
We went to get out but wi can't

Not gonna roll diplomacy because that cannot end well.

2017-11-30, 01:49 AM
Ivellis glared at the orc's comment on Burroughs. He had no special love for orcs, but Umral had not been an awful companion, even if he was slow. However, the idea of confusing elves and dwarves raised the gray elf's ire. A correction would have to be made when there was time. For now, he sought a position where he could cast his sleep spell toward the center of the room on the first floor.

2017-11-30, 08:28 AM
Burroughs sets his handmade grenade on the floor.

Is this shadow the spirit of one of the monks?

He talks to the shadow: What are you, spirit, beast or demon? what makes you wander in the land of living...

2017-11-30, 10:01 PM
Umral's welcoming startles your pursuers like a flock of pidgeons, and they immediately scramble for their gear in a panic. Two of them fix longbows for themselves, while two more draw heavy shields and crossbows; the rider grabs a hilt without a blade, wrapped to a rosary around his forearm. They scan the temple's front as fast as they can, before finally honing in on your voice and the window from wence it came.

They exchange a moment pointing out other vantage points an attack could come from, but arrive at the uneasy conclusion that no such attack has came. The rider pulls his horse steady, squinting at you from inside.

<<"That's a tiresome bluff,">> he glowers with a long, impatient growl. <<"We already know you found a way in, and already know you know a way out.">>

<<"Give us the gnome, and we might let you live. You can even send him through that window, in little pieces if you'd like...">>

* * *

Burroughs: the shade stands perfectly still as a stationary shadow along the wall. It is as silent as a shadow too, and does not answer.

2017-11-30, 10:15 PM
"Umral, tell them how to open it, remember the tongue?" Aerowyn quietly says to the orc while readying his bow and arrows. He hides his sunrod deep in his backpack where the light can't escape, then pads out onto the balcony. Noticing that his companions have frozen, he follows their gazes to the shadow, unsure of what to make of it. For the time being, he will focus on the upcoming ambush, by getting as close to the entry stairs below as this balcony will allow.

Using improved cover from the balcony to keep watch over the stairs. Can I get within 30ft of the stairs that lead into the room below from the entry chamber?

2017-12-01, 04:30 AM
Burroughs is not happy, the shadow seems a very inconvenient presence at this particular time, but Umral has started his unlikely bluff and Burroughs needs get ready.

He whispers to Aerowyn and Ivellis through his message spell...

I think we need to ignore the ghost as long as it ignores us. I'll set my self on that balcony over the stairs. From there I'll cast grease on the group when they come in and try to lit them up with alchemist fire. Their heavy armors should make it difficult to keep balance. What can you throw at them?

Saying so he moves to his chosen position. Keeping a worried eye on the ghost...shadow... presence...whatever it is.

2017-12-01, 04:43 AM
Ivellis readies his crossbow and takes up position across from Burroughs. He might not be a warrior, but basic battle theory was basic battle theory. And crossfire ambush was a specialty of elves. He kept his voice low I was not prepared for a defensive today. My magic will aid us more if they come close, in which case you should not stand in front of me when I cast my spells. However, should any survive the trap, I have scrolls of a sleeping spell that should make the stragglers easier to deal with

2017-12-01, 10:43 AM
Saeth decides against pulling up the rope -- for now. He stands midway down the balcony and listens for the sounds of men in the chamber below. "When it is time, I'll call upon the powers of war to bless this defensive stand."

2017-12-01, 03:48 PM
Uhm, Umral say to get inside, slash the statue on the right, and... door open!

2017-12-01, 04:30 PM
The archers look at eachother incredulously. Their leader on horseback gives a heavy sigh, and pinches his brow in between his fingers. The two shieldmen still shift uneasily, not yet willing to lower their guard.

<<"Do you think he's trying to get us to underestimate them?">>

<<"No. He's just a muckboy.">>

<<"A what?">>

<<"Muckboy. Cannon fodder, strong as bricks and twice as dumb.">>

<<"Listen well, Uhm-Rahl! For my temper is short and I tolerate no weakness beneath my heel! Right now, a team of men is inside, and they will find you, and they will kill you.">>

<<Know that the gnome is all I want. Send him out that you may live, and know I will not offer you again.>>

He calms himself for a moment.

<<"Know, in fact, that I am paying that team handsomely for that gnome's head. Give him to me instead of them, and you'll earn their payment instead.>>

<<Six thousand a piece, and a bit more for the manhunter.>>

How much is the gnome paying you?>> he suggests

2017-12-01, 04:43 PM
"Alright then. I guess I'll be bait. I'll see if I can stop them from coming up, and draw them in, while you shoot them down. I'm looking forward to a nice fight--perhaps then we can stop worrying about pursuers."

Malthena climbs down the rope and readies herself in good clear view of the entrance to the room.

"Let me know if you see them enter the building, I'd like to enchant my weapon."

2017-12-01, 07:10 PM
Aerowyn sighs under his breath. He turns around and says to Umral, "Tell them to pull the statues tongue and we will give them the gnome."

2017-12-02, 11:29 AM
Uhh, Nose pay me in drink! Drink make Umral big and strong! :thog:

Nose says to pull tongue to open door, then we give nose

Umral said, sticking his tongue out at the end

2017-12-02, 05:46 PM
<<"Tongue? Nose? What is he...">>

<<"Sir. Would you like us to deal with him?">>

<<"Yes. Thank you.">>

Longbow [roll0]
Longbow [roll1]
Crossbow [roll2]
Crossbow [roll3]

The crossbow bolts clang against the outside wall, and already their wielders begin pulling wheeling back another bolt. One arrows barely catches the rim of the window, while another lands through and strikes you in the shoulder.

(1d8 damage)

The commander raises the hilt without a blade. It begins to glow with a deep orchid light, as he speaks unheard words beneath his breath

Umral's initiative: [roll4]
The Commander's initiative: [roll5]

The air before you glimmers with a strange magic, and before you know it a flail made of pure force is swinging in the air over your head. It builds momentum to come down on you hard,

...though you react in time, and may flee from it if you wish.

2017-12-02, 06:27 PM
Ivellis had been prepared for the ambush, but hearing the conversation and watching the mystic flail crash on Umral's head, he pauses. Perhaps it would be wiser to find Q ourselves. I don't believe the enemy has any interest in listening to us.

2017-12-02, 11:07 PM
Umral swiftly dodges the flail, and reaches out to snap the (arrow, or bolt?) from his shoulder. Unfazed by the pain, he glares back towards the man on the horse.

2017-12-02, 11:31 PM
"Well, then we are going to have to get through that other shade." Saeth lowers his bow and raises a free hand to his holy symbol. He move north toward the shadowy creature with his symbol outstretched. "Spirit," he addresses it, "Depart this world and find your rest in the next."

2017-12-03, 05:11 PM
Saeth, Malthena, Ivellis, Burroughs: Moments pass, and you hear the commotion outside, followed by the hailfire pelting the side of the temple. It becomes evident that your ambush is blown, and no such positions will benefit you from where you are.

Umral, Aerowyn: The flail continues to pursue Umral for ten feet before ceasing in its chase. The archers and crossbowmen have a bead on that window, and while Umral has stepped immediately out of the flail's danger, it still swings in the air, keeping its momentum going and ready to strike. It is up to you whether to take an further actions, or flee from the tower room.

* * *

Clear paths include:
*Climbing to the final balcony from the ruined stairs in the tower room (threatened)
*Climbing to the final balcony from the second floor balcony (difficult climb)
*The north hallways on the ground floor

2017-12-03, 05:17 PM
We need to move on. they will catch us in this rat trap from both ends if the others find a rear entrance. And the group outside will be with us in no time.

He carefully puts the alchemist fire back into the secure lead belt pouch and call for the others. He ventures 20' into the northern hall ways in the dark.
It feels like home... not a pleasant memory.

2017-12-03, 05:45 PM
Burroughs sighs... and quoting the poet approaches the rope resolutely, and if allowed, uses it to get down.

Be you beast of demon, lift thy shade out of my rope and thy face out my soul

2017-12-03, 06:00 PM
"Burroughs, wait. I would rather search from top to bottom; that way, if we do encounter these louts, it may still be from a higher position. Let us ascend to the third balcony through this room once this damnable flail ceases to be." He retrieves his sunrod and waits for the group to decide and for the spell to wear off.

2017-12-03, 06:39 PM
Agreed. Height gives us advantage and if we can find another point to look outside, a better chance we might spot Q and the animals if they're outside or on the second floor somehow. Ivellis is still readied with his crossbow, but has stepped away from the edge of the platform. He nudges Revindil and sends feelings of caution through their link Keep an eye out and your ears open. If they're following, you may be the first to know.

2017-12-03, 06:42 PM
I'll explore a little bit the hallway. Height gives us no advantage if we keep waisting time. We had thw drop on them and we ruined it waiting for that absurd rouse to work.

Having said that Burroughs tries to climb down the rope with the shadow.(on the phone, cant put colors)

2017-12-04, 05:40 PM
Aerowyn watches the spike and ball wearily, spinning in its orbit and daring anything to come near it. Finally, after minutes pass, the weapon fades away, swinging once at the air blindly before disappearing from this world.

One of the archers takes an impatient shot at the window, which strikes at its rim and falls limply to the ground.

There is silence in the tower room; the orcs mumble to themselves outside.

* * *

The shade looms as you approach Burroughs, stretching taller and taller, nearly eight feet high. You walk straight up to it until face to face with the inky blackness that is its head, and walk straight on by to get to the rope.

It isn't until you cross the body of the monk that you hear a muted screech from right behind you.
Attack of opportunity:

The back of your neck feels cold and numb, and in an instant you decide to make a break for it. You dash forward and dive over the rail, grabbing the rope in the air and swing down to the floor below. You hit the ground fast and sprint for the stairs, ne'er taking a second look behind you.

It isn't until you are at the north hall that you glance back to the balcony above. The shade remains there still, eyes fixed on you, still at the side of the monk you disturbed.

* * *

2017-12-04, 06:50 PM
Burroghs feels the cold sweat going down between his hairy butt cheeks...

Then he goes back a little bit and say to the others...

We will be foolish to stay here and fight the orcs in this room. Every one of this monks has a shadow of darkness we don't want to disturb. A fight here will surely awaken forces we are not prepared to face. Unless our clerics want to turn or rebuke 300 shadows. I insist one last time. Move on.

But now he is less resolute. What may lay ahead surely spooks him, but he doesn't want to be here any longer.

2017-12-04, 09:40 PM
"Agreed. We need to move on." Saeth makes his own dive for the rope, wiggling between shadow and monk.

[roll0] Tumble past the shade

2017-12-04, 11:10 PM
Saeth: Your DM deliberates a little while longer before deciding what DC he wants to simply avoid making contact with the monk.

You peer into the thick darkness that is the path ahead. Even with your darkvision, the halls forward are filled with cobwebs, that drape and gown you throughout the dusty corridor.

The cobwebs are unbearable now, and they take effort with sweeping arms to clear them away. The air is choking, and even in your underground upbringing, the dust and staleness of this place is displeasing just to be in.

The dust is there and the cobwebs are even worse; but finally, the room opens up again.

It is a gaping maw, the plunging throat of the temple to Sham Bel Sharma.


The stairway to heaven is brittle and broken.

And the stairway down...?
The stairway up is completely out, and the shaft goes up further than 60 feet; you cannot see to the top. The bottom goes lower than 60 feet as well; you cannot see the bottom

2017-12-05, 01:14 AM
"Alright. I am convinced. Staying here is doing no-one any good, and the idea of all those shades unsettles me. I'm prepared to move on ahead with you."

2017-12-05, 03:53 AM
Burroughs advances. Moving through the thick shadows of seemingly unnatural darkness.

He has to stop and collect his breath at the unnending pit...

"Iit lays in darkness never pierced, and feeds on the despaired"

2017-12-10, 01:08 PM
Aerowyn, Umral:
The pursuer chief huffs once more, and gives a hand signal to his men.The five of them backtrack sixty feet down the mountain, and for a fleeting moment, it looks as though they'd given up chase, and begun their retreat. Sixty paces back, the commander raises his fist, and the men set to work upon his saddlebags.

They pull long pieces of wood from the miniature packs, tools and equipment from bags of holding, that would be used to construct something greater. From the distance, it is hard to say what it is, but as they lay out the pieces, you would almost think it to look like the makings of...
A huge crossbow, ten feet accross.

It's a ballista.


The Deadpeaks are no place for one so full of life as you.

The spirits that linger here draw closer,

Reaching out with hands that frost the air.

((OOC: Up or down. Choose now, lest you fall the perils of this unhallowed ground))

2017-12-10, 01:50 PM
Sorry, busy the past few. Posting from mobile

Ivellis sees Burroughs waiting and follows after him. He begins preparing to defend himself as the spirits rise.

2017-12-10, 08:14 PM
Umral swiftly decides to get away from this horrid mess ((Thinking is a swift action lol :smallsmile:)) He jumps off of the balcony and runs to burroghs.

(It's only a 10 ft drop right? Do I take damage?)

2017-12-10, 09:47 PM
Not wishing to become prey for the undead, Malthena sprints towards Burroughs, doing her best to acrobatically leap when necessary, though hampered by heavy armor.

"It looks like the deadpeaks are starting to live up to their name. Now lets move!"

2017-12-10, 10:10 PM
Saeth wends his way over to the closest northern opening. He holds his illuminated holy symbol in front of him and tries to make out any detail of that passageway while the others descend.

2017-12-11, 04:25 PM
Umral: The first floor is a twenty foot drop to the tallest terrace, and five feet further as you progress each terrace downwards. A tumble check could reduce the fall damage, or try to slip past the shade before it could strike (specify which)

Malthena: The shade which saw you shoots a look back, letting out another muted shriek. It lets you go for now, pursuing Umral and Aerowyn instead

Ivellis, Saeth, Malthena: You have caught up with...

You peer into the thick darkness that is the path ahead. Even with your darkvision, the halls forward are filled with cobwebs, that drape and gown you throughout the dusty corridor.

The cobwebs are unbearable now, and they take effort with sweeping arms to clear them away. The air is choking, and even in your underground upbringing, the dust and staleness of this place is displeasing just to be in.

The dust is there and the cobwebs are even worse; but finally, the room opens up again.

It is a gaping maw, the plunging throat of the temple to Sham Bel Sharma.


The stairway to heaven is brittle and broken.

And the stairway down...?
The stairway up is completely out, and the shaft goes up further than 60 feet; you cannot see to the top. The bottom goes lower than 60 feet as well; you cannot see the bottom

2017-12-12, 12:12 AM
"It seems the time for action is upon us. This floor is no longer safe. I'm heading down, friends, since the stairs up are crumbling. Perhaps we can find some buried lore to help us navigate this crypt, a way out, or whatever godsforsaken prize Q seeks. If Umral has made his own grave up there, I hope he can extricate himself, or at least have the decency not to pursue us in death."

Malthena begins to walk down the stairs, carefully.

2017-12-12, 02:37 PM
Let's move up, that way at least we'll keep the high ground on those guys.

Then Burroughs takes a few steps downstairs while smoking his pipe and clumsily dropping tobbacco and ash on the stair going down.

2017-12-12, 03:08 PM
Saeth waits for the others then falls in behind taking his usual position of rear guard.

2017-12-13, 04:08 AM
If everyone else is heading up, Malthena will follow

2017-12-14, 04:44 PM
The shadows of terrible men are upon you, Umral, stalking forward like jungle cats before the killing blow.

You don't hesitate.

Umral vaults himself over the edge, clearing the monks on the balcony and soaring high over the room below. The long way down seems drawn out as the room gets deeper the more central it goes, and the stairs approach you like jagged rocks.

[[[roll0] damage]]

You tumble hard down two flights of stairs before scrambling onto your feet. Despite the Elf's previous instructions, you hold no reservations towards approaching the sarcophagus, and following the party into the northern halls.

The elf...

You take one last look for your party member, finding him still on the balconies above. The shades are moving in fast, faster than a man could outrun at full sprint, and they swiftly cut off his way to the balcony's ledge. Aerowyn shoots you a desperate gaze, glances at the balcony yet above, and disappears back into the tower.

All is silent for an excruciating moment, before thunderous impact shakes from the tower above.




The shades could return at any moment. It is up to you whether wait, or press on.

Aerowyn Foxfire: MIA

Press 'F' to pay your respects

* * *

Ivellis, Burroughs, Malthena, and Saeth begin their march into the shadowy abyss, each step echoing up and down the shaft. The stairs look to descend endlessly, and their bottom is still below what the eye can see. Q once mentioned the cautionary tales of dwarvenkind, and how they'd warn their children against exploring unknown mountains; how the comforts of the deep underground should not make them unwary against the treacheries that lurk beneath.

You are one flights of stair down down, fifteen feet below where you started. The current marching order is: Ivellis, Saeth, Burroughs, Malthena. The cobwebs are especially thick along the steps and low to the walls, and begin to hamper your movement by five feet. Burrough's tobacco ash falls lightly upon them, leaving a miniature trail behind you.

None of you should fault the bard for going back on his promise; it is turning out to be a hell of a day.

~ ~ How do you proceed? ~ ~

2017-12-15, 04:57 AM
I think you missinterpreted, Burroughs smoked while taking a few steps downstairs in a clumsy attempt to missdirect the tracker. He is not smoking on his way up.

And let it be known that the only reason Burroughs is not going back to get aeowyn is because Elradinblade is MIA.

Did anyone tried to turn undead on the shadows???

Burroughs walks alert, trying to spy every corner. His fine clothing completely soiled by the cowebbs, he sneezes once.

Once on a neat place i have to use a cantrip to clean my clothes up, this is not presentable...

Too much like home, the dwarven halls full of dirty faced badly groomed mostly drunk foul mouthed dwarfs...

I don't like this place

2017-12-15, 01:03 PM
"I agree. I prefer enemies that can be faced in battle, not those that phase in and out of corpses. Is there something unusual about the passage?" Saeth peered through the darkness, letting instinct and experience guide him -- trusting in all of his senses, not just sight, in this murk.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

I didn't try to turn them. Saeth's Turn undead is pathetic. (We got lucky with the skeletons). And, I was afraid that an offensive move would only make it worse.

2017-12-17, 12:03 AM
Malthena navigates the press of cobwebs with an experienced air, the grey strands adding a touch of age to her hair. She smiles faintly. Though on guard against the danger, this place has her almost salivating over hidden arcane power, steles of dead gods and forbidden runes.

"If we can find a safe, hidden place to camp at some point, I could try to command one of those shades from above. I'm afraid I'm not a very imposing knight of We Jas, nor one with the strongest will, and it's not my forte, but I can try. My preference, on the other hand, would be to lee our pursuers in here and pick them off group by group, as we make our way to the prize, Q be damned if he dissapears. There's something valuable and worth exploring here, and I intend to find it. Burroughs, the pipe ash ruse was a nice thought. It's good to have someone competent around. Umral, on the other hand... Well, if he survives long enough to reconnect with us, he's probably competent enough to be worth keeping around, but his spontenaity made me a little jumpy back there."

2017-12-17, 03:03 AM
Ivellis shudders at the thought of the shades again. Corpses were one thing, but spirits... Perhaps, once they found Q... and Aerowyn. The rogue had been a welcome reminder of home on the long road to the Dead Peaks. Now he had disappeared inside the temple and there was every chance he could be overwhelmed on his own. But what choice had Ivellis had? Enemies closing in, the near certainty they were going to catch their employer, and his uselessness so far on this expedition... Malthena's continued words shake him out of his thoughts I hope he catches up to us. It seems every step into this dreaded place weakens our numbers. He tries to keep his eyes open, as he had been doing so far.

Listen [roll0]

Spot [roll1]

2017-12-19, 11:15 PM
Umral, behind the rest of the party, speaks to everybody...

Wana hav a drunk? Q gave umral good stuff! :thog:

Umral then pulls out a gallon of ale from his bag, opens it, and downs it in a couple of gulps

Ale consumed: 1 gallon :smalltongue:

2017-12-20, 12:16 PM
Burroughs nods to Malthena, she is a dwarf after all.

Not many pearls of wisdom come from the lot of us Dwarves, known by brawls, moneylust and drunkeness. But there's one that rings true every time: Never trust an Orc.

Then it is comfirmed as the tusked meatshield comes hustling after them and one shots a mug of ale...

Need more evidence?

2017-12-21, 08:04 PM
Ahh! Elfy man, yuu wanna get a druk wath me? Nose gave me plenties! :thog: Umral says, downing another jug
Free ale. Take it or leave it. Also is everybody just going to wait until we get to the bottom? No ale for others? :smallfrown:

2017-12-22, 01:57 AM
Malthena dislikes what she has heard about Orcs. But she does know that ale is one of the few good things shared by both cultures. She shoots Burroughs a "what the hell" sort of look and decides to see where this goes.

"Alright. I'll try this Orcish ale. It's important to stay in good spirits. Lay it on me."

2017-12-22, 04:33 AM
Horrified by the sheer idea of drinking from the same jug an orc drank from, Burroughs face turns into the very image of disgust. He pulls a small flask of the finest spiced gin this side of the land and takes a sip to calm the urge of vomiting rigt there.

Come on Umral, great warrior, be useful and go ahed. We need a good battering ram.

2017-12-22, 10:50 AM
"If I were any of you, I'd go easy on the celebrating till we've actually won. I've given last rites to too many sots who thought the battle would go better with a little extra courage. Does anyone have a flint and steel? These webs are getting thick enough, that I think we should worry about what made them."

2017-12-22, 05:31 PM
I hav flint and steal! With that, Umral swiftly draws his flint and attempts to grab Burrough's flask, missing widely and falling down onto the stone, raising the flint triumphantly.

2017-12-23, 02:36 AM
Ivellis digs in his pack a moment before passing his flint and steel to Saeth Here. I don't have much experience lighting fires the traditional way, it may be best if someone else handles it. He regards the orc on the ground for a moment Umral, please try to keep a clear head.
We may need you to fight at any moment.

2017-12-23, 03:34 AM
As Umral flails his arms and missess the flask, Burroughs have terrible feelings of the orc falling down the spiral stair case they are standing on, falling to his demise... but he waves them of. They cannot afford to lose mr meatshield.

Burroughs takes now the role of scout, moving up ahead, silently and carefully while the others light the fire.

I'll move ahead, try to find out what's on the next level

His low wisdom expresses often as complete lack of patience

2017-12-23, 10:50 AM
Saeth accepts Ivellis' proffered tools. "Please don't. I have the distinct feeling we are walking into an ambush."

He scrapes the webbing away from them as best he can with his hands and bow. "Try to stay in the clear area." The veteran kneels down and gathers a few wisps of webbing into a nest shape wrapped around the tip of an arrow. It takes several tries, but Saeth is able to get a spark to land which he gently blows to life.

He knocks the arrow and shoots it downward from their position into the thicker webbing.

Taking 10 on the survival check to start the fire (12). If that doesn't work, he'll take 20.

2017-12-26, 11:37 AM
The party slows to a careful march, with Saeth, Ivellis, and Revindil keeping a vigilant watch. The lone human strains his eyes against the dark, but even with the continual flame of his holy symbol, the shapes in the stairwell are impossible to make out, obscured between the dust and the dancing shadows within the light. Ivellis glances upward and notices a patch of wall decorated with onyx: two spheres as black as night and big as dinner plates, with three adjourning spheres on either side. They would make a handsome prize were they not so high up. Why there are decorations in this place is a mystery in itself.

Umral toasts with Malthena contently, as Saeth makes work of their wizard's tools. In an instant, the arrow comes alive like a blazing star, and plunges deep into the webby thicket. The cobwebs begin to catch fire all along the stairwell, a guiding light that clears your way and slowly bringing heat and life to this place.

One story down, a shape emerges from the flames: a cocoon which burns brightly, revealing the final remnants of a man; a skeleton within the webs.

A quartet of limbs as thick as a horse's leg seize you from above, silently lifting you from the ground. You spin helplessly around to face your assailant: an monstrous arachnid as large as a cave troll.

Eight spheres as black as onyx blink asynchronously in your face.

(Grapple): [roll0]
(Opposed grapple): [roll1]

[b]Umral's waterskin of ale suddenly shoves against your face, forcing you to take one more swig than you intended. You feel as if a heavy quilt had been thrown on top of you, which would normally be little more than a nuisance... had you not been able to pull the ale away. The quilt unnaturally sticky, entangling you where you stand.


The skeleton on the stairs and the dancing flames around it continues to catch your attention. The hall stairwell is silent aside from the gentle embers. It is up to you how next to proceed.

(Spot: Umral [roll3])
(Spot: Saeth [roll4])
(Spot: Burroughs [roll5])

2017-12-27, 02:30 AM
Ivellis lets out a yell of terror and revulsion at his assailant. Help! I don't want to be this damn things dinner! He grabs for the ashen wand at his side, attempting to aim its firey might toward the monstrous spider.

I believe I can activate the wand of burning hands, even if pinned. Ivellis will do so at the soonest opportunity, preferably into its face.

2017-12-27, 06:14 PM
((Don't do it, Devilfish.))
((Any map will do. Stairs are hard and three detentions are..)

Spiders surprise you from below and above!

Attack: [roll0], Damage, [roll1], Poison [roll2]
Attack: [roll3], Damage, [roll4], Poison [roll5]
Attack: [roll6], Damage, [roll7], Poison [roll8]
Attack: [roll9], Damage, [roll10], Poison [roll11]

Quick as you could down a flagon, Umral finds a spider gnawing on his shin for a troublesome 1 damage. You yank your leg from the thing, before you realize... you don't feel so well. (-1STR)

Malthena struggles with the thick webbing over her as a second spider plunges its fangs at her back. By the grace of We Jas herself, it is unable to work its way past your heavy armor, and scurries back to its position on the wall

Burroughs finds himself less armored and less fortunate, a spider of his own as large as a man biting deeply into his thigh (6 damage). He feels the warm tingle of the poison up his veins, but to his relief feels none the worse for it. You quote the famous words of a dwarven cleric you once knew: taste's like mother's cobbler.

A final spider darts from side to side, working its way around the wall and seizing at Saeth ferociously (6 damage). The monstrous creature latches its fangs into your shoulder, envenoming you with an agent that makes your arm feel weak (-1STR).

Umral: [roll12]
Malthena: [roll13]
Burroughs: [roll14]
Ivellis: [roll15]
Saeth: [roll16]
(The opposition:)

* * *

Ivellis and his Spider are next

Burroughs and Malethena are up after

* * *

2017-12-28, 02:44 PM
The spiders bite causes a searing pain in Ivellis' arm, but he grasps and points the wand directly at the giant arachnid Burn! His voice shakes with both terror and anger.

Burning Hands Damage [roll0]
If there is webbing up here, it should also catch fire

2017-12-28, 04:25 PM
Unless I'm mistaken, the spider's bite (miraculously) missed! It rolled a 9 vs your flat-footed AC of 10.
The creature shrieks as fire explodes into its face, shaking Ivellis violently from side to side to desperately divert the flame.

(Grapple check: [roll0])
(Opposed check: [roll1])

Despite a valiant struggle, the spider's grip holds, and begins to retreat up the wall... carrying the elf away with it in into the darkness.

* * *

Burroughs and Malthena are next

A spider and Umral are after

* * *

2017-12-29, 08:26 AM
Burroughs thanks his dwarven heritage for the innate resistance to poisons. Has to act quickly and vermin are not his speciality, he uses what he has at had slashin the spider below him with his sword.

If i have higher ground advantage i'll use Power attack 1/2 if not, a nrmal attack.
[roll0] [roll1] (with higher ground and power attack -1/+2 it wouls be 1d20+6 and damage 1d8+5)

2017-12-29, 10:20 AM
You seize the high ground an swing down at the spider hard. The arc of your blade cleaves straight through its front three legs, sending it sprawling and screaming and plummeting into the darkness. (Dead)


Malthena, a spider, and Umral are next

2017-12-31, 01:36 PM
RAAAGH! LE 'IM GO Umral shouts, entering a violent rage (+4 STR/CON. +6 HP, 7-round duration). He then moves from A2 to A1 (5ft) and runs back to A5 (25ft total). Umral then leaps in a heroic attempt to save Ivellis (I'll eat the AoOs)
Jump DC 28: [roll0] (to jump)
Climb DC 15: [roll1] (to climb up ivellis)
Climb DC 20: [roll2] (to finish climb, if jump failed)
It appears that Umral, in all of his might, jumped up 12ft, proceeded to climb up, but as he attempted to finish climbing, fell down. (Umral is now prone in A5)

2017-12-31, 02:15 PM
With a fearsome shout, Umral sprints past down the stairs, weaving even past Malthena who staggers in place in her attempts to throw the rope off. The spiders shriek and snap at his heels, launching at him a barrage of pincers and fangs.

Attack (high ground, flanking) [roll0], Damage [roll1], Poison [roll2]; Opposed Fort. save: [roll3]
Attack (flanking) [roll4], Damage [roll5], Poison [roll6]; Opposed Fort. save:
Attack (flanking) [roll8], Damage [roll9], Poison [roll10]; Opposed Fort. save:
Attack [roll12], Damage [roll13], Poison [roll14]; Opposed Fort. save:


The largest spider springs down from above him, trying to latch deeply into his neck. The orc in his fury boulders past the thing, unable to get a good sink into his neck (4 damage). Her child grabs more tightly onto the orc's leg, which pulls out the spider's fang entirely as it explodes forward in its next pace. Umral, with all the blood rushing through his head, hardly notices any of this. (3 damage)

The other spiders snap feebly as they try to keep up.

Umral plants his feet and rockets upwards, clearing 4 feet of vertical off the ground.

Ivellis, similarly is ~15 feet off the ground, and you would need to be 10 feet off the ground to be adjacent to him.

Ivellis: you feel an incredible tug from below, and find 215lbs of orc hanging from your ankles. He promptly pulls at your robes and your limbs until he has successfully climbed you, reuniting you face to face with your frothing rage machine of an ally.


* * *

The spider wrenches back tenaciously, struggling desperately to stay on the wall (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22710651&postcount=3292)

Malthena is next

The spiders are after.

* * *

So the good news is the spider's pretty much stuck! Looking at the rules for carrying, it looks like it can carry up to twice its max load overhead, but that its pretty much useless otherwise. I still wasn't sure, so I decided to give it a strength check just to see if it could hold. It very well may just drop you when its turn comes back around- I'm sure it's no happier with this grapple now than you are!

@Goaty: If you'd like it to drop you immediately (gives Ivellis a chance to act better on his turn), make a strength check vs the spider

2017-12-31, 08:10 PM
Malthena spits as the disgusting orcish ale sloshes into her visor. Distracted for a moment, she barely processes the beginning of the fight. Umral's mad charge and the magical incantation snap her back to her senses, as the claustrophobic weight of the webs begins to grow tighter.

2018-01-01, 04:00 PM
Malthena struggles within the web, unable to free herself from its bindings.

((After the room with the Shades, she is in fact combat ready, and now holds both her morningstar and symbol of We Jas in either hand))

* * *

The spiders draw in closer, almost as though the dungeon's very walls are crawling forward at you.

Web attack: Attack [roll0]
Attack (high ground, flanking)[roll1], Damage [roll2], Poison [roll3], Opposed Fort save: [roll4]
Attack (flanking)[roll5], Damage [roll6], Poison [roll7], Opposed Fort save: [roll8]
Attack [roll9], Damage [roll10], Poison [roll11], Opposed Fort save: [roll12]


Two arms emerge over the wall, casting a net-like shroud over Saeth. The webbing clings to you tightly, as your spider makes its way over the wall [Entangled]

The larger spider makes its own grapple attempt to drag Malthena away pounces from above, sinking its teeth into Malthena for 8 damage. You can feel the poison in its bite, and it takes everything you have to barely resist it.

The remaining two spiders below shuffle along the wall to follow their prey, launching themselves at Malthena and Burroughs. To good fortune, the first is unable to work its way past the cleric's greaves, and the Burroughs is able to swiftly outmaneuver the second.

* * *

Saeth and Ivellis are next

* * *

2018-01-01, 05:40 PM
Saeth, with his strength sapped by the venom and impeded by webbing, grabs for his morning star instead of an arrow. "Normally, I try to let spiders be, but I don't want to be squished by these." He slams it down as hard as he can.

Move: Draw morning star
Standard: Attack [roll0] (Includes the -2 for entangled and takes his Str penalty into account)
Damage [roll1]

2018-01-02, 04:34 PM
Blood surges through the war veteran's arms, as he swings down his mace upon the spider with the entirety of his might.

A bit of webbing falls into his eyes at the last moment, blinding Saethentirely, and sending his blow into the dungeon wall instead.

* * *

Ivellis and his spider are next

Burroughs and Malthena are after

* * *

2018-01-03, 12:17 AM
Ivellis is simultaneously relieved and surprised by the way Umral has made his way to help, but nonetheless does his best to point his want past the Orc when aiming for the arachnid assailant.

Are there webs up here? Because if they're flammable, the burning hands spell should be lighting them up. One of the few Core fire spells that actually does that, if I recall.

2018-01-03, 04:15 PM
((I was originally going to say no, or that it was a mercy to the party that the flames didn't start catching upwards...but it gives me an idea. A lovely, terrible idea))

The spider, for all its enormity, struggles and heaves to hold the two of you at once. Its back legs buckle and slip, constantly grasping for footing. It rears its head fearsomely, striking for one final bite before letting you go.

Attack (high ground) [roll0], Damage [roll1], Poison [roll2]; Opposed fort save: [roll3]

Climb check to grab the wall while falling [roll4] [minus any applicable poison]

Spider's spot: [roll5]


The horrendous beast in act of shocking cruelty catches you mid-fall, stabbing its fangs deep into your neck and thrashing your body about. Your allies watch in horror as your flailing frame casts long and terrible shadows against the light. The spider doubles down the force of its bite once more, and swings you against the wall with enough force to knock you from its mandibles. Ivellis plummets helplessly towards the ground.

As you fall, time seems to slow down. It may be your millions of neurons firing like lightning, or the numbing kiss of your monstrous suitress. As if one final consolation, you notice your flames licking slowly up the web with which the spider climbed down, ascending into the darkness like a long-burning fuse. It is such a subtlety, the spider does not even notice it there. But of course it doesn't. After all; it would take a scholarly mind such as yours to know to look out for such things.

A small detail, which may bring you comfort. The world fades to black before you hit the ground.

18 Damage, Current health: -3.

Man down.

~ * * * ~

2018-01-03, 04:46 PM

The spider descends towards the entangled Saeth, as Umral and Ivellis hit the stairs. The orc lands hard in his back, but to his credit is able to soften the blow for his ally.
(Umral: [roll0] damage)
(Ivellis: [roll1] damage)

The elf is limp in your arms.

~ *Burroughs, Malthena, (a spider), and Umral are next * ~

2018-01-08, 11:29 PM
DOKTOR NED HEELS! Umral shouts, sliding out from under Ivellis, moving to kill some monsters
(Attacking spider in B4
Atk: [roll0]
Dmg (Pwr Atk): [roll1]

2018-01-09, 08:58 AM
Saeth crouches down over Ivellis, trying his best to keep the ledge between them and the spider below. He utters a prayer for comrades whose time has not yet come and his hand and eyes glow green as he touches the elf.

Casting Defensively [roll0] (DC 16) while Entangled [roll1] (DC 15) Cure light wounds (spontaneously in place of one Bless) to heal for [roll2].

Happy beeps.

2018-01-11, 01:36 PM
With the bard inspired by the might of his last swing, Burroughs tries his luck again, striking at the spider below them.

Attack: (+1 high ground, -1 power attack) [roll0], Damage: [roll1]
Masterfully executed, he does it again, skewering the monster straight through. The creature slides slowly off your blade, and tumbles into the pit below.

Malethena struggles within the webs, trying once more to free herself
((I'll allow her to change her action, if she comes before the next round))
Strength: [roll2]
Your prison of silk holds fast, unwilling to let you escape.

The spider which blocks Saeth's path presses is advantage, moving in on its prey within the webs.

Attack: [roll3], Damage: [roll4], Poison: [roll5]; Opposed fortitude [roll6]
Even whilest entangled and slowed, the spider's bite does not make it past your chain shirt. You may think to thank your armorer later, as the thing chews with futility at your belly.

Umral gently deposits their Wizard aside, and stands to his feet to avenge him. It is as he rises that the spider below slips in, striking at the opportunity to catch you while you're down.

Attack (+4 vs prone): [roll7], Damage: [roll8], Poison: [roll9]; Opposed fortitude [roll10]
In the discoordination of your rage, it is barely able to peck at you for 2 damage.

The orc returns in kind by towering over the thing, which grimaces into a ball and realizes the severity of its mistake. Umral turns his halberd flat and brings the thing down like a twelve pound steel flyswatter, the force of which splatters the the poor thing along the side of the wall, leaving chunks and limbs still stuck there in their place.

The spider is quite dead, much to the distress of its siblings.

2018-01-11, 02:06 PM
Shrieking over the deaths of her children, the horse-sized arachnid descends from above, attacking the entangled dwarven Cleric.
Attack (+1 high ground): , Damage: [roll1], Poison [roll2]; Opposed fort. Save (+2 vs poison)[roll3]
With her daughter no longer there, she finds it much harder to bite at the cleric's flank. Malthena is a fortress within her own full plate, which barely holds as the spider tries to pierce her.

Casting Defensively:
If you want to cast a spell without provoking any attacks of opportunity, you must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the level of the spell you’re casting) to succeed. You lose the spell if you fail.

The spider beside you (and the massive one above) leaves you flustered and hesitant as you try to raise the Elf, their dripping fangs running through your mind and ruining your concentration.

Even worse, they strike with your attention aside all the same.

Attack (+1 high ground): [roll4], Damage: [roll5], Poison [roll6]; Opposed fort. Save [rol]1d20+5
Attack: [roll7], Damage: [roll8], Poison [roll9]; Opposed fort. Save [roll10]
The monsters bite down at you with enough tenacity that would have surely taken your life. They wrench the stones from the floor;
and either through their eagerness, (or a miracle,) their fangs do not find your flesh.

Ivellis lies lifeless and still, as Revindil shrieks out in distress and tugs at him.
Stabilize [roll11]
((So close.)) The wizard continues to bleed. And though his world is darkness and black, he could swear he envisions a gate in the distance, with a low fog rolling from it and a figure on a horse riding towards him.

HP: -8

Looming overhead, the largest spider eyes Umral viciously, launching at him with poisonous teeth.
Attack (+1 high ground): [roll12], Damage: [roll13], Poison [roll14]; Opposed fort. Save: [roll15]
It's jaws snap alongside your head, though with the blood coursing through you you prove to quick for them.


* * *

~ Burroughs, Malthena, Saeth, (spider), and Umral are next ~

* * *

2018-01-14, 09:43 PM
NO! DIEEEEEEE! Umral yells with a blood curdling scream. He moves from A5 to A2 and strikes the monster upside the jaw with his blade.

Atk: [roll0]
Dmg (Pwr Atk for full): [roll1] (Critical hit! 55 damage instead)

2018-01-18, 03:22 PM
"Black curses of hell on these webs!"

Malthena leaves off pulling at her bindings as the spider looms overhead. Readying her shield to parry incoming fangs, she whips the ball of her morningstar around and delivers a backhanded smash into the spider's exoskeleton.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-01-30, 10:05 PM
Bloody, guttural, Umral in his rage raises his halberd high and brings it straight through the spider- through its fangs, through its carapace, four feet of arachnid splitting vertically and flopping to either side. The creature hangs limp by the natural adhesives on its feet... but only for a moment before the orc sidesteps its fall into the darkness.

Several seconds later, you hear a splash below.

Malthena swings fiercely at the last largest threat, hoping to strike back at her ensnarer. Alas, the thing dances along the wall, sidestepping your blow.

In its unpredictable skittering, the spider overhead retaliates by seizing Burroughs and lifting him into the darkness. The dwarf shouts in protest, kicking and beating at the thing until the two are out of sight.


Saeth the Veteran, white as a ghost and fueled by some haunted past, watches aghast as the dwarf is taken away. Desparately, he wrenches against his webs, which snap and give way as his limbs burst through.

"Enough of this! I will not lose any more men to this place!"

"Get Malthena free and take care of Ivellis! I have to save him while there's still time!"

He gives Umral one hard look to silence any objection... and sets himself up the stairs.












As if one final consolation, you notice your flames licking slowly up the web with which the spider climbed down, ascending into the darkness like a long-burning fuse. It is such a subtlety, the spider does not even notice it there. But of course it doesn't. After all; it would take a scholarly mind such as yours to know to look out for such things.

A small detail, which may bring you comfort. The world fades to black before you hit the ground.

Before the ceiling above you explodes into flames.

Eighty feet up, webs, eggs, and the entire spider nest of this ancient stairwell ignite in a sky of smoke and cinder. The shrieks of thousands of spiderlings echoes down from above you, and the entirety of the shaft above you is a burning wildfire. The only thing visible from the flames is an amorphous shape- as though the walls were creeping themselves.

Swarms of spiders are fleeing down the shaft, setting upon your party at an accelerating pace.

The spiders are 2d4*20 feet away. It will not be long until they reach you soon.

The throat of Deadpeaks is burning. The fire will not be far behind.


Time is not on your side. What do you do?

2018-02-06, 10:31 AM
Doktor we go! Umral says to malthena, lifting saeth up over his shoulder, then moving to A6, ad slicing his halberd across the beast's neck.
