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View Full Version : Ways to get armor bonus to touch AC

2017-10-31, 10:29 AM
So, most the time I use characters that run around with light armor, but I decided to make a tanky style character for a game, and am going to go with some heavier armor. Is there a way to apply said armor bonus to your touch AC? (Class/Feat/Armor Ability/Item/etc)

2017-10-31, 10:40 AM
The shield ward feat allows you to add your shield bonus to touch AC, and the spell scintillating scales allows you to convert your natural armor bonus into a deflection bonus (doesn't stack with any of your existing deflection bonuses, so you may lose AC using that spell, but it boosts your touch AC a lot), but as far as I'm aware, there's no mechanic to allow your armor bonus to add to your touch AC.

There's an optional rule, class defense bonuse, in unearthed arcana, it gives you a level based AC bonus that isn't an armor bonus, but it's explicitly stated not to stack with your armor, and it adds to touch AC. Usually combined with armor as DR, to actually give some incentive to wear armor at all, but to use those you need to ask your DM if he's going to allow it, since it's an optional rule.

2017-10-31, 10:45 AM
Ghost Ward [MiC] lets you add your armor enhancement bonus but not the whole armor bonus to Touch AC.

Deflective Armor feat does exactly this, but has psionic focus as req.

Well, easy enough for a non-Psionic character to just get focus (Wild/Hidden Talent for PP or a naturally Psionic race) and keep it without ever needing to invest it into anything. Costs 3 feats though (or 2 for a naturally psionic race).

2017-10-31, 10:58 AM
The shield ward feat allows you to add your shield bonus to touch AC, and the spell scintillating scales allows you to convert your natural armor bonus into a deflection bonus (doesn't stack with any of your existing deflection bonuses, so you may lose AC using that spell, but it boosts your touch AC a lot), but as far as I'm aware, there's no mechanic to allow your armor bonus to add to your touch AC.

There's an optional rule, class defense bonuse, in unearthed arcana, it gives you a level based AC bonus that isn't an armor bonus, but it's explicitly stated not to stack with your armor, and it adds to touch AC. Usually combined with armor as DR, to actually give some incentive to wear armor at all, but to use those you need to ask your DM if he's going to allow it, since it's an optional rule.
Hmm, missed scintillating scales, thanks for pointing it out! The variant rules aren't being used.

Deflective Armor feat does exactly this, but has psionic focus as req.

Edit: you didnt ask, but in case its interesting for your build, parrying shield feat does this for your shield.
Hmm, I could work in a physic warrior 2 dip... is there a way to get your psionic focus faster?

Ghost Ward [MiC] lets you add your armor enhancement bonus but not the whole armor bonus to Touch AC.

Yeah, I saw that one, thanks though!

Well, easy enough for a non-Psionic character to just get focus (Wild/Hidden Talent for PP or a naturally Psionic race) and keep it without ever needing to invest it into anything. Costs 3 feats though (or 2 for a naturally psionic race).
Eh, a 2 level dip will come easier on my current build honestly. Get some bonus feats, and the PP to use it...

2017-10-31, 11:09 AM
Wilder (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/wilder.htm) 2 gets "Elude Touch" which increases your touch AC by charisma bonus up to AC. Hence, it can make up for armor, shield, or natural armor.

2017-10-31, 11:16 AM
I might take Ardent1 over Wild Talent. Freedom as one of your mantles.
Then pickup Deflective Armor.

While focused you get Armor to touch, and a 10' speed bonus from Freedom Mantle.

Get Dimension Hop as one of your powers. 10' swift action teleport is mighty handy, even if you can only do it 3x a day.

Pick whatever for your 2nd mantle. Force for +1 deflection to AC. Conflict for free Weapon Focus. Magic for UMD as a class skill. Etc.

2017-10-31, 11:17 AM
Wilder (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/wilder.htm) 2 gets "Elude Touch" which increases your touch AC by charisma bonus up to AC. Hence, it can make up for armor, shield, or natural armor.

Noted, thanks! (I haven't actually used psionics before, have the books, just haven't had a chance to use them. Looked over it and it seems interesting though.)

2017-10-31, 11:18 AM
If you're playing Pathfinder - dip a level into Swashbuckler to be able to parry melee touch attacks. (it's a really good dip for martials)

2017-10-31, 11:19 AM
If you're playing Pathfinder - dip a level into Swashbuckler to be able to parry melee touch attacks.

Nope, it's 3.5.

2017-10-31, 12:45 PM
Make the armor/shield out of riverine (Stormwrack p. 128), and half of the armor bonus becomes a deflection bonus (round down).

There's also the Shapeshifting property from Oriental Adventures (+1 enhancement), which converts the armor bonus into a deflection bonus when the wearer changes form. A changeling using Minor Change Shape could thus presumably enjoy his armor bonus as a deflection bonus indefinitely. [Edit: Updated in Dragon #318, see below.]

2017-10-31, 01:09 PM
If you're playing Pathfinder - dip a level into Swashbuckler to be able to parry melee touch attacks. (it's a really good dip for martials)
A Warblade dip for Wall of Blades (works as long as you take it at level 5+) would be the 3.5 equivalent.

2017-10-31, 01:10 PM
This is 3.0 material that got updated to 3.5 in which it no longer gives this bonus but instead allows the armor to work while you are in a different form than your own. Also is a +3 enhancement.

Good catch!

Here's the text from Dragon #318 that updated Shapeshifting to 3.5:

"The wearer of a suit of armor with this ability preserves her armor bonus (and any enhancement bonus) while using the alternate form or change shape supernatural abilities. While the wearer is in a non-humanoid alternate form or shape, the armor cannot be seen."

So... it no longer provides a deflection bonus. And if a changeling used Minor Change Shape, they're likely still in a humanoid form, and the armor would still be visible. Good to know.

2017-10-31, 01:12 PM
Make the armor/shield out of riverine (Stormwrack p. 128), and half of the armor bonus becomes a deflection bonus (round down).

There's also the Shapeshifting property from Oriental Adventures (+1 enhancement), which converts the armor bonus into a deflection bonus when the wearer changes form. A changeling using Minor Change Shape could thus presumably enjoy his armor bonus as a deflection bonus indefinitely.
Hmm, I might go with riverine

This is 3.0 material that got updated to 3.5 in which it no longer gives this bonus but instead allows the armor to work while you are in a different form than your own. Also is a +3 enhancement.

Very busted if allowed to use that though. If so, check out rest of 3.0 OA for underpriced items.
Well, we are allowed to use any book including DR mag (although I don't have most of them). So anything that wasn't updated is fair game.

A Warblade dip for Wall of Blades (works as long as you take it at level 5+) would be the 3.5 equivalent.
Well, I'll have some warblade levels, so that'd work too.

Thanks all!

2017-10-31, 01:34 PM
is there a way to get your psionic focus faster?

Yes; but unless you either expend it or become unconscious, there's no reason you can't just Psionically Focus first thing in the morning and keep it going all day.

To go into a bit more detail on the best options:

Parrying Shield's only prerequisite is shield proficiency, and it allows you to apply your shield bonus to Touch AC. It's also a Fighter Bonus Feat, if that matters.
Shield Ward requires Shield Specialization, but allows you to apply your shield bonus to not only Touch AC, but also checks to resist bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip. It's also a Fighter Bonus Feat. If your DM allows retraining; take Parrying Shield first, then swap it out for Shield Specialization when you can take this.
Deflective Armor requires Heavy Armor Optimization (which in turn requires +4 BAB), is a Psionic Feat, functions only with heavy armor and while you maintain Psionic Focus and is not a Fighter Bonus Feat. Mildly-annoying prerequisites, but unquestioningly worth it.

2017-10-31, 01:40 PM
I know you could focus in the morning, but:
A) Don't you lose it in an AMF (thus having to refocus all the time if that happens)
B) Wasn't there an ability to "unfocus" your foe? (AFB)

If I'm wrong I am definitely going for that feat.

2017-10-31, 03:16 PM
Otherwordly - Dwarven Ancestor alter self - Scintillating Scales is the usual "gish hit at 20 only" combo.

2017-10-31, 03:48 PM
A) No. It's not supernatural on its own, though there are plenty of ways to expend it for supernatural benefits.

B) None I am aware of, but probably. Also unconsciousness as mentioned, as well as your Power Points reaching zero.

2017-10-31, 09:39 PM
A) No. It's not supernatural on its own, though there are plenty of ways to expend it for supernatural benefits.

B) None I am aware of, but probably. Also unconsciousness as mentioned, as well as your Power Points reaching zero.

Ah, that'll work then, thanks!