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2017-10-31, 02:14 PM
The JSV Benefactor drops out of hyperspace with a slight jolt; the first of many such jumps in its future. Far below, the planet Harvest shines like a drop of amber, shining against the background of stars.

There are few ships around, and what there are seem mostly large cargo haulers. No orbital facilities of any sort seem present. Nevertheless, as soon as you enter the system, your comms light up with an incoming transmission.

"Greetings, Benefactor. I am Lok Mandar. I preside over this world, and all it's inhabitants. Long has your coming been fortold. I offer you a cordial invitation to my estate on the planet's surface (co-ordinates transmitting now), that we might meet to discuss your time here."

2017-10-31, 03:08 PM
Delia is instantly distrustful of this Mandar. They certainly weren't broadcasting their arrival here, and while the ship ID may be in the old records, a ship coming to dock shouldn't merit anything like this...

Alright, what do you guys think? I don't like this one bit. We shouldn't merit any different treatment than a merchant, but that's not the case. Either he saw us with the Force, or he knows our craft was with the Jedi.
Either way, I would have preferred a lack of attention for our departure.

Mr. E
2017-10-31, 04:08 PM
Dawn nods seriously, shifting from foot to foot. It has been over five years since she first stepped aboard a shuttle, and the air still smells wrong. The doors are all built strangely, and for some inexplicable reason, every bed is always about two inches too short. Recalling her mind to the problem at hand, she looks at the planet through the front window.

"I agree. If we decided to not land where we have been instructed, what opposition could we expect?" She spreads her arms out in a questioning gesture. "I know almost nothing about planetary defence, and starships, so I cannot comment without further information."

2017-10-31, 04:19 PM
"That's...... very unusual. I guess we should go down and check it out. Just to make sure this isn't a threat to the Praxeum." Vale says, pretty uncomfortable with their presence being known and specifically noticed.

2017-10-31, 05:05 PM
Kalvara has opened her eyes, stopping from her meditation.
"Alertness is feat of the wise, how ever.. the hunt belong to the brave.' she said with her otherworldy accent, she hasn't lost even after decades out of home planet.
'Vale got the spirit of hunter- if we act with both wisdom and bravery we could benefit from it.'

Reality Glitch
2017-11-01, 01:14 PM
I listen as the statics talk. They react with surprise to their reputation proceeding them.

I lay hidden behind one of the control panels as a bundle of what they called "wiring"; waiting for them to be distracted enough for me to slip out. I'd rather not repeat my mistake of slithering through and around these lightning vines after discovering, painfully, their true nature and almost revealed my presence on their vessel to them.

They technically know I'm here, but they believe me to be some pet they were sold by a merchant, so they know not of their knowledge. Just need a little more time.

2017-11-01, 03:33 PM
I suppose this means we are headed in. Regardless of this Mandar's intentions, we need to discover whether our presence has been compromised to Emperor Palpatine. Or his successor. Maybe while we are here, we can update our databanks so we know what has happened while we have been cut off from the Galaxy.

Lok Mandar, this is Captain Djacovenia of the Benefactor, we are headed to your coordinates now. Do you have data for the projected weather in the area? We are less than familiar with the local patterns and don't want to risk getting caught in a storm, but we are cut off from the Holonet.

I don't know whether the post-Episode VI government has managed to open up the Holonet from the restrictions put in place by the Empire, but I don't imagine that any connections from the ship would be in good shape due to 30 years of disuse.

2017-11-02, 09:54 AM
Mandar smiles benevolently down from the vidscreen.

"The weather will pose no problems. Just be mindful of the other craft as you approach. I look forwards to seeing you soon.

Indeed, as the Benefactor drops into the planet's atmosphere, you notice countless shuttles descending on the central complex from all corners of the continent - to all appearances, one for every other estate.

The main spaceport seems to have been designed with such an event in mind. It is large enough that there is no delay in you being assigned a landing bay; large enough that the traffic doesn't even seem to have upset the commercial business. As you land, you can see a truly massive cargo vessel readying for takeoff; it's captain supervising the loading of a last few crates of grain.

As soon as you disembark, a figure steps out of the shadows of the dock to greet you. She is near-human, clad in simple flowing robes and moving with an easy grace.

"Welcome to Harvest. Master Mandar is readying for the Grand Council, and is unfortunately unable to greet you personally, so he sent me in his stead. If you will follow me, I will show you to a waiting room where you can refresh yourselves until the council sends for you."

That said, she turns and begins to walk away, not even glancing back to make sure you are following.

2017-11-02, 12:47 PM
Before getting off the ship, Vale takes the precaution of using force camouflage, not to become invisible or even invisible in the force, but just to dim her perceptible strength with the force so that anyone who can view her presence in the force will just see "normal person". She also hides her lightsabers on her person. To the others she says, "For now, pretend as if I'm not a force user. Just crew for the ship. If these people have something unpleasant planned, every advantage we have will help."

After getting off ther ship, she makes a clear show of waiting for the others to approve or disapprove and follows along behind them in a respectful manner if they agree to follow the greeter.

Reality Glitch
2017-11-02, 01:02 PM
The city falls out of the sky. It's landing gentle, as usual. The others leave the room for the outside. Once alone, I slip out of the paneling without disturbing it and take the form they'd of their pet once again.

I know from them how to open the doors in this sky-city. I found my why to the same outside-door the others were using, and paused while the new static talks with them. Once familiar statics start moving again, leap onto the wolf-like's shoulders. Myself current shape only a foot long from my own shoulders to my feline hips, with a thin, whip-like tail just as long.

Mr. E
2017-11-02, 04:23 PM
Dawn settles the borrowed clothes of a smuggler more comfortably on her person. The garments are unpleasantly smooth and plasticky compared to her usual robes, but it seems unwise to advertise their presence to openly. She slips her lightsaber into an inside pocket, within easy reach, but not visible to prying eyes.

"We might as well all pretend to be crew. They themselves may not be force-sensitive. Certainly, I see no reason to show them our blades."

She pauses for a moment, then turns to back to the group. "In fact, we need not show them how many of us there are. Perhaps Vale could conceal herself with her powers, then follow at a safe distance?"

2017-11-02, 04:48 PM
Sounds like a plan! Delia puts on her... diplomatic armaments. A long-ranged blaster pistol as her open weapon, twin holdout blasters as a reserve and weapons to give up as a sign of trust, and a secret blaster with multiple anti-detection capabilities. She could relinquish her best weapons, but she wasn't going in unarmed.

2017-11-02, 06:56 PM
Vale shakes her head, "If they were expecting us, they might know how many of us to expect. Besides if I'm caught wandering around somehow it immediately becomes a problem. If I need to vanish, I will. Otherwise best to just blend in."

2017-11-02, 07:01 PM
Calvara, with a sigh, slipped of her traditional robes, and chaned to dusty uniforms, which made her look like an weathered technician. Quite the opposite of her real self., but the need for misleading was clear- how else, she has survived all those years?

"Those are wise actions indeed. I'll try to sense.. if how they say? "something fishy"?"
She led the group, trying to keep her force sense, sharp.
Trying to sense anything, that might hint of a trap or danger. She smiled slightly to the added weight on her shoulders.

2017-11-02, 07:34 PM
Delia slips into a nicer outfit. Nothing too fancy, but more respectable than showing up in a grease-covered flight suit. It may be best to keep attention on her rather than the crew...

2017-11-02, 11:40 PM
The woman leads you onto a platform, which rockets off towards the centre of the complex. This one is different from the rest of the complexes on the planet in more ways than just the spaceport; a massive tower dominates the skyline, reaching up to almost touch the clouds.

Seeing it draw more than one glance, your guide smiles.

"The great tower is very impressive, yes? That is where we are going. A Grand Council is being held to discuss your arrival! One of those hasn't been held since before I was born. You noticed the shuttles, yes? Every Estate Master on the planet is gathered there. Hundreds of Jedi. You should be honored, yes?"


[roll0] + 3 to carefully create an advantage.

Threads of the future, of possibilities and chances, slip through your mind like smoke. The fleeting glimpses you can grasp give you an impression of positivity surrounding your arrival.
You discover the aspect Warm Welcome.


In future, when you try to do something, roll for it yourself (preferably in a spoiler like this).
It's hard for me to guess what you're trying to do from context.

2017-11-04, 06:10 PM
Clavara sighed with a relif. She nodded to her friends, trying to gesture that she had a good feeling,
"Yes. We are.|" she said shortly.

2017-11-05, 08:04 PM
Your guide smiles, and continues talking, seemingly content to ramble. In short order, you learn that she is one of three children, wants a family of her own someday, and admires Master Mandar with a devotion bordering on obsession.

"It's amazing," she says "to end up with such a kind master. I was so worried when I was sold to him last year. I mean, every Jedi I've met has been kind, but you always hear rumors."

Then she's off again, talking about her sisters as if she had said nothing out of the ordinary.

2017-11-05, 08:32 PM
Vale tries her hardest not to let her confusion and distaste show on her face or her body language.

2017-11-05, 09:20 PM
Are prospective padawans sold in this society? I could understand that given how the power dynamics work out in the Order. A talented Padawan is worth their weight in glimmerstim and the training they undergo effectively puts them as a long term mercenary.

Reality Glitch
2017-11-05, 09:43 PM
I find find the guide's rambling to be of enough interest that, at the first opportunity, I leap from the wolf-folk's shoulder onto their's.

Mr. E
2017-11-05, 11:40 PM
Dawn blinks slightly, her mild, smiling expression curdling into something less pleasant. She recovers it, forcing herself to appear at ease with the situation. When the guide finishes talking about her sister (who, apparently, has a slight limp, and is a slave to an elderly Ithorian). Dawn takes an opportunity to insert a question into the conversation.

"So, your 'masters'-" The distaste appears again, then is once again pushed beneath the surface. "-Your masters still profess the Jedi Code?" She begins to recite from memory. "There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the force." She pauses, the continues. "Do they still believe in these tenets?"

2017-11-06, 03:27 AM
Clavara frowned.
Sold? Padawan slavery?
Ghost Hand would never have none of that!
The force gave her good feeling about this...
But something was off.
But she said nothing, for now she preffered listening. The young ones have asked the right questions anyway.

2017-11-06, 03:52 AM
"Are we not all slaves to the living force? The Jedi aren't bought and sold in the same way as most slaves are, but their actions are no less restricted."

When the strange beast leaps to her shoulder, your guide startles slightly at the sudden weight, but quickly recovers and even begins to scratch it absentmindedly as she talks.

"You know... no, of course you know the code. How foolish of me. Yes, we cleave to the code the Jedi brought with them from the stars. If you wish to argue the philosophy of it, my Master knows that far better than a servant such as I. But as for the history of our world; every child is taught that. Before the Jedi came, there was chaos. The Masters struggled against one another, both openly and subtly, and the slaves paid the price. In time, the slaves grew discontent, and rose up in anger, leading to more violence and bloodshed. In the midst of this, the Jedi came. They calmed the people, stopped the fighting. They brought peace, harmony and serenity, as their code bid them to. And our world has flourished since."

2017-11-06, 04:09 AM
Ahh, so the Jedi arrived and took the slave-master dichotomy under their control. Philosophically,
that seems like quite the compromise in beliefs, but realistically... what else were they going to do? Depending on how long the slaves have been under the masters' control, the Jedi may have realized that disrupting the governance would only bring more pain as a power vacuum would result in reassertion of control. By stepping in and having the Masters become the masters, they ensure that those previously in power do not brutally re-oppress the people.

Of course, whether they did anything beyond retaining control is another story. Have they made strides to free the slaves and advance them in the world? Or have they just stayed under the status quo to avoid the Empire? I suppose these are questions to ask the Masters.

2017-11-06, 04:24 AM
Along the hall, a smaller menial girl in a service uniform hobbles along with a faint limp, carrying a bucket of housekeeping tools and dragging a large garbage can behind her. She fights with it a bit as the wheel seems a bit stuck, then turns into the crowd. As you come close, she slips a bit and falls to the ground, crying out a bit as the garbage can lands on her hurt ankle and goes pouring out refuse everywhere, some of it bouncing harmlessly off of your ankle and maybe leaving some undetectable smudge of food on your shoe.
She looks up at the food in abject horror, “Oh, Force, no!” and scrambles to her feet, wincing as the weight goes onto her ankle, then tries desperately to sweep up the refuse.
“No, no, no, I can’t fail like this again! They’ll make an example out of me!” She looks up at you all with huge doe eyes and trembles a bit. Literally doe eyes, black and gold matching the patterns on her skin, similar to many other workers around.
“Pleease! Is there anything this one can do for you? You are important guests! I.. I know there must be so many other, better people you can find to help you while you are here, but I just can’t go back after they hear about how clumsy I am!
She swallows fearfully, looks up at your guide, and pales a little bit more. "I… I’m sorry, there is no emotion, there is peace, there is no emotion, there is peace, there is no emotion, there is peace...” She tries to keep her tools close, hiding behind the bucket, cringe away as if expecting to be beaten, and pick up the trash all at once, and does a poor job at any of them as a result. Her eyes get moist with tears, and she trembles in spite of the apparent mantra.

2017-11-06, 04:48 AM
Calvara's frown grown worse.
She will judge the "Masters" personally.
The middle aged Nelvaanian, smiled to the scared doe in motherly way, and bent down to help her.
"Mistakes are sacred in the Jedi tradition. You will learn from it. Fear of failure is the true failure.... So taught me a real Jedi Knight... with actions alone, when I couldn"t understand his laungauge..." she added. "I guess I'll need you as personal guide here.'

2017-11-06, 05:07 AM
The commotion around the new arrival causes your guide to glance back. As soon as she realises what has happened, she circles back and drops to the ground beside the new arrival, heedless of the grime on her white robes. A look and a gesture send another slave hurrying away down the hall, then she turns to the cowering form beside her.

"Peace, little one. Peace. No harm will befall you in my Master's halls."

As she speaks, she begins to help gather up the spilled trash, moving smoothly, voice a soothing lilt. Only a tightness around her eyes betrays her anger.

"You are here for the Council, yes? Who is your Master, little one?"

2017-11-06, 05:38 AM
Of course, no spy is going to go in without a plan! Some masters are more active in the management of their flock than others. Some are more easily compromised than others. Some are barely known. This wasn't just a random decision to march in as a lone wolf! She has a cover identity. She was slipped in days ago. Slicing and other sneakery was involved.
“M.. Master Hnuaa…” She trembles even more upon seeing that faint narrowing in the eyes. In truth, the fear makes her feel alive, sharpens her senses, and fits in with her role right now so well. Being questioned when trying to sneak around is, legitimately frightening, after all. She swallows hard, trembling and tearing up a bit in fear. “P.. Please don't make me go back to him until I can make this right..!”

2017-11-06, 03:46 PM
Calvara, just stood close in protective way near the frightened girl.
"Stay close to me child." she said quitly.

2017-11-06, 05:14 PM
Vale noticed the apparent servant's approach and kept warily away enough that no garbage landed at her feet. As the servant and the guide interacted she watched them both carefully. She couldn't be sure of course, but she was confident enough that the words spoken and intentionally displayed emotions of both didn't quite match up with their truths. She set her mind to keep an eye on both.

Mr. E
2017-11-06, 05:36 PM
Dawn crouched down as the mess spilled everywhere, stopping to pick up the rubbish. She listens to the conversation between the guide and the slave, trying to avoid appearing over invested. Once her hands are full of junk, Dawn dumps it in the can, and goes back for more. If our coming were foretold, you would have thought they would have removed an evidence of misdeeds from our path. This planet continues to make no sense. The weight of her lightsaber inside her shirt is a comforting certainty in her confusion.

For the moment, however, she does not intervene, preferring to continue to collect the rubbish. Calvara seems to have the human side under control, at least for now.

2017-11-06, 06:13 PM
The last of the trash dealt with, the guide stands back up. The servant she gestured to earlier hurries back into view carrying a mop, wit which she begins to return the polished floors to their former shine. Pursing her lips, she turns to fully face the cowering slave.

"Master Hnuaa has been remiss in his duties, yes?"

Clasping her hand onto Hnacca's shoulder, she stares directly into her eyes.

"Breathe, young one. In, and out. There is no emotion - no fear. There is peace. Peace."

Once the trembling and shaking have died down, she turns sharply and continues in the direction she had been going, gesturing imperiously for the small slave-girl to follow.

"We are running late now, yes? We must hurry."

As she walks, she half-turns her head to address the entire group.

"Master Mandar already meant to make you a present of several slaves. One more will make no difference, yes?"

2017-11-06, 06:32 PM
It would be our delight, Delia says with a smile. She has no intention of causing trouble with the population here and hopes to keep any objectors silent until they can get off into the greater Galaxy.

2017-11-06, 09:21 PM
The slave girl trembles like a leaf and cowers behind Calvara, basking in the safe and motherly feelings she is good at inspiring, then is soothed and calmed by the mantra, letting herself feel safe and warm and protected. She nods quietly in agreement to the guide, and tags along hiding behind Calvara from some imagined slavemaster stepping from around any given corner, ducking her head down submissively and limping faintly along with the group, still holding her bucket of cleaning tools and listening in to their quiet disapproving commentary about the place.
"You can call me NKE-19-Lycha, or 'Niki'. Are you really from all the way outside of the Bloc? What is it like there? Is there anything you want to know about?"

Mr. E
2017-11-07, 12:55 AM
Dawn sighs, then drops out of the group to walk along beside 'Niki'. I'm so going to regret doing this. I should really leave the talking for people who are more qualified. She walks slightly behind the slave girl, taking the position of deference to her. "The Bloc? Well, I certainly am not from it." She smiles slightly at the understatement. "I suppose a great deal of it is much like this. I know some of it is better, I know much of it is worse." She shrugs her shoulders, taking care to make sure her actions give the signals of inferiority, not control. "You see, I'm about as new to all this as you are." Dawn restrains the temptation to demand information on the military state of this planet, the numbers of un-Jedi, the possibility of overthrowing the government. Let's take this slow. I know I was touchy when I first came aboard.

2017-11-07, 08:39 AM
"Niki" ohs and listens in interest, "So you haven't been traveling very long? You must have seen some interesting places! What is it like where you are from?" The girl gets a once over look. "What do you think about Harvest so far? I hope I'm not being a pest or anything..." She looks around with sudden shyness and takes stock of the group.

There's a staff person hovering around the edge who hasn't said much yet, and might be a good person to talk to - if she's something like a quartermaster, she might gush at actual interest in her rather than the obvious people in charge, and not be seen as toadying up. I'll remember to smile invitingly at her if I see her looking, she's going to be someone I need to talk to.
The captain looks a little bit irritable, maybe, but I shall resist the temptation to start opening up and sniffing around with the force while surrounded by Jedi, lets keep the risks down for now. Maybe in time she will crack and say something.. For now, I expect she's going to act very predictably.
Mom up there.. Well, she seems fairly disgusted by injustice so far.. I'll keep an eye on her when we start seeing other slaves around. She might react strongly to something and make plans change.
Then there's the miniature dragon, wonder if it's a Jedi too? I bet people assume that it is a pet a lot.. It might actually be one though.
Understated girl here moves like she has a lot of training, maybe.. Almost surprising that she decided to talk to me. Wonder how she fits in with the others?
Not a drop of testosterone to be found, unless the dragon is more involved than it looks, that says something about how they are going to act as a group. Just as well, I don't feel like having to deal with keeping a boy placated on top of everything else today.
The guide seems harmless and pointless to work with. There's a hundred more like her here.
I casually note our path through the building, in case I need to flee this way later.

2017-11-07, 12:51 PM
"Niki" would certainly notice Vale looking at her and she returns the smile in a polite way. If Niki pays extra attention to her, she might notice that Vale is paying a lot more attention to Niki and the guide than the scenery. Which might be unusual or it might not. People tend to look at other people afterall. Though people also tend to look around at new places too. But who can say if Harvest would be remarkable at a glance to this spacefarer from afar?

Mr. E
2017-11-07, 03:20 PM
"No, not long." Dawn nods to herself. "My home planet was," She pauses, suddenly unsure how truthful to be, "beautiful. I would get up in the morning to check on the herds, and the sky would be the palest of greys. It felt like the whole world was waiting, just for you. Then the sun would rise in the east, and the frost would shine and sparkle in the white-blue light. In that stillness, you almost couldn't see, it was so bright, but the wind would come and swirl around and whisper in your ear..." She trails off, then smiles self-consciously. "Sorry, I'm being maudlin, and not really answering your questions. I do not think I like Harvest, but I the planet itself is also beautiful." Hopefully that's honest enough without scaring the horses.

2017-11-07, 04:02 PM
"Niki" gets swept up in picturing that bit of poetic description, and squeezes herself a little bit at the imagined chill.
"Ooh... That sounds beautiful. You sound like a poet or something. Why did you leave? Did somebody..." She pauses and looks uncomfortable for a moment, "take you, or something? Oh, and, um.. What do I call everyone? I might not remember everybody, but I can try...I wouldn't want to upset anyone! Maybe you can introduce me to everyone?"

Mr. E
2017-11-07, 07:22 PM
"No, I'm not a poet. Merely homesick." Dawn shrugs, still feeling slightly embarrassed about her brief eloquence. I thought I was having a good day, today. "Nobody 'took me'. Quite the opposite, in fact. My people were so happy to see me go, that they gave me this as a parting gift." She taps the blaster burn on her cheek. Names! Of course. I really should have thought of that so much earlier. I'm Dawn." She goes round the group, pointing them out. "This is Calvara, the team Mom. This is Vao, the one you want to watch. This Delia, the boss." Dawn is careful to not give too much away, just in case their guide is listening in. Or, I suppose, our new recruit could be a spy. You can never tell...

2017-11-07, 07:57 PM
Delia tries to suppress a grin at being called the boss. She insists on being referred to as "Captain", but that title refers to her command in terms of operating the vessel rather than general rank. She is the supreme authority on running the Benefactor, but having that authority extended, even if it is an illusion, makes her want to giggle maniacally. Still, she maintains her composure so attention is fixated on her.

Giving a giant grin to the new arrival and quickening her pace to walk closer to the guide, she asks in a boisterous voice,
What are the primary trading worlds for Harvest? I can imagine that while you supply ample food, you would need to import most of your non-agricultural products. How much influence have those cultures had on this planet? She wants to keep all eyes and ears on her rather than her comrades. She is a straightforward person in terms of her capabilities, but she doesn't want others noticing her companions' weapons or powers.

I think that trying to command attention and keep it off the others would probably fit under creating an aspect while being Flashy, right? If so, I think it would be [roll0] for a +2 to Flashy.

Ideally, I'm trying to make it easier for the others to keep their capabilities and weapons hidden by being distracting.

2017-11-08, 12:29 AM
"Niki" looks over everybody as they are named, keeping a running set of notes. She raises an eyebrow slightly at Vao, then flicks her gaze between the two faintly. Several thoughts cross her mind, and she decides to put forward an innocuous seeming one, seeing as how several of the less innocuous ones would prefer the more innocuous one, and plus, she's supposed to be pure and innocent. "What am I watching her for? Are you two a thing or something?" She grins playfully and finger-waggles at Vao slightly.

2017-11-08, 02:28 AM
Calvara smiled quitly. Usually, she was passive in conversation, gracing the others with her silent support.
She chuckled being called "mom". "I guess. Even The Great Mother decided I would never bare my own children... I can't help my instincts.'
"Nelvaa is frozen cruel wild planet.' she said with nostalgic tone.
"Where everything is simple, and men and women know their places and fates." Calvara messed with "Niki"'s hair.
"But I was fated to be different."
She decided to let Dawn deal with the question about Vao.

2017-11-08, 02:38 AM
Vale doesn't even try to hide giving Dawn an annoyed look. At Niki's comment she raises an eyebrow wondering how she came up with that idea and then makes a sort of "huh?" face. Then at an attempt to answer the actual question, she just gives a shrug that says "I don't really know what she meant but here's me guessing" and says, "I will actually go to bars?"
This is expressed in a tone and body language like "I don't know? Jedi are uptight and weird sometimes. My superior just said something weird and awkward about me as an introduction. Please drop it and never pick it up again."

Fortunately the confusion is partially a true emotion and the awkwardness is also true in it's way. And the truth of both help mask the flash of anger she feels at Dawn shoving her into the spotlight and forcing her to improvise an answer before Dawn can open her big stupid mouth and follow up her stupid comment with something even worse when drawing attention was the last thing she should be doing right now.

2017-11-08, 04:32 PM
"Niki" ohhhs apologetically, "Ohh, I understand, something really embarrassing must have ooooh..." She blisses out a bit at the sudden hair ruffling hedonistically, losing the end of that sentence and listening to everyone. She looks saddened at Calvara, then looks back over everyone else, staying in hair playing range.

2017-11-08, 04:56 PM
Calvara sighed.
"Now now. No need to be hostile. I am sure no one, meant to hurt you." she said with soothing tone,

2017-11-08, 10:15 PM
"That is a delicate question, Captain. Most traders are content to stay in the ports, with no interest in leaving their assigned areas. And the goods we trade for are largely unrefined - shipments of ore from mining asteroids, for example. We build our own security droids rather than buying premade ones. The same for agricultural equipment. But there is one trade good that has the stamp of culture indelibly etched into it."

Your guide gestures to herself, to Niki, to the slaves that seem to be everywhere in the complex.

"We used to import slaves from other worlds. But they were not like the slaves here. They were not at peace with the world, and their place with it. They hated, and they struggled and rose up, even as we did before the Jedi spread their teachings here. They brought chaos and calamity with them."

Her eyes press briefly shut, in remembered grief and anger.

"Their uprising was crushed, of course. But they convinced many loyal slaves of the Jedi to join them. Corrupted and twisted their ideals. Those of us that fell were put down with the outsiders. The survivors fled to the mountains, to join the Sith there."

Shaking her head to clear it, she looks back forwards.

"So, we no longer buy slaves. We still sell our own, though, in the hopes of spreading peace to the rest of the worlds in the Bloc. Sometimes, even Jedi will hear the call, and leave this world to serve as teachers and preachers on others. But as for outsider culture? It brings only death."

As she finishes speaking, you pass through a grand archway into an impressively fitted conference room. A trio of slaves wait along the wall, heads bowed, but what catches your attention is the massive figure of Lok Mandar silhouetted against the vast bay windows. As you enter, he turns to face you.

"Welcome to the world of Harvest."

I believe in transparency, so I will put information that not everyone is privy too in spoilers like this rather than in PMs.
Do keep in mind that it is OOC knowledge for most of your characters, and act accordingly.

@Reality Glitch:

From your seat on the guide's shoulder, you can just catch her nearly-inaudible murmur of 'brother' just before she shakes her head.

2017-11-08, 10:36 PM
Clasping her hands together behind her back and with her feet shoulder-width apart, she announces, My name is Captain Djacovenia, and these are some of my officers. Master Gunner Riggers, Quartermaster Vao, and Scoutmaster Kalvara. We are honored by your reception today.

2017-11-09, 12:07 AM
Vale tilts her head and raises an eyebrow in confusion at Calvara, not getting where "hostility" is supposed to be coming from or why she thinks it would be a good idea in this situation to specifically put the idea of it in people's heads.
"No wonder the Masters agreed so readily to me going with this group to keep an eye out for them." she thinks to herself.

As they enter the room and are greeted, Vale just gives a polite nod of acknowledgement. As would be fitting of a servant type role to Jedi.

2017-11-09, 02:47 AM
Calvara frowned silently hearing the explantion of this planet, disliking it more and more.

2017-11-09, 06:18 PM
"Niki" clutches her bucket of tools and bows her head in deference, cowering slightly behind Calvara.

She knows that this guy isn't the worst of the ones who would step in in a power vacuum, and that there are lots of Jedi around, so.. fear. And she carefully avoids doing anything that would tip off their force senses. This wasn't what she came here for, it's a bit off the map as far as danger and opportunity is concerned. It's bugging her. She tries to think if there is anything she can DO, here. She glances around the chamber a bit, trying to figure out what all there is in here.

2017-11-09, 07:34 PM
"The honor is mine, Captain. I am not sure what your guide has told you, but your arrival has been long predicted by those of us with foresight. That you will come, fellow Jedi but foreign in your ways, and change this world for the better."

He approaches you, locking eyes with each member of the party in turn, and frowning slightly (but making no comment) on noticing the cowering slave.

"The meeting today was a great debate. Some argued that you should be left alone; that if you are prophesied to do something then you will whether we aid you or no. But prophecies are vague. You could improve the world by imprisoning one corrupt manager, or by eradicating the Sith entirely. And the more aid we give you, the more change you will be able to effect."

He spreads his arms wide and smiles. His grin is full of teeth.

"It was that view which eventually prevailed. To this end, you will be granted any aid that we can give. Transport, weaponry, security droids; anything you ask for. The sleeping chambers off of this room are already assigned to you, and (with a sweeping gesture to the row of men along the wall) these will serve you as well. They are some of my personal slaves; expertly trained and absolutely loyal. My gift to you."

Reaching up, he unclasps a strap from his upper arm and hands it to Delia.

"That, captain, is my personal seal; imbued with my force-signature and impossible to fake. With it, you will be able to command even Jedi. I have matters of my own to attend to, but VRM-32, the slave who guided you here, will be able to contact me if you need me. I am assigning her to you as well, to answer any questions you might have going forwards."

Stepping back, he smiles his ferocious smile down at you, before turning to prowl out of the room.

"May the Force be with you."

2017-11-09, 08:23 PM
Force be with you. Accepting the seal and leaving the room with her allies, Delia asks, VRM-32, do you have another name that you are called? Your designation is rather unwieldy. Delia would like to chat with her team, but she would rather not have the slaves overhearing. VRM is devoted to her Master and Niki is a little too friendly for her tastes.

2017-11-10, 12:50 AM
Calvara frowned. This did go as she predicted.. and the fact, that so far those "Masters" seemed honest just made things more complex.
She was quite sure, that Ghost Hand would do anything in his power to stop this wretched slavery.
No fancy debates would have confused him.
How ever.. dramatic changes on a whole planetary society should be carefully ...
Even Ghost Hand had Masters to take their advice-or ignore it when neccary.
She held her forehead, pretending to have headache and sighed.

But she was medidating again.
It was clear the force wanted them here.
But what for? Destruction?
Enlight them so passionate speeches?
She took deep breathes.


2017-11-10, 02:08 AM
The guide makes a face.

"My designation will suffice - I need no name."

Then her stiff posture relaxes slightly, and she almost seems to smile.

"However, I have interacted with offworlders before. If you feel you must, you may call me Veronica."

2017-11-10, 02:55 AM
Alright! Roni, Niki, could you each stand over in those corners- Delia indicates two corners an adequate distance away and looking at blind spots, and look out for any potential Sith spies that might be listening in. We need to discuss our strategy and it wouldn't work to have this information be leaked early. This was more to get the slaves far enough away to not be able to listen in, but this seemed like a viable excuse.

2017-11-10, 04:08 AM
On being ordered to go watch a corner - for Sith spies - "Niki" nods, going to the corner as she is ordered.
"Okay! I'll let you know if I see any. It might be hard, they wouldn't be wearing masks and armor in a Jedi council building." The irony is just too painful to bear without making it just a little bit worse.

She takes her place and watches, then realizes that she isn't going to be able to hear the discussion from here. And this is a horrifyingly important discussion to listen to!

Curiousity. Fear. Fear, her old friend. The consequences of not hearing this could be devastating. She feels a bit of a chill on her skin as she taps into her own terror, carefully keeping her posture neutral, and then extends ever so carefully into that dark, primal terror, carefully stretching her senses a bit further than they would ordinarily so she can overhear the others in their discussion, oh so quietly and minimally done so not to draw attention to her tiny speck of dark terror in such a placid and bright place.
[roll0]+2 (Sneaky)

2017-11-10, 04:36 AM
Veronica arches one delicate eyebrow at the (rather unsubtle) request for her to get out of the way. And then stares blankly after Niki as she cheerfully follows orders.

"If it please you, mistress, I will go organise the slaves you were gifted and see that your quarters are fit for habitation."

Barely waiting for a nod, she turns and sweeps towards your chambers, gathering the other three slaves behind her with a few gestures.

Go stand in the corner? Really? Really??
Ahahahahahaha xD

She believes you even less because, really, why would there be Sith spies in the center of the Jedi tower? :P

2017-11-10, 12:25 PM
"We're just discussing this out in the open here? Ok....." Vale says with a sigh. She doesn't think Niki is able to listen in from over there, but she's still wary enough to be concerned about it.

"I guess the first question is... are we going to actually do anything at all? We are supposedly out here for the purposes of gathering information, not wiping out Sith or taking over planets or whatever. But I'm kind of guessing you guys want to do something about the whole slavery business. I don't like it much either but.... seems like a time consuming and dangerous task. Even with people eagerly awaiting us to do something to 'improve' their world." Vale says to the others.

2017-11-10, 02:15 PM
Honestly, I just wanted to head out of here. This was going to be a quick stop to pick up some hyperspace lanes and replenish our supplies, then I wanted to head into the Galaxy proper. I don't like being here,
where we are so exposed. If something goes wrong, we have no real options. Even worse, our primary trump card,
the Force, is already known and prepared against here. Unless all the Jedi happen to be without any combat experience,
one misstep and we are captured.

I'd like to help, I really would, but I don't foresee any situation where we can both help and not be crushed. As for the Sith, I'm not really sure what is going on there. I don't have an abundance of historical records to draw from, but there haven't been significant quantities of Sith in millennia. The only Sith I know about are the Emperor and his apprentice that attacked the temple, as well as the select few acolytes that served Dooku in the Clone Wars. It seems odd that they would keep their numbers so limited and so brutally crush their foes, yet they are creeping around in the hills and are struggling against a foe that could be leveled from orbit. Whatever these "Sith" are, they are not aligned with the foes that sent us into Unknown Space. Hmmmm...

Mr. E
2017-11-10, 10:46 PM
"It seems to me that whether it is easy, or hard, is irrelevant." Dawn moves slightly towards the centre of the group, having hung back during the formalities. "Surely what matters is whether we ought to help, not the difficulty in doing so."

In any case, I'm not sure we have any choice. If we are this planet's "chosen ones", then I very much doubt they will let us go, whether we wish to or no. At the very least, I agree with Delia in that taking on all the not-Jedi on this planet would be unwise. Which is why," she says, taking a deep breath, "I might suggest that a 'unconventional' strategy might be the best here." She leans back slightly, still not convinced that the idea in her own head is wise, or even likely to succeed.

2017-11-11, 12:20 PM
"Such as....?" Vale asks with trepidation, figuring that at least it's a coherent idea already if it can be referred to as unconventional.

Mr. E
2017-11-11, 03:01 PM
"I believe we should negotiate with the Sith." Dawn says, then holds up her hands to ward off any angry looks. "While I philosophically disagree with them, our goals seem aligned in this case. All of us, unless I am greatly mistaken, oppose slavery, do we not? In this case, they are our only allies on this planet." She shrugs her shoulders.

"I doubt we can leave, and I very much doubt we will remain in the un-Jedi's good graces forever. When we are inevitably censured, I would prefer to have a bolthole to retreat to. The Sith, if we can negotiate a working relationship with them, will provide us with that."

2017-11-11, 05:10 PM
"Yeah, because picking sides and choosing the one that favors a predilection for violence and madness is a safe choice. Why do we have to pick either side? Surely there are other better options than ones that involve making this planet a breeding ground for a second even worse Empire." Vale suggests.

2017-11-11, 08:11 PM
Calvara looked concerned and in pain.
As usual.. Vale has the right spirit. "Ghost Hand" Wouldn't let the slavery keep on, and neither would he have dealt with the Dark Side." she said quitly.
"How ever, we need to make them realize the wrong of their ways. Maybe even to demand in, exchange for what ever service they want from us."

2017-11-11, 09:29 PM
In that case, I think we should convene on the ship to discuss our plans. I'll requisition from our newfound friends maps and other data, and we can decide how we will act going forward. You all take Niki and get her settled, preferably somewhere we can monitor in case she is a spy. I'll take Roni to obtain our data and see about what we are to do with Roni.

Would anyone care to accompany me? I can handle myself, but I wouldn't shirk anyone wishing to attend to this business. The Force knows that you all are better at remaining safe in times of trouble. Vao, maybe? If no one else has a preference. It feels odd to act in command here, and Delia frowns a bit. She doesn't want to get involved, but she isn't going to ignore her crew's concerns. If they don't want to abandon Harvest, then the Benefactor is staying here.

2017-11-12, 12:25 AM
"Niki" clutches her bucket of tools and looks over at people as they start moving again. "Oh, so what's going on? Do you know what you are going to do yet? I'm sure the Jedi are just dying to hear what you have to say... Where are we going now? Oh, this is so exciting, I thought I was just going to spend all day cleaning garbage cans and toilets!" She smiles helpfully and tags along with whoever she is directed to.

2017-11-12, 02:00 AM
Clavara smiled to Nikki.
"This is exactly what we are discussing here. Patience. As I recall from my memory, most of the time, toilets and trash cans won't run away."

to Della.
"I can go with you, if you wish me to '

2017-11-12, 05:11 AM
"Yeah, I'd prefer handling this on our ship since we know it's private. And I have a list of things I want to draft up to ask these guys for since they're just giving us stuff" Vale says.
"I wouldn't mind the chance to talk to Niki privately later. If she's not a spy too, which Roni almost certainly is, getting her viewpoint on things would probably be helpful. But, preliminary plans and requisition forms first."

After a pause she adds, "You guys know you can call me Vale right? Vao is awfully formal and way too stiff for a bunch of runaway kids like you." With the last bit she gives sort of smirk that shows she's just teasing.

2017-11-12, 05:38 AM
Sorry, i was still in the formal mode of address. I spent a little too much time on the praxeum reading novels of war and so I adopt those mannerisms occasionally. Probably better than to emulate than the other aspects of the books... Delia subconsciously puts on a small smile as she thought of her favorite novel series, The Military and Romantic Conquests of Lycibus.

Then she frowns. Can one of you check my data folder, Cultures and Customs of the Galaxy against the estimated size from before our departure to ensure that none of the data was corrupted in the transfer? The folder has some light encryption that wouldn't take too much to crack but is enough to dissuade prying eyes, and she wants to see about replenishing her stock if something happened.

Reality Glitch
2017-11-12, 04:19 PM
Having long since lost interest in the goings on of the statics, I slink off to investigate these facilitates. I hate to be idel on the issue of the sapience-trafficking happening in-front of me, but there was little I could do without blowing my cover. Maybe exploration can reveal a more useful course of action.

2017-11-12, 08:04 PM
Sorry, i was still in the formal mode of address. I spent a little too much time on the praxeum reading novels of war and so I adopt those mannerisms occasionally. Probably better than to emulate than the other aspects of the books... Delia subconsciously puts on a small smile as she thought of her favorite novel series, The Military and Romantic Conquests of Lycibus.

Then she frowns. Can one of you check my data folder, Cultures and Customs of the Galaxy against the estimated size from before our departure to ensure that none of the data was corrupted in the transfer? The folder has some light encryption that wouldn't take too much to crack but is enough to dissuade prying eyes, and she wants to see about replenishing her stock if something happened.

"Of course dear." Calvara nodded, and tried to do just that

2017-11-13, 02:26 PM
Well, Delia, Calvara, and Vale are going together to get official maps and things, which leaves me with Dawn and the little dragon.. whoops? Where did the dragon go? Which leaves me with Dawn and the obvious Jedi spies to go back to the ship. Joy.
Which reminds me.. I'd better check for bugs and stuff that the Jedi or Veronica might have left lying arouund. Hmm, where would *I* put some bugs at..?
Sweeping for bugs... [roll0](+2 Sneaky)

Reality Glitch
2017-11-17, 08:56 PM
((Sneaky Overcoming being caught snooping. [roll0]))

((This is assuming the default difficulty of Fair (+2).))

This place is much grander than the star-vessel. After crawling through a duct, I find that I am utterly lost, but not without something to satisfy my curiosity considering what I just found.

2017-11-19, 06:59 PM
Getting Niki settled is, in fact, incredibly easy. The suite to which you have been assigned contains an extensive slave quarters. They are surprisingly nice (but then, this IS the capital) - roomy, with proper beds and washrooms. And of course, since Niki is a slave, she has no belongings to fetch. One bed is much like another, after all.

Collecting planetary data turns out to be no harder. You don't even need to show Mandar's seal; Veronica seems to be important enough among the slaves to simply command them to fetch anything you ask. Maps, census data, shipping logs - whatever you wish is made available. It could be faked, you suppose, but that seems unlikely.

@Niki:Your cursory search reveals no bugs. Either they are quite well hidden, or they simply aren't present. Knowing the idiocy of the Jedi, it's probably the latter.

@Niki & Vale:Your characters can be in more than one place at a time, to speed things along. You two can have your private conversation without being left out of whatever the group is doing. Hop to!

@Argee:So many sights! So many smells! So many of the strange static two-legs!

These 'Jedi' seem even more rigid than others of their kind. Next to no emotions can be felt from them. In fact, this whole planet feels stifled and emotionless.
But when you do get close; when you get Jedi to relax a little with pleading noises and headbutts, the emotions that you can read as they scratch you are fading worries. They fear for those they have left behind; fear what these 'Sith' will do while they cannot protect their people. It is a subtle discomfort, almost anticipation, but it is there. Oddly, though, they make no move to leave, despite the council being over. A snatch of conversation: "...when will the High Master let us return home?"

As your wanderings continue, a blur of light and noise and motion in the otherwise still and dim halls grabs your attention. Ambling over, you find some sort of communications centre in a state of ordered chaos. Slaves bustle back and forth, writing, speaking, listening through headphones, while a few overseers stand above them on a plinth. Against the wall is a cluster of unusually bulky droids decorated with painted stripes.

Similarly, a place that you would expect to be busy stands quiet, almost deserted. From what the large furred two-legs said, you expected the armory to be stocked and ready, with cohorts of inactive droids and weaponry everywhere. Instead, it is barren, a large echoing empty chamber.

A few more turns, and you find yourself almost back at your starting point - and quite tired, to boot. You must have gotted turned around in those ducts.

Mr. E
2017-11-19, 08:18 PM
Dawn leans on the door to Niki's new room, looking it over. It seems pleasant enough, although not to my taste. She shrugs broadly, and is about to turn and walk away, then stops.

"Is there anything else you want?" Waiting, Dawn wonders what the other's response will be. What would I have said? Something about a good night's sleep, I suppose.

Dawn was the only person who went to get Niki settled in, wasn't she?

2017-11-19, 08:48 PM
Once on the ship, Vale starts making a list of items they would like from the Jedi of Harvest.
Here is a sample of items on the list.
-One of each kind of weapon used/produced on Harvest (for means of knowledge of course).
-A mid-sized hover vehicle (something that would have space for maybe 8 people and a few cargo crates). One with weaponry is preferable.
-A personal sized hover vehicle (something like a speeder bike). The wording is phrased such that she would appreciate the finest quality item they'd be willing to part with. Again, it having a weapon would be nice.
-A variety of tools that their group has already had reason to comment they wish they had/could use better ones or things Vale things they might need. (Mainly pretty simple personal equipment and tools for ship or vehicle or weapon or armor repair and stuff like that.) Among this she would include a request for gloves/boots that might be used to aid climbing and clinging to surfaces even while upside-down.
-A few crates of non-perishable native food/dishes or in crates/containers that will keep perishable ones fresh for an indeterminate amount of time.
-Containers of Harvest local spices/condiments/beverages/etc in containers that will keep fresh for good lengths of time.
-Some amount of "whatever Harvest uses as currency". Very specifically phrased like maaaaaaybe they don't have Credits where they're from. (Because free money, why not try?)
-A skilled slave from each of the Masters' territories "for the purpose of skilled labor if needed and personal knowledge of the culture of each place". (Example skills given: Spaceship mechanic, vehicle mechanic, droid mechanic/programmer, chef, etc.)
-A pair of combat droids. So that they'll always have someone to guard their ship from any possible dangers such as pirates, wild creatures, or the like.
-A supply of spare parts for repairs of various things. Including kyber crystals and other lightsaber parts if they have them to spare.
-A small droid capable of making repairs on the exterior of a moving spaceship.
-A datapad full of books and other media. Fiction and historical/educational would both be nice.
-Other portable forms of entertainment if they have such. She phrases that like some stuff would be nice, don't feel obligated to send us like 100 different things, we only have so much space afterall.

After making the list she shows it to the others and asks if they want to add anything.

2017-11-20, 12:40 AM
"Niki" hmmms, making sure her cleaning tools - since she is responsible for keeping track of those, after all - are put into the corner. Hmmm...
She turns back and blinks, "Do you know what you are going to do with me now? I don't know what kind of things I am going to be made to do..."
She bites her lip and looks around, tilting her head to look past Dawn into the somewhat less secure hallway. A bit quieter, "I know you are going to be looking for the Sith next." She looks up at Dawn. "The Jedi say they came to bring peace. They lied. The slaves are scared, and angry... They want to be free. So that's where the Sith are."
Niki chews her lip a bit, "Something horrible is going to happen soon... The Jedi are going to be the ones hurting people. You're.. going to need me. Do you want me to talk to anybody in particular?"

Mr. E
2017-11-20, 02:25 PM
Dawn steps inside the door, flicking a switch so it slides closed behind her. "You've been spying on us, haven't you?" Makes sense, she never did walk right. Too much assumed authority.
She ought to have been too far away to hear us, so either really good at what she does, or possibly, no, almost certainly, force-sensitive. She pauses to think for a few more seconds, then continues.

"Right now, I need you to talk to me. Facts, information, figures and numbers, if you can. As much as you know about the Sith and the not-Jedi on this planet. If me, or the rest of the crew, are going to do something about slavery, we need information first." Well, she knows I suggested talking to the Sith, so might as well jump straight off the deep end. If she is a spy, then I can always claim I was trying to pump her for information.

2017-11-20, 04:01 PM
Calvara, perked her ears, and listened silently

2017-11-20, 04:26 PM
"Niki" blinks innocently and puts her hands together. "Dear, I would be amazed if I found anybody around here that isn't spying on you. Although.." She looks to the side a moment and frowns with some worry, "I haven't seen any cammies around today, and that's just weird. And.. it's kind of worrying me, too. Most of the cammies worship under them, so the stories are almost always slanted to make them look good. The Jedi love having cammies around to put them on the news and say good things about them. 'There is no ignorance, there is knowledge' and all that. And I am pretty sure something big is going to happen while you are here.. they don't tell me any details about things like that when I am being inserted, obviously - but I'm not stupid."

She pauses a moment to pull a heavy toilet plunger wrapped in tape out of the bucket, and unscrews the ends. "You already heard the history book version of the history from Veronica. It glosses over the part where the Dawn was invading the planet for resources. Their home world is another Bloc world, Veldon. Veldon doesn't have an asteroid belt or any really good metal rich sources in system, and we have a metal rich belt in system. So they came here and started belt mining, then decided to move in here and take the planet away from us so they would have a place to live. They started by enslaving everybody and destroying a lot of the culture. Then you start the part Veronica told you about. We still have some towns and outposts out at the darkness in the fringe, but food is always a problem since it has to be recycled or grown in greenhouses. Sometimes the Jedi wander out to go monster hunting and wreck bits of it, but it's hard for them to extend themselves out that far, since we are dug in so well and it's a big no man's land.
The Jedi keep preaching peace, but their idea of peace isn't much better than their war. As long as the slaves are being kept quiet and the food markets are profitable, that's peace and prosperity and they are following the light side and happy. Then they teach their version of history to everyone, and there is knowledge. Bleah."

"We want to be free, we want to have the vote, and we want to have our history taught in school. The Jedi peace is a lie. They've been trying not to gift us with as much anger, but they aren't doing anything to ease that anger either. We have a lot of anger to draw from, because what they are doing just isn't right. We're trying to protect people and get children out of chains so they can make the most of their futures here."

She spins the long handle in her hand briefly, then hangs it off her belt. "There is probably going to be some sort of non-violent protest of some kind somewhere. We like those, everyone should be able to follow their passions, and I don't like seeing people getting hurt or gifted with anger. The whole Bloc needs to see it.. but I don't know what happened to the cammies."

"Oh, and if you find another Sith around, tell them you talked to the Dark Lord Ikkou."

2017-11-20, 11:57 PM
"Can I ask what you think being a Sith or Dark Lord means Ikkou?" Vale asks with a quiet sigh.

2017-11-21, 01:44 AM
"Can I ask what you think being a Sith or Dark Lord means Ikkou?"Ikkou collects her thoughts, steepling her fingers as she considers how to answer that. After a couple seconds, she nods then looks back up at you.

Okay. Time for a novice's lesson, then.

I am one of the many followers of a philosophy and organization brought to this world at about the same time the Jedi came. I have a certain level of standing in it, and Sith of that level are referred to as "Lords". We follow a certain classical code, doctrine, and organizational structure. The basic core code is:

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

You can see that peace is a lie on this planet, just look around at the slave pens. Peace here is tyranny and death and oppression. Peace is something promised by slave masters who want to control us and prevent us from exerting our own inconvenient thoughts or ideas.

Everyone should be free to follow their own passions. Everyone. There will be conflicts, but all people need to be free to empower themselves to strengthen and better themselves and to become more than they were. People.. must.. be.. free. Slavery is an abomination under the code. Completely unacceptable.

Tyrants plant the seeds of their own destruction. Their slavery and abuse gives people the Gift of Anger. People who have been crushed learn to live with a core of fear, anger, hate, rage, and more. Their hardships sharpen and brighten their love, joy, desire, and the rest. Slave masters can stare at their navel all day and try to 'transcend' their feelings. The rest of us have to simmer in them and learn to live with them without letting our feelings go out of balance.

The Dark Side of the Force surrounds us all and flows through us. Me, that plant, the maus in the lawn, the birds overhead, the bugs, the trees, the grass, the worms.. Dark, like the soil in the ground. Like blood in the vein. Or like the sky in the places the Jedi force us into. It is full of joy, sadness, rage, delight, love, hate, fear, desire, satisfaction, lust, pain... It's all there, and it is all beautiful, and it is all a part of us. We touch it, we feel it, it flows through us. We are at one with ourself - our entire self - every part, and every feeling, and through it we touch something greater. We are good people. We follow our heart. We recognize our feelings in others. We are all people, we all need to rise together. So, we fight for the people around us.

The Jedi.. follow the Light Side. Like the sun in the desert. Unfeeling, uncaring, murderously pure. Radiation, fire, bleached bones, metal. Stars. They're pretty in their own way, but you don't want to touch it. It doesn't care about you. Deadly and abstract and unfeeling.

They want to be detached, emotionless, and separated from the world. It is a death cult. They fight to separate themselves from the rest of the world, so it is no wonder they find it so easy to subjugate and abuse people. They cut themselves off from their own emotions, so when hate appears, they think it is the will of the universe. It is disgusting, and they leave death and misery behind them.

If they were using their...
Ikkou gives a wry and bemused sort of smile, gesturing vaguely around since this lecture wasn't made to give to something as unimaginably absurd as *good* wielders of the *Light Side* of all things... Who could imagine something that ridiculous?
..twisted and unliving contact with the dead parts of the Force for the good of the living, I would work with them in an instant. Creepy death worshippers who do good deeds are still people doing good deeds. I imagine they would need all the help they could get trying not to be consumed by the cold and alien heartlessness of the Light Side. As you might have noticed... the Jedi on this planet.. aren't.. good.

2017-11-21, 02:26 AM
"Oh." Vale says in a way that expresses a kind of dismay.
"We've got a true believer type here. This isn't really my thing, I'll leave the talking to her to you guys mostly I think. But just so you know, for the rest of the galaxy 'Sith' basically means 'madmen consumed by darkness that have thrown themselves so far into the dark side that they start galactic wars because rage and pain and destruction is all that they live for'. So if you sense any hesitation or concern or if any of the others give you the occasional look like they're worried you might suddenly decide to hurl yourself at the nearest person and try and bite off their limbs while screaming incoherently for absolutely no reason at all, that'd be why." She starts out kind of dismissive and as she finishes she gives Ikkou a smirk like she said what she said mostly just to see what kind of amusing reaction she would have.
"Oh and Sith are usually all for slavery because it promotes rage and pain and misery. So basically this planet is crazy and if there was even the tiniest chance I'd be convincing my friends here that we should just leave all of you nutters to sort your crazy out yourselves, I would be arguing for it. Because from where I'm standing I'd be willing to bet no matter who rules here it's going to be bad. And getting in the middle of that is just so obviously going to be dangerous."

Mr. E
2017-11-21, 02:29 AM
Dawn chuckles slightly at the image of Niki the Sith Lord. Evidently they have a different 'grading' system than the Sith we are used to.

"Interesting." She pauses, thinking about what she wishes to say. "I find the assumption that my morality is controlled by my emotions bizarre. What I feel can lead me to love, or to hatred. It can lead me to care for my neighbour, or to destroy him. If I take an action because my emotions tell me to, then I am not acting morally. I have not decided to do something because it is right, but merely in my own interests. Preforming this action will please me, therefore I shall do it. That is an amoral action, which bears no reference to 'good' or 'bad', merely, 'fun' or 'not fun'. It seems to me that those who follow their emotions wholly, are not good people. Indeed, they are not even bad people. They are as amoral as plast-crete that makes up the walls of this room.

To act morally, or to act immorally, one must first recognise the capacity to act aside from one's own emotions. Complete subservience to the chemicals in my brain reduces me to the level of a mere object. Certain actions provoke certain responses, in certain predictable ways. Push these buttons, and you'll get this output. You say the light side brings death. I say it brings the beginnings of life, for it allows me to rise above the level of an emotional machine. When the mind is able to act independently of the body, then it can be truly moral. And also, I must admit, truly immoral. You cannot say you are evil or good, without first understanding what those words mean.

The Jedi on this planet have taken the ideals of the light side where it is convenient, and ignored it where it is not. The code is a tool to selflessness. They have chosen to pursue pleasures for themselves, ignoring the true import of the ideals they claim to profess. You have said that peace is a lie upon this planet, and I would agree with you. But only because the Jedi have never sought peace, except for themselves. Even then, they have confused peace with comfort, an ironic mistake, considering the cult they preach. If they had truly sought peace for all, then perhaps it would be no lie. They are no more representative of the light side than our 'other acquantices' are of the dark. Please do not judge us on their lack of merits."

Dawn pauses again, then shrugs. "Of course, this is only philosophy. As you so wisely said, "creepy death worshipers doing good deeds are still people doing good deeds." How many Sith, approximately, would you say are on the planet? The not-Jedi gave us an estimate of their numbers, but it may or may not have any basis in reality. I may suspect that Vao is correct that any government of this planet will be 'non-ideal', but unlike her, I see that as a reason to help, not an argument against doing so."

Unfortunately I spent so long typing this, that Ramsus's post appeared in the interim. Assume they approximately happened at the same time, and I'll try and edit my post where it looks to be necessary (now done).

Also, giant philosophy discussion, yay!

DISCLAIMER: I don't necessarily agree with anything Dawn says in this section, I just think that trying to defend the Jedi code is an interesting exercise.

2017-11-21, 03:24 AM
So you think that it makes you superior to.. take all of the parts of yourself that make you different from a rock and suppress or ignore them? That it is better to look for goals that bring you no joy or satisfaction? Then you talk about wanting to separate your mind from the rest of you? As if decapitation was a good thing? And you.. think that I am the dangerous and unnatural one?

The Jedi here don't live lives of luxury. They meditate, they have quiet, empty meditative spaces. They teach. They have vows. They keep themselves apart. They're not LIKE other people, in their eyes. And that's where the difference is. They are.. unattached, they don't feel.

There are more of us than there are of them... I don't know how many more. Slavers count people so they know how many shackles to bring. We won't do their job for them.

But the Jedi can spend all day meditating and training and talking about philosophy and focusing on themselves. WE have to work and help the people around us and take the time to make sure that we stay connected to the people around us. They get rid of their name and live alone. We have families and friends. We HAVE to. Sometimes, when the call goes out, we just can't do it right then. We have to take care of ourselves so we don't forget what it means to be alive, so we can stay in balance and in tune with all of ourself. The Jedi pride themselves on... on having no life.

She thinks a moment, tapping her nose with her thumb in thought.

When.. you saw your superiors last. What did they want you to do? Did they want you to go out and help people? Or were they wanting you to stay behind and meditate?

2017-11-21, 03:38 AM
To Vale, Ikkou sighs and smiles sadly.
"You sound like you have a lot of pain inside you. I don't know what hurt you, but if you ever want to talk to me, you can. Pain is part of everyone, and it deserves to be honored and listened to. If you leave it pushed aside to fester like the Jedi teach, it can turn vile and horrible.
I have had a lot of horrible things happen to me. The pain never totally goes away, but I accept it, and I honor it, and I recognize it. It doesn't control me anymore. It is one of many parts of me.
Whatever it is that hurt you, I hope you can come to terms with it and make yourself stronger. Nothing is ever as strong as it could be, when it is missing pieces."

2017-11-21, 04:33 AM
Vale just replies with a, "Awwwww kiddo." in a tone that very much conveys she feels bad for Ikkou in a dismissive way*. "I'm not like you and where I'm from isn't anywhere near as messed up as this place. I'm perfectly fine. And I'm not so foolish you're going to convert me if that's what you're after. I'm perfectly happy not being Jedi or Sith or anything else that needs a label and a code someone made up thousands and thousands of years ago to tell me how to behave. Oh right, you probably didn't even know I'm a force user. Forgot I was even doing that."
At which point she briefly drops her force camouflage so that Ikkou can actually sense her properly in the force. And what she'd sense is strong in the force like a Jedi or Sith, but neither light nor dark. After enough time she's sure Ikkou had a chance to sense her, she resumes muting her presence in the force to regular person appearance.

((If you've heard people say "Oh, honey..." that's her tone. Like "that's so sad, because you're so earnest but what you're saying is really dumb".))

2017-11-21, 05:05 AM
Ikkou shrugs faintly, nonplussed. If anything, she feels a bit more sorry for Vale now. "And yet my statement stands. It isn't a competition. You don't have to have had horrible atrocities done to you so you can justify feeling hurt. Your feelings are your feelings. They are what they are. I just wouldn't want to know that you were struggling with them without making the offer. Unless you just feel like you are accomplishing something in particular by saying things that way. I don't think it's working if you are, but *shrugs* if you must.."
She looks around at the others who haven't chosen to speak yet, like Kalvara and Delia and the unnamed little dragon.

2017-11-21, 10:09 AM
That... doesn't surprise me at all. The Jedi have always been a hair's breadth from falling into depravity, and I suppose this shows what can happen when they are not checked by the Order. The choice of name is... unusual, but it makes sense. The Sith code was created as a foil to the Jedi that you oppose, and out of the context of the Sith Lords it doesn't have the same sense of destruction. Delia smiles at Niki reassuringly. She pulls up a map of the world on her datapad and offers it to the young... Sith? Maybe you could indicate on these maps where we could go to meet with representatives of your group. Opening a discussion with them may be beneficial for the oppressed on this planet.

2017-11-21, 12:11 PM
Ikkou looks over the map. "How good are you at not being tracked and followed? There's a few, spread around for obvious reasons. But.." She points at a blighted, frozen, dark chunk of inhospitable nowhere with a couple of somewhat recognizable chunks of darkened, frozen, angular geography nearby, "I know this lodge hasn't been burned yet. The whole area is fortified."

2017-11-21, 01:23 PM
Vao's good at that. She can hang back and keep an eye on any tails while we advance. Vale, do you think you can procure a speederbike to shadow us?

2017-11-21, 02:51 PM
"I could do that but... I think they'll notice if we all are suddenly not here. But we could just... fly to the dark side of the planet and land somewhere we could walk to it from there? I think 'we wanted to see what was the dark side of a planet looks like' is a better thing to be able to say than 'oh yeah, we just went... somewhere we can't tell you?' or risk being caught in a lie when they ask where we went when they notice we're not in our room. Also I actually do want to see what the dark side of a planet looks like." Vale replies.

After a pause she says, "Heck, we could even leave our request list with the guide here and say we're leaving her behind to oversee the coordination of the items while we're gone. It's a perfect excuse for leaving her behind to people whose society revolves around making others do their work for them right?"

Mr. E
2017-11-21, 03:11 PM
Dawn nods, still partly thinking about her discussion with Niki. "If we say we want to go to the dark side of the planet to have a look round, we risk them inviting themselves along to 'show us', or at the very least, trying to watch us remotely. We need an excuse that allows us to ditch our 'assistants' without being obvious about it. Perhaps we could invent a mystical tradition of some kind? After all, they did say that our ways would be foreign. Then we can conceivably slip off to the dark side of the planet without being tracked. Of course, Vao's idea is also a fine one. Both, maybe, to try and make ourselves as least suspicious as possible." She shrugs her shoulders, indicating her lack of experience with cloak and dagger work.

"Also, I would continue our discussion, Niki, at some other time. While I disagree,
I am intrigued by your view-point."

2017-11-21, 04:51 PM
I remember an exercise when my old Master was trying to help me control my visions. He took me to the mechanical portions of the ship, far away from the heart of the influence of the Jedi. The isolation was to make it easier to focus, and avoid the ambient Force interfering with the visions. If questioned, I can honestly say that the density of Force-sensitivity in such a focused way is clouding my sight, and is making it difficult to track down the Sith. Delia grins, thinking of Master Kugo's lessons. They may not have helped her master the Visions before he died, but it helped her get them under control and her time in the bowels of the praxeum led to her current job.

2017-11-23, 09:58 AM
"That sounds like a good argument. It's easier for me to hide using the Force in a place this busy, too.
There are places to drop messages or talk to lower Sith nearby, if you need. We have some boltholes embedded under things like schools and hospitals, and some safehouses. But I assume you are going to want to talk to someone who does larger strategizing. The big picture people aren't usually this close, and if they are, they don't usually tell us. Especially not people like me that are about to sneak around where I shouldn't be.
Was there anything else you wanted to ask me about? I know a lot about the planet, but I don't think you want me to start rambling on about something boring."

2017-11-23, 07:34 PM
Calvara remained silent. Spending her time in mediations.
She didnt' looked happy.
"I actually have ability to summon visions of the future... I could explain, that I need isolated quite place. If... that helps."

2017-11-24, 01:17 PM
Calvara remained silent. Spending her time in mediations.
She didnt' looked happy. Ikkou frowns and goes to Calvara with concern.
"It would help you get to the meeting.. You look like something is gnawing on you though. What are your feelings about this? I wouldn't want to ask you to act against your concern."

2017-11-25, 03:16 PM
Calvara. "I do not trust the followers of the dark side. Nor the corrupted Jedis. And I doubt, that Ghost Hand would have trusted any of them.' she said, with tone, that looked like it took effort, not to explode into rage.

2017-11-25, 05:37 PM
Ikkou nods. "I can imagine that would be hard. But there is no third option here. I am not completely comfortable with dealing with heartless scorchers, either.
I respect that you are angry here. I imagine you are frustrated at being stuck between two options you hate. Or maybe you feel something different, I don't know. Go ahead and be angry. Listen to that anger. Honor it. Then listen to your other feelings, too."

She paces a bit, looking the group over a bit, considering what she knows about them. She lifts one hand, then bows her head, rubbing her temple slightly before looking up at Calvara. Rage flashes deep in her eyes for a moment.
"I am not here because I am selflessly sacrificing for the greater good. I am here because watching people being kept as slaves, treated badly and unable to control their own lives absolutely enrages me. I hate that slavery exists down to my deepest bones. I am not about to rip control away from other people myself because of it, that would make me a hypocrite.
If you need to sort out your own feelings then do it. I do not need people who do not know their own self going through the motions on this. Either sort out where your fear and rage really lies - or whatever you Light types do - or step aside and go follow your passions where they need to go. Or, again, whatever it is you do. I'm not even sure how you manage to get out of bed in the morning. Maybe you will find something we haven't seen. Or maybe you will achieve something else great. Pieces solving a puzzle.
Your companions are right here. I'm sure you hate me too much to trust me, so talk to somebody. In the meantime, I am sure your other friends on this planet are planning some kind of horrible atrocity, so I would like to get on with trying to stop them from killing more people or whatever it is they are doing this time. With or without you."

2017-11-26, 09:48 AM
Calvara frowned, and said nothing for a whole minute.
"I do not hate, nor I am feeling anger." she said with stern tone.
"Don't mix mistrust with vile emotions, dear. Not only that, I am mostly believe you were misled. My sympathy to the cause do not cloud my judgement- how ever. Misguided Jedis are dangerouse, and so anyone who follow the dark side. Emotions, are changing, like weather. You cannot trust it. Today you hate slavery, tommorow you might hate freedom. Or just me. In all my whole life, I never faced such twisted situation. I am honestly can say, I stand clueless. So I am trusting my dear friends here. I will support their decisions to the very end. So do not worry on my behalf. I am collected and calm, even if I never had the chance to be a real Jedi."

Reality Glitch
2017-11-27, 05:11 PM
After returning to my starting point, I know not how to take in all that I saw. I eventually side to return to the vessel to try and reconcile these new experiences. There I find two of the statics with which I share the vessel. I try to nuzzle up to the grey-skinned one, whose mixture of the force's many colors as opposed to the forsaking of emotion altogether I found comforting in this time of confusion.

2017-11-27, 07:56 PM
Vale absentmindedly pets the strange creature they picked up while she focuses on the continued discussion.